Patterico's Pontifications


Angry Mob of Racist Extremists Beats Black Man at Town Hall Meeting

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 11:52 pm

I guess the Democrats were right after all. At a town meeting held by a Democrat congressman, a rowdy group of organized and angry thugs showed up to make a point about ObamaCare, and then beat up a man. Race was involved, too: the victim was black — attacked by a man yelling racial slurs.

It’s every Democrat talking point you’ve read about in the last day or two, come to life in an ugly fashion.

With one twist. The black victim was a conservative, and the assailants may well have been union thugs:

Kenneth Gladney, a 38-year-old conservative activist from St. Louis, said he was attacked by some of those arrested as he handed out yellow flags with “Don’t tread on me” printed on them. He spoke to the Post-Dispatch from the emergency room of the St. John’s Mercy Medical Center, where he said he was waiting to be treated for injuries to his knee, back, elbow, shoulder and face that he suffered in the attack. Gladney, who is black, said one of his attackers, also a black man, used a racial slur against him before the attack started.

“It just seems there’s no freedom of speech without being attacked,” he said.

Not when you have angry mobs of left-wing extremists around . . .

Thanks to Thomas A.

UPDATE by DRJ, adding video:

263 Responses to “Angry Mob of Racist Extremists Beats Black Man at Town Hall Meeting”

  1. His dividey socialisms are tearing our little country apart along fault lines of race and the degree to which a person may or may not be marginally to fully satisfied with the quality of health care they currently enjoy or, alternatively, perhaps even a bit dissatisfied with the quality of health care they currently enjoy or, alternatively, quite satisfied with their union health care but of a mind to arrange mediocre dirty socialist health care for other people what may or may not be marginally to fully satisfied with the quality of health care they currently enjoy or, alternatively, perhaps even a bit dissatisfied with the quality of health care they currently enjoy.

    happyfeet (42470c)

  2. Obama: Not ready to lead.

    Not during the campaign, not now.

    jack (d9cbc5)

  3. “black conservative”

    They’re not as rare as you think.

    lee (86706b)

  4. Right on schedule, the unions show up and the violence begins.

    jamrat (180ed3)

  5. […] Patterico’s Pontifications » Angry Mob of Racist Extremists Beats Black Man at Town Hall Meeting. Easy AdSense by Unreal Comments (0) Trackbacks (0) Leave a comment […]

    Patterico’s Pontifications » Angry Mob of Racist Extremists Beats Black Man at Town Hall Meeting – A conservative black man beaten by pro-Obama thugs | Are You Freaking Stupid? (4579df)

  6. Patterico’s Pontifications » Angry Mob of Racist Extremists Beats Black Man at Town Hall Meeting – A conservative black man beaten by pro-Obama thugs…

    More government sanctioned violence against conservatives and those who differ from Obama’s agenda.  They are most definately “punching back”:
    At a town meeting held by a Democrat congressman, a rowdy group of organized and angry thug…

    Are You Freaking Stupid? (4579df)

  7. If the conservatives ever regain power the first thing they ought to do is ban government workers unions and pass a national right to work act. And while they are at it, remove unions from enjoying non profit and tax exempt status and their exclusion from monopoly laws and finally eliminate Davis-Bacon from federal contracting requirement and bar states and local governments that have those rules from matching federal funding.

    Indeed do a complete cleaning of laws and regulations that needlessly burden manufacturing from the US. We need a strong manufacturing sector in this country if we ever want to transform the underclass in to a working class that can fend for themselves in dignity.

    cubanbob (409ac2)

  8. Yes, there are angry left wing extremists. And angry right wing extremists. We should do our best to distance ourselves from and berate our extremists rather than championing them and holding them up as a symbols of effective activism as some have done.

    Groucho Engels (1129f8)

  9. Close Groucho, but not quite enough. As can be seen by recent events here in Australia, distancing yourself from & berateing extremists (no matter the form they take) eventualy fails. Extremists must be outed & shunned by their community & publicly denounced by their community/spiritual leaders. It is up to the moderate elements of all sides to stand publicly united against extremeism. Failure of moderates to speak out against extremism in their own groups is moral cowardice & tacit support for the extremist agenda.

    PaulM (122669)

  10. I think Kenneth Gladney is great. First, he’s going against the tide by being a black conservative in the age of His Holy Barackness. That takes some guts. Second, the guy takes a beating from union goons? Damn. Kenneth Gladney is my new hero.

    KingShamus (4fabb2)

  11. Maybe obama can have a beer with Mr.
    Mr. Gladney.

    jack (d9cbc5)

  12. Looks like Obama’s “get in their face” orders are being activated, infiltrated and……Holy crap, I have Inglorius Bastards on my mind.

    Anyhow, expect more of this thoughout the Country at these meetings and expect the media and Democrat Socialists to spin this as being the fault of swaztika carrying right wing astoturfers.

    Drider (4a2bd6)

  13. Angry Mob of Racist Extremists Beats Black Man at Town Hall Meeting

    Patterico = genius

    Will anything wake up moderate, well-meaning liberals to the fact that their views on public policy are unintentionally racist, or that their less moderate compatriots are more consciously and hatefully racist?

    After much pondering, am beginning to think the election of President Obama may be a blessing in disguise in the long run after all. It’s beginning to expose (since we have an African American as President now, a fact I’d be extremely proud of were it not for the fact that the color of his skin and not the content of his character was what provided him the office), in a high profile and unmissable way never able to be seen before in this country, the ill will, insatiability and extremism of the race baiters of this country.

    (This is not even to mention the ill will, insatiability and extremisn of the socialism pushers, the abortion pushers, the tax pushers, the antireligion pushers, etc etc etc. )

    Racism in this country is (as Condoleezza Rice once put it) a very large and ugly wound in its history. The issues of race being discussed now have to do both with lingering racism (yes, there is some) and the fact the the race baiters and grudge holders are forever slandering the vast majority of Americans who are NOT racist, trying mightily to hold them forever hostage because of (a) past actions taken by people they never knew and (b) a very few racists whom they (this majority) utterly repudiate now.

    Ironically, we ARE (in my opinion only just now) starting to have that “national conversation on race”, and it’ll only increase in mainstream exposure as the months and years go on. I predict it looking less and less good for the race baiters, grudge holders and most especially those liberals who use racism as a spurious tool to avoid criticism and silence others, and all this is a very positive thing.

    no one you know (1ebbb1)

  14. Today its “Get in their faces”.

    Tomorrow, it may be “Don’t take “No” for an answer”.

    Techie (482700)

  15. Well,
    At least the Union Thugs have shown that they are equal opportunity bullies…

    Their’s is coming soon though…

    Bob Reed (99fc1b)

  16. […] didn’t put up anything on the Gladney Incident (allegedly, a conservative activist at Russ Carnahan’s town hall / aging event was sent to […]

    Getting in their faces: St. Louis. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState (796605)

  17. President44 is “…a uniter not a divider..” mantra is now DEAD.

    mike191 (acc5be)

  18. […] didn’t put up anything on the Gladney Incident (allegedly, a conservative activist at Russ Carnahan’s town hall / aging event was sent to […]

    Moe Lane » Getting in their faces: St. Louis. (da2344)

  19. […] when a conservative, who happens to also be black, gets attacked by a bunch of lefty thugsters, what is […]

    Is it racist now? « The Sheikh Down’s Weblog (c67638)

  20. Finally A Dream Comes True

    Obama and his supporters:

    “will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character”

    Bryan (af157c)

  21. If the conservatives ever regain power the first thing they ought to do is ban government workers unions and pass a national right to work act.

    Why the government worker unions? On the federal side they primarily provide a means of filing grievances for safety issues and ensuring that workers who are moved or terminated have due process and some protection. They certainly can’t strike and it is unlikely you will find many manning the barricades at these town hall meetings. You are more likely to find them side by side with the protesters.

    voiceofreason2 (590c85)

  22. This is Obama’s “get in their faces” directive being applied. No doubt about it, he’s
    definitely a ‘good man’.

    Dr. Carlo Lombardi (a1687d)

  23. Happyfeet is insane.

    Democrats ought to be ashamed of themselves, but aren’t because they have power and will abuse it until they don’t have power. I’d have added “or dead”, but Democrat abuse power and vote after they assume room temperature.

    PCD (fb6979)

  24. The joker Obama is being seen for what he is – a socialist. Anyone expecting anything else from a guy born to two communists is kidding themselves.

    ProfessorGates (9a1192)

  25. The sentiments at left wing blogs are about this meme:

    I’d pay good money to see these winger scumbags get the snot beaten out of them, either by the cops or by their fellow citizens

    I guess it worked.

    Mike K (addb13)

  26. Looks to me like an opportunity for a hero lawyer to file lawsuits against those responsible for this violence. Nothing would break that unions back like having to pay out a huge some in punitive damages.

    Zelsdorf Ragshaft III (57cae1)

  27. […] It’s starting. I guess the Democrats were right after all. At a town meeting held by a Democrat congressman, a […]

    Intimidation « Neptunus Lex (f106bd)

  28. Hey, Patterico! Tell me again how this thugocracy is run by a good man! I hope you do a better job of evaluating other violent criminals when you prosecute them.

    SDN (9e17b6)

  29. BTW, during the election I worked the phone
    banks at local Republican HQ. I often worked next to a young black college student named Jamal.
    So not all of the AA community are Obama Kool-Aid drinkers.Unfortunately, if polls are to be
    believed, 95% still are.

    Dr. Carlo Lombardi (a1687d)

  30. Republican leaders are “political terrorists!”

    It’s in the Washington Post, so it must be true.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (0ea407)

  31. Community organizing is good or bad? Does it really depend on which party it is?

    Notice how the MSM is now doing the “both sides are doing it” but still calls the Republicans angry mobs? It is a wonder they can speak with a mouthful of Barcky.

    JD (fecec9)

  32. Yep. I knew it.

    Obama is a Good Man.

    serr8d (d54cb0)

  33. I believe that it depends on the party. Planting questions and protestors at town meetings is a-okay if they are conservatives, but not so much when it is a liberal. Conservatives are held up as grass roots heroes, but liberals who disrupt meetings are arrested. Those are the facts.

    bells bells (bd6140)

  34. Oh. The “Good Man” crow-feeding is already well underway.

    Carry on~!

    serr8d (d54cb0)

  35. How can we stop this guy — Everything I feared during the campaign is coming to pass. I, a democrat, voted for McCain — first time I ever voted Repub, but it won’t be the last.

    maggie (a4ce06)

  36. Community organizing crosses the line when you shout down a representative who is trying to engage in dialogue. Clearly, you don’t understand the difference.

    bells bells (bd6140)

  37. This reminds me of the riots in France. The people go out to force socialism on the entire country, excpt now there are some freedom loving people in the way. Don’t get me wrong I know they love socialism but Norway, Switzerland, Sweden etc are able to have a welfare state without the violence. The French for some reason like the violence with their socialism. Unions like the violence too; just bullies trying to extract more and more from the taxpayer.

    Count on more violence to come. The unions are so entrenched in California it is bound to happen here. I for one can’t wait. This is the last stand for organized labor time to break their backs.

    theworldisnotenough (b90114)

  38. Hmmm, the last time we had a Democrat President, we had union thugs attacking a conservative protestor.

    Does anyone remember Don Adams, who was attacked by Union thugs in Philadelphia, when Clinton was President?

    From the Philadelphia Bulletin:
    “During a public protest against former President Bill Clinton, Don Adams and his sister, Teri Adams, were attacked by a group of Teamsters. . .”

    Here’s a Link.

    JabbaTheTutt (4fe723)


    Steve (c8df98)

  40. This can’t be true. Black people aren’t allowed to be conservatives. Right, Janeane Garofalo? Just “teabagging rednecks” who are just being racist because there’s a “black man” in the White House.

    rabair82 (8af32a)

  41. State-Run Media Takes Aim At “The Mob”…

    Danny Glover spots a little airbrushing by the St. Petersburg Times in its coverage of the protests against local Democratic Rep. Kathy Castor’s support for socialized medicine:
    Subtlety is the most destructive weapon of biased journalists. It is…

    Ed Driscoll (a3d746)

  42. Welcome to Venezuela! Obama the weakling thug, and his Chief of Staff, Chicago’s Vicious Ballerina, Rahm Emanuel, setting the tone for how they will handle dissent from plans for socialization.

    Pitchforks and torches, folks.

    Jerome (166ec6)

  43. if only there was a ‘teachable moment’ in all of this……

    redc1c4 (fb8750)

  44. Conservatism in itself is not really a bad idea, but when you combine it with the kind of racism you guys show (which you conveniently let yourselves off the hook for, by jokingly calling yourself out on it), and the desperate calls for attention (as shown by commentators such as PCD and Scott Jacobs) it really just smells bad. What smells bad is almost always rotten.

    bells bells (bd6140)

  45. serr8d,

    Yeah, thuggish tactics suck.

    Hey, you still planning to write my employer and try to get them to fire me?

    I seem to recall you making a pointed comment about how DDA in L.A. is not a tenured position.

    Since we’re so insistent on bringing up the past and all.

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  46. […] a twist. I guess the Democrats were right after all. At a town meeting held by a Democrat congressman, a […]

    Angry Mob of Racists Beats Black Man at Town Hall « Buttle’s World (45e6e8)

  47. We’ve had this from democrats for over 80 years now. They have controlled the White House and/or the Congress – even when there have been a few republican majorities they were so thin that the democrats still influenced policy. And yet we still see the same corruption, deceptions, incompetence, and mismanagement over and over again and they still stay in power. When we finally break the democrat monopoly and choke hold they have on this country, only then can the country move forward. Now THAT is “change” I can believe in not this phony we have in the White House now.

    Al (182e86)

  48. “Also Thursday, the AFL-CIO announced plans to mobilize labor activists to attend town hall meetings in 50 congressional districts this month to counter the conservative protesters.”

    JLButcher (2e515e)

  49. Didn’t hellsbells get called out on being a sock-puppet previously?


    JD (fecec9)

  50. What kind of racism do “we” show, hellhell sock-puppet?

    JD (fecec9)

  51. Conservatism in itself is not really a bad idea, but when you combine it with the kind of racism you guys show (which you conveniently let yourselves off the hook for, by jokingly calling yourself out on it)…

    Comment by bells bells — 8/7/2009 @ 7:20 am

    I rest my case.

    no one you know (7a9144)

  52. I believe you’re correct, sir – that is one damn fine sock puppet.

    Dmac (e6d1c2)

  53. serr8d,

    Yeah, thuggish tactics suck.

    Hey, you still planning to write my employer and try to get them to fire me?

    Of what do you speak, Patterico?

    I would only do that if you tried to trump up or invent charges to ban convict me or something…you know, those tried-and-true Alinsky tactics, used at ‘professional’ levels.

    serr8d (d54cb0)

  54. Outrageous.

    I do not like or support hate crime legislation, but if you are going to write, sign, and use it then use it equitably.

    Obviously a hate crime.

    keithjonesblog (5234e9)

  55. ban

    Your comment form ‘strike’ doesn’t work. You have to spell out the entire word; eg. «strike» ban «/strike»

    serr8d (d54cb0)

  56. no one you know writes:

    Racism in this country is (as Condoleezza Rice once put it) a very large and ugly wound in its history. The issues of race being discussed now have to do both with lingering racism (yes, there is some) and the fact the the race baiters and grudge holders are forever slandering the vast majority of Americans who are NOT racist, trying mightily to hold them forever hostage because of (a) past actions taken by people they never knew and (b) a very few racists whom they (this majority) utterly repudiate now.

    I have to disagree. The framework of racism, its continued effects, and how we interact with all of it are more complicated than that.

    Let’s enter into this equation a distinction between racism and prejudice. I agree that the majority of Americans are not intentionally prejudiced, though I am fairly convinced that most of us have prejudices that affect us at subconscious levels that can spill over into our behavior. However, I think that like it or not, we Americans generally cannot escape from operating within a framework of racism that we’ve inherited, one which benefits and/or impedes us based on our race. That’s the context; it’s not something we can ‘opt out’ of participating in, though I imagine most of us would if we could.

    Racism is distinct from prejudice. Unlike prejudice, racism doesn’t simply deal with feelings about someone because of their race. Racism is a framework or system that denies rights/privileges/opportunity/etc. on the basis of race. That’s what some of us mean when we assert that one of the basic elements of the founding and growing of the United States was racism. This is true given the intentional, systematic oppression of Native Americans, Africans, Mexicans, and other peoples of color. Systems of racism are ingrained into the very fabric of U.S. history. My acknowledgment of this fact, by the way, does not mean I hate my country. I love America and I’m deeply proud of how we have steadily marched toward more freedom and less oppression across the decades.

    But we’re clearly not there yet. Many of the effects of racist systems still have consequences today, particularly when it comes to access to education, wealth, housing, even jobs. In the sixties this idea of the “shackled runner” came out in the talks around affirmative action: you can’t have a race in which some of the runners are in shackles for three hundred years (slavery), then expect that simply by taking off the shackles that everyone now has the opportunity to win the race.

    All of this is to say, I think things are more complicated than “most of us aren’t racist, and our only racial problems these days come from the few racists and race-baiters.”

    Tom (f7ed43)

  57. The comment form version of ‘strike’ doesn’t work. You must spell it out.


    serr8d (d54cb0)

  58. I would only do that if you tried to trump up or invent charges to ban convict me or something…you know, those tried-and-true Alinsky tactics, used at ‘professional’ levels.
    Comment by serr8d — 8/7/2009 @ 7:35 am

    Keeping in mind that a host doesn’t need charges to ban someone. They can choose to do it because someone spells their name in an annoying way, like using a numeral in place of a letter for example. I notice that you’re not banned however, so maybe the host is more tolerant than you believed.

    Stashiu3 (ed6467)

  59. So if in your judgment someone was banned without cause, let’s target the blogger’s job, eh, serr8d?

    “DDA in LA isn’t so much a tenured position, now is it?” — serr8d, the noted opposer of thuggish tactics.

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  60. Wow, now isn’t this just the juiciest piece of irony that I have ever feasted my eyes upon.

    We bring grandma and grandpa and they bring union thugs in muscle shirts. We talk about clauses from bills that they write and they call us nazis and teabaggers.

    This will not end good…for them!

    Clarence (4ec323)

  61. Don’t forget the codewords, Tom.

    JD (a8fb17)

  62. Now regular Americans can feel what people feel in Chavez’s Venezuela, in Bolivia, in every other 3rd world socialist thugocracy. “Community / Union Organizers” organizing beat-downs of decent citizens. Barak doesn’t just support third world leftists, he supports their tactics. After all, he IS a third world leftist, if not by birth, by upbringing and by choice.

    smarty (eed5d4)

  63. The hypocrisy of Democrats manifest.

    SPQR (5811e9)

  64. Comment by Tom — 8/7/2009 @ 7:42 am

    Thanks for your thoughtful comments, and you make several excellent points. Hadn’t heard that particular “shackled runner” metaphor vis a vis affirmative action but it’s a pretty good one. Maybe I expressed myself inartfully but I think, seizing your analogy, what so many conservatives vs. liberals disagree on is, what’s the most helpful to the previously shackled runners?

    A race is a complicated thing with many factors affecting the outcome: the weather, the state of the track, whether or not runners have been shackled, the impartiality of the judges, whether or not you move the finish line. One of the most important factors is the attitudes and determination of the runners to overcome obstacles. There are other “shackles” in this country – none quite so big as past slavery and oppression, perhaps, but others nonetheless. And many conservatives believe that, while allowances may need to have been made for a while to make up for the fact that runners couldn’t train well for a long time due to being shackled, at some point the determination of the runners to do the work of training, and working to be the best to win, has to take priority. Otherwise their own attitudes/being stuck in learned helplessness or grudges(or however one wants to classify it) will actually get much more in the way of their being able to win the race, because they don’t take full advantage of their unshackled status now.

    Hope this doesn’t sound oversimplifying again but in a way, I think that the Professor Henry Gates incident was a really good microcosm of these types of attitudes being shown. You have a man who was breaking into his own house and yet his very first thought on being asked by a police officer whether he owned the house he’d just broken into was his own, was not “Thank you for coming within like two minutes to check on my house” but “Why? Because I’m a black man in America? (note the aggrieved and self pitying historical overtones in that statement)?”

    That attitude was itself a pair of shackles that definitely got in that professor’s own way that day. Contrast that defeatist attitude (it’s hopeless in America) with those who firmly believe that it IS possible to win the race if you have the right attitude about your current situation (silly video but accurate satire), and train your butt off, even if you come from terrible circumstances and even if you run into lingering racism, you can win the race in ways previously never dreamed of.

    no one you know (7a9144)

  65. Even when we are not being overtly racist, Tom, we are being covertly racist, subtle and unconscious, and use racist codewords to disguise our bigotries. And we oppress people.

    JD (b279d0)

  66. Did you forget again, JD, that there is more than one “Tom” around here?

    Tom (f7ed43)

  67. @JD. Ah. Okay. Thanks for clarifying.

    Tom (f7ed43)

  68. I truely felt that America had turned the corner with regards to racism, then those seeking “Change You Can Believe In” elected Barak Obama. In just 7 months look what is happening. He is the “Great Divider”

    Kathleen (ac6389)

  69. Mr. Gladney’s attorney has posted a letter.

    Jb (93ee97)

  70. […] being Thugs By datechguy The country voted for the Chicago way. Now we’ve got […]

    Thugs being Thugs « DaTechguy’s Blog (424556)

  71. Sadly the only viable response to thug behavior is violence.

    Clearly the conservative started it – the only reason he was at the meeting was to disrupt it.

    You reap what you sow.

    jimbo (e7ac5f)

  72. Aside to Patterico: I’m having issues with how the comments are formatting on my screen: they come, they disappear, they come out of order, etc. Is it just me?


    Even when we are not being overtly racist, Tom, we are being covertly racist, subtle and unconscious, and use racist codewords to disguise our bigotries. And we oppress people.

    You seem to be challenging the very premise (albeit tongue in cheek). To me the question is not whether this is the case, but rather what we will do about it.

    Tom (f7ed43)

  73. The biggest racists in this country are black Democrats. Case in point; Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, OJ Simpson, Spike Lee, Jeremiah Wright, Professor Gate, ad nauseum. Oh, and let’s not forget the biggest one of all, Barack Hussein Obama, a thug from Chicago whose only qualifications for POTUS were organizing riots and breaking kneecaps. Thanks to the white morons who voted him in, he is now bringing this country down and getting even for slavery, which no one alive today had anything to do with. To all of you who did vote for him, I can’t wait to see him stick it to you right where the sun never shines. Boy, will I gloat!!!

    Jersey Dan (109e24)

  74. Sorry, Tom. We spent quite a great deal of time in the last few weeks defending against charges of unconscious racism, overt racism, use of racist codewords, and being de facto racist due to being conservative.

    JD (b279d0)

  75. Was jimbo satire, or a parody?

    JD (b279d0)

  76. No, you are racist if you say racist things. There are plenty of non-racist conservatives. I’ll bet Mr. Rogers was conservative. He was not racist.

    bells bells (bd6140)

  77. Tom,

    With the SuperCache on, comments are delayed until released. If a comment seems to “jump in”, it’s usually because it was in moderation for some reason and was individually approved. SuperCache is necessary during high-traffic periods because without it the servers have a tendency to crash and the site goes down for much longer periods. Keeping the cache clear is time-consuming when there is a lot of traffic, so patience is appreciated. Thanks.

    Stashiu3 (ed6467)

  78. You seem to be challenging the very premise (albeit tongue in cheek).
    Comment by Tom — 8/7/2009 @ 8:30 am

    Gee, you think? *chuckles*

    To me the question is not whether this is the case

    And therein lies the majority of the difficulty, in my opinion. It simply can’t be envisioned by some that there is or ever will be an America where people aren’t all prejudiced/racists, covertly or otherwise.

    no one you know (7a9144)

  79. bells bells,

    So a conservative who comes here is a racist, even when they don’t say racist things?

    Conservatism in itself is not really a bad idea, but when you combine it with the kind of racism you guys show (which you conveniently let yourselves off the hook for, by jokingly calling yourself out on it), and the desperate calls for attention (as shown by commentators such as PCD and Scott Jacobs) it really just smells bad. What smells bad is almost always rotten.
    Comment by bells bells — 8/7/2009 @ 7:20 am

    Your comment smells. Are you rotten?

    Stashiu3 (ed6467)

  80. The leftist criminals are going into overdrive.

    The sock puppet trolls are on the march, the push is on to turn this violent and then use the complicit media to blame the ‘opposition’. The multiple coordinated ‘opinions’ that all reach the same conclusion are part of the smokescreen.

    The democrats have been in a panic since the GOP went to ground, because without someone to blame and distract from what they’re trying to do, they can’t possibly succeed, and they know it.

    You’re looking at the clarifying delineation of two groups. The criminal class and those who oppose them.

    Apogee (e2dc9b)

  81. Tom wrote:

    Many of the effects of racist systems still have consequences today, particularly when it comes to access to education, wealth, housing, even jobs

    I have to disagree; especially to the word ‘access’. Education is the greatest avenue toward wealth accumulation. Education access is available. Individuals taking advantage of it; applying themselves; having a home that fosters this development; etc. These and more are much bigger roadblocks against many minorities from getting the education needed. Society can’t force someone to become educated. The US has create untold numbers of programs to promote this in inner city and rural schools.

    Access to housing – again, many programs have been implemented to help jump-start home ownership. (This has also contributed to the housing bubble we see today.)

    Wealth access and job access flow directly from education and drive. If the home is not directing a child’s focus on their education and commitment, they will not achieve.

    As for slavery, this was not started in the US. In fact, it was and has been in use in many societies. It’s certainly nothing the US can or should be proud of. But we can be thankful that many recognized the evil and stamped it out (nearly 150 years ago). The shackles have long been removed.

    Individuals that take full advantage of the opportunities here, reap the benefits. Is not our current President a prime example?

    Corwin (ea9428)

  82. Hellsbells – You noted that “we” are racists. Proof, please.

    JD (b279d0)

  83. The violent and irresponsible language of the Obama administration is very obviously responsible for this thuggish attack.
    One day after the Obama administration says they are going to “Punch back twice as hard”, you have an event with an organized group of Obama thugs beating up American citizens.
    This is not a coincidence and Obama is the one to blame. It’s his thuggish actions that caused this violence.
    I better be careful because this is sure to look “fishy” to an Obama thug toadie.

    OxyCon (9c3172)

  84. Neither satire or parody, just simple observation.

    If you go to a public gathering with the design to disrupt it and incite violence expect that’s what you will get it return.

    Conservatives need to be taught that actions have consequences.

    jimbo (e7ac5f)

  85. jimbo,

    Leaving aside that he didn’t go there to disrupt things or incite violence, are you saying that non-violent dissent should be met with violence? You win the disgusting commenter of the day award.

    Stashiu3 (ed6467)

  86. jimbo is the perfect illustration of my earlier comment. To jimbo, merely voicing disapproval with the ‘ruling class’ is inciting violence.

    It thinks it’s in a position to ‘teach’ something to conservatives.

    We need more like jimbo. Then this thing can end sooner.

    Apogee (e2dc9b)

  87. Comment by Stashiu3 — 8/7/2009 @ 8:59 am

    +10 (only I don’t leave aside that libelous assumption – nice try though, jimbo)

    no one you know (7a9144)

  88. Somewhere, Biden is perking up, pleased at the possibility of another beer.

    jim2 (6482d8)

  89. Obamacare is the Final Solution to the Conservative Problem.

    David Ehrenstein (2550d9)

  90. […] from Patterico’s Pontifications: I guess the Democrats were right after all. At a town meeting held by a Democrat congressman, a […]

    « Angry Mob Beats Black Man «Islamobama (9edb9c)

  91. […] Patterico: “Angry Mob of Racist Extremists Beats Black Man at Town Hall Meeting” […]

    Fight at Russ Carnahan Town Hall Event – Raw Video (8/6/09) « Mcnorman’s Weblog (962ecf)

  92. Odd, jimbo, it is pretty clear that conservatives already know that actions have consequences. It is part of the ideology.

    Democrats … now there is a group that has no clue about consequences.

    SPQR (5811e9)

  93. What ever happened to war and violence are never the right answer? Or if violence is the answer, you asked the wrong question? Thank you for proving so vividly, jimbo, that you are your ilk are nothing but thugs with power.

    JD (a26403)

  94. I reported jimbo to for advocating violence.

    JD (a26403)

  95. The headline in Patterico says a man was beaten; then we are told that the man says he was beaten.

    Are those two statements the same? Not in my world.

    Andrew (977aad)

  96. Andrew, are you holding the Democrats to the same standard? They claimed yesterday that a Democrat congressman was attacked but can’t name anyone.

    SPQR (5811e9)

  97. The shackles have long been removed.

    I think this is where some of the misunderstandings occur.
    Any black over the age of 45 has lived in a time when they haven’t had equal rights. Many of them had parents who recalled family stories of things that most of us would classify as wrongful treatment, if not outright racism.
    Most whites over the age of 45 had parents who raised them on the principles of equality and treatment.
    The disconnect in my opinion is that the viewpoints are for some whites “I don’t get it, I am not a racist, parents weren’t and why the constant reminders and race card being thrown. David Duke is certainly not my spokesman”

    From a black perspective “I don’t get it, the things that my parents experienced shaped them and influenced me. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are not my personal spokespersons.”

    If one assumes that no race is exempt from having racists in its midst and that it is likely that a rough percentage of any race behaves poorly then it is important to keep in mind that sheer numbers (50% of the population is white and 15-20% are black) result in more whites who act poorly. When you look at it this way it makes it easier for both sides to add a little perspective.
    If people are going to really talk with one another and tune out the media influence in stoking up emotions I think this is one way to engage in a constructive discussion.
    No.. not a national conversation, just a person to person approach.

    voiceofreason2 (590c85)

  98. Andrew,

    Three of four attackers were arrested and the man was hospitalized. Are you alleging that he wasn’t beaten?

    Stashiu3 (ed6467)

  99. no one you know, I appreciate this discussion. Thanks for your further clarity, particularly within the ‘shackled runner’ paradigm. I am in complete agreement with most of what you have raised, especially around the idea that we have got to ensure that all ‘runners’ have the determination, and sense of possibility, needed to succeed. Where I suspect things break down is in the “sense of possibility” realm. Part of this responsibility is indeed on the individual and/or the community in question. But one’s “sense of possibility” ultimately is going to have a lot to do with the reality of what one’s parents, siblings, cousins, everyone they know, are able to attain.

    For example, it never even occurred to me at any point in my upbringing that I wouldn’t go to college. My parents made that clear from Day 1, people have been going to college in my family for generations, everyone I knew from school and hung out with on the side was going to college. And after high school, surprise surprise, I went to college. Just like everybody else. My sense of possibility about college was affirmed by the reality of most people I know.

    However, only one in seven of those growing up on the other side of town make it to college. In fact, half of them don’t even finish high school. (These stats are nationwide for kids living in low-income areas.) What reality is being affirmed for those growing up in these (and other) circumstances?

    Speaking to the Gates incident, the reality of racial profiling for black people is very different than it is for me. I have no reason, historically or otherwise, to fear police presence in my community or in my home, an impression that is formed based on my own life experiences and those of my parents, friends, etc. But I am personally amazed at how many of my own black friends have suffered police harassment, for seemingly no reason. And that’s just people I know. Clearly, racial profiling is a reality that alters peoples’ reality – and thus, their perceptions of possibility.

    Sense of possibility is largely – though not always – a product of our reality and that of others around us.

    There is one other matter that you alluded to – the onus of responsibility. You rightly cite that perhaps the surest way to succeed in America comes down to self-determination. This is true, but as long as there are unfair obstacles in the way, I believe the responsibility shifts to those who are positioned to remove them. This may not be a legal responsibility (though in some cases it should be), but it is certainly a moral one that we all share.

    If you happen to respond and I’m slow to get to it, it’s because I need to take a break for a while. As I said above, I appreciate very much this discussion.

    Tom (f7ed43)

  100. […] Missourah Blog Via Gateway Pundit More at Patterico’s Pontifications It looks like Steven Pearlstein tagged the wrong group as political […]

    Young black conservative attacked by union thugs after Carnahan town hall | The Lonely Conservative (79c154)

  101. #22:

    On the federal side they primarily provide a means of filing grievances for safety issues and ensuring that workers who are moved or terminated have due process and some protection. They certainly can’t strike and it is unlikely you will find many manning the barricades at these town hall meetings. You are more likely to find them side by side with the protesters.

    Wrong in ever single particular.

    The only remaining function of government unions is as hired muscle for the Democrat party.

    The first thing to do with them is expel them from military bases. I cannot count the number of times that I was delayed or held up attempting to pursue legitimate government business contributory to the national defense by union thugs over the last twenty five years.

    While Congress is our first native criminal class, government unions carry the torch in violent style.

    EW1(SG) (edc268)

  102. Stash – Hence the phrase, dummerer than a sack of Andrews.

    JD (a26403)

  103. I appreciate very much this discussion.

    Comment by Tom — 8/7/2009 @ 9:49 am

    Thanks for the reply, and dittoes.

    no one you know (7a9144)

  104. Mussolini had his blackshirts, Hitler had his brown shirts, and The One has his purple shirts (SIEU). Soon we will all be required to carry The Little Green Book – Quotations of Chairman O.

    Zoltan (14e24e)

  105. Stashiu3, thanks for the info.

    no one you know, yes! That is a real problem. But neither will simply wishing change that perception.

    Corwin: Individuals that take full advantage of the opportunities here, reap the benefits. Is not our current President a prime example?

    Absolutely. We are at a point where it is possible for well-positioned people to reap benefits at all levels. But that doesn’t mean all opportunities are now equal.

    JD: gotcha. I know how you much you love that sort of thing.

    Soooooo many good things in this discussion (apart from the troll droppings. Thanks y’all. I’m sorry I can’t stay.

    Tom (f7ed43)

  106. […] Patterico’s Pontifications: I guess the Democrats were right after all. At a town meeting held by a Democrat congressman, a rowdy group of organized and angry thugs showed up to make a point about ObamaCare, and then beat up a man. Race was involved, too: the victim was black — attacked by a man yelling racial slurs. […]

    UrbanGrounds | White House: “Punch Back Twice as Hard”, SEIU Thugs Respond Literally (7a8dc1)

  107. Conservatives are held up as grass roots heroes, but liberals who disrupt meetings are arrested. Those are the facts.

    I know libs always equate apples and oranges but this is extreme even for a lib. Conservatives beat somebody up? Are you a simpleton or just another lib BS artist – or psycho?

    Gerald A (78e08a)

  108. #108
    Sorry about your contract experiences. I am in the civil service and pretty familiar with the unions. I’ve never been asked to do anything for them. I am curious as to whether your experience was in trying to win a contract for your business.
    I will qualify it by noting that I am in DoD so many of the government workers are retired military. Most don’t care for the unions at large and only get involved if an adverse hiring/relocation action affects them.

    voiceofreason2 (590c85)

  109. It is only a matter of time before Axelrod and Rahm call for Kristallnacht!

    AD - RtR/OS! (7ba5f7)

  110. apart from the troll droppings. Thanks y’all. I’m sorry I can’t stay.

    Comment by Tom — 8/7/2009 @ 10:02 am

    Isn’t that the “drop” of a troll?

    AD - RtR/OS! (7ba5f7)

  111. Quite true, AD. Obama is a racist. He has a deep-seated hatred of white people. Glenn Beck says so, so it must be true.

    David Ehrenstein (2550d9)

  112. Just watched The Diary of Anne Frank. Thought how could Europe have allowed things like that to happen?? Then I read about the union thugs being called out by Obama to stop the protesters. And the violence they engaged in. I am truly frightened now about this presidency.

    bio mom (6eac50)

  113. […] Angry Mob of Racist Extremists Beats Black Man at Town Hall Meeting I guess the Democrats were right after all. At a town meeting held by a Democrat congressman, a […]

    This is on Obama and his union thugs – CHANGE® you can believe in! « DPGI – the aftermath (ea9e19)

  114. @ Andrew first – there is video of the attack, and the men were wearing SEIU blue tee shirts. SEIU thugs answering the White House call to action. Even if this isn’t what the Pres. wanted (which he will say if this is even mentioned), then it proves he has no idea of the consequences of casual remarks from the White House bully pulpit – so he is either a thug for real or an amateur who is in way over his head. Either way, not looking too good for America in the short term. (We’ll see how the wind is blowing in the mid-term elections)

    Second, I am a white 45 year old who was raised in the Southern tradition of politeness which, in my case (and most of my friends growing up) included taking a person for who they were as an individual, not the “group” they belonged to. I have a black godchild and have , in his house, debated race relations with beret-wearing, militant black men who mostly agreed that things like affirmative action, while well meaning, help continue the perception of blacks being “in need” of help to compete. It is a mixed bag since it’s hard to turn down a good job because of ideology. Most black people I have ever known only want to be accepted for their abilities and accomplishments, not because they are black and owed something. It will take a couple more generations to wash out more of the old, entrenched racism that has not faded fast enough in our lifetime. The point that individual drive is what succeeds in America is what these men were talking to; and while the debate continues to this day about how to “level the playing field”, they maintained, as do I, that individual achievement of well motivated Black people will do more for them as a people than any legislation. I would also like to add the disclaimer that I am not trying to speak for black people or think I understand what it is like to be black. I was bussed by Nixon in the early 70s to an all black inner city school and had as many black friends as I did enemies, so I have seen the daily prejudices that they face, and I know it’s an uphill battle. We must all do our best to face down bigotry in our own ranks (black and white) and just keep fighting the good fight – the wheel always turns, but it does so slowly.

    I apologize in advance if the term “black” offends anyone – I simply dispise hyphenated Americanism.

    the Virginian (0635b6)

  115. #112:

    Absolutely. We are at a point where it is possible for well-positioned people to reap benefits at all levels. But that doesn’t mean all opportunities are now equal.

    And they never will be.

    The mentally healthy recognize that as a fact of life, and don’t allow that to deter them from a happy and fulfilling life.


    Sorry about your contract experiences.

    These are not “contract experiences.” These are examples as an active military member or government employee.

    EW1(SG) (edc268)

  116. It is being reported elsewhere that one of Carnahan’s staffers was involved. Is that correct?

    Thanks a freakin lot, hopeychangeyuniter person.

    JD (54b33c)

  117. These are not “contract experiences.” These are examples as an active military member or government employee.

    Comment by EW1(SG) — 8/7/2009 @ 10:42 am

    Your examples are not very clear. How does a military person fit into the union example? Are you referring to the acquisition process itself?

    voiceofreason2 (10af7e)

  118. […] I like how Patterico’s plays it out. Nice twist. […]

    And So It Begins « Richmond Tea Party: The Blog (fb05f5)

  119. Tom, NoOneYouKnow, VoiceOfReason2, etc.

    It is nice to hear a more ‘calm’ discussion. And better points.

    As with many people, my hackles still rise when I hear ‘racism’ mentioned. And also when defensive arguments like slavery and glass ceilings are used to explain why people are where they are (and can’t advance). I understand my own upbringing and opportunities were different (better in many cases) than many others. But how long should we accept excuses? Regardless of how valid they are.

    Accepting excuses and valid reasons make it easier for subsequent generations to cite and cling to them as well. We should be doing everything we can to highlight the good examples rather than tacit acceptance of anything less.

    Corwin (ea9428)

  120. […] lines. When you have people who are agitated-but-peaceable, the introduction of union strongarms signals a ratcheting up, not a calm willingness to […]

    The Anchoress — A First Things Blog (f2568a)

  121. If you would like to see something that is truly frightening, watch the YouTube Video of Obama saying “I don’t want to hear a lot of talking from the folks who created this mess”–he just wants them to STFU and get out of his way.

    And gee, I thought that dissent was the highest form of patriotism.

    Mike Myers (674050)

  122. Are those two statements the same? Not in my world.

    Andrew, you ignorant slut – it’s all on the vid released this morning –

    Watch and learn, for once in your life.

    Dmac (e6d1c2)

  123. Here’s the vid of the SEIU thugs shoving the protestors out of the townhall meeting in Rep. Castor’s district in Tampa:

    Now please tell me, who are the Nazis and angry mobs in these scenarios?

    Anyone who honestly cares to understand what’s going on here only needs to spend approximately 10 seconds of searching on the net to find these vids.

    Dmac (e6d1c2)

  124. Kenneth Gladney is an American Hero. He was selling flags that said, “Don’t Tread on Me”, and gets racially and physically attacked. He was attacked by the real Angry Mobsters, purple shirt wearing SEIU mobsters.

    Kenneth Gladney. Thanks for standing up against tyranny.

    Josie (3276a4)

  125. Those shirts are purple? heheh, I’m color-blind to red, guess why they look blue to me 🙂

    the Virginian (0635b6)

  126. But how long should we accept excuses? Regardless of how valid they are.

    I submit that it is less a matter of accepting excuses than trying a different way of framing the discussion at the beginning. I’ve done this on several occasions when the subject arose and it was heartening to see it stay at a discussion rather than two people taking a defensive position from the start.
    Patterico has had a few threads in which two parties had to state the others position accurately before a debate could ensue. This is the same idea…

    voiceofreason2 (10af7e)

  127. The St. Louis Tea Party is showing up tomorrow (Saturday, noon) at SEIU offices to protest their bullying of Mr. Gladney. His attorney is calling on Tea Party people nationwide to go to local SEIU offices tomorrow to protest this thuggish behavior. See

    Be sure to read the letter from the attorney, also.

    CatOnARoof (0d774d)

  128. you all are flipping morons.

    they were left wing extremists who attacked, the black victim was conservative, the assailant hailing slurs was also black.

    the only hate here is coming from the left.

    E-Nomad (0efe4f)

  129. You know what we really need?

    Card Check.

    Now that the Unions have shown their debating style, who is for letting them remove secret ballot elections in return for cards they can “persuade” people to sign?

    Everyone with kids surely is for this… they know where your kids go to school after all.

    Gekkobear (49eaac)

  130. […] Patterico adds this: “Angry Mob of Racist Extremists Beats Black Man at Town Hall Meeting”Where’s Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson? […]

    Latest » RAW VIDEO!!…..TEA PARTY PROTESTERS ATTACKED– 1 Black Conservative Seriously Hurt in St. Louis!… 6 Arrested Including SEIU Members (7ea6d6)

  131. E-nomad – Is anybody advancing the position you are arguing against here?

    JD (636015)

  132. Comment by the Virginian — 8/7/2009 @ 12:28 pm

    Really? The shirts look brown to me.

    Scott Jacobs (d027b8)

  133. I’ve watched the video and It doesn’t look like that guy is hurt. The only people in SEIU shirts are black. I don’t see anything that says that the guy was injured or even attacked in the footage. Not saying it didn’t happen but I don’t think there is anywhere enough info to say one way or the other.

    Brian Burke (67294b)

  134. Not saying it didn’t happen but I don’t think there is anywhere enough info to say one way or the other.

    “Kenneth Gladney, 38, a conservative activist from St. Louis, said he was attacked by some of those arrested as he handed out yellow flags with “Don’t tread on me” printed on them. He spoke to the Post-Dispatch from the emergency room at St. John’s Mercy Medical Center, where he said he was awaiting treatment for injuries to his knee, back, elbow, shoulder and face. Gladney, who is black, said one of his attackers, also a black man, used a racial slur against him before the attack.”

    You don’t read so good, do you?

    Scott Jacobs (d027b8)

  135. Not saying it didn’t happen but I don’t think there is anywhere enough info to say one way or the other.

    Right; and after you watched the union thug and his pony – tailed greaser friend get right up in the face of the guy who just witnessed the man being knocked down, that just screams innocence to me. And pray tell us, why did the officers arrest said goon immediately thereafter, with said goon still threatening the witness while he gets handcuffed.

    This commenter is remarkably similar to the hundreds of witnesses to the Reginald Denny killing, yet no one saw anything. Thank you, Sergeant Schultz.

    Dmac (e6d1c2)

  136. You don’t read so good, do you?

    Correction: You don’t read, hear, see nor comprehend anything an actual sentient being would, do you?

    Dmac (e6d1c2)

  137. I wonder if Mr. Gladney would have more credibility among the libs if he was a Harvard professor.

    Bubba Maximus (456175)

  138. Brian – It should not be a goal to join Andrew’s level of stooopidity.

    JD (292bc3)

  139. It is a given that Mr. Gladney’s attorney will be filing suits in this matter on his behalf.
    I wonder if any of them will name the Congressman for creating a hostile environment, and how fast said Congressman will scurry behind the Debate Clause of the Constitution to protect his sorry a$$?

    AD - RtR/OS! (7ba5f7)

  140. The St. Louis Tea Party is showing up tomorrow (Saturday, noon) at SEIU offices to protest their bullying of Mr. Gladney. His attorney is calling on Tea Party people nationwide to go to local SEIU offices tomorrow to protest this thuggish behavior. See
    Be sure to read the letter from the attorney, also.

    Well, there’s more…

    That’s Not Very Nice, Pt.3
    Apparent Teabag voice mail to SEIU headquarters tells union folks to “calm down [and] act like American citizens” or “come up against the Second Amendment.”
    Meanwhile twittering tea-baggers call on fellow baggers to bring firearms to health care town halls.

    Talking Points Memo

    Who wants to start a pool on how big the body count will be? I can hardly wait for the good old fashioned gun fire and bloodshed! It’s been missing from politics for too long, ya know…

    celticdragon (d789b5)

  141. Brian gives a bad name to a good hockey professional.

    AD - RtR/OS! (7ba5f7)

  142. The white house went out of its way to condemn Crowley and defend Gates.

    it will not go out of its way to say that SEIU thugs did anything wrong. “Get in their faces, they are nazis, mobs, tea baggers…” that’s what the left, Pelosi, the white house all have in stock for the citizens who disagree.

    The main problem with that is that almost everyone disagrees with Obama on something or other. If you keep demonizing and attacking everyone who disagrees with you an anything, you’ll be left with 20% of the people… the ones doing the beatings.

    Juan (bd4b30)

  143. Comment by celticdragon — 8/7/2009 @ 2:25 pm

    The tree of Liberty, and all that.

    Scott Jacobs (d027b8)

  144. Talking Points Memo is a pack of absurdity.

    Their big headline is that it’s not possible to be a normal mom and grassroots if you have worked for the GOP. What? That St Louis screeching lady worked for Obama, but that’s not the same thing, I guess.

    Tea Party Protestors do not want to kill people. They want to convince their legislators that it’s unpopular to spend tons of money. They aren’t going to be shooting people.

    I have no doubt the union thugs will try to make the violence look two sides, but so far it’s all liberals bashing protestors. They want to ‘get in our faces’ for merely protesting.

    Once again, Bush was a much better president than Obama… Bush said it proved how great America was that they protested him. Obama says ‘report on your neighbors and get in their faces’ And the unions put them in the ER.

    Bringing a gun to one of these events would be pretty foolish.

    Juan (bd4b30)

  145. I am not advocating for violence, but this is why the left’s claim that the 2nd amendment was unnecessary now that we don’t hunt for food was idiotic – the govt should fear the people, not the other way around… I think a Virginian once said something about that,…

    the Virginian (0635b6)

  146. boy, obama has really destroyed the country in only 6 months. hey, wait a second….. if obama can take the blame for all this crap happening in 6 months, then all you obama haters better start blaming bush for the 3k that died on 9/11 that you gave him a pass for all those years.

    “oh, he was in office less than a year”

    what now assholes? 3k dead on your guy’s watch, just like healthcare is now under obama’s.

    wow (8c40b4)

  147. celticdragon – You’re quoting Juice Box blogger Joshua Micah Marshall? The person who called events outside the rown hall meeting in Tampa last night a riot? Are you as big a sitzpinkler as Josh? Wasn’t TPM also the outfit that doctored documents and ginned up that fake meme blasyed all over the net and picked up by the MSM about the astroturfing on the right.

    Get real and come with some game next time.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  148. Did anybody see the clip of the townhall meeting in New York? (I’m not sure which N.Y. congressman hosted the meeting.)

    Anyway, a guy in the crowd who claimed to be a registered Dem asked the congressman, “Obama took six months to pick a dog, but he wants to pass health care reform in three or four weeks?”

    Bubba Maximus (456175)

  149. The best part of that vid from Tampa was the crowd’s response when the union thugs shut the doors and pushed them out into the hallway – “you work for us! You work for us!” Our congresscritters seem to have forgotten that little reality in their cloistered lives over the years.

    Dmac (e6d1c2)

  150. Wow is a great job of a conservative doing a parody of an idiot liberal spouting hoary old talking points. He even left out (deliberately; it’s a parody, afte all) the fact that 9/11 was perpetrated by outside terrorists, whereas “health care reform” is truly an inside job.

    Keep it up! It’s hilarious!

    Mitch (890cbf)

  151. Add wow to the liberal mensa society.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  152. The irony is that the SEIU will get screwed by Obacare just as much as everybody else. My cleaning lady belongs to the SEIU and, although her insurance is not as good as Congressmen have, it paid for her husband’s triple by-pass in one of the best hospitals in Chicago. He stayed within the preferred provider network and he paid nothing out of pocket. It even paid for his prescription drugs. With Obamacare, her network will get smaller, her covered services fewer, and her contribution higher.

    nk (b014fb)

  153. wow, uh, not going for coherency, I see.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  154. With one twist. The black victim was a conservative, and the assailants may well have been union thugs:

    Assuming things happened just this way, saying that there’s a twist indicates that this usually happens the other way around. Are you standing by that–that racial violence is generally brought on by white conservatives against non-conservative people of color? That’s what the twist part means, so either you don’t have a clear idea of what you want to say, or you thinks it ok when conservatives do this to liberal black people.

    omooex (b3c3e2)

  155. wow, no doubt, Bush was complacent before 9/11. To some extent, his hands were tied by idiots like Gorelick. But on the other hand, the entire nation… you and me and everyone else, did not fully understand the risks.

    That’s why I’m not too hard on Clinton… perhaps less than 1% of the population thought this was a reasonable possibility (the WTC attack).

    On the other hand, Obama’s extreme deficit spending is not something we’re all mistaken about. Even Obama has said it’s a bad idea. His healthcare takeover is something most Americans realize is destructive.

    That’s a big difference from the mistakes of 2001.

    Juan (bd4b30)

  156. saying that there’s a twist indicates that this usually happens the other way around.

    Oh, for Chrissakes – have you actually read this site for more than one minute? It’s called sarcasm, kiddo. Jeebus.

    Dmac (e6d1c2)

  157. omooex:

    From Patterico’s post [emphasis in original]:

    “With one twist. The black victim was a conservative.

    I think a reasonable construction of why this is a “twist” is that the victim is a black conservative when most blacks are liberal.

    DRJ (8d138b)

  158. ‘I think a reasonable construction of why this is a “twist” is that the victim is a black conservative when most blacks are liberal.’

    Kinda hilarious that this needed to be pointed out. Of course, it’s interesting that so many black conservatives have so much dignity and such backbone. I’ve never met a black conservative who wasn’t highly likable, and I can’t stand college republicans. Just interesting.

    Juan (bd4b30)

  159. I think a reasonable construction of why this is a “twist” is that the victim is a black conservative when most blacks are liberal.

    I don’t think that’s reasonable at all. Here is the text that preceded the comment:

    At a town meeting held by a Democrat congressman, a rowdy group of organized and angry thugs showed up to make a point about ObamaCare, and then beat up a man. Race was involved, too: the victim was black — attacked by a man yelling racial slurs.

    The only construction of the sarcasm here, relies on an inherent viewpoint that:

    –rowdy groups of organized and angry thugs are generally conservatives. That because “race” was involved, that the attackers are white. And that conservatives are generally the ones to yell racial slurs.

    Don’t blame me. This is what you said, and this is the construction you created. It says a lot about your assumptions–assumptions which are shared and being manipulated, by the “race” portion of this discourse. Clutch those pearls a little tighter–no one’s buying this affected “shock” about race this late in the game.

    omooex (b3c3e2)

  160. […] II: Patterico has incisive analysis here. (Biretta tip: Notes on the Culture Wars) Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)Barack […]

    SEIU Blueshirts Attack Health Care Protestor « The American Catholic (e159a2)

  161. […] MOB OF DEMOCRAT EXTREMISTS BEAT UP CONSERVATIVE……BLACK MAN Angry Mob of Racist Extremists Beats Black Man at Town Hall Meeting I guess the Democrats were right after all. At a town meeting held by a Democrat congressman, a […]


  162. If you go to a public gathering with the design to disrupt it and incite violence expect that’s what you will get it return.

    Conservatives need to be taught that actions have consequences.

    Nice to see that the spirit of “Bull” Connor has not left the Democratic Party.

    Mars vs Hollywood (f062b9)

  163. “Don’t blame me. This is what you said, and this is the construction you created.”


    Who else are we going to blame. There was race involved. The black victim this time happened to be a conservative.

    Abracadabra – A twist.

    Think outside your bubble or off your plantation.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  164. “Soon we will all be required to carry The Little Green Book – Quotations of Chairman O”

    His speeches are all starting to sound like rewrites of Jerry Maguire’s mission statement.

    SteveG (97b6b9)

  165. I have no doubt the union thugs will try to make the violence look two sides, but so far it’s all liberals bashing protestors. They want to ‘get in our faces’ for merely protesting.

    Actually, I imagine that idiots on both sides are willing to use violence to justify their beliefs.

    At least, that seems to be the historical norm throughout human experience…

    celticdragon (d789b5)

  166. […] The president’s supporters seem to have taken that advice a bit too literally: […]

    Violence and the Democrat Goons… « Truth, Lies and In Between (170906)

  167. Sorry, Daleyrocks. Its quite obvious that the twist is that the conservative is a black person being beat up by a white one, rather than the other way around. And again, Patterico wrote this, not me. Its quite obvious he sought to play with tropes of the current right-left discourse, but burned him/herself in the process–revealing what is common knowledge to Americans in general. The bulk of the Republican party is racist, and in frantic search of a way to place that label on others, so that they don’t have to think about anything or change their viewpoint. The message is always the same–ignore racism no matter how blatant when the target is one favored by liberals, exploit any perceived racism by liberals.

    Its acknowledged by the writer of this post, perhaps the only sincere thought expressed here, albeit subconsciously. In any case, it hasn’t yet been determined who started the fight or who finished it. Six people were arrested and there is no police report yet. And I’m sure that you were one of the first people to condemn Obama for assuming he knew what happened.

    In short. More pathetic bs, obvious to the 78% of Americans who do not put an R after their name.

    omooex (b3c3e2)

  168. Its acknowledged by the writer of this post, perhaps the only sincere thought expressed here, albeit subconsciously.

    Look, guys, another mindreader.

    Omo, sometimes people who want to make a sarcastic point will mimic the assumptions and worldview of their opponents. They don’t really mean it, and if you point to their sarcasm as evidence of “See? They admit it!” you look kind of silly.

    Mars vs Hollywood (f062b9)

  169. omooex – WRONG RACIST

    It’s not up to you to invent the author’s intent, subconscious or otherwise (heh!) from whole cloth. Sorry. I’m frankly surprised you haven’t mentioned code words.

    “In short. More pathetic bs” – A good summary of your comments, loser.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  170. celtic – Actually, I imagine that idiots on both sides are willing to use violence to justify their beliefs.

    At least, that seems to be the historical norm throughout human experience…

    Yes, because all violence is equal. Take WWII for example, two groups of people using violence to justify their beliefs. All beliefs are equal, and have the same consequences, correct?

    Apogee (e2dc9b)

  171. Obama’s dingo ate my baby!

    Sarah Palin (c23445)

  172. omooex: The man yelling racial slurs was a liberal yelling at a black, but liberals would have us believe conservatives are the only people who yell slurs at blacks.

    Also, please note that while I’m happy to state what I think Patterico meant, this isn’t my post and I don’t want you to think I’m speaking for him.

    DRJ (8d138b)

  173. nk

    I was wondering about what exactly the SEIU is getting out of Obamacare and realized that extended family insurance costs for public service employees would get pushed to the private sector taxpayer.

    The SEIU is trying to have the private sector pay for all of their public employee members medical expenses. No co pays, no charges for adding family members to the plan.

    SteveG (97b6b9)

  174. Does it matter what I meant when I wrote the post? Me being the author and all?

    The twist was that it was the complete opposite of what you’d expect . . . if you believed all the absurd Democrat talking points.

    Now please, carry on and tell me what I *really* meant. I’m used to that game — which is played by both leftists and intentionalist-nose-off “intentionalists” alike, when it suits them.

    What I intended matters if you like me; if you don’t, you make up your own version and ascribe it to me. That’s how Internet debate works: change the other guy’s argument to one that’s easier to refute, and then refute it with bitter sarcasm. What would we ever do without strawmen?

    Patterico (d46127)

  175. “Does it matter what I meant when I wrote the post? Me being the author and all?”

    I’m pretty sure you don’t know what you meant. Reminds me a bit of the Post cartoonist who drew the image of a chimp shot down by two cops. Yes, I didn’t intend any racism, despite the fact that I’m dealing with familiar racist imagery. Right.

    You did finally hit on some real sarcasm though:
    “What would we ever do without strawmen?”

    Indeed, what would you people do. You certainly don’t have ideas or reason on your side.

    omooex (b3c3e2)

  176. Oomex is a mental midget. It can only argue against positions not taken, positions created out of whole cloth, or positions that it wishes you had taken. Even in the face of your stated intention, it presumes to know better than yourself what you meant. And, ultimately, it is trying to distract from the fact that all of their projecting about angry violent RethugliKKKans, was amply demonstrated by the peace-loving honorable Leftists.

    JD (7642d2)

  177. Racist imagery and codewords, RACISTS !!!!! ZOMG !!!! OOomex p3wnd you !!!!

    JD (7642d2)

  178. omooex – Yours is a familiar game, nimrod.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  179. omooex – Take it to these crackers. They tryin’ to keep the bruthahs down.

    Rev. Wright (718861)

  180. I’m pretty sure you don’t know what you meant.

    Comment by omooex — 8/7/2009 @ 5:07 pm

    Could there be a more perfect distillation of the extreme-liberal mentality.

    The non-enlightened beings (read: me and everyone who agrees with me) don’t know what they mean, they don’t know what’s best for them, they need to be told and cajoled and guided and forced to do what’s right because they Just. Don’t. Know.

    The only positive thing about the liberals saying this so openly and so frequently is that people get to see the elitist, arrogant control freaks for who they really are.

    no one you know (1ebbb1)

  181. read: me and everyone who agrees with me

    Um, that’d be

    everyone who doesn’t agree with me

    no one you know (1ebbb1)

  182. read: me and everyone who agrees with me

    Uh, that’d be

    everyone who doesn’t agree with me

    no one you know (1ebbb1)

  183. I used Google to search the news for Kenneth Gladney just now. Try it yourself (maybe one of you guys who post on Patterico’s “Jury” site could save a screen cap there for posterity?).

    Just to make a point, here are the top 5 outfits that come up, in order:

    Dakota Voice
    A Sarah Palin site
    Jawa Report

    A newsworthy story? Apparently not. Specific searches of CNN, MSNBC, ABC etc return nada.

    What liberal media?

    (originally posted to wrong thread, sorry.)

    ras (20bd5b)

  184. omooex sounds like a feminist. They’re not happy these days unless they’re lecturing somebody and making them miserable, plus you can’t even measure their sense of humor with an electron microscope.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  185. I am informed that someone is impersonating me at Protein Wisdom. Could someone kindly ask for the comment to be removed, as it is obviously not mine. I see some cleanup of some other comments, but not of the comment left by the impersonator.

    Patterico (9e1598)

  186. Patterico,

    fwiw, your blogroll link to Protein Wisdom appears to be obsolete.

    ras (20bd5b)

  187. P,

    I left a comment asking Darleen to remove the comment at Protein Wisdom.

    DRJ (8d138b)

  188. orry, Daleyrocks. Its quite obvious that the twist is that the conservative is a black person being beat up by a white one, rather than the other way around. And again, Patterico wrote this, not me. Its quite obvious he sought to play with tropes of the current right-left discourse, but burned him/herself in the process–revealing what is common knowledge to Americans in general. The bulk of the Republican party is racist, and in frantic search of a way to place that label on others, so that they don’t have to think about anything or change their viewpoint. The message is always the same–ignore racism no matter how blatant when the target is one favored by liberals, exploit any perceived racism by liberals.

    Its acknowledged by the writer of this post, perhaps the only sincere thought expressed here, albeit subconsciously. In any case, it hasn’t yet been determined who started the fight or who finished it. Six people were arrested and there is no police report yet. And I’m sure that you were one of the first people to condemn Obama for assuming he knew what happened.

    In short. More pathetic bs, obvious to the 78% of Americans who do not put an R after their name.

    It is quite obvious that you are a moron and clueless. The person who was beat up, was hit by another black man, (not a white one) The white guy jumped in to allegedly stop it, ect..

    The bulk of the republican party is racist? That is pretty ignorant and your bigotry shows.

    G (58c282)

  189. angry racist mob is angry

    … and also racist

    We didn’t have angry racist mob when I was growing up. It’s a new thing … some people blame socialisms but I think you can trace it back to when they cancelled The OC.

    happyfeet (42470c)

  190. There’s nothing uglier than the way a liberal treats a minority who gets uppity and disagrees with that liberal.

    Mason (1de08b)

  191. […] posted on this earlier but now there’s video of the violence outside the St. Louis townhall meeting where Kenneth […]

    Patterico’s Pontifications » More on the St. Louis Townhall Violence (e4ab32)

  192. I spelled canceled wrong. That’s so weird.

    I think everybody’s a little on edge. What with all the violence.

    happyfeet (42470c)

  193. “`When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, `it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.'”

    – Alice In Wonderland
    (Just to be clear, Carroll was making Humpty out to be an ass.)

    Mitch (69e416)

  194. DRJ

    I removed all the offensive comments, recorded the IPs and have sent email to the abuse reporting emails of the IP carriers.

    I couldn’t do it earlier because I cannot access the website from work.

    Seems some trolls have nothing better to do then to engage in very offensive scrawling because they have nothing of substance to say or argument to make.

    Darleen (c91d75)

  195. Darleen,

    I think Patterico has been offline for a while and that’s probably why he asked for help in clearing this up. I’ll send him a link to your comment, and I know he will appreciate your efforts.

    DRJ (8d138b)

  196. “Its quite obvious that the twist is that the conservative is a black person being beat up by a white one”

    Didn’t even bother to read the damn post or the story behind it before screaming RACIST RACIST RACIST.

    If you had, you’d have known this was yet another black on black crime. In that way, it wasn’t much of a plot twist. It just is pure reality, breaking away from the narrative. Useful idiots think the democrat party helps black people. It’s the KKK party. The Union Thug party. The party where, if you are black and don’t serve your masters, you are sent to the ER by the SEIU, called vicious names, etc.

    St Louis is an awful bombed out town with good sports teams. I found a hell of a lot of racism there when I visited last november. A lot of it from democrat election “judges” who thought I was racist before I opened my mouth a single time.

    This GOP=racist thing is so hilarious. It was a black republican that got sent to the ER, and you’d have to be blind to have not noticed just how pervasive democrat racism still is, has always been, and sadly, always will be until we shut the doors on the sad chapter in our nation’s history. Obama’s doing all he can to incite this hatred, and I have faith it’s going to be the reason he’s out of a job again pretty soon.

    Juan (bd4b30)

  197. There’s nothing uglier than the way a liberal treats a minority who gets uppity and disagrees with that liberal.

    The minority is supposed to remember his place. And remember with whom their loyalty belongs. When they don’t, and when they dare to exhibit individualism and free thought, in turn arriving at a much different conclusion than what’s been spoon fed them, it’s as if they’ve judged their betters and cut them with the sharpest of knives. It is simply unacceptable. How dare they. Who do they think they are?

    Dana (57e332)

  198. Say what you will, But Obama is a a piece of trash! He trashes our constitution and no one does anything. Wake up America. Obama is a Muslim traitor…plain and simple. When your Mother is told that it is her time to die by the Government. What are YOU going to do about it ? Are you Ok with giving free Medical to Illegal immigrantson your tax dollar ?

    Rob (0c6084)

  199. Not when you have angry mobs of left-wing extremists around . . .

    The atmosphere triggered by such incidents seems altogether fitting — and hardly surprising — for a nation whose president is philosophically and politically rooted in someone like trash-talking, ultra-fanatic-rallying, “Goddamn America” Jeremiah Wright.

    I think with most of this thread, and everyone’s POV, pretty much hashed and re-hashed over, and the subject of this thread being segued to other blog entries, it’s fitting to insert the following towards the end…
    _____________________________, September, 2007, William Donohue

    Every now and then I read a book that makes me want to stand up and cheer. The latest entry is Who Really Cares by Arthur C. Brooks, professor of public administration at Syracuse University’s Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs. Brooks has put together one of the most incredible indictments of the finger-pointing left-wing secular elites in recent memory. The same people who never stop lecturing the rest of us on our alleged greed, we learn, turn out to be the stingiest of them all.

    Who Really Cares pairs nicely with Paul Johnson’s 1988 best-seller, Intellectuals, and Peter Schweizer’s more recent book, Do As I Say (Not As I Do). Johnson detailed the unbelievable hy-pocrisy of some of the West’s greatest minds, from Marx and Rousseau to Sartre and Lillian Hellman; Schweizer did the same with today’s celebrities, from Michael Moore and Hillary Clinton to Barbara Streisand and Edward Kennedy.

    …Brooks shows, “liberal families earn on average 6 percent more per year than conservative families, and conservative families [give] more than liberal families within every income class, from poor to middle class to rich.” Similarly, Republicans give more than Democrats.

    All of this reminds me of Marx and Rousseau: Marx, the father of socialism, fathered a child out of wedlock (he impregnated his maid) and never gave his child a dime; Rousseau, another radical egalitarian, fathered five illegitimate kids and walked away from his responsibilities (though this didn’t stop him from writing a book on child rearing).

    Brooks drives his point home by comparing the charitable giving of San Franciscans to South Dakotans. Families in both groups give away about $1,300 a year, but because the former make 78 percent more money than the latter, “The average South Dakotan family gives away 75 percent more of its household income each year than the average family in San Francisco.”

    In the 1970s, I taught in an inner-city Catholic elementary school in Spanish Harlem during the day and went to New York University at night for my Ph.D. in sociology. In one class, after listening to hippie students blaming Exxon for the low achievement of inner-city students (I still haven’t figured that one out), I commended them for their interest in servicing the poor and then asked if they wanted to spare some time on a weekend tutoring my black and Puerto Rican students. No one spoke.

    There is more than hypocrisy involved. These hand-wringing leftists are quick to condemn the pro-life community for its alleged fixation on the unborn, yet it is the faithful who are more generous to the poor than the faithless. Yet all Castro has to do is don his fatigues and talk compassionately about the oppressed — all the while grinding his boots into their faces — and he is a saint in their eyes.

    Mark (411533)

  200. “I used Google to search the news for Kenneth Gladney just now. Try it yourself (maybe one of you guys who post on Patterico’s “Jury” site could save a screen cap there for posterity?).

    Just to make a point, here are the top 5 outfits that come up, in order:

    Dakota Voice
    A Sarah Palin site
    Jawa Report

    A newsworthy story? Apparently not. Specific searches of CNN, MSNBC, ABC etc return nada.

    What liberal media?”

    Huh? It doesn’t turn up anything on FOX news either… typical Repug crap. Tell half the story and make it sound like gospel. Yea, it’s a big conspiracy against conservatives by the NWO…lol

    Average Joe (5f465f)

  201. ” It doesn’t turn up anything on FOX news either… typical Repug crap. ”

    It’s hard to understand what you mean.

    You do realize that the vast majority of Fox News’s journalists are democrats, right? Sheppard Smith sure as hell didn’t vote for Bush.

    The fact that what you considered to be a right wing machine did not report on a story you think right wing machines are trying to trumpet should tell you something.

    I’m no fan of any TV based news. it’s just a terrible way to get information. Fox just isn’t quite as biassed as CNN or MSNBC. Fox still employs far more democrats than the other two employ republicans, not that it changed their clever filling of the republican niche, at least to some extent. Rupert Murdoch, after all, is a democrat.

    [note: fished from spam filter]

    Juan (bd4b30)

  202. Don’t you know the two thugs arrested were probably dropped off at home on the way to the station per direct orders from the “WhiteHouse”

    Linda (6090fe)

  203. Did Olbergasm or MadCow cover this event last night during their “we hold you in contempt” rants. Get out of the way, nutters.

    JD (a26403)

  204. Huh? It doesn’t turn up anything on FOX news either… typical Repug crap

    So you can’t read nor see, apparently – the vid of the incident was shown on Fox yesterday. Duh.

    Dmac (e6d1c2)

  205. Sadly, the more idiotic websites like this are accepted as “news,” the more violence there will be.

    warren (5c7ae2)

  206. Sadly, the more idiotic websites like this are accepted as “news,” the more violence there will be.

    Comment by warren — 8/8/2009 @ 6:51 am

    Translation: “The more conservatives distribute the facts about extremist liberals going to violent lengths to shut up conservatives, the more extremist liberals are going to go to any lengths whatever to shut up conservatives. ”

    Yeah, that sounds about right. Thanks for admitting it.

    no one you know (1ebbb1)

  207. Actually, I suspect Warren was talking about actual idiotic websites, where the average person is as wacky as Olbermann and McKinney.

    Scott Jacobs (d027b8)

  208. Warren – You have been reported to for advocating violence against those you disagree with. How ya like me now?

    JD (8db718)

  209. Comment by JD — 8/8/2009 @ 8:37 am


    no one you know (1ebbb1)

  210. Warren – Shut Up! is not a winning argument for Obama or you. FYNQ.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  211. There’s been plenty of pushing and shoving from the right wing tea-baggers at all these Town Brawls which has not been reciprocated by normal folks.

    Tina (05a7ad)

  212. There’s been plenty of pushing and shoving from the right wing tea-baggers at all these Town Brawls which has not been reciprocated by normal folks.

    Please cite one examply of physical confrontation by a single “tea-bagger” (you get bonus points, btw, for the blatant idiocy of your statement shown by the pejorative use of “tea-bagger”) at a town hall event.

    And no, websites/blogs that say “they do it too” don’t count. Like most libertarians, I’m afraid I’m going to have to require actual proof, not un-sourced claims.

    Scott Jacobs (d027b8)

  213. Tina – Your comment makes no sense. By definition the tea party folks are the normal folks. Look at the pictures. Get a grip girl!

    daleyrocks (718861)

  214. My name is Ryan X. I am a Black Man, im young and ive come as a leader of my people. you will be seeing my face face alot soon..For i am a a black activist, and my people are in a struggle under da white mans oppression..I will teach my people to love who they are. For we are all born kings and queens..I will teach my people to love there community and to not look down upon it. we are the world for the world wish they were us. Strong, fast, amazing people. For those who dont know of me i am based in chicago and my people understand my goal. Thats too bring the black man to love and appreciate themselves because we are the chosen people..

    Ryan X…

    Ryan X (58449a)

  215. There’s been plenty of pushing and shoving from the right wing tea-baggers at all these Town Brawls which has not been reciprocated by normal folks.

    We have a funny thing at this site we call “substance of proof” for rants like this – so either put or shut up. After all, it’s what your Messiah says all the time these days.

    Twoof to Plower, Tina!

    Dmac (e6d1c2)

  216. Just what the World needs:
    Another Community Organizer from Chicago (but one who needs Remedial English, or an editor).

    AD - RtR/OS! (5231f1)

  217. I am not just a community organizer/leader. I am the leader of my people throughout the world!

    Ryan x….

    Ryan X (58449a)

  218. Ryan X – Send us a link to a picture of your face face.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  219. I dont need an editor thanks for the suggestion. As far as any ohter comments made, i am real and i am serious.

    Ryan X (58449a)

  220. Me too I think cause of the struggle and also how it sucks and stuff, stuff does. My bros are very supportive of me being their leader and all cause I said dudes we are very very choseny and they thought that sounded very righteous. We’re gonna go get In N Out later you wanna come?

    Dylan X (42470c)

  221. Ryan X – i am serious. i want to know your face face. send us a link link.

    daleyrocks X (718861)

  222. My name is Ryan X. I am a Black Man, im young and ive come as a leader of my people.

    Sadly enough, your parody comes perilously close to actual reality in the world of screwball leftism, screwball leftist black America in particular. It’s a good example of why so much social and economic dysfunction can be found among too many people or communities in that part of society.

    Idiocy, flakiness and self-destructive characteristics have a tendency of reigning supreme in any enclave of “lefty” people, regardless of their race or ethnicity, contributing to the stagnation or demise of such a community, unless a large majority of its people are innately skilled, talented and resourceful. So a place like San Francisco, in spite of its mindless liberalism, can somehow persevere, if not flourish, while nearby Oakland goes from bad to worse.

    Mark (411533)

  223. Welcome, Ryan X from Chicago #222:

    My name is Ryan X. I am a Black Man, im young and ive come as a leader of my people.

    America needs leaders but hopefully they will be people who want to communicate honestly. Your IP traces to San Diego, not Chicago, so I’m going to put your comments into moderation. That means you and the blog host/guest hosts will be able to see your comments but no one else will until they are released from moderation.

    DRJ (8d138b)

  224. Rousseau, another radical egalitarian, fathered five illegitimate kids and walked away from his responsibilities (though this didn’t stop him from writing a book on child rearing).

    Actually, it’s worse. He and his wife had five children and turned them all over to an orphanage. One by one as they were born.

    The most interesting bit on this story, which I haven’t seen mentioned but I didn’t read all the comments, is that the black guy who was attacked is not really an activist. he’s an entrepreneur. he is unemployed and decided to get some buttons and flags printed up and sell them at rallies. They said “Don’t Tread on Me” and didn’t really make any statement about the politics of the rallies.

    I didn’t think the Democrats would be this stupid about all this. It is truly amazing.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  225. DRJ – How are you so kind to clowns like that?

    JD (c5e5eb)

  226. JD – You forgot the “X” after your name, dude.

    daleyrocks (718861)

  227. […] conservatives who attacked a black man? Where is Jesse Jackson? Where is Al Sharpton? As Paterico Pontification reports, “It’s every Democrat talking point you’ve read about in the last day or […]

    Sean Hanity & Mark Levin on the Thug Tactics by Obama’s Minion at Town Hall Meetings … Democracy Under Obama | Scared Monkeys (1b1833)

  228. 141.I’ve watched the video and It doesn’t look like that guy is hurt. The only people in SEIU shirts are black. I don’t see anything that says that the guy was injured or even attacked in the footage. Not saying it didn’t happen but I don’t think there is anywhere enough info to say one way or the other.

    Comment by Brian Burke — 8/7/2009 @ 1:49 pm

    Wow. You must be the world renowned expert on being able to tell just by looking at a video whether or not someone was hurt.

    Marc (a81110)

  229. Well, of course for me, the “X” does not stand for an unknown family name, but rather for “10”.

    SPQR X (26be8b)

  230. Heh. It’s a Roman thing.

    DRJ (8d138b)

  231. Oh don’t try to defend this black man. When in the same breath you would lynch the president of the united states becuase he’s black. You dont’ give one crap about what happened to him!

    charity (b5b4d2)

  232. I dont’ hear not one republican speaking out against this violence. Not one… I wonder did the teabaggers pay this man to get his…kicked! I can’t believe anyone with a brain (not that he deserved it) would have know that a blackman handing out flags in an angry white mob crowd was an invitation. I hope the Gop pay him well. It wasn’t worth his dignity.

    Hope (b5b4d2)

  233. I bet Rush will somehow make fun of this man for getting beat up!

    charity (b5b4d2)

  234. Charity and Hope are posting from the same IP address. Normally I would put them in moderation but I’m curious whether Faith will show up.

    DRJ (8d138b)

  235. DRJ, it’s just the usual Astroturfers.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (0ea407)

  236. It could be the usual Charity, Faith, Hope and Change Astroturfers.

    DRJ (8d138b)

  237. When in the same breath you would lynch the president of the united states becuase he’s black.

    Please show where anyone from this blog has even suggested such a thing.

    Scott Jacobs (d027b8)

  238. I dont’ hear not one republican speaking out against this violence.

    Then you must not hear to good.

    To start with, it wasn’t republicans who committed the violence. Denouncing the actions of liberals isn’t the job of conservatives.

    Second, if you were able to read, you would see that everyone here was mad about this guy getting attacked.

    Scott Jacobs (d027b8)

  239. #183 braindead loser (said in reference to a post by Patterico):

    I’m pretty sure you don’t know what you meant.

    Now, I don’t care who you are, that there is funny!

    EW1(SG) (edc268)

  240. Sounds like old mister “What’s-His-Name”, if you ask me…

    Scott Jacobs (d027b8)

  241. RACISTS !!!!!

    Charity and Hope has been reported to for incessant stooopidity, and aggressive ignorance in its attempts to spread disinformation.

    JD (26478a)

  242. […] Gladney, a black critic of Obama’s health-care plan, was beaten, kicked, and called racist names by members of the […]

    Hate Crime in St. Louis: Obama Backers Beat Black Critic of Health-Care “Reform,” Use Racial Slurs | (cdb046)

  243. […] Replace “President Bush” with “President Obama” and “Iraq War” with “Health Care ‘Reform’”, though, and the story is true. A shouting and shoving match broke out in Tampa. Six people were arrested (for assault and disturbing the peace) in St. Louis, where an angry mob allegedly attacked a black man while at least one member was using a racial slur agains…. […]

    One Stack Mind » Blog Archive » Do You Remember? (52e518)

  244. Sarah Palin JUST spoke out about being civil at these protests. How could someone say no republican has done so?

    And of course the right is condemning the violence. the violence is almost entirely, perhaps completely entirely, directed at the right, from the left! The right isn’t telling me to get in anyone’s face, or flag their opinions for some secret record. It’s telling me to be civil and protesting the union thugs.

    Good Grief.

    Juan (bd4b30)

  245. Ok, i’m just a senior in highschool, and i could honestly care less about politics…until i read the book 1984….if any of u have read this,can u not see some similarity between what is going on right now? I will not blame either side for this, but please, hear me out. We are Americans, correct? We should all be seeking “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Just think about this: If one side, either right or left, has too much power, then who is left to balance it? To me, this Health reform is a part of Government Control….and looking at 1984, i’m starting to see what our great nation of America could become…what i have read through the reform is violating MY Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness….so please, we need balance, not ABSOLUTE CONTROL….can we all put aside these hateful remarks of filfth and look for the common goal?

    Tmasterguy (75554b)

  246. if any of u have read this,can u not see some similarity between what is going on right now

    Kid, if you want your mind blown, pick up “Atlas Shrugged”.

    I’m telling you, Ayn Rand could see the future.

    Scott Jacobs (d027b8)

  247. tmasterguy, it’s amazing how language is controlled today. 1984 was a very scary book, but I’d have trouble sleeping if I read it for the first time today. Scott’s right that Atlas Shrugged also has special meaning in today’s world.

    Juan (bd4b30)

  248. […] event I can think of that occurred at a town hall rally was when a group of Obama supporters pummeled a black individual who was as fed up as everyone else about the things that the current administration is trying to […]

    What do you think a stimulus is, a bolshevik plot? - Conservator (b82839)

  249. […] where there is none, sinister motives such as racism where there is none, and even threatening and violent inclinations where there are none.  In short, the liberal narrative about conservatives is itself […]

    No, Actually It’s Because Private Markets Do Many Things Better Than Government « The Prince and The Little Prince (054690)

  250. […] where there is none, sinister motives such as racism where there is none, and even threatening and violent inclinations where there are none.  In short, the liberal narrative about conservatives is itself […]

    No, actually it’s because private markets do many things better than government | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment (27c7e2)

  251. […] wait — angry thugs did beat up a black man at a health care rally.  But the victim was a conservative opposed to Obamacare, and one of his pro-Obamacare attackers yelled a racist […]

    On the Tea Party, racists, and cynical “reports” « The Prince and The Little Prince (d90988)

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