Patterico's Pontifications


David Neiwert Protege Blames Bernard Goldberg for the Actions of a Lunatic

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 12:38 pm

David Neiwert’s site has a post by Sara Robinson, who writes about some murderous nutcase who killed a couple of people in Knoxville last year, and recently wrote a letter that explains that he did it because he hates liberals. He describes his killing as a political statement, claiming that he wanted to kill “every Democrat in the Senate & House, the 100 people in Bernard Goldberg’s book.” Police found books by Michael Savage, Sean Hannity, and Bill O’Reilly in the man’s home.

Being a sensible person, Sara Robinson discounted this man as someone who was obviously mentally disturbed. Bernard Goldberg might make the case that certain liberals are hurting our country, and you might agree or disagree with his arguments . . . but certainly, Ms. Robinson recognizes that Goldberg doesn’t ask people to go out and kill liberals.

Ha, ha! Just kidding! No, seriously, she blames Bernard Goldberg and other conservative commentators for the killings:

Nicely done, Messrs. Hannity, Goldberg, Limbaugh, Savage and O’Reilly — and all your lesser brethren who keep the hate speech spewing 24/7/365 across every field and into every shop in the country. There is no more debate to be had, no more doubt about it: What you did in the name of “entertainment,” and for the sake of the almighty ratings, raised and animated a monster like Jim Adkisson, gave him a list of targets (“the 100 people in Bernard Goldberg’s book”), and was directly responsible for the deaths of two brave and decent people. Adkisson was clearly angry and crazy — but his “manifesto” draws the clearest, brightest line possible between the media he consumed and his actions that terrible Sunday morning.

(My emphasis.)

I’m sorry? Bernard Goldberg’s actions were “directly responsible” for these murders? Does she mean that? Really?

In my view, Bernard Goldberg is a mensch. I hereby pledge to Paypal Sara Robinson $50 in cold hard American cash if she can produce a quote from Bernard Goldberg that shows him deliberately inciting anyone to violence against liberals. I don’t expect I’ll have to pay.

I’m not a big fan of most of the other people named by Robinson. I’m on record as saying that Michael Savage is a moron, and I have called O’Reilly a “humorless and self-absorbed blowhard.”

But they’re not people who are out deliberately inciting people to violence. As a sensible leftist friend who shall go unnamed wrote me about the Knoxville murderer:

Given the fact that he’s a lunatic, he could’ve taken his marching orders from Ryan Seacrest or the Ghost of Andrew Jackson and he still would’ve shot up some people in a church. . . . I don’t think Goldberg or talk radio incited this lunatic to violence—they merely served to justify a crazy person’s crazy actions. No one blames J.D. Salinger for killing John Lennon.

Amen. Let’s have more talk like that, and less silliness from the likes of Neiwert and his ilk.

P.S. I have quite a few more things to say about Robinson’s silly attack. I have tucked the rest into the extended entry. Click “more” if you’re interested (or if you’re reading the individual post, just keep reading).

[Extended entry]

Back to Robinson:

A significant part of this country’s media infrastructure is thoroughly devoted to inciting people to commit horrific acts of violence against us — and now, we know for a fact that people are acting on those incitements. It’s time to start taking this far more seriously. What goes out across our airwaves these days isn’t all that different from what went out over Radio Rwanda a decade ago, spurring that country to genocide. At this point, it’s only a difference of degree.

Hyperbolize much?

Our radio hate talkers incited a man to commit an act of terrorism. Just sit a minute and take that in. And the next time you hear them foaming on about how liberals are “soft on terrorism,” reflect on the fact that they’d better hope to hell we don’t get any more serious about it — because if we do, their asses are going to be the first ones in the dockets.

(Emphasis in original.)

What folks like Robinson (and Neiwert, who often says similar things) need to understand is that there are zealots and lunatics on both sides of the aisle.

Do Robinson and Neiwert think there are no liberals out there filled to the brim with hatred for conservatives? If so, they haven’t been paying attention.

I made this point back in 2007, in a post that set forth some hate speech from leftists. Here are some examples:

  • Members of the St. Petersburg Democratic Club:

    And then there’s Rumsfeld who said of Iraq “We have our good days and our bad days.” We should put this S.O.B. up against a wall and say “This is one of our bad days” and pull the trigger.

  • Actor Alec Baldwin on Conan O’Brien:

    [I]f we were in other countries, we would all right now, all of us together, all of us together would go down to Washington and we would stone Henry Hyde to death! We would stone him to death! [crowd cheers] Wait! Shut up! Shut up! No shut up! I’m not finished. We would stone Henry Hyde to death and we would go to their homes and we’d kill their wives and their children. We would kill their families.

  • Comedian Chris Rock:

    If President Clinton would pardon me I would whip Starr’s ass right now. I will get a crew from Brooklyn and we will stomp him like, like, we’re Savion Glover. We’ll stomp him like it’s bringing da noise.

  • Syndicated columnist Alexander Cockburn:

    There is a sound case to be made for dropping a tactical nuclear weapon on the Cuban section of Miami. The move would be applauded heartily by most Americans. Alas, Operation Good Riddance would require the sort of mature political courage sadly lacking in Washington, D.C., these days.

  • Columnist, author, media pundit, journalist, and newspaper editor Dan Savage:

    My plan? Get close enough to Bauer to give him the flu, which, if I am successful, will lay him flat just before the New Hampshire primary. I’ll go to Bauer’s campaign office and cough on everything. Phones and pens. Staplers and staffers. I even hatch a plan to infect the candidate himself; I’ll keep a pen in my mouth until Bauer drops by his offices to rally the troops. And when he does, I’ll approach him and ask for his autograph, handing him the pen from my flu-virus-incubating mouth.

    That column also appeared on It was a little more than hate “speech” — the guy actually did try to give Gary Bauer the flu.

More recently we were treated to the reaction of the left upon the death of Tony Snow. In a moderated comments thread at the L.A. Times website, the following comments (and many more like them) were approved by moderators:

There is special place in hell for Mr. Snow. As a co-conspirator of the Bush administration, I have no special sympathy for him. I only wish his suffering were more prolonged.

Posted by: Efrain Rojas | July 12, 2008 at 09:05 AM

. . . .

I hope he suffered at the end. Just a terrible person.

Posted by: Melainie Samson | July 12, 2008 at 10:20 AM

. . . .

Thank you G*d.
Only 99 more of them to go.

Posted by: Tom from Texas | July 12, 2008 at 10:55 AM

. . . .


Posted by: perry | July 12, 2008 at 02:26 PM

How confident are Neiwert and Sara Robinson that none of these individuals would ever act on the kind of disgusting hatred exposed in these comments?

After all, it’s not like we don’t have examples of actual violence perpetrated by leftists for political reasons. In a recent post I quoted a passage written by someone who was the victim of violence perpetrated by opponents of Proposition 8 (a proposition I opposed, but peacefully):

At first, they just shouted at us, using crude, rude, and foul language and calling us names like “haters” and “bigots”. Since it was a long night, I can’t even begin to remember all of the things that were shouted and/or chanted at us. Then, they started throwing hot coffee, soda and alcohol on us and spitting (and maybe even peeing) on us. Then, a group of guys surrounded us with whistles, and blasted them inches away from our ears continually. Then, they started getting violent and started shoving us. At one point a man tried to steal one of our Bibles. Chrisdene noticed, so she walked up to him and said “Hey, that’s not yours, can you please give it back?”. He responded by hitting her on the head with the Bible, shoving her to the ground, and kicking her. I called the cops, and when they got there, they pulled her out of the circle and asked her if she wanted to press charges. She said “No, tell him I forgive him.”

Afterwards, she didn’t rejoin us in the circle, but she made friends with one of the people in the crowd, and really connected heart to heart. Roger got death threats. As the leader of our group, people looked him in the eyes and said “I am going to kill you.”, and they were serious. A cop heard one of them, and confronted him. (This part is kinda graphic, so you should skip the paragraph if you don’t want to be offended.) It wasn’t long before the violence turned to perversion. They were touching and grabbing me, and trying to shove things in my butt, and even trying to take off my pants – basically trying to molest me. I used one hand to hold my pants up, while I used the other arm to hold one of the girls. The guys huddled around all the girls, and protected them.

Michelle Malkin has collected more examples of unhinged liberals than anyone. A couple of the standouts: the guy who almost ran a woman and her children off the road because she had a Bush bumper sticker, and the guy who tried to run down Katherine Harris in a car, and claimed it was “political expression.”

When a mentally disturbed man professing to be a fan of certain right-wing media sent people fake anthrax in the mail, Neiwert tut-tutted when Malkin (sensibly) denied responsibility — and Sadly No literally could not stop talking about it.

But more recently, when a bunch of conservatives got envelopes with powder in the mail, Sadly No seemed silent, as was Neiwert.

Niewert is so desperate to hang acts of violence around the necks of conservatives that he has been known to make a fool of himself by bending the space-time continuum to lay undeserved blame.

If, according to Sara Robinson’s logic, Bernard Goldberg is responsible for people’s deaths because he said bad things about people, then might Sara Robinson be putting Bernard Goldberg’s life at risk? After all, she is saying that Goldberg et al. are directly responsible for murders. If someone took her diatribe seriously, it is impossible that someone would now kill Hannity, O’Reilly, Goldberg — and think they’re saving lives?

Are environmentalists responsible for the Unabomber? Do we blame Al Gore for this?

Last year, an anxious, depressed 17-year-old boy was admitted to the psychiatric unit at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne. He was refusing to drink water. Worried about drought related to climate change, the young man was convinced that if he drank, millions of people would die.

Who do we blame for al Qaeda attacks? Clinton and Bush for failing to convert America to radical Islam? Leftist commentators for describing U.S. policies in a way that is offensive to Muslims? Or Osama bin Laden and his al Qaeda lunatics?

It’s time for Robinson and Neiwert to recognize that mentally disturbed people can be set off by anything. Blame the mental illness, not the random person or event that triggered the disturbed person’s actions.

If Bernard Goldberg or other conservative commentators describe something inaccurately, let ’em have it. But don’t blame them for the actions of people with mental disorders, Sara Robinson. That kind of talk coarsens the discourse, and inflames anger based in self-righteousness — which is the most dangerous kind of anger known to man. I have shown in this post that such anger is not a phenomenon unique to either side. Please don’t pretend otherwise.

UPDATE: Oh, Lord. Now Neiwert has weighed in as well, with a post titled We can see why Bernie Goldberg’s book was an inspiration to the Knoxville church gunman. Oh, we can? And why is that? Because Goldberg says:

But it’s interesting to me that these left-wingers who didn’t say a word when their fellow left-wingers called George Bush a moron, when they called Dick Cheney a fascist, when they called Sarah Palin a racist, and when they threw Oreo cookies at Michael Steele because he had the nerve to be a conservative black man — they didn’t say a word about all of that.

So here’s my conservative analysis, and feel free to bleep this: Screw them. Screw them. They are unimportant people, they are unimportant people who shouldn’t be taken seriously.

(Emphasis in original.)

Wow. If Goldberg says “screw them” about people who stood by while their own folks engaged in ugliness, then we can certainly see how that is an inspiration to a mentally disturbed killer. Why, isn’t it obvious?

Neiwert also says this: “No one is blaming O’Reilly or Goldberg directly for the killings that resulted.” Nobody, that is, except for his co-blogger — who, again, wrote this passage:

What you did in the name of “entertainment,” and for the sake of the almighty ratings, raised and animated a monster like Jim Adkisson, gave him a list of targets (“the 100 people in Bernard Goldberg’s book”), and was directly responsible for the deaths of two brave and decent people.

The subject of that sentence is “what you did” and not “Jim Adkisson.” Diagram it if you need to. She is saying that what conservative commentators did was directly responsible for the deaths.

If she didn’t mean it, she needs to learn to write.

I’m still waiting for my evidence of Bernard Goldberg deliberately inciting people to violence. I’ll e-mail the link to this post to Neiwert and Robinson so they know they’re eligible for this reward. But if their best evidence is Goldberg saying “screw them” about some leftist jerks, then I’ll be holding on to my money.

IRONIC FOOTNOTE: One of the 100 people whom Bernard Goldberg says is screwing up America? Michael Savage. Savor the nuance!

UPDATE x2: Another calm leftist weighs in here, seeking the home address of a woman who opposes socialized medicine and insinuating that she should be killed.

118 Responses to “David Neiwert Protege Blames Bernard Goldberg for the Actions of a Lunatic”

  1. Surely this is a first in a series from Sara, in which she will blame Jodie Foster for the assisination attempt on Pres. Reagan years ago, and will condemn radical Muslim lunatics for being behind the guy who threw his shoes at Pres. Bush recently. Right?

    Journo (faece3)

  2. I wonder what she would make of the fact that Al Gore’s book, Earth in the Balance was found in Ted Kazinski’s cabin when he was arrested. The Unabomber was certainly targeting individuals he identified as harming the earth. The presence of the book has been disputed but the manifesto and book have been compared and there is considerable similarity.

    Mike K (f89cb3)

  3. Sara is inciting me to kill Rush Limbaugh.

    Juan (4cdfb7)

  4. No really, think about it… what she’s saying about right wing media is far harsher than what they were saying about senators. She’s calling them murderers because their harping about deficit spending was soooo harsh and inflammatory.

    Clearly harping about inciting murder is harsher and more inflammatory than harping about deficit spending, so Sara is more guilty of her offense than lame O’Reilly and that douchebag Hannity.

    Juan (4cdfb7)

  5. This sounds like another lame and disturbed attempt to stop free speech but only insofar as Republicans are concerned, liberal as always get a free pass.

    What I find amazing is the inability for liberals to see their open and blatant hypocrisy, its sad and I think its a reflection of their amorals, which is maybe why they hate us so much.

    Liberals and their one-way street with regard to Conservative rights of free speech is just downright scary, but I don’t think shooting them is the answer.

    ML (14488c)

  6. Surely this is a first in a series from Sara, in which she will blame thank Jodie Foster for the assisination attempt on Pres. Reagan years ago

    Fixed that.

    KB (5a6552)

  7. See the update. Niewert has now weighed in as well.

    I just e-mailed the link to this post to both of them, so that they’ll be able to collect that $50 right away.

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  8. What an awful man that Bernard Goldberg is! Just terrible! I think he ought to be Keith Olbermann’s worst person in the whole wide world for an entire week!

    Dan Collins (4dc2da)

  9. For the record: I blame J.D. Salinger for killing John Lennon.

    Question: Who’s J.D. Salinger?

    Second Question: Was John “the cute one”?

    Hoystory (08dea2)

  10. “…Michael Savage is a moron, and I have called O’Reilly a “humorless and self-absorbed blowhard.””

    Wow, in fifteen words, you managed to capture both of them pretty accurately. Especially, well, they both apply pretty evenly…

    But the Sara Robinsons of the world will pounce on this while completely discounting the posters of the president (regardless of who holds the office) with a gun pointed at his head, aomg many more examples. Indignation is only allotted to one point of view, it seems.

    Chris (d098d0)

  11. So that’s why Olbermann was hiding under his desk! Decades of conservatives being called racists, homophobes, sexists, murderers, rapists, warmongers, Nazis, imperialists, bourgeoisie capitalists, fascists, white, angry, males, Christian inquisitors and evangelical nutjobs who hate fun, sex, graffiti and The People has finally driven one murderous clown to attack. But ain’t it telling that our one looney tune couldn’t out-kill the leftist posterchild Ted Kazinski!

    They ought to call us under-achievers…

    Shane (94e46a)

  12. Patterico, they are just asking questions.

    Eric Blair (57b266)

  13. How is this any different from blaming video games or heavy metal for violence? We all know how the left feels about that. How is this any different from Bill Clinton blaming the Oklahoma City bombing on talk radio?

    Oh, Pat, you could add one to your list. I don’t have the link for it, but way back in the 1980s, radio doctor Dean Edell said that if there were any justice Ronald Reagan would get Alzheimer’s because he blocked some kind of embryonic research that might cure it.

    Steverino (69d941)

  14. This comment to Niewert’s post says it all. These people are just unhinged.

    I find his [Adkisson] behavior the inevitable consequence of the Right Wing preaching hatred and genocide.

    On a sidenote it’s interesting to observe just how much power and influence Niewert and Robinson assign a single individual, Bernard Goldberg. It’s probably safe to assume they are strident Fairness Doctrine supporters as well.

    Dana (137151)

  15. I am always reminded of that awesome movie “Zulu” when I see new memes from the left thrown out into the world. It seemed there were limitless Zulu warriors to just attempt to overwhelm the outpost defended by the British. There was no tactic other than to just throw man after man, spear after spear, attack after attack, at the outmanned subjects of Her Majesty.

    The left is bound and determined to stay on offense and it matters not the truth. BHO demonstrated this last week in his talks and his press conference. The campaign never ends.

    I think the best response to the Left was like the one the British used – be very precise and judicious in using resources (ammo, troops) in defense. There is no way to to fight back in numbers. It would be a senseless waste. Instead, soldiers like Pat and Michelle can simply refute the specious arguments one time (one bullet?) and move on to the next attack. I hope we don’t spend too much time and energy on fools like Niewert and Sara.

    Let’s also help Michael Steele establish better posts on better, higher, terrain. If we mean to win a war, we’ll need to go on offense, as well.

    Ed (52bb9a)

  16. Even worse, read the comments on the post on Niewert’s site. These folks have got some serious disconnect….

    robertl (4c37ae)

  17. The next door neighbor’s dog keeps telling me to kill Margaret Cho, but I’m too lazy.

    Dan Collins (4dc2da)

  18. Maybe it should be pointed out that those fires in Australia that killed hundreds of people were set by a diehard lefty.

    ML (14488c)

  19. […] Patterico on Niewert on the Bernard Goldberg murders. Posted by Dan Collins @ 3:43 pm | Trackback SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: “If You Don’t Think This Is Funny [Dan Collins]”, url: “” });   […]

    If You Don’t Think This Is Funny [Dan Collins] (7a2640)

  20. These guys need to watch out too:
    Time: 25 People to Blame for the Financial Crisis

    Wesson (3ab0b8)

  21. It was Florida Democrats who ran an ad calling for Donald Rumsfeld to be executed:

    St. Petersburg Democratic club ad says ‘pull trigger’ on Rumsfeld

    MIAMI (AP) — Florida Republicans are crying foul after a St. Petersburg Democratic club placed a full-page ad in a weekly newspaper, saying Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld should be “put up against a wall” and someone should “pull the trigger.”

    The ad, appearing in last Thursday’s edition of the Gabber, a weekly paper covering the Pinellas County community of Gulfport, included a lengthy criticism of the Bush administration’s handling of the war in Iraq and then singled out Rumsfeld.

    “And then there’s Rumsfeld who said of Iraq ‘We have our good days and our bad days.’ We should put this S.O.B. up against a wall and say ‘This is one of our bad days,’ and pull the trigger,” the ad read under a banner “St. Petersburg Democratic Club.”

    “Do you want to salvage our country? Be a savior of our country? Then vote for John Kerry and get rid of the whole Bush Bunch!” The ad then directs financial donations to Kerry’s campaign headquarters in Washington.

    The bottom of the ad depicts an American flag and reads: “Iraq. Killed 623. Wounded 4927.”

    State Republican Party chairman Carole Jean Jordan called the ad “deplorable” and urged Democratic National Committee chairman Terry McAuliffe, Florida Democratic Party chairman Scott Maddox and the local party chairman to repudiate the group’s statements.

    “I am shocked beyond words at what amounts to a call for the assassination of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld by the St. Petersburg Democratic Club,” Jordan said in a statement.

    A Defense Department spokesman declined comment.

    The ad listed phone numbers for club president Ken Steinke and vice president Edna McCall. Both lines were busy during repeated attempts by The Associated Press to reach Steinke and McCall for comment.

    Mark Kornblau, a Kerry campaign spokesman, said the club was not working for their campaign “in any official capacity” and called for an apology.
    “It is outrageous and does not in any way reflect the position of our campaign. We hope that those responsible will retract the statement, apologize for it and move on to more productive pursuits,” Kornblau said.

    Maddox said in a statement that the ad was “reprehensible and in poor taste” and urged its immediate removal and a formal apology.
    State party spokeswoman Allie Merzer said the group is a social club chartered by the state Democratic party but does not receive funds from the state party and did not consult party before the ad was placed. She said the state party was reviewing the club’s charter membership.

    Ken Reichart, editor and publisher of the Gabber, with a circulation of 13,000, said the club paid $175 for the ad and has advertised in the newspaper periodically for the past two years. He considered not running the ad but chose to publish it because he felt the reference to Rumsfeld was a “figure of speech.”

    “I didn’t get the visual of Ken Steinke, the author of the ad, standing in front of Rumsfeld with an Uzi. I got the picture of the parent saying ‘Boy, I want to kill my kid.’ It’s just a figure of speech.”

    In retrospect, Reichart said he would not have published the ad because of all the attention it garnered after it appeared in the Internet’s Drudge Report. In addition to 300 e-mails, Reichart said it “cost me a day’s revenue. We’ve spent all day answering phone calls from the media.”
    Copyright 2005 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


    ROA (a2b711)

  22. This is another round in preparation for the return of speech controls, aka “Fairness Doctrine”.

    Rob Crawford (04f50f)

  23. Comment by Steverino — 2/16/2009 @ 1:36 pm

    Bubba didn’t just blame talk-radio for OKC, but he singled out Rush Limbaugh as the culprit enciting the unwashed to violence.
    This is a message that the Left, as dishonest as the message is, refuses to give up and will continue with until the last Leftist has the last stake driven through the last dead heart.

    van Helsing (be6a2d)

  24. Have Robinson or Niewert even read Goldberg’s book? It’s filthy conservative propaganda after all.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  25. George Bush doesn’t care about black people – Kanye West

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  26. Excellent intellectual beat down sir.

    But, in the list, you did forget Randi Rhodes “murdering” President Bush on air (with gunshot sound effects).

    You’re right, of course. Bernard Goldberg is a mensch. If further proof is needed, the totally liberal bench on Bryant Gumbel’s Real Sports not only respect him, some of them actually like him.

    For good reason.

    “I don’t always side with David in a fight with Goliath. Sometimes David is a little pain in the ass, and he deserves to be knocked down. And if David is wrong and Goliath is right, that’s how the story is coming out.”

    Lamontyoubigdummy (84dbc2)

  27. This is another round in preparation for the return of speech controls, aka “Fairness Doctrine”.
    Comment by Rob Crawford — 2/16/2009 @ 2:20 pm

    Yep. From today’s American Spectator,

    Senior FCC staff working for acting Federal Communications Commissioner Michael Copps held meetings last week with policy and legislative advisers to House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman to discuss ways the committee can create openings for the FCC to put in place a form of the “Fairness Doctrine” without actually calling it such.

    Waxman is also interested, say sources, in looking at how the Internet is being used for content and free speech purposes. “It’s all about diversity in media,” says a House Energy staffer, familiar with the meetings. “Does one radio station or one station group control four of the five most powerful outlets in one community? Do four stations in one region carry Rush Limbaugh, and nothing else during the same time slot? Does one heavily trafficked Internet site present one side of an issue and not link to sites that present alternative views? These are some of the questions the chairman is thinking about right now, and we are going to have an FCC that will finally have the people in place to answer them.”

    Dana (137151)

  28. I would be laughing my head off if these people and their ilk weren’t serious.

    But they are.

    Techie (6b5d8d)

  29. Conservative political thought will be doubleplus ungood.

    Techie (6b5d8d)

  30. This is not the real Left, right? This is some silly little fringe that nobody should pay attention to. Especially Waxman, and the head of the FCC.

    JD (a69124)

  31. Trust me, Waxman is the True Left.

    AD - RtR/OS (be6a2d)

  32. The rich nougaty center of irony in this is that if you told Sara and David that you accept their thesis, and that you blame Islam and the Islamic nations for the honor killing in Buffalo, NY, they would denounce you as a bigot and a hater.

    Techie (6b5d8d)

  33. Let’s not forget this instaclassic:
    “I want motherf**king Joe the Plumber dead!”

    Pablo (99243e)

  34. If want incitement to kill liberals, you have to go over to the Jawa Report, Little Green Footballs and other bastions of juvenile paranoia and macho insecurity. Plenty of it there.

    Hax Vobiscum (23258e)

  35. Intentionally missing the point again, Hacks?

    JD (a69124)

  36. As a devoted Lizard, sir, I call you out. Nobody’s incited to kill anyone at LGF.

    Pious Agnostic (b2c3ab)

  37. Hey, JD, don’t worry about it. Hax is just asking questions again.

    His use of the terms “macho” and “juvenile” raises a few questions, come to think of it.

    Eric Blair (57b266)

  38. Hack is not missing the point, Hack is just making up stuff yet again.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  39. “If want incitement to kill liberals, you have to go over to the Jawa Report, Little Green Footballs and other bastions of juvenile paranoia and macho insecurity. Plenty of it there.”


    No links. Just stupidity.

    You drive by, make no sense, and shoot up the neighbor’s house.

    Lamontyoubigdummy (84dbc2)

  40. I’m feeling incited to do something…….

    Ah, make dinner, that was it.

    Techie (6b5d8d)

  41. Hacks problem is that he got used to doing his drive-bys where people were unarmed…
    Boy, imagine his surprise when he tried that crap where people knew how to fire back?

    AD - RtR/OS (be6a2d)

  42. Anyone in the mood for predictions.

    What are SPQR et al going to say when I post links to incitements at Jawa, and LGF?

    Hax Vobiscum (23258e)

  43. Probably something like, “Whoa! You’ve really got us, there!”

    Dan Collins (4dc2da)

  44. Then why are you holding back?

    Techie (6b5d8d)

  45. He’ll get right back to us with those links after he searches DailyKos, HuffPo, and SadlyNo for articles about LGF or Rusty “inciting” someone.

    Hell, he can find links proving that Glenn Reynolds “incites” on a regular basis too.

    Techie (6b5d8d)

  46. “It’s all about diversity in media,”

    ‘Diversity’, of course, being the reactionary leftist code for censorship and control.

    N. O'Brain (453dd2)

  47. Hacks – To the topic at hand … Were the bloggers, Sarah and Neiwart, correct in their assertions? Yes or no. Show your work.

    JD (a69124)

  48. If want incitement to kill liberals, you have to go over to the Jawa Report, Little Green Footballs and other bastions of juvenile paranoia and macho insecurity. Plenty of it there.

    Comment by Hax Vobiscum — 2/16/2009 @ 3:20 pm

    Well, that was rather daft.

    N. O'Brain (453dd2)

  49. Plenty of it there.

    As per usual, you are a liar. And a coward. And a scumbag. And a douchebag. No, check that last one, that’s not fair to actual bags of douche.

    Dmac (49b16c)

  50. Hax

    I take it you don’t read LGF much the place is much different now than from years ago, they are not what one would consider “pro-Christian”, unless you claim unquestionable allegiance to Darwinism first and foremost.

    And guilt by association is their (LGF) forte.

    ML (14488c)

  51. If want incitement to kill liberals, you have to go over to the Jawa Report, Little Green Footballs and other bastions of juvenile paranoia and macho insecurity. Plenty of it there.

    If you ever get around to posting any links, and I’m dubious that you will, it will almost certainly be to commenters.

    Is it possible I missed an ugly comment or two here on this site? Maybe. We had a guy on here a coupla days ago saying Rush Limbaugh deserved the guillotine. If he’d said Bill Press instead, Neiwert would go apeshit. As it is, I missed it — it took someone pointing it out to me to bring it to my attention, and to put the commenter in moderation.

    So let’s say that you find commenters who said ugly stuff. (We’ll see if you come up with the goods.) I already provided examples from the L.A. Frigging Times. So what point will you have made?

    More to the point: how about addressing the post? Instead of doing a drive-by, unevidenced comment that is only tangentially on point, how about addressing Neiwert and Robinson’s posts and whether you agree with their point of view?

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  52. I’m pretty confident, Patterico, that Hack does not even know the definition of “incitement” … much less would be able to actually find a link to same.

    But like you, I’m sure that if he posts a link it will be a misrepresentation at best of some commentors rhetoric.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  53. Notice how it flees when called out?

    JD (a69124)

  54. Patterico, you are correct. I think that ALL sides should eschew that kind of verbal hatefulness.

    But from everything I have read, the poster in question is ALL about finding his version of equivalency. In fact, it looks to me like “asymmetric equivalence”—the sole goal appears to be oppositional to what HV defines as the Evil Right Wing.

    No wait. He is just asking quesions. I forgot.

    Eric Blair (bb9729)

  55. I disagree, Eric, I don’t think Hack is about equivalence. Hack is about suppressing speech he disagrees with. Nothing more, nothing less.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  56. I’ve lost count of the books, movies, comedy routines, singers, actors, academics, and other assorted commies, moonbats and America-haters who wanted Bush dead, dismembered, burned in effigy, tortured, rendered, etc. Either these people have the world’s worst mass case of projection or they live in another dimension from the rest of us.

    Peg C. (48175e)

  57. You may well be right, SPQR. I hope it is just about being trollish in a “safe” environment.

    Eric Blair (bb9729)

  58. LGF is a liberal anti-Jihadist site. Johnson calls everyone to his right a fascist/racist/nazi. Typical leftist modus operandi.


    icr (ff91f1)

  59. My algebra teacher once “proved” algebraically that 1 = 0. He went through a 7 or 8 step process using “a” and “b” as variables, proving “a” = “b”. After letting us ruminate on the “proof,” he showed where it failed. There was a point where 0 was the denominator.

    My high school chemistry teacher once “proved” 2 + 2 != 4. She added 2 litres of alcohol to 2 litres of water, producing less than 2 litres of liquid. Of course any mathematician will say you cannot add unlike terms. That’s where that “proof” failed.

    Hax uses these same types of “proofs” whenever he actually uses any supporting evidence. The evidence doesn’t fit the claim and has to be massaged to come close to fitting.

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  60. Yep, icr, its terrible that Charles calls neo-fascist political parties “fascist”. Next you know, he’ll call racists “racist”.

    Oh, the horror.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  61. gotta luv that weasly little footnote Dave added

    For what it’s worth, this is a farrago of strawmen: No major Democratic or liberal figures called either Bush or Cheney morons or fascists, nor Palin a racist; these characterizations could be found among some rank and file liberals (and their views were certainly not groundless), but no major spokesman of the ‘Left’, particularly not of a stature comparable to O’Reilly’s on the Right, ever said such a thing.


    Darleen (187edc)

  62. Patterico: of course it’s absurd for Niewert to claim that the murder is the fault of wingnut hatred for liberals.

    Hax Vobiscum (23258e)

  63. # 57, icr

    They (LGF) are an anti-creationist site now, Jihad is no longer a threat, its those evil Christians that threaten our way of life and “science”.

    Charles Johnson of LGF is a 9/11 conservative.
    In other words before 9/11 he was a diehard liberal, after 9/11 LGF hid behind standup conservatives who commented on the site and thus it became known as a conservative website.

    ML (14488c)

  64. # 59. SPQR

    When LGF threw Robert Spencer under the bus just because JihadWatch had a few sites in their blog-roll that LGF and Capt. Queeg (Charles Johnson) did not approve of.
    So Capt. Queeg calls Robert Spencer a fascist and a supporter of neo-Nazis, sorry LGF has more than jumped the shark.
    Last time I checked Robert Spencer didnt look like an angry white guy to me, so how could he be a neo-Nazi?

    LGF sold their credibility out long ago.

    ML (14488c)

  65. Who incited OBL to attack America on September 11th 2001 and kill over 3000 innocents? Allah?

    Emperor7 (0c8c2c)

  66. The main problem with such arguments are that they presuppose a one-to-one correspondence between influence and action. Even if Adkisson had said “I killed those people in that church because I read Goldberg’s book,” there’s no reason to believe him. The fact that he attacked the church his ex-wife belonged to is fairly compelling evidence that there was more going on there than whatever Goldberg wrote in his book.

    Basically, this all comes down to an argument about cultural influence. After the Virginia Tech massacre, I wrote that, as an English major, Cho had to have taken the kind of classes conservatives believe impart good values (Chaucer, Shakespeare, &c.) and classes liberals believe impart good values (Ethnic literature, Feminist literature, &c.), and yet he still became a mass murderer. That’s because the issue isn’t what’s read but who’s doing the reading.

    Put differently: even if Goldberg’s book pushed Adkisson over the edge, a whole host of other influences brought him to the cliff. Neiwert’s singling out “book containing political disagreement” from a list that includes “crazy.” Why? Because he happens to disagree with Goldberg. What would he say if a liberal shot up a hospital because he’d watched Sicko? I’d hope the answer was “crazy,” not “movie containing political disagreement.”

    Now, is there an argument to be made that talk radio has a negative effect on political discourse? Certainly, but that’s a formal issue — listening to people talk and talk and talk about things that piss you off for five or six hours a day, every day, for years on end will have a deleterious effect on your ability to engage in civil discourse with political opponents. It’s just not healthy to be that upset all the time.

    A Sensible Leftist Friend (072055)

  67. Hax,
    If want incitement to kill liberals, you have to go over to the Jawa Report, Little Green Footballs and other bastions of juvenile paranoia and macho insecurity. Plenty of it there.

    Little Green Footballs, the only site among the above I read, posts a lot on Islamic extremism and creationist anti-science.

    Somehow, I missed the part about incitement to kill liberals.

    Would you please link to some examples?

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R., who implores DRJ to remain at Patterico! (f34d89)

  68. Why do I suspect that there is a “but” coming from Hacks?

    JD (a69124)

  69. Anyone in the mood for predictions.

    What are SPQR et al going to say when I post links to incitements at Jawa, and LGF?

    Comment by Hax Vobiscum

    No, I’m not in the mood for your predictions because you cannot be trusted.

    Patrick, he’s your buddy and I see you are getting tired of the pose.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  70. ML:
    They (LGF) are an anti-creationist site now, Jihad is no longer a threat, its those evil Christians that threaten our way of life and “science”.

    LGF still campaigns against Islamic extremism. It also happens to be against creationism. That doesn’t mean LGF thinks creationists are comparable to terrorists. I certainly don’t.

    Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R., who implores DRJ to remain at Patterico! (f34d89)

  71. Just over to CA Republic reading Burt Prelutsky who scribbled “…we still wind up with the likes of Dianne Feinstein, she of the thin skin, and Barbara Boxer, she of the tiny brain…”

    Now that I’ve been incited, who do I call to deal with this condition – other than I.W.Harper?

    AD - RtR/OS (be6a2d)

  72. The irony is that the story originates in Knoxville. That lovely southern city was recently the seen of a ghastly crime committed by several (you guess the race) folks against a young (you guess the race) couple. Anybody familiar with Niewert’s work knows it can plausibly blamed for encouraging such crimes.

    horace (403d7a)

  73. still at work and not enough time to read the full text and all the comments, but one thing that seems to come out is that people actually listen to conservative commentators… a conservative says “I hate liberals” and someone tries to kill liberals, a lefty says “right wingers deserve to die” and no one cares (except for Squeaky Fromm)… maybe it’s because lefties know that right wingers might actually shoot back… I wonder what person from which side of the debate inspired (I am going to spell the last name incorrectly , I know) “Unabomber” Ted Kaszynski.

    Ira (a32732)

  74. About 6 months ago Rush Limbaugh predicted precisely what Sara Robinson is doing. He said, as a pretext for reinstating Fairness, liberals would sieze on some horrible crime that was instigated by a conservative talker, and use it to justify the need for FCC mandated controls on talk radio. Sara Robinson is part of this orchestrated effort by Democrats to see this happen.

    Once or twice a week we see liberals calling for Fairness, attempting show there is a ground swell of opinion calling for the FCC or Congress to balance talk radio. Last week it was Bill Press writing in the WaPo and then Bill Clinton. Slowly the absurd becomes the relevant as more orchestrated voices join in.

    We conservatives are too logical and we can’t sway opinion solely with logic. We are on the defensive. What we should be doing is playing the absurd game ourselves. We should demand the NY Times be required by law to balance their Op-Ed staff and instead of 8 liberal columnists and one tepid Republican, they should have 4 and 4. We should demand the NY Times be covered by the Communications Act since they transmit their news to their printing plant by microwave link (subject to the FCC). They also publish on online edition making them subject to the Act. Ditto for the LA Times.

    Absurd yes, but this is how they are playin the game. We have to play the same game.

    Corky Boyd (9cb7c3)

  75. # 68, Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R., who implores DRJ to remain at Patterico!

    That doesn’t mean LGF thinks creationists are comparable to terrorists. I certainly don’t.

    Bradley, its interesting that you said that, matter of fact last June Capt. Queeg made a few comments about how creationism and Islam both believe in a creation with some other claptrap thrown in and LGF has made a few attempts to equate scientists that support creationism with Islamic scientists.

    So I have to disagree that LGF does not equate the two, but I expect nothing less from non-thinking illiberals.

    ML (14488c)

  76. Ira – Nice pile of hoo-ha there.

    JD (a69124)

  77. You know, Darleen, it’s hard to visualize a farrago of strawmen.

    Dan Collins (4dc2da)

  78. I haven’t ever needed to warn a liberal family member that their name and address were posted on a conservative website inciting physical action against them (and their children) for their political views.

    I wish I could say the converse was also not true.

    EW1(SG) (e27928)

  79. “You know, Darleen, it’s hard to visualize a farrago of strawmen.”

    Dan – Is that a salad course, like field greens?

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  80. It sounds like a dish prepared with italian cheese.

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  81. Meanwhile, leftist Mark Ames is openly calling for the murder of Betsy McCaughey because she’s an obstacle to the coming of socialized medicine.

    (Incidentally, Ames wrote a book about mass shootings some years back; he blamed them on Ronald Reagan.)

    Well-Armed Lamb (9f642f)

  82. You know, though, a cereal with little shredded wheat wicker men would be kind of cool.

    Dan Collins (4dc2da)

  83. This is it, the start of the offensive by the pawns. This type of attack, the little jabs and punches against conservative talk radio, will increase in order to help make the Fairness Doctrine effort seem more mainstream. The more folks hear stories like this one, no matter how absurd and fringe it might be to some of us, the higher the probability that their cause will resonate with many of the folks who often are clarity challenged. You know the kind, those who would not question an NBC poll that simply asks:

    Do you think talk radio should be fair?

    PC14 (82e46c)

  84. I know who Neiwert is, but only because somebody once called me “eliminationist” for saying the guy who broke into Palin’s e-mail account was vermin, and I Googled the term to see what the heck it means. According to Neiwert’s usage, apparently it means “any speech of which I do not approve.”

    Jim Treacher (796deb)

  85. Once again, Treacher cuts to the core.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  86. Hax, you got those examples from LGF and Jawa yet?

    Patterico (76352c)

  87. I think this guy must be teh HaXxOr

    Dan Collins (4dc2da)

  88. Has the liberal community throughout America ever pondered the irony that one of the most infamous muderers in US history — Lee Harvey Oswald — was a lot closer to them on the ideological spectrum than, say, a Bernard Goldberg? Moreover, that far too many people of the left have a long history of rationalizing away (“Castro and Stalin at least were, or are, good about healthcare!!”) or romanticizing the extremist ideology that Oswald was so devoted to?

    For that matter, how about Sirhan Sirhan, who was associated with a cause that many on the left also embrace—that being “free the Palestinians!! Oppose the hegemony and imperialism of America!!”

    Mark (411533)

  89. ML
    So I have to disagree that LGF does not equate the two, but I expect nothing less from non-thinking illiberals.

    I’ll have to read LGF more closely, then. Any insinuation that Christian creationists are like Islamic terrorists is just insane. I’ve written a fair number of strongly anti-creationist articles since my college days, and my head remains on its neck.

    Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R., who wants DRJ back! (0ea407)

  90. Mark – Clearly conservatives drive them to it.

    JD (a69124)

  91. Bradley, I’m surprised none of my brethren have hunted you down for your blasphemy! (not really)

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  92. John Hitchcock,
    Some of your brethren are in my own family, so we have learned tolerance for each others’ misguided views. 🙂

    Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R., who wants DRJ back! (0ea407)

  93. Niewart and Sara are honorary Twatwaffles of the Day. Hacks is determined to not let Peter win the title for the week.

    JD (a69124)

  94. Has the liberal community throughout America ever pondered the irony that one of the most infamous muderers in US history — Lee Harvey Oswald — was a lot closer to them on the ideological spectrum than, say, a Bernard Goldberg?

    Comment by Mark — 2/16/2009 @ 8:12 pm

    I have noticed it.Bill Ayers noticed this also since he dedicated his marxist “Prairie fire” to Sirhan Sirhan among many other radicals.

    There is another famous case that mirrors leftist beliefs.

    Anti-war,free love,heavy drug use,hate anyone who is successful in business(piggies),allegiance with racist groups(process church,Aryans)(Obama/Ayers support Black separatist),anti-military,control the message by shutting out dissent or other information(moving out to the desert)(fairness doctrine,bias from MSM

    Charles Manson and the Family was as leftist as they come.
    Ayers and Bernadine talked glowing of Manson and the Tate/Labianca murders calling the Family “tuned in”,”righteous”,giving those pigs what they deserved and incorporating a 3 finger salute to mimic the carving fork left in Leno Labianca’s stomach.

    It is obvious that liberals know that they lowered the bar immensely by throwing out the most vicious,hateful rhetoric towards anybody who disagreed with them.Combined with the most ignorant bigoted drivel spewed towards the Bush Administration.
    They opened the door to these types of attacks but now want to re-write history by making any dissent by conservatives be classified as hate speech or obstructionism.
    They suffer from the same selective amnesia that was instituted with the “Bush Lied” rant.Trying to erase the years they said the same things and getting help from the MSM by not reminding people of the 90’s and up until they voted for war saying Saddam had WMD’s.

    In liberal land,they never do anything wrong or are guilty of hypocrisy because the end justifies the means,so they can do no wrong.

    Baxter Greene (8035ae)

  95. ML,

    So I have to disagree that LGF does not equate the two, but I expect nothing less from non-thinking illiberals.

    Got any links that show Charles equates creationists to terrorists, or are you talking out your ass?

    He strongly objects to attempts by Christian fundamentalists to teach religious dogma as science in public schools. I see nothing “liberal” about that.

    Spiny Norman (16fcc2)

  96. Spiny Norman

    I know you are a long time lizard so its no surprise that you changed my quote to suit your needs, unless maybe you are just talking out your ass?

    I never said terrorist, I said Islam.

    ML (14488c)

  97. I just approved this comment which was stuck in the filter. My sensible leftist friend outs himself — don’t miss it.

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  98. Sorry to have missed nearly all of the chat. I was geekily installing Ubuntu on yet another computer, and to test it went to this site — only to discover the liveblogging nearly at an end.

    Bradley J. Fikes (0ea407)

  99. Forgot to add — I still want DRJ back!

    Bradley J. Fikes (0ea407)

  100. Sorry we missed you. Gotta sleep sometime, though!

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  101. Meanwhile, leftist Mark Ames is openly calling for the murder of Betsy McCaughey because she’s an obstacle to the coming of socialized medicine.

    Holy shit! That is some weapons grade crazy right there. And it’s not shocking that it relies on Olbermann for it’s gravitas. Just, wow.

    Pablo (99243e)

  102. # 94.
    I don’t have the first direct comment made by Capt. Queeg and knowing LGF I am sure it went down that old memory hole long ago. It was made by Capt. Queeg last summer in a Ben Stein thread if I am not mistaken.

    But here is a reply from the Discovery Institute, dated July 23, 2008.
    Little Green Footballs Fumbles the Ball by Making False Claims about Discovery Institute, Islam, and Intelligent Design

    The blog site Little Green Footballs has slandered Discovery Institute, whether intentionally or not, by implying that we are in league with Islamic radicals in Turkey. They base this fantasy, apparently, on a CBC radio report of a year ago that was so poorly researched that it called Discovery Senior Fellow David Berlinski “Paul Berlinski” and referred to us as the “Christian Discovery organization.” Then they interview a host of people of varying views in Turkey who are critical of Darwinism and imply that they are all connected……

    It just goes to show that Capt. Queeg don’t need no stinking evidence, because his word is all the evidence he needs.

    But hey I am just talking out my ass here.

    ML (14488c)

  103. So, here is what I’m going to ask readers: DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE BETSY MCCAUGHEY LIVES? DOES ANYONE KNOW HER HOME ADDRESS? If you do, please send it to us and we’ll publish it. Then Americans can prove to Russians that they are not slaves, they do not sit back passively and allow themselves to be killed by vampires like McCaughey. Americans fight back, right? We’ll see. Send your information on her address to:

    Dam. I’m sure Neiwart will be all over this guy. As soon as he gets around to it.

    Pablo (99243e)

  104. Spiny

    I should also add, I hope this website is approved by your lizard king otherwise you can kiss your LGF account goodbye.

    And when you do run back telling the lizard king how he is being smeared here at Patterico, let it be known I alone am doing the smearing, not Patterico.

    ML (14488c)

  105. Gay marriage opponents are responsible for the death of Matthew Shepherd.

    Pro-life people are responsible for deaths from back alley abortions.

    Gun rights advocates are responsible for gang violence.

    America is responsible for the terrorism of 9-11.

    Yada yada, same old liberal device of assigning personal responsibility to those who disagree with them, even if the one who is really responsible is staring them in the face. The only individuals who have guilt are those who disagree with them. All guilt that remains is collectively shared by society.

    Amphipolis (fdbc48)

  106. I think that ML must have gotten banned by Charles at some point and he still hasn’t gotten over it yet.

    Techie (6b5d8d)

  107. Basically, this all comes down to an argument about cultural influence. After the Virginia Tech massacre, I wrote that, as an English major, Cho had to have taken the kind of classes conservatives believe impart good values (Chaucer, Shakespeare, &c.) and classes liberals believe impart good values (Ethnic literature, Feminist literature, &c.), and yet he still became a mass murderer. That’s because the issue isn’t what’s read but who’s doing the reading.

    Have you taken any English courses lately ? My daughter’s English and American History classes were all about white men and the evil that they do. A nut might get reenforcement from that for some pretty crazy ideas.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  108. (sniff sniff)

    I smell libel.

    mojo (8096f2)

  109. Techie

    You can read the links I posted in comment # 102 and decide for yourself.

    I see nothing wrong with exposing lairs and frauds.

    ML (14488c)

  110. Have you taken any English courses lately ? My daughter’s English and American History classes were all about white men and the evil that they do. A nut might get reenforcement from that for some pretty crazy ideas.

    I’ve taught an English course lately. I’ve attended staff meetings in which we discuss syllabus construction. I’ve sat on a panel of experienced teachers who approve proposed syllabi. I’ve normed samples of papers submitted by all the instructors.

    Not once have I approved a syllabus devoted to bashing men. But I have taught a course on utopia in American fiction in which we read Herland, a popular utopian novel by a popular proto-feminist.

    And I have normed an essay about a critical depiction of white America, but it did so in the context of Faulkner’s Light in August, whose main character exploits racial ambiguity for personal gain.

    A Sensible Leftist Friend (072055)

  111. ML,

    Liars and frauds? The liars and frauds are the pathetic anti-science quacks at the Discovery Institute.

    Oh, and you, of course:


    They (LGF) are an anti-creationist site now, Jihad is no longer a threat, its those evil Christians that threaten our way of life and “science”.


    LGF still campaigns against Islamic extremism. It also happens to be against creationism. That doesn’t mean LGF thinks creationists are comparable to terrorists. I certainly don’t.


    Bradley, its interesting that you said that, matter of fact last June Capt. Queeg made a few comments about how creationism and Islam both believe in a creation with some other claptrap thrown in and LGF has made a few attempts to equate scientists that support creationism with Islamic scientists.

    So I have to disagree that LGF does not equate the two, but I expect nothing less from non-thinking illiberals.

    Your implication is clear to anyone with half a brain. The fact that Prostestant Fundie creationists and Islamic creationists are on the same side of issue doesn’t give you pause?

    A lot of the insulting rants some drama queens posted at LGF that got them banned might have gotten them banned here, too.

    Spiny Norman (16fcc2)

  112. Techie,

    I think that ML must have gotten banned by Charles at some point and he still hasn’t gotten over it yet.

    That seems fairly obvious.

    Spiny Norman (16fcc2)

  113. Spiny, the fact you and the islamic terrorists are on the same side of the “earth is round” issue doesn’t give you pause?

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  114. Oh, aren’t we clever.

    Spiny Norman (16fcc2)

  115. Just using the dialectical method to poke holes in your reasoning. Remember Socrates?

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  116. Spiny

    I breath air and Islamic terrorist breath air, maybe that should give me pause?
    Or maybe that should give you pause?

    Its very telling that you do not address any of the links that you requested and thus I posted, you are not any different then the typical lefties that post here, same shit different just a different nic.

    Half a brain indeed!

    ML (14488c)

  117. Correction
    That should have read:
    Same shit different nic.

    ML (14488c)

  118. Spiny

    I have to say you did LGF proud, those arguments you came up with are just insurmountable.
    Ironically LGF is supposed to be the anti-idiot blog, yet its seems to be filled with nothing but.

    ML (14488c)

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