Patterico's Pontifications


The Cult of Obama (Updated)

Filed under: Obama — DRJ @ 2:16 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

My Obama Shop in Washington D.C.’s Union Station.

UPDATE 1: The link isn’t working right now. Here’s a cached page.

UPDATE 2: The Republican Governor of Nevada is not a candidate for Obama’s cult:

“I’m not interested in a handshake and a hello. I’m interested in an apology.”


20 Responses to “The Cult of Obama (Updated)”

  1. My children,
    Follow the light to The One, and your problems shall be solved! Put all your trust in Barack, for verily it is written, his MSM-halo-framed visage will cure all ills!

    Click unto the link on my name, and the wanting, the poor, the underserved masses shall be fed. From little ACORNs shall mighty oaks grow!

    In the name of the Most High Redistributionist, font of our salvation, vexer of the rich who have taken the nation’s wealth from its rightful owners. It is written that the wrong shall be defeated by the Wright.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R., (7e7c5a)

  2. I saw one of these at the airport in Philadelphia, staffed by a bored looking Asian woman who didn’t speak English very well.

    So it isn’t just Skittle pooting unicorns dispensing fairy dust of Hope and Change. It’s also a niche market, with the ghost of Adam Smith a-brooding in the background.

    Still, the idolatry is pretty creepy.

    Eric Blair (0793db)

  3. Interesting site, but much advertisments on him. Shall read as subscription, rss.

    RichardOn (96d97c)

  4. There is an Omaba-centric souvenir shop in Chicago, too. Right on Michigan Avenue, across from Millenium Park. Mrs carlito was gobsmacked. He probably moves more apparel than P Diddy these days.

    We saw an Obama-painted entire house along red arrow hwy in New Buffalo, MI. I couldn’t tell the purpose, other that idol worship. On crackberry, or I would see I’d there is an image online. I also saw an obama shrine on the way to Napa, but to be fair, that was near Berkely.

    carlitos (cb9226)

  5. If this were a Palin shop in Missouri, we’d never hear the end of it.

    Kevin Murphy (805c5b)

  6. I have yet to see one of these in Chicago, thank goodness. And what does that say when Teh One’s own home state hasn’t completely succumbed to the hysteria? Hope or just routine apathy?

    Dmac (1ddf7e)

  7. There was a website last Fall marketing black plastic dildos with Obama’s head on one end. I thought those were pretty amusing. For the progressive womyn/man who has everything or take your President to bed with you?

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  8. Wow, it’s gonna hurt when they crash.

    Patricia (2183bb)

  9. I don’t much care for Vegas, but Obama’s comments about it were indicative of his prior musings on bitter and clingy gun people from the fly – over states. The elitism is strong with this one.

    Dmac (1ddf7e)

  10. Only foreign heads of state get apologies from Obama.

    If you especially sweet and are a terrorist lover, you get Obama to bow to you.

    The Gov of Nevada can f*ck off.

    HeavenSent (ac3026)

  11. Barry spent more time with George Lopez than he did with Judy Shepherd.

    That says it all, folks.

    David Ehrenstein (598548)

  12. This article immediately made me think of Michael Totten’s excellent expose on Libya “In the land of the Brother Leader” — unfortunately it was done for LA Weekly and it is no longer available on their website.

    Sean P (e57269)

  13. American politicians should be people who are looked up to with admiration. They should be dignified. Instead we are treating them like WWF wrestlers.

    On the one hand, you can say (with much justice) that most of them deserve no better, but on the other it’s not for their sake that we should hold them in high regard, but for ours. Once lawmaking and administration of the law are viewed as a contemptible joke by the people, the end of the republic can’t be far off.

    danebramage (700c93)

  14. Obama may be the most openly self obsessed politician ever to be considered for the presidency. He is described as abnormally calm and composed seeming to be unmoved by crises around him. This could be courage or it could be a failure to appreciate the situation (like the old joke). What happens when events break in upon this state of unreality ?

    Somebody at the Corner (I can’t find the quote now) suggests that this was typical of Louis XVI.

    I suspect that events will force themselves upon him in the next six months.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  15. I will try to take photos of the Chicago one, for amusing bloggy moments.

    carlitos (a0089e)

  16. Excellent, carlitos. I hope you post the photos here if you have a chance.

    DRJ (2901e6)

  17. Funny, George Bush was very calm during Katrina and it was the beginning of the end, maybe the same can be said of Obama.

    HeavenSent (ac3026)

  18. “He is described as abnormally calm and composed seeming to be unmoved by crises around him.”

    Mike K – It could also be some really good weed.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  19. If there is indeed a “Cult of Obama,” then (as Sam Goldwyn would say) include me out.

    David Ehrenstein (598548)

  20. Good, interesting article, but where took information?

    FoxJudsf (afdf25)

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