Patterico's Pontifications


L.A. Times: Obama’s Numerous Broken Promises A Sign of Flexibility and Pragmatism

Filed under: Dog Trainer,General,Obama — Patterico @ 7:22 am

If you loooove Obama, and he’s going back on all his promises, how do you spin it? Why, he’s flexible. He’s pragmatic!

And indeed, that is just what the L.A. Times did yesterday, in an article titled Obama puts pragmatism over promises. The deck headline: “His willingness to consider new perspectives and change his position, even when it angers his supporters, is a stark contrast to predecessor George W. Bush’s inflexibility.”

Unlike his predecessor, George W. Bush, who styled himself as “the Decider” and took pride in sticking with decisions come what might, Obama is emerging as a leader so committed to pragmatism that he will move to a new position with barely a shrug.

Whether it’s a long-standing campaign promise or a recent Oval Office decision, Obama has shown a willingness to reverse himself and even anger his most liberal supporters if he can advance a higher-priority goal or avoid what he sees as a distracting controversy.

See? Breaking promises is a good thing!

The list of Obama’s broken promises is startlingly long. Karl has extensively documented Obama’s broken promises; they include somersaults on issues like torture, wiretapping, state secrets, extraordinary rendition, military tribunals, free trade, open government, tax cuts, responsible spending, and many others. Pragmatism!

“This says a lot about how President Obama makes decisions,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.). “He stood up to his political base and made a decision.

“Changing one’s mind is a strength, not a weakness,” Graham said. “He’s realized the difference between being a candidate and being commander in chief.”

Being commander in chief means never having to say you’re sorry.

Let’s all swoon on the count of three.

The change from the Bush years is striking. Bush would “stick with his way no matter where it led,” said Matt Bennett, vice president of Third Way, a centrist Democratic think tank. “Obama has the opposite personality and makeup.” Obama does not believe “that every progressive orthodoxy is sacrosanct,” Bennett said.

Yes, Obama is different from that Bad George W. Bush, who never changed his mind on anything — except for campaign finance reform, the nomination of Harriet Miers, the creation of a Department of Homeland Security, the creation of the September 11 Commission, the need for “nation building,” and probably a dozen or so other things you can think of.

According to the L.A. Times, Obama’s numerous flip-flops show his flexibility and pragmatism. Had George W. Bush broken so many promises, it would have been called something else entirely.

These people can spin anything, can’t they?

49 Responses to “L.A. Times: Obama’s Numerous Broken Promises A Sign of Flexibility and Pragmatism”

  1. The Sainted Obama moves in mysterious ways which are not for mere mortals to understand. So be still you heretic you!

    Look Obama changes his positions as frequently as he changes his underwear. You’re going to like what he thinks on Tuesday–maybe not so much on Wednesday–and you’ll detest what he thinks on Thursday.

    For the MSM, it’s always Tuesday.

    Mike Myers (674050)

  2. There is SO MUCH SPIN I’m getting dizzy trying to keep up with all the broken promises pragmatic positioning.

    GM Roper (85dcd7)

  3. When Bush did it, it was eeeevil. When Barcky does the same, it is pragmatic.

    JD (55ca08)

  4. Our only hope is that Obama keeps breaking his promises and lying. Don’t knock it.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  5. And of course the rigid GWBush always did everything that his supporters wanted, right? That’s why we were so thrilled about him all the time.

    It’s good to open minded – but it looks like some people’s brains have fallen out.

    Gesundheit (9ca635)

  6. The most mendoucheous part of all of this is how the Left demagogued so many of these issues for political gain for literally years, and then when Barcky wins, they quietly walk back from those positions, under the cloak of pragmatism. The simple fact is that it gives cover to their dishonesty in placing political points ahead of what is good for the country. Pragmatism would suggest that he changed his positions due to changing facts. That is not the case here. The facts have remained the same. The only thing that has changed is the Teh One won, and his people, and especially the MSMS, will religiously support him no matter what he does.

    JD (55ca08)

  7. “These people can spin anything, can’t they?”
    Yes they can, and they do it very, very well. Of course it helps when a significant numbers of his supporters knew he was lying to us “rubes” and were willing to support him to advance their agenda. The fact the those supporters work for the MSM just made the job easier.

    tyree (0efd56)

  8. We’ve come a long long way together, through the hard times and the good and Barack, he is the apotheosis what is so sexy when he lies and lies. I’m not saying Christi Parsons and Janet Hook are dirty socialist propaganda sluts what turn themselves out for Barack Obama. I didn’t know you could get them as a package deal is all. I bet they’re the kind what you have to pay for the whole night even if an hour tops would do the trick. I hate that.

    happyfeet (2d133f)

  9. the only other thing I can remember the paper describing as flexible and pragmatic was…


    EricPWJohnson (5a33fb)

  10. Remember what George H. W. Bush did with Read my Lips. No new taxes. Consider what happened to him after four years. It is quite possible that the Democrat House and one third of the Senate will wind up being tarred by the same brush in two years.

    The problem with getting a reputation for not keeping your word is that you will be unable to make a deal with anyone unless you have paid in full beforehand.

    The next time Obama tries to make a deal with creditors, who will be willing to take his word on how much they will be paid? THe only way he was able to convince the automobile industries creditors to go along with his decision was to threaten to put them out of business completely and make sure they got nothing. The AIG people who agreed to keep working (often for almost no money as salary) was because they were promised bonuses. When Obama forced them to forego the bonuses, how many of them would be willing to sign another contract for the future?

    Sabba Hillel (6d1bdb)

  11. So then he makes promises that are not pragmatic?

    Some endorsement.

    Michael Ejercito (7c44bf)

  12. I like this new angle. It’s much more satisfying than the tired trope NPR was still peddling yesterday that it’s the Republican’s fault that Obama breaks so many promises. (They’re reasoning: despite the fact that the Democrats have solid majorities in the House and Senate, Obama still needs Republican votes on defense bills, so he has to keep Guantanamo open, has to stick with don’t ask don’t tell, has to keep doing renditions, etc. The Republicans don’t run anything right now, but everything we don’t like is still their fault.)

    tim maguire (4a98f0)

  13. When you consider folks like Tottenberg and yesterday’s Axelrod laugh – fest (the audience thought his joke was hilarious), it’s difficult to perceive anything that NPR puts out as something other than Leftist memes 24/7.

    Dmac (1ddf7e)

  14. I wonder if people like George Soros share the Dog Trainer’s unbridled enthusiasm for Dear Leader’s “pragmatism.” Imagine being one of those hard-core Obama-bots and having to convince yourself that it’s OK that we still have George Bush’s policies in place, just as long as we no longer have George Bush.

    JVW (eabe68)

  15. So, Obama is being praised for flexibility in continuing things by the same ones who criticized Bush for not changing those same things?

    jim2 (6482d8)

  16. The most mendoucheous part of all of this is how the Left demagogued so many of these issues for political gain for literally years, and then when Barcky wins, they quietly walk back from those positions, under the cloak of pragmatism. The simple fact is that it gives cover to their dishonesty in placing political points ahead of what is good for the country. Pragmatism would suggest that he changed his positions due to changing facts. That is not the case here. The facts have remained the same. The only thing that has changed is the Teh One won, and his people, and especially the MSMS, will religiously support him no matter what he does.

    Exactly, JD.

    MayBee (c50b9d)

  17. “Oh Lord, It’s hard to be humble when you’re perfect in every way.”

    At least they are honest about how Obama Promises have an expiration date, every single one of them.

    Techie (9c008e)

  18. Crooked rivers and crooked men, Patterico.

    nk (a1896a)

  19. (They’re reasoning: despite the fact that the Democrats have solid majorities in the House and Senate, Obama still needs Republican votes on defense bills, so he has to keep Guantanamo open, has to stick with don’t ask don’t tell, has to keep doing renditions, etc. The Republicans don’t run anything right now, but everything we don’t like is still their fault

    What was the Left’s problem with renditions?

    Michael Ejercito (7c44bf)

  20. “This says a lot about how President Obama makes decisions,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.). “He stood up to his political base and made a decision.

    “Changing one’s mind is a strength, not a weakness,” Graham said. “He’s realized the difference between being a candidate and being commander in chief.”

    gayest. senator. ever.

    happyfeet (71f55e)

  21. I heart happyfeet. And, MayBee.

    JD (24122d)

  22. I hate media Newspeak with the white-hot hate of a thousand suns.

    no one you know (65b7aa)

  23. The LAT must love Arlen Specter

    Neo (46a1a2)

  24. I have a favorite Dilbert posted on my wall:
    1st panel: Pointy Haired Boss tells Alice: “I have to disagree with you, Alice.”
    2nd panel: Alice: “Have you ever noticed that every time we disagree, I’m eventually proven right?”
    3rd panel: Alice: “EVERY SINGLE TIME!!!!!”
    PHB: “Yes, but I’m always right initially.”

    kaf (16e0b5)

  25. Comment by no one you know — 5/18/2009 @ 9:28 am

    heat, dammit. /righteous fury foiled by spellcheck fail

    no one you know (65b7aa)

  26. So if Obama is to be praised for his flexibility for coming around to George W. Bush’s positions on so many issues because it is the correct thing to do then how is it that George W. Bush was not correct in his inflexibility?

    Jeez, no wonder nobody pays money for ‘journalism’ any more.

    Walsingham (0f0f46)

  27. Comment by JD — 5/18/2009 @ 7:41 am
    When Bush did it, it was eeeevil. When Barcky does the same, it is pragmatic

    and thoughtful…and caring…and good for unicorns and bunnies.

    44 months more of this crap.

    AD - RtR/OS! (c02a3c)

  28. So if Obama is to be praised for his flexibility for coming around to George W. Bush’s positions on so many issues because it is the correct thing to do then how is it that George W. Bush was not correct in his inflexibility?
    Comment by Walsingham — 5/18/2009 @ 9:55 am

    It’s certainty they hate. Especially moral certainty. That’s really and truly bad bad bad. Almost as bad as saying with certainty that something’s well, bad.

    Clear on the rules now?

    no one you know (65b7aa)

  29. If we let them, the Democrats are going to borrow more money over the next decade by the Federal government, than its borrowed over its entire previous existance.

    Unbelievable that they are not merely considering this but acting as if it is no big deal.

    SPQR (72771e)

  30. My Hip boots are flooded!

    How can anyone watch this fool without barfing

    Typical White Person (9f4d2e)

  31. What would this post have been about if Obama never changed his mind on anything. If he stuck to his campaign promises and did a lot of the foolish things he said he would do? What would you guys be complaining about if Obama was a one-minded, unyielding and blind-to-realities, inflexible kind of leader? I am curious to know.

    The Emperor (09c9e3)

  32. So The Emperor, you admit that Obama’s campaign promises were “foolish things” ?

    Given that he has abandoned so many of his promises, what should be expect from this President?

    SPQR (72771e)

  33. #33
    Yes. Some of them. Especially on issues of national security. For example, I don’t support the closing down of GITMO without a sensible alternative.

    The Emperor (09c9e3)

  34. #32 You’ll notice that most of the posters here aren’t “complaining” about Obama changing his mind about his foolish campaign promises.

    They are “complaining” about the hypocrisy of the media in their reporting.

    But you knew that.

    Pious Agnostic (291f9a)

  35. What would this post have been about if Obama never changed his mind on anything. If he stuck to his campaign promises and did a lot of the foolish things he said he would do?

    Another point sails over the emperor’s feeble head.

    The point of the post isn’t that Obama has changed his mind. The point is that, according to the Times, it’s a wonderful thing that Obama changes his mind. The point is the lack of objectivity in analysis of the President.

    Steverino (69d941)

  36. Yes. Some of them. Especially on issues of national security. For example, I don’t support the closing down of GITMO without a sensible alternative.

    with GITMO closed, the only sensible alternatives are summary executions of captured terrorists, or rendition to allies in Afghanistan, Iraq, Israel, or Egypt.

    I wonder how they would fare if they were renditioned to the general population of San Quentin.

    Michael Ejercito (7c44bf)

  37. I am happy he has changed his mind. Ironically, in. Many ways, he has validated some of Bush’s positions, the very positions the Left demagogued and engaged in partisan hackery about for the last several years. That lovie cannot uinderstand that is no surprise. Playing ignert or being ignert is its SOP.

    JD (24122d)

  38. It took Harry S. Truman almost 40 years for history to vindicate his administration.

    GWB’s will come much faster, and one of the chief drivers appears to be Barack Obama.

    Techie (9c008e)

  39. gayest. senator. ever.

    Funniest thing I’ve read today. What a sanctimonious and hypocritical douchebag he’s become over the past few years – even worse than Spector.

    Dmac (1ddf7e)

  40. Wait, what were we complaining about again?

    That he’s getting away with breaking his promise to be a liberal ninny?

    Shame on him? No, GOOD on him. I don’t WANT a liberal ninny President. If the LA Times can’t stop drinking the cool aide and it serves my purposes, fine by me. Useful idiots are useful

    Harvey M Anderson (a664fb)

  41. The point of the post isn’t that Obama has changed his mind. The point is that, according to the Times, it’s a wonderful thing that Obama changes his mind. The point is the lack of objectivity in analysis of the President.

    Comment by Steverino — 5/18/2009 @ 10:33 am
    So it is. I stand corrected.

    The Emperor (09c9e3)

  42. Thus, according to the LATimes, Obama is a guy you should never go into business with, sign a contract with, or, lend money, and THAT is what makes him a good man for the presidency.

    Thomas Hazlewood (c72e0a)

  43. It’s a good thing that Obama has told us he is listening to so many different people and being so deliberative in his decision making process instead of taking a “Suck it I won” approach. What I can’t figure out is how this squares with so many reversals on publicly announced decisions?

    Is he into astrology or something?

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  44. […] LA Times: Obama’s flip-flops and broken promises are signs of his flexibility and pragmatism. […]

    LA Times: Pretty is as pretty does | Les Jones (d2723c)

  45. “…with GITMO closed, the only sensible alternatives are summary executions of captured terrorists…”

    Sure solves the recidivism problem.

    AD - RtR/OS! (c02a3c)

  46. Yeah! Thank God we have Obama! Now we can hold up our heads because Obama changes his mind from his anti-Bush positions so now he embraces the Bush positions, which is sooooo much better than when ol’ inflaxible, doctrinaire Bush made the rigid decisions that later Obama decided were ….the.. uh, correct ones, which, um… Uh…. strike that. Hey! (snicker) heard that the third choice for Obama’s dog was to be Miss California!!! ha ha ah. Because she is so stupid and ignorant in her views on Gay Marriage, just like,…um.,,, uh,… obama. shutup shutup shutup SHUT THE F**K UP!!!! You are so filled with HATRED! Obama = good, Bush = Bad; what part of what you’re being told to think do you not “get”!!!

    Californio (6657ce)

  47. […] not be too harsh, the LA Times assures us that this sort of constant policy reversal is simply Obama’s “pragmatism”. Unlike his predecessor, George W. Bush, who styled himself as “the Decider” and took pride in […]

    Obama Reversed On Gitmo « Something should go here, maybe later. (ea1fd5)

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