Patterico's Pontifications


Howard Kurtz Profiles Jake Tapper

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 8:13 pm

Nice piece about one of the few reporters willing to challenge Obama.

87 Responses to “Howard Kurtz Profiles Jake Tapper”

  1. You know, this piece made me like Tapper less, not more. The whole thing about writing that he went out with Monica Lewinsky because he thought it would be an easy one-night stand — jeeze man, show a little bit of discretion in what you report.

    JVW (cb0a16)

  2. Well, it’s TRUE isn’t it? The man is at least honest…

    Scott Jacobs (90ff96)

  3. Sure it’s true, but it is also gratuitous. I mean, look at it this way: If you are that hard-up, why broadcast it to the world? Besides that, doesn’t it seem to be an unnecessary roughness foul on his part? I mean, we all know what kind of girl Monica is (was?), do we really need one more lame journalist to write about it?

    JVW (cb0a16)

  4. Jake Tapper is just about the only honest reporter in the entire liberal media.

    Daryl Herbert (b65640)

  5. JVW, that wasn’t a NEW piece, but one from that time.

    Scott Jacobs (90ff96)

  6. JVW, that wasn’t a NEW piece, but one from that time.

    Doesn’t matter to me. It’s still a classless move to report on your personal matters: “I heard she was an easy piece so I asked her out and — ho, ho, ho — it turns out she was servicing the President. What a crazy world!”

    [Comment edited]

    JVW (cb0a16)

  7. Tapper spreading falsehoods recently:

    About taxes. What do you think Patterico?

    Andrew (fc155e)

  8. Yeah Andrew… Because the people backing the TPC are completely unbiased…

    Scott Jacobs (90ff96)

  9. Though I’m hardly shocked you bought the BS about who’s paying more taxes…

    Scott Jacobs (90ff96)

  10. If you accept the Soros numbers as true, 481,000+ small businesses are having their taxes raised by Baracky, Andrew.

    JD (2d2bfc)

  11. I think that if Media Matters says it, you shouldn’t believe it. As news outlets go, they’re like The Onion, only not funny.

    Pablo (99243e)

  12. Andrew, have you run the numbers for taxes yet? Remember, you said you’d be able to increase total tax receipts by 150% in order to make good Obama’s deficit — I’m still waiting on how you’re going to do that.

    Rob Crawford (04f50f)

  13. Tapper later reported that “President Obama would push an additional $353 billion in new tax hikes on businesses,” and aired Sen. Judd Gregg’s (R-NH) assertion that, “So, if you’ve got a restaurant or you have a small business, then you’re getting hit now with a tax rate that’s gonna jump from 35 percent up to 41 percent,” suggesting that all small businesses would face a tax increase under Obama’s proposal to let the top marginal income tax rate increase from 35 percent to 39.6 percent as scheduled.

    They read something into what was said that really wasn’t said, then damn you for saying it despite your not having done so. This is who the lying crapweasels are and this is what lying crapweasels do.

    Tapper should know better than to have the audacity to challenge The One. I wonder when he’s going to make Worst Person in the World.

    Pablo (99243e)

  14. Media Matters, like Hacks, is the kind of place that will piss on your leg and try to tell you it is raining.

    JD (2d2bfc)

  15. Lying mendoucheous crapweasels is what they are. Is that Liver Willis person still writing for them, screaming racism at articulate people, and eating Twinkies and HoHo’s by the truck full?

    JD (2d2bfc)

  16. So, Andrew, it appears that Media Matters is the one spreading falsehoods, not Tapper.

    As Rob noted abve, we await your ideas on how best to implement your confiscatory tax structure in order to produce 150 percent of current revenue.

    JD (2d2bfc)

  17. About taxes. What do you think Patterico?

    Continued hilarity regarding Andy’s furious attempts to ignore the uncomfortable questions about actually proving his many inane economic theories – why not just ask Soros all about it, and post it here, in full? Oh, that’s right – you already did…never mind.

    Dmac (49b16c)

  18. Gregg told Tapper: So, if you’ve got a restaurant or you have a small business, then you’re getting hit now with a tax rate that’s gonna jump from 35 percent up to 41 percent. Well, where do you pay for that? You lay people off.

    No, Gregg. IF you’ve got a restaurant or you have a small business and your income exceeds the amount in question, then your tax rate will jump that much. Why chop off that part?

    It’s like saying that “if you are a baseball player, you will be suspended next year” when referring to baseball players who test positive for steroids next year.”

    Perfect analogy.

    Andrew (0e3d38)

  19. Dummerer than a sack of Andrews

    JD (2d2bfc)

  20. Andeeyy (in the sound of Aunt Bea’s voice) only needs to talk to himself in order to convince others of the merits of his arguments. Hell, facts are for sissies, right, Andeeyy?

    Dmac (49b16c)

  21. Perfect analogy

    Here’s another – what’s the difference between Andeeyyy’s cranial capacity and a bucket of sh-t?

    – the bucket.

    Dmac (49b16c)

  22. Andrew, where’s that math on taxes? Remember, to reach the goal you set, you have to bring in 150% more revenue — now, where’s that going to come from?

    Rob Crawford (04f50f)

  23. Rob C – Why the rich, of course.

    JD (2d2bfc)

  24. …now, where’s that going to come from?

    Unicorn poo. It’s said to be pure gold.

    Old Coot (7721b8)

  25. No, Gregg. IF you’ve got a restaurant or you have a small business and your income exceeds the amount in question, then your tax rate will jump that much. Why chop off that part?

    IF your restaurant or small business doesn’t take in $684.00 a day, you’re either not trying or you’re not very good at what you do. And if it does make that or more, you’re going to lose 72% of your deductions. BTW, that assumes a family business WITHOUT a second income. If there’s a spouse making $50K elsewhere, then your business only needs to take in $548 a day for you to be “rich”.

    Pablo (99243e)

  26. Perfect analogy.

    No, because the baseball scenario requires that you be cheating before you’re penalized. Unless you view making a profit as cheating…

    Pablo (99243e)

  27. Pablo – Isn’t it nice to see a Leftist admit that they think taxes should be punitive?

    JD (2d2bfc)

  28. Weren’t there rich people in the 90’s? Going back to the 90’s tax rates makes all you crazies run around screaming about the sky falling!

    It’s just amazing what sets the righties off. Nothing that happened over the past few years ever upset the American Right as the idea of rich people returning to the marginal tax rates of the 1990’s! OMG, Grover Norquist. Come and save the richest 5% from the marginal tax rate of an evil 41%, even though none of us will have to pay it!!! Those poor rich folks are only 5% of the population, owning everything and having the only rising incomes of any Americans in the last 30 years, but if they don’t give us cake to eat, where will get our cake?

    Please, Grover, stop Bill gates from having to pay 9% more!

    You know what you guys need, besides a set of statistics that show median income growth over the last 30 years and a sense of perspective? A tax cut. They solve everything.*

    *Luckily, you’ll be getting one from the Obama administration. You can show ’em who’s the boss, though, and send that money to Limbaugh. Poor guy, he’s going to be paying 9% more on his 40 million. How will he survive? Dear lord, I hope he’s able to send you guys cake as you the bidding of the revanchist, New Deal hating kooks.

    timb (a83d56)

  29. Fuck off, stalker. You advocate theft, based on envy and hatred. You are a small pathetic little sad boy.

    JD (2d2bfc)

  30. Timmah, why do you care so much what we think? Ignore us.


    Rob Crawford (04f50f)

  31. Why can’t we return to the Bradley (Sen/D-NJ) Comprehensive Tax Overhaul of 1986?

    AD - RtR/OS (3120b9)

  32. As I’ve said elsewhere, I’m a small business, and my taxes are going up. I will buy less stuff, hire less help, and go fewer places. Me – I’m happy to sit at home and read a book one more night a week, but someone is missing some dinner checks, tips, valet guy, yada yada.

    carlitos (f13ec4)

  33. Timmah has no idea what you just said, Carlitos – can you redo your post in Highlights for Children – style?

    Dmac (49b16c)

  34. Timmah, why do you care so much what we think? Ignore us.

    The first time you think anything, Rob, will necessitate a group of medical doctors and biologists to note the fact. Oh, and stop following me.

    Oh, and dmac, carl maintains that all the time. Congrats for him. His anecdote is not policy and his threat bores me. Somehow, carl’s misunderstanding of a) taxes on net income, b) what’s good for carl’s valet might be health insurance and not the fiver carl just handed him out of noblesse oblige, c) that his side lost an election, d) supply side economics doesn’t work, and e) if he is such a wealthy man (and let’s just say I have my doubts), then 9% off the top won’t make him poor and not paying for health insurance for his employees will save him more money.

    But, the essence of right wing thought is short-sightedness. Thus, we have dmac, begging carlitos for cake. How cute.

    timb (a83d56)

  35. Isn’t it still naptime for you, timb?

    SPQR (72771e)

  36. The stalker is as predictable as it is tiresome. Caric must be ignring timmah. How sad.

    JD (2d2bfc)

  37. #37 Do you have anything besides name calling of supposed trolls to add to the discussion JD?

    I’m sure you do somewhere, but it’s awfully hard find.

    Sometimes it’s like finding a needle in a haystack.


    Oiram (983921)

  38. Sorry if my reaction to a stalker does not meet up to your standards, Mario.

    JD (2d2bfc)

  39. It is hard to underachieve when using mariO’s standards.

    AD - RtR/OS (3120b9)

  40. #38 No apology necessary JD.

    It’s just very difficult to believe someone you accuse of being a stalker……… is really a stalker.

    Based on your overwhelming attack of opposing point of views.

    Oiram (983921)

  41. Based on your inability to bowl, I can’t believe you’re a stock car driver.

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  42. #39 Oh hey Ad, you’ve got a touch of the dyslexic going around in this room too?

    Listen, just do a ratio comparison of your comments that discuss (I.E. #31) vs. your comments that only attack (I.E. #39).

    And then compare that to JD’s daily ratio.

    Sorry to rag on him, but he would be labeled a drive by “Troll” if he were on the other side of your aisle instead of a hero.

    Oiram (983921)

  43. #31…I was attacking.

    AD - RtR/OS (3120b9)

  44. Screw you, Mario. You obviously do not know timmah’s history, or do not care. Either way, I have no desire nor inclination to be anything remotely close to civil to it. Were you to debate in an hnest manner, you would get treated better. This is really abut your choices.

    JD (2d2bfc)

  45. IF your restaurant or small business doesn’t take in $684.00 a day, you’re either not trying or you’re not very good at what you do.

    Did you forget tu subtract the expenses?

    Andrew (8e2134)

  46. Did you mean to say “deduct” the expenses, Andrew?

    Pablo (99243e)

  47. Tapper is not without substantial flaws in his history. He was as guilty as Elisabeth Busmiller of the NYT and Marc Ambrister of The Atlantic of propagating the ridiculous — and easily disprovable falsehood — that Sarah Palin had been a member of what Democratic operatives were spinning as a radical secessionist party in Alaska.

    It took me less than two minutes of Googling to confirm that under Alaska law, someone who’s registered as a member of one party cannot legally be a member of another party simultaneously. And within a matter of hours after the accusations first surfaced on some left-wing blogs, the McCain-Palin campaign had provided conclusive proof that Gov. Palin had been a registered member of the Alaska GOP continuously since 1982. (It would have taken less time but for the fact that the rumor was begun over a weekend, and the publicly available voter registration records couldn’t be accessed until the following Monday.) But Tapper not only bought the disinformation hook, line, and sinker, and not only failed to note its weak sourcing, he failed to confess to his own journalistic malpractice in failing to consult public sources that would have conclusively disproved the hoax. Instead, he effectively turned himself and ABC News into an Obama disinformation tool and lent the falsehood whatever legitimacy ABC News can confer. Of course, his subsequent backtracking got only a fraction of the links and traffic that his initial falsehood did.

    My opinion was, and remains, that a misstep of this magnitude — one that could have so easily been avoided — ought to have been a firing offense at any news organization genuinely concerned with maintaining high journalistic standards. It’s only by virtue of a loose and relative standard, applied by reference to gaggles of political reporters indistinguishable from Democratic-crazed sewer rats, that Tapper seems diligent, brave, or open-minded.

    Beldar (16f3b1)

  48. Democrat-crazed sewer rats

    Bravo, Beldar!

    JD (2d2bfc)

  49. Sure, Beldar.
    You were able to do all of that research because you didn’t have to work through all those layers of editors and fact-checkers.

    AD - RtR/OS (3120b9)

  50. Listen, just do a ratio comparison of your comments that discuss

    Moiron, you really need to STFU – starting now.

    Dmac (49b16c)

  51. oiram, you’ve figured out JD. His pathological hatred for me owes to the fact I pwned him at a different site. He cannot, nay, will not leave me alone, and in one of the ironies of the world, follows every comment I make (including the 90% which don’t address him) by calling me a stalker.

    All because I remember his real name, which he placed on the internet for anyone to see. JD understands neither reading comprehension nor decency. He is seriously self-loathing and spends his days hanging out at right wing sites looking to insult people. It’s what brings joy to otherwise dull life.

    Do what I do. Laugh at him. He aches to be taken seriously, yet knows nothing about policy or issues, other than the reflexive screaming of “tax cut!” Ironically, that depth of knowledge makes him more knowledgeable than half the GOP caucus. But, he is seriously annoyed at anyone laughing at me.

    Oh, and JD, you suck and I’m still laughing at you.

    timb (8f04c0)

  52. Romper-Room time.

    AD - RtR/OS (3120b9)

  53. His pathological hatred for me owes to the fact I pwned him at a different site

    Question – did you or did you not post his home address continuously, after getting it from a source not intended for your consumption?

    Dmac (49b16c)

  54. I do not know where JD lives. I do not his address. I do not know anything about he has not either a) told me about himself or b) posted on PW at one of the million “Jeff is going away and we should all feel sorry him” posts.

    timb (8f04c0)

  55. His pathological hatred for me owes to the fact I pwned him at a different site.

    Got a link for that pwnage, Timmah!? Remember, I’ve seen your act.

    Pablo (99243e)

  56. Typing is not my friend.

    I do not know where JD lives. I do know not his address. I do not know anything about him that he has not either a) told me about himself or b) posted on PW at one of the million “Jeff is going away and we should all feel sorry him” posts

    timb (8f04c0)

  57. You are a creepy little fuck, timmah.

    JD (4e3101)

  58. You can go to Caric’s site and find it, Pablo.

    timb (8f04c0)

  59. This little rabid rodent has a history, and one that does not make me comfortable. Apparently, it has a collection of all of the personal nuggets of information I have left in comment threads over the years. Additionally, it did not post my address, but did post my name and a very close intersection to my home. This vermin, after being banned @ PW for some particularly vile behavior, now goes to websites I frequent, and tosses out these little nuggets like he has some creepy familiarity with me. It works. It is fucking creepy. If its goal is to make me go away, it is probably going to win, as given its history, I am not the least bit comfortable on it being fixated on me.

    JD (4e3101)

  60. So, that would be a “no”, then?

    Pablo (99243e)

  61. timmah – Why do you stalk Darleen at her blog and make creepy comments about her marital status?

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  62. I’m not your monkey, pablo. I told you where to find it. Since you’re not a party to the conversation between oiram and me…

    In the end, it matters not what you think. All that matters, is that dolt follows me around the site like a nutter, and then has the balls to call me a stalker. I can explain, you cannot.

    timb (8f04c0)

  63. Stalk her a her blog? daley, you cons use that word a lot, but you don’t seem to know what it means.

    Daely, why do you stalk Patterico at his blog?

    timb (8f04c0)

  64. timmie, if you want a private conversation with someone, send them an email.
    If you insist on talking on a “party-line”, don’t be surprised by the kibitzing.

    AD - RtR/OS (3120b9)

  65. timmah – Why do you make creepy comments to Darleen about her marital staus at her blog? You were banned from Protein Wisdom so you can’t comment on her posts there. Moving to her own blog and posting comments about her personal life is stalkerish behavior and extremely creepy. You seem to enjoy behavior like that. Why?

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  66. Daley, WTF are you talking about?

    timb (8f04c0)

  67. timmah – You’re just a little Pee Wee Herman type. Don’t get any on the people in the seats in front of you.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  68. Sorry, daley, this is an epic fail, even for you.

    I think I remembered why I stopped responding to your increasingly weird and strange comments

    timb (8f04c0)

  69. So I wasnt the only one stalked by timb, I watched him stalk Darleen but I didn’t know he stalked JD before.

    Wow, color me surprised.

    ML (14488c)

  70. The troll needs to seriously find another line of work if he has to stalk people from blog to blog.

    steve miller (4bda12)

  71. timmah – Why don’t I start with this selfotribute you wrote back in November:

    ML, in case you’re not aware of this fact: You have “conversed” with me at Patterico and here. I do NOT visit Kos. The most “liberal” blog I read and comment at is Balloon Juice. However, mostly I like commenting at right wing sites where it’s much easier to feel superior to the blogger AND the commenters.

    It is actually surprising to me how little right wingers know. For instance, you are unaware what the Declaration of Independence means. You are unaware the Bible is a collection of stories and an anthology of an oral tradition (Jeez, could you watch ten minutes of this week’s NOVA). You believe in Creationism!

    And, you are but one of the many dolts hanging out on right wing sites: check out the fabulous Pablo, the angry JD, the bigoted Another Drew, the clownish Darleen….this is a treasure trove of serotonin (look it up, ML). You are the minor leagues, ML, and embarrassing you is fun in a pinch. And, since Darleen decided the best way to get rid of me and Josh is not to respond in the comments (the clarion call on Protein Wisdom did not bring any new visitors apparently), I have to abuse you while waiting patiently for her seething self to return.

    Which brings to me to your word of the day calendar: the tone in which you read my missives is all wrong, dunderhead. There is no vitriol. only weary head-shaking or laughter. See, ML, vitriol implies your silly, 25% of the population angers me. That’s not true.

    I must admit that around 2003 or so, I was despairing of the America I knew and not the version of Alabama: cronyism and theocracy that Georgie and Sean Hannity were trying to create.

    At that time, before the disastrous invasion I certainly would have been angry for the thousands of women and children (not to mention Americans) you dolts were about to slaughter. But, now that I know we will be safe for another generation from the likes of you, you do nothing but amuse me. Sorry to disappoint.

    Posted by: timb at November 20, 2008 08:12 AM

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  72. Why can’t we all just get along?

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (0ea407)

  73. I’m not your monkey, pablo. I told you where to find it.

    It’s on the internets, Pablo! I’ll show you where I won an argument! Just go here!

    Moving to her own blog and posting comments about her personal life is stalkerish behavior and extremely creepy.

    That, with a liberal helping of inanity is Timmah!’s MO.

    Pablo (99243e)

  74. Bradley, your own experiences with “stalkers” answers your own question. Sigh.

    Eric Blair (8d54e0)

  75. EB,
    I was channeling Rodney King there.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (0ea407)

  76. There really isn’t any good solution, I know. But you and I have both seen commenters who have acted in a threatening fashion claim censorship when they were banned.

    I think when Person A threatens Person B (however a blog “owner” defines that term) it should be grounds for banning.

    There are a LOT of blogs out there.

    Eric Blair (8d54e0)

  77. Well, since timmah is smarter than we are, he says so himself in the comment I pasted from Darleen’s Place, I have to assume he knows what he’s doing.


    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  78. EB,
    I’m sure Patterico the All-Seeing and Never-Sleeping is aware of the trollish threats and will mete out cyberjustice in due time.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (0ea407)

  79. Making fun of ML is stalking, daley?

    Pray tell, then, are you stalking me? Posting comments from other sites, following from thread to thread with your typical inanities, interjecting yourself into my conversations with others. You want to see someone living up to your own definition of stalking, try a mirror.

    At any rate, I fail to see how what I wrote there is offensive, I urged ML to stop arguing with me (and his references to “salad tossing” did get a bit old)and go to a site where no one is allowed to disagree (hell, the owner even goes after Patterico, whose major sin, according to him, seems to be that Patrick runs a better blog and has more traffic)

    Nonetheless, I think my favorite comment, besides Pablo’s typical non-sequitors, was ML, the man who urged me to come to Little Green Footballs 2 (where he is an administrator) so he could get my “input,” now says I “stalked” him. Was that because I declined your invitation to comment at LGF2, ML? Or, just because you read the word and it sounded cool?

    Allow to agree with myself, you guys are funny. None of you knows what the heck you’re talking about.

    timb (8f04c0)

  80. Tapper is not without substantial flaws in his history. He was as guilty as Elisabeth Busmiller of the NYT and Marc Ambrister of The Atlantic of propagating the ridiculous — and easily disprovable falsehood — that Sarah Palin had been a member of what Democratic operatives were spinning as a radical secessionist party in Alaska.

    It took me less than two minutes of Googling to confirm that under Alaska law, someone who’s registered as a member of one party cannot legally be a member of another party simultaneously. And within a matter of hours after the accusations first surfaced on some left-wing blogs, the McCain-Palin campaign had provided conclusive proof that Gov. Palin had been a registered member of the Alaska GOP continuously since 1982. (It would have taken less time but for the fact that the rumor was begun over a weekend, and the publicly available voter registration records couldn’t be accessed until the following Monday.) But Tapper not only bought the disinformation hook, line, and sinker, and not only failed to note its weak sourcing, he failed to confess to his own journalistic malpractice in failing to consult public sources that would have conclusively disproved the hoax. Instead, he effectively turned himself and ABC News into an Obama disinformation tool and lent the falsehood whatever legitimacy ABC News can confer. Of course, his subsequent backtracking got only a fraction of the links and traffic that his initial falsehood did.

    My opinion was, and remains, that a misstep of this magnitude — one that could have so easily been avoided — ought to have been a firing offense at any news organization genuinely concerned with maintaining high journalistic standards. It’s only by virtue of a loose and relative standard, applied by reference to gaggles of political reporters indistinguishable from Democratic-crazed sewer rats, that Tapper seems diligent, brave, or open-minded.

    My particular bone to pick is when I proved to him that a President *can* fire an SEC Chair — a proposition that is not at all debatable — he waved his hand airily and got pissy when I pressed on it politely. Meanwhile, the LAT issued a retraction — demonstrating a greater humility, willingness to learn, open-mindedness, and devotion to the truth than Tapper. In that one instance.

    I’ll not forget that soon, but you’re right, Beldar: compared to the other wimps he seems tough.

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  81. If timb threatened someone please give me a link and quote. I don’t have time to read all the comments.

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  82. Same for stalking.

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  83. “Making fun of ML is stalking, daley?”

    timmah – You continue to have trouble comprehending the english language. Perhaps you won’t need that with what you intend to do with whatever you plan for that law degree if you ever finish it. I stated I was pasting a self tribute you wrote to yourself. I think it speaks for itself.

    And no, I am not stalking you, but it is interesting that your imagination is getting the best of you, or is it paranoia? Why do you continue to think you can have private, one on one chats on these blogs Pee Wee? It’s one of your common refrains. I’m sure you are aware there are other places more appropriate for that.

    You are not worth following around. Why are you so obsessed with Jeff Goldstein and the commenters at Protein Wisdom, though, timmah? Is it a mancrush thing? You can’t seem to stop talking about them even when you are commenting at other blogs. Breaking up is tough to do, but isn’t it time for you to move on from that relationship?

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  84. So, you got nothing? Wow. Thanks for the slander, though. As for my law degree, geez, daley, that sounds like a personal matter and by your own criteria nominates you as a “stalker.”

    I’ll repeat, because I like the appearance of my own words, epic fail on your part.

    timb (a83d56)

  85. When I call timb a “stalker”
    I mean it as a reference to his libelous-egocentric-obsessive-compulsive troll behavior.

    ML (14488c)

  86. timmah – So you say nothing to justify or explain your obsessive compulsive behavior? How typical.
    You try to become a victim? How typically progressive.

    Problems with comprehending english. I’ve already pointed them out yet you still don’t get it. Epic fail – you and I both know better Pee Wee.

    Have fun in you darkened movie theaters and say hello to Perfesser Caricature while you’re there.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

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