Patterico's Pontifications


Are Two Pictures Worth Two Thousand Words?

Filed under: Current Events,Dog Trainer,Politics — Jack Dunphy @ 4:02 pm

[Guest post by Jack Dunphy]

In Patterico’s absence this weekend I’ll try to keep an eye on one of his favorite targets, the ever-shrinking Los Angeles Times, known in these quarters as the Dog Trainer. In clicking about on the Times’s website today, I was struck by their choice in photographs used to announce the selection of Michael Steele as the new chairman of the Republican National Committee. In watching Mr. Steele on television, I’ve always found him to an affable enough fellow, yet on the Times home page they chose to use this photo.

Those who clicked to the story were greeted by a photo of Steele in the more characteristic mien shown below, but I can’t help but wonder how many people simply glanced at the home page and were left with the mistaken impression that he is an angry man.

86 Responses to “Are Two Pictures Worth Two Thousand Words?”

  1. And see, the first impression I got was the juxtaposition of scowling, bespectacled black dude with uncool Blackberry. Completely accidental I’m sure.

    Hadlowe (fbd42e)

  2. I actually initially tied the pic with the headline above it. Oops.

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  3. The LA Times is beyond parody.

    tyree (158c98)

  4. My first thoughts were that Michael Steele doesn’t have any cool apps.

    Curtiss (dc1e94)

  5. So often I would look at the headlines of the LAT and just knew they had purposely dug up the most unflattering photo of George Bush to slap on the front page. It seems that pesky ‘R’ strikes again.

    Dana (137151)

  6. Great catch.

    I love it when Drudge does the same thing to Pelosi or whoever. He’s basically demonstrating the press’s absurdity by copying them, but he never takes his site seriously. The LA Times simply cannot understand that this nation needs more than one political party, and the GOP isn’t some evil that needs to be demonized.

    Steele’s not exactly hard right anyway. And certainly not an angry man. But we all know about the deep racism on the left, and angry black dude or dumb black dude is how the left ALWAYS portrays black GOP men.

    Joco (4cdfb7)

  7. Actually Joco to be fair ….

    Democraps want to paint Black Conservatives as Uncle Tom’s.

    Rethuglicans want to paint Black Liberals as either Angry or Stupid.

    Calla spade a spade. (Is that racist? I denounce myself.)

    Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e)

  8. I’m glad you’re trolling in here instead of the other thread where it’s so much less appropriate.

    Your argument is veiled in sarcasm, so if I debunk you, you will just claim you were joking.

    That’s a pathetic troll tactic.

    but if you seriously think Republicans find minorities who disagree with them to be threatening in the same way the left finds minorities who have strayed from the democrat plantation threatening, then you’re an idiot. Clarence Thomas is the only classic Supreme Court justice left. he’s also perhaps the smartest. but he’s black, so he must be a rapist and an idiot when he silently observes arguments.

    Obama has been treated extremely well by the right. If I claim he was born in Kenya, I will be pilloried by conservatives who hate seeing Obama tarnished by dumb or unfounded complaints.

    You think you can pretend the left isn’t more racist by inventing a right that is ‘just as bad’. ‘just as bad’ has been how the democrats excuse themselves for ages.

    Joco (4cdfb7)

  9. Joco, you clearly have difficulty having a dialogue without calling the counter-party a name.

    My “generalization” is correct when analysing how each party “goes after” their counter party they use those stereotypes.

    Why you think Jeremiah Wright was brought out? Err, um, it suits the Republican stereotype of Black Liberals as being angry. Why would Baracky be with such an angry dude unless he was angry …. or painting Michele as angry and unappreciative of the USA.

    Demoncrats usually paint Black Conservatives as Toms. It is right from the play book on Justice Thomas. He is a Tom is basically the Liberals argument

    It is just fact. If you wish to discuss this then do so with appropriate examples but leave out the name calling if you are interested in chatting.


    Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e)

  10. You know, you are a troll. You called DRJ an odd quitter in that other thread, and you deserved to be called out.

    You continually insult me, so I don’t see how you have a leg to stand on anyway. I have not only called you a troll, but also refuted your substantive post on why DRJ is not an odd quitter in that other thread, a comment you replied to only to call me a ‘boy’ with no substantive reply.

    Here, I also gave a substantive explanation of why you are wrong. You reply to tell me how awful it is that I call a troll a troll, and the rest of your comment is indecipherable.

    Joco (4cdfb7)

  11. Reaching

    Oiram (5df6fd)

  12. Joco,

    If you care to read the thread, I asked the question if DRJ quit because a poster annoyed her and was disrespectful. Here was the reply ……

    “Obama über alles: Let me point you to what Patterico wrote, and watch “The Lion In Winter” and “Becket” for context. (Will no one rid me of this troublesome commenter?) That was a yes as plain as day. Comment by Brother Bradley J. Fikes, C.O.R., who implores DRJ to remain at Patterico! — 1/30/2009 @ 2:45 pm”

    So, again, not knowing much about much and reading various subsequent posts about how intellectually rude and boorish certain individuals are — a few posters followed up by saying they wanted Patter-EE-koh to ban them. I guess this would help keep “nice” posters like DRJ around saying wonderful things. So I wrote the following …….

    “I guess the real question for Patter-EE-koh to answer is whether he wants this to be the Roman Coliseum or the US National Croquet Center. Either way, life is tough and it strikes me altogether odd to simply “give up” when annoyed …. and certainly even odder in the Blog world. But to each his own I say. Boo-ya. Comment by Obama über alles!!!!! — 1/30/2009 @ 6:03 pm”

    At which point volumes of hyper-sensitive non-readers jumped in to insult and attack me.

    Notwithstanding, I stated in another post that I find it emotionally bizarre to get so wrapped up in another anonymous person’s problems. Being so sympathetic for someone who has no real connection to you strikes me as emotionally immature. Frankly, I reserve my softer side for my family and pets and try to “rationally ration” my sympathy when truly needed in a circumstance where I can make a difference. I don’t cry over puppy dinners in Korea.

    SO AN INTELLECTUAL NOTE O WRAP THIS UP: I was not insulting DRJ but frankly I was bit condescending to the DRJ fan club and the volumes of posts with the effusive, obsequious praise. If you can’t tell the difference then maybe I needed to be more direct. My bad.

    Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e)

  13. “You know, you are a troll. You called DRJ an odd quitter in that other thread, and you deserved to be called out. Comment by Joco — 1/30/2009 @ 7:41 pm”

    At best, I never said such thing of DRJ. At worst, read my earlier post in response to this.

    “You continually insult me, so I don’t see how you have a leg to stand on anyway. Comment by Joco — 1/30/2009 @ 7:41 pm”

    Um, where was that?

    “I have not only called you a troll, but also refuted your substantive post on why DRJ is not an odd quitter in that other thread, a comment you replied to only to call me a ‘boy’ with no substantive reply. Comment by Joco — 1/30/2009 @ 7:41 pm”

    You have refuted what? Each of your posts starts by calling me a troll and ranting some delusional defense of DRJ when her defense was not required.

    “Here, I also gave a substantive explanation of why you are wrong. You reply to tell me how awful it is that I call a troll a troll, and the rest of your comment is indecipherable.Comment by Joco — 1/30/2009 @ 7:41 pm”

    You remind me of Freddo talking to Michael. One of best uses of circular reasoning ever in a Movie.

    Can you point to anything substantive you have posted? I mean, I know my role in the Universe and there is no Gravitas or Self Importance which I have assigned to my person.

    Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e)

  14. Funny that the best you could come up with to defend your inanity was Rev. Hatey, someone who is, in fact, angry. If memory serves, ironically, wasn’t it Hillary’s camp that first brought him into the campaign?

    JD (2d2bfc)

  15. JD,

    Are you saying it is, or not fair to say when ….

    a) Republicans attack Black Liberals they paint them as Angry, Incompetant or Corrupt.

    b) Democrats attack Black Conservatives they paint them as Uncle Tom’s

    …. again, to the non-readers, I am not picking side here at all.

    Simply trying to create a reasonable straw-man for discussion purposes if folks are interested in self analysis on both sides.

    Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e)

  16. “.. I was not insulting DRJ but frankly I was bit condescending to the DRJ fan club and the volumes of posts with the effusive, obsequious praise. If you can’t tell the difference then maybe I needed to be more direct. …”

    Or perhaps think before posting, or find a blog that better reflects your own apparently very tough, experienced, and mature point of view. But overall, try to show some respect for a point of view you do not share—a concept that you seem quite concerned about in other contexts.

    So change the subject, perhaps?

    Eric Blair (e92b94)

  17. Actually JD, it was Sean Hannity who brought up Wright.

    Hillary shied away from this issue as far as I can remember.

    Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e)

  18. And why not lay off with the “Patter-EE-koh” business? It’s clear you mean it in a derisive fashion (see how Patterico uses it himself). More faux-tough guy stuff.

    Today is not a day to emulate some of our prior trollish commenters.

    Of course, you will claim your intent is not to sound derisive. But I sense a Moby showing itself. Why not rise above that kind of thing, and prove me wrong?

    Eric Blair (e92b94)

  19. Your memory does not serve you well. One of the MSM outlets ran the stories originally, and it was during the Dem primary, before he had secured the nomination. So, to blame this on Fox or Hannity is at best, wrong. Thank you for admitting you were erecting a strawman. I am sure that you will be able to show how any of the people you are addressing here engaged in attempts to portray liberal minorities as angry, incompetent, or corrupt, unless they happen to be angry, incompetent, or corrupt. In that case, their race makes no difference.

    JD (2d2bfc)

  20. Eric, I did think before posting. I also asked some questions to get context and receive a response.

    Come to think of it, I have showed more intellectual curiosity on this issues than most.

    Frankly, I genuinely am interested in what the circumstances for upsetting someone so profoundly they would not anonymously post on a blog. As I stated, other than some crazed stalker who found out who the person is and they stopped posting for fear of personal repercussion ….. which very well maybe true.

    So, again, I just don’t take myself, or any blog so seriously, that posters SCREAMING and YELLING causes me a whit of concern.

    Wish all well. Wish I could hear the same.

    Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e)

  21. But I sense a Moby showing itself.

    I think so too, now. On the other thread it wrote:

    Hope DRJ comes back. Sure. Just as much as I value Emperor7.

    It’s not quite pinhead2008 but close.

    nk (bf9c84)

  22. I apologize to Joco for implicitly contradicting him.

    nk (bf9c84)

  23. JD,

    Talk to Sean Hannity. He took credit on his show for outing Jeremiah Wright well before the MSM got into this. But what do I know, I watch Faux News religously and I can verify 100% he was on this well before (over a year) the MSM did their thing and Baracky went to give his sermon on the mount about race …. which funny enuff he recanted on days later throwing the Pastor under the bus.

    With respect to using Patter-EE-koh, gosh lighten up. Such seriousness and gravitas for something so small. I am serious you guys need to get a life and actually worry about real problems inside your own home and stop freaking over anonymous bloggers’ comments.

    With respect to how both parties generalize to gain advantage on the “black” issue, give me a break. As a Conservative Minority, I think I nailed it on the head and both parties are guilty as charged!!!!!!!!!

    Again, not debating the accuracy of the generalizations — just the fact they are certainly used.

    Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e)

  24. NK,

    Point being I value most of the commentors here.

    DRJ and Emperor7 — even if I think Emperor is an idiot.

    Is Moby some comment about my girth. I am really sensitive about my weight ladies.

    Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e)

  25. So, ladies, are we done with this girlie spat?

    I prefer to talk about Daschle being a tax fraud or Baracky inviting the Unions “back into the White House” as Joe “Working Class” Biden said today.

    Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e)

  26. Declaring victory sans evidence and based only on your flawed assumptions is not generally a sign of good faithed debate.

    Good for you, you watch Fox. Bravo. Who ran the God Damn America tapes first?

    JD (79facb)

  27. JD, this isn’t a TdJ. This is JaM.

    Eric Blair (e92b94)

  28. JD,

    You got to be kidding me right? Declaring victory sans evidence?

    What evidence have you presented for anything you have posted here????????????????

    I would assume my hearing about Wright in early 2007 from Sean Hannity constitutes “evidence” it happened before the MSMS and Democratic Primary. My recolection was pretty good I thought but here you are — hope that shoe fits in your mouth ………,2933,256078,00.html

    Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e)

  29. Your memory does not serve you well. One of the MSM outlets ran the stories originally, and it was during the Dem primary, before he had secured the nomination. So, to blame this on Fox or Hannity is at best, wrong. Thank you for admitting you were erecting a strawman. I am sure that you will be able to show how any of the people you are addressing here engaged in attempts to portray liberal minorities as angry, incompetent, or corrupt, unless they happen to be angry, incompetent, or corrupt. In that case, their race makes no difference. Comment by JD — 1/30/2009 @ 8:33 pm

    Hello mouth, I am shoe. Hello Shoe.,2933,256078,00.html

    Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e)

  30. People, ignore it and it will eventually go away. All it wants is to have the last word. Leave less stuff for Patterico to have to come back in later to scrub out.

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  31. That is not when Wright entered the public debate. Maybe Sean was out in front of it, but Rev. Hatey did not become part of the public debate until the tapes were aired of the God Damn America sermon. Who ran that?

    JD (79facb)

  32. FWIW, it is obvious you have no desire to actually discuss the topic at hand. You acknowledged that you introduced a strawman into this discussion, which you should be commended for. Asserting that conservatives like to portray minorities as you described is nothing other than your opinion, based on flawed assumptions.

    JD (79facb)

  33. Here JD, is exactly how Republicans stereotype ….

    Kind of funny but hey you said I have no evidence …..

    Jeez, marie. Call a spade a spade.

    Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e)

  34. That is not when Wright entered the public debate. Maybe Sean was out in front of it, but Rev. Hatey did not become part of the public debate until the tapes were aired of the God Damn America sermon. Who ran that? Comment by JD — 1/30/2009 @ 8:55 pm

    So you admit you where originally wrong but now want to debate who ran the God Damn tapes …. hmmm … let me Google and I will get back to you.

    But, yes JD, weep as you may. Sean Hannity and Fox are to be credited for researching this.

    Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e)

  35. OuA – Was Hannity talking about Wright’s trip to Libya with Qadaffi before others, the 9/11 sermon or the other racist sermons, father Pfleger? All that shit was flying around the intartubes months before Hannity picked it up and there is absolutely no surprise in the MSM ducking stories related to Wright given how in the tank they were for Obama. Why would you even question that?

    With respect to your curious questions about liberals and conservatives and race, liberals made race a centerpiece of the past election by raising the specter of racism at every turn. They are the one who keep the issue of race front and center with affirmative action, race based preferences for virtually everything, including coffee at Starbucks. The Democrat Party is the party of identity politics and race pimps and hustlers such as Sharpton, Jackson, Rangel, Conyers and Waters. Conservatives don’t have similar personalities so your question is, as others have pointed out, a complete strawman.

    I’m glad to hear you don’t take yourself or your commenting seriously. It shows.

    daleyrocks (ae34ca)

  36. JD,

    From what I can Google, the GD tapes where picked up after an AP report by Brian Ross who somehow got them to ABC News… and then it hit the fan.

    Lemme keep digging for more facts.

    Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e)

  37. JD – I’ll bet OuA doesn’t understand Ehrenstein’s original Magic Negro column or Shanklin’s parody, but he can drive his S600 to the Jap market tomorrow and ask people to clear it up for him.

    OuA – Does your S600 have spinners?

    daleyrocks (ae34ca)

  38. Daley, spinners? No.

    But I do have dinner guests over tomorrow and I am sure I will let them swill my Blue and take down some Cubans.

    And with respect to “not understanding” ….. I get it. Barack is not black b/c he is not slave blood Ya, got it. Talked about this 12 months ago. Check that box.

    Regardless the parody shows Barack as a buffoon and blacks as violent …….

    Which if you had a bone of decency in your body you would admit (as Joco and JD) is exactly how CONSERVATIVES parody blacks to get political points.

    You can close your eyes to it but the “Evidence” as the JUCO Counselor is right before you.

    Both parties smear Blacks when they don’t like their “Politics” — one “fringe” calls Blacks angry, stupid and thieves and the other “fringe” calls Blacks house niggers.

    Frankly both sides are idiotic to use these images but it sure is HA-HA funny to an Intellectually Honest Man like mememememe.

    … hold up he sign if you want a ride………

    Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e)

  39. Someone here once chided me not to “defend the indefensible” because it did our side “no good.”

    A little advice — oh PHYSICIAN heal thyself!!!!!

    Yes, girlies, Conservatives are guilty as charged of racism as are Liberals.

    Frankly most whites have a hard time even understanding what racism really is or when they are guilty of it.

    Much like blacks who insist on being ghetto in the most inappropriate situations and then cry RACISM after Whites react poorly to them!

    Anyway, girls, have a nice evening.

    Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e)

  40. “Which if you had a bone of decency in your body you would admit (as Joco and JD)”

    OuA – I missed where JD and JOCO agreed with your interpretation. Could you direct me to their comments please.

    I also disagree with your interpretation of the song parody since you are not remembering the context in which it was written and released. If you had a shred of intellectual honesty you you refamiliarize yourself with both the original LA Times column and the timing of the parody.

    A little advice, you claimed to have pets, next time you feel like acting like a total dickhead, do it around them, and save us the embarrassment of watching.

    daleyrocks (ae34ca)

  41. “Someone here once chided me not to “defend the indefensible” because it did our side “no good.””

    OuA – What is your side?

    daleyrocks (ae34ca)

  42. I just came back to see if the troll had indeed been driven crazy by my frank comments. I see he’s one of those trolls who basically harasses himself more than he harasses anyone here.

    Patterico gets a TON of jerks. It doesn’t bother me anymore.

    This one is consumed with rage. Daley, you’re right that I was misquoted. Probably a hammy attempt to get me to respond. Is it better to ignore the troll or goad him enough to see him spend entire hours trying to ‘win.’

    Is this what the LA Times is up to? Are they trying to see how many times they can screw with the ‘right’ with silly bias cliches? You have to admit, that’s a hell of a lot more dignified than trolling blogs.

    Joco (4cdfb7)

  43. In clicking about on the Times’s website today, I was struck by their choice in photographs used to announce the selection of Michael Steele as the new chairman of the Republican National Committee.

    While your suspicion may be correct — which wouldn’t be such a stretch given the leftward mindset of most employees (certainly the reporters/editors) of the LA Times — I have to say that photo of Steele appears neutral enough to me that it also could have been very easily selected by someone with no ideological axe to grind.

    IOW, if I were responsible for picking a photo of the new chairman of the Republican Party, I could see myself choosing the one shown above. Of course, the picture of Steele smiling is obviously more friendly and photogenic, but then that could be negatively interpreted as an image of a neophyte or lightweight, of a conservative who’s out of touch when both the country and the GOP aren’t exactly in a happy-go-lucky mood.

    Mark (411533)

  44. With respect to how both parties generalize to gain advantage on the “black” issue, give me a break. As a Conservative Minority, I think I nailed it on the head and both parties are guilty as charged!!!!!!!!!
    Comment by Obama über alles!!!!! — 1/30/2009 @ 8:43 pm

    I think you’re correct. Only thing I’d want to add is that we now live in an age when simpleminded (and even bigoted) thinking is much more a phenomenon of the left. That’s sort of in keeping with studies that indicate the people who are less generous in donating their time and money are not conservatives, but liberals, the very ones who fancy themselves as so humane and caring (and who, in turn, see their political opposites as anything but that).

    BTW, it’s hard going through dozens of postings on this web site, mainly because the format of patterico’s forum — in which there are a lack of rules (meaning horizontal lines) between each post — makes everyone’s text blend together, and therefore cause my eyes to get blurry. So if I’m not misunderstanding the nature of your comments and the other person who’s challenging you (and where the word “troll” gets bandied about), all I can say is “huh??”

    Mark (411533)

  45. the intelligence of this blog is obviously a light in the darkness to all the troll skeeters in this part of the blogosphere.

    now if Pat can just rig a bug zapper, or, better yet give each of us a bottle of Tabasco to go with the free pizza….. %-)

    redc1c4 (9c4f4a)

  46. So, ladies, are we done with this girlie spat?

    Sure, whatever you say, douchebag.

    Aren’t you supposed to be spending some more quality time with your “family” and “pets?” Funny thing, you always end your posts with a farewell, but then promptly come back for more.

    Dmac (2fab96)

  47. Don’t they all!

    AD (d63605)

  48. but it sure is HA-HA funny to an Intellectually Honest Man like mememememe.

    Such brilliant discourse, coming from a devoted “family man” with “pets.”

    Hello mouth, I am shoe. Hello Shoe.

    Not only brilliant, but witty repartee as well.

    But I do have dinner guests over tomorrow and I am sure I will let them swill my Blue and take down some Cubans

    The fact that your local ASPCA is coming by to inspect your home environs doesn’t really qualify as “dinner guests.”

    Is Moby some comment about my girth. I am really sensitive about my weight ladies.

    Just so we understand – you have no idea what a “Moby” consists of? Are you honestly that out of touch with the world over the past 5 years, or just coming out of your mom’s basement?

    Are you 16 years old? Do the girls make fun of you at school? Do the other boys give you atomic wedgies, just for fun? World of Warcraft afficionado, perhaps?

    Dmac (2fab96)

  49. Maybe more like Magic: The Gathering, Dmac.

    Eric Blair (e92b94)

  50. DMAC, Daly, Juco, AD, etc

    Great insults!

    Let us praise DRJ for not being a troll and then behave like a troll. Physician, heal thyself!!!

    As yet, I have not heard one intelligent post addressing “What Happened that CAN be so bad to DRJ” or that “Both Parties Use Racist Crap to Get Support.”

    It takes a few aliases to berate and insult someone who obviously agrees with your politics but shares not in how SERIOUS you take yourselves nor do I share your belief that Conservatives are not as bigoted as Liberals.

    So, ladies …… good morning. Lighten up. You can disagree and beat someone up without it being personal or hyperventilating when you lose.

    Like a fight among brothers.

    Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e)

  51. Two things:

    1. Please drop the references to DRJ, even in response to this. You haven’t been posting here for very long, and you don’t have any experience with her or her posting style. Besides, your sneering focus on that topic is getting creepy and not terrifically mature. That particular situation (of which you supposedly know little) may go legal, and you don’t want to be involved with that, I’d wager.

    2. Speaking of the above, why all the tough guy stuff? Calling males “ladies” or “girls” and such. That isn’t very…evolved for a person with your other political comments.

    Oh, and do look up “Moby.” As Dmac alludes, it isn’t about your girth.

    So why not drop all this…unless you just like to snipe and argue and try to score “tough guy points”? Which is what I suspect is your goal in the first place.

    Eric Blair (e92b94)

  52. This troll is really no different from others seen here using multiple names. It’s just one more in a series of silly, brain dead, half-wits with no other way to attract attention than to fart in public. In short, a petty and inconsequential nuisance, with nothing to offer but his naked arse to kick around.

    Ropelight (d40bc3)

  53. It’s also common experience that those bragging about their possessions and status in life in the comment sections of blogs usually turn out to be completely full of shit.

    Sad but true.

    daleyrocks (ae34ca)

  54. All the “manly men acting manly” business is pretty suspect, Ropelight. This character looks for things that people are a bit sensitive to, and thinks it is amusing to poke there.

    Regular folk, well, “move on” to coin a phrase—unless they just like to “play fight” on the internet, which also isn’t very “manly,” when you think about it.

    Getting back to the topic, it’ll be interesting to see what Steele does as RNC Chairman. Since Republicans are all supposed to be racists and everything. I’m sure that there are Republicans who don’t like things Steele has done and said (it seems to me that Republicans are much more critical of their own party than Democrats appear to be), but I have liked many of the things he has said recently, and he communicates well.

    We’ll see. It’ll be an uphill battle. I’m sure that the MSM is digging like crazy through Steele’s tax returns, looking for things to publish…while not paying much attention to Daschle, Geitner, and the ever increasing list.

    Eric Blair (e92b94)

  55. “You can disagree and beat someone up without it being personal or hyperventilating when you lose.”

    Like you had he opportunity to yesterday but deliberately chose not accept the sensitivity of other commenters.

    Fuck You

    daleyrocks (ae34ca)

  56. If it talks like a Moby and acts like a Moby – it’s a Moby. End of story.

    Dmac (2fab96)

  57. Eric, I wish the best for Michael Steele, but the GOP is so moribund as to be nearly without hope. If they can hold together in the Senate to oppose Obama’s idiotic spending orgy, they just might plant the seeds for an eventual resurection. But if the like of McCain’s Gang of 14, or some other collection of compromise dolts, arises to stab Americans in the back again, I fear the worst.

    Ropelight (d40bc3)

  58. Well, Ropelight, you might be right, and I can see why you think so. But me, I think the following: anything that makes Nancy Pelosi happy is not a good thing.

    Michael Steele does not make Nancy Pelosi happy.

    Fingers crossed.

    Eric Blair (e92b94)

  59. So, Michael Steele wasn’t killed in a car crash?


    RedRepub (f2e50f)

  60. I’m sure that the MSM is digging like crazy through Steele’s tax returns, looking for things to publish…while not paying much attention to Daschle, Geitner, and the ever increasing list.

    Comment by Eric Blair — 1/31/2009 @ 9:11 am

    If they need personal data on Steele, all they have to do is call Schumer, he had his staff at the DSCC get all that dirt when Steele ran for Senate from MD – SocSec #’s and everything.
    Don’t you remember?

    AD (d63605)

  61. Yeah, and nothing was done about that, as I recall. Not an invasion of privacy or anything.

    Thanks for reminding of that, AD.

    Eric Blair (e92b94)

  62. Well, Chuckie sacrificed two low-level staffers, but I think they both landed well paying positions elsewhere since they never squealed on how high up the misconduct went.

    AD (d63605)

  63. Obama Uber is a libtard troll.
    Here’s how you can tell. Rhetoric.
    Libs don’t answer questions directly. Almost never. They play games. When caught or called out, they spin and wriggle.
    Conservatives don’t act this way.

    gus (36e9a7)

  64. Sorry Obamam Uber-troll, the Magic Negro does not portray Obama as a buffoon. He does that all by himself. It does not portray Negroes as violent.
    It DOES portray AL not-so Sharpton as a buffoon.
    And accurately I might add.

    Troll on Garth.

    gus (36e9a7)

  65. January 31, 2009
    Obama hates white people and wants them to die
    Rick Moran
    With nearly 1.5 million people in the mid-west without power during a cold snap, what other possible reason is there that this new “competent” administration and FEMA would be failing so spectacularly in helping in this natural disaster?

    It’s got to be that Obama hates white people and wants them to die!

    Of course, I am just aping what lefty blogs were saying about Bush less than 24 hours after Katrina’s hurricane winds stopped blowing. But AP is reporting that Midwest disaster relief people are none too pleased with our new president’s FEMA.

    In Kentucky’s Grayson County, there are 25 National Guardsmen there to help – but no chain saws to cut away fallen limbs and trees. EM Director Randell Smith is quoted as saying, “We’ve got people out in some areas we haven’t even visited yet,” Smith said. “We don’t even know that they’re alive.”

    Smith is also quoted as saying that FEMA is a “no show.”

    What’s that? Here we are 5 days after the storm ended and still no FEMA? I demand a Congressional investigation. And let’s get all the anchors and media people down here pronto. People’s lives are at stake. For all we know, there are babies being eaten and people jumping off their roofs committing suicide because FEMA is nowhere to be found.

    And where is our president? Shouldn’t he be visiting these ravaged areas? It must be that he HATES WHITE PEOPLE AND WANTS THEM TO DIE. That is the only possible explanation for this incredible failure of our national government to relieve the suffering of these people.

    Isn’t it interesting that now that we have a Democrat as president that all of a sudden, disaster relief is a state and local matter and the federal government should stand aside and allow them to do their jobs?

    Just wondering…

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  66. Of the pics above I thought the first made him look serious and the second one makes him look like a putz.
    But he is a putz. Case in point “Steele Democrat”.

    Still, he beat out the white guys he was running against.
    The one with the “Magic Negro” song and other who was a member of a whites only country club, so I guess this is progress for the GOP.

    sleepy (09c352)

  67. I saw sleepy’s name in the sidebar and just knew that a tsunami of silliness would follow.

    JD (4d1a78)

  68. …along with some more incoherent points about how it’s all the fault of the Jooooos.

    Dmac (2fab96)

  69. Sleepy, quick quiz. What is the political party affiliation of the person who coined the phrase “Barack the Magic Negro?”

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  70. “Barack the Magic Negro?”
    Faaabulous David E.

    And DE’s point -dear- was to criticize clueless white liberals.
    The term was then turned around by a white racist to mean something else.
    And it was Dawson’s membership in the white’s only “Forest Lake Club” that was silly, not my mention of it.
    This is still your great grandfather’s GOP.
    I’l rewrite my earlier comment.
    In the first pic Steele looks serious. In the second he looks like Stepin Fetchit.

    sleepy (09c352)

  71. Nah, don’t call me dear. I don’t get familial with mental midgets.

    John Hitchcock (fb941d)

  72. “The term was then turned around by a white racist to mean something else.”

    Howard Dean?

    daleyrocks (ae34ca)

  73. Reading this thread I have told to …

    1) F Off.
    2) Threatened with legal action for … still trying to understand what I did.
    3) Called Libtard.
    4) Called a liar.
    5) Told Conservatives don’t stereotypes minorities as being angry or dumb in order to score points.
    6) As yet, had a reasoned response to any of the questions posted over the course of two threads.


    Pretty funny. I’ll need to keep coming back for this needless verbal abuse. I’ll keep my responses tart.

    Incidently, I will be happy to answer any question you ask as honestly as possible. But as yet, no one has asked any. They just keep screaming and yelling.

    Good showing boys! It is late, g’night. Even you Daleyrocks. I forgive you.

    Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e)

  74. Keep up the victimhood OuA, it’s a liberal specialty!

    daleyrocks (ae34ca)

  75. I’ll pray for you, OuA.

    Why do people think Rush Limbaugh is a racist? That always amazes me. I think liberals call him a racist because they get so angry at him exposing their inherent bigotry and racism they have no intellectually coherent response except name calling.

    daleyrocks (ae34ca)

  76. Steele has a great sense of humor. Recently in a CSPAN interview he joked about the Democrats calling him the Republicans “token lawn jockey.” Almost fell out of my chair laughing.

    Stan Switek (7cfd24)

  77. Daley,

    Can you identify what merited the string of insults and puts downs?

    Seriously, we can chat from there if you desire.

    Just asking because I seem to be the only poster who actually asks questions instead of going into personal attack mode when someone says something “taboo.”

    So, if you want to dialogue …. extend an open hand.

    Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e)

  78. OuA – Your conduct on the DRJ thread was offensive and then bringing your conservative stereotypes over here on this thread was just asking for it. Simple example of liberal trolling.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  79. “Why you think Jeremiah Wright was brought out? ”
    Because he is a nut and he is an example of Obama’s judgment.
    And if Bush or ANY Republican had a minister for a number of years that was so clearly insane, don’t think for a minute that wouldn’t be used to drive (for good reason) that Republican candidate out of the race.

    buzz (994010)

  80. DALEY, there was nothing offensive in the DRJ thread as it relates to DRJ. Read above for “how it went down.” Indifference, at worst, can not be described as offensive though maybe upsetting to those involved in the episode.

    I think some folks who went to town on me need to take a look in the mirror and understand that their reaction was way overboard and simply a butt shot without reading any of the posts in the early part of the thread. Once the name calling started … hey, I still don’t believe I personally called out anyone regardless in any of this matter.

    And no I don’t give in just b/c someone says so — which was the line of reasoning present by most in that thread. This is not my nature. I like it when folks convince me, not threaten me or talk to me like I am an idiot simply b/c I don’t belong to the club.

    BUZZ, Wright and Obama are fools IMHO but that is not the discussion and it completely avoiding the point made. At least, you are not the only one.

    Liberals paint Conservative Blacks as Toms and better yet Naive Toms, Conservatives paint Liberal Blacks as Angry or Dumb or Seeking Handouts. This is not a Liberal or Conservative position but a statement of fact and a tool both use to score points with their base. It simply is for better or worse and as a minority I see it all the time.

    And to those calling me a Liberal in the Democrat sense — you need read a little closer. The name (sarcasm) says it all though truthfully I am not in the “amen corner” for the Republican Party either.


    Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e)

  81. I guess he can’t just leave it alone, daley.

    Eric Blair (53ab22)

  82. Eric,



    Obama über alles!!!!! (48dd5e)

  83. He reminds me so much of pinhead2008. The passive-aggressive sliminess. What an asswipe.

    nk (bf9c84)

  84. Nk, I teach people like this every day. They are usually young, and very full of self-righteousness and certitude about the world. They then project those traits—as faults, mind you—onto others. Strange. Maybe this fellow is older, but that isn’t a great sign either.

    Because the final point was simple: it’s not his blog. It’s Patterico’s. Patterico made his feelings on this subject very clear.

    But the person could not stay away from the topic (and I’m not talking about his partisan bickering here), and had to justify his own actions in a quite superior fashion…instead of just dropping the subject.

    Not surprising. But he will eventually move on, and I have seen (and you have seen) people who were very trollish initially become civil and contribute productively to this blog. Maybe it will happen here, too.

    Eric Blair (53ab22)

  85. OuA – Your conduct in the DRJ thread stands on its own, which is why our host requested that someone delete all your comments from that thread. Take my word for it, that is an unusual step for him and usually reserved for the most egregious offenders of the blog. It seems you just can’t take a hint. Your conduct was offensive, period. I have no reason to reread your comments, you do. You are not the victim in this instance, you are ther perpetrator of the offenses. Take a breath and try to get some perspective.

    “Conservatives paint Liberal Blacks as Angry or Dumb or Seeking Handouts.”

    I need to see some examples of the treatment of what you consider to be conservative racism. You clearly misunderstand the Magic Negro song parody. Most opponents usually ridicule their opponents as dumb do that is a common element on both sides, which leaves what? Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are professional race pimps. They run shakedown businesses. It’s all about money and power for them.

    Shelby Steele(?) had some interesting thoughts about Obama and his “nonthreatening” demeanor toward white people. If you read his books, however, you find some very bigoted portions in there that make him sound very much like Jeremiah Wright. He’s the least qualified and least examined President we’ve ever had and the media deliberately skipped it’s normal vetting process.

    You also dodged my question about whether you thought Rush Limbaugh was racist.

    daleyrocks (5d22c0)

  86. […] Jack Dunphy caught the paper putting an angry-looking picture of Michael Steele on the Web site’s front page. […]

    Patterico's Pontifications » Patterico’s Los Angeles Dog Trainer Year in Review 2009 (e4ab32)

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