Patterico's Pontifications


Video: Olbermann Says “Oh God” As Jindal Walks Out (UPDATE: Or Was It Matthews?)

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 8:07 pm

Nope, I’m not kidding:

I’ve heard a couple of people claim it could be a producer, but I believe it’s clearly Olbermann. You can hear a cameraman laughing in the background.

UPDATE: Goldfarb says it’s Chris Matthews. I continue to maintain it’s Olbermann.

UPDATE x2: TVNewser claims it was really Matthews, according to sources. If TVNewser said it, it must be true! I learned from the Huffington Post to re-report anything TVNewser says without checking.

UPDATE x3: AP is also saying Matthews. Weird. It really didn’t sound like him to me.

288 Responses to “Video: Olbermann Says “Oh God” As Jindal Walks Out (UPDATE: Or Was It Matthews?)”

  1. Hopefully the next CEO of GE pulls the plug on this money loser network.

    Obama über alles!!!!! (da3d2f)

  2. […] Patterico’s sure the “Oh God” comes from Olbermann, Goldfarb’s sure it comes from Matthews. Does it matter? .msnbcLinks {font-size:11px; […]

    Hot Air » Blog Archive » Video: Jindal’s “awful” rebuttal (e2f069)

  3. But only Fox News has credibility problems according to the Obama cultists.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  4. Asian Americans voted 67 % for Obama. (Exit polls don’t break out ‘Indian Americans’. And of course blacks voted 94% for Obama. On the other hand, whites voted 55% for McCain. Yet the Republican party puts up an ‘Asian American’ for its first major response to Obama and elects a black to head the RNC. Clearly, the Republican powers that be don’t know where their votes come from. Clearly, all us crackers, rednecks, white trash and the like should start staying home election day until they Republicans start representing the people who vote for them.

    horace (547ced)

  5. Maybe you should stop looking at skin tones and start looking at principles, horace.

    Pablo (99243e)

  6. Horace, while I agree the Republicans are pandering I think your post is exactly what most conservatives abhor.

    So pick a white guy cuz white guys vote for you?? We kill Democrats for it ….

    Obama über alles!!!!! (da3d2f)

  7. Sheesh, Moby … err, I mean “horace” … don’t you belong in the studio?

    SPQR (26be8b)

  8. Pablo, rispet!

    Obama über alles!!!!! (da3d2f)

  9. I used to really like Olbermann when he did sports with Dan Patrick. Olbermann is clearly off his rocker. Watching the speech tonight, Pelosi made me want to vomit.

    Stan Switek (941d0f)

  10. Horace – you should be ashamed. Sadly, you are prolly not.

    Olbergasm is quite possibly the worst media thingie in the history of the universe.

    JD (4680c5)

  11. And we have already learned from academics that the MSM is biased in favor of Republicans.

    Maybe the statement (with a live mike) was unconscious due to dual leg tinglings—the “Oh God” had nothing to with Jindal and had something to do with…well, something else that was going on.

    I’m just sayin’.

    Eric Blair (9671e0)

  12. Let’s see…..

    Herr Olbermann does not allow differing opinions on his show….

    Herr Olbermann spouts the Democratic Party Line of the day….

    Herr Olbermann is building a list of people he hates….

    Herr Olbermann is the Markus Wolf for the Democratic party.

    Prove me wrong.

    JSF (9d1bb3)

  13. I think Horace was just trying to have one of those brave conversations about race that Eric Holder was talking about, but I could be wrong. Democrats are always talking about race like that.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  14. Olberdouchenozzle makes Hacks look honest.

    JD (4680c5)

  15. JD: you, sir, are worse than Kucinich!

    Eric Blair (9671e0)

  16. #13 daleyrocks:

    I think Horace was just trying to have one of those brave conversations

    A /sarc tag wouldn’t have been amiss…

    EW1(SG) (e27928)

  17. Eric – Why do you hate me so?

    JD (4680c5)

  18. You’re talking about the non-partisan MSM, remember.

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  19. Just so I am clear … Baracky blames Bush for inheriting almost a trillion dollar deficit, and the cure for that is to spend $800,000,000,000 before you even send a budget proposal to Congress? Then, to show your fiscal restraint, you slash funding for Afghanistan, use war money for domestic spending that was outside the budget previously, and use 10 year projections to somehow show that you are not spending money like Paris Hilton on a meth-induced spending spree @ Barneys? And we are supposed to not laugh at you?

    JD (4680c5)

  20. That’s not fair, JD. There’s no evidence that Paris is doing meth. Aside from those legs….

    Pablo (99243e)

  21. My bad, and my apologies to Paris for comparing this incompetent aggressively idiotic administration to such a fine, beautiful lady.

    JD (4680c5)

  22. […] someone on a hot mic muttered “Oh, God.” Patterico’s sure the “Oh God” comes from Olbermann, Goldfarb’s sure it comes from Matthews. Personally, I think it was […]

    Bobby Jindal’s responds to B. Hussein Obama’s speech, MSNBC’s Olbermann or Leg Matthews goes “Oh god!” FU MSNBC, Olbermann, Matthews and the rest of those liberal losers | Fire Andrea Mitchell! (20d20a)

  23. Horace, of course is a lefty plant. Don’t ignore the troll, ignore the stupid racist.

    Ag80 (f9ba5b)

  24. Jindal looks like an idiot. He looks like an SNL parody of Jindal. He even acts like one.

    What in the hell is the matter with the GOP that this is who they put up at this CRUCIAL hour when a lot of important details need to be communicated? Palin would have been a groaner of a choice, but someone charismatic… anyone charismatic…. Fred Thompson should be a go-to guy for teleprompter speeches.

    Joco (4cdfb7)

  25. Marc Sanford (SC) would have been the logical choice, but Jindal is the AA move.

    AD - RtR/OS (8de25e)

  26. I usually say, “oh not that jerkoff,” when I see Olberman.

    Joe (17aeff)

  27. The difference between Olbermann and Limbaugh is that O’s opinions show a lot more development. You may find them to be strictly liberal, but his presentation nonetheless shows originality and wit. Rush, on the other hand, is clumsy, redundant and seldom, if ever, strays beyond what’s already been in yesterday’s newspaper.
    No one’s ever suggested Olbermann’s isn’t partisan. But it’s pretty funny that the Whine Club here seems to think that giving a liberal opinion in public is just beyond the pale…

    Hax Vobiscum (23258e)

  28. Not that there are no witty, sharp conservatives. Dennis Miller is one. He’s funny, well-read and mostly original, though less so on politics than on other subjects. Tucker Carlson is a wit, though he does trip over his own ego a lot — a trait that actually overlaps Olbermann.

    I’m sure I could come up with a couple more if I tried…

    Hax Vobiscum (23258e)

  29. STFU, Hacks. Unless you just like making an ass of yourself.

    JD (4680c5)

  30. #28…Talk about putting lipstick on a pig.

    A prediction:
    We will RUN away from Iraq;
    Karzai will be another Diem;
    and nuclear war will breakout in Pakistan.

    No one in the ME will ever trust the US again.

    AD - RtR/OS (8de25e)

  31. “the Republican party puts up an ‘Asian American’ for its first major response to Obama and elects a black to head the RNC. Clearly, the Republican powers that be don’t know where their votes come from. Clearly, all us crackers, rednecks, white trash and the like should start staying home election day until they Republicans start representing the people who vote for them.

    Comment by horace — 2/24/2009 @ 8:16 pm”

    Horace thinks its 2000, or 1968. Wake up, Dude. It’s 2009. The white identity thing may have worked for Reagan and Bush, but it jumped the shark about six years ago. It’s over, but you do lay out the GOP’s dilemma fairly squarely.

    Hax Vobiscum (23258e)

  32. Hey folks. Do you smell socks?

    Eric Blair (9671e0)

  33. “The difference between Olbermann and Limbaugh is that O’s opinions show a lot more development.”

    I didn’t realize that rip and read from DKos required development.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  34. Hax, do you really think Olbermann is competing with Rush? Rush has 2 exponents more audience. there is no comparison.

    also, Rush will talk to people he disagrees with… as often as he possibly can in fact (since it’s good for ratings). Olbermann never lets someone on his show that isn’t on his side… he can’t take anyone challenging his views (that are soooo developed because you agree with them).

    Rush is right about a lot of things. Has Olbermann noted that the 2006 congress would collapse the economy? That the spending Bush tolerated the dem’s begged for would collapse the economy? That we’d win in Iraq? Rush was right about all that, and Keith was wrong. but he agrees with you… so you must come on here and defend him… you’re that insecure about it.

    Joco (4cdfb7)

  35. “you’re that insecure about it”

    Joco – They match. Olberdouche is thin skinned about everything too. He can’t stomach criticism. Everybody goes on his worst person in the world list. His accuracy is for shit. Take a spin around for a few laughs. The site drives Keith nuts.

    You’re right that he doesn’t compete with Limbaugh. Complete worlds apart. Limbaugh also has integrity.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  36. Jindal = bad choice, poor presentation
    Olberman = dumb ass, poor intellect
    Rush = Bambi bashing, poor’s target
    Horace = 2012 defeat, poor whitey
    Palin = SNL snarks, poor me
    Fred = clear, well-spoken, calm Uhhbama ass whoopin’, poor love him

    Shoulda been Fred. I love Palin, but it wouldn’t have helped her or us. Rush provides partisan dismissal. Cantor can’t hit hard enough. Fred has the voice, talent, experience and conservative backing. Maybe Steele, or whoever decides this crap is listening. On the other hand, maybe Steele is listening. Who knows with this bunch.

    Tiderguy (b8c823)

  37. What. Is. He. Doing ? (!)

    1. Three quick psychological victories for al Qaeda (WTC terrorist released, USS Cole terrorist released, Gitmo).

    2. Pull out of Iraq by an arbitrary date (despite current hard-earned-victory-trend).

    3. Increase troop presence in Afghanistan (with no clear plan of what to do with these troops), then slash troop funding.

    4. Implement national purchases of large amounts of bank stocks.

    5. Devalue capitalism.

    6. Deconstruct the stock market.

    7. Reduce the deficit by increasing the deficit (but use a different term like “stimulus”).

    8. In the largest economic crisis of the last few decades, put a tax cheat in charge of the Treasury (who is also one of the architects who created this mess).

    9. Defense of squatter “rights”.

    10. $10 trillion deficit, $17 trillion loan guarantees, $55 trillion unfunded liabilities (not his fault) – and he wants to add to it (that is his fault — even granting his “deficit reductions”, the net increase is astronomical).

    …all in less than 100 days.

    Not certain if his policies are the result of stupidity or deliberate calculations. Our nation has survived worse and we will survive the Obama Presidency, but this is going to hurt.

    I feel bad about the next few generations — we have failed them.

    Pons Asinorum (90f2d8)

  38. The dems and the MSN have absolutely no class, none whatsoever.

    Not a surprise at all.

    redbone (60eaf3)

  39. Olbermann is a complete jackass — how this man continues to work on that station is beyond me.

    Richard Romano (3d310e)

  40. No one’s ever suggested Olbermann’s isn’t partisan. But it’s pretty funny that the Whine Club here seems to think that giving a liberal opinion in public is just beyond the pale…

    Comment by Hax Vobiscum — 2/24/2009 @ 9:53 pm

    You should lock the liquor cabinets in your house.

    Richard Romano (3d310e)

  41. Jindal looks like an idiot. He looks like an SNL parody of Jindal.

    Jindal isn’t too photogenic, but I’ll take that and his basic common sense any day over the used-car salesman now sitting in the White House.

    BTW, SNL is a lousy TV show and should have been cancelled years ago. That it has somehow managed to survive all these years proves that crap can take on a life of its own.

    I sure hope that doesn’t end up being a metaphor for the idiocy of the American public in November and the guy they pulled or pierced the lever or chad for at the time.

    Fred Thompson should be a go-to guy for teleprompter speeches.

    I recall Thompson playing a grouchy old boss — and quite effectively, (perhaps too effectively) I might add — on a sitcom several years ago. That is a trait that probably would have haunted him among all those voters who’ve had dealings with SOB managers, supervisors and head honchos throughout their employment history.

    Mark (411533)

  42. Jindal was unwatchable. Patronizing with an impossible cadence, it made me wish for W as a speaker. I kid you not. As a presidential debut, it was worse than a disaster — consider Palin with a bad opening speech.

    Perhaps an economic conservative like Gingrich would ahve been a better choice. Someone who, like, cares.

    Kevin Murphy (0b2493)

  43. Mark, Jindal is an idiot i my opinion. Not just because he looks like one, but because he actually is one. I don’t like Republicans of the Huckabee stripe.

    but regardless of that, it’s not just about policy. it’s about sexiness, gravitas, congeniality, and the ability to inspire. That’s so crucial. The GOP keeps nominating these Dole / Bush 41 / Mccain types instead of the Palins and Huckabee (I hate him) types. We actually have to win elections before we get our policies… and while it’s not a great fact, it is a true fact that we need likable candidates and likable spokesmen. Jindal ain’t it. Not that I wouldn’t trade him for Obama or anything, but I’d trade Clinton (either) for Obama too.

    We need to nominate an attractive, funny, inspirational leader. If a man, he needs to be MANLY, and if a woman, she needs to be attractive. That’s just the way it works. The democrats know no honor in this department, and the moderates listen to this crap.

    Joco (4cdfb7)

  44. It’s definitely “Thrill” Mathews saying “Oh god”, no doubt about it.

    If you ever notice during his show “Hardballed by Obama”, he’ll be talking in hushed tones just like that “Oh god” spasm here, perhaps to his producer but clearly audible at times, when his guests are answering questions. He does it quite often, and it sounds like he’s doing it here as well. I’ll try and find a link to show an example.

    Here ya go, listen at 1:58 until 2:10 into the video, you’ll hear Mathews mumbling to his producer, he does it all the time.

    Bob USMC (9d1660)

  45. Joco asks: “Hax, do you really think Olbermann is competing with Rush? Rush has 2 exponents more audience. there is no comparison.”

    Actually, Rush tried TV. Didn’t work out. So apples to apples, Olberman’s audience is infinitely larger. Perhaps he’s on the radio as well, I don’t know.

    Having said that, I would never downplay Rush’s overall numbers. He’s by far the most popular spokesman of identity conservatism and, in that regard, the liberals have no one like that.

    Still, if I were a conservative, I’d be looking to change the movement. Seems it’s failing pretty badly in the Bush era, what with an economic collapse, two unwon wars and a widening conflict between libertarian-oriented anti-tax conservatives and Christian anti-gay crusaders.

    Is Rush really the kind of person to lead conservatives out of the morass? Is anyone willing to hold him responsible for leading the way into it?

    If I were a conservative, I’d start thinking of Rush as a bit of a parasite on the movement. Here’s a guy who’s got a massive audience, the biggest, and who has never lifted a finger to establish a think tank or a publishing house or a news media network to promote the movement. It’s always been about him and his audience.

    I bear no grudge, of course. He has realized his talents and more than made the best of them. I’m just glad he’s not on my side.

    The “Institute of Advanced Conservative Studies” is but another of Rush’s mold-covered fake jokes that are funny only as the parody his inability to participate, let alone form, any kind of political institution based on any ideas other than trying to win an election.

    One reason the right wing is losing ground in America because it lets people like Rush take such dominant roles. (Though it is a chicken-and-egg phenomenon.) He’s milking the movement, while showing no interest in supporting other right-wing talkers or building any kind of strategic media empire. He keeps it all for himself.

    Oberman is just a star among many liberal commentators. He caught my attention by being more willing to speak plainly about Bush’s depredations way before others in the mainstream media started piling on. He’s a smart guy, but clearly not in the kind of position Rush is to dominate a movement.

    Hax Vobiscum (edacf7)

  46. We need to nominate an attractive, funny, inspirational leader. If a man, he needs to be MANLY, and if a woman, she needs to be attractive. That’s just the way it works. The democrats know no honor in this department, and the moderates listen to this crap

    Guess Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, and John Adams would have been left out under this logic.
    If I had a buck for every “she’s conservative and Hawt!” comment I’ve seen about Palin I’d be able to get a new car. That could qualify Paris Hilton. Being inspirational really has nothing to do with looks. Churchill, Patton and Eisenhower inspired millions but wouldn’t have won a beauty contest.
    Reagan was wonderfully inspirational because of his convictions NOT because of his looks. The media judges Obama and others by how “Reaganesque” they seemed. As with Clinton, the glow wears off as the citizens at large begin to accept there are no convictions behind the delivery. Just another snake oil salesman.

    voiceofreason2 (10af7e)

  47. Hax, do you really think Olbermann is competing with Rush?

    Hell, Olbermann’s not even competing with O’Reilly.

    Pablo (99243e)

  48. So apples to apples, Olberman’s audience is infinitely larger.

    Another “fact” from the Community Based Reality. Olbermann’s numbers are here, Limbaugh’s are here.

    So, Dear Reader, today we learn that 1.48 million is infinitely more than 14.25 million. Bet you didn’t know that.

    Pablo (99243e)

  49. No guys, I am serious. I am white, and I don’t buy that we need ‘persons of color’ to rule over us. Yeah, I used to be one of these ‘color-blind’ Republicans, but not anymore. Too much empirical evidence shows where that leads. Like, say, a man who owed most of his career to the GOP betraying it for a ‘brother’ (I am speaking of course about Colin Powell) So, no, I am not down with Bobby Jindal — and lets be real, who doubts this guy would be anywhere except some wonky think-tank other than Republicans’ desire for ‘outreach’.

    White folks still make up the overwhelming number of voters in the country, and were white folks’ interests are recognized, white Republican candidates win 60-70% of that vote. Unfortunately we have a GOP establishment more concerned with ‘HIspanics’ and cheap labor. If Republicans would work to really curtail immigration and recognize they are the party of Euro-Americans, they would do better.

    horace (3c1df4)

  50. No guys, I am serious. I am white, and I don’t buy that we need ‘persons of color’ to rule over us.

    We don’t need anyone to “rule” over us, horace.

    White folks still make up the overwhelming number of voters in the country, and were white folks’ interests are recognized, white Republican candidates win 60-70% of that vote.

    Yet half of them just voted for Obama. Imagine that. That didn’t happen because the GOP wasn’t white enough.

    If Republicans would work to really curtail immigration and recognize they are the party of Euro-Americans, they would do better.

    If Republicans would remember that they’re supposed to govern with conservative principles they would do better. And if assholes like you would stop speaking on their behalf, they’d do better.

    Pablo (99243e)

  51. No way Limbaugh attracts 14 million (although he claims 20 million, yet another thing he lies about).

    Nonetheless, the beautiful thing is here:

    No one in the ME will ever trust the US again.

    Comment by AD – RtR/OS

    Yeah, they sure trust us a lot now, AD. If we say something to them, everyone not in the Saudi royal family knows to duck because its “Bomb’s Away!”

    timb (a83d56)

  52. #51 Pablo:

    And if assholes like you would stop speaking on their behalf, they’d do better.

    Hell, I had hoped for horace’s own sake that he’d just forgotten a /sarc tag.

    Unfortunately, he seems, like many on the left, to confuse racism and bitterness with conservatism. He’s in the wrong party and don’t even know it.

    EW1(SG) (e27928)

  53. Oh, and Pablo, you might be a disgusting human being who opposes laws preventing red-lining, but it’s good to see knock this white power asshat around.

    Perhaps, if Horace told a joke, he’d get on good side? Something along the lines of

    I was playing ‘rock-paper-scissors’ the other day
    but everytime I threw down- the bastard kept saying ‘black’
    well played sir, well played indeed

    I bet that would win you over, huh?

    timb (a83d56)

  54. Crawl back into your hole, timmah, nobody missed you.

    EW1(SG) (e27928)

  55. Shut up, Timmah! And take your Limbaugh argument over to Talkers Magazine.

    Pablo (99243e)

  56. vor2, there is no way in hell Abraham Lincoln would be elected today.

    Was this a serious question?

    It’s stupid to play a game that ended when Nixon debated JFK.

    Now you must be appealing in a more personal way. In a vain way. In a way that has nothing to do with job performance. That’s why Obama beat Mccain, of course.

    Tell me when the last presidential nominee won who was less attractive than his competitor? This is ‘no shit’ stuff. Yeah, it’s a huge shame, too.

    Joco (4cdfb7)

  57. horace – There may be somewhere that your corrosive and antiquated viewpoints are well received. Not here. Try out Grand Kleagle Byrd’s blog.

    JD (0e6191)

  58. The funniest comment is now Hack’s #28 which shows that Hack is the most gullible person we’ve seen … or thinks we are.

    Beyond parody.

    SPQR (72771e)

  59. I think Hax like those Nazi salutes Olbermann is fond of performing. Hax’ opinion of Olbermann as a star to lead the liberal movement into the future is a perfect demonstration of the troll’s lack of intellectual depth and maturity. Which makes him a perfect liberal, I guess.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  60. Not to mention Olbermann’s tendency to make up stuff from whole cloth too.

    SPQR (72771e)

  61. I’m truly surprised that some of you are discussing things with the mendacious troll who smeared stashiu3.

    Haven’t we learned our lesson that he’s a dishonest debater?

    steve miller (6750af)

  62. So let’s see… we have Hax “I have no idea what I’m talking about, but I’ll slag Limbaugh because that’s what the talking points say to do” Vobiscum, horace “no, really, I am a Republican” and timmah the “redlining is racist” twat all in one thread. And, naturally, none of them make any sense.

    What sin did we commit to deserve this?

    Rob Crawford (04f50f)

  63. No way Limbaugh attracts 14 million…

    Don’t tell me — because no one you know listens to him?

    Rob Crawford (04f50f)

  64. Rob – In all fairness, I think Hax became an expert on Limbaugh by reading a couple of partial Dowdified edited transcripts embedded in Media Matters pieces critical of him. So he’s got that going for him, which is nice.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  65. Oh, well, in that case, he’s clearly an expert.

    Rob Crawford (04f50f)

  66. So, timmah … which numbers are you disputing, and what evidence do you have that they are not accurate?

    JD (0e6191)

  67. I don’t know of anyone who voted for Bambi == ergo, no one voted for Bambi.

    I’m sorry to point out that the listenership for Limbaugh is set by a ratings service, which means there’s data.

    This will come as a shock to the trolls.

    And by the way, don’t respond to them at all. Eventually they’ll get tired of it and go away.

    steve miller (6750af)

  68. I’m pretty sure it was Chris Matthews. I’d make a bet it was. You can tell it his voice because he often speaks under his breath like that. Olbermann is more strident in his speech pattern.

    MattL (53a3d6)

  69. O.K. Olbermann, Mathews or someone said “Oh God”.

    In my opinion this was a major screw up by MSNBC. Idiots and dolts truly exist thre.

    Having said that, I said “Oh God” in the comfort of my living room along with my wife as Gov. Gindal was walking out.

    This wasn’t a screw up by us.

    Why you ask?

    Here was my train of thought:

    Gov. Gindal has told us that he wants to refuse Louisiana’s federal stimulus allotment of 3.8 billion dollars.

    Now don’t get me wrong refusing all of the money would be respectable.

    But wait, he’s not refusing all the money ?

    Well he’s currently the Republican’s greatest hope so he probably only needs about 10 % of the money……. NO? A quarter of it then? No? A third then? Half? No?

    Hmmmm……… How much does he actually need then?

    97.5 % ?? Excuse Me?

    You mean to tell me he wants to reject only 98.4 million of the allotted 3.8 billion?

    Principle or no principle, if he was truly The Republican’s greatest hope in ’12, he would be able to refuse the whole amount.

    Hell, if he refused the whole amount and Louisiana thrived in the next 4 years, I might even vote for him.

    “Oh God” indeed.

    Oiram (983921)

  70. That is some bizarre and convoluted “logic” there, Mario.

    JD (0e6191)

  71. All of nothing might be the classic definition of a false dichotomy.

    JD (0e6191)

  72. JD, that dyslexia really needs help.

    You do understand that your respected Governor wants to refuse 2.5 % of the stimulus package right?

    His state needs 97.5 % if I do the math correctly and I don’t let dyslexia get in the way.

    Politics my friend, politics.

    When should I start calling Gindal “The messiah”?

    Oiram (983921)

  73. All of nothing might be the classic definition of a false dichotomy.

    Comment by JD — 2/25/2009 @ 9:31 am

    A 2.5 % line item veto of the package for political purposes, is truly pathetic.

    Oiram (983921)

  74. Ah, Mario, making fun of Governor Jindal’s name is racist. We know because the Obama acolytes told us so.

    SPQR (72771e)

  75. By the way JD, I tried to get Obama to clarify what he meant by “Americans earning $250,000” in his speech last nigh just for you. But he reminded me that intelligent un-spinned minds know what he’s talking about.

    Oiram (983921)

  76. You mean to tell me he wants to reject only 98.4 million of the allotted 3.8 billion?

    He wants to refuse the part that will leave his state with a permanent program but not permanent funding. He doesn’t like the strings attached to that portion of the package.

    Gov. Gindal has told us that he wants to refuse Louisiana’s federal stimulus allotment of 3.8 billion dollars.

    No, Governor Jindal did not say that.

    Pablo (99243e)

  77. He is not my Governor, and I do not particularly care for him, Mario. Why is it that you on the Left have this compulsive obsession to make one person out to the be face of the entire Republican party? Usually, it is Rush, but today it is Jindal.

    I would be happy if someone wanted to give me 2.5% of $3,800,000,000, or $98,000,000. That would look quite nice in my checking account. $98,000,000 could pay off a lot of mortgages. $98,000,000 could be put to good use in a lot of places. But given the fact that you and yours speak in TRILLIONS of dollars now, I can see how $98,000,000 seems insignificant to you.

    Now, crawl back underneath your rock.

    JD (0e6191)

  78. But he reminded me that intelligent un-spinned minds know what he’s talking about

    Apparently, he didn’t tell you that an intelligent mind would know the past tense of “spin” is not “spinned”.

    Steverino (69d941)

  79. #75 Danm SPQR. Your right. I’m not used to him yet.

    I was misspelling Obama’s name for the longest time as well. Not “Usama” though 🙂


    Jindal, got it.


    Oiram (983921)

  80. #78

    JD help is needed:

    I would be happy if someone wanted to give me 2.5% of $3,800,000,000, or $98,000,000. That would look quite nice in my checking account. $98,000,000 could pay off a lot of mortgages. $98,000,000 could be put to good use in a lot of places. But given the fact that you and yours speak in TRILLIONS of dollars now, I can see how $98,000,000 seems insignificant to you.

    You’ve got it backwards my friend. Jindal is not going to be happy with 98 million. He will be happy with the other 97.5%. (About 3.7 billion).

    Oiram (983921)

  81. #77 Good Points Pablo.

    Then why not refuse the whole package then?

    Oiram (983921)

  82. Then why not refuse the whole package then?

    Why should he? Aren’t Louisianans going to be responsible for paying for it?

    Pablo (99243e)

  83. Then why not refuse the whole package then?

    Now you’re being deliberately obtuse. Not all of the package creates future unfunded mandates.

    Steverino (69d941)

  84. Oiram, could you kindly post a link to the data that back up your asserions? Thanks in advance.

    carlitos (4c59c7)

  85. Mario – I was using your numbers from #70. That will teach me. I will be more than happy if you want to give me 2.5 percent of 3,700,000,000.

    JD (1a03d8)

  86. #82, I guess “good points” does not imply that you read them.

    SPQR (72771e)

  87. #83 Pablo, I would have more respect for Jindal if he refused the whole package and applied for restructuring of the state’s taxes so as to not pay for it.

    But he didn’t.

    Oiram (983921)

  88. #83 Pablo,

    Do you know what else I find interesting? “Liberal” California has been continually castigated by the tribe here at this site. Yet 26 billion would be going to California vs. 3.8 billion to Louisiana.

    If you break that down population wise, that’s $768 per person in California, $5,817 per person in Louisiana.

    Oh right Jindal is only requesting 97.5 %, so that’s only $5,724 vs. California’s $768 per person.

    Perhaps since I live in California, I will be the one paying for Jindal’s 3.7 billion 🙁

    Oiram (983921)

  89. #84
    Now you’re being deliberately obtuse. Not all of the package creates future unfunded mandates.

    Comment by Steverino — 2/25/2009 @ 10:01 am

    I’m being obtuse?

    A few weeks ago when I floated the notion of the Republicans not liking a small percentage of the stimulus package, tribesmen such as John Hitchcock said it was more like 90%.

    I guess Jindal isn’t his hero either.

    Oiram (983921)

  90. Oiram, could you kindly post a link to the data that back up your asserions? Thanks in advance.

    Comment by carlitos — 2/25/2009 @ 10:02 am


    Oiram (983921)

  91. Now that was civil, wasn’t it:

    ..tribesmen such as John Hitchcock…


    I guess it all depends on why a person posts at Patterico.

    Eric Blair (c8876d)

  92. Do you know what else I find interesting? “Liberal” California has been continually castigated by the tribe here at this site.

    Are you familiar with California’s budget problems? If you’re paying enough attention to recognize the castigation (much of which is coming from Californians) then you should also have noticed what the complaints are and why they’re being made. Louisiana has a budget surplus, which is why you don’t hear those sorts of complaints.

    I would have more respect for Jindal if he refused the whole package and applied for restructuring of the state’s taxes so as to not pay for it.

    States don’t pay taxes, Oiram. And Governors have no input into the taxes their state’s citizens pay to the federal government. I’d have more respect for Jindal if he could fly like Superman and produce unlimited alternative energy with laser beams emitting from his eyes. But that’s not really plausible, is it?

    Pablo (99243e)

  93. Mario – I was using your numbers from #70. That will teach me. I will be more than happy if you want to give me 2.5 percent of 3,700,000,000.

    Comment by JD — 2/25/2009 @ 10:06 am

    Please make out the check to Oiram JD.


    Oiram (983921)

  94. I’m being obtuse?

    Yes, you’re being obtuse. You’re not arguing in good faith.

    A few weeks ago when I floated the notion of the Republicans not liking a small percentage of the stimulus package, tribesmen such as John Hitchcock said it was more like 90%.

    I wasn’t involved in that argument, and it has no relevance here. The point is that Pablo demonstrated why Jindal was refusing the $98 million: it created unfunded mandates that his state would be responsible for. You asked why Jindal didn’t refuse the rest.

    If your position is that someone must either accept all of the stimulus plan or accept none of it, that falls into the False Dilemma fallacy.

    Exactly what is your position, oiram?

    Steverino (69d941)

  95. Tribesmen such as me? You have issue with me because I’m part American Indian?

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  96. #93

    Louisiana has a budget surplus, which is why you don’t hear those sorts of complaints.

    That’s great Pablo, then why not reject the 3.8 billion in it’s entirety and then request that it’s citizens offset state taxes to not have to pay for the other 49 states who might receive the stimulus?

    Oiram (983921)

  97. Who knew that Mario was so racist?


    Eric Blair (c8876d)

  98. #96 That’s funny John.

    I don’t have issue with your heritage.

    I used the term “Tribesman” because of the fact that patterico does not require membership here.

    Here’s a more justified way for you all to understand my meaning.

    “Tribesman” does not equal “Troll”.

    Oiram (983921)

  99. Olberman good because me like he;

    Rush bad because me no like he.

    – Hacks, who doesn’t actually listen to Limbaugh, and whose IP may look suspiciously like horace von der Moby-Greenwald’s

    Mitch (890cbf)

  100. #95 Steverino,

    Don’t you see that Americans are being politically played by the likes Jindal?

    At first glance, the media made those of us who do not dig for further truth, believe that Jindal was part of a noble cause to refuse the whole stimulus package.

    I wonder what percentage of Americans still believe that and will blindly vote for him in ’12?

    Oiram (983921)

  101. Okay, it looks like Oiram’s position — though he has steadfastly refused to state it — is that someone must either support all of the stimulus bill or oppose all of it, with no middle ground.

    Is that a correct statement of your position, Oiram? If not, please state your position outright, so we all know what we’re arguing against.

    Steverino (69d941)

  102. Don’t you see that Americans are being politically played by the likes Jindal?

    Non responsive.

    If you think American aren’t being played by the likes of Obama, then you are far more foolish than I imagined.

    Answer the question: Exactly what is your position, oiram?

    Steverino (69d941)

  103. Okay, it looks like Oiram’s position — though he has steadfastly refused to state it — is that someone must either support all of the stimulus bill or oppose all of it, with no middle ground.

    Yes, that is my position Steverino.

    A bill is a bill. It was voted on and passed the house and senate.

    Sorry, your guys weren’t in the majority this time.

    Oiram (983921)

  104. Re: #99…

    Oh, c’mon, Mario. You were just being a snarkass (new word!) toward John. That’s all. You feel that people call you names, too, I’m sure.

    My point is that you could stop. And then when people continue to call you names, it makes them look mean-spirited and empty of ideas.

    That is, if you actually are interested in civil debate.

    There is waaaaay too much trolling going on these days. You could be part of stopping it.

    But hey, it’s your choice.

    Eric Blair (c8876d)

  105. I won. Accept it as written or I’ll say you’re playing politics. Never mind your constituents voted you into office as well based on your own positions. You have to sell your constituents short because I won.

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  106. #103 Of course the Americans are being played by Obama Steverino.

    I along with most Americans currently would rather be “played” by Obama than Jindal.

    Again…….. any Governor who rejects the whole stimulus, and thrives in the next 4 years will get my serious consideration in 2012…………

    Even *Gulp* PALIN.

    Oiram (983921)

  107. Yes, that is my position Steverino.

    Then you have fallen into the False Dilemma fallacy. It is possible to support some of the measure and disagree with other parts.

    A bill is a bill. It was voted on and passed the house and senate.

    A horse is a horse, of course, of course. And no one can talk to a horse, of course.

    Oh, excuse me, we weren’t uttering meaningless phrases?

    So, once the house and senate vote on something, we must agree with all of it? I’m sure that wasn’t your attitude toward bills passed by Republicans. Tell me: did you give back your tax cuts from 2001? Because if you didn’t support the tax cut, then by your logic, you should have given the money back.

    Sorry, your guys weren’t in the majority this time.

    Again, what is the relevance? Are you now saying that once the bill is passed no one is allowed to disagree with any part of it?

    Life in the Oiram Gulag must be brutal.

    Steverino (69d941)

  108. mariO was lost when attempting to define the MSM,
    but on economics, he’s jumped the shark.
    But, as entertainment, he’s just another Hackoff with an easier name to parody.

    AD - RtR/OS (5b97d9)

  109. And just as a point of clarity, I believe most people here voiced their issues with GWB. It is my belief, not necessarily the belief of others, that most people here are further right than GWB and McCain. And I am further right on several issues and more closely tied to my “religious” beliefs than many here.

    I have found it very informative that the “right” is much less coagulated (since I can’t think of a better term) than the “left.” We can disagree with each other on various issues but join together in effort to preserve the greatest experiment in constitutional self-governance in history (as I understand history).

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  110. Why is it that you on the Left have this compulsive obsession to make one person out to the be face of the entire Republican party?

    Because they’re the party of the Strong Man; it’s the way they “think”.

    Rob Crawford (04f50f)

  111. #105 Eric, I did not intentionally mean any disrespect towards John.

    How would you like me to refer to you as well as Patterico’s finest (JD,Daley,John H., Pablo etc.)?

    Again sorry “Tribesman” offended.

    Oiram (983921)

  112. Maybe “collectivized”.

    Leviticus (43095b)

  113. #110 Agreed John.

    Oiram (983921)

  114. Just so you understand, mario, no human owns me and I am beholden to no human. I am an individual. The fact I believe Patterico is right on a great many topics (not all topics) does not make me one of his minions. And I would appreciate it if you didn’t declare me as such.

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  115. Then you have fallen into the False Dilemma fallacy. It is possible to support some of the measure and disagree with other parts.

    Better yet, it’s possible and logical to think the whole thing is a bad idea and take the money anyway. As Oiram notes, they won and they say money gets thrown around. You’d have to be a fool not to take some of it for your state. Besides, it would be a slap in the face of African Americans. You don’t want to slap African Americans in the face, do you, Oiram?

    A bill is a bill. It was voted on and passed the house and senate.

    And a state is a state. They’re not beholden to each and every dictate of the House and the Senate or the President. It says so in that Constitution thingy. See the 10th Amendment.

    Pablo (99243e)

  116. #109 I was lost AD?

    Care to define Olbermann, since you brought up MSM?

    I would love to know where he falls in yours and everyone else’s definition.

    Oiram (983921)

  117. Why is it that you on the Left have this compulsive obsession to make one person out to the be face of the entire Republican party?

    Because all they had to do to focus on their next boogeyman was to erase the very bottom of the B in Bush, and they were ready to roll. It was too easy to pass up.

    Pablo (99243e)

  118. Olbermann is a left-wing authoritarian.

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  119. #116 How many times do I have to repeat myself?

    Respectable to take the bill and consider it a bad idea.

    Respectable to refuse the bill all together.

    Cowardly to parse out the bill and refuse only a tiny percentage purely for political reasons.

    Do you remember Pablo all of the times rich Democrats have been made fun of for complaining about Republican tax structures, and yet not paying more than what is expected?

    Why did they do that you think?

    Again Jindal would be my hero if he rejected the whole package, or accepted all of it and still called it a “bad idea”.

    Oiram (983921)

  120. As someone who disagrees with the direction of current education and the denigration of religious thought in popular media, I must take issue with those who display, not a disagreement with, but a bias (though sometimes it comes across as much more that a simple bias) against those who have expressed some support for “creationism” or even “intelligent design”.
    I find this display of bias very unattractive.
    It is one thing to argue the points, another to denigrate just because.
    We need to constantly remind ourselves that the easiest course for those in public life is to never take a position on anything, particularly those things that are central to moral beliefs and require “faith”.
    The public figures who are willing to take such positions are actually much more courageous, since they know they are making themselves targets for condemnation and opprobrium.
    We need to be careful to oppose the policy proposals of those in public life, and not the beliefs of their faith.
    This is particularly difficult in dealing with “conservatives” since they generally have a position of faith, whereas our “liberal” opponents seem to have no underlying faith except opportunism.
    Just saying.

    AD - RtR/OS (5b97d9)

  121. #119 Thanks John, I tend to agree with you on that as well.

    But of course my question is:

    Is Olbermann part of the Main Stream Media?

    Oiram (983921)

  122. I have found it very informative that the “right” is much less coagulated (since I can’t think of a better term) than the “left.” We can disagree with each other on various issues but join together in effort to preserve the greatest experiment in constitutional self-governance in history (as I understand history).

    The “right” generally treats policy disagreements as arising from applying different values to the outcomes and impacts. The “left” generally treats policy disagreements as arising from the ignorance, corruption, or just plain evil nature of those who do not agree with them.

    The root of this difference lies in the role each side sees for government power.

    Rob Crawford (04f50f)

  123. That’s great Pablo, then why not reject the 3.8 billion in it’s entirety and then request that it’s citizens offset state taxes to not have to pay for the other 49 states who might receive the stimulus?

    Oiram, what the hell does that even mean?

    Pablo (99243e)

  124. Do you remember Pablo all of the times rich Democrats have been made fun of for complaining about Republican tax structures, and yet not paying more than what is expected?

    Do you realize Oiram that personal behavior has to do with your own money, and that the Governor of a state makes decisions based on his position as the executive of that state, and not as a private citizen?

    Pablo (99243e)

  125. Mario is just being intentionally obtuse. It is what it does.

    JD (1a03d8)

  126. If taking the money in the bill obligates an individual state to change its’ laws in such a manner that is would impose obligations on the citizens of that state that are inimical to the interests of those citizens, then that governor should reject those parts of the “stimulus” that imposes those “costs” on the state.

    It goes to a basic right of the states to not have Congress impose unfunded mandates upon them, a right that was supported in a SCOTUS decision in the last decade (the “Prince” decision on back-ground checks for gun-purchases, IIRC).

    AD - RtR/OS (5b97d9)

  127. Respectable to take the bill and consider it a bad idea.

    Respectable to refuse the bill all together.

    Cowardly to parse out the bill and refuse only a tiny percentage purely for political reasons.

    So, it’s okay to think it’s a bad idea and go along anyway, but it’s cowardly to think it’s a bad idea and try to fix one or more parts that you think are bad?

    Crushing logic you have there.

    But I’m not going to engage you further. I just found a Post-it note I made several weeks ago; it reads, “Don’t take Oiram seriously.”

    Steverino (69d941)

  128. So, it’s okay to think it’s a bad idea and go along anyway, but it’s cowardly to think it’s a bad idea and try to fix one or more parts that you think are bad?

    Get with the logic Steverino, the stimulus package has been “fixed”.

    Again, sorry your guys were not in the majority so that you could fix it further.

    If Republicans want to be able to “Fix” a bill, after it’s passed like Jindal wants to do, perhaps Governors should make a stand and refuse all of it.

    Oiram (983921)

  129. #127

    If taking the money in the bill obligates an individual state to change its’ laws in such a manner that is would impose obligations on the citizens of that state that are inimical to the interests of those citizens, then that governor should reject those parts of the “stimulus” that imposes those “costs” on the state.

    Wrong AD, they should reject all of it.

    Oiram (983921)

  130. I agree, mario has no grasp of logic and cannot be taken seriously.

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  131. #131, sorry you feel that way, John.

    Apparently it’s going to be a long 4, hopefully 8 years for you.

    Oiram (983921)

  132. I have my own cataclysmic concerns, not necessarily shared by others, mario, based on world events and the massive changes within the US.

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  133. Jeebus fuckin keeerist. How fuckin difficult is it for one of the goddam trolls to demonstrate a modicum of intellectual honesty?!?! It has been an absolute parade of dishonesty from the likes of Hacks, Mario, imdw, et al for the last couple weeks. They are tiresome beyond words. Lord knows that I love to play whack-a-troll, but from now on, these dishonest douchebags will get nothing but mockery and scorn. May the semen of your goat run down your chins, you fuckin wankers.

    JD (1a03d8)

  134. Get with the logic Steverino, the stimulus package has been “fixed”.

    That’s got to be the funniest thing I’ve read all week. You ought to do stand-up.

    If Republicans want to be able to “Fix” a bill, after it’s passed like Jindal wants to do, perhaps Governors should make a stand and refuse all of it.

    Like the school districts that refused all of No Child Left Behind?

    Sorry, it doesn’t wash. There is nothing wrong or immoral or illogical about opposing part of a bill and likewise nothing wrong or immoral or illogical (or cowardly) about a governor not implementing part of a bill.

    Steverino (69d941)

  135. Wow. Thanks for the link, Oiram. Despite your quite breathtaking obtusity here, I think that a Governor rejecting federal money that will cost them more in the long run is quite responsible and good governance, not “playing politics.”

    Similarly, governors of states don’t like being told what to do in their states, as seen in your article. I suppose it falls under “interstate commerce,” just like homegrown pot in Cali.

    In Idaho, Gov. C. L. Otter has appointed an executive panel of five former state budget officers and three former governors to review requests for stimulus money from state agencies and the private sector. David Hensley, a lawyer for Mr. Otter, complained that the law required the state to spend 3 percent of the transportation money on “transportation enhancement.”

    “I never imagined that Congress would tell the state of Idaho that they have to spend $5.5 million on bike paths or pedestrian lanes,” Mr. Hensley said.

    carlitos (df673c)

  136. When I see Jindal, I also say “My God,” as I’m reminded that the top 3 GOP governors are all creationism-as-science supporters. He’s awesome on fiscal and most other issues, but that creationism-in-the-classroom stuff is going to doom Republicans.

    carlitos (df673c)

  137. Oiram’s right not just about Jindal, but about the GOP’s defining dilemma.

    Jindal’s “more AND less” approach to fiscal responsibility is emblematic of why voters no longer trust Republicans to keep their taxes low or government “small.”

    Alan Wolfe, a professor at Boston College, tees it up:
    “Eager to salvage conservatism from the wreckage of conservative rule, right-wing pundits are furiously blaming right-wing politicians for failing to adhere to right-wing convictions. Libertarians such as Bruce Bartlett fret that under Republican control, government has not shrunk, as conservatives prescribe, but has grown. Insiders like Peggy Noonan complain that Republicans have become–well, insiders; they are too focused on retaining power and too disconnected from the base whose anger pushed them into power. Idealistic younger conservatives bewail the care and feeding of the K Street beast. Paleocons Pat Buchanan and Robert Novak blame neocons William Kristol and Charles Krauthammer for the debacle that is Iraq. Through all these laments there pulsates a sense of desperation: A conservative president and an even more conservative Congress must be repudiated to enable genuine conservatism to survive. Sure, the Bush administration has failed, all these voices proclaim. But that is because Bush and his Republican allies in Congress borrowed big government and foreign-policy idealism from the left. The ideas of Woodrow Wilson and John Maynard Keynes, from their point of view, have always been flawed. George W. Bush and Tom DeLay just prove it one more time.”

    That’s from Wolfe’s essay “Why Conservatives Can’t Govern.”

    His analysis is that conservatives can’t govern because politically and ideologically, they pit themselves against government. Once in power, they find that, in reality, they’ve little choice but to try and use government to achieve some kind of progress, while at the same time, maintaining an anti-government stance. They end up special pleading.

    Since this type of conservative has made a career of being against government power, he or she can’t embrace government as a problem solver. But at the same time, he or she actually has a hand in the government till, they can’t deny their supporters their fair share.

    “Liberals, while enjoying the perquisites of office, also want to be in a position to use government to solve problems. But conservatives have different motives for wanting power. One is to prevent liberals from doing so; if government cannot be made to disappear, at least it can be prevented from doing any good. The other is to build a political machine in which business and the Republican Party can exchange mutual favors; business will lavish cash on politicians (called campaign contributions) while politicians will throw the money back at business (called public policy). Conservatism will always attract its share of young idealists. And young idealists will always be disillusioned by the sheer amount of corruption that people like Gingrich and DeLay generate. If yesterday’s conservative was a liberal mugged by reality, today’s is a free-marketer fattened by pork.”

    Hax Vobiscum (edacf7)

  138. Folks, we now have a verdict: Hax says Oiram is right….what further evidence do we need that he’s wrong?

    Steverino (69d941)

  139. Weird, Pablo, the way Timmah quoted something posted over at Proteinwisdom. It’s like he obsesses over the place.

    Rob Crawford (04f50f)

  140. Oiram is intentionally avoiding the point about Jindal’s action. Troll.

    SPQR (72771e)

  141. A fucking tsunami of stoooopidity from the dynamic duo of douchenozzles.

    JD (1a03d8)

  142. Oiram is intentionally avoiding the point about Jindal’s action. Troll.


    Rob Crawford (04f50f)

  143. Remember folks, don’t feed the troll.

    As obtuse as Mario is, he at least is merely mendacious.

    steve miller (6750af)

  144. Hax says Oiram is right….

    Can a stumpy – legged dog do a reach – around with a Troll? Watch our shocking video at 11 – tonight!

    Dmac (49b16c)

  145. #141 Oh, no SPQR. I’ve got Jindal’s point perfectly.

    I just wish he had the cajones to reject the whole bill instead of the 2.5 % he doesn’t like.

    In the scope of U.S. politicians, I’m thinking Jindal is the “Troll”.

    You all have the luxury of ignoring “Trolls” like me.

    I unfortunately can not ignore the G.O.P.’s serious contender for 2012 Bobby Jindal.

    Oiram (983921)

  146. In the scope of U.S. politicians, I’m thinking Jindal is the “Troll”.


    Rob Crawford (04f50f)

  147. Yes, that is my position Steverino.

    A bill is a bill. It was voted on and passed the house and senate.

    Sorry, your guys weren’t in the majority this time.

    Comment by Oiram

    THis is clearly not a serious position. I was excluding Oiram from the left wing troll category but I might have to reassess that. This is not a game. It is governing. The left seems to think that it is a game and you can throw around huge sums of money and nothing bad could happen because, when we are done, everybody goes home and mom makes dinner. Tomorrow we will have another game. Nothing is real.

    I see this unseriousness on national security but we are now seeing it on economics. Lyndon Johnson casually destroyed the American dollar for a generation. I bought my first home in 1969 for $ 35,000. Twenty years later, it was for sale for $595,000. It was no larger and the lot was no larger. I bought my first new car, a red Mustang convertible, in 1968 for $3050. Twenty years later, the equivalent car was $25,000 and now it is more. Why ?

    We will see this happen again and our children (three of mine voted for Obama so I have little sympathy for them) will pay for this when they are in their 50s.

    The left wing trolls seem to think another try at socialism is a harmless experiment. They think it is a game.

    More and more, I see Obama as the American Mitterand.

    Mike K (8df289)

  148. Can someone tell me why if Herr Olbermann is secure in his beliefs, why in all his years of broadcasting, does he not allow someone with different beliefs to challenge him?

    (side note: In doing research on the man, his family in Germany worked for the SS during the 30’s and early 40’s)

    JSF (9d1bb3)

  149. JSF, as much as I despise Keith Olbermann, your “side note” is offensive.

    SPQR (72771e)

  150. JSF — his ancestors’ errors are immaterial. We are not responsible for the sins of our fathers.

    Rob Crawford (04f50f)

  151. “A bill is a bill. It was voted on and passed the house and senate.”

    Oiram – Jindal didn’t vote on the bill.

    If by accepting funds contained in a section of the bill it obligates Louisiana to spend future funds Jindal believes it unwise to commit to spending that’s not a political decision, that’s a fiscal management decision. It’s unfortunate you don’t understand that.

    Why have you annointed Jindal the great GOP hope for 2012? Have you become a pollster or pundit?

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  152. “The other is to build a political machine in which business and the Republican Party can exchange mutual favors”

    Hax – Are they implying this is the equivalent of the Democratic contributions from union slush funds or that Democrats get no contributions from businesses themselves? They can’t mean that can they? That would be like totally stupid when you look at how some industries contribute mostly to Democrats.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  153. Democrats do have a Locke on the Bhuddist temple market though. It’ll be fun rehashing old times.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  154. #147 Mike now I’m mad.

    Unbelievable. You are blaming Johnson for the cost of your car and home going up. No one else?

    What happened to the Republican mantra that was flung around every time I questioned oil prices???

    Jesus, all I ever got was “Supply and Demand”…….”Supply and Demand”.

    Oiram (983921)

  155. Oiram,

    It is supply and demand.

    See how oil prices collapsed in the span of a few months?

    Obama über alles!!!!! (da3d2f)

  156. #151

    Oiram – Jindal didn’t vote on the bill.

    With that attitude, secession might be next.

    Would not surprise me.

    Why have you annointed Jindal the great GOP hope for 2012? Have you become a pollster or pundit?

    I have not anointed him Daley. Perhaps the liberal media did when they gave a rebuttal platform to Jindal after Obama’s speech.

    Uh Oh, maybe the media is propping Jindal up as a faux 2012 Republican candidate so that the “chosen one” will be a shoe in.

    I would of picked Palin for that agenda myself.

    Oiram (983921)

  157. #155 Obama über alles!!!!! ????

    “Supply and Demand” For oil prices?? Ya think?

    I could of sworn it was Bush’s decree that we should resume offshore drilling. Duh……..

    Seriously, if you think it was “Supply and Demand” then tell that to your buddy MikeK concerning comment #147.

    Oiram (983921)

  158. SPQR and Rob,

    How many Air America hosts, daily Kossites, HuffPo’s attacked President Bush because of Prescott Bush?

    Whether Prescott Bush did what the left said he did, does not matter — the past is never past for the left. As i said, in researching Olbermann, his familey worked for the SS. let the left eat on that for a while.

    JSF (9d1bb3)

  159. JSF, attacking Air America, the Kos kiddies et al for their hypocrisy is one thing. Attacking Olbermann himself is another.

    It is offensive.

    SPQR (72771e)

  160. #158 Heh……… I have no idea what Prescott Bush did…….. nor do I care.

    Heh, I also am no fan of Olbermann………. and I could care less where his family worked.

    Imagine That.

    Oiram (983921)

  161. “the left wing troll category”

    The Whine Club needs a few lessons in branding.

    If you throw out the “troll” allegation with the same frequency and gusto that Limbaugh quaffs oxycontin you shouldn’t be surprised when the body politic develops immunity.

    The Whiners go on and on about how liberalism is a mental illness, or a plot to destroy humanity or Satanism, then pretend as if liberals are going to feel bad at being told they may yet fall into the “troll category.”

    Hax Vobiscum (23258e)

  162. Mario is aggressively dishonest. Period. Willfully obtuse. A typhoon of trollery. A monsoon of mendacity. A tornado of twatwafflery. Mock and scorn.

    JD (0e6191)

  163. #162 Coming from you JD, that’s a compliment.

    Oiram (983921)

  164. Hacks is just a lying asshat. Another aggressively dishonest one. bunkerbuster rubberbabybuggybumper has proven it repeatedly.

    JD (0e6191)

  165. “…the same frequency and gusto that Limbaugh quaffs oxycontin …”

    You stay classy, Hax. And remember: you don’t get to criticize others for things that you do.

    Eric Blair (c8876d)

  166. That is the first person in my life that I have ever seen be proud of being dishonest.

    JD (0e6191)

  167. So, JD, please go over what happened with “bunkerbuster” again, would you? I mean, since the past is so important to some folks.

    Eric Blair (c8876d)

  168. “The Whine Club needs a few lessons in branding.”

    Hax – Is branding part of your homoerotic routine at your club? You keep talking about it. Why?

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  169. We are being scolded by a troll about labeling of trolls.

    Ooooooo, the irony.

    SPQR (72771e)

  170. I have not anointed him Daley. Perhaps the liberal media did when they gave a rebuttal platform to Jindal after Obama’s speech.

    Oiram – Republicans chose Jindal for the rebuttal unless I am mistaken. I thought you annointed Jindal way back in comment 70, but perhaps that is due to your worship of the clueless liberal media.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  171. Eric – It was banned under that name during its initial foray into this website. Patterico’s initial reaction was spot on. It is a dishonest asshat. There is no reason to remain civil any longer. We were way too generous.

    JD (0e6191)

  172. We could always just encourage the charming fellow to comment on things that have gotten him banned or warned previously. He genuinely can’t seem to help himself.

    Eric Blair (c8876d)

  173. “clueless liberal media”

    If it’s so clueless, why is it running the freest, strongest, richest country in the world? (In your view.)

    Hax Vobiscum (23258e)

  174. #147 Mike now I’m mad.

    Unbelievable. You are blaming Johnson for the cost of your car and home going up. No one else?

    You really don’t know ? What was the price of gold in 1964 ? Do you know what inflation is ? What was the price of gold in 1978 ?

    You ask if anyone else is responsible and of course there is someone. Jimmy Carter caved in to every spending program that the Democrats passed after he was elected. As a result, inflation went to 11 % by 1979.

    What happened to the Republican mantra that was flung around every time I questioned oil prices???

    Jesus, all I ever got was “Supply and Demand”…….”Supply and Demand”.

    Comment by Oiram

    What has that to do with Johnson ? During the 1967 Arab-Israeli War, the Arabs tried to do an oil embargo. We simply flooded the market with our own oil. By 1973, that was no longer an option. Carter blamed the oil price shock for the financial woes in his term but he is the guy who could have supported the Shah.

    Instead, his minions called Khomeni a “saint.”

    I find it hard to believe you are this ignorant but maybe you are. After all, Obama thinks the railroad was built to California during the Civil War.

    The Democrats were in power during that entire era. Nixon was president after Johnson but the Congress was Democrat. Now, we have a similar dynamic and I am seeing a worse situation because Johnson, for all his faults and delusions about the New Deal, was an effective president and Obama isn’t. Maybe he will learn but I am not optimistic.

    Mike K (f89cb3)

  175. I know I’m a bit late, but here’s the musical interlude.

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  176. to clarify: freest, strongest richest is my view. Liberals control the media, which controls politics, is the Whine Club meme, not mine.

    Hax Vobiscum (23258e)

  177. JD: “no reason to remain civil any longer.”

    Bravo JD and right on. I can’t wait to here what the Whine Club sounds like when it’s not remaining civil any longer.

    Hax Vobiscum (23258e)

  178. John, there is a Dr. Seuss book that comes to mind. Can you guess which one?

    Eric Blair (c8876d)

  179. All my Seuss stories have combined. I have a hard time separating them out. Perhaps the one where the critters were getting stars on their chests?

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  180. #161 Hey Hax, you know what I found interesting? Yesterday you made a comment that was not addressed by Patterico’s finest here, yet you were called a “Troll” dozens and dozens of times on the same thread.

    If they feel so adamant about you being a “Troll” then why not ignore you completely?

    I mean, who are they trying to convince that you are a “Troll”??

    When I saw that, it only lead me to read what you were actually saying and question it’s validity.

    Had they truly ignored you, I most likely would not of read a word of what you were saying. You lit a match, and they flamed the fire.

    Word of advice to the “Troll” haters: (If your still reading)

    If you think we are truly “Trolls” then be disciplined enough not to acknowledge our existence.

    Thanks Patterico for this forum.

    Oiram (983921)

  181. “If it’s so clueless, why is it running the freest, strongest, richest country in the world? (In your view.)”

    I was not aware the liberal media was in charge. Who knew? I try to limit my contact with them.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  182. Word of advice to the “Troll” haters: (If your still reading)

    Oiram – I didn’t ask for your advice. Do you like getting unsolicited advice?

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  183. #170 So O.K. Daley. GOP has not anointed him yet, fine, but they chose him to rebut.

    So what was that then? Did they just float him out there to see how he polled?

    Oiram (983921)

  184. the idiots like each other.

    JD (0e6191)

  185. Mario, no disrespect, but HV continually posts irritating things with the intention of stirring people up, as a childish game.

    So ignore him?

    Okay, but then he gets to define what others do? He supposedly has a blog; if folks from the Right frequented his blog and continually acted…well, like he does here…would that be okay? Would you want that for your blog?

    I think he should just post his ideas (which he does from time to time) and quit the baiting. To be sure, he will claim that “other people did it first.” But that isn’t a mature way to deal with things.

    HV just likes to fight, as if it is a game. And it is Patterico’s blog, not his. Not mine, and not yours.

    You are being polite and respectful about Patterico’s blog, and that is to your credit. I don’t think you are playing games.

    Eric Blair (c8876d)

  186. #185 No problem Daley.

    Just telling you how I approached Hax’s comment.

    I don’t know Hax from Adam mind you, but I sure did read his comment that seemed to infuriate all of you.

    You guys really do like preaching to your choir don’t you?

    Oiram (983921)

  187. It was Matthews.

    b10621 (df882e)

  188. Mario, it’s been a long time since anyone took any of Hax’s long-winded posts seriously. Most people just scroll past anything Hax posts because he has already proven to be wholly dishonest in practically everything he throws up (pun intended).

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  189. What a fuckin mental midget you are, Mario. There is a rebuttal to every state of the union type speech. You are either being intentionally dense, or are dummerer than a sack of Hacks.

    JD (0e6191)

  190. I don’t think you are playing games.

    You are probably right, Eric. It is more likely that it is just not that bright.

    JD (0e6191)

  191. What I do not get is why they are like that. They are the internet equivalent of someone showing up uninvited at a dinner party. They proceed to stand on your dining room table, drop trou, and drop a deuce right in the middle of the table. After doing so, the asshat proceeds to fling the feces at all of the friends and guests. When people complain, it is never the fault of the feces thrower, but the fault of the actual guests, who have the audacity to not like having shit thrown on them.

    JD (0e6191)

  192. “I don’t know Hax from Adam mind you, but I sure did read his comment that seemed to infuriate all of you.”

    Oiram – You might have missed a few threads over the past week or so, including one where Patterico threatened to ban him once again for insulting Stashiu3 and then lying about it. You wonder about no one replying to his comment from yesterday, iy is due to his dishonest conduct, which he now admits, over the course of the past week or so. Patterico has called him out a few times, which as you know is unusual.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  193. the idiots like each other.

    Hence the earlier reach – around; it was an emotional moment for both of them, no doubt. Consummated their love right by the Slurpee Machine.

    Dmac (49b16c)

  194. Oiram – Hax just wants attention so when people stopped immediately responding to his comments he started taunting the rest of the board – hence the Whine Club, the homoerotic fantasies, etc., etc. He’s looking for nibbles on his comments. It may be tougher for you to see since you arrived at the party late and missed his earlier more egregious behaviour.

    Now he’s just pathetic because people won’t play with him.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  195. #188 Thanks for you candor Eric.

    So shouldn’t you and others stop feeding him or me?

    I’ve heard that suggested here. I think it might work.

    You can count the number of liberals that frequent this site on one hand.

    Rather than call us a “Troll” multiple times, just ignore the ones you feel are being “Trollish”.

    Your right this does not need to be a soap box for the likes of Hax or I for that matter.

    If Patterico feels that it’s necessary to delete off topic comments it will.

    Oiram (983921)

  196. Mario is no different than Hacks, just less verbose. Every bit as brain-poundingly dishonest.

    JD (0e6191)

  197. Or, maybe you could fucking try being honest, Mario, and then people would treat you in a more civil manner. Why are you allergic to honesty, or simply good faith discussions?

    JD (0e6191)

  198. Birds of a feather, you could say.

    Dmac (49b16c)

  199. You guys really do like preaching to your choir don’t you?

    It’s a conservative – leaning website; no duh.

    Dmac (49b16c)

  200. Oiram,
    An exercise:

    Your parents “voted” to give you $1000. As condition for the gift, your parents demand that you give $12.50 per year to a right-wing religious charity for the next few years. $975 is free and clear, but that last $25 came from a loan shark who is going to break your kneecaps if you don’t pay him, say, $5 a week juice starting in 24 months.

    What decision do you make- do you take the whole $1000, only $975, or none?

    carlitos (7558c8)

  201. carlitos – You are going to make its head assplode.

    JD (0e6191)

  202. Nice carlitos!

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  203. Hopy (changey) Crapsuey! Two of ’em.

    My scrollover finger hasn’t recovered from the last convocation of stupid…

    EW1(SG) (e27928)

  204. “You can count the number of liberals that frequent this site on one hand.”

    Oiram – You can count the number of honest liberals that frequent this site on less than one hand. Why do you liberals have to argue dishonestly in order to try to prevail in arguments? Doesn’t that tell you something about your positions?

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  205. Notice no substantive reply to serious comments. I didn’t class him as a troll but it’s getting harder to ignore that possibility. Then other one I ignore.

    Does he understand why prices went up after Johnson and Carter let inflation loose ? I still don’t know. There is a small supply and demand factor in the house price (I had long since sold it and moved to OC) I quoted as Pasadena was more convenient as LA traffic got worse but that might double the price, not make it go up by 20 times.

    The car prices were inflation driven except for a small factor with safety costs.

    They just don’t understand why costs go up and the dollar goes down. They think gold is a relic. And they vote for spending and debt.

    Mike K (8df289)

  206. #205 Hey Daley,

    Who was being dishonest to me about “Supply and Demand” being the reason for Oil prices going down?


    It is supply and demand.

    See how oil prices collapsed in the span of a few months?

    Comment by Obama über alles!!!!! — 2/25/2009 @ 1:56 pm

    Or……….. everyone way back in June that was arguing against me when I said what über just said?

    I didn’t get the memo, are the Republicans back on the supply and demand excuse for oil prices, or are they still sticking with Bush’s “Off shore drilling” lift?

    Oiram (983921)

  207. Aggressively dishonest, it is.

    JD (0e6191)

  208. “Who was being dishonest to me about “Supply and Demand” being the reason for Oil prices going down?”

    Oiram – No one.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  209. “I didn’t get the memo, are the Republicans back on the supply and demand excuse for oil prices, or are they still sticking with Bush’s “Off shore drilling” lift?”

    Oiram – Are you being aggressively obtuse again or do you genuinely not understand the issues?

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  210. daley – We cannot ignore the possibility that it is aggressively obtuse and genuinely stoooopid at the same time.

    JD (0e6191)

  211. Off to Gibson’s Steakhouse … see ya’

    JD (0e6191)

  212. #201 Typical twist of facts by the right wing hacks Carlitos, glad to know your tuning in.

    Let me know when Obama and the rest of the dems start breaking your knee caps.

    Oh wait, I get it!! You consider extending unemployment to those who really need it, knee breaking!!

    Heartless to say the least.

    Again, secession might be yours and Jindal’s option.

    Oiram (983921)

  213. #210 Hey Daley would you be comfortable with a Democrat Governor only accepting part of a bill that passed in a Republican controlled House and Senate?

    Sorry don’t see the obtuseness on my part.

    Oiram (983921)

  214. #212 O.k. JD…….. order up a porter house for me……


    Take Care All

    Jindal/Palin in ’12

    Or Palin/Jindal

    Whatever floats your boats.

    Sorry Joe the Plumber, you’ll have to settle for Secretary Of State 🙁

    Oiram (983921)

  215. Aggressive dishonesty. That is the only rational explanation.

    JD (0e6191)

  216. Most people just scroll past anything Hax posts because he has already proven to be wholly dishonest in practically everything he throws up (pun intended).

    If the poster’s name appeared before the comment, avoiding troll comments would be a lot easier. Is that possible in WordPress?

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R., who implores DRJ to remain at Patterico! (de7352)

  217. “#210 Hey Daley would you be comfortable with a Democrat Governor only accepting part of a bill that passed in a Republican controlled House and Senate?”

    Oiram – Absolutely. The states don’t have to be indentured to the federal government. What’s the problem with turning down the money? If the voters in the home state take issue with it, let them punish the politicians, it’s not your fight.

    You haven’t answered the question on oil either, whether you are being intentionally obtuse.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  218. Oiram – Remember the Bridge to Nowhere in Alaska. Accepting funds for that project would have meant Alaska coming up with a significant chunk of change to fund their portion of the project. Using your logic, you probably would say they should have accepted it instead of cancelling the project. As it budgeting process worked out the funds are available other projects, so that is not an issue, but it might have been.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  219. Well, I thought it was worth a try. Yes, Oiram, in my example, the loan’s usurious terms were meant to symbolize beating homeless people or something. You really do have a reading comprehension problem. Best of luck with that.

    carlitos (e53eae)

  220. Some of you simply will not learn. Sadly.

    We’ve almost got one troll to abandon this site due to the lack of attention. Don’t let them play good troll/bad troll; they are both dishonest in their argumentation.

    steve miller (a90638)

  221. MOM! I didn’t know you were commenting here!

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  222. Brad writes: “If the poster’s name appeared before the comment, avoiding troll comments would be a lot easier.”


    Since, obviously, you don’t know what to read unless you know who wrote it, do you Brad?

    Hax Vobiscum (23258e)

  223. Sigh.

    Don’t give it air, folks.

    steve miller (a90638)

  224. Steve, are you saying you don’t like the music I provide?

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  225. John, you are a beautiful human being with a warm heart.

    I’m talking about the other useless posters.

    steve miller (a90638)

  226. If you allow Stumpy the Dog to hump your leg, you only have yourself to blame.

    Dmac (49b16c)

  227. See, this is the thing, steve.

    People like Mario or HV amazingly write that regular posters here shouldn’t respond to them. But they can say whatever they like, in some kind of childish game. Yet they feel no responsibility for the childish nature of their antics, and the impact it has on discourse here.

    So who controls….someone else’s blog?

    I would think, this being Patterico’s site, that trolls (and by that term, I mean people who are here to fight and insult, rather than actually discuss or debate with civility) should not control that discourse.

    As it stands, some people are starting to opt out. Gresham’s Law, again.

    But it ain’t my blog, either. Patterico seems okay with it. And folks can stay and fling insults, or they can move on.

    All I can say is that playing games about this kind of thing isn’t very mature. Especially from people who have claimed to have their own blog (oh, pardon me, we “could not prove” that they did not have their own blog, in a typical very mature taunt).

    So…just as the current crop are saying: hey, you don’t like it, don’t engage us in insults…on someone else’s blog.

    I respond: why don’t you just play games on YOUR blog?

    The answer is that is much more fun, apparently, to damage what other people build. Easier than building something of your own, too.

    Eric Blair (8d54e0)

  228. steve miller,
    Precisely. The trolls don’t deserve any attention. There are plenty of intelligent, honest people here who do.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (0ea407)

  229. FWIW, I apologize to Patterico and the regulars for my rant above. The obvious and aggressive dishonesty is beyond tiresome.

    JD (0e6191)

  230. Eric, you make a good point.

    It’s like the thugs that deface public property with gang symbols and other grafitti. I don’t think they add anything, and they certainly aren’t neutral. They’re simply destructive, unoriginal, and unthinking.

    I wish the poster who engage in these useless discussions with the clueless few would stop paying them the compliment of assuming they are honest doubters.

    I wouldn’t mind a true leftist posting here. Or a true anarchist.

    What I do mind is the sniggering foolishness or witless obtuseness. (Yes, it’s so darn clever to pretend to not understand! We are so amused!)

    At some point, the trolls become a negative force simply by continuing to post. They degrade everyone’s capacity for argument. So ignoring them is the only tool we have to get them to leave.

    The one troll’s foolish attacks on Stashiu3 were what got me. Flatulent ignorance on display, mulish obstinacy in admitting fault, dancing around the issue — it was the catastrophic event that changed the event line from a horizontal plane to a slope.

    So I just scroll over their posts entirely. Won’t give them the satisfaction to think that I read, much less even acknowledge, one word.

    steve miller (a90638)

  231. JD, your posts are always interesting, and your occasional invective creative. Sometimes I agree with you, sometimes I do not. But you are never boring, and in particular, you never waste anyone’s time.

    Steve, that was a nice post.

    Eric Blair (8d54e0)

  232. Eric Blair,
    The answer is that is much more fun, apparently, to damage what other people build. Easier than building something of your own, too.

    The trolls are also afraid of what’s going on here. They don’t want factually based exposure of their falsehoods and distortions. Just look at their laughable assertions of no leftist bias in the MSM. The reality doesn’t fit their ideology, and their ideology is more important than honesty, so they lie.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (0ea407)

  233. Thank you, Eric. I just ate a huge steak with a friend from Protein Wisdom, Maj/LtC John. This is a good night. And it appears the asshats have passed out. Huffing glue and eating paste gets them every time.

    JD (0e6191)

  234. Bradley, I trust your judgement, but I think you give them too much credit. I think they just want to play games in an environment that is safe from the outcomes of their actions and statements.

    Look at all the childish passive aggressive business (“Brad,” etc).

    To be sure, many regular posters rail back—including me from time to time. But I suspect that this is just a game, allowing our TdJs to feel powerful and speak Troof to Powder.

    Also, the investment in time and effort is minimal.

    Eric Blair (8d54e0)

  235. Hey, JD, were you in the Flaming Carnivorous Sword Brigade from awhile back? The Chicago group?

    I hope you found a perfect martini to go with the steak!

    Of course, I am routinely told that, on the West Coast, there are no good steaks.

    And I won’t even start the discussion of pizza, which often leads to the equivalent of religious wars.

    Eric Blair (8d54e0)

  236. I am forced, after viewing the comments today, to add Oiram to the troll list. I promise I will not respond to its posts any more.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  237. #242 Eric Blair:

    Of course, I am routinely told that, on the West Coast, there are no good steaks.

    Hmmph, where in the world did you hear that?

    Triple Creek Herefords.

    EW1(SG) (e27928)

  238. Yes, Eric, they had the pleasure of my company. Gibson’s serves an excellent martini, according to those that drink. Lou Malnatti’s chicago deep dish is heavenly, and I will devour my body weight there tomorrow. I also like New York style thin and crispy. I pity the Left coasters on their lack of real pizza and steakhouses, but the fresh seafood, authentic Asian, and out of this world sushi more than makes up for it.

    JD (0e6191)

  239. Pdbuttons – are you by chance related to krazy kagu?

    carlitos (79facb)

  240. Thanks Steve!

    I’ve heard that door-to-door salesman love finding a sign on the door saying: “No salesmen.”

    That’s because, almost without fail, behind that door is someone who never met a pitch that didn’t make them want to buy. They can’t abide salesman because, so often, they end up holding coupons for a time-share Bible figurine and the salesman ends up with their money.

    You’ve gotta love how the Whine Club keeps painting bigger, more desperate “No Trolls” signs on their doors day-after-day-after-day.

    Hax Vobiscum (23258e)

  241. EW1(SG), thank you for the pointer. Any recommendations for tony places in Seattle? My wife’s birthday is coming up.

    JD, I know what you mean. I used to live in San Diego, and I simply cannot get what I consider to be good Mexican food up here (let’s hear it for Alberto’s “fast food” or El Tecalote in Mission Bay). But then, the seafood is excellent here.

    Dr. K.: sad but true.

    Eric Blair (8d54e0)

  242. Hey, Hax. How’s that apology to Stash?

    Last I heard, you felt you had done no wrong.

    Please go into detail.

    Eric Blair (8d54e0)

  243. Eric – You know damn good and well that Hacks is a dishonest douchebag, and despite it pseudo-apology, it has persisted in questioning the honesty of Stash, someone that Hacks is not even good enough to shine Stash’s shoes.

    Wild Ginger and Canlis were places that Better Half liked when she was in Seattle.

    JD (0e6191)

  244. (let’s hear it for Alberto’s “fast food”

    Ah, a carne asada burrito the size of your forearm for 3 bucks. Damn, I miss that.

    Pablo (99243e)

  245. Pablo – for burritos “as big as your head” sounds pretty similar.

    JD (0e6191)

  246. Oh, and Hax? Why did you use the name “bunkerbuster” in the past, and what did you do to get banned?

    Please tell everyone, in detail, since you so much enjoy attention!

    Eric Blair (8d54e0)

  247. Hey, JD, you know that if I am irritating Hax, all he has to do is ignore me. Right?

    But I know what’ll happen if he pursues those topics. So does he.

    Pablo! You know what I meant! Yeah! There was a burgeoning of places with names like Alberto’s to avoid trademark violations: Albiertos, Roybertos, etc. And they were all good. Tru freakin’ dat about the carne asada burritos.

    I also enjoyed the Old Town Mexican Cafe in Old Town, though it was touristy. The broiled chicken quesadilla was wonderful.

    JD, I have been to Wild Ginger, and it was great. Thanks for the other recommendation.

    Eric Blair (8d54e0)

  248. Why, Eric, how cruel.

    I am not sure I spelled that right … Canlis? At any rate, Better Half liked it.

    JD (0e6191)

  249. Yikes! Canlis!? I once drove up to the door in my very cheap car for a corporate event. When I asked the parking attendant for a ticket, he just said, “Oh, we’ll remember this car.”

    Eric, I’m assuming you mean some other Steve – I don’t think my posts are that good – I get too enamored of mere words & get all purply-prosed.

    It’s fun to read the thinkers. I scroll over the stinkers.

    steve miller (a90638)

  250. Oh, c’mon steve: when it comes to purple prose, there are much worse examples of that literary sin around here!

    When I was a kid, I used to think it would be funny to come out of a fancy restaurant, and say “The brown Rolls” to the valet.

    Yeah, it wouldn’t have worked. But when you are 22 or so, you can dream!

    Eric Blair (8d54e0)

  251. It has been a while since I’ve dined in the emerald city, but I second wild ginger. Zoe’s was pretty good too, and something with “buddha” in the name.

    carlitos (5729c3)

  252. Thanks, carlitos!

    Eric Blair (8d54e0)

  253. Oh, and my two kids insist on eating chicken strips wherever we go (sigh…at least they also eat broccoli and cauliflower).

    The “best” chicken strips (according to them) is in “that tall restaurant that goes round and round” downtown.

    17 dollar chicken strips. Where is my stimulus package?

    Eric Blair (8d54e0)

  254. steve – Better Half has much better taste than I. I prefer places that stick with large ginormous hunks of slightly bleeding dead cow, seared at 1500-1800 degrees, and served with heaping portions of potatoes. Or super sized burritos. Good Allah, I have made myself hungry again. Apparently 24 oz. of bone-in ribeye was not enough. LaBamba!!!!!!!!!

    JD (0e6191)

  255. #248 Eric Blair:

    Any recommendations for tony places in Seattle? My wife’s birthday is coming up.

    If you’ve not made the trek over to the Boat Shed on Washington Narrows in Bremerton, it makes for a nice (but long, what with two hours ferrying) romantic, evening excursion. The food has varied from good to superb over the years, so I’m not sure what you would find today…but the location over the water is very nice. Seattle is shot in the ass with good restaurants, but I usually lunched out and cooked at home for dinner when I lived there.

    If you’ve not hit The Weeping Pig (okay, El Puerco Llorón) for lunch on the lower level of the Pike Street Hill Climb, you’ve missed the most authentic place Seattle has to offer north of the Grapevine and west of Yakima.

    And you’re not likely to be able to find Triple Creek beef in the local store~it’s a small ranch outside of Noti in the Oregon territory.

    Wish I could give a better recommendation, but if I can’t cook for ya’ I’m a bit lost.

    EW1(SG) (e27928)

  256. carlitos made a great call on Brazazz, and since that is the second vote for Wild Ginger, that is prolly a pretty good bet. I ate at the Wild Ginger in Nashville. Sublime.

    JD (0e6191)

  257. So shouldn’t you and others stop feeding him or me?

    I’ve heard that suggested here. I think it might work.

    I’ve been giving you the benefit of the doubt, Oiram, that you might just be stupid and not a dishonest weasel. But now you’ve got me thinking that you and Hacks ought to just get a room. Elsewhere.

    Pablo (99243e)

  258. EW1 sounds like he knows what he is talking about. Best to ignore me.

    JD (0e6191)

  259. Icon Grill is nice if you like to see Chihuly glass.

    steve miller (a90638)

  260. The Weeping Pig — never even heard of it. Now I feel stupid. I’ll have to try it next time I’m at the market.

    Speaking of the market, you ever dropped in to that men’s clothing store on Pike just one block east of the market? The wildest pimp clothes you ever saw! Go there and you’ll discover where televangelists get their coats.

    steve miller (a90638)

  261. Well, EW1(SG), I appreciate the pointers. Ditto carlitos and JD!

    Eric Blair (8d54e0)

  262. I just looked it up – I think it’s Leroy Mens Wear (yeah, they left off the apostrophe).

    steve miller (a90638)

  263. steve, we did one of those “ghost tours” at the Market. Deeply creepy. Oh, sure, not a shred of supernatural stuff, but still creepy.

    Eric Blair (8d54e0)

  264. JD is an Eatin’ Man, just like Jethro on the Beverly Hillbillies.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  265. You just reminded me of how long it’s been since I was in Seattle.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  266. #265 JD:

    Best to ignore me.

    Not at all~I haven’t lived there in years, and tended to frequent the smaller neighborhood places anyway~which isn’t exactly what Eric was asking for.

    #267 steve miller:

    The Weeping Pig

    It really is El Puerco Llorón and not “The Weeping Pig,” but they are up the hill climb and its an awful lot like walking into an out of the way place in Puerto Vallarta or thereabouts.

    that men’s clothing store on Pike

    LOL! No, I’ve been spared that one…

    EW1(SG) (e27928)

  267. Funny how Seattle is so young in comparison to cities on the east coast, and yet how old parts of it feel. Pioneer Square makes me feel like I’m in the tenements back east. And the UGLY library makes me think of Boston City Hall – both just ugly hulks.

    steve miller (a90638)

  268. Good old Max Baer. Didn’t he get into pron?

    Jethro was great. He would get a mixing bowl and pour a whole box of corn flakes into it. Breakfast on!

    Wasn’t there some line that he had to eat every three hours?

    “Beverly Hillbillies” was a good show. My favorite part was Jed asking Mr. Drysdale where precisely the money he had given the bank had gone.

    Sort of like today’s economy?

    Eric Blair (8d54e0)

  269. Oh, and metropolitan grill. If you are “getting a room,” the swanky place in the W hotel is nice and turns into a bar scene most nights. I should get back there this summer. Great city–if the rain didn’t remind me of Glasgow, I would have moved there.

    carlitos (5729c3)

  270. EW, you really need to go to that store. Wear your sunglasses.

    The guy who owns it/ runs it is terribly nice; I’ve had several good conversations with him. (Please don’t ask why I was in there – it was not for pimping or preaching, but I don’t want to say more.)

    steve miller (a90638)

  271. Eric,
    Count me in as curious to know more about bunkerbuster, its obsessive need to defend the Los Angeles Times and other leftist tropes, bunkerbuster’s worship of Marc Cooper and why bunkerbuster got banned.

    Maybe bunkerbuster will condescend to enlighten us.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (0ea407)

  272. Oh Bradley, he is over on the other thread, trying to pick a fight with Patterico.

    Good times.

    Eric Blair (8d54e0)

  273. I’ve eaten at the Metropolitan Grill only once. Good. I’d go back but we’re a single income family.

    I at at the restaurant that’s at the top of the building housing the 5th Avenue. A more clear example of a perfect waste of money I’ve never seen. Cramped dining, average food, astronomical prices. Feels very 60s.

    Jak’s Grill has good steaks, as does Daniel’s Broiler. The one in Bellevue will let you spend every cent you have on a nice bottle of wine.

    There’s a very nice restaurant in Bellevue at Lincoln Square. Maggiano’s Little Italy; high-end Michael Corleone. Nice place, really. And very fun, tasty food.

    steve miller (a90638)

  274. #274 steve miller:

    And the UGLY library

    Ugh. Me and that library never could get along…

    EW1(SG) (e27928)

  275. My favorite restaurant when I’m on the road is Iron Skillet. Good all-you-can-eat steak and good biscuits ‘n’ gravy.

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  276. EB
    I just wandered over there and saw what you mentioned. Stupid troll. Soon to be gone troll.


    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R. (0ea407)

  277. The first casualty of partisan ship is apparently a sense of humor.

    Not to mention self-awareness.

    Eric Blair (8d54e0)

  278. I think Jindal did look a little like Alfred E Newman and I know he is a bright guy but this response was pathetic for content and delivery. Any by the way, it was Matthews who said “Oh God”
    he said tonight just looking at the setting of the speech hit him as being a problem. Jindal has the brains and has some good things going for him but who ever prepped him for last night rebuttal must have worked with Palin.

    Pat (8763be)

  279. Did someone compare me to Jethro?!

    JD (0e6191)

  280. I ate at an Iron Skillet last week. They had all-you-can-eat whatever it was that you ordered. I ordered one egg sunny side up very light, one slice of bacon, hash browns, and wheat toast. Three hours later, I left.

    JD (0e6191)

  281. “why bunkerbuster got banned.”

    Bradley – It was an August 2008 thread I believe. Somebody linked it around the time of the fake Levi website. The thread is self explanatory.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

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