Patterico's Pontifications


The Left does not care about you, peasants

Filed under: General — Karl @ 11:58 am

[Posted by Karl]

Rolling Stone political reporter Matt Taibbi confesses ignorance in a piece titled, “The peasant mentality lives on in America”:

It took a good long while for news of the Teabag movement to penetrate the periphery of my consciousness — I kept hearing things about it and dismissing them, sure that the whole business was some kind of joke. Like a Daily Show invention, say. It pains me to say this as an American, but we are the only people on earth dumb enough to use a nationwide campaign of “teabag parties” as a form of mass protest, in the middle of a real economic crisis.

Marc Cooper, director of Annenberg Digital News at the Annenberg School for Communication at USC, also professes his ignorance regarding the point of the tea party protests.

The White House confessed that Pres. Obama remains unaware of the tea parties.

Of course, all of the above have the resources to easily discover the point of the tea parties.  Contrary to the elitist bloviations of people like Cooper, these protests are not simply about Obama’s proposals to tax upper-income earners (with the dampening of economic dynamism that would ensue).  they are also about the ginormous tax bill Obama proposes to slap on all taxpayers — or the debt being piled on our children — even as Obama abandons most of his proposed tax cuts (most of which were transfer payments in reality).  They are protests against the “too much, too soon agenda” Obama is pursuing at the expense of the real economic crisis.

What Obama, Taibbi and Cooper are really saying is that that they do not want to dignify the voice of the peasantry.  Accordingly, it is worth noting that a “peasant” is “a coarse, unsophisticated, boorish, uneducated person of little financial means.”  The Left used to at least pretend it spoke for the poor and unsophisticated.  Now, from Pres. Obama on down, they cannot even bother to pretend.

Update: Jake Tapper tweets: “The White House never said POTUS was unaware of tea parties.” Funny, that’s what ran on Tapper’s network.   Of course, the semantics are secondary to the fact that the White House ultimately does not care about these protests or their agenda.


83 Responses to “The Left does not care about you, peasants”

  1. “…they cannot even bother to pretend.”

    Is your surprise feigned, or genuine?
    The transmogrification of the Democrat Party from one that represents the “working man” to one that is an extension of the intellectual elite of academe is the logical result of the Progressive Movement since its’ capture of segments of the Party in the McGovern years.
    The lack of vision demonstrated by the media in this matter, is just a forward reflection of the famous “New Yorker” cover of their perception of the rest of the country.

    AD (0f5ec7)

  2. These kinds of things are too darn complicated for the media to explain . . .

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R., (7bc608)

  3. Interesting that MSNBC had Rachel Maddow dissing “teabaggers”, along with CNN’s Anderson Cooper & now Matt Taibbi.

    Apparently, the gay community has now decided that sexual double entendres are all the rage, it appears. In that spirit: Hey, Rachel, after MSNBC ‘girls you up’ for the next promo, can you pick up my crunch n’ munch I dropped on the carpet?

    Cam Winston (2937d1)

  4. There is an increasingly fascinating similarity with history …

    The Boston Tea party was a response to an arrogant non-responsive non-transparent Privy Council (headed by Lord North) and Cabinet which arrogated to itself more and more power unresponsive to the constitutional ruler … And today we have an arrogant non-responsive non-transparent White House (headed by Obama) adding more and more “czars” reporting to said White House – and becoming less and less responsive to the modern constitutional ruler – the US electorate …

    Although I have to admit I’m not yet sure whether we are dealing with a “Lord Obama-North” or a “Barack I” …

    Alasdair (e7cb73)

  5. “Update: Jake Tapper tweets: “The White House never said POTUS was unaware of tea parties.” Funny, that’s what ran on Tapper’s network. Of course, the semantics are secondary to the fact that the White House ultimately does not care about these protests or their agenda.”

    I guess that depends on the definition of: “never,” “said,” and “unaware.”

    Parsing as an artform.

    I rank that up there with the whole “President Obama didn’t bow” to the Saudi king business.

    Just tell the truth, folks. It’s easier.

    Eric Blair (c8876d)

  6. Just another reminder that Matt Taibbi is the sordid creep who wrote The 52 Funniest Things About the Upcoming Death of the Pope for the weekly newspaper, New York Press. That was in 2005, when Pope John Paul II was gravely ill.

    Matt Taibbi is not a reporter. His father, Mike Taibbi, was a stand-up TV news reporter for WNBC-TV news in New York.

    Official Internet Data Office (4fbbd2)

  7. I watched some Maddow and Olberman last night. Their use of “teabaggers” is just stupid. Totally intellectually dishonest stuff they were discussing. But hey, I guess that is what I expected.

    But as to Matt Tabbi, everytime I think of him, I picture Tony Snow layin it him from that Bill Maher show.

    G (e0676f)

  8. Someone still reads Rolling Stone?

    Dmac (1ddf7e)

  9. Clearly, Rachel Maddow is not a tea-bagger. She’s a two-bagger.

    Official Internet Data Office (4fbbd2)

  10. This is in keeping with the whole leftist meme the past few years. The blue states generate more economic activity than red states. The people who listen to Limbaugh are dumb. Now, I’m sorry to say, David Frum seems to be joining the elitist parade with these pleas to prune all the crude types from the party. He wants a group of Georgetown cocktail party members while the lefties all seem to think that all their opponents cling to guns and religion.

    Frum laments that Reagan won the college educated vote but it is now Obama’s. I think he has missed the change in the curriculum the past 29 years. I haven’t.

    Mike K (8df289)

  11. As someone who agrees with the tea party cause, I also think Taibbi is right: the parties are going to accomplish nothing and those who think they will are, sorry to say, dumb. How many Congressmen and Senators are re-thinking their positions as a result? More to the point, how many of the majority Democrats are doing so? Barbara Boxer? John Conyers? Steny Hoyer? Obama isn’t going to back off, he and his allies view those who disagree as ignorant, corrupt, unpatriotic, racist bums who are wedded to the partisanship of a bygone era… and he isn’t going to care if some small percentage of the 50 million or so people who voted against him show up at a protest. he’s only going to care if/when his supporters get upset.. and since he’s doing what they want, he ain’t going to stop.

    As for these parties leading to some kind of wholesale ‘throw out the bums and start over’, get real. I’d wager that (unfortunately) 95% of those running for re-election will win. And for those who lose, they’ll be replaced with someone just like them. An (R) may replace a (D) here and there, or vice versa, but people running for office, regardless of party affiliation, are pretty much of a like kind. They enjoy their power, they enjoy ignoring the peasants, and they will continue the proud tradition of taking campaign contributions and keeping taxes too high with one hand while they ladle out the pork with the other.

    And finally, in a bit of what goes around comes around, it wasn’t too long ago that the left was taking to the street protesting the Iraq War. How many of you who are upset because the politicians aren’t paying attention to you now had no problem when the same politicians ignored the protesters and kept funding the Iraq war?

    steve sturm (369bc6)

  12. … and then they wonder why I wish ill on them.

    Jimminy'cricket (637168)

  13. she’s a 3 bagger: you need a spare, cause if her’s falls off, you’ll have to vomit somewhere. %-)

    redc1c4 (9c4f4a)

  14. steve writes:

    How many of you who are upset because the politicians aren’t paying attention to you now had no problem when the same politicians ignored the protesters and kept funding the Iraq war?

    The ignored protesters to authorize it, so I think they had a moral responsibility to see it through. And I didn’t see the government or or media dismissing them as “peasants.” To the contrary, the media assiduously promoted the antiwar protests and made sure the government had to talk about them.

    Karl (f07e38)

  15. I’m a peasant who just received the largest tax cut since 1981. My business just received the largest tax deductions since I opened in 1999. Obviously somebody is paying attention and I’m quite thankful for it.

    Syntax (3a425d)

  16. Steve, are you telling us that you have no idea who Cindy Sheehan is? We were BOMBARDED with media coverage 24/7 over her irrational hatred for Bush and the military, and the TV cameras fixated on her as she dragged her son’s coffin across the country on her deranged, nutbag tour. Not to mention the full – scale coverage the MSM gave for every freaking anti – war protest, no matter how small and insignificant. And may I remind you that most of those same demonstrations were funded by nutbag groups like ANSWER, as well as other incoherent rage – fests funded from the Soros largesse?

    You’re living in an extreme state of denial to equate the two movements in any way, shape or form.

    Dmac (1ddf7e)

  17. 16

    Mr. Pink (eae12c)

  18. steve sturm,

    As someone who agrees with the tea party cause, I also think Taibbi is right: the parties are going to accomplish nothing and those who think they will are, sorry to say, dumb.

    Well, if all is lost, why haven’t you already bought that “perfect exile villa” in the Cayman Islands? If you want to be a sauve qui peut wimp, then get the f*** out and leave the struggle to real patriots.

    MarkJ (42fe5b)

  19. Know your place, peons.

    JD (20b35d)

  20. you smell that?

    It’s fear.

    Techie (9c008e)

  21. This shit is totally ignorable. The only people that care about this sideshow are the whiny bitches that got themselves crushed in the past couple of elections and the people that make fun of them.

    I mean what are you guys going to follow this up with? More tea parties? oOoooo! Not more tea parties!!

    TEH NARRATIVE (863676)

  22. This business is totally ignorable. The only people that care about this sideshow are the whiny losers that got themselves crushed in the past couple of elections and the people that make fun of them.

    I mean what are you guys going to follow this up with? More tea parties? oOoooo! Not more tea parties!!

    TEH NARRATIVE (863676)

  23. They are more scared of conservatives voices being heard.

    JD (20b35d)

  24. This business is totally ignorable.

    Great example of a self-refuting comment!

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R., (e6c45b)

  25. My business just received the largest tax deductions since I opened in 1999

    I call total BS on this one – if not, please detail how “your business” achieved these wondrous and completely unprecedented tax cuts.

    oOoooo! Not more tea parties

    Only a true tea bagger like Duh Sedative would utter something so inane.

    Dmac (1ddf7e)

  26. So this story has been on top of the Yahoo News home page for most of the afternoon (so far):

    Yeah, nothing to see here.

    Dmac (1ddf7e)

  27. Guess the media forgot to contact TEH NARRATIVE for instructions.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R., (e6c45b)

  28. Apparently the Tea Party protestors DID manage to heck out of the West Wingers in Washington…even the Secret Service got in on the act.

    “My God, run away! TEA BAGS!!!!”

    Tully (c2f070)

  29. Simply unbelievable. All the LAT had on its website at noon was the “insanity” piece.

    I guess their motto is “Give Me Bias or Give Me Death.”

    BTW does anyone know how to access photos at PJTV?Very confusing site…

    Patricia (94c68d)

  30. After reading the comments of Begala, Taibbi, Cooper Maddows and others, including blogger comments on other sites, it’ pretty clear that the response to the Tea Parties is orchestrated by Rahm’s Journolist team.

    And, that’s OK, they don’t have to like it. I don’t have a problem with that.

    However, TEH NARRATIVE’s comment just confirms what the echo chamber members really believe in their black little hearts of hearts:

    If you disagree with them, you are stupid and, the reason you are stupid is because you disagree with them. And that’s all that matters.

    So, they use their juvenile “humor,” and laugh and slap each other on the back and tell each other how smart and clever they are.

    Ag80 (d205da)

  31. Well Dmac, I have no intentions of posting my tax returns on line for your review. My accountant is the one who finds these tax deductions for my digital media business and although I have not seen an increase in business, I am receiving 9% more of a return on my business taxes this year than in years past. This is mainly due to income deductions for my employees and their income restrictions plus they received tax deductions as well. Hopefully, this can afford me the opportunity to put another person on the payroll part-time this summer.

    Also, there is a federal program extending me a line of credit for my small business if I needed and the banks say “no”. This is nice but fortunately, won’t be necessary since it looks like I’m out of the woods with this crap economy.

    Syntax (3a425d)

  32. Well then, good luck with your business; I certainly cannot say the same for the fledgling operation I’ve been attempting to launch with my wife over the past year. The banks aren’t lending to folks like ourselves, although our financial house is in order.

    Dmac (1ddf7e)

  33. […] Karl notes for Patterico  and the Green Room at Hot Air: Marc Cooper, director of Annenberg Digital News at the […]

    Delusional pseudo-journalist writing opinions for the Los Angeles Times must think he’s getting a tax cut or something « Danishova (565823)

  34. The bottom line is that The Left, broadly speaking, responds with either ignorance or ridicule to conservatives’ exercise of their constitutional right peaceably to assemble to petition the government for redress of grievances.

    And the ridicule — what I’ve seen; I’m sure there are exceptions — largely focuses on the FACT of the protests, not the manner. “How stupid/ how dare they, in a time of ecomonic downturn!”

    And when they DO purport to ridicule the manner of the Tea Parties, the Left has to lie by implying that the organizers, themselves, call them “Teabagging.” Absolute lie. “Heh, they called them teabagging — don’t they know how to look stuff up on Duh!” Well, gee, that’d be funny if the conservatives actually were calling the rallies that.

    Mitch (890cbf)

  35. Syntax, you are lying. If you weren’t lying you’d explain yourself. Nice try pussy.

    gus (36e9a7)

  36. I also think Taibbi is right: the parties are going to accomplish nothing and those who think they will are, sorry to say, dumb. How many Congressmen and Senators are re-thinking their positions as a result?

    The point is that this is just the beginning of people finding each other and seeing who is interested enough to turn out. The next step is to see who cares. The Congressional elections are next year. By that time, we’ll see if this is a movement or not. Nobody saw 1994 coming. Conservatives were bitterly disappointed by what followed but the circumstances now may produce a new group. It might not be Republican although the Democrats seem firmly in the hands of radicals. A few city bankruptcies might reduce the public employee cash machine and we could see a few new faces on city councils. That’s how you start.

    Mike K (8df289)

  37. My issues with the war protests were never the fact that they protested. It was their manner, their accusations and the way groups like Code Pink treated the military. Say you don’t like the war, fine, say you want our soldiers home, fine again. Just stick to the facts.

    Of course, that would mean actually KNOWING the facts first, but, whatever.

    I have the same issues with the 52 vs 48 groups who spent the last 8 years screaming insane crap and now suddenly we are all supposed to get along.

    Part of the point of the protests is to get rid of the business as usual politicians and get some actual of the people types who will limit themselves to a couple of terms and then go back to work.

    Vivian Louise (c0f830)

  38. “The White House confessed that Pres. Obama remains unaware of the tea parties.” I’m pretty certain this is not true but if it is look on the bright side. Should “Everybody Who Thinks He’s Anybody” ignore the tea parties just ponder how surprised they’ll be if the folks who went to the parties become serious activists and get fiscally responsible people of both parties or maybe no party nominated for local, state, and maybe even national offices in the next couple of election cycles.

    glenn (fcbc78)

  39. Gus…I’m sorry to bust your self-delusional bubble buddy but who the hell are you where I have to lie to you? You my wife, my Mom, my Priest? You’re a blogger commentator buddy. Nothing more and there really isn’t much less. It is what it is.

    This is why you are pathetic. You spent years attacking and decrying anybody and everybody that had a different point of view on ANYTHING. Anybody from other Conservatives, Republicans, Libertarians, Christians, Independents and everybody in between dared to express a different point of view than yours, you attacked them with the viciousness of a Communist rabid pit bull on acid. You so-called Conservatives have alienated yourselves down to a smoldering nub. Today you have the tea parties with maybe 20,000 or 30,000 people turning out. Gonna win any elections with that pathetic low number showing. 5 years ago, you would have had millions but you managed to attack and piss off so many people with your immature schoolyard bully nonsense that the country as a whole has rejected you and your hate-filled teabagging childishness and thumb sucking rhetoric. Kim Jong Ill doesn’t like a different point of view neither but hey, you’re not socialists. You’re just a bunch of assholes and 2 elections have proven that. Get a clue!

    Republicans need to dump you people and dump you fast. The showing of these tea parties should prove one thing once and for all…you are not enough votes to win elections! Not even close! Elections matter.

    Syntax (3a425d)

  40. Ok, it’s official. Douchebag movement vs. “Teabag” Movement.

    nk (26bcaa)

  41. I own a business with $2.6MM in payroll — Syntax is lying as liars do.

    Jimminy'cricket (637168)

  42. The problem was the weak turnout. 1000 people is the highest figure for the DC gathering, besides the organizers’ 1,500 figure. Why so few?

    Andrew (288aa4)

  43. Andrew – Conservatives have jobs.

    Have Blue (854a6e)

  44. 1,000 seems small for a protest?

    I guess those Anti-War protests were all REALLY BS then.

    Jimminy'cricket (637168)

  45. Of course, the semantics are secondary to the fact that the White House ultimately does not care about these protests or their agenda.

    Oh, they care. The Obama admin just released a DHS report on how to handle those who disagree with obama.

    Roy Mustang (9deca0)

  46. Syntax: it isn’t that the GOP needs to dump the clowns, they just need to remember that kneeling at the altar of hard core conservatism adds up to nothing more than permanent minority status (and that is what really pisses off the hard right, having anyone point out to them that they have to kiss up to the less pure if they want to ever win an election outside the reddest of red districts). And don’t take it personally, Dmac is fond of issuing challenges and dictating the terms of compliance. Having said that, I would greatly appreciate it if you shared some details, I would love anything that lowered my business’s effective tax rate.

    And Dmac, I’m not equating the protests you fool, I’m equating the failure of the two protests to accomplish anything. Despite all of the MSM trumpeting of the anti-war protests, Bush ignored them because he felt he was right and they were wrong, just as Obama is going to keep ignoring the (ignorant) teabaggers because he (feels he) is right and they are wrong.

    steve sturm (3811cf)

  47. A friend emailed and said even little ‘ol Missoula had 500 showing up today. I think the weak turnout will increasingly become a burr in the rump of the Dems. The attacks will come with increasing vitriol and enthusiastic sneers. If there’s no threat, there’s no reason to even pay attention. We’ll see.

    Rolling Stone political reporter Matt Taibbi confesses ignorance in a piece titled, “The peasant mentality lives on in America”

    Grandma Stella and her family were peasants from Eastern Russia and fled the pogroms to America speaking only Yiddish and with nothing but one small suitcase for the entire family. She learned English, started a business, ended up living comfortably on Long Island and raising two sons who found immense success, both academically and financially. I have no problem being labeled a peasant. I just hope I can live up to it.

    And to think, many, many years ago, I used to think Rolling Stone was so cool.

    Dana (d08a3a)

  48. And don’t take it personally, Dmac is fond of issuing challenges

    Only to those who seem unable to make their points with any clarity or substance. So strike your statement as non – responsive. However, since it appears that you’re hell bent on giving up on anything worthwhile or expressing extreme cyncisim on every effort, why even come on here to complain in the first place? Go bitch to your wife, family, or kick your poor dog – who cares what you think, since you don’t even appear to take your own opinions with any seriousness?

    Gonna win any elections with that pathetic low number showing. 5 years ago, you would have had millions but you managed to attack and piss off so many people with your immature schoolyard bully nonsense that the country

    And here I was actually trying to reason with you – but the venting of spleen eventually exposed your true agenda. But hey, thanks for playing.

    Dmac (1ddf7e)

  49. My wife was downtown during the local tea party and said that it was the largest demonstration she’d seen there with the exception of the DNC.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  50. The attacks will come with increasing vitriol and enthusiastic sneers. If there’s no threat, there’s no reason to even pay attention

    But Dana, Steve insists that it’s all so much a waste of everyone’s time, and it will not matter a bit in the end, and everyone’s corrupt and cynical and why even bother in the first place, and blah, blah, blah.

    Dmac (1ddf7e)

  51. The soft, elitist-urban left is itching because these protests (small, medium, and larger in number) include citizens who don’t normally come out for this stuff. But they did this time.

    Nothing like the recycled “Large umbrella” lefty events we see here in the Frisco Bay area. Over and over with the same recycled faces.
    Maybe somebody is noticing, anyway.

    Andrew2 (8a94e5)

  52. The MSM is starting to come around on this – and some are questioning why the Dems and some other media are so relentlessly questioning the legitimacy of these protests:

    Dmac (1ddf7e)

  53. The soft, elitist-urban left is itching because these protests (small, medium, and larger in number) include citizens who don’t normally come out for this stuff.

    …and these protesters are respectable, tax-paying middle of the road citizens – they’re not extremists. Oh. Wait. I forgot. The protesters are extremists (my government told me so) but nonetheless, they’re articulate and clean and not the tired out aging hippies who still haven’t found what they were looking for.

    Dana (d08a3a)

  54. Dana- “Yep…”
    And they behave, too…and then go home, without bustin’ anything up…
    So, we shall see…

    Andrew2 (8a94e5)

  55. The people in the streets today are talking about a Tea Party.

    The media and the lefty blogs are talking about teabagging. That pretty much tells you who cares about taxes and the size of government and who is just thinking about their fellow whores and their last Friday night drunken party.

    bpjam (23d726)

  56. 5,000 people in Manhattan!! According to the local CBS news channel. That’s quite a crowd for behind enemy lines.

    CS (ec2d4b)

  57. “Having said that, I would greatly appreciate it if you shared some details, I would love anything that lowered my business’s effective tax rate.”

    steve – Syntax can’t share details because it’s damn clear from his lame ass explanation above that he doesn’t understand it. I wouldn’t even be sure that he got some kind of a reduction based on his inability to read his return.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  58. 5,000 people in Manhattan!! According to the local CBS news channel. That’s quite a crowd for behind enemy lines.

    People are waking up to the fact that the Democratic Party serves only the public employee unions, the feminist fundamentalists, and the illegal aliens.

    Read this article about the NDP .

    Michael Ejercito (7c44bf)

  59. Shorter Karl: The teabaggers are rubes, but they’re OUR rubes…

    Jackson (42e033)

  60. these protests are not simply about Obama’s proposals to tax upper-income earners (with the dampening of economic dynamism that would ensue). they are also about the ginormous tax bill Obama proposes to slap on all taxpayers

    Not to mention all the politicians of like mind (and identical party affiliation) on the local and state levels throughout the US who are chomping at the bit to raise taxes and fees — and nurture correspondingly large bureaucracies — as high as possible.

    Mark (411533)

  61. Went to a tea party today in Bakersfield, CA. I have no experience in estimating crowd size, but it was thousands. The crowd was clean, civil, and serious.

    In talking with friends beforehand, very few were aware of it.

    I could care less what libs think about it, they could hardly think less of tea parties than I think of Code Pink and the rest.

    What matters is making a beginning. Everyone who went has contacts, and can spread the word. At the end, they requested a show of hands of those for whom this was the first rally, demonstration, or protest. Almost every hand, including mine, went up.

    So yes, we are rubes, but not too shabby for a first time, grassroots effort. We will learn.

    jodetoad (b147dc)

  62. Well, how importent is a protest of 1000? In the Great Scheme of Things, not much. I mean, if only 1,000 people showed up at a nationally organized and promoted event, big freaking deal.

    But there were 300 scheduled and 800 reported (by some accounts). At 1,000 people a pop, you have upwards of 800,000 people who are dissatisfied with the way govenrment is spending money.

    Ignore them at your own peril.

    Dr. K (e70a2d)

  63. […] Politico, The Sundries Shack, Protein Wisdom, Riehl World View, Donklephant, American Spectator, Patterico’s Pontifications, Neo-neocon, […]

    (Italian)Tea Party Round-Up & Open Trackback (4045ac)

  64. […] Politico, The Sundries Shack, Protein Wisdom, Riehl World View, Donklephant, American Spectator, Patterico’s Pontifications, Neo-neocon,, Gateway Pundit, Michelle Malkin, Founding Bloggers, Wizbang, Protein […]

    (Italian)Tea Party Round-Up & Open Trackback « mondopiccolo (661794)

  65. As a responsible conservative Republican, I was filled with pride when I heard how our wonderful Navy Seals were able to save the captured Captain of the Maersk Alabama. Unfortunately, I was equally filled with total Republican embarassment when I heard Rush Limbaugh refer to the Pirate/terrorists as “Teenage Merchant Organizers” that did not have a chance against the aggression of this administration. “Merchant organizers” what was he talking about? I am shocked that the rest of the Republican party did not jump down his throat for those words. What has the Republican party come too? Are we so filled with “envy” because we lost the election that we cannot think straight? Most Republicans are Christians, but personally I do not know many Republicans these days that are living up to the doctrines of Christianity. When did we get so full of hate, envy, and greed? We want roads, bridges, police, fire departments,national infrastructure,the military and defense, and education for our children…but we throw tea bag parties because we have to pay for these things. No wonder we lost the election.

    brb (7975ee)

  66. Hey brb, who is “we,” kimosabe?

    carlitos (56cf62)

  67. brb, shouldn’t you be in the studio working on your next album?

    SPQR (26be8b)

  68. For 69: “We” as in we the Republican Party that is crying about everything these days…what the government does..and what it does not do. “We” as in we claim to be a party of church going Christians, but we decry anything Christian that is done in this country, ie. feeding the poor, ending torture, Get it? Sorry, I am just really, really frustrated with the Republican party, ever since we lost over 4,000 young men to a rediculous, made-up war. But eventually I will get over it…but the party has to start acting and talking like educated adults.

    brb (7975ee)

  69. brb, now you are really giving away that you are a fraud.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  70. Does he qualify as a moby parody of a moby?

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  71. brb is funny. An abject liar, but funny.

    JD (1910a1)

  72. As a responsible conservative Republican

    Hey, you forgot the “Christian” part!

    We” as in we claim to be a party of church going Christians

    Ah, never mind.

    Dmac (1ddf7e)

  73. 5 words into the comment and it was beyond obvious to anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together that this was nothing other than an astrotrufing Moby.

    JD (1910a1)

  74. “We” as in we claim to be a party of church going Christians”

    Not part of any plank that I ever saw. Dead giveaway.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  75. […] “The Left does not care about you, peasants”, a roundup of the non-reaction/denial by what passes for the intelligentsia of the left. (Patterico) […]

    Change, or Else! Part II: Re-education is good for you… « Chockblock’s blog (186bd9)

  76. brb, I will paypal you $1 for every day you post stuff like this. Minimum 3 posts per day, and you have to use the word “conservative christian” in your posts. Also, good luck with “ending torture” – NO ONE EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION!!! Go sit in the comfy chair.

    carlitos (f5f993)

  77. Thems that don’t use the CAPSLOCK, use the ellipses… It’s axiomatic.

    carlitos (f5f993)

  78. Heads up for brb, when you say “the party” you capitalize it – “the Party.” Remember, we have all taken a secret loyalty oath. It’s rediculous.

    carlitos (f5f993)

  79. […] South Carolina, ordinary Obama supporters are exhausted and losing patience with his agenda. When hundreds of thousands of ordinary Americans organize protests of his policies, the White House would prefer not to acknowledge […]

    The Greenroom » Forum Archive » 100 days: What Obama does not want you to read (e2f069)

  80. […] Carolina, ordinary Obama supporters are exhausted and losing patience with his agenda.  When hundreds of thousands of ordinary Americans organize protests of his policies, the White House would prefer not to acknowledge […]

    Patterico’s Pontifications » 100 days: What Obama does not want you to read (e4ab32)

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