Patterico's Pontifications


Our Famously Articulate President in Action

Filed under: Obama — Patterico @ 6:07 pm

Tapper has the story:

The first appearance by a sitting president on “The Tonight Show” may well end up being the last.

President Obama, in his taping with Jay Leno Thursday afternoon, attempted to yuk it up with the funnyman, and ended up insulting the disabled.

Towards the end of his approximately 40-minute appearance, the president talked about how he’s gotten better at bowling and has been practicing in the White House bowling alley.

He bowled a 129, the president said.

“That’s very good, Mr. President,” Leno said sarcastically.

It’s “like the Special Olympics or something,” the president said.

Wow. He really has a way with words, doesn’t he?

UPDATE: Is it possible he’s not really that great a communicator after all? Shocking — except to those of us who have been saying that for a while.

UPDATE x2: So how do you categorize Obama’s statement? Poor judgment? Thoughtlessness? Or TELLING IT LIKE IT IS?!?!

Don’t get me wrong; I wouldn’t really countenance the disabled flying into an outrage over this. But I do think — like the “putting lipstick on a pig” comment — that it shows Obama has a tin ear sometimes. And that he’s often a poor communicator, despite all we’ve heard to the contrary.

And maybe I’m alone in this, but I don’t think a tin ear is a good thing.

UPDATE x3: Commenter JD observes: “Just imagine if Bush had said that. Oh, the outrage!!!”

UPDATE x4: Allahpundit notes the truly outrageous thing Obama said to Leno: saying Geithner is doing an “outstanding” job.

UPDATE x5: Dave Weigel:

Obama should clarify: he meant to say that Special Olympians were doing an awesome job, and that Geithner is retarded.

Good one.

141 Responses to “Our Famously Articulate President in Action”

  1. Let he who is without retard jokes cast the first stone.

    Allahpundit (06eb6b)

  2. The good man is a poor bowler? Who’d of thunk it.

    Old Coot (a71844)

  3. To save our trolls the trouble:

    Bbbb- but, Reagan used a teleprompter! Er, $180 million is more than $1.7 trillion . . . Bush was also stupid . . .

    Hey . . . Rush Limbaugh used DRUGS!!!

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (0ea407)

  4. As they say in baseball….
    He’s got a Million Dollar arm, and a ten-cent brain!

    AD - RtR/OS (0aa9c4)

  5. So how do you categorize Obama’s statement?

    Accessible joke?

    Allahpundit (06eb6b)

  6. “Accessible joke?”

    I don’t understand.

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  7. Do you mean you don’t think this is a gaffe, Allah? I just don’t understand what you mean.

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  8. Do you mean you don’t think this is a gaffe, Allah? I just don’t understand what you mean.
    No, it’s not a gaffe, it’s a joke. He’s saying he bowls like someone who’s mentally disabled. The mentally disabled aren’t good athletes. We all know what he means. He’s called himself retarded and uncoordinated.

    Allahpundit (06eb6b)

  9. Bowling requires a steady hand, focus, seeing the trajectory needed, making a decisive approach, smooth release and follow through. So a 129 perhaps isn’t all that unexpected. And the ability to fight going by the bowling dust up in Rocklin, CA, I read about in today’s news. Something about an issue over proper etiquette on the lanes.

    allan (317137)

  10. It’s almost as if using the word “special” wasn’t able to hide his obvious meaning.

    Which, c’mon, is impossible. By choosing a word like “special” he has clearly inoculated himself.

    Pendleton (7f8d26)

  11. Maybe- just maybe- this train wreck of a Presidency will point up the stupidity of voting for What a man is as opposed to who he is…
    …and then I awoke.
    His inexperience is screaming “HELLOOOO” at us in everything this man does.
    O ne
    B ig
    A $$
    M istake
    A merica

    pitchforksntorches (4dd8c4)

  12. Now if the Teleprompter of the United States had made an appearance instead, it would have been brilliant.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  13. Allah means he plans on making fun of this because yes, the President is a bit gaffe prone off script.

    I assume.

    Pendleton (7f8d26)

  14. That’s my guess.

    Techie (9c008e)

  15. I want to hear about how he takes the short bus to work.

    cboldt (3d73dd)

  16. How about “I bowl like a retard”?

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  17. People are e-mailing me the link to Tapper’s article. I can’t believe I’m supposed to pretend to be shocked that Obama’s noticed that the mentally disabled aren’t quite as coordinated as average people.

    Allahpundit (06eb6b)

  18. Meh, I wouldn’t say “shocked” is the appropriate response to a tin-ear comment.

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  19. How about “I bowl like a retard”?

    That’s a great example of a joke none of us would blink twice at if a friend made it but we’re supposed to be horrified if the president makes it.

    Allahpundit (06eb6b)

  20. Is it tin-eared? I’ll bet a lot of people laughed at it.

    Allahpundit (06eb6b)

  21. And yet, Obama is such a brilliant speaker … there must be some deep, profound wisdom embedded in his comment that we are just too evil, right-wing and reactionary to get…

    SPQR (26be8b)

  22. Yes, a lot probably laughed, but a lot of Obama’s supporters must have cringed.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (0ea407)

  23. TOTUS ain’t gonna be happy.

    JD (ae93de)

  24. Is it tin-eared? I’ll bet a lot of people laughed at it.

    A lot of people laugh at tin-eared comments. Some of the laughers are idiots or insensitive. And some are tittering at the inappropriateness of it.

    That said, I’d like to see the clip to see how it went over. Maybe you’re right and people lapped it up. Who knows?

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  25. Just imagine if Bush had said that. Oh, the outrage !!!

    JD (ae93de)

  26. A lot of people laugh at tin-eared comments. Some of the laughers are idiots or insensitive. And some are tittering at the inappropriateness of it.

    Maybe. I just feel like a hypocrite laughing at it when a friend does it and being outrageously outraged when Obama does it. And yes, before anyone says anything, I get why we want to hold Obama to a higher standard than the sort of dick jokes a buddy might make. I’m just tired of politically calculated outrage.

    Allahpundit (06eb6b)

  27. True dat, JD.

    But it’s different when something stupid is said by an evil man, as we all know Bush to be.

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  28. I think Allah means accessible in the Americans With Disabilities way. Obama is really being classy, could you imagine the outrage if Bush had said this?

    Joe (17aeff)

  29. Obama is really being classy, could you imagine the outrage if Bush had said this?

    No, he wasn’t being classy, he just wasn’t being so unclassy that I’m going to cry myself to sleep tonight over it.

    Allahpundit (06eb6b)

  30. Southern Appeal is on it too.

    Joe (17aeff)

  31. No, he wasn’t being classy, he just wasn’t being so unclassy that I’m going to cry myself to sleep tonight over it.

    Well, anyone who makes a huge deal out of it is clearly using it to make a political point.

    I just happen to think it’s worth some mockery. That’s different from outrage.

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  32. Obama is really being classy, could you imagine the outrage if Bush had said this?

    I said this.

    No, he wasn’t being classy, he just wasn’t being so unclassy that I’m going to cry myself to sleep tonight over it.

    Allah said this.

    IRONY:  1. the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning: the irony of her reply, “How nice!” when I said I had to work all weekend.

    I guess you did not catch my intent.

    Joe (17aeff)

  33. I understand Allahpundit’s point about the overall significance of Obama’s remark. Still I’m with Patterico that mockery of the Obama is the consequence.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  34. It was a throw away remark. In causual conversation no rational person would be offended by a rather lame joke (except for a liberal looking to skewwer a conservative). But when you are President of the United States, you have to be careful the jokes you make.

    So mock away!

    Joe (17aeff)

  35. So first “Teh One” makes disparaging remarks about Nicole Simpson’s weight and on SuperBowl Sunday, which is fair game I guess, with her being a republican and all.

    Now he is disparaging the handicap and just because he sucks at bowling.
    I guess the economy can wait for a few parties and bowling frames, its better off during that time anyways.

    The guy has parties to attend and bowling to do, does he ever really do any work?
    Or does he just sit around and insult Americans and Foreigner Dignitaries?

    It looks like Rev. Wrong was Wright, “the chickens are coming home to roost.”

    ML (14488c)

  36. I just happen to think it’s worth some mockery. That’s different from outrage.

    Fair enough.

    Allahpundit (06eb6b)

  37. it’s really poor taste, but not surprising from this guy who does not have any class.

    Oh, and when will people begin to wake up and realize he is NOT a great communicator?

    exceller (d9d2b3)

  38. Teleprompter, teleprompter,
    Won’t you tell me what is proper?

    nk (0a1ba0)

  39. He really has a way with words, doesn’t he?

    I can give him a pass on a bit of politically incorrect clumsiness, if you will. Even more so since it has to be placed in the context of really absurd recent gaffes from the guy, like his thanking himself for hosting a party at the White House on St Patrick’s Day.

    Moreover, I’m far more concerned with the way he deals with other people’s words, namely whack-jobs like Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers.

    Mark (411533)

  40. Just to be clear, had this been Bush, the MSM would have savaged his insensitivity. Pelosi would have had a press conference with all of the greivance groups demanding apologies and increased funding for communoty organizers to show contrition.

    JD (ae93de)

  41. I agree with JD on this one as well. The nature of the comment isn’t something to get upset about, but it would have certainly caused an interest group to protest or write letters had W said this. Yet we know there will be no video compilations of Obama’s gaffes on Letterman and Stewart as was the case with W.

    Apogee (f4320c)

  42. I just think he’s a douchebag.

    Dan Collins (4dc2da)

  43. Was that like a wheelchair accessible joke, Allah?

    Dan Collins (4dc2da)

  44. Obama: What’s the difference between St. Patricks’ Day and Martin Luther King Day?

    Teleprompter: (Can’t say it. Make your own punchline).

    nk (0a1ba0)

  45. He’s an awfully condescending c*cks*cker, for one so compassionate. Really, though, we all know that those Special Olympians all should have been aborted before they were brought to term. Hahahahahahahaha.

    Dan Collins (4dc2da)

  46. […] What a douchebag our new Preznit is. Posted by Dan Collins @ 1:31 am | Trackback Share This […]

    Thou Shalt Not Not Commit Abortion [Dan Collins] (7a2640)

  47. Now that we know the disabled are fair game, I’ll play:

    When the teleprompter jams and Obama is stuck on “Uh” because he can’t find the words, he should say he’s having a Helen Keller moment.

    After bumping his head on Marine One, Obama should explain he’s really one of Jerry’s Kids.

    Not that funny, is it?

    I’m with Patterico. Obama has two big tin ears.

    Anon (eb4fed)

  48. Goddam cripples. Can’t even stand on their two feet.

    nk (0a1ba0)

  49. Maybe it wasn’t politically incorrect but it certainly wasn’t something a president should say. (IMHO) Would be interesting to know if this was on the cue cards or he made it up himself.

    Everyday is a new screwup for big O.

    PatAZ (9d1bb3)

  50. At least Biden would never screw up like that! Actually, I felt somewhat sorry for Biden on that one, it was obviously a gaffe and he was embarassed about it. It was worth some mockery because Biden is worth mocking, but I got his intent. I am not so sure about Obama’s. I think the guy is starting to believe his own fawning press–although the way things are going that is going to become rarer and rarer.

    Joe (17aeff)

  51. This is the crowd that gave the British Prime Minister a gift of a boxed set of DVD’s that were coded for North America and could not be played on a British player/TV.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  52. so is the position du jour that Obama doesnt need to worry about what he says but Rush still needs to analyze every single syllable to make sure it cant be construed in any possible way other than what he intends it to mean?

    chas (53215d)

  53. You know, they ought to have their own television station: Crippleodeon! Hahahahahahahahaha!

    Dan Collins (4dc2da)

  54. “Jay, I just flew in from Washington, DC, and boy, are my arms tired. . . “

    Official Internet Data Office (572971)

  55. SPQR – Doesn’t PM Brown have a malady that is effecting his vision?

    JD (ae93de)

  56. Thanks for the h/t, Patterico. First ever.

    JD (ae93de)

  57. Obama’s Special Olympics comment is geting some legs.

    I am not so outraged as much as curious if Obama is treated even 10% as badly as Bush would have been for saying something like this. I would interpret the Obamessiah’s intent as insensitive inteptitude with a touch of narcisism.

    Joe (17aeff)

  58. Okay, why’s Allah not seeing the gaffe here?

    It wouldn’t be all that hard to find a few dozen other things he felt were worth mentioning.

    Pendleton (7f8d26)


    Any word on whether the death of Ms Richardson could have been avoided if 2 Canadian hospitals had a CT or MRI????

    Jimminy'cricket (637168)

  60. “Jay, I just flew in from Washington, DC, and boy, are my ears tired. . . “

    Official Internet Data Office (572971)

  61. Here’s hoping he’ll use this as an opportunity to bring us together for a national dialogue about our attitudes towards the disabled.

    Hogan (7163c6)

  62. If Patterico has any more updates, we will have to start calling him Gleeeeeeenerico.


    JD (ae93de)

  63. Allah’s on the rag, today. Bear with him.

    nk (0a1ba0)

  64. It was ill-advised for the President to go on Leno.

    And, this remark was not, what shall I say, not a good one.

    But, it will be ignored. But, just imagine if Bush had said it.

    Ag80 (d205da)

  65. Actually, I felt somewhat sorry for Biden on that one

    I think what’s far more ridiculous is when he stated that Roosevelt gave his famous fireside chats on the TV, and the great stock-market crash of 1929 occurred while FDR was in the White House. I mean even I, hardly a historian or a buff of history, would know better than to make such claims.

    But come to think of it — and since Jay Leno is indirectly a part of this topic — Biden reminds me of one of those people interviewed during Leno’s “Jaywalking” segments. People out on the street who are so painfully ignorant about even basic aspects of current events, you can’t help but shake your head and say, “do those people live in caves or on another planet?!”

    Then there’s Joe Biden’s boss (aka “The One”) telling Barbara Walters that the Gettysburg Address was signed in the White House room now known as the Lincoln Bedroom instead of the Emancipation Proclamation. Uh, hey, Barack, a speech is going to be (or needs to be) signed just like a legal/legislative document is required to be signed?

    These folks are like out of a bad TV sitcom or drama. Then again, has a truly impressive or at least serious-minded president — at least since the advent of the modern age of broadcasting — ever appeared (certainly in a major segment) on a late-night TV entertainment show—even more so only a few months since his inaguration?

    Mark (411533)

  66. After looking over at Hot Air, I’m getting the feeling that maybe Ed M. and our host feel the same way about this.

    Allah on the other hand? Still making friends.

    Pendleton (7f8d26)

  67. I forgot to say: Go look at the newswires. Nary a mention.

    Ag80 (d205da)

  68. Allah- think of it this way. Some of us don’t want a President who dumbs down, jokes like a drinkin buddy, does a late night gig. IT IS unbecoming how he has degraded the office. I have 4 beautiful healthy children and this DID offend me. HE IS THE DANCING WITH THE STARS/AMERICAN IDOL President!! Nothing absolutely nothing to be proud of. Period. Guess what a lot of people think like me.

    karen (5881f8)

  69. There is nothing to fear, but Simon Cowell himself!

    Eric Blair (8d54e0)

  70. Allah’s on the rag, today. Bear with him.


    Where’s that Britney Spears guy when you need him?

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  71. Patterico, I pronounce you politically correct!

    Allah like substance (7f8d26)

  72. Allah’s on the rag, today. Bear with him.


    Where’s that Britney Spears guy when you need him?

    Comment by Patterico — 3/19/2009 @ 8:25 pm

    Allahu Patterico Akhbar!

    nk (0a1ba0)

  73. Look: can’t you just let Allah eat his waffle?

    Eric Blair (8d54e0)

  74. Seriously, the dude takes enough shit at his own blog.

    And the outrage over this is stupid. He’s right. I don’t see much of it — but the people who are acting all bent out of shape (see NRO) are taking advantage.

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  75. Okay, now honestly, there is a schism here.

    Allah: I know what he meant.

    Patterico: He should have been more careful.

    Pendleton (7f8d26)

  76. He does take a lot of shit at his blog.

    And of course I also agree with Patterico, no outrage needed, just good natured mocking of the tin ear Teleprompter POTUS.

    It sure beats that evil Bush derangement syndrom.

    ML (14488c)

  77. […] update Patterico, throwing a wildly off-target haymaker our way, writes: So how do you categorize Obama’s statement? Poor judgment? Thoughtlessness? Or TELLING IT LIKE […]

    Talkshow presidential (7a2640)

  78. And I think the offence is taken the wrong way.
    President Obama meant it as a personal put down, while I consider it a put down of all handicap persons.

    ML (14488c)

  79. Expressed in other terms, Allah holds the “TELLING IT LIKE IT IS” position.

    Pendleton (7f8d26)

  80. Hey, I like Allah. I don’t remember ever being mean to him. I remember being mean once or twice to you, Patterico. I hope everything is well with him.

    nk (0a1ba0)

  81. Thank goodness we dodged that deranged Palin. What, with her sensitivity to the special needs kids and all.

    Chris (a24890)

  82. Obama had better get things under control soon because the teleprompter is getting pissed.

    Jimminy, we will not know until some trauma center guy spills the beans at a surgery meeting in a couple of years. That’s how we heard about Princess Grace and Princess Diana, both of whom might be alive if they were in the US at the time of their accidents.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  83. The greivance pimps should be out in force tomorrow.

    JD (ae93de)

  84. Patterico said:

    Seriously, the dude takes enough shit at his own blog.

    And the outrage over this is stupid. He’s right. I don’t see much of it — but the people who are acting all bent out of shape (see NRO) are taking advantage.

    I do agree. As others have said, though, what if Bush had said this? It was a not an intelligent thing to say. Public figures have to know that they’re always on. When they fail, they should be called on it.

    And, the very expensive people they hire to help them, should be held accountable, also.

    Ag80 (d205da)

  85. Mike K,

    How come you and Brother Bradley J. Fikes C.O.R. have the same URL?

    nk (0a1ba0)

  86. Since the guy now in the White House apparently is quite gung-ho about late-term abortions, I don’t think it’s too much of a stretch to suspect his evoking “Special Olympics” on the Leno show in an unflattering way really was a Freudian slip revealing biases on his part of “go away, kid, you’re bugging me.”

    Or sort of a variation of Mr Green-Earth Obama saying he loves gas-hogging SUVs, or Mr Compassion Obama being a tightwad when his tax returns over the past few years indicated he and his wife couldn’t be described as exactly generous in charitable contributions.

    Mark (411533)

  87. Of course, I would think nothing of such a comment, coming from a friend in a casual setting. Maybe we need to lower the bar and let our president have such moments on a freaking comedy show. I don’t know. What I do know is that if, God forbid, a republican did such a thing, we’d hear about it for around 12 years.

    All in all, no big deal – honestly, many of these so-called faux pas are actually endearing. Bowling a 129, not so much. Plus, I’m pretty sure that he bowled a 37, not a 129.

    Anyway, it all boils down to whether you want your President to be able to tell dick jokes. With Clinton, the answer was yes. With Bush, not so much. Apparently, Obama is ushering in the 90’s retro night new age of Presidential humor.

    Lastly, Obama is a pussy for not going on talk radio.

    carlitos (efdd90)

  88. Obama’s more shocking recent quote was that rich people can afford to pay more taxes and that will pay for universial health care. “It’s not like they’re goin’ to go to the poor house.” They made their money in the 90’s.

    On the bright side, at least the Special Olympics comment is narrowing the area of political correctness. The funny thing was that Obama’s joke wasn’t.

    Alta Bob (b332ce)

  89. _______________________________________

    Actually, I felt somewhat sorry for Biden on that one

    I think what’s far more ridiculous is when he stated that Roosevelt gave his famous fireside chats on the TV — in the 1930s — and the great stock-market crash of 1929 occurred while FDR was in the White House. I mean even I, hardly a historian or history buff, would know better than to make such claims.

    But come to think of it — and since Jay Leno is indirectly a part of this topic — Biden reminds me of one of those people interviewed during Leno’s “Jaywalking” segments. People out on the street who are so painfully ignorant about even basic aspects of current events or newsmakers, you can’t help but shake your head and say, “do those people live in a cave or on another planet?!”

    Then there’s Joe Biden’s boss (aka “The One”) telling Barbara Walters that the Gettysburg Address, and not the Emancipation Proclamation, was signed in the part of the White House now known as the Lincoln Bedroom. Uh, hey, Barack, a speech is going to be (or needs to be) signed just like a legal/legislative document is required to be signed?

    These folks are like out of a bad TV sitcom or drama. Then again, has a really presidential, if you will, or at least serious-minded president — at least since the advent of the age of modern broadcasting — ever appeared on (certainly in a major segment of) a late-night TV entertainment show—even more so only a few months following his inaguration?

    Mark (411533)

  90. I saw no “outrage” on HotAir. I saw people mocking Obama for this, and critcizing Allah for telling people to “lay off.”

    Re: post 71 by patterico

    Allahpundit deserves every ounce of shit he takes on “his own blog,” that he happens to share with another blogger. He has no problem being “outraged” when Ann Coulter or Rush Limbaugh say something he finds, “offensive.”

    Allah can go pound sand if he thinks he’s going to tell what to say and what to think.

    JannyMae (549b82)

  91. nk,
    I share the same URL with Dr. Capt. Mike K. because I contribute to his blog. Here is my latest entry.

    Speaking of the teleprompter, here is another blog, Barack Obama’s Teleprompter, which I heard today from Rush Limbaugh while receiving my instructions on how to undermine the MSM.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (0ea407)

  92. Mike K., thanks for that link. Iowahawk is a comic genius who deserves more praise than I can possibly bestow.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (0ea407)

  93. i believe that the bottom line is this:

    in the future, Ear Leader should not be allowed to speak in public unless he is using the little yellow podium, as well as being equipped with a child safe teleprompter and all the other necessary safety gear: helmet, elbow and knee pads, gloves, mouth guard and a signed note from his guardian…..

    redc1c4 (9c4f4a)

  94. The comment itself is funny.

    But this is in the context of Obama being called (and probably demanding he is called, via his minions on secretive MSM message boards) a great orator, and Bush being called some kind of neanderthal. In that context, it’s offensive that Obama thinks I’m stupid enough to buy this crap.

    Obama is dumber than Bush. He is less articulate and he knows it.

    Juan (4cdfb7)

  95. “…but the people who are acting all bent out of shape (see NRO)…”


    I went to NRO: there’s two posts at The Corner, and one’s a joke.

    Where do you find any statements leading you to conclude “people” are “bent out of shape” at NRO?

    easyliving1 (730ca9)

  96. If you go out bowling with your crowd and one of your friends bowls like shit and says he is ready for the special olympics, would you resent the comment? 99% of Americans don’t have a serious problem with it and would be inclined to take offense at those making an issue about it.

    It reminds me of the limey gift hubbub that was designed to gain sympathy for Obama since it played to the gift anxiety of people worried that their gift giving won’t be appreciated.

    j curtis (2ccada)

  97. “Where do you find any statements leading you to conclude “people” are “bent out of shape” at NRO?”

    Well, for one thing, I didn’t say “people” were bent out of shape at NRO. Read what I said again. People are bent out of shape. For an example, see NRO:

    How do you top trying to make injured veterans pay for treating their own war wounds? Maybe by making fun of disabled athletes.

    Hoo-kay then.

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  98. Can any of you explain to me, in English, the concept of monetizing our debt? Did we just buy $1,000,000,000,000 of our own debt? How does that work?

    JD (ae93de)

  99. When you mock a woman’s weight, or mock a Down syndrome person, or typical white people, it means you are a jerk. Obama is not the Messiah or even an especially interesting bad guy. He is simply a jerk, with a high school sophomore’s idea of government.

    We are doomed.

    Patricia (2183bb)

  100. Patricia, I think his intent was to mock himself, and not the Special Olympians. It was a thoughtless comment made in poor taste — a real gaffe for Mr. Articulate. But let’s not have a bunch of wailing and gnashing of teeth. If we do that, that just makes us look like the stupider folk among the liberal set.

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  101. that just makes us look like the stupider folk among the liberal set.

    I pray at night that I won’t say something that makes me look like stupid folk to the liberal set. Liberals are like Gods.

    j curtis (edb962)

  102. I pray at night that I won’t say something that makes me look like stupid folk to the liberal set.

    You should worry more about looking like the stupid folk among the liberal set.

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  103. Somehow the other thread became the Obama/Special Olympics thread. Weird. But whatever.

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  104. […] Our Famously Articulate President in Action […]

    The Inarticulate and Unfunny President « Gunservatively! (88a07c)

  105. UPDATE x3: Commenter JD observes: “Just imagine if Bush had said that. Oh, the outrage!!!”

    Bush, hell. Commenter JHoward observes: Just imagine if Limbaugh had said that. Oh, the outrage!!!

    JHoward (19e053)

  106. I don’t know if this is insensitive or not, but I have gotten the impression that the entire Obama administration is a big Special Olympics event.

    WilliamP (519ac8)

  107. JHoward, Rush will have a field day with this today, to be sure.

    What has happened to Allah? Lost all sense of humor?

    Peg C. (48175e)

  108. Well Peg C., we do need to be careful what we say. Lest we offend.

    JHoward (19e053)

  109. He’s an awfully condescending c*cks*cker, for one so compassionate. Really, though, we all know that those Special Olympians all should have been aborted before they were brought to term. Hahahahahahahaha.

    Comment by Dan Collins — 3/19/2009 @ 7:30 pm

    Precisely. Coming from President “leave-babies-in-a-closet-to-die” Obama this is an entirely consistent condescending comment.

    Drinking buddies’ jokes aside, Obama doesn’t seem to realize that he is President of the United States now. Wrong-region Wal-Mart DVDs for diplomats and short-bus jokes are out.

    Also, the man is, quite simply, a jerk.

    no one you know (1ebbb1)

  110. I don’t know guys…..but the lack of arrogance in Obama’s persona (at least on camera…his ‘coolness is another thing) puts Obama safely in league with his fellow Special Olympians. He was more or less saying I am one of them “differently”-abled folks, not making fun of them. That’s why the outrage isn’t building. He’s got those girlie legs for instance as the Governator mentions. Not as classy as FDR hiding his disability while secretly gaining from it, but self deprecation goes a long way (as Reagan sometimes made a little fun of himself except for his huge inauguration palace expenses…he thought he was emperor or something or was that for Nancy?)

    Allahput’s on the same wavelength as most Americans.

    datadave (e4a0b9)

  111. #90 The Fed simply prints another $1 Trillion in greenbacks. You’d think that would mean we’d turn into some version of post-WWI Germany or Mugabe’s Zimbabwe. I mean aren’t more dollars chasing fewer goods? But I’ve also read that all the stimulus stuff is deflationary and the price of gold will plummet. Doesn’t seem to matter to the moonbats here as they still worship their magic negro and are still living the good life.

    102 Reagan’s inauguration expenses? That’s funny- as if O’Dumbo’s self-idolatry didn’t forge new limits for wasteful spending and kitsch. Someone might research the comparative costs. In any case, blame it on Bush and decry how much money Bush wasted with a lib Congress in charge of spending versus Obama’s prudent guidance? That Treasury Secretary sure it one big incompetent assclown.

    aoibhneas (0c6cfc)

  112. Patterico and Tapper also missed the ‘waterhead’ slur against the disabled too. I would have missed it, but a more worldly wise poster pointed out that ‘waterhead’ is slang for a person with Down’s syndrome or retarded. So two slurs against the ‘disabled’ in one sit down.
    As for the ‘waterheads’ in Obama’s Administration, well, there’s Geithner, Biden, the Russian translation department at State, and the state visit gift to foreign dignitaries ‘guy’:

    Remember those 25 DVDs that Mr. Obama gave as heartfelt presents to PM Brown on his state visit a few weeks ago. Some of us jokingly stated that Obama gave Brown USA region DVDs unplayable in Britain, whereas other posters gave Obama the benefit of the doubt and said even Obama and Hillary weren’t that clueless to give wrong region DVDs to PM Brown on such a special and important occasion.
    Well, the NY Post reports on p.10, on March 20, 2009 that PM Brown decided to pop one of Pres. Obama’s gift DVDs into the DVD player, when these words appeared on the screen, “WRONG REGION!” So it looks like Pres. Obama’s State Department is even more clueless than we believed. (Well after the State Department’s Russian interpreters couldn’t even translate ‘reset’ into Russian, I maybe understated our disbelief a smidgeon).

    eaglewingz08 (e40a12)

  113. BTW if the press discovers that ‘waterhead’ is a slur for the disabled, will they treat this like the ‘macaca’ moment of former Sen. Allen of Virginia?
    Yes, and I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.

    eaglewingz08 (e40a12)

  114. #89 Read what I said again.

    I can’t find it now. Did you remove that comment after further consideration?

    easyliving1 (730ca9)

  115. […] …, USA Today, Perfunction, The Caucus, Michelle Malkin, The Cloakroom, The Strata-Sphere, TBogg, Patterico’s Pontifications, Don Surber, NO QUARTER,, Wizbang,, Hugh Hewitt’s […]

    Cheat Seeking Missiles » You Just Can’t Teleprompt Live (050349)

  116. JD,

    I’m no expert. Obama might say I am in the economics special olympics.


    The treasury needs money, but, no one (Chinese) wants to buy our T bills any more. So, they print more money and “monetize” the debt instead of borrowing it. The Treasury is writing an IOU to itself. The end result is the value of the dollar goes down.

    Someone else equated it to coin clipping done by kings of the past.

    With the talk of a global currency it makes me wonder.

    Mr B (a1dfad)

  117. Well, I don’t think “jerk” is over the top. I would perhaps take back “doomed.” I know he was mocking himself, just like when he mocked Jessica Simpson. It was something that a president should not have said, period, and he has done this type of thing a lot.

    Patricia (2183bb)

  118. Well, I don’t think “jerk” is over the top. I would perhaps take back “doomed.” I know he was mocking himself, just like when he mocked Jessica Simpson. It was something that a president should not have said, period, and he has done this type of thing a lot. He’s the SNL president.

    Patricia (2183bb)

  119. And WHO is surprised by this gauche and downright cruel comment? No different than his classless cheap-shot on 90-yr-old Nancy Reagan in his first presser.

    Trouble is that the REAL Barack tends to leak-out when he’s not hard-wired to a TelePrompTer-

    Narcissists are often callous- and even ruthless. They tend to lack empathy and/or a conscience. This is evident in Obama’s lack of interest in his own half-brother who lives in poverty in Kenya, or his aunt found living in public housing in Boston.

    Obama’s almost certainly a pathological narcissist… the most dangerous charismatic leaders are, comes from an insecure childhood (like Barack’s).

    Indicators include control freakery, grandiose self-importance, feeling “above the law”, interpersonally exploitive, inability to handle criticism, lack of empathy, arrogant behavior, surrounds himself with sycophants… sound familiar?

    Obama is a mess- and his insecurities, bad childhood, and irresponsible, far-left-wierdo mother are now all OUR problem, too-

    Reaganite Republican (8edd75)

  120. Obama Nation heads quick to point out the Bush factor, according to a story from TSR reporters at This Week’s Top Scrooge.

    Obama says he inherited bad humor from Bush.

    TheScroogeReport (08d73a)

  121. Dataless – Did you just criticize Reagan for his extavagant inaugurations? Did you you just imply that these expenses meant he thought of himself as Emperor???

    Did you forget the recent past, oh lets say last January 20th.

    Patterico you need a better class of trolls, these are broken.

    Have Blue (974cdf)

  122. Obama is so classy…..

    Mr. President, I know your efforts to help the economy by bailing everyone out are failing miserably….but don’t take out your frustration on mentally challenged kids.
    When you said “change” I thought you meant good change. I didn’t know you meant depression, filling out college basketball brackets, and late night TV appearances.

    Cnet (99a0cf)

  123. Dan is right, the guy is for want of a more colorful word, clueless. And I suspect that it didn’t cross his mind that he’d said anything inappropriate until an aide yelled into his earwig.

    RR Ryan (8c1d6b)

  124. […] how do you categorize Obama’s statement?” asks Patterico. “Poor judgment? Thoughtlessness? Or TELLING IT LIKE IT IS?!?! Don’t […]

    Weekend Opinionator: Obama’s Communication Breakdown - The Opinionator Blog - (0fa76b)

  125. He has hurt many families in America. He needs to say he is sorry in the public, not to some organization.

    During the campaign for the White House in 2008, the media criticized Palin for being ‘common,’ ‘not-polished,’ ‘not-compassionate’ and ‘not presidential.’ However, compare Sarah Palins attitude in this video created three weeks ago for the Special Olympics in Boise, Idaho.

    You decide the more ‘presidential’ among them:

    jordan (c80c29)

  126. […] how do you categorize Obama’s statement?” asks Patterico. “Poor judgment? Thoughtlessness? Or TELLING IT LIKE IT IS?!?! Don’t get me […]

    Psst: Obama; Biden Was Supposed To Be the Gaffe Prone Guy « Peace and Freedom Global Future (7fb84b)

  127. “So how do you categorize Obama’s statement? Poor judgment? Thoughtlessness? Or TELLING IT LIKE IT IS?!?!”

    Assholery? I’ll agree with Patterico that “It was a thoughtless comment made in poor taste” for which he ought to apologize, which he has.

    The guy is President of the United States, not some drunk fool at a bowling alley, and if 99% of Americans would give the drunk fool a pass it does not follow that the holder of the highest office in the land should get a pass.

    Obama ran for President; the election last fall was not an attempt by American Idol to pick a hip hop comedian.

    Last thought – just because I often think that liberal standards are phony and politically opportunistic, it does not follow that I don’t believe in any standards at all.

    Tom Maguire (a6ba88)

  128. What is troubling more than the foot-in-mouthery, is the President apologized after being advised to, not because he instinctively and immediately realized he had put said foot in mouth. The clip shows him giggling at his own blunder.

    Given the PM Brown gift glitch and this, one might be a little concerned about how he will address consequential world-figures who aren’t necessarily our friends….people skills don’t seem to be his strength.

    Dana (cbd391)

  129. As someone over at The New Yorker posted in response to a Peter Robinson article,
    he is an empty suit Howdy Doody,
    who says what is on the TOTUS,
    signs whatever is put in front of him,
    and has not an original thought….

    and we elected him President!

    AD - RtR/OS (6252e2)

  130. I think the paradigm, or essence, of what’s wrong with “The One” is best summed up by his relationship with Jeremiah Wright.

    I’ve mulled that matter over in my mind for several months, trying to flip the example around, trying to imagine my reaction to a conservative politician embracing an ultra-rightwing preacher man—favoring him so much that he’d be picked as a major advisor (as Obama did with Wright), much less having him preside over the politician’s marrige ceremony.

    Or, for that matter, trying to imagine my personally having to scrutinize and judge someone before deciding to confide in him (or her) and making him a close, trusted advisor.

    In either case, whether observing the behavior of Obama towards a “Goddamn America” fanatic, or, say, the scenario of Reagan or Bush embracing and coddling a neurotic, “I hate Jews!” “blacks are the devil!” fundamentalist minister, I’d conclude there was a big, big problem there, with both the advisor and, if you will, the advisee.

    Mark (411533)

  131. Even when you get beyond who BHO surrounded himself with in his early days, the current crop of advisers and confidants is not exactly awe-inspiring.
    Geithner…the financial wizard;
    Gibbs…the stumble bum mouthpiece;
    Shinseki…the military genius who thinks the war injured should pay for their own medical care;
    LaHood…who just knows that 97 Mexican trucks will completely destroy the transportation business;
    Hillary….who can’t find a competent translator;
    Rom…a nicely dressed street-thug from Chi-town with very questionable judgement;
    and, what does it say that the Intel shops are overseen by someone (Blair) who had no reservations about Chas Freeman?

    Which brings us to TOTUS….who is the gnome in the back room putting words in the mouth of the marionette?

    AD - RtR/OS (6252e2)

  132. […] how do you categorize Obama’s statement?” asks Patterico. “Poor judgment? Thoughtlessness? Or TELLING IT LIKE IT IS?!?! Don’t get me […]

    Hillary Is 44 » Blog Archive » Big Media Weasels Turn On Boob Obama (655ad4)

  133. This whole thing is so funny. Our culture is hyper-sensitive about almost everything, thanks to the whining squishes on the left…yet it’s the lefties’ own supreme leader that is doing the offending! Delicious irony there.

    Dana (137151)

  134. No worries, Dana. As a member of an “oppressed group,” the man is exempt from that kind of criticism.

    Just watch.

    He has spent his entire life being told everything he did and said was just dandy. This job, POTUS, will be different (at least outside the DNC and MSM). It’ll be interesting to see his outrage develop.

    Can’t people just let him eat his waffle? And watch for Vulcan neck pinches on journalists who annoy him.

    Eric Blair (61dcb2)

  135. But Eric Blair, I’m a oppressed multi-group member: AmericanIndian, Jewish, female, Christian, Conservative and…and….left-handed! I top him yet I could never (nor would I ever) make such a blunder without coals being heaped on my head. 🙂

    Dana (137151)

  136. Comment by Dana — 3/21/2009 @ 3:07 pm

    Well, don’t expect people to say nice things about you when you hang out with a bunch of RW, Redneck, Peckerwood, Neanderthals.

    AD - RtR/OS (a3a038)

  137. Barcky is left-handed too, Dana.

    Oliver “I keep Dolly Madison in business all by myself” Willis once told us that it is racist to call him articulate. Or clean.

    JD (138f58)

  138. […] who today claim to back up Letterman’s right to tell an “edgy” joke). I just mocked Obama as someone less articulate than advertised — and then mocked him again. But there were […]

    Patterico’s Pontifications » Steven Crowder: Barack Obama Mocking Special Olympians, Wanda Sykes, and David Letterman Are All Hilarious (e4ab32)

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