Patterico's Pontifications


Holocaust Museum Shooter Left a Note (Updated)

Filed under: Crime,Obama,Terrorism — DRJ @ 2:05 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

James von Brunn reportedly left a note in his car that included these statements:

“You want my weapons – this is how you’ll get them. The Holocaust is a lie. Obama was created by Jews. Obama does what his Jew owners tell him to do. Jews captured America’s money. Jews control the mass media. The 1st Amendment is abrogated – henceforth. See: JVB swore (LT USNR) to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Jews – Bolsheviks – Zionist are America’s enemies. See: Talmud – Sanhedrin “Kill the Best Gentiles!”

UPDATE: Strong words from von Brunn’s son:

“I cannot express enough how deeply sorry I am it was Mr Johns, and not my father who lost their life,” the shooter’s Florida-based son said.

Erik von Brunn said his father’s hatred for racial minorities and Jews destroyed his family, and resulted in the divorce between him and Erik’s mother.”


33 Responses to “Holocaust Museum Shooter Left a Note (Updated)”

  1. Good on Erik…

    harsh words, but true.

    What an awful, awful event.

    My heart goes out to him too.

    SteveG (c99c5c)

  2. I’m glad to hear that his family got the hell away from their nutbag father – many don’t ever get that opportunity.

    Dmac (f7884d)

  3. So many comments, so little time to read through them all.
    Well, Sean Hannity hasn’t touched it. So I understand.
    I expect maybe one or two of the munchkins in his room — feelin’ all put upon and shtuff — are thinking, “At least his heart was in the right place.”

    Larry Reilly (45e7a4)

  4. Larry

    what the hell are you talking about?
    Speaking from my own experience as a world class stream of consciousness babbler, I can’t even begin to understand where you are coming from.

    SteveG (c99c5c)

  5. “At least his heart was in the right place.”

    Larry Reilly, are you insinuating that there are people here who believed Von Brunn’s, the father who murdered, heart was in the right place? is that what you’re saying?

    Dana (aedf1d)

  6. Larry, incoherent or a liar. Which are you?

    SPQR (26be8b)

  7. Both. It’s probably a sock puppet of one of our resident trolls. A check of IP addresses might help.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (0ea407)

  8. Not a sock puppet, just a moronic babbling imbecile.

    JD (674253)

  9. SPQR – Why pick? It is clearly both.

    JD (674253)

  10. Even with this, the concept of “hate crimes” is asinine. When someone fires a bullet into your face because he hates you for not giving up your wallet and watch, that should also be a “hate crime”.

    Wesson (03286d)

  11. wesson, that’s a pretty stupid assertion to make

    JEA (cfa52b)

  12. I’ll bet he is, or had been, a registered Democrat. Where do you find racists and anti-Semites ? Which party was the choice of the Klan? This is all history and they are trying to rewrite it. What party is Robert Byrd a member of ?

    This is the left wing creeps trying to send the history of the Democratic Party down the memory hole.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  13. Nobody with half a brain gives a flying fuck about some psychopath’s party registration.

    People do shitty things (and/or good things) regardless of party affiliation. Neither the left nor the right has a monopoly on homicidal maniacs.

    Leviticus (20b7ac)

  14. Keep it up Mike. When the room is completely empty the echo sounds really great.

    David Ehrenstein (2550d9)

  15. Leviticus – After weeks of wall-to-wall coverage about how right wingers have blood on their hands over Tiller, do you not understand why we might like to point out that this clown’s ideology matches more closely to Barcky’s spiritual advisor than the Right? Can you not see when people try to pin Von Brunn on the Right, that it is more than a little bit ironic when he turns out to be a registered Dem? Don’t you understand that if this guy hated neocons, hated Jews, had Weekly standard address on him, hated Bush, and hated Reagan, he might not be of the Right?

    JD (584916)

  16. Um. DE has how many comments on his own blog? I mean, if he is going to criticize people for writing things that “drive off” others, I mean.

    Eric Blair (5a226d)

  17. The people that tried to pin Tiller’s murder on Republicans in general where behaving like morons, and shouldn’t be emulated. Do we want to raise the level of discourse in this place beyond the Pissing Contest setting, or don’t we? Because lately it seems that all we do is bitch about a bunch of petty BS, argue with trolls (instead of ignoring them), and generally waste our time by abstaining from substantive deliberation. And it’s really annoying.

    Leviticus (20b7ac)

  18. That’s true, Leviticus. But some of the recent hypocrisy is surely galling. Things like the NOW decision regarding Letterman give me hope that there might be some change from the Usual Approach.

    Eric Blair (5a226d)

  19. lately it seems that all we do is bitch about a bunch of petty BS, argue with trolls (instead of ignoring them), and generally waste our time by abstaining from substantive deliberation.

    Leviticus – complete agreement, although that is a triple redundant statement. As the trolling goes up, my interest in this site goes down.

    Apogee (e2dc9b)

  20. Even with this, the concept of “hate crimes” is asinine. When someone fires a bullet into your face because he hates you for not giving up your wallet and watch, that should also be a “hate crime”.
    Comment by Wesson — 6/12/2009 @ 8:12 pm

    wesson, that’s a pretty stupid assertion to make
    Comment by JEA — 6/12/2009 @ 8:14 pm

    I guess I’m closer to Wesson, although I wouldn’t use the same example.

    What will you do different to the perpetrator? Execute him twice? Give him two life sentences, back to back?

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  21. “When the room is completely empty the echo sounds really great.”

    It’s wonderful when someone who has actual real world experience with great sounding echoes in empty rooms shares the wisdom.

    This reminds me of a bumpersticker I saw on a Volvo

    SteveG (c99c5c)

  22. Yes, Leviticus, you are right. But I also sense you at least understand where the frustration stems from.

    JD (54b33c)

  23. Even with this, the concept of “hate crimes” is asinine.

    Moreover, the people in the judicial and legislative branches of government — not to mention the public in general — who are more likely to embrace the concept of hate crimes also are the same ones most likely to get teary eyed over felons being sentenced to death, or to rationalize away a criminal’s deeds with ideas like “well, his mother didn’t love him enough.” Or “if there were more jobs available, or if welfare were more generous, or if public schools were better funded, or if healthcare were free, or if discrimination still weren’t a problem, the person in question never would have turned to a life of crime in the first place!!”

    People do shitty things (and/or good things) regardless of party affiliation.

    But the judges and juries (not to mention the legislators, or trial lawyers, etc) that tend to rationalize or excuse away such behavior are more likely to come from the left.

    Mark (411533)

  24. The people that tried to pin Tiller’s murder on Republicans in general where[sic] behaving like morons


    I’d say they succeeded.

    I heard a clip of Rush bloviating today trying to connect this guy to the liberals.

    For a brief moment, I almost felt sorry for the “conservatives.”

    The stupid coming from him was so pathetic it must burn his acolytes.

    poon (093c46)

  25. Exhibit A, Leviticus. People like poon could not wait until the bodies were cold before they started dancing on their graves pointing fingers at the Right.

    JD (579091)

  26. So ignore it. I do.

    Leviticus (20b7ac)

  27. “James von Brunn reportedly left a note in his car that included these statements:”

    The guy is a total loon, and apparently a cold-blooded murderer in the bargain.

    Basically, a waste of skin.

    What more need be said?

    Dave Surls (61d018)

  28. Keep it up Mike. When the room is completely empty the echo sounds really great.

    Not that this will surprise anyone, but Davey’s own web site has a traffic count of approximately zero – unless you count himself, sitting in front of his screen with one hand clapping. As to the other hand? Well, let’s just say that his supply of Jergen’s is running low these days.

    Dmac (f7884d)

  29. I feel really sorry for his family.

    Also, ignore the trolls.

    Techie (482700)

  30. Changing the subject to other haters; how about those Iranian elections?
    Obama and his media were talking about hotly contested elections, robust debate, run offs….
    What a bunch of idiots, of course the dictator wins by a thumping margin.
    Chavez won his reelection, Raul Castro will win, Morales will take Bolivia and Ortega will win again in Nicaragua. North Korea will report what the people have chosen and the junta in Myanmar will continue doing whatever they want.

    These people use elections as a charade… a charade that brings out the dissidents which is cool because now the dictators police, paramilitaries and rabid supporters can identify and crush the opposition, ruin the businesses, families, lives. Jail them.

    I get the feeling the way far left and the way far right (who are really the same inside, it’s only the outside wrapper that is different) would be OK with destroying people who think differently than they.

    How close are we to this type of personal destruction?

    SteveG (c99c5c)

  31. Totalitarian thought, and the underlying Fascism that supports it, is the staple of PC, and is almost exclusively found in the Academy, with the exception of some institutions such as Hillsdale and others.
    The Progressive Movement is nothing but a relabled Totalitarian-Socialist Movement that is attacking the Liberty and Freedom of Western (Read: U.S.) Man, and will not rest until the last increment of Freedom has been subsumed to the Good of the Communtariat.

    AD - RtR/OS! (42a55e)

  32. …and, of course, there is always this….

    AD - RtR/OS! (42a55e)

  33. Comment by poon — 6/12/2009 @ 9:51 pm

    Have you libs resisted calling the security guard a “little Eichmann” so far?

    jcurtis (f2b233)

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