Holder: We Are “Cowards” On the Issue of Race
Eric Holder says we are all “cowards” on the issue of race:
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Readers will have to fill me in on what Holder has done to show he’s not himself a coward on the issue.
Assuming the answer is “nothing,” I have a suggestion. Tell Al Sharpton and the geniuses at the Huffington Post (one of the world’s best blogs!) that this unfunny cartoon is just an unfunny cartoon and not a racist outrage.

In the post linked above, Allahpundit puts it best in addressing Holder’s “cowards” accusation:
There’s nothing shocking about this, unless it’s how pedestrian it is. It’s the same old nonsense about having an “honest” conversation on race, which typically means agreeing root and branch with the leftist position on any policy issue that touches that subject (e.g., illegal immigration) on penalty of being called a racist.
The stupid monkey cartoon controversy shows how right he is.
UPDATE: You people do realize there was an actual crazy chimp in the news recently, right?
Oh the monkey cartoon was quite funny. It was Page 6 of the NY Post. Folks need to get real worries if this sets them off.
BTW, whatever doubt I had that Holder is dick head was proven today. What a “small issue” for him to address as the nation’s lawyer on his first big speech.
Just shows me how small many African Americans are on the issue.
Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e) — 2/18/2009 @ 7:49 pmI’d love to have an honest conversation on race with Holder. And I’d like to bring L.N. Smithee with me. Holder wouldn’t like it, I think.
The cartoon controversy is foolish. And I’d like to shout out to CNN’s Roland Martin, and explain to him that he’s a fool. When the day comes that a political cartoonist has to avoid the biggest stories in the news cycle because some idiots might draw a tangential relation to a black man who happens to be President, and thereby be offended, well, we probably shouldn’t be talking to each other. Instead, perhaps we should all grow up.
Pelosi wrote the bill, not Obama, and then a bunch of monkeys passed it without even reading the thing. STFU, Roland. You too, Holder.
Pablo (99243e) — 2/18/2009 @ 7:51 pmOh and he dashing off to Guantanamo to help our frems of peace.
Great use of his time.
Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e) — 2/18/2009 @ 7:51 pmPablo, I think the Poverticians and Racist Black Crow forgot we just elected a black POTUS.
Somehow to call out racism as this huge thing given BPOTUS is too much for me to handle.
Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e) — 2/18/2009 @ 7:53 pmI’m not getting the cartoon. Unless the dead simian equates to the baboons writing and rushing the stimulus bill through- Pelosi and Reid.
So all the race-baiters continue unabated with talk of protests, even after they got their magic ******, oops er negro potus puppet whose strings are pulled by the Daley Machine and George Soros. I know some Jooos in s. florida who didn’t vote for obama and actually think he is a Muslim trojan horse.
aoibhneas (0c6cfc) — 2/18/2009 @ 7:54 pmYeah, we shouldn’t worry about mainstream newspapers publishing cartoons relating a chimp to our african-american president. Good call, Uber-dipstick.
Ed from PA (d99227) — 2/18/2009 @ 7:54 pmaoibhneas,
A nutty women had a chimp in her home as her “soon” in CT. That chimp nearly killed a friend of hers inn a brutal attack but was shot dead by cops.
So they triangulated, chimps, government and stimulus to generate teh cartoon.
I read it and it did not stike me for one second it was racial.
I needed Caca Smearing Al Sharpton to connect the dots for me.
Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e) — 2/18/2009 @ 7:57 pmSon, she treated the chimp as her son, maybe husband. Who nows nowadays.
Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e) — 2/18/2009 @ 7:58 pmDo the people at HuffPo know who wrote the bill? Why do they assume that God Jr wrote it?
We have been having these “difficult” conversations for years. The only thing difficult about it is that it is difficult for the Leftists to not shreik racist every time you do not share their policy position.
JD (e53eae) — 2/18/2009 @ 7:58 pmI can’t spell. Sorry. I need to read before posting. Again, my apologies.
Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e) — 2/18/2009 @ 8:00 pmEric Holder is a civil rights cliche. That is kind of what I wanted to say about him.
Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e) — 2/18/2009 @ 8:06 pmGeithner, Holder, Clinton at State … the cabinet of clowns – that’s what we have now.
SPQR (26be8b) — 2/18/2009 @ 8:09 pmReaders will have to fill me in on what Holder has done to show he’s not himself a coward on the issue.
You mean other than encouraging the country have a dialogue about race?
This is a really lame way to present this. Why the need to juxtapose a man, the new attorney general, talking about seeking racial equality with an insulting, tasteless, unfunny, badly drawn cartoon?
Not only is it incredibly disrespectful, but also indicative of a certain sort of shame, or sense of guilt, or embarrassment on your part at best, and astonishing insensitivity at worst. It says more about you, than anything else and I think your just trying to be cool and all right wing bloggy and I’ll just give you the benefit of the doubt and think that someone talked you into this stunt.
Whatever respect I had for this site is on life-support at this point.
Peter (e70d1c) — 2/18/2009 @ 8:12 pmWell, it seems like there may be a few cowards out there (eg, many of those in the media who play up the stereotype of Republicans as greedy and racist) when it comes to noting that scam artist Bernard Madoff and now the con artist described below apparently have one thing in common—beyond their deceit and careers in finance: A soft spot for Democrats…
Mark (411533) — 2/18/2009 @ 8:27 pmI think the monkey cartoon is really funny but only because it’s the legislative “monkeys” that wrote the tax payer pork package, not our supreme comrade or “Teh One”, so its not racist because most of them legislative comrades is whiteish.
ML (14488c) — 2/18/2009 @ 8:28 pmYeah, it was really cowardly the way half a million men died in the Civil War.
Holder is a lightweight. He looks like he’s on the down-low to me, to tell the truth. Is his next speech going to be that gays are the new blacks? That can be said to be an uncomfortable conversation too.
nk (e8cae4) — 2/18/2009 @ 8:33 pmWhat’s next an honest discussion on how White Christianist men opress women, homosexuals, gays, and transgenders, followed by open class warfare?
It is going to be a long four years.
Joe (17aeff) — 2/18/2009 @ 8:37 pmIt’s simple. Without a 90+% margin among African-Americans, the Democratic Party cannot achieve majority status. Therefore the Democrats and the lapdog media will inject racism where ever possible. When and if a Democratic leader rejects the race baiters, the Sharptons and the Jacksons, I will begin to believe that the Democratic Party might stop playing the race card every two weeks. Until then Eric Holder is doing more to damage race relations in America than the KKK and the Black Muslims together.
Ken Hahn (a07422) — 2/18/2009 @ 8:44 pmYou mean other than encouraging the country have a dialogue about race?
Oh, the courage!
This is a really lame way to present this. Why the need to juxtapose a man, the new attorney general, talking about seeking racial equality with an insulting, tasteless, unfunny, badly drawn cartoon?
Not only is it incredibly disrespectful, but also indicative of a certain sort of shame, or sense of guilt, or embarrassment on your part at best, and astonishing insensitivity at worst.
It says more about you, than anything else and I think your just trying to be cool and all right wing bloggy and I’ll just give you the benefit of the doubt and think that someone talked you into this stunt.
Whatever respect I had for this site is on life-support at this point.
Ask me if I care.
There is ZERO courageous about Holder’s statement. Allahpundit has it exactly right. The cartoon is not funny, but if we’re all going to scream racism at something like that, then Holder can take his national conversation and shove it where the sun don’t shine.
He wants to claim courage? Let him do something courageous.
Patterico (cc3b34) — 2/18/2009 @ 8:49 pmLet me address this more specifically:
Not only is it incredibly disrespectful . . .
To whom, if I may ask?
Patterico (cc3b34) — 2/18/2009 @ 8:52 pmHonestly, Patterico, I think that Peter has another, more personal agenda. He is probably still irritated that you put him in moderation, impeding his ability to speak Truth to Power.
Eric Blair (ec334b) — 2/18/2009 @ 8:53 pmThere’s nothing shocking about this
Of course not! (But no less pathetic and ludicrous—considering the person in question is America’s Attorney General. God help us.)
From patterico.com a little over a month ago:
Mark (411533) — 2/18/2009 @ 8:57 pmOh the horror, the widdle monnbat’s feelings is all hurt. Blacks and mulattoes will always need some kind of special protection from the evil, racist honkys. When will the other Obama enabling apologist empty7 weigh in?
Let’s not forget that O! won. Ain’t it great to live in interesting times and have a potus who is equal if not superior to Abe Lincoln? If Lincoln freed the slaves, Obama will enslave the working legal American white class.
aoibhneas (0c6cfc) — 2/18/2009 @ 8:57 pmI think Holder’s assertions of “cowardice” and the implication of underlying racism miss the root cause of this phenomenon entirely. Most neighborhoods in America, particularly in suburban and small town environments, are not particularly racially integrated. This limits the opportunities for people of different races to interact on a personal level in their day to day lives, assuming they really wanted to in the first place. Also, as some have pointed out, people tend to be friends more naturally with others in whom they see common ground – race, ethnicity, political or religious views, etc.
For example, I grew up in Hyde Park, NY (about 1.5 hours north of NYC) during the 1970s-1980s. My neighborhood was essentially a white middle class neighborhood consisting mostly of IBM professionals, teachers, a few other types of professionals, and some blue collar small business owners. No Latinos or Asians; only one black family lived in the neighborhood — and the father worked as an engineer at IBM, the family was fairly religious, and kept pretty much to themselves. I went to the same schools their daughter did, rode the same school bus, and whenever there was any troublemaking in the neighborhood, neither this family (nor mine!) were ever involved. But I didn’t hang out on a personal level with her…we both had other friends. No big deal.
Now, I live overseas in Singapore, where the population is only 2% white and 15% Christian, and my wife is Chinese and Buddhist (from Malaysia). My neighbors are a blend of Chinese, Indian, Malay, and Europeans. We interact as needed, doesn’t matter what race, but even here, people will tend to gravitate toward their own ethnicity, religion, etc. That’s just natural, I think.
Also, with regard to the dialogue that Holder is suggesting should take place and would if we weren’t all “cowards”, such an exercise would only be constructive if it was designed to increase cross-racial awareness and understanding, not as a forum for finger-pointing, rants about real or perceived injustice, etc. Even if it were the former, what is the real objective? What action items would come out of such dialogue? What happens if one race perceives that another is not being honest about their commitment to cross-racial understanding, etc.?
Mark Turner (6c003c) — 2/18/2009 @ 9:06 pmRace relations will be, no are being, set back at least 30 years by this administration.
Chris (b886a5) — 2/18/2009 @ 9:06 pmLather, rinseStir, boil, repeat.Honestly, Patterico, I think that Peter has another, more personal agenda. He is probably still irritated that you put him in moderation, impeding his ability to speak Truth to Power.
Yeah, well, today he said he “detracted” that comment he made about how Rush Limbaugh should face the guillotine — but not because he now recognizes it was disrespectful and unnacceptable for him to make even oblique references to violence on my site. No, it was because — well, I forget why. Something about how Rush is bad. Something that showed he didn’t understand why he was put in moderation.
And so, in moderation he will stay. As you can see, I’m still approving even stupid and insulting comments from him, so the heavy hand of CENSORSHIP!!!1!! is actually quite light indeed.
Patterico (cc3b34) — 2/18/2009 @ 9:07 pmNot only is it incredibly disrespectful . . .
To whom, if I may ask?
To Holder, the new Attorney General. If you have a point of contention with his statement than by all means address it, why the need to bundle it up with that retarded sophomoric cartoon? What’s the connection? Spell this out for me. What am I missing?
Peter (e70d1c) — 2/18/2009 @ 9:12 pmPatterico, since you’re looking at this thread, you should note timb’s statements in that “attention (hateful lib)” thread you posted. Just scroll to the bottom and you’ll be directed to the bad stuff. Timb reached Peter’s level of “you didn’t just say that”.
John Hitchcock (fb941d) — 2/18/2009 @ 9:13 pmYeah, Patterico, you generally bring down the fascist boot heel of censorship here.
Seriously, folks who have read your blog for a while know your feelings on this subject. The people who get banned or moderated have richly deserved it (well, certainly the banned folk have—I could see someone losing their temper being put in moderation to cool off).
But you know the saying, Patterico: no good deed goes unpunished.
Eric Blair (ec334b) — 2/18/2009 @ 9:15 pmIf you have a point of contention with his statement than by all means address it, why the need to bundle it up with that retarded sophomoric cartoon? What’s the connection? Spell this out for me. What am I missing?
It’s quite clear in the post. Do I need to come over and read it out loud to you, slowly?
Not only that, I wrote a comment elaborating.
Let me say this a third time:
Holder says we lack courage, but he shows none himself.
Patterico (cc3b34) — 2/18/2009 @ 9:24 pmExactly.
FWIW, this cartoon could easily apply to George W. Bush during any of his spending sprees. It is delicious that a camera-trained violent monkey with a taste for lobster and drugs would replace our national fixation with Junior. Sweet.
Vermont Neighbor (afceb8) — 2/18/2009 @ 9:28 pmHey, I kinda like the dead chimp cartoon. What’s so wrong with that, it equates our congress with primates…..pretty accurate from where I’m lookin. Ohhhhhh Raaaaaaaaacist. I got it. The dead chimp is Obama????? And since he’s black, the cartoonist is equating him with a chimp?????
J. Raymond Wright (e8d0ca) — 2/18/2009 @ 9:28 pmNah. I just see a dead freakin chimp that used to be our out-of-control completely insane Congress. The Bastards! We’re so fing screwed — our grandchildren are screwed!
Holder says we lack courage, but he shows none himself.
How? What should he do that would show courageousness? Maybe you have a point. I’m not sure yet. My issue is what in the heck does it have to do with that NY Post cartoon?
Peter (e70d1c) — 2/18/2009 @ 9:32 pmHey, chill out everyone, it’s just a stupid cartoon. You know, cartoons can’t start riots and death threats and ….. oh, I better shut up before I pissoff you know who….. That damn religion of Peace! They are just so freakin peaceful. They never let cartoons ruin their day. IT IS A STUPID C A R T O O N.
J. Raymond Wright (e8d0ca) — 2/18/2009 @ 9:33 pm8:27 re: Madoff —
What’s funny is the Dems had their money siphoned and spread without their approval. Which is basically the Obama doctrine.
Vermont Neighbor (afceb8) — 2/18/2009 @ 9:33 pmAnother day another pleasant diversion in the Obama cabinet where even the doors look like windows.
Vermont Neighbor (afceb8) — 2/18/2009 @ 9:36 pmHow? What should he do that would show courageousness? Maybe you have a point. I’m not sure yet. My issue is what in the heck does it have to do with that NY Post cartoon?
I’ll spell it out.
Maybe he could try speaking a truth that flies in the face of the bullshit peddled by the race hustlers?
And, since this happened on the same day, one example would be to point to the cartoon controversy as an example of a nonissue that has been manufactured by the race hustlers?
Or he could reinforce statements made by Obama himself about the problems with absent fathers in black communities.
As one of the top law enforcement officials in the nation, he could tell black people that it’s not all the white man’s fault that black men are disproportionately locked up. That a culture lacking in father figures contributes to that phenomenon as well.
You know, the kind of stuff that gets you labeled racist in our society — but which is nevertheless 100% true.
Patterico (cc3b34) — 2/18/2009 @ 9:41 pmOhhhhhh Raaaaaaaaacist. I got it. The dead chimp is Obama?????
Yeah, Raymond. Because Obama wrote the stimulus bill. Everyone knows that.
Nancy Pelosi had nothing to do with it.
/sarc (directed at others and not you)
Patterico (cc3b34) — 2/18/2009 @ 9:43 pmNo, he’s not seeking racial equality. He’s browbeating people because of who they make friends with in their private lives. It’s none of the Attorney General’s business who I share a scotch with.
Steverino (b12c49) — 2/18/2009 @ 9:49 pmIt’s none of the Attorney General’s business who I share a scotch with.
Comment by Steverino — 2/18/2009 @ 9:49 pm
Not yet. Give him time.
Chris (b886a5) — 2/18/2009 @ 9:54 pmSurely reading the many previous comments indicates exactly what the attorney general is indicating. Really the word coward does stem to defining the fears that many white Americans still hold strong too mentally and in their hearts, it is a shame that these types of individuals still need to put aside the true ignorance that they seem not able to part from. Wake up folks! Put aside the ignorance and strike down your fears. Or soon we will all face the consequences of our actions.
D McC (9c22da) — 2/18/2009 @ 10:01 pmD McC is a mental midget. Prolly Hacks’ cousin.
JD (e53eae) — 2/18/2009 @ 10:06 pmSo according to Holder we are all “still segregated inside what he called “race-protected cocoons.”? Two words for Holder,
Black Caucus.
If we are to make progress in this area, we must feel comfortable enough with one another and tolerant enough of each other to have frank conversations about the racial matters that continue to divide us.”
You know what, Mr. Holder, some of us are just too busy with working for our black boss, making sure we have presentations ready, reports completed and any directives from said black superior followed. Some of us just don’t have the time to dilly-dally over that which isnt’ even a remote factor in our working relationship nor our after-work relationship when we catch our breath and catch up on each other’s personal life, and renew our friendship.
Dana (137151) — 2/18/2009 @ 10:08 pmI am interested to know, specifically, what ignorance and fears D McC is referring to. I suspect it is just a drive-by that feels superior by calling others racists. Kind of like Hacks.
JD (e53eae) — 2/18/2009 @ 10:12 pm“What happens if one race perceives that another is not being honest about their commitment to cross-racial understanding, etc.?”
There will be many discussions about race over the next 4 years, but there is no way that they can be honest discussions unless everyone involved cops to their own racist attitudes and that just ain’t gonna happen very often.
Can’t we skip the discussion and all just get along? Where is Rodney King when you need him!??
EdWood (c8039c) — 2/18/2009 @ 10:17 pmWhere is Rodney King when you need him!??
Comment by EdWood — 2/18/2009 @ 10:17 pm
Heard Holder nominated him for a Deputy AG post. Good times!
Chris (b886a5) — 2/18/2009 @ 10:26 pmRight, Dana. Let’s all bring up race to our block co-workers around the water cooler. Or how about with the cousin’s black girlfriend at Thanksgiving dinner? How inappropriate!
What a jerk Holder is, and Obama too. He calls us “typical” cowards and ignores the decades of discussion about race; Obama mocks Jessica Simpson about her weight!
Further integration and understanding is hindered mostly by ultra-sensitive grievance mongers like him.
Patricia (89cb84) — 2/18/2009 @ 10:28 pmPeter, comment 8:12 pm:
Whatever respect I had for this site is on life-support at this point.
Then I guess you’ll be taking your act somewhere else. Bye Peter, please don’t darken the door of this blog again.
JVW (3e9492) — 2/18/2009 @ 10:32 pmOK courageous Eric, let us discuss: You and Obama are affirmative action admits to Columbia and Harvard law schools. Both your admissions displaced far more qualified white students. Disclose your LSAT scores and undergraduate transcripts and prove me wrong.
Perfect Sense (0922fa) — 2/18/2009 @ 10:33 pmChris’s comment 10:26 pm:
Nah, word is that Rodney King actually paid his taxes.
JVW (3e9492) — 2/18/2009 @ 10:36 pm…Rodney King actually paid his taxes.
They’ve got a waiver for that.
Chris (b886a5) — 2/18/2009 @ 10:39 pmWhat should he do that would show courageousness?
Not coddle up to — not make a trusted advisor out of — an inflammatory bigot like Jeremiah Wright.
Oops, I guess Holder’s boss isn’t too courageous.
Mark (411533) — 2/18/2009 @ 10:43 pmThey’ve got a waiver for that.
Oh, I see. Kind of like the whole ex-lobbyist waiver thing?
JVW (3e9492) — 2/18/2009 @ 10:43 pmI see the truth of it all, does speak volumes…to J.D. you are much more familiar with the term that you used towards me than anyone else could even imagine so…ROFL…Please spare me. Let go of your fears, you feeble minded heckler.
D McC (9c22da) — 2/18/2009 @ 10:51 pmI don’t understand why CNN’s Roland Martin is being so pissy over this stupid cartoon. It’s just a damn cartoon!!! It is people like him that causes more hatred in America! Quit arguing over something SO DAMN STUPID!!So what if he is offended?! What he says on CNN most of the time offense others on most panels too. He needs to chill out because it’s annoying!! It’s like a black man saying, “you white people owe us…blah blah blah.” It is THAT annoying!!!
And so what if black people chooses to only sit with black people and white people chooses to only sit with white people at lunch time in schools???? The fact is in a psychological sense, majority of the people tend to stick to others that have similarities (race/culture being one of them) by choice. It’s not discriminating, that’s just how we are like it or not. I don’t understand why Roland is so upset over this too. If he wants to be pissed off about this, he should first complain about churches. In his definition of discrimination, having a church full of only white people or only black people would be WRONG. I think he’s just full of himself!!! He makes black people look bad in general with his non sense on national television.
Serena (a76716) — 2/18/2009 @ 10:56 pmAs one of the top law enforcement officials in the nation, he could tell black people that it’s not all the white man’s fault that black men are disproportionately locked up. That a culture lacking in father figures contributes to that phenomenon as well.
At what point did he say it’s “all the white man’s fault?”
And, since this happened on the same day, one example would be to point to the cartoon controversy as an example of a nonissue that has been manufactured by the race hustlers?
He should comment on a childish provocative cartoon in the NY Post and tell the Sharpton crew (whom I’m assuming your referring too when you say “race hustlers”) to “cool it,” they’re just being over-sensitive?
Some people aren’t “race hustlers” and they think that cartoon is suggesting violence towards Obama. And for all intensive purposes, that is “his” bill. Should it be censored, totally not, I think that would be repellent, but people also have a right to ask that the NY Post clarify what it intended with that cartoon, surely they’re not stupid enough to NOT understand what a cartoon like that might suggest, right? And any suggestion that they had no idea what they were alluding too is disingenuous on its face.
But whatever, that’s the NY Post, a completely crap newspaper (talk about a “dog trainer”)it’s no surprise.
I still think the reasoning for making a connection between Holder and the cartoon is thin as hell. Your equating Sharpton and Holder and by extension Obama. It’s weak. Sorry.
Peter (e70d1c) — 2/18/2009 @ 11:01 pmhint to the geniuses: the arrogance to assume what should not offend a person other than yourself is ignorant. I bet some of you can’t stop.
steve (4716dc) — 2/18/2009 @ 11:01 pmAnd BTW Allahpundit is making some HUGE assumptions about Holder’s message.
Peter (e70d1c) — 2/18/2009 @ 11:05 pmI wonder if Dr, Seuss would be considered a racist today?
ML (14488c) — 2/18/2009 @ 11:06 pmA Profile In Courage….Eric Holder/Marc Rich!
AD - RtR/OS (dd5f17) — 2/18/2009 @ 11:06 pmOh Steve, what a fantastic world you live in: You mean to tell us that we each have carte blanche to decide what is personally offensive to us and demand that everyone else respect our whims? I think that from here on in I am deeply offended by the word “potato.” It bring back bad memories of the famine in Ireland, you know. If anyone dare utter that word in my presence I will fly off the handle and go into a deep snit.
JVW (3e9492) — 2/18/2009 @ 11:09 pmWell, Serena, the issue is not so much about people sitting together due to similarities, it is about the way we integrate with each other based on societal standards. What I mean is, we are not making enough of an effort to interact with each other. Discrimination does play a role. We are not a nation that can bypass color and see each other for what is more important…what is on the inside. We are still segregated in many ways, economically, financially, etc. due to those who dwell on certain ideals of the past.
D McC (9c22da) — 2/18/2009 @ 11:12 pmIs being offensive so important. How sad.
steve (4716dc) — 2/18/2009 @ 11:15 pmD McC (11:12 pm), who is “we” kemosabe? In your earlier comment (10:01 pm) you blame the white folks for being unwilling to integrate. Do you support closing the Historically Black Colleges and Universities in the name of full integration? Are you a fan of white folks moving in to neighborhoods like Harlem, Roxbury, Baldwin Hills, and other traditionally black neighborhoods (it is called gentrification, and it doesn’t appear to be too popular in the black community)? Or are you repeating the same tired platitudes that liberals like Holder spout at the drop of a hat in place of substantive thinking on this complex issue?
JVW (3e9492) — 2/18/2009 @ 11:19 pmSteve (11:15 pm), it’s no more important than perpetually thinking that you are somehow being disrespected.
JVW (3e9492) — 2/18/2009 @ 11:21 pmDeal with your own demons D McC. Don’t presume everyone has your problems interacting with people for who they are.
daleyrocks (5d22c0) — 2/18/2009 @ 11:24 pmI understand that D McC but the fact that he makes it sound like it’s wrong. Well I don’t think it is wrong at all. It’s like what Mark Turner said up above #24, “Now, I live overseas in Singapore, where the population is only 2% white and 15% Christian, and my wife is Chinese and Buddhist (from Malaysia). My neighbors are a blend of Chinese, Indian, Malay, and Europeans. We interact as needed, doesn’t matter what race, but even here, people will tend to gravitate toward their own ethnicity, religion, etc. That’s just natural, I think.” I agree with him on that because I remembered when I was in high school, I enjoyed sitting with people that spoke my own language and have the same culture as I do. And by choice, I probably will not want to sit in a more diverse group not because I discriminate but because there are more things in common to talk about and I will feel more comfortable/fun that way. And I think for people like Roland to be talking like that is really stupid. I just don’t see how this is wrong or “sad.” If we are one day forced to have to try to enjoy our personal time with others that we can not freely choose to be with because of race, then that will be “sad.”
Serena (a76716) — 2/18/2009 @ 11:29 pmexpecting someone too continually accept offenses is support of discrimination and i feel sorry for you if it bothers you when I decide what does or does not offend me.
steve (4716dc) — 2/18/2009 @ 11:32 pmTsk,tsk,tsk… ROFL…I see that the heckling from the previous comments of JVW and daleyrocks are not substantive to relating to any understanding at all of the race issues that do exist deep within this nation. However, I can only perceive to their being fearful of the truth. Please, just embrace the problem that does exist and do your part. Good luck!
D McC (9c22da) — 2/18/2009 @ 11:35 pmJVW, good point. I myself would not want to be living in those areas….and really, it’s nothing to do with race, more of the safety. But if people want to keep linking the two to make it discrimination/rasism, then the hell with them.
Serena (a76716) — 2/18/2009 @ 11:36 pmHistorically Black Colleges And Universities, are just that historically black and are genreally more diverse than the others. These Regional Universities have titles that recognize the institution for its rich heritage of higher education born out of seperate educational systems
steve (4716dc) — 2/18/2009 @ 11:44 pmNice response, Serena, we know where you stand at the least…and the word racism is spelled with a “c” not an “s”. In any case, here lies the problem that we are facing in this country. No one is saying that you need to move in areas such as Harlem…but I have to ask you in terms of safety, Serena, how safe is your community?…just because you may not see something unsafe occurring in your “neighborhood” does not institute it as safe. In addition, what you don’t see behind closed doors doesn’t mean that it could not affect you later, too! Do you understand what I am stating here.
D McC (9c22da) — 2/18/2009 @ 11:49 pm“I see that the heckling from the previous comments of JVW and daleyrocks are not substantive to relating to any understanding at all of the race issues that do exist deep within this nation.”
D McC – ROTFLMAO. DOOOD, I just find it insulting, offensive and condescending to be lectured by people who do not know me that the country, including me, has a problem dealing with issues of race. It’s particularly preposterous coming from members of the Democrat party, the party which seems to have a virtual monopoly on race pimps, grievance mongers, perpetual victums, etc., etc.
Dawg, just speak for yourself next time is all I ask. If you have issues dealing with people of other ethnicities, religions, whatever, that’s your issue, not a national crisis.
daleyrocks (5d22c0) — 2/18/2009 @ 11:59 pmi grew up in a rural 90% white county schools,etc. I have also lived in all black areas and attended an HBCU and in my experience we each treat people with the same level good/bad within our communities. with each generation it seems we get a little closer to seeing that everybody in our boat is not the same color.
steve (4716dc) — 2/19/2009 @ 12:03 amHolder ought to have a talk with Larry Summers about “honest speech” when it comes to group politics.
This is like Joe McCarthy complaining there being no honest talk about Communism.
Kevin Murphy (0b2493) — 2/19/2009 @ 12:21 amD McC, sorry for my typo on racism. It’s getting late and it’s time for bed. But still, I do understand what you are saying but I just don’t agree with it at all in your views of integration, fear, and etc. You want integration but then you want people to be proud of their race, their history, and their culture. That is a conflict in itself to tell you the truth like it or not. It’s like this debate that we are having right now. I respect your views on this issue but I don’t think I will enjoy having lunch with you in school because I just don’t agree with your view point and if we hang out, I will get pissed off and you’ll get pissed off at what we might end up saying to each together that can be “offensive.” The main point that I’m trying to make here is that everyone is different and people just have to respect and acknowledge that. But we should not be forced to “hang out” with each other just due to “integration” because it is hard to be comfortable hanging out with someone that disagrees with your view points in many ways (example: Christians, Catholics, Athist, etc. don’t all hang around in the same church). Do you understand what I am stating here?
As for safety wise, my community is safer than those named by JVW for sure according to crime rates and statistics. As for, “just because you may not see something unsafe occurring in your “neighborhood” does not institute it as safe. In addition, what you don’t see behind closed doors doesn’t mean that it could not affect you later, too!”, you are right. I don’t know what is happening behind closed doors. But at the same time, I don’t think I will ever know that nor can I control that. All I can control is living in an area where crime rates are not up the roof. That’s just common sense.
I have been to other countries and they are no different from us. Taiwanese hangs with Taiwanese, Hong Kong people hangs with Hong Kong people, and etc. And it’s just normal, don’t you get it? And they don’t hate each other, it’s just comfortable being around people that are similar to you. I myself have black, white, hispanic, and Asian friends and I love each and everyone of them. Just because I hang out with my Asian friends more does not make me racist or “wrong.” It just means I have more similar events with them than I do with my other friends.
Anyways, great debate and good night everyone!!! =) Have a great night and a great day tomorrow!!!
Serena (a76716) — 2/19/2009 @ 12:24 amDaleyrocks (11:59 pm), you said it well. The trick of the racial hucksters like D McC is to cry racism, then when challenged to prove their accusation simply respond with “if you can’t see it, then the problem is yours.” Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and countless others have rolled up nice bank accounts playing this game on lame-brained white liberals that don’t know any better.
JVW (3e9492) — 2/19/2009 @ 12:37 amHe can boasts all he wants about a nation of cowards I can garuntee he would be afraid to say one remark to the oposite race. Society has desighned the desgirigation. I could care less I hang with my friends not because of what one person says or thinks. They are my friends I can garuntee he wont be sitting at no table with some homeless people. Oh yea I said it right I would almost garuntee everything He would not bring his level down to helping someone like that out. Yea he can throw money at him and say see i help people but lets see him be humble to someone else or is he to a coward himself?
Zack (b300ab) — 2/19/2009 @ 12:43 amWho would ever compare congress critters to actual monkeys?
Monkeys are way smarter!
TC (0b9ca4) — 2/19/2009 @ 12:59 amSo what’s the answer? Where and when are we supposed to have this “honest talk about race”? Surely not at work were sensitivity training has told us it’s verboten to even mention the subject. Should I just walk down the street and run into some black folks hanging outside of the Walgreens and ask them if they’d like to have an open and honest discussion about race? How do you think that would go?
After the simple fact that we just elected the first black president, why bring it up? Name one good reason that now is the time to hammer that point home.
xerocky (cf0c5e) — 2/19/2009 @ 3:23 amI always wondered if I had missed something by not dropping some acid back in the day.
Guess not.
EW1(SG) (e27928) — 2/19/2009 @ 4:35 am“The only way we are “a nation of cowards on matters of race” is that we don’t hold black politicians to the same standard that we hold white politicians.” Comment by ITookTheRedPill over at Michelle Malkin’s blog.
krusher (266340) — 2/19/2009 @ 4:36 amI’d never have seen this cartoon if all the blogs weren’t linking it. Stupid. Also, no one with an IQ above 60 thinks the man-child wrote the bill. 2 monkeys named Pelosi and Reid (along with their minions and toadies) wrote it. Don’t we all know that?
Peg C. (48175e) — 2/19/2009 @ 4:57 amPeter, maybe you can ask CNN’s Roland Martin. He did exactly the same thing, so he must be a disrespectful racist, no?
Pablo (99243e) — 2/19/2009 @ 5:03 amNo, they’re not generally more diverse, they’re generally black. Howard has a 1% white student body. How is that diverse?
Oh, because black IS diversity!
Pablo (99243e) — 2/19/2009 @ 5:17 amSpeaking of being cowardly, when is the last time you heard a black politician talk about the word nigga, and how hypocritical our entire culture is when it comes to this certian word. Should nobody say it, or should everyone be able to say it? Or should only black people be allowed to say it?
bshaw (48e7c5) — 2/19/2009 @ 5:32 amNot long ago, I remember the N-word funeral.
Even more recently, I remember this:
So, I guess I don’t know if it’s OK or not. America’s Chief Authority on Race is sending mixed signals.
Pablo (99243e) — 2/19/2009 @ 6:01 amIn 2 graduate schools I went to the clique that most “isolated itself” and “acted über alles” where the Black Students.
These were also the same students who fought tooth and nail from having recruiters interview “non-blacks” because “the recruiters came to campus primarily to interview them.” That is fill quotas for hiring blacks into management positions.
Holder should go talk to these upwardly mobile young blacks about bravery and cowardice.
Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e) — 2/19/2009 @ 6:09 amI grew up in a 90% plus inner city black community and frankly it does not surprise me that 85 of the 90 are still stuck in the crapper.
Angry, ignorant, lazy, entitled, and full of excuses is no way to get ahead.
Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e) — 2/19/2009 @ 6:13 amPut aside the ignorance and strike down your fears. Or soon we will all face the consequences of our actions.
So you should stop being afraid or something really bad will happen to you.
Got it.
Mike K (2cf494) — 2/19/2009 @ 6:52 amUm, you’re advocating anti-sodomy laws?
Of course. All the troubles with race are the fault of white people. Aside from that, your sentence doesn’t make sense.
Steverino (69d941) — 2/19/2009 @ 7:28 amAt what point did he say it’s “all the white man’s fault?”
At what point did I say he did? I am saying he could show courage and point out that it’s not true — since many think it is.
Some people aren’t “race hustlers” and they think that cartoon is suggesting violence towards Obama.
They’re wrong. He didn’t write the bill. It’s a reference to the violent chimp attack and a mockery of the idiots who wrote this pork monster. It’s not funny but it’s not racist.
I still think the reasoning for making a connection between Holder and the cartoon is thin as hell. Your equating Sharpton and Holder and by extension Obama. It’s weak. Sorry.
“Equating”? Nonsense. I have praised Obama for making the sort of statements that Holder could make. I’m not in any way equating Holder or Obama to Sharpton and it’s BS to suggest I am. I am just saying Holder’s speech does not show courage. But he could show courage if he wanted to, rather than accusing others of lacking it.
That’s likely the last thing I’ll say to you about this. You’re not understanding what I’m saying at all, and it seems unlikely that you will. It’s becoming a waste of my time.
Patterico (cc3b34) — 2/19/2009 @ 7:32 amSome people couldn’t be more transparently asinine if they tried…harder. Anyone in New York that didn’t immediately identify the shot chimp as Travis, who died less than 40 miles from the Post’s offices, is an idiot. The cartoonist conflated two current top news stories. there’s nothing the least bit provocative about it.
Pablo (99243e) — 2/19/2009 @ 7:40 amWould it be racist to point out that Michael Jackson also had a chimp? Would it be racist to point out that Michael Jackson bleached himself white? Would it be racist to point out that before African Americans became the majority of basketball players it was a goaltending penalty for players to hang off the basketball hoop whether before or after completing a shot, but after they became the major players, that penalty was abolished because of the prevalence of African Americans hanging off the hoops. Is it racist to ask children whether they like to play on monkey bars? Is it racist to tell an african american President that you don’t want you tax money to sink into a black hole?
Since Mr. Obama stated he had nothing to do with drafting the generational theft porkulus act, but left the drafting to WHITE WOMAN Nancy Peelousy, and WHITE MAN Sen. Harry “Undertaker” Reid, and since the House is 80 percent WHITE, and the Senate is 99 Percent WHITE, and since the drafters of this monstrosity were 90 percent WHITE, and the people who approved it were 12/14 WHITE, but the people who OPPOSED it were 100 percent WHITE, how can it be racist to claim that a bunch of monkeys (House Democraps and Senate Democraps) drafted this monstousity of legislation? If Obama had drafted it, one might make that arguable, but still debatable point. But since Mr. Obama had nothing to do with it except jawboning it falsely to the public, the monkey could only be seen as either an aspersion on Nancy Peelousy/Harry Reid, or democraps in general, neither of whom are BLACK in whole or major part.
eaglewingz08 (c46606) — 2/19/2009 @ 8:01 amWhatever respect I had for this site is on life-support at this point.
You’re assuming we had any respect for you here in the first place – and since we never did, who cares?
Dmac (49b16c) — 2/19/2009 @ 8:40 amYou mean the bill wasn’t actually written by a crazed chimp? Could have fooled me.
Rich Fader (295108) — 2/19/2009 @ 8:56 amMore like a room full of monkeys with typewriters, Rich.
Steverino (69d941) — 2/19/2009 @ 9:01 amLook, that cartoon says one of two things: Either the Editors at NY Post are a bunch of immature scumbags who saw an opportunity to get a sly little lynch mob message out there for their idiot readers, and provoke Dems with a big F-U to Obama and Congress and those on the left, and generate a whole hell of a lot of publicity for itself OR they’re complete and utter morons who have no understanding of the social and cultural significance of symbols and how they can be interpreted, in which case that simply makes their rag of a stupid newspaper, even more vapid and the NYC fish market’s wrapping paper of choice.
Therefore, the conflating of the Holder speech with the cartoon is, in fact repellent. It is a conscious dig and not a good faith attempt to address either issue, but rather to throw up a defensive screen to propagate an agenda, based on decades old GOP spun stereotype of “liberals” that simply doesn’t cut the mustard anymore.
We’re in a new place here. Liberalism has changed. It’s more hardy and practical and based on real-world progressive values, rather than some idealized unrealistic fairy game that falls apart the minute the rubber meets the road. And I dare say, the Right is terrified of this development. It’s like a person in denial who refuses to see that everything that had worked in the past (to demonize and gain the upper hand) no longer applies and instead of adapting, clings even more adamantly to a bygone era and old truths that worked almost magically in the past to sway the public. A myth: Let’s call it the Golden Age of Republicanism as envisioned by the Prophet Ronald Reagan. It’s everywhere I turn these days and embarrassing to watch to be honest. The reason I detracted my admittedly silly metaphorical suggestion about Rush “receiving the guillotine, absolutment” (which was never about physical violence, but about political irrelevance as an extension of the comparison I made between the bumbling French Aristocracy and the Republicans in the House and Senate circa 2009 AD), is that it dawned on me from listening to recent snippets regarding how much he wants the Stimulus bill to fail, that even Limbaugh understands what’s happening. You can hear in his voice that the man has lost his sense that he’s registering the way he once did in the past, he’s lost his ability to strike that raw nerve that produces so much anger in the left and admiration and hero slash bully-worship on the Right, and he sounds sad and pathetic; repeating over and over and over like a petulant jealous child “what is so great about Obama? What is so great about Obama? Why do people like him so much?” Even he knows he’s out of his league and over (as in OVAH) and his political significance, in the bygone era of the Golden Age of Republicanism that was like a gold mine looking bigger and bigger by the hour (by the word, and sentence and windbag monologue) is diminishing by the day.
So, I get put into moderation for making a goofy statement, in regard to my own analogy about the French aristocracy concerning Rush getting “the guillotine,” the modern day equivalent of which today is political irrelevance, and this is seen on more than a metaphorical figure of speech (i.e., a symbol), yet there is (still) nary a word about how the many layers of meaning in that insulting third grade mentality cartoon. How frak does that work?
I don’t see Pelosi or Reid in that Chimp (as repellent as that also would be). I see one lone chimp, which anyone with half a brain understands the symbolism of and to me it echoes the photos from the early part of the last century of some lynching in the south, showing a lone black guy hanging from a tree surrounded by a mob of ignorant white folks smiling and carrying on like a bunch of red-necks at a carnival.
You shouldn’t’ve have conflated these two stories.
Peter (e70d1c) — 2/19/2009 @ 9:07 amYou know what I also find hilarious and telling. Drudge still hasn’t mentioned a peep about the NY Post cartoon. Not. ONE. Word.
Talk about speaking volumes. Instead he’s gone into Obama-hate overdrive. This sort of stuff is the guys bread and butter, but absolutely NOTHING.
Priceless. Simply…
p r ic e l e s s
Peter (e70d1c) — 2/19/2009 @ 9:11 amSome people aren’t “race hustlers” and they think that cartoon is suggesting violence towards Obama.
The bill as written by Nan and Reid. You’ve got to stop with this reverential tone of idol worship or it will surely be the death of all discussion. The left just finished an 8-year run of nonstop threats on Bush and Cheney. Please buy a clue and quit worshipping Junior. It’s actually racist in a very real way.
Vermont Neighbor (afceb8) — 2/19/2009 @ 9:20 amPablo: Anyone in New York that didn’t immediately identify the shot chimp as Travis, who died less than 40 miles from the Post’s offices, is an idiot.
That’s true, and I agree. But you know what else is true: Anyone who didn’t see that cartoon and within 30 seconds (I’m being generous) didn’t think of Obama in regards to the stimulus bill, is an even bigger idiot.
C’mon Pablo I know you’re smarter than that.
Peter (e70d1c) — 2/19/2009 @ 9:20 amYour Howard statistics are about false as your feeling that you decide what offends. without this type of insanity the rest of us can and will get along better. There may still be those who cling to the lost cause of segregation and its tactics so ignorantly they don’t think that’s what they’re doing. The programming is old code your america is gone and this America belongs to everyone.
steve (4716dc) — 2/19/2009 @ 9:27 amSteve – Could I subscribe to your newsletter?
JD (ee54a5) — 2/19/2009 @ 9:48 amyes you can
steve (4716dc) — 2/19/2009 @ 10:07 amI am angered by Mr. Holder’s accusation that Americans are “cowards” and take it as a personal insult. As a proud American I would like to face my accuser, which is highly unlikely. He appears to be the hypocritical if not cowardly type who, (after being appointed by a black president as the first black attorney general and confirmed by a congress of mixed races) has benefited from the “Cowardly Americans”.
This is coming from the man who must function as the primary law enforcement officer, who is to represent the U.S. in all legal affairs and will head the Justice Department.
So, what does it say when the attorney general himself lacks respect for all Americans (because of one incident)? You will have to decide for yourself but as for me I am eagerly awaiting an apology.
Until then, “I fear my government but love my country”.
Sharon Rodgers (c55876) — 2/19/2009 @ 10:28 amSteve – Thank you. I will add it to my daily reading list. It is always beneficial to keep up on Teh Krazy.
JD (ee54a5) — 2/19/2009 @ 10:36 amTo say that Eric Holder exhibits all of the intelligence of a brick, would be an insult to Barbara Boxer.
AD - RtR/OS (9d2c25) — 2/19/2009 @ 11:12 amHolder was right. Some Americans are cowards when it comes to race relations. Some are afraid to discuss it. And there are others who just don’t want to discuss it because they feel superior and always will.
Codeer (4a66dd) — 2/19/2009 @ 11:19 amWell, sure. There’s Jeremiah Wright, after all.
Pablo (99243e) — 2/19/2009 @ 11:21 amAt a time when the Country needs to be unified, I find this remark untimely and irresponsible. Does this mean that there will be no justice until we discuss the race issue? Stick to the job and keep those remarks to yourself.
Joe (dc6352) — 2/19/2009 @ 11:33 amAre you referring to this article, steve?
Do you have some valid reason to dispute that, or is this one of those race things you’re too cowardly to confront? Don’t be afraid, steve. Check the demographics. 10771 enrolled and only 96 of them are white. Therefore, Howard is racist.
Pablo (99243e) — 2/19/2009 @ 11:34 amI am going to start my own website and call it the w.a.a.c.p instead of the naacp and lets see how pissed off everyone gets or i will start my own b.e.t an call it w.e.t or i will run around and say i am a “proud white man” and see if anyone has anything to say.
JOSEPH BUTTACAVOLI (7d0bf8) — 2/19/2009 @ 11:40 amO.K. Eric, try this. American Blacks are the most weatlthy, powerful, privileged black people on the earth. How did they get that way? American Whites made them that way. We Whites have agreed to live a lie so that you and yours can feel better. The lie is ‘affirmative action’, which is a set of separate, low standards which you cannot fail to meet. For our trouble, you whine, whine, whine. Every one of our cities has danger zones where no White person can safely set foot for the risk of being assaulted, raped, or murdered by your ilk. Apart from music and athletics your tribe has given civilization nothing but trouble. Is that honest enough? Oh, would you just shut up and count your blessings?
Robert (274468) — 2/19/2009 @ 12:12 pmRobert is an ass.
JD (ee54a5) — 2/19/2009 @ 12:15 pmI guess Holder never got to sit at the cool kids’ table in the cafeteria. Man, high school left some scars!
Patricia (89cb84) — 2/19/2009 @ 12:32 pmFinally, The nation can rest their lives on the simply use of the word ” Cowards”. “Christian Republican”, “Heathens”, and the Fatso Rushes favorite, In the name of God-Jesus or God greedsus depending on what meds he’s on. The last eight years of this country have been nothing but “COWARDS”, lies, cheats, Oh wait, in the name of greedsus…
R. Puente (b6daa1) — 2/19/2009 @ 12:45 pmThat was a bit incoherent, R. Puente, and quite indicative of end stage BDS.
JD (03563c) — 2/19/2009 @ 12:47 pmI think it is important to talk about race. Many may say it is a dead subject and has been overcome because of Obama’s presidency. But that is simply not true. Racism is still alive and because his word’s strike such a controversy and cord among Americans it prove that fact. Holder spoke of cowards who do not want to face this fact or confront the topic. Racism is alive and you can pay attention to it in the headlines. I think Holder’s comments were appropriate for this month and the gathering he was attending. I hope America will stop getting angry about the subject and Talk about it… Black, White, mixed, Asian, Indian. I was not offended by his comments because I know he was not speaking about me. But there are many Americans that do live in a bubble and i see it on a regular basis. I was elated when Obama had his speech during the election. In my neighborhood I heard many conversations about the subject and loved the fact that the subject of race was being tackled. Yes, we have come so very far but that does not mean it is over. Race is OK to talk about,,, so what is the big deal! it is reality? i am so proud of America and to be one… I embrace our history and our future. Lets talk and stop being afraid (cowards). 25 year old American woman
Aleahjo (572cc2) — 2/19/2009 @ 12:58 pmThe cartoon is just a cheap shot at a joke. I don’t clearly see a connection of the congress and the chimp that attacked the owners friend. Blah! This should have even made Headlines at all!!
Aleahjo (572cc2) — 2/19/2009 @ 1:00 pmI was not offended by his comments because I know he was not speaking about me.
Leftwingers are so obvious.
MIke K (f89cb3) — 2/19/2009 @ 1:05 pmAleaho, if many Americans are living in a bubble, how can you see it on a regular basis if he wasn’t talking about you? Are you in the bubble, or do you move in and out of it, spreading your feelgood wisdom to both sides?
carlitos (6128f3) — 2/19/2009 @ 1:06 pmAleahjo – That Holder’s words strike a controversy does not in any way prove what you claim it does. That is a standard Leftist rhetorical tactic. Your idea of this discussion and debate is for the Leftists to scream RACIST at everyone that does not agree with them. I am sensing that HuffPo, Atrios, Kos, TPM, or one of those cesspools has determined that Republicans are “afraid”, and that is the meme being pushed by you and your ilk. You were elated about a speech that said, basically, nothing? Brava. Now, run along back to your Leftist hideyhole and tell everyone how brave you were for wandering into the den of the big bad scary racist Republicans.
JD (03563c) — 2/19/2009 @ 1:06 pmSometimes I want to google the weird words that the one-time lefty visitors post here, just to see from whence they came. “Greedsus?” Yikes.
Also, can we use some of the stimulus money to teach liberal internet users proper use of the apostrophe?
carlitos (6128f3) — 2/19/2009 @ 1:08 pmcarlitos – That was clearly racist. And made-up-word-ist.
JD (03563c) — 2/19/2009 @ 1:35 pmHey, you said “You people”…..racist!!!!
nico (1f4c27) — 2/19/2009 @ 1:39 pmnico – I was referring to idiotic brain-dead Leftists when I used the words “you people”. What race are idiotic brain-dead Leftists?
JD (03563c) — 2/19/2009 @ 1:42 pmFrom Holder’s speech:
“There can, for instance, be very legitimate debate about the question of affirmative action. This debate can, and should, be nuanced, principled and spirited. But the conversation that we now engage in as a nation on this and other racial subjects is too often simplistic and left to those on the extremes who are not hesitant to use these issues to advance nothing more than their own, narrow self interest.”
In one of the few areas Holder actually has the courage to get specific in his speech, affirmative action, he basically says he doesn’t want to have a frank discussion. He wants to keep it polite. He wants to exclude points of view.
COURAGE! Holder doesn’t want to discuss points of view he doesn’t agree with, the Democrat way!
daleyrocks (5d22c0) — 2/19/2009 @ 1:51 pmHolder thinks we are having the wrong kind of discussions now. They must not conform to his views because they are advancing someone’s interests other than his.
daleyrocks (5d22c0) — 2/19/2009 @ 1:55 pmJD – hell, I know. I was just playing the part of one of the “perpetually aggrieved” class. Everything and anything can be construed as “racist” by those fart-knockers
nico (1f4c27) — 2/19/2009 @ 1:58 pmHolder’s views on profiling were not particularly well received by the law enforcement community during the Clinton Administration if I recall correctly, but they were received with great fanfare in the civil rights community. Is that the kind of ongoing discussion he intends to have or does he plan on using his bully pulpit to mandate change again?
daleyrocks (5d22c0) — 2/19/2009 @ 1:59 pmThe whole discussion of race is a big fat joke, all it is, is a Trojan Horse to vilify whites while absolving blacks of their own incompetency.
Bill Cosby tried to be brave and he was shouted down by blacks and called a Tom.
Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e) — 2/19/2009 @ 2:01 pmRL said it best today — “What is left to talk about? Its all been said.”
Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e) — 2/19/2009 @ 2:02 pmRobert may be an ass JD but lots of whites feel as he does and there are many aspects of his argument which are correct.
But he does sound like a cracker to me.
Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e) — 2/19/2009 @ 2:04 pmOuA is an ass too. You can express in idea without being an overt and intentional ass. At least some people can …
JD (03563c) — 2/19/2009 @ 2:43 pmThis absolutely right when you see the difference when they talk about obama in the part that nancy polosi daughter did on HBO they were calling obama a nigger and that they wouldnt vote for no nigger and that this world is coming to an end because of this nigger, and then the monkey being shot by law official, and nobody says anything correct but Msnbc meaning Keith Oberman And rachel maddow they truly see things for what they are but yes everyone else even boner what ever his name is and that tom boy ron christie is pathetic they never says anything about who put americans in this situation in the first place they have let him off the hook, and now its obama fault this world is not a bunch of cowards but those republican and those radical radio news station are there are the cowards.
Larry Jefferies (f535fa) — 2/19/2009 @ 2:45 pmWow, just wow.
JD (03563c) — 2/19/2009 @ 2:52 pmIt’s funny to hear accusations of cowardice from a man who’s too cowardly to be honest about his involvement with the Marc Rich pardon.
Calvin Dodge (ce0475) — 2/19/2009 @ 2:52 pmDid anyone else scan Larry’s comment for the period? When I found it at the end I actually felt excited. Not quite Howard Carter finding Tut, but still…
bonhomme (278a2d) — 2/19/2009 @ 2:54 pmPatterico – Is there any way to tell where all of the drive-by traffic is coming from ?
JD (03563c) — 2/19/2009 @ 2:55 pm[…] Posted by Wellsy on February 19, 2009 In an address to Justice Department employees marking Black History month, Attorney General Eric Holder described America as a “nation of cowards” on racial issues, remarking the workplace is integrated, but we self-segregate on the weekends and don’t discuss unresolved racial issues. He’s taking some well-deserved heat for his ill-conceived comment. […]
AG Holder: We’re a “nation of cowards” on race « Wellsy’s World (661794) — 2/19/2009 @ 3:19 pmI don’t think Eric Holder is excluding himself when talking about racism cowards. But I have to say, to bring it up is brave. I am a 40 something white woman and I agree wholeheartedly with Holder. EVERYONE must be honest and talk about it to get through it. However, I don’t like to hear the words “heal”. That’s thinking in the past. We have moved so far forward but we are so far from where we should be that to keep moving forward, there must be discussion…open and honest and at times extremely vulnerable.
Madonna (d2afb7) — 2/19/2009 @ 3:23 pmIn a racial sensitivity seminar/lecture/indoctrination I and my co-workers were told that we could not ask a black co-worker if he wanted to join us for a pick-up basket ball game after work because we would be fostering racial stereotypes by assuming he would enjoy this activity. We of course said that this was idiotic and we were informed that such an act could/would be a firing offense if a complaint was made.
In this type of enviroment how can one have an honest discusion about race at all.
The answer is you can’t because race and “bi-partisanship” are false flags. When a Democrat says “bi-partisan” or “race” he is not asking for a discussion. His opponent must accept all of his assumptions and his entire position. Any dissent is not merely wrong it is evil.
Have Blue (974cdf) — 2/19/2009 @ 3:23 pmNo, they’re not generally more diverse, they’re generally black. Howard has a 1% white student body. How is that diverse?
Oh, because black IS diversity!
Comment by Pablo — 2/19/2009 @ 5:17 am
Newspaper article last month about education described on school here in Connecticut as having “the most diverse student body.” For just an instant I thought there was a chance that they meant the largest possible selection of different peoples from the wonderful tapestry. (One Han Chinese, one Mandarin, one Cherokee, one Sioux, one Finn, one Swede, one Aztec, one Maori, one… etc.) Even before I read the next sentence I knew in my heart the truth of the matter. The class they were describing was more than 98% black or hispanic.
Have Blue (974cdf) — 2/19/2009 @ 3:30 pmI nominate madonna to conduct my racial sensitivity discussion for me. Just wake me up when it’s over.
Has anyone noticed who is doing the segregation action these days ?
Who wants separate high school proms ?
Who wants racially segregated dorms ?
Mike K (8df289) — 2/19/2009 @ 3:32 pm#131, Drive-by and obnoxious indeed.
Did Robert or I speak to you directly in order to solicit your insult or did you just volunteer yourself twice in #131 and #111 without prompting?
I certainly did not insult you, and neither did Robert, but you stepped right up and did so….. yet you are so über alles?
Patter-EE-koh, where do you find such monumental hyprocrites who pretend to be blog editors??
Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e) — 2/19/2009 @ 3:35 pmAs has been asked, repeatedly, what is particularly brave or courageous about what he said, Madonna?
JD (03563c) — 2/19/2009 @ 3:36 pmI in no way attempted to edit your comments OuA. I just pointed out that you chose language that, at best, was intentionally inflammatory. Needlessly so.
JD (03563c) — 2/19/2009 @ 3:39 pmSeems to me that way more racism eminates from the black community than any other. The Rev. Wright sermons are certainly not unique or unusual in predominatly black churches. As a black person, we need to be as open to other races as they are to us and quit blaming a policy that was abolished 150 years ago for all our problems.
Dennis (c208b9) — 2/19/2009 @ 3:44 pmFor years, liberals have been talking about the importance of having a “racial dialogue” in this country.
The fact of the matter, however, is that libs DO NOT want a racial dialogue. What they really want – and, quite frankly, what they’ve forced upon us – is a racial MONOLOGUE.
During this never-ending “conversation”, us white folks are expected to stand there – our heads bowed and our hats in our hands – and nod in silent shame as we are told in no uncertain terms that we are the source of all the world’s ills.
Of course, any white person who dares to mention the self-inflicted wounds that plague the black community in disproportionately high numbers – out-of-wedlock births, absent “fathers”, STDs, high school dropout rates, crime – is branded as a bigot. End of discussion.
Hell, even the occasional BLACK who dares to air “dirty laundry” in public is subjected to ridicule from the (largely) monolithic black community. (See Cosby, Bill.)
(BTW, I’ve always been amused by the fact that a lib who compares Bush to Hitler is being “patriotic”, but a conservative who points out the shortcomings of the black community is a Klansman, or an Uncle Tom.)
Anyway, the bottom line is that libs (of all colors) believe that blacks must be treated with kid gloves.
Until the gloves come off – and both sides are allowed to make valid points, no matter how painful they may be to the “other” side – we will never be able to have an “honest” discussion about race in this country.
Bubba Maximus (456175) — 2/19/2009 @ 3:46 pmI see two topics of discussion here. Here’s my two cents on both.
Concerning the chimp cartoon, considering two points: (1.)the recent news report of police having to kill a chimp gone beserk and (2.) the fact that President Obama did not write the bill, I don’t see it as racist. As an African American I have encountered the monkey insult (yes, as recently as the Summer of 2003) so I do understand the paranoia. Considering some of the pork in the bill, I can understand why a satirist would invoke a variation of the “monkeys at the typewriter” analogy…and no I am certainly not a card carrying Republican.
Now about Mr. Holder’s comments. I agree with him. I think he should have been more savvy in recognizing a soundbite that would overshadow his message. But then if he had simply said that “we are afraid to talk to each other frankly,” we would not have a news story.
Marietta (35a467) — 2/19/2009 @ 3:51 pmEach racial group sit among themselves and bewail the sins, failings, shortcomings, weaknesses, etc. of the other group. Everyone has an idea of what the other group should do, should accept, should think. But in terms of frank open discussions leading to real lasting solutions, we are afraid. We wish to think that because we have an African American president and other African Americans in leadership positions that we have overcome…..but we have not. Read the blogs. Observe the anger/hate and misperceptions seeping in our comments to and about each other…These are not discussions that seek answers and understanding. We talk/write/type to simply blow off steam usually with the amen choir of like-minded folks…..or maybe to entertain ourselves by antagonizing our opponents.
#144, Inflammatory to Robert maybe but not to you.
And even more special is you called him an ass first JD.
I actually defended his position before saying he might be a cracker.
So……….. just saying. No need to pick a fight with someone not picking it with you.
Robert, nor I, picked a fight with you.
Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e) — 2/19/2009 @ 3:57 pmCorrection: no need to pick a fight with someone not picking it with you IF YOU WANT TO CONSIDER YOURSELF über alles.
My apologies. I am not über alles.
Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e) — 2/19/2009 @ 4:01 pmThank you, Marietta. Though I suspect that you and I do not agree on much, you are one of the few that wrote a rational and thoughtful response. It would be nice if others followed your lead, but experience tells me otherwise.
JD (03563c) — 2/19/2009 @ 4:03 pmOuA – Robert was an ass. You, less so.
JD (03563c) — 2/19/2009 @ 4:05 pmI don’t get it. That doesn’t even look like Obama.
lonetown (d7ec3b) — 2/19/2009 @ 4:27 pmI’ve had a slightly unusual perspective teaching medical students. Every year (except this when I am not teaching), I’ve had at least one black student and several years more than one in my small group of six. Of those students, all but three have been foreign born. Others have commented on the fact that foreign black students disproportionately take advantage of affirmative action programs intended to compensate for slavery and its aftermath but that’s not my topic.
I’ve noticed, with one exception, a totally different perspective between the American born and the foreign born students. One student was from Trinidad, married to a white Australian engineering grad student. She is now a pediatrician.
Another was from Eritrea whose parents had smuggled her out of the country during the civil war into South Africa ! (during Apartheid) and then to France, Guadeloupe and finally LA. She was living with her grandmother in LA. She was barely scraping by on her student aid. She was so broke she could not afford a laptop, a mandatory item in medical school these days (no microscope anymore). She could barely keep her car running. I loaned her physical diagnosis instruments because she couldn’t afford them after fixing her car. She is now a pediatrician.
Another, US born, had been a water polo player in high school and college and was from San Diego. He breezed through. No racial animus that anyone could detect. He is very light skinned, which is a factor in black society. He is now a doctor in training. I don’t know what specialty.
Another was from the Bay Area. I later learned both his parents were Black Panthers in Oakland. By the third or fourth week of first year, I was worried about him. One white woman patient asked him to leave her room as he was interviewing her. The first year students learn by talking to patients and getting used to the role of doctor plus learning interviewing skills. I finally figured out that he was unable to talk to white people older than he was. He didn’t know what to say. For a while, I worried that he was schizophrenic until I figured out what was going on. Finally, we got past it by the expedient of me writing up a list of questions and a script for him to use in talking to older white people. By the end of the year he was doing OK and has graduated.
The third American black student was the saddest story. By Christmas break, he had lost weight, looked depressed and was obviously not making it. As luck would have it, the water polo player and the Eritrean girl were both in the group that year. I tried to get him to tell me what was wrong and even they were unable to get him help. One problem was that he was living at home and I don’t know how supportive his family was. He just got more and more depressed.
The school let him repeat the first year and he was in a different group the next year so I know little of what happened but he didn’t make it. Medical schools HATE to lose a student but he couldn’t do it. I think his problems were psychological as he had done well enough to get in and USC has lots of black students so I don’t think he was an unqualified AA admission. They had black students when I was in medical school 45 years ago.
I think there is a psychological barrier that a lot of blacks can’t get past and it has nothing to do with being black or any theory of racial inferiority; except in their own head. I think a lot of American blacks have been convinced they can’t make it without white liberal aid and it is destroying a lot of them.
Mike K (8df289) — 2/19/2009 @ 4:30 pmWhat if it said “They’ll have to find someone else to lead the republican party.”
imdw (8bb588) — 2/19/2009 @ 5:39 pmThat would be okay, imdw. It is okay to compare Republicans to chimps. Just not Baracky. Or in this instance, Pelosi and Reid.
JD (03563c) — 2/19/2009 @ 5:56 pmFunny — except you, my beret wearin’ friend, crossed the line into racism. Because the bill was written by a white woman and a white cadaver. Barry just did the PR tour.
Vermont Neighbor (afceb8) — 2/19/2009 @ 5:57 pmI have to say Larry Jefferies was terribly difficult to read and way over the top in hate. Marrietta, on the other hand, had honest views to add to the debate.
Marrietta, on the issue of race relations, I am definitely fair-skinned, showing the Irish heritage in me and one of my brothers have the skin shading apparent in Mexican heritage. But I live in a town of 15,000 with a combined non-white population most likely below 1,000.
While I taught my daughter skin color is irrelevant and my own blog briefly talks about how she took me at my word, what would you suggest I do in my personal life to improve race relations?
Like I said, there is no “race” other than the human race, and where I live is very much monochromatic. Variants in skin color are of the same value as variants in eye color, so much as I am concerned.
John Hitchcock (fb941d) — 2/19/2009 @ 5:58 pmIt would be passe.
Pablo (99243e) — 2/19/2009 @ 7:07 pmIs it me or has everyone in his cabinet has a problem or what. taxes, senate seat,race. call me crazy but it seems like the democrats are losing balance. I BET NOBAMA WON’T DENOUNCE THIS EITHER.
BUTTACAVOLI (7d0bf8) — 2/19/2009 @ 7:42 pmALL CAPS IS CRUISE CONTROL TO COOL ..
JD (03563c) — 2/19/2009 @ 7:45 pmJD, lol. Takes one to know one dick wad.
Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e) — 2/19/2009 @ 7:57 pmHeather MacDonald had a rather forceful response to Holder today at City Journal:
daleyrocks (5d22c0) — 2/19/2009 @ 9:27 pmPatterico, did you see this link on Glenn Reynolds’ blog this morning?
SPQR (72771e) — 2/20/2009 @ 8:30 amI will never understand the hate mongers on the left. Doesn’t everyone know that President Obama did not WRITE the Spendulus bill? He SIGNED the Spendulus bill. The cartoon is obviously equating Nancy Pelosi and the others who wrote the bill to crazed chimps. Not very funny buy hardly insulting of the President. Unless you are part of a Community Based Reality.
tyree (158c98) — 2/20/2009 @ 12:30 pmMeanwhile, a New York City Councilman is saying the cartoon is tantamount to calling for the shooting of the President.
Boy, there’s nothing so refreshing as overstating your case in a really big way.
Steverino (69d941) — 2/20/2009 @ 12:47 pmIn Chicago, aldermen are actually allowed to carry concealed weapons. My ex-alderman, Dorothy Tillman, famously brandished hers in the council one time. I wonder, do New York councilmen enjoy the same privilege? Some of them have said some pretty loopy things.
carlitos (c66133) — 2/20/2009 @ 12:58 pmSince I know someone will be calling for a link to my claim, here it is:
And the money quote:
The answer, Mr. Barron, is when the President is a Reupblican.
Steverino (69d941) — 2/20/2009 @ 1:02 pm<A HREF=”http://fablog.ehrensteinland.com/2009/02/19/giuliani-time-for-bonzo/”No, the cartoon is a racist outrage.
But Mr. Holder is correct, you don’t want to talk about race. Just “cards.”
David Ehrenstein (98fb12) — 2/21/2009 @ 10:32 amThis story is NOT over.
David Ehrenstein (98fb12) — 2/21/2009 @ 3:35 pmSteverino, Coincidentally, your rule extends to comparing the President to a chimp as well.
carlitos (6128f3) — 2/21/2009 @ 4:38 pmThat there ever was a “story” is only because of the ludicrous political industry we have that specializes in manufacturing outrage. Ehrenstein is bringing self-parody to new heights.
SPQR (26be8b) — 2/22/2009 @ 11:06 am