Patterico's Pontifications


Another Campaign Promise Under the Bus

Filed under: Obama — Patterico @ 5:43 pm

On the Barack Obama web site, in a section titled “Ethics” (stop snickering!), Obama made the following pledge during his campaign:

Sunlight Before Signing: Too often bills are rushed through Congress and to the president before the public has the opportunity to review them. As president, Obama will not sign any non-emergency bill without giving the American public an opportunity to review and comment on the White House website for five days.

In unrelated news:

President Barack Obama on Wednesday signed a law expanding a health program to include 3.5 million uninsured children, advancing an overhaul of the U.S. healthcare system despite the embarrassing withdrawal of his nominee to lead the initiative.

Obama signed the legislation at a White House ceremony just hours after the U.S. House of Representatives voted 290-135 for the $32.8 billion expansion of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program, or SCHIP, which was approved by the Senate last week.

Credit for this find goes to Politico, which also notes:

Obama signed the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act only two days after it received final passage last week, and it wasn’t posted on the White House website until after it became law.

Exit question, as they say: what the defense? “These are emergency bills”? “We forgot”?

Other possible excuses welcome in the comments.

235 Responses to “Another Campaign Promise Under the Bus”

  1. SCHIP was talked about for years, it’s not like the general public didn’t already know about it. Besides, there’s not a single person who would oppose it.

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  2. Who knew that the “change” in Hope and Change was “changing my campaign promises”?

    I can’t wait to see the new definition of “hope.”

    Eric Blair (1aa50b)

  3. “This…uhh…bill…uhh…doesn’t…umm,no…isn’t…uhh,no …won’t…be….uhh…put…uhh…

    Oh, just STFU! You know the script, just say that…


    MJN1957 (6e1275)

  4. “I hope the general public remains uninformed so I can finish the socialismization of Amerika.”

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  5. That sucks. He should have promised to only do this to new bills.

    imdw (e36369)

  6. “As I’ve always said…”

    Dmac (49b16c)

  7. It has always been my position that ….

    I have always believed …

    Bullshit …

    Patterico – I will continue to point out that Baracky said that he will offset new spending by closing corporate loopholes, and that his budget will be a net decrease. Liar.

    JD (df7812)

  8. Misplaced comma: “… an opportunity to review, and comment…” Opportunity to review was when it was passed by the Senate. Commenting on the White House website could easily have been done with their contact-us address.

    Wow, I almost convinced myself. Not quite, but it’s a start. Where’s my cabinet position?

    –JRM, who doesn’t shirk taxes but is willing to start.

    JRM (de6363)

  9. “Shut up, sit down, and hold on.”

    “The devil made me do it.”

    “Look! Haley’s Comet!”

    “I’m in charge, here.”

    Born Free (5de9c6)

  10. How can “expanding a health program” “advance an overhaul of the U.S. healthcare system”? That’s sloppy. Reuters, you’re working for Baracky now. You’re gonna have to raise the propaganda bar I think.

    happyfeet (4eacbc)

  11. Reuters has already been working for most of the Middle Eastern states against the evil Joooos, so what’s the big deal about adding another job description for them? BTW, where’s that mythical UN worker that had the blue helmet these days?

    Dmac (49b16c)

  12. The Obama administration reels from one crisis to the next and they haven’t even fully moved in yet. This is a small matter. More significant is that Hillary is already after his nuts. Who runs this place anyway ?

    Zinni was a big critic of Bush and I had even speculated that Obama might choose him as VP. Now, Obama has pissed off a very good ally with the military. Why ?

    Having the offer revoked was a major slap in the face to Zinni, who, according to this source, had already begun the process of removing himself from at least one of the corporate boards he sits on. Holbrooke’s involvement would also indicate that the decision to ditch Zinni did not come from the White House, that Obama was not undercutting Hillary, but rather the other way around. So now Chris Hill, as a reward for his years spent appeasing the North Koreans, will get the chance to work that same magic on the Iranians.

    Oh, OK. Another example of hope and change.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  13. “You didn’t think I actually meant any of that crap did you?”

    Soronel Haetir (cabedb)

  14. Give us a break. Bills coming due, as in having to pay them, sure look like an emergency to those of us for whom payment has always been optional. Racists.

    Charles Rangel (20bd5b)

  15. But I WON.

    Javert (58b08c)

  16. Why Mike? Because Obama and his cronies are not ready to run the administration despite the BS from the Obama cultists about how competent he is.

    We can already see that Obama is Not-Ready-For-Prime-Time.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  17. “That isn’t the website that I used to know…”

    Richard Wahler (75cbfe)

  18. I am not a crook!

    Barack's spokesbot (211a15)

  19. You are all right-wing nuts, trying to stop our beloved President Obama Christ™ from saving the country, world and universe.

    Nofanofcampaignpromises (0ea407)

  20. #16 Obama is “Not-Ready-For-Sub-Prime-Time.”

    Perfect Sense (0922fa)

  21. I forgot.

    Karl (2491e1)

  22. HUH???…John Hitchcock states that what’s the big deal about SCHIP because “not a single person would oppose it”. Well, here’s one JH…me. This is just the first step toward socialized health care where bureaucrats will decide how worthy you are for treatment and will allocate the treatment they desire you receive, if any. Also, SCHIP is supposidly for “children” but people up to the age of 30 years old can be included. Also, illegal immigrants will be able to be covered because there is absolutely no requirement for those accessing the plan to prove (via proper ID, birth certificate, ss#, passport, etc.) they are citizens or LEGAL immigrants.

    Also, the government plans on paying for this monstrosity of a bill by jacking up tobacco taxes at the same time that tobacco use is declining and less people are smoking. We’ll need something like 30 million new smokers to cover this abomination.

    zeezil (4cd3e6)

  23. zeezil, I suspect sarcasm is a better explanation.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  24. Another Broken Promise and Ethical Lapse…

    Sunlight Before Signing: Too often bills are rushed through Congress and to the president before the public has the opportunity to review them. As
    president, Obama will not sign any non-emergency bill without giving
    the American public an……

    Defend America (5815fb)

  25. Do you think Juggy knows or ever knew what was on his website? His (leash) handlers put that there for him just as they put the words they wanted him to parrot on the telemprompter.

    nk (bf6030)

  26. It’s not like the public wasn’t aware that the New Messiah is a POS. Look at his past, the part that isn’t buried in the landfield. His entire history is crime of one sort or another. Name one accomplishment other than success as a criminal. His government appointments show that when his entire life has been spent with criminals and druggies he doesn’t know any honest people.

    Scrapiron (4e0dda)

  27. SCHIP is a joke.

    I has become an insurance program for the “self employed” who are more than willing to lie in order to get “cheap” insurance, as well as for employees to defer payroll deductions for private insurance then dumping it on the state.

    Just a joke.

    Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e)

  28. When does the new cig tax take effect? I’m on chantix day 3. I’m very excited not to pay that tax. Sorry, little Billy. You had joy you had fun and all that.

    happyfeet (4eacbc)

  29. How much is that per child???

    sh007r (a83db7)

  30. To believe the public has not had a full opportunity to review SCHIP is beyond ignorant.

    To suggest that this is a case of a broken promise is delusional.

    And when it comes from people who’d rather have Dick Cheney cutting out the middle man and selling energy policy directly to Enron, then stonewalling any and all requests for basic information about it, it’s just sad…

    Hax Vobiscum (23258e)

  31. I guess its easier to call an argument “delusional” than actually directly confront it.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  32. Non sequitur spill on aisle #30.

    When Obama is caught lying, it does not follow to make up stuff about Dick Cheney.

    Perfect Sense (0922fa)

  33. Three contractors are bidding to fix a broken fence at the White House. One is from Chicago, another is from Tennessee, and the third is from Minnesota.

    All three go with a White House official to examine the fence. The Minnesota contractor takes out a tape measure and does some measuring, then works some figures with a pencil. “Well,” he says, “I figure the job will run about $900: $400 for materials, $400 for my crew and $100 profit for me.”

    The Tennessee contractor also does some measuring and figuring, then says, “I can do this job for $700: $300 for materials, $300 for my crew and $100 profit for me.”

    The Chicago contractor doesn’t measure or figure, but leans over to the White House official and whispers, “$2,700.”

    The official, incredulous, says, “You didn’t even measure like the other guys! How did you come up with such a high figure?”

    The Chicago contractor whispers back, “$1000 for me, $1000 for you, and we hire the guy from Tennessee to fix the fence.”

    “Done!” replies the government official.

    And that, my friends, is how the new stimulus plan will work.

    Joe (17aeff)

  34. That was then. This is now.

    Terry Gain (694415)

  35. What was there in these bills that you didn’t already know about? The public understood them. they’ve been debated at length and defeated under the previous administration. I don’t see how this is a broken campaign promise.

    Joe (bec298)

  36. Public has had the full opportunity to review SCHIP? ROTFLMAO, most the public can’t read.

    The Messiah is just another politician with a nicer delivery but frankly HE IS A LIGHTWEIGHT.

    He reminds of more than a few guys from Grad School that folks “were impressed with” until you start to chip away at the faux intellect. Empty suits with nice veneers.

    So …. why folks get caught up in BS from Lawyer Politicians — whether it be Rethuglican or Demoncrap — is beyond me.

    Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e)

  37. the anchoress finds it ‘creepy and uncomfortable’ for the taxpayers to impose conditions on how their money is spent. jeez.

    imdw (e36369)

  38. check this genius:

    En-Tie Soon (tigerking) wrote:

    Isn’t private health insurance really just another form of socialism, except it is managed by private individuals who are in it for themselvs?

    Wednesday, February 04, 2009 5:05:50 PM

    happyfeet (4eacbc)

  39. What John Hitchcock said. The constant confusion helps Obama, it serves as a distraction. He can socialize away in little ‘flurries’ and bill signings… i.e. the exec pay cap and this.


    Vermont Neighbor (ab0837)

  40. Also, the government plans on paying for this monstrosity of a bill by jacking up tobacco taxes at the same time that tobacco use is declining and less people are smoking. We’ll need something like 30 million new smokers to cover this abomination.

    Baracky also said he wouldn’t raise taxes on people making less that $250K. How much do you suppose is going to be collected from those making less than $250K via a new $.62 tax per pack of cigarettes?

    I’ll take “Things that number in the billions” for $1000.00, Alex.

    Pablo (99243e)

  41. Isn’t private health insurance really just another form of socialism, except it is managed by private individuals who are in it for themselvs?

    Heh. Like masturbation is just another form of prostitution.

    Pablo (99243e)

  42. Isn’t private health insurance really just another form of socialism, except it is managed by private individuals who are in it for themselvs?

    Heh. Like masturbation is just another form of prostitution.

    Comment by Pablo — 2/4/2009 @ 8:05 pm

    Pablo–do force yourself to put a quarter in the piggy bank every time you…

    Because before you know it, you could have saved quite a lot!

    Joe (17aeff)

  43. “You people misquoted me and took my words out o… Hey look! Over there! A butterfly!!”

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  44. where?

    happyfeet (4eacbc)

  45. On the Barack Obama web site, in a section titled “Ethics” (stop snickering!),

    That makes me think of all the hokey, fake signs and seals (“The Office of the President Elect”) that were installed in front of the lecterns used by Obama before his inaguration. Or Bill Clinton’s early promise that his administration would be the most ethical in US history.

    Then again, all of this is quite appropriate for a person — the guy now in the Oval Office — endorsed by the crowd associated with Hollywood. Quite appropriate for someone who strikes me as superficial, hollow, flaky, self-indulgent, arrogant, and often sloppy in a Democrat-Party sort of way (“Oh, you mean we didn’t do enough vetting of that nominee?” “Oh, you mean my former close advisor and pastor was a wacko?” “Oh, you mean we’re the essence of limousine liberals when it comes to things like taxes and the environment?!”)

    Mark (411533)

  46. ” The butterfly landed today atop a magical white unicorn, poised in a sense at the end of America’s own rainbow. In unison, one gifted orator from HARVARDLAWSCHOOL quietly launched his civilian army, designed to overthrow the former United States military branch… and with it, symbolically, a butterfly continues to soar above the President’s head as he makes his way to a morning workout. An inspiration to all Americans… and truly a great man. We’ll have an exclusive interview with the butterfly in our next broadcast.”

    Brian Williams/ NBC
    Any day now

    Vermont Neighbor (ab0837)

  47. He won, he’s changed.

    htom (412a17)

  48. Al Gore is trying to take over your children

    Seriously this is way creepy.

    H/T to Glenn Beck and one of his alert callers!

    Joe (17aeff)

  49. Juggy’s a liar: what else do you need to know?

    redc1c4 (9c4f4a)

  50. Z

    Peter (e70d1c)

  51. How brave of you to come trolling along, Peter. That post truly showed your vast knowledge in its entirety.

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  52. Yes, Obama just sneaked these bills by. It’s not like BOTH haven’t been in the public eye for what….years?

    Good for him. I’m happy about both these bills. Obama is just getting started. He’s doing great and remember, he’s smarter than the repubs and when you guys are congratulating each other the loudest is probably when you should worry the most.

    Sorry Pat. This post gets no gold stars.

    Peter (e70d1c)

  53. I’m going to let you get a close-up view of the inside of my new ‘vette. You just have to stand a mile away and use binoculars and look through the heavily tinted windows.

    What’s inside the bills? Do you know? Did everyone get a chance to look at what is on the inside before he signed them? I don’t think so.

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  54. (Sung to the tune of “Another One Bites the Dust)

    Barry O said some crazy things
    Promises he can’t keep
    Trying to make them all come true
    Would make him wanna weep

    When he was just a candidate
    He’d say anything to win
    But now he’s Messiah President
    Don’t need that silly spin . . .

    Promises under the bus
    Promises under the bus
    Ignore the inconvenient truth
    Promises under the bus . . .

    Nofanofcampaignpromises (0ea407)

  55. well, we all know where ‘peter’ falls in the tax brackets, don’t we.

    lefty loves free stuff.

    redc1c4 (9c4f4a)

  56. Obama, who went to 57 states during the campaign, is definitely smarter than us conservatives.

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  57. While it should go without saying that even a legitimate President’s “ordered” $500,000 pay cap is an unenforceable intrusion into the private sector, as if that weren’t enough, Obama LACKS EVEN OSTENSIBLE AUTHORITY to issue the order UNTIL HE OVERCOMES “RES IPSA LOQUITUR” BY SUPPLYING HIS LONG FORM BIRTH CERTIFICATE AND PROVING HIS ELIGIBILITY TO BE PRESIDENT UNDER ARTICLE 2 OF THE US CONSTITUTION.

    Ted (429bc3)

  58. Ted, capslock is a bad idea.

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  59. Birth certificate trutherism is a bad idea too, Ted.

    Pablo (99243e)

  60. When the NYT, Maureen Dowd, and even EJ Dionne are starting to voice criticisms/concerns you know he is in trouble.
    I don’t think it was more than a PR stunt. Anyone who really believed that commenting on a website or sending an email was going to be heard at the upper management levels was fooling themself.

    voiceofreason2 (590c85)

  61. Yeah, and the best part is that the definition of “trouble” for Obama is that about 1/10 of his appointments have run aground.

    I think W would’ve prayed to Allah to have that sort of “trouble” as the low point of his reign of disaster.

    And voters know that.

    They’re not comparing Obama against the risible “messaiah” meme of wingnuts, they’re comparing him with other presidents.

    Hax Vobiscum (edacf7)

  62. Given a choice between Carter and Obama, give me Carter.

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  63. John – Is death an option?

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  64. Yes yes, the messaiah (sic) meme. Pulled from thin air by the wingnuts.

    KB (5a6552)

  65. The American Public=Democrap Leadership of Congress.

    eaglewingz08 (c46606)

  66. And when it comes from people who’d rather have Dick Cheney cutting out the middle man and selling energy policy directly to Enron…

    Wow. How deeply ignorant do you have to be to buy into this story line?

    Rob Crawford (6c262f)

  67. I think W would’ve prayed to Allah to have that sort of “trouble” as the low point of his reign of disaster.

    Straw man. There isn’t a single President in history whose administration’s low point was a few nominees getting scuttled. And if you think this will be Obama’s lowest point, you’re deluded.

    Steverino (b12c49)

  68. Yeah, and the best part is that the definition of “trouble” for Obama is that about 1/10 of his appointments have run aground.

    Exactly right! As long as you ignore Iran and NK showing off their new ICBM’s (we don’t need no steenking missile shield!), Iran declaring that our new willingness to talk to them is a sign of American weakness and Iranian victory, a couple of our supply lines into Afghanistan (The good war!) being severed, one of them by Russia, the EU threatening a trade war, and even France realizing the stimulus plan is moronic. Aside from that, everything’s going just ducky, like Iraq.

    Pablo (99243e)

  69. Keeping promises is so… “Republican” we decided to change.

    Meet the new boss…

    tyree (ad0b00)

  70. Oh, and his landmark stimulus plan sinking like a stone. Aside from all that, Baracky’s got no trouble.

    Pablo (99243e)

  71. Silly Voters, I had no intention of keeping my promises.

    GM Roper who wants DRJ back on Patterico's Pontifications (85dcd7)

  72. Yes yes, the messaiah (sic) meme. Pulled from thin air by the wingnuts.

    Comment by KB — 2/5/2009 @ 6:03 am

    Yes yes, the wingnut meme. Pulled from thin air by the obamabots.

    GM Roper who wants DRJ back on Patterico's Pontifications (85dcd7)

  73. JD,

    I will continue to point out that Baracky said that he will offset new spending by closing corporate loopholes, and that his budget will be a net decrease. Liar.

    Hey, the cigarette tax being $.62 per pack too low is a loophole, isn’t it?

    Pablo (99243e)

  74. […] President Obama signed the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) expansion of $32.8 billion just a few hours after the House of Representatives passed it. Hat tip to Patterico. […]

    Common Sense Political Thought » Blog Archive » Democrisy: When promises mean nothing (73d96f)

  75. It’s amusing to comment on Obama’s fumbles but the loss of Kirghizstan will make Afghanistan very tenuous. We will now be dependent on Pakistan and that is a recipe for disaster. Obama is at the wheel of the bus but we are all passengers.

    Of course the lefties don’t even know that Enron was gone before Cheney became Vice-President. It must be a warm fuzzy feeling to live in a world of delusion. I’ll bet they don’t even know that Ken Lay, the Enron CEO, supported Democrat Ann Richards against George Bush in the Texas governors election.

    I think I was aware of the world by eighth grade. These people must be all of 18 and still clueless.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  76. This week’s new California budget is an extreme case of anti-sunlight. The governor and legislative leaders are now busy writing one of the worst budgets ever, behind closed doors. There will be only a few hours from when it is disclosed to the rest of the legislature and when it is voted on. There is no possibility of widespread public outrage until after it is law.

    Wesson (3ab0b8)

  77. Maybe Obama should just do these things the old fashioned way: quietly issue signing statements that completely undercut legislation by our elected Congress. (Is he the first? No. Is he the first to do so in such a way as to be acting in bad faith? Yes!)

    I haven’t looked. Has there been a thread for guessing why DRJ walked away? I’ll offer: maybe she realized the world is descending fast in a basket on its way to a very hot netherworld, and that no small part of the reason is that we now have experienced a rather full and complete experiment with the whole Federalist Society de-regulation, free enterprise thing. And sitting in this tiny room taking pot-shots at folks trying to do something about it.
    The Dems won and they try to implement policy they believe in and here it’s, Oh, the humanity, where’s the bipartisanship.
    Again, Obama should revert to the old fashioned way (meaning George W’s way, which is my way, period, you can’t even use on the highway.)

    You know that deep down, more than anything else right now, you want Obama to fail. I bet that’s what sent DRJ walking. Keeping taking your shots, Patterico. They’re really just little corks popping out. But you might buy some real guns to protect those kids when the chaos comes in about three years. For a while.

    Larry Reilly (45e7a4)

  78. Good for him. I’m happy about both these bills. Obama is just getting started. He’s doing great

    He’s doing great. The stinkulus package isn’t, but he is.

    Will Oprah’s salary be cut to $500,000 ? What about George Clooney and Halle Berry and Susan Sarandon? Reverend Jesse Jackson? Who will get their million dollar salaries cut?

    As for Obama being smarter than repubs, who knows. Word is if he pisses off journos too much they might dig deeper into his college record. Supposedly his grades were lower than Bush’s — who has a higher IQ than Kerry.

    Vermont Neighbor (ab0837)

  79. But you might buy some real guns to protect those kids when the chaos comes in about three years. For a while.

    That which you describe is something good? You’re eager for it?

    Vermont Neighbor (ab0837)

  80. I bet that’s what sent DRJ walking.

    How much, Larry? I’ll take a piece of that.

    Pablo (99243e)

  81. And Larry, what is your response to the fact that Obama promised a new transparency that would include posting bills for 5 days of public review before signing them, and has now failed to do it on any of the several bills he has signed thus far? I notice that you didn’t address that at all.

    Maybe Obama should just do these things the old fashioned way:

    Maybe he should do what he said he was going to do when he was trying to get your vote. How about that?

    Pablo (99243e)

  82. Obama promised a new transparency that would include posting bills for 5 days of public review before signing them, and has now failed to do it on any of the several bills he has signed thus far

    Obama’s lying has surpassed even original expectations. The honesty and transparency logos on his plastic podium are a total farce.

    Vermont Neighbor (ab0837)

  83. Obama has been President for more than 2 weeks.

    I am still hoping for my unicorn!

    Has anyone seen my unicorn?

    Loren (af2946)

  84. I haven’t looked. Has there been a thread for guessing why DRJ walked away?

    Mawy is still learning how to read more than two pages at one sitting, since her apple juice and animal crackers run out after a few minutes. Mawy also is trying to understand how to control her urge to “go pee” every few minutes, since she often soils herself when she gets too excited. Poor Mawy – but she’ll be all better once she becomes a big girl!

    BTW, Senator Conrad is threatening to read the entire stimulus bill on the floor – I hope he does it, time for the GOP to finally grow a pair and start walking the walk. One of the few times I’ll actually watch C – Span for more than a few segments.

    Dmac (49b16c)

  85. Obama is at the wheel of the bus but we are all passengers.

    Except when he ducks out to visit a grade school because he’s “tired of being in the White House.”

    Two weeks on the job, and he’s tired.

    Steverino (69d941)

  86. Two weeks on the job, and he’s tired.

    Anyone want to place odds that he’s up to two packs a day already? Reminds me of the old Lloyd Bridges line in Airplane: “this was a hell of a week to try to stop sniffing airplane glue.”

    Dmac (49b16c)

  87. From Drudge: Glenn Beck has launched a ‘COMЯADE UPDATE’ for ‘COMMUNIST LEADER’ Obama.

    Vermont Neighbor (ab0837)

  88. The dog ate my announcement.

    mojo (8096f2)

  89. I don’t get how Baracky doesn’t get how in backing a trillion dollar socialist hornswoggle he’s shredding his own credibility. He should just say hey Congress I needs me a bunch of money to go on a socialist economy-suffocating bender and you have to give it to me cause I won hahaha and if you don’t I’m gonna tell Mr. Soros and you will be in TROUBLE. That would be more honest. This pretense about stimulating the economy is the sort of lame fig leaf that could only be affected by someone thoroughly acclimated to being pampered and oiled and perfumed and massaged by his dirty socialist media. He’s talky but he’s not very astute and this is awkward and embarrassing to watch really.

    happyfeet (71f55e)

  90. This pretense about stimulating the economy is the sort of lame fig leaf that could only be affected by someone thoroughly acclimated to being pampered and oiled and perfumed and massaged by his dirty socialist media. He’s talky but he’s not very astute and this is awkward and embarrassing to watch really.


    Vermont Neighbor (ab0837)

  91. “That statement is no longer operative.”

    Rich Fader (295108)

  92. Steverino: And if you think this will be Obama’s lowest point, you’re deluded.

    I have no doubt this isn’t his low point, because I’ve seen this movie before and I would bet $100 the GOP slime-machine is even now exploring every nook and cranny of a manufactured specious nation- f*cking scandal for the lead up to 2010. That is what they do best. But, Obama is not Clinton and when the GOP is crowing the loudest and patting each other on the backs like a bunch of drunken legacied frat-boys who just gang banged a roofied up cheer-leader, is the time they should be most looking over their shoulders.

    Oh and reality check folks (for what it’s worth): He’s been in office 16 days. Not even the real messiah could cure the dysfunction in the Beltway in 16 days.

    The best is yet to come.

    Peter (e70d1c)

  93. Peter, the “dysfunction” today is in the Democratic leadership of Congress and Obama’s inability to actually follow his own prescriptions during his incompetent cabinet nomination process.

    Do pay attention.

    SPQR (72771e)

  94. Peter, you seem to think that all of Obama’s misfortunes will come at the hands of Machiavellian Republicans.

    Tell me, was Obama somehow forced by the GOP into nominating crooks and tax dodgers to cabinet positions? Was Obama hypnotized by Republican bad guys into reneging on his campaign pledges? Was Obama brainwashed by Karl Rove into saying he was “tired of being in the White House”?

    Obama’s committed a series of unforced errors, and it’s only been 16 days. If you think Obama’s future troubles will be the result of anything but his own incompetence, you need to take your partisan blinders off.

    Steverino (69d941)

  95. I won!

    J. Ward (ac829f)

  96. But, Peter, Obama is the dysfunction in the Beltway….overspending, overtaxing, over-reaching….

    God, help us all!

    reff (b996d9)

  97. Oh and reality check folks (for what it’s worth): He’s been in office 16 days. Not even the real messiah could cure the dysfunction in the Beltway in 16 days.

    Yeah but a Messiah ought to be able to keep his promises for a couple of weeks, don’t you think?

    And Peter? Keep your cheerleader rape fantasies to yourself, please. Use your inside voice for those, not your out loud voice.

    Pablo (99243e)

  98. Is there any truth to the rumor I am starting now that the Administration of the Former-President-Elect is setting up a Shadow Cabinet-of-the-Former-Soon-to-be-Cabinet-Members, so that the “most-qualified-people-available” can do the jobs they were anointed for but were found to be so sleazy that even the Best-Senate-Acorn-Can-Buy would not approve them?

    quasimodo (edc74e)

  99. re: “cheer-leaders”

    I second that. Yikes.

    carlitos (ac34f6)

  100. “this was a hell of a week to try to stop sniffing airplane glue.”

    and amphetamines

    quasimodo (edc74e)

  101. This little nugget comes courtesy of John Browne, Senior Market Strategist
    Euro Pacific Capital:

    “…[M]ost Americans are firm believers in freedom and its economic progeny, the free enterprise system. But, under the cover of entitlement programs, increasingly large numbers of Americans are dependent, directly or indirectly, upon the Government.

    In short, socialism is already alive in America, but is being extended, via the banking system, to become the dominant political force.

    Citi and Bank of America, two of the three most important money market banks are technically insolvent. Yet, each has received $45 billion in TARP funds.

    These two banks have total exposure of some $78 trillion to derivatives. Most importantly, they have almost $6 trillion of exposure to highly toxic Credit Default Swaps. Even JP Morgan has more than $9 trillion of exposure to these assets.

    The Government TARP and stimulus packages now add up to some $3 trillion. Already, they have caused political consternation and pose serious challenges to America’s credit rating and ability to extend further its towering debts, without crowding out viable corporate borrowing. What will happen when all of the private bank liabilities get thrown on top?

    The money center banks render the TARP and, indeed, the total financing ability of the U.S. Government almost insignificant. In short, they have become too big to bail out.

    It appears that America and the world are staring into the face of financial collapse, depression and eventual hyperinflation. Little wonder that, despite the growing evidence of recession, [blank] is rising in price…”

    Fill in the blank for extra points.

    allan (75d376)

  102. Compare his transition to any other incoming chief. He’s not doing well, he’s not managed anything before, and whatever he did manage (Annenberg Challenge) left the recipients, the schools, worse for the wear.

    This bill has secret funds stashed all over the place. As for jobs? Not so much.

    Vermont Neighbor (ab0837)

  103. Steverino: Obama somehow forced by the GOP into nominating crooks and tax dodgers to cabinet positions?

    That is such distorted overblown hubris. By most measures, Obama has done an excellent job of staffing his cabinet. What are you guys going to crow about when, the roles are finally filled with good people and the Obama team gets their footing in the White House begins to work on all cylinders. I think they’re quickly learning that they need to space out their announcements, better control the message and speak directly to the millions of active supporters around the country who have been politically activated.

    You will know when the childish political games have come to an end because GOP Senator and Representative will be falling over backwards to support Obama’s policies. Self-preservation trumps political alliances everytime.

    Was Obama hypnotized by Republican bad guys into reneging on his campaign pledges?

    Yeah, you keep spinning that. Like I said: 16 days and counting. He’s already put into motion plans to shut down Guantanamo, put a serious dent into “extraordinary renditions.” Signed S-Chip so kids don’t DIE from lack of healthcare and their parents don’t have to make a choice between paying the rent and getting healthcare for their kids. He’s done away with sexist pay practices in the workplace. Cancelled thousands of acres of public land in Utah from being turned into gas and oil fields and put together a blistering effort to pass a stimulus bill. In 16 days. And maybe they’re moving too fast and have tripped up a bit, but so is the economy’s deterioration.

    Really, and honestly does anyone here believe these growing pains will be anything more than a memory 60 0r 90 days from now? Be honest. Look at the campaign that was run. This is a team that slowly and methodically draws a bead accomplishes its objective and moves on while others in the game are still trying to figure out what they should do and trying every trick in the book to dampen his momentum, to no avail. You have to look a the big picture.

    The only time I saw them team stumble was when McCAin chose Palin as his running mate and there was a two week period of confusion and a sorta driftlessness while they re-calibrated, but they came roaring back and the gave Palin enough rope and let her show herself for what she really was.

    So, I’m not worried. Keep on having these dorky little back patting fests. You guys must all be independently wealthy or something or getting a paycheck from the public till or the misfortunes of others, otherwise maybe you’d want a stimulus bill passed also and you wouldn’t want Obama to fail.

    Obama’s committed a series of unforced error

    This is the time to make them. Get back to me in a coupla months with that meme you guys are desperately, endlessly (and entertainingly) trying to propagate.

    Peter (e70d1c)

  104. when the GOP is crowing the loudest and patting each other on the backs like a bunch of drunken legacied frat-boys who just gang banged a roofied up cheer-leader

    You’re thinking of the Kennedys.

    Rob Crawford (6c262f)

  105. What John Browne was saying in November of 2008:

    In America, President Bush’s first stimulus package amounted to some $172 billion. However, it was geared 87 percent to consumers and only some 13 percent to producers. This was in keeping with the fact that consumption accounts for 72 percent of the American economy, as measured by Gross Domestic Production. In contrast, China’s stimulus package is to be some $600 billion, roughly four times larger than the equivalent program in the United States. However, the American economy is five times the size of that of China, so in relative terms the Chinese package is the equivalent of some $3 trillion. In other words, to stimulate its economy China is spending some 17.4 times more than America, on a relative basis.

    Furthermore the Chinese spending package is far more likely to have counter recessionary benefits than the American stimulus programs. Whereas the American package was geared to consumers, the Chinese package is geared to productive infrastructure projects that will add to the long term competitiveness of its economy. In China, real wages will filter down to consumers in the form of real wealth, as China’s economy gears itself up to become an increasingly effective challenger to American superpower status.

    Peter (e70d1c)

  106. So he was for the stimulus before he was against it. And his firm Euro Pacific, run by Peter Schiff is basically short selling the American economy in preference for the Chinese and pushing gold commodities. They’re basically betting against the American dollar and propagating the idea of eventual collapse of the dollar and a catastrophic depression in the U.S. to make money off of it.

    From the Euro Pacific site:

    In our opinion the U.S. economic ship of state is in danger of sinking. As the problems with her hull are structural, current efforts by government officials and central bankers to plug up the holes will make it difficult to keep her afloat. Though we remain hopeful that she may one day be returned to a sea-worthy condition, there is nothing collectively that we can do to alter her fate, or that of the millions of Americans ignorantly dancing the night away on her decks. However, individually we can take defensive action to protect ourselves and our families by getting off the ship. In our opinion the lifeboat of choice is a carefully selected portfolio of relatively conservative*, high-dividend paying, non-U.S. export dependent, foreign equities.

    Such investments provide three potential sources of protection. 1. They pay good dividends, many of which qualify for the lower dividend tax currently in effect. 2. More importantly, as these dividends are paid in currencies other than the U.S. dollar, their value will rise as the dollar falls, as will the principal value of the underlying shares. 3. They provide the potential for true capital gains, as the shares themselves may appreciate in terms of their local currencies.

    Conservative parasites coming out of the wood work. This is weird sickly sounding ponzi scheme and you can smell the horse-shit wafting off of it from a mile away. Bernie Madoff part deux, in the works. Get in now while you can get completely suckered.

    This shit is so vile.

    Peter (e70d1c)

  107. Another nominee in tax hell.

    Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e)

  108. The Dems won and they try to implement policy they believe in and here it’s, Oh, the humanity, where’s the bipartisanship.
    Again, Obama should revert to the old fashioned way (meaning George W’s way, which is my way, period, you can’t even use on the highway.)

    You know that deep down, more than anything else right now, you want Obama to fail. I bet that’s what sent DRJ walking. Keeping taking your shots, Patterico. They’re really just little corks popping out. But you might buy some real guns to protect those kids when the chaos comes in about three years. For a while.

    Comment by Larry Reilly —

    What we want is for Obama to do a good job by adopting some sensible measures, like incentives for people to buy houses and cars. A tax holiday for FICA for 6 months and some form of settlement of the bank loan crisis. The “Bad Bank” may be too expensive but there are other alternatives.

    Instead, what we get are $6 billion for ACORN and affiliated groups, $400 million for grass seed, $6 billion for government cars, 600,000 more federal employees.

    That will produce an economy that requires gun ownership in about three years so you may have a point. Besides the one on your head.

    Mike K (8df289)

  109. Yes, Obama has already failed in the same way the war in Iraq has already succeeded.

    The Republican party has become for the most part a fringe organization now because a critical mass of its members find places like this where the Cuckoo clock says, right on time, that things in America were just peachy until Barack Obama came along two weeks ago.

    Sure, the pretense that Obama, a scary, scary socialist, caused the financial crisis seems so impossibly delusional until you realize that the people who are imbibing it insisted on blaming every failure of the Bush administration on Clinton, or Carter, or Josef Stalin.

    The wingnutosphere performs a inestimable public service by keeping these people in their fantasy dream state, far, far away from ever actually doing anything.

    Hax Vobiscum (edacf7)

  110. #106 Sorry Peter, but I don’t share your optimism.
    This “spun” room unfortunately might not represent a sliver of our country. Remember that almost 50% of the country voted for McCain.

    Right wingers are selectively not listening to Obama telling them that the stimulus package will not work immediately. In fact, along with leading economic experts, Obama understands that it could take years for our economy to recover.

    Financial security in this room or not, these people are going to castigate The Obama administration if they don’t see results that fix 8 years of mistakes, within six months.

    What am I saying six months? Two days. This is a room that was calling the now close to two year old recession, “The Obama Recession”.

    And of course the main stream media being what they are…….. not left leaning or right leaning, but in fact good story leaning, will make sure minority voices sound like equal voices, in order to make this thing look like a fight.

    Who will suffer? Those who are not financially secure. Agenda perhaps?

    Oiram (983921)

  111. Peter, in reviewing the thread, I note that you fail to address the question. Why did Obama promise, to post bills online for 5 days for comment, then fail to do so with the first 2 bills passed?

    Whether in office for 16 days or 16 months, he isn’t doing what they said they would do. What is your excuse defense for this?

    carlitos (ac34f6)

  112. That is such distorted overblown hubris. By most measures, Obama has done an excellent job of staffing his cabinet

    I don’t think you understand the meaning of “distorted” or “hubris”. Did Geithner dodge his taxes? Did Daschle? Is that not crooked? There’s nothing distored in what I wrote. As far as “hubris” goes, you do know it means “exaggerated pride or self-confidence”, right? What is it about pointing out the truth that’s hubris?

    What are you guys going to crow about when, the roles are finally filled with good people

    Partisan hackery. We’ve got an AG who was instrumental in securing pardons for terrorists and yet another tax dodger in Marc Rich. We’ve got a Secretary of State with multiple conflicts of interest. We’ve got a Secretary of Treasury who tried to deduct his kid’s summer camp as a childcare expense.

    This is the time to make them. Get back to me in a coupla months

    Oh, I’m sure you were sooooo forgiving of anything Bush did in his first month in office. There is never a time to make mistakes, and the fact that you constantly rationalize them speaks volumes of your partisan fervor. And we’ll be happy to get back to you in a couple of months, when Obama’s made even more mistakes. It’ll be fun.

    Yeah, you keep spinning that. Like I said: 16 days and counting

    What’s the statute of limitations on campaign pledges? I seem to recall Obama saying that going after Osama bin Laden was critically important to national security. Then he backed away, saying OBL isn’t much of a threat anymore. I seem to recall Obama saying he’d eliminate torture….and he did, except for loopholes big enough to drive a truck through. We could go on, but you get the picture. The fact is, he’s backed away from all kinds of promises, and you seem to think that’s okay. I’m sure you’re just as forgiving of Republicans who do that.

    Steverino (69d941)

  113. GMroper: wingnut isn’t a “meme.”

    Even you will accept the fact that some Americans get nutty when it comes to politics. The fact that, in general, the wingnut description is applied to people on the right is a phenomenon of people putting on shoes that fit, not commentators forcing size 8s onto size 10 feet.

    The whole “messaiah” thing’s a little different and in a way that’s wonderful for Democrats.

    Within the wingnut logic bubble, calling Obama the “messaiah” provides an ever-ready straw man, so that even the smallest pecadillo becomes a betrayal of his promise to walk on water, rather than the insignificant blip it really is.

    Outside that bubble, in the real world, swing voters simply absorb the idea that even Obama’s harshest critics know in their core that he is something very special, thus the extremely high expectations.

    This is especially effective given that the Republican strategy for presidential success was built on constantly lowering expectations and the promotion of the idea that stupidity is a sign of character and trustworthiness. And voters know what that got us…

    Hax Vobiscum (edacf7)

  114. Hax Vobiscum, you really don’t seem to have actually paid any attention to recent events. The “messiah” meme is a reaction to the actual behavior of Obama supporters. Pretending otherwise does not lend any credibility to your statements. Not that they had any to begin with.

    As for stupidity and lowered expectations, maybe you should consider Nancy Pelosi who does not think that natural gas is a fossil fuel, and thinks that 500 million Americans lose their jobs each month.

    SPQR (72771e)

  115. Obama is nothing special. He’s just a run-of-the-mill corrupt socialist politician. That’s all. What is special, on the other hand, is the amount of damage he can, and is trying to, do to this country.

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  116. Hacks, Peter, Mary and Mario got their marching orders. Good little foot soldiers, they are.

    JD (fb3160)

  117. SPQR, I heard someone correct her in an interview. It was corrected to 500 thousand lost jobs per month. But she went back out and repeated the 500 million a month line a few times more after that mid-interview correction.

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  118. Did anybody notice these moonbats addressing the question ? Maybe they are bots that go from blog to blog posting nonsensical items.

    The fact remains that Obama is the one saying we must do “something” immediately. Most Republicans would be willing to watch the market sort out a lot of these toxic loans. It is no coincidence that the financial industry has largely supported Democrats the past 15 years, going right back to Rubin bailing out Mexico which began this bubble.

    What gets rewarded, gets perpetuated. That is a principle in economics. The Mexican bailout began the moral hazard problem for financial institutions. Note that the Republicans were not free of blame.

    I bought my house in 1991 and had to have a 20% down payment or they would not talk to me. Furthermore, I had to prove the down payment wasn’t borrowed. Income had to be verified. I haven’t bought a house since except a second home in Tucson that also required 20% down three years ago. Maybe it could have been done without it. An awful lot of “liar loans” seem to have been written. Maybe they should be allowed to fail. The rush is all on Obama’s part. I can wait.

    Mike K (8df289)

  119. “even Obama’s harshest critics know in their core that he is something very special, thus the extremely high expectations.”

    Hax – I need a new keyboard after reading that laugher. I was drinking something and you didn’t give any warning! Least experienced and least qualified President EVAH!

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  120. The “messiah” meme is a reaction to the actual behavior of Obama supporters.

    Umm, what aspect of their behavior is that?

    carlitos (ac34f6)

  121. Outside that bubble, in the real world, swing voters simply absorb the idea that even Obama’s harshest critics know in their core that he is something very special, thus the extremely high expectations.

    “Something very special”?

    He’s a politician. He’s no different than any other goddamned politician.

    Fer crissake, you could at least to try to be consistent — in one breath you’re claiming the “wingnuts” made up the “messiah” tag, and in the next you’re declaring Obama’s “something very special”.

    Which is it?

    Rob Crawford (6c262f)

  122. Here is a related link.

    carlitos (ac34f6)

  123. Instead, what we get are $6 billion for ACORN and affiliated groups…………
    Comment by Mike K — 2/5/2009 @ 12:00 pm

    Hey Mike, care to show us where in the bill ACORN is mentioned?

    Oiram (983921)

  124. Steverino, S-Chip and the Ledbetter equal pay legislation were a featured parts of the Democratic national convention, and Lily Ledbetter gave a speech at the convention. Both of those bills have been in front of the public for years. The Ledbetter Equal Pay act was introduced in 2007 and killed by the GOP in April of 2008. S-Chip has been around in one form or another since 1996 and it’s vote was a re-authorization that was voted by Bush twice.

    Neither of these bills were new legislation initiated, written or designed by the Obama administration.

    The American people overwhelmingly approve of both bills –all four GOP women in the senate voted for the Ledbetter Equal Pay Act– and there was a clear majority in the House, Senate and of course, the President supported it. These two piecees of legislation, were the sort of ass backwards muddle-headedness that pervaded the Bush years. Those years are over, the American people ended it decisively and dramatically on election day 2008.

    This is a whole lot of nothing about nothing to attempt to create the usual atmosphere of distrust and BS and politics, the GOP have been propagating for much too long. And you know you folks may get bent out of shape about my expletives, but nothing is more obscene than this scummy game you people continue to play.

    What’s the statute of limitations on campaign pledges?

    I’d say at this point, depending on 2012, that would be 1,460 or 2,920 days more, than you’re willing to give him.

    And for the record, and this is the 12th time I’ve mentioned this here, I supported George W. Bush in his first nine months feeling he should be given a chance and that support turned into enthusiastic appreciation and faith in the man after Sept. 11th that he and his assclown neocon blinkered gang of moron’s (Rummy, Dick, Wolfy, ROve, so on and so forth), began to turn into revulsion and disgust by the summer of 2002 and outright belief that they were war criminals who deserved jail time by the summer of 2003.

    So, how about you give Obama an equivalent amount of respect instead of being foot soldiers for GOP sleazeballs like Rush, Hannity and this Glenn Beck asswipe and the predominantly brainless and spineless GOP turds in Congress.

    Peter (e70d1c)

  125. Typos: Bush VETOED S-Chip twice. He never voted for it.


    Opposition to these two piecees of legislation, were the sort of ass backwards muddle-headedness that pervaded the Bush years

    Achh…that’s a sure sign I need to get out of here and get back to work.

    Sayonara, amigos gotta go.

    Peter (e70d1c)

  126. Right wingers are selectively not listening to Obama telling them that the stimulus package will not work immediately

    We don’t give a fig about “immediately.” We know it won’t work immediately, and we know that even the best plan would take months or years. That’s not the issue. We recognize that the package is not a stimulus package, it is a $800 billion dollar reward bill to thank their constituency and fodder for their pet social engineering projects. It is not an economic recover package

    That which they have done to date will have the opposite of the desired effect. The money they’ve allocated for support of various industries, will only allow dead companies to feast on the flesh of healthy companies. It’s been for zombie support so far.

    quasimodo (edc74e)

  127. Why do they insist on pulverizibg strawmen?

    JD (fb3160)

  128. JH: Obama is nothing special. He’s just a run-of-the-mill corrupt socialist politician.

    You need to stop smoking so much weed and listening to Limbaugh.

    Obama, has already proven he’s nothing of the sort. But believe what you want. Go back to sleep, you won’t be missed.

    Peter (e70d1c)

  129. Because they cannot properly phrase a false dichotomy?

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  130. This is a whole lot of nothing about nothing to attempt to create the usual atmosphere of distrust and BS and politics, the GOP have been propagating for much too long.

    The projection, it is blinding!

    Rob Crawford (6c262f)

  131. Ayers? Pfleger? Wright? Solis? Geithner? ACORN? Annenburg? Daschle? Rangel? Blagojevich?

    You can know a man by the company he keeps.

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  132. Quaismodo: We recognize that the package is not a stimulus package, it is a $800 billion dollar reward bill to thank their constituency and fodder for their pet social engineering projects.

    Have you read it? The actual bill, unfiltered through the disgusting assholes who get off on making their names off of making the country dysfunctional. Facts please. Itemize all such rewards and pet social engineering projects. Hell, name just one without going to Free Republic or LGF to get your echo chamber talking points.

    Truth is, you couldn’t stand for this bill to be anything but that preprocessed bit of utter nonsense.

    And in 2010 and 2012, you guys will pay the price even further at the voting booth for such grotesque POS slimy lying behavior.

    Peter (e70d1c)

  133. I thought you were leaving, Peter.

    In any case, you’re arguing against strawmen. Hell, you still own me an apology for the other day.

    I’m against this bill because I think it’s a bad idea. The CBO agrees with me.

    Rob Crawford (6c262f)

  134. The projection, it is blinding!

    The hypocrisy and desperation, it is stomach-turning.

    Peter (e70d1c)

  135. the disgusting assholes who get off on making their names off of making the country dysfunctional

    Who would those people be? People who disagree with you?

    Rob Crawford (6c262f)

  136. Clean-up on aisle 133. Some douchenozzle puked standard Leftist talking points all over the place. The irony and projection are strong in this one.

    JD (fb3160)

  137. Ayers? Pfleger? Wright? Solis? Geithner? ACORN? Annenburg? Daschle? Rangel? Blagojevich?

    You can know a man by the company he keeps.

    Comment by John Hitchcock — 2/5/2009 @ 1:08 pm

    You Can also know a man by the company he listens to (Rush,Hannity,Coulter)

    Oiram (983921)

  138. Mario, I’m sure you don’t realize what you just acknowledged.

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  139. Sorry Rob, but if you’re against something on principle from the word “Go,” you can’t really argue specifics can you?

    Peter (e70d1c)

  140. The hypocrisy and desperation, it is stomach-turning.

    What hypocrisy? What desperation?

    You really need to chill out, Peter. Look over the comments you’ve made in this thread alone and consider what you’ve said. Consider the comparisons and accusations you’ve made.

    And realize that you’ve made them solely on the grounds that the targets disagree with you on a political issue.

    And then, ask yourself, “who’s really acting desperate, angry, and threatened?”

    Rob Crawford (6c262f)

  141. Clean-up on aisle 133. Some douchenozzle puked standard Leftist talking points all over the place. The irony and projection are strong in this one.

    Comment by JD — 2/5/2009 @ 1:16 pm

    Ha! I know the feeling JD. I’m still waiting for someone to clean up Mike’s spill about ACORN being in the stimulus package on coment #110.

    The talking points are all over the aisles today JD, but wait…….. you choose not to notice your side.

    Oiram (983921)

  142. Sorry Rob, but if you’re against something on principle from the word “Go,” you can’t really argue specifics can you?

    Peter, one cannot be against something on principle unless that something violates at least one principle. Do try to keep up.

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  143. Do Peter and Mario even give the concept of good faith a passing glance?

    JD (fb3160)

  144. The American people overwhelmingly approve of both bills

    Be careful how you use that argument. Right now, only 37% of the American public supports Obama’s “stimulus” bill, and a full 50% think it will do more harm than good.

    So, since the American people overwhelmingly disapprove of the “stimulus” bill, it shouldn’t be passed, right?

    Steverino (69d941)

  145. They stand against “good faith” on principle. Their principles will not allow them to accept two of those words.

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  146. Sorry Rob, but if you’re against something on principle from the word “Go,” you can’t really argue specifics can you?

    Sure I can. I can show how the specifics have no relation to the stated purpose of the bill. If it’s for “economic stimulus”, and if it’s “desperately needed”, then why is so much of it scheduled to happen years from now?

    Rob Crawford (6c262f)

  147. Do Peter and Mario even give the concept of good faith a passing glance?

    Apparently not. I guess it’s easier for them to demonize people who disagree with them this way.

    Rob Crawford (6c262f)

  148. Look, I’m happy to play it the other way around.

    So Obama’s not the “messaiah,” but rather, the least qualified president ever, a sneaky, lying, socialist cryto-Muslim terrorist or whatever.

    In which case, there’s a slam dunk case that he’s way, way outperforming YOUR expectations.

    Somehow, I doubt you all are going to let that into your logic bubble.

    Hax Vobiscum (8cb4c3)

  149. Mario, I’m sure you don’t realize what you just acknowledged.

    Comment by John Hitchcock — 2/5/2009 @ 1:20 pm

    I sure do John, that you take your talking points from Right Wing Main Stream Media (Cleverly not included when “liberal MSM” claims are made).

    Oiram (983921)

  150. You acknowledged Obama’s character can be determined by the aggregate character of the people and organizations I listed.

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  151. Instead, what we get are $6 billion for ACORN and affiliated groups…………
    Comment by Mike K — 2/5/2009 @ 12:00 pm

    Hey Mike, care to show us where in the bill ACORN is mentioned?

    Comment by Oiram


    there is $5.2 billion for community-development block grants and “neighborhood stabilization activities,” which ACORN is eligible to apply for.

    The bill text is here. Neighborhood stabilization is code for ACORN and affiliated group activities.

    Here for example.

    Pittsburgh ACORN’s foreclosure crisis campaign. A volunteer firefighter and predatory lending victim, Brennan’s family faced foreclosure on their home after facing the devastation of Hurricane Ivan, encountering health care issues and losing employment. The couple got a stay on their Sheriff’s sale and were able to work out an affordable loan modification with their lender with the help of ACORN Housing.

    Like that.

    See, just ask and I produce. ACORN has spent a lot of time dealing with banks, by the way. They don’t help get the loans paid, just keep the banks from foreclosing.

    They were instrumental in getting all those loans made, too. By suing banks that didn’t make enough bad loans. Like here .

    Now, it’s your turn.

    Mike K (f89cb3)

  152. Apparently not. I guess it’s easier for them to demonize people who disagree with them this way.

    Comment by Rob Crawford — 2/5/2009 @ 1:29 pm

    I think I can speak for Peter when I say: We just got the biggest laugh of the day.

    Oiram (983921)

  153. Peter, we listed many of the Democratic pork items in another thread. You decided not to play there where you would have your backside handed to you.

    SPQR (72771e)

  154. Ayers? Pfleger? Wright? Solis? Geithner? ACORN? Annenburg? Daschle? Rangel? Blagojevich?

    You can know a man by the company he keeps.

    Comment by John Hitchcock — 2/5/2009 @ 1:08 pm

    You Can also know a man by the company he listens to (Rush,Hannity,Coulter)

    Comment by Oiram — 2/5/2009 @ 1:17 pm

    Since my copy/paste didn’t work the other way, maybe it’ll work this way.

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  155. Hacks is an appropriate moniker if there ever was one.
    Pater keeps promising to leave, but never does. Tease. We cannot miss you if you do not leave.

    Mario is going to try to redefine the MSM, for about the 50th time. Shockingly, it went almost a whole day without trying to re-write the English language.

    JD (fb3160)

  156. So Obama’s not the “messaiah,” but rather, the least qualified president ever, a sneaky, lying, socialist cryto-Muslim terrorist or whatever.

    In which case, there’s a slam dunk case that he’s way, way outperforming YOUR expectations.

    Somehow, I doubt you all are going to let that into your logic bubble.

    Of course not. Because it’s a fallacy.

    Besides, you have no idea what my expectations for Obama were. So far, he’s way under performing them — I figured he’d be middling, not particularly divisive, certainly not the kind of person to not even pay lip service to his campaign promises.

    I had no idea he’d surround himself with tax cheats, people who think they’re too important to be bothered with the very laws they wrote for the rest of us.

    Rob Crawford (6c262f)

  157. I think I can speak for Peter when I say: We just got the biggest laugh of the day.

    Oiram, earlier in this thread, Peter compared Republicans to rapists.

    It’s interesting to hear that you’ve got his back on that comparison.

    Rob Crawford (6c262f)

  158. Rob, that’s just yuck. “got his back” with that other word does not sound right.

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  159. My bad, JH — “It’s interesting to hear that Oiram’s in agreement with Peter on that comparison”.


    Rob Crawford (6c262f)

  160. Let’s see if we can distill down the twatwaffle memes …

    Bush is a criminal bloodlust warforoil Enron Halliburton Gitmo torture Abu Ghraib Haditha tax cuts for the wealthy we are the ones we have been waiting for racists Kyoto global warming … Well, you get the ida.

    JD (fb3160)

  161. and I would bet $100 the GOP slime-machine is even now exploring every nook and cranny of a manufactured specious nation- f*cking scandal for

    Petey’s mad, look for those naughty bits where he always starts tossing his ginormous phlegm at the screen.

    Sayonara, amigos gotta go.

    Once again, the Brave Sir Robin scampers back to his day job as Head Fluffer.

    We just got the biggest laugh of the day.

    Did you happen to get a good look at yourself in the mirror just now?

    was built on constantly lowering expectations and the promotion of the idea that stupidity is a sign of character and trustworthiness

    Hackey Sack likes him some projection.

    Dmac (49b16c)

  162. Now, it’s your turn.

    Comment by Mike K — 2/5/2009 @ 1:38 pm

    What you apparently produced is what ACORN could be eligible for.

    Again, where is Acorn listed in the bill?

    Fear mongering has it’s place in your agenda apparently 🙁

    Oiram (983921)

  163. And rampant ignorance in yours.

    Dmac (49b16c)

  164. #158 Sorry Rob, your going to have to be a little bit more specific with the word “Rapist”. I’m more than willing to read what Peter had to say, but I can’t find his post. I did a search for the word, but only came up with your comment.

    Oiram (983921)

  165. Hey Mike, care to show us where in the bill ACORN is mentioned?

    Comment by Oiram — 2/5/2009 @ 12:47 pm

    Hey Oiram, care to show us where the bill is posted on the White House website?

    Oiram, ACORN isn’t named in the bill, no. Here’s how it works.

    “For a further additional amount for ‘Community Development Fund,’ $4,190,000,000, to be used for neighborhood stabilization activities related to emergency assistance for the redevelopment of abandoned and foreclosed homes as authorized under division B, title III of the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 (Public Law 110–289), of which—

    “(1) not less than $3,440,000,000 shall be allocated by a competition for which eligible entities shall be States, units of general local government, and nonprofit entities or consortia of nonprofit entities[.]”

    “(2) up to $750,000,000 shall be awarded by competition to nonprofit entities or consortia of nonprofit entities to provide community stabilization assistance […]”

    ACORN gets funding from unions, private grants and PACs, but about 40% of their funding is from government grants, with The ACORN Housing Corporation mostly receiving funds through the Community Development Fund. To date, this has been only tens of millions. Adding $4 Billion is a pretty brazen payoff in my opinion.

    Since I was there, I searched through the house bill now in the Senate, and it’s pretty depressing.

    – $75MM for smoking cessation
    – $800MM for the HazMat Superfund
    – $300MM for the Diesel Emission Reduction Act
    – $90MM for ‘education and outreach’ for the 7% of Americans too lazy and stupid to have digital TV by now
    – $2MM to spend on auditing the $650MM being added to the Digital-to-Analog Converter Box Program
    – $75MM for ‘salaries and expenses’ for the FBI
    – $300MM for grants to combat violence against women
    – $75MM for tribal indian substance abuse programs
    – $1.5B to NASA for whatever – no specifics.

    carlitos (ac34f6)

  166. I’m more than willing to read what Peter had to say, but I can’t find his post.

    Thank you for proving my prior comment factually correct.

    Well, you get the idea.

    You left out ChimpyMcSmirktonBushHitlerBloodforOil, JD.

    Dmac (49b16c)

  167. GOP is crowing the loudest and patting each other on the backs like a bunch of drunken legacied frat-boys who just gang banged a roofied up cheer-leader

    Seriously, Oiram, if you don’t equate THAT with rape, then you’re just not using good faith here.

    Steverino (69d941)

  168. Adding $4 Billion is a pretty brazen payoff in my opinion.

    Carlitos, Oiram still needs you to explain what you meant (even though you basically used highlighter for him). And he still wishes to threadjack at every opportunity.

    Dmac (49b16c)

  169. Oiram, if you don’t equate THAT with rape

    Oriam has no idea what you meant – please point out with BOLD CAPS and HIGHLIGHTER what you’re trying to say.

    Dmac (49b16c)

  170. I can’t find his post.

    that is funny. ‘find is under the edit menu, or use ctrl+f on windows, or apple+f on mac. or just never mind.

    Actually, this stimulus bill and rape have a lot in common, now that I have read most of it. I forget which politician (a Mexican presidential candidate maybe?) made the mistake of quoting the saying “if you’re gonna get raped, might as well enjoy it.” But that appears to be the Democratic modus operandi.

    carlitos (ac34f6)

  171. JUST TO BE SPECIFIC, one could type “Peter” into the find window and find his post. 🙂

    carlitos (ac34f6)

  172. #168 Dmac is so smart, he is calling me ignorant for not finding the word “rapist” on this thread.

    Let’s see *CTRL* *F* “Rapist”. Oh wait there it is, rob said it on comment #158.

    And then I said it following up with him for clarification.

    I’m more than happy to look at what context Peter said it in, but if I don’t have the comment number and or actual word he used I can’t help.

    But hey nice way to treat dissenting voices Dmac, glad Obama isn’t treating Republicans that way.

    Oiram (983921)

  173. I’m more than happy to look at what context Peter said it in, but if I don’t have the comment number and or actual word he used I can’t help.

    You’re being deliberately obtuse, Oiram. The comment was linked directly up above. And the fact that you refuse to check that link smacks of bad faith.

    Steverino (69d941)

  174. OT h/t. Justice Ginsburg is very seriously ill. She has pancreatic cancer which is one of the deadlier ones.

    nk (61a9de)

  175. #173 Hey carlitos, sorry I’m not spending as much time reading these rants as you would like me to.

    This site must be the world to some of you.

    Patterico!!! You’re missing out on Millions adds!!!

    Oiram (983921)

  176. Ah #95

    That is what they do best. But, Obama is not Clinton and when the GOP is crowing the loudest and patting each other on the backs like a bunch of drunken legacied frat-boys who just gang banged a roofied up cheer-leader, is the time they should be most looking over their shoulders.

    They are acting like they just “gang banged” not gang banging.

    And you all think I have reading problems.

    Oiram (983921)

  177. I just typed apple+f and typed Oiram … took about a second. I see comments from Oiram over a time span of a couple hours.

    1 second / 2 hours = pretty small time commitment, unless one is being deliberately obtuse. Again. Feel free not to read my ‘rants’ anytime.

    carlitos (ac34f6)

  178. Usually it puts worth a better effort. Mario is just phoning it in today.

    JD (fb3160)

  179. They are acting like they just “gang banged” not gang banging.

    Right, Oiram, they are being compared to a group of frat boys gang banging a drugged cheerleader. That’s being compared to rapists.

    Are you going to deny that?

    Steverino (69d941)

  180. She has pancreatic cancer which is one of the deadlier ones.

    Probably the deadliest in the US, nk. It claimed my father-in-law, just 6 weeks from diagnosis to death. Exceedingly painful, too.

    Those of us who pray, let’s keep her and her family in our prayers.

    Steverino (69d941)

  181. #181 Steverino,

    If a rapist runs away from the scene of his crime, and I run away from a candy store stealing nickel candy, and someone tells me “You are acting like that rapist”, am I being compared to a rapist?

    Oiram (983921)

  182. Mario, your little choo-choo fell off the tracks again.

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  183. If a rapist runs away from the scene of his crime, and I run away from a candy store stealing nickel candy, and someone tells me “You are acting like that rapist”, am I being compared to a rapist?

    Argumentum ad absurdam, Oiram. You didn’t answer my question. Let me make it simpler for you:

    1. Would you say that a group of frat boys who gang banged a drugged cheerleader are rapists? If not, why not?

    2. When Peter said:

    when the GOP is crowing the loudest and patting each other on the backs like a bunch of drunken legacied frat-boys who just gang banged a roofied up cheer-leader

    is it fair to rephrase this?

    when the GOP is crowing the loudest and patting each other on the backs like a bunch of rapists

    If not, why not?

    3. Is that comparing the GOP to rapists? If not, why not?

    Steverino (69d941)

  184. If a rapist runs away from the scene of his crime, and I run away from a candy store stealing nickel candy, and someone tells me “You are acting like that rapist”, am I being compared to a rapist?

    Yes. You don’t think you’re being contrasted with the rapist, do you? Did they do compare / contrast / simile at your school?

    carlitos (ac34f6)

  185. She has not been looking well for some time, falling asleep at court sessions and the like. Maybe the diagnosis isn’t new. Most patients go from 6 months to two years, depending on the site and whether they can have a resection. The cure rate is poor (although 25% at Johns Hopkins) but resection can often buy a year or more.

    Mike K (f89cb3)

  186. Sorry Rob, your going to have to be a little bit more specific with the word “Rapist”. I’m more than willing to read what Peter had to say, but I can’t find his post.

    I linked to the comment.

    Rob Crawford (b5d1c2)

  187. #149 Comment by Hax Vobiscum — 2/5/2009 @ 1:29 pm

    So Obama’s not the “messaiah,” but rather, the least qualified president ever, a sneaky, lying, socialist cryto-Muslim terrorist or whatever.

    In which case, there’s a slam dunk case that he’s way, way outperforming YOUR expectations.

    For me, that is the problem. I was hoping (and still am) that I was wrong about President Obama. So far, sadly, he is doing about what I expected him to do. President Obama’s initial actions on ethics reforms, military polices, and managing the economy demonstrate his ineptitudes.

    His ethics reforms have been violated repeatedly (by him). Making exceptions to explicit, self-described, self-imposed ethic rules reveals a set of values that encompasses an empty core (at best).

    His military policies (a) do not recognize a war on terrorism, (b) discount military recommendations in favor of civilian timetables (often arbitrary) and threaten to undo all the gains in Iraq, (c) has no answer for the prisoners of Gitmo (understanding his need to close Gitmo prison facility, but he did not have a plan for this !).

    He is proving incapable of managing the economy. The stimulus bill is a joke and he has failed to recognize it as such — and instead of forcefully insisting that it be repaired, he enthusiastically supports its passage as quickly as possible.

    I think he is in over his head and is not as smart as people have given him credit. I hope he is a fast learner and that these initial errors are simply the product of a steep learning-curve that he will overcome soon (rather than a fundamental disdain for honesty, capitalism, and the military).

    There is still hope, but so far our new President has been disappointing at best.

    Pons asinorum (220265)

  188. I’m more than happy to look at what context Peter said it in, but if I don’t have the comment number and or actual word he used I can’t help.


    Dear God. You’re incapable of finding fault in anyone you see as “on your side”, aren’t you? So long as Peter’s disgusting insults are directed at Republicans and/or conservatives, they’ll conveniently fall into your blind spot.

    You really think that’s an acceptable comparison? You really don’t think the words were chosen for their particular implication? For God’s sake, try reading Peter’s comments and switching the parties.

    Listen, I have no problem with political debates getting intemperate — but there are limits. I sure as hell never strike the hypocritical pose that the heat only ever comes from one side while slinging disgusting insults.

    I don’t hold you responsible for Peter’s filth, but I do think your willing blindness to even consider that it might be out of bounds is solely on your shoulders.

    Rob Crawford (b5d1c2)

  189. I forget where I read it, but he has achieved one minor miracle – His spokesman, the incompetent Robert Gibbs, is making Scott McClellan look like a genius.

    carlitos (ac34f6)

  190. Did they do compare / contrast / simile at your school?

    You’re making the assumption that he’s actually received instruction at any school? That seems to be quite a stretch here.

    Dmac (49b16c)

  191. They are acting like they just “gang banged” not gang banging.

    And you all think I have reading problems.

    This is beyond parody.

    Dmac (49b16c)

  192. Exit question, as they say: what the defense? “These are emergency bills”? “We forgot”?

    Other possible excuses welcome in the comments.
    Why do you need an excuse? It will probably be another target for more whining and name-calling. When are you guys going to start making positive, constructive criticism? This blog is becoming a drag. Sorry. Nothing here.

    Emperor7 who wants DRJ back! (1b037c)

  193. You guys are such ditto heads. Obama has been called a terrorist in the same fashion peter called Republicans rapist………. no problem there though.

    Oiram (983921)

  194. In other news, Obama’s vetting of would-be cabinet members is proceeding smoothly. And Generalissimo Franco is still dead.

    carlitos (ac34f6)

  195. For records sake, I’m not saying that you are acting like ditto heads……. I’m actually calling you ditto heads. See the distinction?

    Oiram (983921)

  196. #197 Carlito! At least you are/were an SNL fan……….. so you’ve got that going for you…… which is nice.

    Oiram (983921)

  197. an old (as in not new) SNL fan, but NOT a Rush Limbaugh fan.

    carlitos (ac34f6)

  198. Obama has been called a terrorist…

    Not by anyone serious. Pointing out that he seems to be chummy with an unrepentant domestic terrorist is not the same as saying he himself is a terrorist.

    But, hey, I know where you stand — any insult is fine, so long as it’s directed at your “enemies”.

    Rob Crawford (b5d1c2)

  199. #201 I stand by calling you a ditto head, and yet know that you are not a rapist……. I think I can speak for peter on that as well.

    Oiram (983921)

  200. #200 You don’t have to tell me your an ex SNL fan carlitos…………. kinda figured that.

    Just out of curiosity, did you stop being a fan once they directed there satire away from Clinton and on to Bush, or was it long before that?

    Oiram (983921)

  201. Comment by carlitos — 2/5/2009 @ 4:19 pm

    Didn’t you here? Breaking, Breaking News!

    Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still valiantly holding on in his fight to remain dead

    Emperor7 who wants DRJ back! (1b037c)

  202. I stand by calling you a ditto head, and yet know that you are not a rapist…

    Oh, shove it. Sideways.

    Rob Crawford (b5d1c2)

  203. #205 Oh, shove it. Sideways.

    Too funny 🙂

    Oiram (983921)

  204. I stopped being a fan when they stopped being funny. Early 80’s so I guess they were making fun of Reagan, but really – Jim Belushi and Joe Piscopo, so whatever.

    carlitos (ac34f6)

  205. But me, I’m a Mexican American-Indian WASP ditto-head, and proud of it.

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  206. How do you really shove it sideways? (Scratching head.)

    Emperor7 who wants DRJ back! (1b037c)

  207. #204 What bothers me Carlitos and Emperor is people trying to ban violins on television……..

    I mean, what are they thinking?

    Oiram (983921)

  208. #209 I’m afraid to even imagine it.

    Oiram (983921)

  209. #207 I can’t blame you for tuning out early 80’s Reagan or no Reagan. Those were by far the worst years.

    Oiram (983921)

  210. This just in: Patterico Forum Explodes in Name Calling Spree Hey, Pat’s in the journalism business, isn’t he?

    Hax Vobiscum (23258e)

  211. The part I don’t understand, when it comes to Oiram and Peter, is why they are simply waving away President Obama’s breaking of his word. I suppose that I could understand if there was some need to do it, but the legislation doesn’t take effect until, appropriately enough, April Fool’s Day. He could have kept his promise with absolutely no difference made in the effect of the law.

    If President Obama is so unconcerned with keeping his word on the little things, why should we ever trust him on the big ones?

    The honest Dana (556f76)

  212. If President Obama is so unconcerned with keeping his word on the little things, why should we ever trust him on the big ones?

    Comment by The honest Dana — 2/5/2009 @ 4:50 pm

    #125 (Peter’s comment) will help explain it to you Dana.

    Oiram (983921)

  213. Comment by Oiram — 2/5/2009 @ 4:47 pm
    Ouch! LOL! 🙂

    Emperor7 who wants DRJ back! (1b037c)

  214. Hacks displays the type of unintentional irony that cracks me up.

    Mario is just off its rocker today. Next thing you know, it will start hyper-parsing what the meaning of is is.

    JD (fb3160)

  215. Obama’s speech today to try to drum up support for his failing “stimulus” porkupalooza was especially incoherent.

    Unimpressive. Its going to be a long 4 years watching him unravel in the White House.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  216. Matt Welch does a pretty good job of shredding Obama’s silly oped piece.

    Obama is definitely not ready for prime time. It still astonishes me that Democrats put this lightweight in office.

    SPQR (26be8b)


    Disent is the highest form of patriotism!

    Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e)

  218. You guys are such ditto heads.

    I can see you aren’t going to answer my questions. So much for good faith on your part.

    For the record, I’m not a ditto head. I don’t listen to Limbaugh. I don’t listen to talk radio. Heck, I don’t listen to radio at all.

    Steverino (b12c49)

  219. Emperor,

    Francisco Franco was a patriot. He took a backwards, medieval shit hole and tossed it kicking and screaming into the 20th Century.

    As with all right wing dictators they are reviled for their greatness while scum like Castro, Mao, et al get Hollywood accolades d for their socialism.

    Talk about a double standard.

    Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e)

  220. I like Limbaugh. He makes good points.

    Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e)

  221. Does anyone still listen to radio at this point?

    I like how Obama’s becoming more and more like the boy who cried wolf, except that in this case there are serious issues to address. But when you’re going to continue to attempt to scare the crap out of everyone in order to get your way, you’re eventually going to be found wanting in some regard.

    Dmac (49b16c)

  222. Harry Reid has called off the debate after saying he “had the votes” so all bets are off. The worst thing that can happen to a majority leader is to call a vote and lose it. By definition, that makes him a minority leader. These people are so inept, it’s amazing. I expect Obama will take off to another charter school tomorrow to read “My Pet Goat.”

    Mike K (2cf494)

  223. _______________________________________

    I’ll bet they don’t even know that Ken Lay, the Enron CEO, supported Democrat Ann Richards against George Bush in the Texas governors election. Comment by Mike K — 2/5/2009 @ 6:50 am

    I was not aware of that.

    However, in light of recent news involving another master flim-flam man — this time of Wall Street, and referring to Bernard Madoff — who was a big supporter of Democrats/liberals, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.

    Flakes, fools and con artists really do seem to be either enraptured by or ideal bait for the left end of the political spectrum. After all, look at the pathetic circus going on in the White House.

    Mark (411533)

  224. Flakes, fools and con artists really do seem to be either enraptured by or ideal bait for the left end of the political spectrum. After all, look at the pathetic circus going on in the White House.

    It’s said that the easiest marks for a con are people who are, themselves, looking to con you out of something.

    Rob Crawford (b5d1c2)


    I was cruising a few blogs and I started seeing the same message. Obama is fear mongering up a storm about what will happen if we don’t pass a stimulus package right away – more jobs are being lost every day, etc., etc. He wants people to stop talking and pass a bill. The time for talk is over!

    At the same time and out of the other side of his mouth he wants to improve the bill. He wants Democrats and Republicans to work together in a spirit of bipartisanship to improve the bill. But the time for talk is over and they are not coming together.

    Has Obama himself leaped into the fray and exercised leadership over how the bill should be improved? Not so anyone would notice. He hasn’t gathered the sides together in a room and said no one is leaving until we have a deal and this is what I want to do. He left for Williamsburg for a Semocratic retreat while the country is in crisis.

    Obama is trying to avoid expending political capital on expressing his desires over what to see in the bill as has been his pattern over time in the Illinois Senate and the U.S. Senate. He’s the President now though and can no longer vote present, the dork.

    Obama is trying to vote present.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  226. LGF had a pretty good post of the strawmen in Obama’s speech this afternoon.

    “tax cuts ALONE won’t solve all our problems..”

    “… that we can meet our enormous tests with half-steps and piecemeal measures…”

    “that we can ignore fundamental challenges such as energy independence and the high cost of health care”

    I don’t recall the Republican opposition to the bill being based on those things. My opposition is more based on the pork and lack of immediate stimulus. Seriously – Amount allocated to the Census Bureau? $1 billion. Jobs created? None.

    carlitos (ac34f6)

  227. “that we can ignore fundamental challenges such as energy independence and the high cost of health care”

    Those should be separate debates not part of emergency spending bills, apart from the strawman nature of much of his speech.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  228. Emergency spending bills to stimulate the economy from shocks not directly ties to those items.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  229. […] Wednesday, Patterico pointed out more Obama hypocrisy On the Barack Obama web site, in a section titled “Ethics” (stop snickering!), Obama made the […]

    Timing [Darleen Click] (7a2640)

  230. […] “Openness” Slipping away Obama is starting to make George W. Bush look very, very good. On the Barack Obama web site, in a section […]

    Obama’s “Openness” Slipping away « Something should go here, maybe later. (ddcea7)

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