Patterico's Pontifications


Hope You Didn’t Overpay Your California Taxes

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 10:00 pm

If you did, you’ll be getting an IOU.

If we were mobsters, we wouldn’t stand for that. We’d break the deadbeat’s legs.

And yet, if we were to do that to legislators, we would be the ones to go to jail. Ironic, isn’t it? Well, that’s democracy for you.

10 Responses to “Hope You Didn’t Overpay Your California Taxes”

  1. I recall (I hope accurately) when this happened in 1992, an individual attempted to use his voucher to pay his next tax bill. He was refused!

    Corky Boyd (d04dcd)

  2. My sister-in-law has already reduced her tax contributions to compensate for the anticipated IOU (she is a 1099 employee).
    My refund has only been a couple hundred from the state the past couple years. Hopeful that this year it is less than that, because I may not see it for a long time.

    CardioNP (dbdee1)

  3. And California voters will no doubt reward their state legislators with re-election for having done such a good job.

    steve sturm (369bc6)

  4. “And yet, if we were to do that to legislators, we would be the ones to go to jail. Ironic, isn’t it? ”

    Does non-payment send you to jail? I thought fraud sent you to jail but non-payment just sent them to collect from you.

    imdw (23c2b4)

  5. California has been a wonderful preview of the USA under a three branch Democrat majority. I guess nobody was paying attention.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  6. imdw – reread

    … If we were mobsters, we wouldn’t stand for that. We’d break the deadbeat’s legs.

    And yet, if we were to do that to legislators, we would be the ones to go to jail. …

    LarryD (feb78b)

  7. That reminds me, the IRS never did send me my 2008 stimulus check.

    LarryD (feb78b)

  8. I generally end up owing the state a wee bit of money.

    I wonder how they’ll react when I send them an IOU?

    XBradTC (80d76a)

  9. I say someone should set up a database webpage to match up IOU recipients and people owing the state money. Have the people owing the state pay off the IOU’s, and send the state a “voucher” for the paid off state debt.
    A win win situation, no?

    jpickens (8b5ad5)

  10. You can’t get blood from a rock. If they do not have the money, they can’t make payments. Taxpayers are last in line. Employees will come first, lest the unions call a strike. Vendors second, lest they stop selling to/performing services for the state.

    PC (38c309)

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