Patterico's Pontifications


“Hope and Change” Quote of the Day

Filed under: Government — DRJ @ 3:00 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

The tiny town of Alligator, Mississippi, has its first black mayor, Tommie “Tomaso” Brown, who beat the 30-year incumbent white mayor 37-27 in the last election. Brown was the first black to run for mayor, and he was inspired by Barack Obama’s win.

According to his defeated opponent, Brown won with family votes based on a campaign that promised a new swimming pool and recreation center. Brown’s agenda is to make a better life for the kids of the community through government funding:

“If we don’t look after our youth, what do we have? The population is dying out and I want more people here. I want better living conditions. I just want the people to be comfortable. Small towns like this depend on government funding and that’s what we’re seeking.
The town’s facilities were substandard, [Brown] said, gesturing towards the humble town hall, where a “No Loitering” sign is nailed next to the door. “There isn’t even a phone or a fax machine in there. How can we communicate with the outside world and ask for things?

How, indeed?


35 Responses to ““Hope and Change” Quote of the Day”

  1. I guess they don’t have any mail service in Zip-code 38720!
    Or Cell-phone service in Area Code 662!

    AD - RtR/OS! (eb7d4e)

  2. Apparently those money trees? the ones people keep telling me don’t exist? grow really well down there.

    Mitch (890cbf)

  3. Maybe he should ask for a set of hands so he can do something for himself.

    Amphipolis (42043b)

  4. The Obama effect in a nutshell.

    HeavenSent (641cde)

  5. they sound like a cargo cult. if we just connect the magic talk box, great sky father will fly over and give us stuff.

    joe (76ec02)

  6. It would appear the town missed the best candidate, Miss Green, mother of 10, who isn’t in the least fooled that color will make the difference,

    Miss Green is dubious about whether Mr Brown, whose duties will include organising contract labour, overseeing the water and sewer systems and distributing any grant monies, can deliver. “He says there’s going to be lots of changes and everything with all these kids running around here.

    “But he do the same thing they do, drinking beer and stuff. You’ve got to stay at home and study the town. Alligator is the kind of place where if you leave your door open, when you come back there ain’t nothing in your house.

    “Tomaso… He’s going to put his hand in the cookie jar just at the wrong time and get caught.”

    Dana (57e332)

  7. Even in a tiny town that’s like a microcosm of society in general, the people who have a bit of common sense aren’t as likely to trigger or exacerbate the dysfunction around them, to make a bad situation even worse. Not too surprisingly, they also appear to be the types who’ll be more cynical about an Obama than a Bush.

    Although the only three businesses in the shrinking, tumble-down town are run by whites, three-quarters of the population is now black.

    Some youngsters ran into [the losing candidate’s] store to taunt him. “They was pulling down their pants, shouting, ’Kiss my black ass, because we got a black mayor’, swinging their things around and throwing stuff,” said Jennifer Green, 31, a black mother of 10.

    Miss Green is dubious about whether Mr Brown, whose duties will include organising contract labour, overseeing the water and sewer systems and distributing any grant monies, can deliver. “He says there’s going to be lots of changes and everything with all these kids running around here.

    “But he do the same thing they do, drinking beer and stuff. You’ve got to stay at home and study the town. Alligator is the kind of place where if you leave your door open, when you come back there ain’t nothing in your house.

    “There’s guns. Kids knock on your door asking for a beer at three and four in the morning. I get 14-year-olds asking me if I want weed or whatever. They should have just left [the former mayor] in there.

    Inside [one of the 3 businesses in town], Vito Sbravati, 69, and his wife Christine, 65, were doing a very brisk trade. Next to the door was a photograph of President George W. Bush and his wife Laura thanking the couple for their campaign contributions.

    Mr Sbravati shrugged that his cousin Robert had not been able to get his vote out but said he thought Mr Brown’s election would not make much difference. “I call him Tomaso Obama.”

    “I don’t care if someone’s orange, as long as they’re honest. I don’t go by black and white. I go by right and wrong.”

    Mark (411533)

  8. […] look at that.  Great minds,etc.  Patterico’s has the story, […]

    Gazzer’s Gabfest » I pity the fool… (b98ad6)

  9. “…I don’t go by black and white. I go by right and wrong.”

    Boy, talk about being judgemental. Somebody needs to go to sensitivity training.

    AD - RtR/OS! (eb7d4e)

  10. How can we communicate with the outside world and ask for things?“

    What is better than money? More money. So lets keep asking, folks!
    Very funny, DRJ. I am laughing my head off! 🙂

    The Emperor (32098b)

  11. Tomaso will probably get a pile of stimulus money that he will stimulate himself with by stuffing it down his pants.

    tmac (f9e092)

  12. “After 30 years, I didn’t think an African-American would be able to be mayor.”

    A town 77.27% black always picking white mayors must have a dynamic social structure.

    steve (e5788a)

  13. #12 it only goes to show you how much blacks want to be victims.

    Sad but it does fit the narrative of the left for blacks folks. Keep them on the tit.

    HeavenSent (641cde)

  14. Admit it y’all. You hate Brown cos he’s black. Right? “Sniveling” racists! LOL!

    The Emperor (48e3a0)

  15. Emperor:

    I don’t know you. I hope I never do. But, I will say this: You are an unrepentant fool. You know nothing and add nothing to any discussion.

    Ag80 (a5a12b)

  16. By the way, Rattner quit as auto czar. I wonder why?

    Those government jobs are great, especially when you have a fall-back position.

    And we’ll piddle away the greatest economic engine in the world for the benefit of a few well-connected “smartest people in the world.”

    So it goes, as the novelist said,

    Ag80 (a5a12b)

  17. Ag80 – I think Rattner said “I work here is done” and then quit.

    JD (725e5a)

  18. From where is Tomaso going to get the money for a fax machine to ask for more money?

    By the way, isn’t there a county that provides real government service there, like a sheriff to arrest people who knock on your door demanding booze?

    Ira (28a423)


    Some youngsters ran into Mr Fava’s store to taunt him. “They was pulling down their pants, shouting, ’Kiss my black ass, because we got a black mayor’, swinging their things around and throwing stuff,” said Jennifer Green, 31, a black mother of 10.

    Hope and Change baby!!!

    chris (1c120e)

  20. “By the way, Rattner quit as auto czar. I wonder why?”

    It probably came out that he didn’t owe any back taxes.
    Complete Black-Sheep!

    AD - RtR/OS! (eb7d4e)

  21. Mississippi’s long national nightmare is over.

    Techie (482700)

  22. As long as liberals are in charge anywhere, there will be misery, strife, poverty, and class warfare.

    PCD (02f8c1)

  23. Keep us posted on the pool construction…

    Jane (1a6db7)

  24. Stop picking on this guy. He’s no different than any big city mayor.

    Alta Bob (1ce9b3)

  25. As long as liberals are in charge anywhere, there will be misery, strife, poverty, and class warfare.

    Comment by PCD — 7/14/2009 @ 5:43 am

    Yeah, you tell that to Bill Clinton. One of the most prosperous administrations to date. A liberal. Or tell that to George Bush, the reason for the mess we are in now.
    It is wrong to make such generalizations because you will surely get this type of response. Whether you agree with it or not.

    The Emperor (1b037c)

  26. Comment by Ag80 — 7/13/2009 @ 9:29 pm
    Come on Ag80. Even know when someone is joking. Loosen up friend. It’s bright new day. No point getting all worked up. In case you don’t know, I enjoy reading most of your comments here. How come JD gets to say these things and no one believes him? I think I must submit myself to JD’s school of parody. Still don’t have the skills yet as I can see.

    The Emperor (1b037c)

  27. *Corrected version please. @26.
    Comment by Ag80 — 7/13/2009 @ 9:29 pm

    Come on Ag80. Even you should know when someone is joking. Loosen up friend. It’s a bright new day. No point getting all worked up. In case you don’t know, I enjoy reading most of your comments here. How come JD gets to say these things and no one believes him? I think I must submit myself to JD’s school of parody. Still don’t have the skills yet, as I can see.

    The Emperor (1b037c)

  28. The Emperor is of its’ meds again.
    Guess that Pixie-dust, and Unicorn-breath, doesn’t have the effectiveness of Big-Pharma.

    AD - RtR/OS! (1699eb)

  29. AD, the emperor worm is by his own admission a liar and a coward. Maybe he’s too scared to take his meds?

    Steverino (who feels a really good curmudgeon could be of any age) (69d941)

  30. Emperor, you are on the wrong side of history. When you have to lie, distort, and deceive YOURSELF to start a discussion, YOU HAVE LOST FROM THE GITGO!

    Go back to media matters. David Brock needs to be distracted.

    PCD (02f8c1)

  31. @28, 29, 30.
    Try as much as you can, kids, you can never get me to your level. I will continue to follow the path of peace and mutual respect. I am not here to pick a fight with anyone. Cursing is all you have left. I feel really sorry for you.

    The Emperor (1b037c)

  32. I will continue to follow the path of peace and mutual respect

    Calling someone a “lying, manipulating POS” is an example of peace and mutual respect?

    You’re a lying sack of shit, emperor worm.

    Steverino (who feels a really good curmudgeon could be of any age) (69d941)

  33. 31, troll, you keep lying. You are only here to start a fight.

    Oh, You’d need a Saturn V rocket to bring yourself UP to our level.

    PCD (02f8c1)

  34. Comment by Steverino (who feels a really good curmudgeon could be of any age) — 7/14/2009 @ 8:52 am
    Thanks Steverino. I will try to get better. And peace and love to you, PCD. Peace and love.

    The Emperor (0c8c2c)

  35. Is this guy related to the woman who said, during the campaign, that she was going to vote for Obama because then she wouldn’t have to worry about paying her rent, her gas bill, etc? The Obama effect is alive and well.

    rochf (ae9c58)

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