Blago Asked Burris for $$
This Chicago Sun Times headline says it all: Blago hit up Burris for cash.
Well, maybe not all. There’s a little more to it: Burris forgot to mention this when he was first questioned under oath about such solicitations:
Former Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s brother solicited U.S. Sen. Roland Burris for up to $10,000 in campaign cash before Blagojevich named Burris to the coveted post — something Burris initially failed to disclose under oath before an Illinois House impeachment panel, records and interviews show.
Burris (D-Ill.) acknowledges being hit up for the money in a new affidavit he has sent to the head of the House committee that recommended Blagojevich be removed from office.
. . . .
Burris’ statement offers the third version of events he has given about his discussions concerning the Senate seat, to which Blagojevich appointed him in late December, after Blagojevich was hit with federal corruption charges that included an allegation he tried to sell the Senate appointment.
Burris say he didn’t give any money. But he has to explain why this is just coming out now.
Get into office first, explain later.
John Hitchcock (fb941d) — 2/14/2009 @ 12:45 pmFrom the Book of Rahm 2:15-16 It is better to ask forgiveness than permission.
Ed (52bb9a) — 2/14/2009 @ 12:47 pm…or…
Get into office, apologize (through a spokesman, no less), claim it’s old news and refuse to answer when asked about it…
MJN1957 (6e1275) — 2/14/2009 @ 12:48 pmI am SHOCKED, SHOCKED, to find there is corruption in IL politics!
The people who’ve lived in Illinois for more than two decades know all there is to know about Burris – he was a hack as a local precinct captain, a hack as the Sec. of State, a hack as Attn. Gen., and currently a hack as Governor.
Dmac (49b16c) — 2/14/2009 @ 12:51 pmBurris also voted for that trillion dollar dirty socialist slush fund what they passed yesterday. This is reflective of poor character I think.
happyfeet (71f55e) — 2/14/2009 @ 12:56 pmComment by happyfeet — 2/14/2009 @ 12:56 pm
AD - RtR/OS (289196) — 2/14/2009 @ 1:02 pmYou have to give him credit for knowing where his bread is buttered.
Buttered bread is a luxury what people can ill-afford in Baracky’s America I think.
happyfeet (71f55e) — 2/14/2009 @ 1:16 pm“But he has to explain why this is just coming out now.”
Give him a break! He did explain it. In reviewing his testimony before the Illinois House Burris realized that his testimony was “incomplete.” He didn’t misspeak, or lie or anything, he just now realized his testimony was “incomplete”, that he actually talked to five members of the Blago Administration about the Senator position but failed to mention it before, and is merely correcting the record. Memory does funny things to Chicago politicians.
It’s sort of like how Obama’s internal investigation cleared the Obama team in this deal but they forgot to mention that the investigation didn’t cover Axelrod. Oops!
daleyrocks (5d22c0) — 2/14/2009 @ 1:30 pmCatholics believe in the “Immaculate Conception,” the doctrine that unlike the rest of us, Jesus’ mother Mary was born without sin.
Obamamaniacs believe in the “Immaculate Perception,” the idea that because Barack Obama is so smart, articulate, and attractive that he somehow existed in the corrupt slimy muck of Chicago politics without any of it sticking to him.
L.N. Smithee (632f6b) — 2/14/2009 @ 1:41 pmEd wrote:
Every time I hear or read that quote, it reminds me of the talk show host who used it as his nightly signoff: Bernie Ward.
L.N. Smithee (632f6b) — 2/14/2009 @ 1:49 pmSend Blago to Commerce I hear there is an opening!
DayTrader (ea6549) — 2/14/2009 @ 2:04 pmHe just forgot, jeez louise, what is the big deal?
Joe (17aeff) — 2/14/2009 @ 2:08 pmComment by DayTrader — 2/14/2009 @ 2:04 pm
Instapundit reports that Commerce is going to be offered to Harold Ford Jr. – who has a whole bunch of grey clouds in his background.
Will there have to be a fourth pick for Commerce?
The Obama Administration: A gift that keeps on giving.
AD - RtR/OS (b72c61) — 2/14/2009 @ 2:41 pmAD-RtR/OS wrote:
The Obama Administration: A gift that keeps on
L.N. Smithee (632f6b) — 2/14/2009 @ 3:08 pmgivingtaking.I feel another Obama “waiver” coming on.
Patricia (89cb84) — 2/14/2009 @ 3:39 pm[…] News From The Birthplace of Hope and Change Patterico points us to this story from the Chicago Sun Times. Former Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s brother […]
More News From The Birthplace of Hope and Change « (bd1ac8) — 2/14/2009 @ 3:45 pmDid he commit perjury?
Steven Den Beste (99cfa1) — 2/14/2009 @ 4:18 pmAfter initial refusal by Durbin and Reid, Burris was temporarily seated to help pass the “stimulus” package. But he has now outlived his usefulness and is a liability. In Democratic circles it is well understood that Burris will be an albatross for their ticket in the next Illinois Senate election. Burris is in the process of being thrown under the bus.
Yes, he lied and he committed perjury and OMG everyone is shocked! I think he will be unseated now so the new Governor of Illinois can appoint a more “acceptable” Democratic senator to be incumbent before 2010.
elizabeth (0a5792) — 2/14/2009 @ 5:11 pmDid Burris commit perjury?
Republicans should not have taken voters for granted. Husbands should not take wives for granted.
Happy Valentine’s Day
There is a price to be paid.
And my guess is Obama and the Democrats about to learn (or rather re-learn) that lesson too.
Joe (17aeff) — 2/14/2009 @ 6:02 pmBurris is scum. Scum that would accept an appointment from Blago. I can’t believe were defending this scumbag.
Convict him on perjury. Get him out of the Senate.
Roy Mustang (aafee9) — 2/14/2009 @ 6:25 pmHarold Ford Jr?
EricPWJohnson (dbf1f3) — 2/14/2009 @ 6:59 pmComment by EricPWJohnson — 2/14/2009 @ 6:59 pm
AD - RtR/OS (fd60fc) — 2/14/2009 @ 7:03 pm5-term ex-Congressman from IIRC Memphis, defeated in a run for Senate. A political family that has a lot of skeletons. Current head of the DLC.
Sen. Burris should not have been seated in the first place; the Senate should have exercised its powers to judge the election and qualification of its members and refused to seat him. That would, no doubt, have thrown the decision in the Supreme Court’s lap.
But even before that, the Illinois Legislature should have changed the law to deny the Governor the power to appoint him in the first place.
This whole thing has been a farce from day one.
aphrael (9e8ccd) — 2/15/2009 @ 12:06 amWelcome to Illinois, my friend…
Scott Jacobs (90ff96) — 2/15/2009 @ 4:26 am“Did he commit perjury?”
I don’t know if lying to the Illinois House Impeachment panel constitutes perjury (it probably does) but you might find this interesting:
Additional Blond Agent (5eb050) — 2/15/2009 @ 2:29 pmI have never been so disillusioned about (the honesty of) my fellow human beings since I was told that The Village People were not in fact gay.
nk (a12124) — 2/15/2009 @ 8:51 pmnk,
Patricia (89cb84) — 2/16/2009 @ 9:17 amThey aren’t?! I’m crushed, LOL.