Chuck Philips Makes Gawker’s Top Ten Worst Media Moments of 2008
It’s Number 7 on the list:
LA Times’ Fake Tupac Scoop—Lesson: don’t use serial con men as sources for front-page investigations.
The weird thing is, as I have noted before, Philips said in his article that Sabatino refused to comment, and Sabatino has denied to me that he was a source for Philips. And Philips claimed that other people had corroborated what was in the phony documents. So I’m still unsure about what happened there.
But I am sure of one thing: Philips embarrassed the paper. Badly.
“But I am sure of one thing: Philips embarrassed the paper. Badly.”
Embarrassment is an emotion that’s surgically removed in j-school.
Al (93703e) — 12/23/2008 @ 12:51 pm“But I am sure of one thing: Philips embarrassed the paper. Badly.”
the paper, embarrases the paper. L.A. times is a joke
slizzle (4c3b4d) — 12/23/2008 @ 12:56 pm. . . don’t use serial con men as sources for front-page investigations.
What kind of con-men should they use?
Apogee (f4320c) — 12/23/2008 @ 6:28 pmthe times, and it’s employee’s are incapable of embarrassment:
to be embarrassed, one needs to possess a sense of shame, which requires an ethical framew*rk and moral viewpoint that differentiates between ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ in a traditional sense, based upon the common values of the society in which the entity exists.
the times has no shame, only goals, and honor and reputation are not included in those.
redc1c4 (27fd3e) — 12/24/2008 @ 12:16 am