State of Corruption
[Guest post by DRJ]
U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald announced today the indictments and arrest of Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich and his chief of staff on federal corruption charges based on what Fitzgerald described as a political corruption crime spree:
“Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich was arrested on Tuesday on charges he brazenly conspired to sell or trade the U.S. Senate seat left vacant by President-elect Barack Obama to the highest bidder in what a federal prosecutor called a “corruption crime spree.”
After the Presidential election, Obama confidante Valerie Jarrett was reported to be the person Obama wanted to replace him in the Senate. Just under a month ago, she removed her name from contention and was named as a White House senior adviser.
The indictments resulted in part from wiretaps on Blagojevich’s home phone that Fitzgerald said were authorized over a month ago.
The counts reportedly include allegations that Blagojevich conditioned state aid to the Chicago Tribune on its firing of editor(s) who opposed the Blagojevich Administration, and threatened to pull an $8M grant to a children’s hospital if the director failed to make a $50K contribution to Blagojevich’s campaign.
In a press conference this morning, Fitzgerald suggested that some witnesses were cooperating but urged others who may have been approached – possibly dozens or more – to come forward and talk to authorities.
The Chicago FBI agent-in-charge also made a brief statement at the Fitzgerald press conference. He said he didn’t know if Illinois was more corrupt than any other state but that it was “one hell of a competitor.”
Scott Jacobs posted on this earlier and has more at The Jury Talks Back.
UPDATE 1: The Real Barack Obama has a video round-up.
UPDATE 2: In the comments, daleyrocks points out that I failed to note Blagojevich’s Party affiliation. Governor Blagojevich is a Democrat.
How in the world did this clown go on his normal ways when anyone who reads Blogs knows the Gov was under suspicion? While I certainly think this is the best entertainment since King Eliot the Spitzer was corralled, I’ll wager Rod’s attorney(s) will argue the Internet visibility did not make this a true ‘secret’ investigation and, thus Rod was playing to the microphones.
SeniorD (420a98) — 12/9/2008 @ 11:24 amFrom Instapundit –
THEY TOLD ME THAT IF PRESIDENT BUSH WERE RE-ELECTED, the government would try to get hostile editorialists fired. And they were right!
carlitos (52fcd8) — 12/9/2008 @ 11:32 amBWAHAHAHAHA!!!!
I wish I was in Chicago today…
Scott Jacobs (90ff96) — 12/9/2008 @ 11:34 amScott – WLS (the radio station, not the poster here) was absolutely en fuego today. Non-stop incredulous hosts and reporters. It was compelling. It’s the first time I heard the new Mancow show and it was right up his alley.
carlitos (52fcd8) — 12/9/2008 @ 11:35 amWhat’s the big deal? Right now, Obama’s old Senate seat is being auctioned on eBay.
Free shipping, too!
Official Internet Data Office (d63971) — 12/9/2008 @ 11:44 amHey, I posted earlier than Scott, DRJ.
From the The Right to Credit
Filed under: Economics — DRJ @ 5:18 pm
[Guest post by DRJ]
Here’s my post and time stamp. 2 hours before Scott.
Here’s the link, good bye to another crooked Ill. Gov.,0,7997804.story
I wonder if Obama has ties to this, and if Obama will pardon Rod B. as his first order of business 1/20/08?
Comment by PCD — 12/9/2008 @ 7:38 am
PCD (7fe637) — 12/9/2008 @ 11:56 amI’m not even that impressed by the guy’s hair. Second-rate Traficant wannabe.
Jack Klompus (cf3660) — 12/9/2008 @ 11:58 amAs they used to say over at firedoglake, Merry Fitzmas!
doug (fbba00) — 12/9/2008 @ 12:08 pmPCD,
Obviously you were on top of this story. I wish I had read your comment this morning — I would have posted sooner. Good work and keep those tips coming.
DRJ (b4db3a) — 12/9/2008 @ 12:10 pmWhere’s the frog march?
Perfect Sense (9d1b08) — 12/9/2008 @ 12:14 pmIn my defense, I woke up WAY late, and hadn’t read a single post before I posted my story…
Scott Jacobs (90ff96) — 12/9/2008 @ 12:18 pm11, Scott, the early (t-)bird, me, catches the slimy worm (Blogo). ;->
PCD (7fe637) — 12/9/2008 @ 12:27 pmPCD at #6, Obama doesn’t have to wait for no stinkin’ inauguration. He can simply announce a full and complete pardon today using his authority under the Office of the President Elect. It’s covered in the US Constitution under the Audacity Clause.
Ropelight (33f5e3) — 12/9/2008 @ 12:29 pmThis guy just had his Gary Hart moment – “go ahead an tape me”.
Another Drew (0c4ac4) — 12/9/2008 @ 12:30 pmWhat a fool.
He’s part of the Daley Machine, so we already knew he was a crook.
Now the whole world will know just how big of one he actually is.
14, AD, I’m wondering how much of the Daley machine Blogo will take with him to prison? Maybe Obama?
PCD (7fe637) — 12/9/2008 @ 12:32 pmHe’s not going to go to the slam by himself.
He’s not the type.
Wonder how much the contract will be for?
One good thing you can say about Hot-Rod,
Another Drew (0c4ac4) — 12/9/2008 @ 12:39 pmThey didn’t find him in bed with a dead girl, or a live boy.
16, I’m sure he won’t take a Daley with him. They are too smart and they put in firewalls like the Clintons did with their staffs to keep them out of jail.
PCD (7fe637) — 12/9/2008 @ 12:40 pmI hope Blagojevich cooperates. He must have a lot of tales to tell, and I’d love to hear them.
DRJ (b4db3a) — 12/9/2008 @ 12:42 pmDaley isn’t stupid enough to do anything directly and expecially on the freakin home/office phone. Didn’t Blago ever watch that movie with the mobsters, what was it.. Wise Guys??? No, oh yeah, Goodfellas. Yeah, that was it…never talk on your own bleepin phone! Even his wife was in on it, yelling over his shoulder “fire the f%^$ers” (at the Chicago Tribune). This is GREAT!
J. Raymond Wright (0440ef) — 12/9/2008 @ 12:50 pmWhy was a SWAT team not used to apprehend this dastardly fellow, break down his door, shoot his dogs, you know for his protection and stuff?
That bail is a joke as well, should be much closer to 4.5 mill.
Too bad this did not come down prior to Nov.
I wonder how much bailout money it cost BoA to get this rolling on the fast track?
Oh I’m just full of it today! 🙂
TC (0b9ca4) — 12/9/2008 @ 12:52 pmSo, what does this do for our friends on the left’s meme that political corruption is a Republican problem?
On the same day, we have this relatively unnoticed story, that Senator Larry Craig has lost his bid to withdraw his guilty plea. I’ll take a Republican senator trolling a public restroom over a Democratic governor trying to auction off a senate seat any day!
The partisan Republican Dana (3e4784) — 12/9/2008 @ 1:03 pmAbsolutely nothing. This won’t even register…
Scott Jacobs (90ff96) — 12/9/2008 @ 1:06 pmWait a minute, 22 comments here and no one yet has said “This isn’t the Rod Blagojevich that I knew”?
JVW (bff0a4) — 12/9/2008 @ 1:15 pmWould you want to admit that you knew this …. ?
Another Drew (0c4ac4) — 12/9/2008 @ 1:18 pm“This IS the Rod Blagojevich’s hairdo that I knew”
Jack Klompus (cf3660) — 12/9/2008 @ 1:19 pmI’m sorry, Mr Jacobs; how could I have been so foolish, or naïvely optimistic?
The partisan Republican Dana (3e4784) — 12/9/2008 @ 1:20 pmOne humorous aside is the fact that The Philadelphia Inquirer had this hero-worshiping story about Governor Blagojevich on the front page of today’s business section, complete with a 15 column inch picture of their hero.
The easily amused Dana (3e4784) — 12/9/2008 @ 1:23 pmI guess Hot rod got so used to using extortion to get his ways he forgot that when you are the direct beneficiary it is criminal…..
…. cause what was done to BoA is not criminal according to the law but certainly extortion.
Da'Shiznit (089453) — 12/9/2008 @ 1:27 pmComment by The easily amused Dana — 12/9/2008 @ 1:23 pm
It could only be better if they had a nice 2-shot of Hot-Rod and Ed, grippin’ and grinnin’.
Another Drew (0c4ac4) — 12/9/2008 @ 1:28 pm27 – no surprise. They’re still harping on the money spent on Palin’s wardrobe and hair. The Philadelphia media is such a joke they don’t even try anymore. I check to see how the Phillies are doing during baseball season and occasionally laugh at its pandering to its simple-minded, one-party constituency in that city. Although Chicago seems to make Philly look squeaky clean by comparison.
Jack Klompus (cf3660) — 12/9/2008 @ 1:35 pmI saw the news conference this morning and the video of Blago had him looking just like a Mafia soldier.
If you want to see delusions in action, see this:
Prosecutors also alleged Blagojevich expressed feeling “stuck” as a sitting governor and spent a large amount of time weighing whether he should appoint himself to the vacancy–possibly to avoid impeachment and help remake his image for a potential 2016 run for the presidency. A recent Tribune poll found Blagojevich with a record low 13 percent job approval rating.
Mike K (f89cb3) — 12/9/2008 @ 1:40 pmFor perspective, *I* would have a better chance of getting elected to the White House than Roddy would…
Scott Jacobs (90ff96) — 12/9/2008 @ 1:47 pmWhat’s wrong with selling Senate seats? That’s how the current occupant got his. You don’t actually think both of his opponents in the Primary and General got Obamacized out of coincidence, do you?
Roy Mustang (ad5f36) — 12/9/2008 @ 1:48 pmI need money said Governor Rod
The Limerick Avenger (556f76) — 12/9/2008 @ 1:56 pmSo if you want the Senate nod
Come up with the cash
And do it real fast
And then you can work with Chris Dodd.
I thought I’d get cash
The Haiku Avenger (556f76) — 12/9/2008 @ 1:58 pmfor selling Barack’s old seat;
wonder what jail’s like?
Selling Barack’s old seat for cash would be an obamanation.
The Punny Avenger (556f76) — 12/9/2008 @ 1:59 pm“You’re just a pile of shit! You’re coming to this?”
Icy Texan (b7d162) — 12/9/2008 @ 2:08 pm— Johnny Rotten
I’m not surprised. Stevens from Alaska, the guy from New Orleans. Our government is driven by greedy corporate CEO, self greed and the wealthy elite. These guys run our government, not the elected officials. Time for a change??? How about a new government………..that truly does what is best for the people of the country and not what corruption and greed can buy.
October 2008 – Eight-term Massachusetts State Senator DIANNE WILKERSON was arrested this morning on public corruption charges stemming from her acceptance of more than $20,000 in cash payments to introduce legislation in the State Senate.
Tim (946abb) — 12/9/2008 @ 2:23 pm#39 Tim – Time to play: Name that Party!
Perfect Sense (9d1b08) — 12/9/2008 @ 2:27 pmUmmmm… Bull Moose?
Scott Jacobs (90ff96) — 12/9/2008 @ 2:32 pm“America is at that awkward stage. It’s too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards.”
Tic Toc Tic Toc!
TC (0b9ca4) — 12/9/2008 @ 2:33 pmThink about this. Obama has to decide which federal prosecutors he wants to keep and which to fire. I believe he’s on record praising Fitzgerald in the past. So, one would not think he would replace him. But, that also means he wouldn’t consider firing all federal prosecutors and starting with a clean slate…unless of course he really wants to get rid of Fitzgerald now for any reason….hmmm
dianne (eb6864) — 12/9/2008 @ 3:12 pmDRJ – From which party does Governor Blago hail? I hope you’re not auditioning to become an MSM journalist.
daleyrocks (5d22c0) — 12/9/2008 @ 3:12 pmHeh. I plead res ipsa loquitur.
DRJ (8b9d41) — 12/9/2008 @ 3:15 pmI hope Blagojevich cooperates.
Hmmm, I’d have to say that’s doubtful at this point. Blago is too tied up into other powerful interests, and there has been long – standing speculation that his wife has been into his affairs up to her eyeballs. To top it off, his estranged Father – in – Law (and also his Kingmaker) is a long – time Chicago Alderman with ties into just about everything you could shake a stick at these days. No, there are too many bodies that could be buried, expect Blago to go all the way down with this one.
Dmac (e30284) — 12/9/2008 @ 3:17 pmBTW, the reason that Daley will remain Teflon in all of this is the same reason why his father never got caught: the old man’s admonition to his cronies was always “do whatever you like, but don’t get caught.”
Dmac (e30284) — 12/9/2008 @ 3:18 pmThis news partially solves Obama’s dilemma over what to do with Fitzgerald. Since everyone knew he was closing in on the governor and would love to nail Mayor Richie, Obama was asked what he would do with Fitzgerald of he was elected. Getting rid of him would make it look like Obama was protecting his friends. I think Obama realized that and promised that he would not. That left open the widely held theory that Obama would promote Fitzgerald out of the state rather than firing him. Having this major indictment on the table gives Obama more flexibility, although Fitzgerald is still pursuing Daley.
daleyrocks (5d22c0) — 12/9/2008 @ 3:23 pmSo, what is the Dem-left spin on this?
I’m guessing it’s going to be along the lines that he was entrapped or set up by Rove-Cheney conspiracy. Or, he was trying to trick federal investigators so he could expose their corruption.
Then there’s the always popular drug and/or alcohol addiction for which he will apologize and enter rehab.
Whatever it is, it will be off the front page and newscasts within 24 hours. I was just listening to ABC Radio news with Charlie Gibson. He had it down to the second story. By in the morning, it will be gone.
Poor Fitz. I hope he knows he won’t get near the mileage out of this that he did with Scooter.
Ag80 (3ad3e9) — 12/9/2008 @ 3:34 pmThe truth is that he married Mell’s daughter.
He was just an empty suit — a nice boy with a pretty face. It was his good fortune/misfortune to marry the daughter of the most powerful and most corrupt alderman in Chicago. The rest is just good old-fashioned Chicago politics.
Just as an example, from personal experience. There’s something in Chicago called “aldermanic privilege”. In the situation I’m familiar with, Mell’s permission was needed for a tavern license. He had a fixed price. $5,000.00.
nk (094d4d) — 12/9/2008 @ 3:47 pmTsk, tsk, DRJ. Your in bad company. The NY Times did not think Gov. Blago’s party affiliation was worth mentioning either.
Our beloved Dog Trainer mentioned it about 15 paragraphs into the story. Their excuse is that they ran the Chicago Tribune story.
Stu707 (7fb2e7) — 12/9/2008 @ 4:37 pmThe man is a moron.
A complete idiot.
Did he really think that he would get away with it all?
This sort of thing is getting typical of our leaders today.
How sad.
We need to rise up and take a solid stand against government corruption because we have had enough of it!
George Vreeland Hill
George Vreeland Hill (3bc140) — 12/9/2008 @ 4:40 pmThe Chicago FBI agent-in-charge also made a brief statement at the Fitzgerald press conference. He said he didn’t know if Illinois was more corrupt than any other state but that it was “one hell of a competitor.”
I wondered the very same thing about Chicago… from Al Capone to Rod Blagojevich… is it something in the water?
Dana (79a78b) — 12/9/2008 @ 4:56 pmHey, Dems! Remind us again about how dumb Governor Palin is.
L.N. Smithee (9c1fce) — 12/9/2008 @ 5:05 pmYou have got to see this. Illinois congressional leaders want to pass a bill to take away the governor’s power to appoint senators to open seats –
“I will call the Senate back to session to pass legislation that would create a special election,” Mr. Jones said in his statement. Doing so will “help restore the confidence of the people of Illinois during this difficult time.”
Yeah, sure. The nice little bill will take effect right after the precious Governor signs it in his cell. Not. He is the governor. He can easily delay it enough to make his own appointment.
Funny how the article does not mention this little bit of information, or the mad desperation of the legislators that their act implies by making far-reaching succession changes they know won’t stick. Duh.
(I first tried to post this on the Jury Talks Back, maybe I am just impatient)
Amphipolis (e6b868) — 12/9/2008 @ 5:07 pmDana wrote:
Maybe it’s that green dye they put in the Chicago River every St. Patrick’s Day.
L.N. Smithee (9c1fce) — 12/9/2008 @ 5:08 pm53…. if I must:
She had to go to like 6 different fourth tier colleges until she found one that would let her graduate
She couldn’t name a single magazine she had ever read.
She thinks seeing another country counts as foreign policy experience.
She thinks that Russia actually invades Alaska and that she was the one that is in charge of the counter-attack (hey, I didn’t make that up, she inferred it).
During the Veep debates she couldn’t even answer a directed question, she just spouted off from memory a bunch of talking points they gave her during her prep.
Um…. help me out guys, am I missing any others? I am sure I left a few others unsaid.
Why is it that this story is getting a lot of attention, while the Supreme Court throwing out the Obama citizenship case (which was a staple of this site for weeks) got next to nothing. Ohhh, right. You guys don’t acknowledge when you’re wrong. Weird.
truthnjustice (d99227) — 12/9/2008 @ 5:18 pmObamaphilia: A recently diagnosed paraphilia, an unnatural attraction to an empty suit characterized by venomous hatred towards all those who do not worship it.
nk (094d4d) — 12/9/2008 @ 5:21 pmL.N. Smithee, perhaps the more pertinent question is what is wrong with the people of Chicago, who not only tolerate these liars and frauds but continue to vote them in?
Dana (79a78b) — 12/9/2008 @ 5:27 pmCouldn’t we ask why the back woods folks of SC continued to vote in an incapacitated racist for around 50 years?
truthnjustice (d99227) — 12/9/2008 @ 5:34 pmnk the psychiatrist diagnoses a new illness:
The Nobel Prize in Medicine is heading your way, though there is a possibility that the Nobel Committee will require that you share it with the discoverer of Bush Derangement Syndrome.
The completely sane Dana (556f76) — 12/9/2008 @ 5:39 pmCompounditis: the complete inability of a blog poster (95% of the time, a liberal) to properly write a compound word — example: back woods (backwoods).
Icy Texan (b7d162) — 12/9/2008 @ 5:41 pmDepends alert on aisle 55.
Another Drew (dd7bc2) — 12/9/2008 @ 5:42 pmPoo flinging on aisle 58.
Another Drew (dd7bc2) — 12/9/2008 @ 5:44 pmDid you skip your meds today?
I don’t think Byrd’s been in the Senate for 50 years… And he isn’t from SC…
Scott Jacobs (90ff96) — 12/9/2008 @ 5:52 pmCouldn’t we ask why the back woods folks of SC continued to vote in an incapacitated racist for around 50 years?
A better question would be why they continued to vote for man who as Democrat Governor placed a small Confederate flag on the state flag in response to the Civil Rights Act of 1968…a man who then became a US Senator from that state?
Or how about this one: how come Al Gore, during his entire political career representing Tennessee, never called for the repeal of the Tennessee state holiday for the founder of the Ku Klux Klan?
We can play that game all day,
thread hijackertruthnjustice.Face it: one of your own got caught, and the left is furiously scrubbing up the mess so that none of his slimy dirt splashes onto The One.
Problem is, the indictment is 76 pages long, and has The One’s name and the names of his closest
Paul (creator of "Staunch Brayer") (152589) — 12/9/2008 @ 5:57 pmminionsassociates prominently displayed.He is not one of my own. I never voted for the guy, didn’t vouch for him in the past and certainly won’t in the future.
truthnjustice (d99227) — 12/9/2008 @ 5:59 pmPolitico looks at Illinois (and other corruption-prone states)in an effort to understand what the common factors are to produce such an outcome.
The publication Corporate Crime Reporter crunched Department of Justice statistics in 2007 to rank the 35 most populous states of the nation by corruption. The publication calculated a corruption rate, which it defined as the total number of public corruption convictions from 1997 to 2006 per 100,000 residents.
These are the top 10:
1. Louisiana(7.67)
2. Mississippi (6.66)
3. Kentucky (5.18)
4. Alabama (4.76)
5. Ohio(4.69)
6. Illinois (4.68)
7. Pennsylvania (4.55)
8. Florida (4.47)
9. New Jersey (4.32)
10. New York (3.95)
Dana (79a78b) — 12/9/2008 @ 6:01 pmHe is not one of my own. I never voted for the guy, didn’t vouch for him in the past and certainly won’t in the future.
Then stop playing “Hey! Look over there!”
Paul (creator of "Staunch Brayer") (152589) — 12/9/2008 @ 6:03 pmHey, we’re only number seven ’cause a couple of our pols beat the rap!
The Dana in Pennsylvania (556f76) — 12/9/2008 @ 6:04 pmPointing out someone’s inconsistency is not playing ‘hey, look over there’. Figure it out, Paul.
truthnjustice (d99227) — 12/9/2008 @ 6:05 pmWell, it’s obvious that the prosecutors in NY & NJ are either very poor at their jobs, or they’ve been paid off.
Another Drew (dd7bc2) — 12/9/2008 @ 6:05 pmPointing out someone’s inconsistency is not playing ‘hey, look over there’.
Let’s review:
What does this question have to do with the subject of the post?
That’s right, absolutely nothing.
That is the quintessential definition of “Hey! Look over there!”
Paul (creator of "Staunch Brayer") (152589) — 12/9/2008 @ 6:10 pmOiram and TNJ – Threadjackers du jour.
Dmac (e30284) — 12/9/2008 @ 6:13 pmCouldn’t we ask why the back woods folks of SC continued to vote in an incapacitated racist for around 50 years?
Comment by truthnjustice — 12/9/2008 @ 5:34 pm
I’m not sure how you think this correlates, (assuming it was made in response to my comment above this @ #57)?
Dana (79a78b) — 12/9/2008 @ 6:18 pmA immoral criminal will appoint someone to replace someone who was appointed by immoral criminals. Poetic.
Roy Mustang (ad5f36) — 12/9/2008 @ 6:22 pmComment by Dana — 12/9/2008 @ 6:18 pm
Plus, he confuses Byrd of WV (who was a community organizer for the KKK), with Helms of NC (who was a journalist and broadcaster).
Another Drew (dd7bc2) — 12/9/2008 @ 6:27 pmToday is International Anti-Corruption Day. Seriously.
The United Nations’ (UN) International Anti-Corruption Day aims to raise public awareness of corruption and what people can do to fight it. It is observed on December 9 each year.
International Anti-Corruption Day is a time for political leaders, governments, legal bodies and lobby groups to work together against corruption work by promoting the day and the issues that surround this event. On this day anti-corruption advocates organize events to engage the general public to effectively fight against corruption and fraud in communities.
Dana (79a78b) — 12/9/2008 @ 6:29 pmComment by Dana — 12/9/2008 @ 6:29 pm
That’s really rich.
Another Drew (dd7bc2) — 12/9/2008 @ 6:34 pmThe group that provides a forum for the likes of Mugabe is proclaiming an International Anti-Corruption Day.
Next thing we’ll find out is that Rezko and Hot-Rod are political prisoners.
I have been on this site for weeks. You obviously have no idea what du jour means.
truthnjustice (d99227) — 12/9/2008 @ 6:35 pmThe Combine has been in trouble ever since the FBI cracked down on the Mob and we just don’t have the high-quality hitmen, like Aleman and the Spillotro brothers, to take out the snitches like we used to.
nk (094d4d) — 12/9/2008 @ 6:37 pmActually, AD,
Paul (creator of "Staunch Brayer") (152589) — 12/9/2008 @ 6:38 pmthread hijackertruthnjustice was talking about SC Republican convert Strom Thurmond, the longest-serving US Senator in history (until Byrd passed him), branded a racist by moonbats because he ran for President as a member of the Dixiecrat party.Actually he was branded a racist because he was a racist. Racists should be regarded as such, because they hate other races. That, in a nutshell, is the definition of racism, which is what Strom Thurmond was: a racist.
truthnjustice (d99227) — 12/9/2008 @ 6:43 pmWell, that may be the case, but like so much of what he posts, it is ambiguous at best.
Another Drew (dd7bc2) — 12/9/2008 @ 6:45 pmNext time, he should state who he is accussing of being a racist.
Of course, he probably forgets that for most of his political life, Senator Thurmond was a Democrat.
Here is some nice reading for y’all. I checked it for any big words and I didn’t find any, so you should be able to read it with some help.
Or, if that didn’t tickle your fancy:
truthnjustice (d99227) — 12/9/2008 @ 6:46 pmI have been on this site for weeks. You obviously have no idea what du jour means.
I assume you are referring to this definition of the term (from Merriam-Webster)
…but AD used the term in this context (also from Merriam-Webster)
Since you and Oiram’s threadjacking is prominently displayed on this website repeatedly, that makes the two of you Threadjackers du jour.
Paul (creator of "Staunch Brayer") (152589) — 12/9/2008 @ 6:47 pmActually he was branded a racist because he was a racist. Racists should be regarded as such, because they hate other races. That, in a nutshell, is the definition of racism, which is what Strom Thurmond was: a racist.
Speaking of inconsistency, do you brand Robert Byrd a racist, and more importantly: what does any of this have to do with Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, Threadjacker?
Paul (creator of "Staunch Brayer") (152589) — 12/9/2008 @ 6:50 pmPoint of personal privilege…
Another Drew (dd7bc2) — 12/9/2008 @ 6:50 pmI don’t refer to truthnjustice as a threadjacker du jour, I call him liesntyranny.
I believe it is Eric who shorthands him as Tdj, others use tmj.
Of course, he probably forgets that for most of his political life, Senator Thurmond was a Democrat.
Are you trying to be incorrect, Another Drew? From 1964-2003 he was a Republican. That is 39 years. His political career began when he was elected governor of South Carolina in 1946. That leaves only 18-19 years as a Democrat. But wait! From ’48-’54 he identified himself as a dixiecrat (which is not a democrat). So, basically you are telling me that 39 is less than 11 or 12?
truthnjustice (d99227) — 12/9/2008 @ 6:52 pmOh, now we are providing links to serious objective journalists, Threadjacker?
Paul (creator of "Staunch Brayer") (152589) — 12/9/2008 @ 6:52 pmSo Another Drew was calling me fashionable? I’ll take that.
truthnjustice (d99227) — 12/9/2008 @ 6:54 pmYou guys don’t acknowledge when you’re wrong. Weird.
Comment by truthnjustice
Speaking of weird. You repeat a bunch of Tina Fey statements and think you are an investigative reporter.
Mike K (2cf494) — 12/9/2008 @ 6:54 pmSo when are you going to address my questions about Ernest Hollings and Al Gore, Threadjacker?
Paul (creator of "Staunch Brayer") (152589) — 12/9/2008 @ 6:54 pmMike K can read minds and thoughts! Amazing! Actually the stuff I posted came from her (palin’s) mouth.
truthnjustice (d99227) — 12/9/2008 @ 6:56 pmActually the stuff I posted came from her (palin’s) mouth.
Links, Threadjacker?
And when are you going to adress the suybject of the post, indictments and arrest of Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich and how the left is furiously scrubbing up the mess so that none of his slimy dirt splashes onto The One, and stop playing “Hey! Look over there! Strom Thurmond was a racist!”
Paul (creator of "Staunch Brayer") (152589) — 12/9/2008 @ 7:01 pm“address the subject”
Paul (creator of "Staunch Brayer") (152589) — 12/9/2008 @ 7:01 pmStrom Thurmond first ran for political office in 1933, elected to the State Senate of SC, while practicing law.
Another Drew (dd7bc2) — 12/9/2008 @ 7:07 pmIn WW-2, he was an officer with the 82nd Airborne Div., landing in France on D-Day, earning 18 major decorations, and retiring from the Army Reserves as a Major General.
He was elected Governor in 1946, and challenged Truman in the primaries in ’48 for President, then running as an independent “Dixiecrat”.
Elected to the U.S. Senate as a write-in candidate, he remained a Democrat until 1964, when he endorsed Barry Goldwater.
Since Sen. Thurmond was a Southerner, I think it would be safe to say that while he was in college (Clemson-’23), law school, and private practice, he was a Democrat. Oh, BTW, he was also the Supt. of Education at a local school district in the late 20’s, before he went into law.
Perhaps as a national politician, he spent more time as a member of the GOP, but when looking at his adult life, he was a Democrat longer than he was a Republican.
And, he was never accussed of being a member of the KKK to my knowledge.
Elected U.S.Senate 1954.
Another Drew (dd7bc2) — 12/9/2008 @ 7:08 pmOh, nice links….
Another Drew (dd7bc2) — 12/9/2008 @ 7:11 pma political writer for the Globe & Mail in Canada (2002), and some scribe for the Irish Times (1998).
Guess you couldn’t find any domestic writers who would be as acerbic in their disdain for the Senator? Who, BTW, always conducted himself as a complete gentleman.
Last I heard, Strom Thurmond was stone-cold graveyard dead.
Leave it to our friends on the left to dig up the strangest bovine feces they can, and pretend it means something. On the Delaware Liberal, they are up in arms because George and Laura Bush bought a house in a neighborhood that used to have racially restrictive covenants.
It isn’t that they have them now, or that such could be enforced by law since the 1948 decision Shelly v Kraemer, but that the place used to have such covenants.
The Dana shaking his head in disbelief (556f76) — 12/9/2008 @ 7:11 pmComment by liesntyranny — 12/9/2008 @ 6:54 pm
No, I didn’t call you, nor would I ever consider you, fashionable.
Another Drew (dd7bc2) — 12/9/2008 @ 7:14 pmAbout as fashionalbe as a zit.
Comment by The Dana shaking his head in disbelief — 12/9/2008 @ 7:11 pm
Don’t even ask about the land titles in Beverly Hills or Malibu which are owned by the oh-so-trendy and “fashionable”.
Another Drew (dd7bc2) — 12/9/2008 @ 7:17 pmAll BH titles carried racially restrictive covenants.
Comment by The Dana shaking his head in disbelief — 12/9/2008 @ 7:11 pm
We can play that game, too. Get a load of this: Racial Restrictive Covenants on Chicago’s South Side in 1947.
Guess who represented parts of Chicago’s South Side as a Illinois State Senator?
Forget that “many of the neighborhoods encumbered with racially restrictive covenants were subsequently settled by African Americans once the covenants had been declared unconstitutional.” The One represented neighborhoods that used to have racially restrictive covenants!!!!!!!eleventy!!!!!!
Paul (creator of "Staunch Brayer") (152589) — 12/9/2008 @ 7:39 pmTO # 40. It does not matter to me what party…..corrupt is corrupt
Tim (7b82e7) — 12/9/2008 @ 7:43 pmWhy is that most of Obama’s associates are either crooks or crazies?
daleyrocks (5d22c0) — 12/9/2008 @ 7:44 pmTO # 40. It does not matter to me what party…..corrupt is corrupt
Maybe not to you, but the MSM has a habit of prominently displaying party affiliation of corrupt Republicans, and omitting such when the corrupt happens to be a Democrat.
Ace of Spades made this a regular feature there.
Paul (creator of "Staunch Brayer") (152589) — 12/9/2008 @ 7:48 pm# 51 GVH – I’m with you. Time for a revolution. The government is corrupt…..we have failed to manage our own fiscal affairs. China owns our debt and hope they don’t decide to dump the dollar cuz then we are done. Start learning to speak Chinese cuz that is who we will be answering to………
Tim (7b82e7) — 12/9/2008 @ 7:51 pmWhy is that most of Obama’s associates are either crooks or crazies?
He hasn’t been sworn in yet, and he’s already exceeded Bill Clinton in breadth and scope of dirty affiliations.
Paul (creator of "Staunch Brayer") (152589) — 12/9/2008 @ 7:52 pm104. I understand your point and agree. FOX has their party favorite, MSN has theirs….the media does not know how to report without being biased…..who owns them and what are the party affiliation. Nuff said about that. The only point I want to make is there is very few people in any government office, city, state or federal who are in power are innocent and truly want to do what is best. They are easily swayed in their decision making process, bought etc.
Tim (7b82e7) — 12/9/2008 @ 7:55 pmAlthough Obama denied speaking with Governor Whathisname today about filling the empty Senate seat, David Axelrod said Baracky had during a November 23 television appearance. Axelrod obviously hadn’t gotten the future talking points down and later in the day daid he had misspoken during that television appearance. Funny, no correction had appeared between November 23 and today.
daleyrocks (5d22c0) — 12/9/2008 @ 7:59 pm“The only point I want to make is there is very few people in any government office, city, state or federal who are in power are innocent and truly want to do what is best.”
Absolute total bullshit!
daleyrocks (5d22c0) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:01 pm“Safe to say” doesn’t sound very scientific to me, not to mention that one’s political career doesn’t start when he is in law school or even a practicing lawyer for that matter. Just admit your error and we’ll move on, Another Drew.
truthnjustice (d99227) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:05 pmStrom Thurmond was a Democrat, and an elected Democratic Senator at that, until 1964 (when he was 62 years old). Is that scientific enough for you, jackass?
Official Internet Data Office (a59c69) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:08 pmUntil his racist views no longer meshed with the Democratic party, and he switched to the Republicans. Is that scientific enough for you? He was a Senator for almost 40 years after that. He was not in political office 40 years before 1964 so your boy is not accurate in his earlier statement. His ‘Data’ was incorrect. Why won’t he admit it?
truthnjustice (d99227) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:10 pm“Safe to say” doesn’t sound very scientific to me, not to mention that one’s political career doesn’t start when he is in law school or even a practicing lawyer for that matter. Just admit your error and we’ll move on, Another Drew.
First line in AD #95:
Strom Thurmond first ran for political office in 1933, elected to the State Senate of SC, while practicing law.
And what does this have to do with the subject of the post, Threadjacker?
Paul (creator of "Staunch Brayer") (152589) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:12 pmHe was not in political office 40 years before 1964
So only elected political office counts as to party affiliation, Threadjacker?
And what does this have to do with the indictments and arrest of Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, Threadjacker?
Paul (creator of "Staunch Brayer") (152589) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:14 pmThe numbers still don’t add up, Paul. The fact is that Strom Thurmond was a Republican for not only the majority of his political career, but a large portion of his career holding major office. Another Drew… I know you’re out there. Admit you’re wrong.
truthnjustice (d99227) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:16 pmPlease ignore tnj, everyone.
I would like to see the FBI and Fitzgerald interview both
nk (094d4d) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:18 pmAxelrodObama’s staff and Obama regarding any conversations with Blagojevich about Obama’s replacement. What is that obscure federal statute …? Title 18, Section 1001?The numbers still don’t add up, Paul.
And you’re still a threadjacker, Threadjacker.
Paul (creator of "Staunch Brayer") (152589) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:18 pmIf I’ve got my history right, Thurmond did make that worthless corrupt sack of shit, Carol Mosely-Braun from Illinois, cry in a senate elevator by singing or whistling dixie, so that’s OK in my book.
daleyrocks (5d22c0) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:19 pmTranslation: Even though it is not a major error, we cannot at any time have one of our dear commentators admit to being incorrect. Doing so would open the flood gates for all of our fantasies to come crashing down on us in a Johnstown-esque disaster.
truthnjustice (d99227) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:20 pmPlease ignore tnj, everyone.
From now on, every comment Threadjacker makes not addressing the post topic will be responded to with “And what does this have to do with the indictments and arrest of Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, Threadjacker?”
Paul (creator of "Staunch Brayer") (152589) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:21 pmTranslation: Even though it is not a major error, we cannot at any time have one of our dear commentators admit to being incorrect. Doing so would open the flood gates for all of our fantasies to come crashing down on us in a Johnstown-esque disaster.
And what does this have to do with the indictments and arrest of Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, Threadjacker?
Paul (creator of "Staunch Brayer") (152589) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:22 pmAdmit that Another Drew was wrong and I’ll answer your question.
truthnjustice (d99227) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:22 pmtnj – How many more of Obama’s associates are going to get indicted as part of this corription probe?
daleyrocks (5d22c0) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:23 pmA better response:
Translation: Even though it is not a major error, we cannot at any time have one of our dear commentators admit to being incorrect. Doing so would open the flood gates for all of our fantasies to come crashing down on us in a Johnstown-esque disaster.
And when are you going to address the subject of the post, indictments and arrest of Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich and how the left is furiously scrubbing up the mess so that none of his slimy dirt splashes onto The One, and stop playing “Hey! Look over there! Strom Thurmond was a racist!”
Paul (creator of "Staunch Brayer") (152589) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:24 pm…I am waiting…
truthnjustice (d99227) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:25 pmWhat the hell is this? Strom Thurmond ran for President in 1948 on the States’ Right party ticket (also known as the “Dixiecrats”) and had been a racist Democrat his whole life until 1964, when he decided that the socialist creeps in the Democratic party were even worse to hang around with than the racist Democrats he’d been associated with before them. George Wallace was a Democrat! Theodore Bilbo was a Democrat! Orval Faubus, whose schools Eisenhower had to desegregate, was a Democrat! The guy who argued in the Supreme Court for segregation in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas was a Democrat, and his name was John W. Davis–and he had been the Democratic presidential nominee in 1924! (He lost to Coolidge.)
But you didn’t know that! You don’t know crap. When you post, it’s like venereal disease on the thread. Eeeeew!
Official Internet Data Office (a59c69) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:25 pmAdmit that Another Drew was wrong and I’ll answer your question.
When are you going to admit you are a threadjacker, Threadjacker?
And when are you going to address the subject of the post, indictments and arrest of Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich and how the left is furiously scrubbing up the mess so that none of his slimy dirt splashes onto The One, and stop playing “Hey! Look over there! Strom Thurmond was a racist!”
Paul (creator of "Staunch Brayer") (152589) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:25 pm…I am waiting…
When are you going to admit you are a threadjacker, Threadjacker?
And when are you going to address the subject of the post, indictments and arrest of Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich and how the left is furiously scrubbing up the mess so that none of his slimy dirt splashes onto The One, and stop playing “Hey! Look over there! Strom Thurmond was a racist!”
Paul (creator of "Staunch Brayer") (152589) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:26 pmData boy: Anybody recent? No. Republicans have the monopoly on racism now. But, I digress. I have made my point, which is that nobody on here is willing to admit when they are wrong. If you are unable to do so with such stinging evidence thrown in your face, how can anybody not question the veracity of every single argument you make on here? Quite sad, really…
truthnjustice (d99227) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:29 pmData boy: Anybody recent? No. Republicans have the monopoly on racism now. But, I digress. I have made my point, which is that nobody on here is willing to admit when they are wrong. If you are unable to do so with such stinging evidence thrown in your face, how can anybody not question the veracity of every single argument you make on here? Quite sad, really…
When are you going to admit you are a threadjacker, Threadjacker?
And when are you going to address the subject of the post, indictments and arrest of Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich and how the left is furiously scrubbing up the mess so that none of his slimy dirt splashes onto The One, and stop playing “Hey! Look over there! Strom Thurmond was a racist!”
Paul (creator of "Staunch Brayer") (152589) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:30 pmHey, folks, don’t get the calculator out. You know how this guy/gal is. It’s all about getting you angry. Feelings, not facts, as usual.
Sure, you could point out Thurmond’s party affiliation when he was elected to the South Carolina Senate in 1933. Considering that the South Carolina Senate had no Republicans at all between 1902 and 1966, it’s not tough to guess his affiliation at the time. You could move on to 1946, when he ran for Governor of South Carolina as a…wait for it…Democrat.
It’s all from Wikipedia, and not hard to figure out. But it doesn’t fit the “Republicans Baaaaad…Democrats Goooood” motif from this character. Besides, it would involve looking things up instead of spouting off.
All I know is who had the longest filibuster on record, that person’s afflliation party affiliation at the time, and over what piece of legislation.
Thurmond was a real Democrat at the time. You can’t slop that over onto Republicans without accepting the business in italics above as a Democratic responsibility.
Or you could say it was all a long time ago and move on. Sort of like the Left does with Robert Byrd, formerly of the KKK.
Eric Blair (8f93a0) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:30 pmIn conclusion: And here is where I address the argument of the post…. How can I be sure that these links aren’t other people with your complete inability to understand what truth is without having to filter it through their political lenses? This is just a bunch of political porn typed up by people who can’t discern truth from fiction so that you all can read it and… well, do what you are doing here. None of this changes the fact that America is headed in a new and positive direction and leaving you behind to sulk.
truthnjustice (d99227) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:33 pm39 > 35 (at most 35) is not a feeling, it is a fact.
truthnjustice (d99227) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:34 pmAs for Blagojevich, it is clearly a bunch of lies by Karl Rove.
Actually, it will be fun to see where the threads go. My favorite part is the charming discussions of whether or not Dear Leader was in close contact with Blagojevich. At first he said no. Earlier his folks said yes. Right now we are working on nuance.
And another one under the bus!
Maybe Blagojevich was carrying cigarettes for Obama?
Eric Blair (8f93a0) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:35 pmSorry, TMJ, but when you write:
I am forced to respond that you shouldn’t feel quite so badly about your IQ.
“Vast majority” indeed!
Eric Blair (8f93a0) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:36 pmI hope Blago goes to trial and Court TV plays it live! Oh the schadenfreude!
I can’t wait to find out who the other candidates are besides Valerie Jarrett (Vernon Jordan’s neice).
Or will Blago disappear wearing a pair of cement boots?
Patricia (ee5c9d) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:36 pmHere are the first two paragraphs of one of the lead stories on Yahoo right now. Sounds like Obama is in this deep, eh? Oh wait… no it doesn’t.
truthnjustice (d99227) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:36 pmHmmm.
Worth reading. All of it, I mean.
Eric Blair (8f93a0) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:38 pmdidn’t someone post a link to an ap that would cause you to just never see certain commenters?
Scott Jacobs (90ff96) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:39 pmhahahahahaha. hot air. is. not. a. legitimate. source. of. anything.
If I read one morning that the current capital of Ohio was Columbus on that site, and I was the governor of Ohio…. I would seriously consider calling a coworker to determine if my office had moved to another city during the night.
I trust yahoo.
truthnjustice (d99227) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:41 pmIn conclusion: And here is where I address the argument of the post….
No you didn’t.
How can I be sure that these links aren’t other people with your complete inability to understand what truth is without having to filter it through their political lenses?
Oh, a 76-page indictment is “political spin.”
This is just a bunch of political porn typed up by people who can’t discern truth from fiction so that you all can read it and… well, do what you are doing here.
Oh, thios is rich. Now a 76-page indictment is “political political porn typed up by people who can’t discern truth from fiction.”
None of this changes the fact that America is headed in a new and positive direction and leaving you behind to sulk.
Oh, so a 76-page indictment of a sitting governor with the names of the President-Elect and his cronies and minions is a “new and positive direction.”
My, my.
Paul (creator of "Staunch Brayer") (152589) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:41 pm“It’s all about getting you angry.”
Eric – I don’t get angry. I laugh at the ignorant turd fondler.
daleyrocks (5d22c0) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:43 pmYou didn’t click the link, did you.
Come on, admit it…
If you had, you would have seen that it was a quote, and then video footage of Axelrod.
You’re so cute when you’re a fucking moron…
Scott Jacobs (90ff96) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:44 pmPaul. I mean this sincerely. You’re an idiot. The indictment isn’t against Obama. Obama was not arrested or charged with anything. If they had evidence against Obama you’re “darn tutin'” that he would be in cuffs. He hasn’t quite inherited the dictatorial powers from Herr Bush yet, so he isn’t above the law like Bush.
truthnjustice (d99227) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:45 pmScott: No need to stop being a lady! Keep that f-ing moron stuff where it belongs: directed at your wife.
I will not read stories from hot sh*t (air)
truthnjustice (d99227) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:47 pmApologies, but since threadjacker de beaucoup de semaines isn’t going to address the topic anyway, why not ask it what person living or dead said something to Sarah Palin, who then inferred “Russia invades Alaska, and I’m in charge of the counter attack” from their statement. Maybe it could provide a linky, s’il vous plait?
Or did it mean “implied?”
carlitos (697c70) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:47 pmComment by liesntyranny — 12/9/2008 @ 8:05 pm
Hey, you got me liesntyranny,
I misspoke.
It depends on what the meaning of most is.
Strom Thurmond grew up a Democrat, was a Democrat when he graduated from Clemson, was most assuredly a Democrat in 1929, when he became Edgefield County’s superintendent of education, serving until 1933, when he was elected to the South Carolina State Senate as a Democrat.
Now, the question is when his “political” life began?
I think a very good case could be made that was in 1929 at the latest, when he was appointed a county supt. of ed. – not a non-political office in the South, where every office was political.
I stand by my description of Strom Thurmond as being a Democrat for most of his political career.
I will even grant you that during that period, under today’s contemporary standards, he would be considered someone who practiced racial politics – I don’t concede that he was a racist, since, as I have maintained before, I don’t believe he was a member of the Klan, unlike some of his Senate contemporaries.
However, I challenge you to find any racial incident in his career whilst he was a member of the GOP. You might start by looking at some of his comments denouncing his own earlier behavior and beliefs. He was a man who realized that times had changed, and that he needed to change with them.
What has not changed is the small-minded bigotry of the Left, which glosses over the defects on its’ side of the aisle to better denounce its’ opposition who operates on a higher moral plane.
So, in the spirit of ecumenical brotherhood and tomorrows’ “Day without a Gay Day”…
Another Drew (dd7bc2) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:47 pmtruthnjustice follows the Juan Williams ‘take everything Obama says at face value’ philosophy.
Also known as the head-in-the-sand ploy.
Maybe Obama’s “new type of politics” will result in him being the first president to be both impeached AND convicted.
Icy Texan (b7d162) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:48 pmHere are the first two paragraphs of one of the lead stories on Yahoo right now. Sounds like Obama is in this deep, eh? Oh wait… no it doesn’t.
What did I say repeatedly?
I’ll bold the significant part for you so you don’t “miss” it:
I also said this:
Paul (creator of "Staunch Brayer") (152589) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:48 pm“Republicans have the monopoly on racism now.”
tnj – Can you document what you are talking about here and be specific please. I know it represents conventional wisdom on the left, but they are never able to describe what they actually mean. Hopefully you can clear up the mystery.
daleyrocks (5d22c0) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:51 pmAnother Drew:
Thank you. I feel so much better now that you have admitted your error. I sleep in peace.
truthnjustice (d99227) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:52 pmDaley, I was getting annoyed by more trollery, and then I read your post:
And that made me laugh. Evocative prose, sir. And I will think of that every single time I see a post by that joker.
Trolls don’t like to be laughed at. They feed on anger.
Eric Blair (8f93a0) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:55 pmYes, let’s talk about that foul-mouth greedy indicted politician, the epitome of Democratic politics, a man who makes Rahm Emanuel look like a choir boy, the soon-to-be-former Democratic Governor of Illinois, Rod Bleepojevich. Is Obama going to tell us that the Governor was just a guy who he knew from the neighborhood? Of course! Since prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald indicted today, the Electoral College has a chance to think twice before voting. Even so, there will be plenty objections to certification of this friend of Rod at the joint session of Congress on January 6, 2009. Congressman John Linder of Georgia has already stated he’s going to object.
Tomorrow, the Governor’s indicted chief of staff, Mr. Harris, should start singing. Count on it. And I don’t think he’ll be singing “Movin’ on up. . .”
Official Internet Data Office (a59c69) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:55 pmPaul. I mean this sincerely. You’re an idiot. The indictment isn’t against Obama.
Never said it was.
Once again, I’ll bold the significant part for you so you don’t “miss” it:
Obama was not arrested or charged with anything. If they had evidence against Obama you’re “darn tutin’” that he would be in cuffs.
Once again, I’ll bold the significant part for you so you don’t “miss” it:
Now why did I specifically say “none of his slimy dirt splashes onto The One?” Because of this:
Reading comprehension, Threadjacker…look into it.
He hasn’t quite inherited the dictatorial powers from Herr Bush yet, so he isn’t above the law like Bush.
Dictatorial powers?
And you call me an idiot?
Paul (creator of "Staunch Brayer") (152589) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:59 pmHarris is a Daley man. He won’t be singing. Remember Susan MacDougal not coughing up dirt on Jim Guy Tucker. After he does his time, he’ll have it made in the shade, probably working for Axelrod or SIEU or “hopenchange consultancy, LLC,” etc.
carlitos (697c70) — 12/9/2008 @ 8:59 pmHey, Dmac, if you are around: what the heck is up with Illinois?
Eric Blair (8f93a0) — 12/9/2008 @ 9:00 pmThen you are truly an ignorant fool unwilling to even attempt to view evidence that might dare prove you wrong.
You have absolutely no interest in even pretending to practice any kind of intellectual honesty.
Would you read the words if I quoted them here? Words that I could likely get off the AP, or a CNN article? Would you click a link to youtube to watch actual footage of Axelrod saying something that is 100% different from what Obama is now saying? Would you do even THAT little to maintain even the appearance of a desire to honestly debate?
Scott Jacobs (90ff96) — 12/9/2008 @ 9:02 pmMaybe it’s that green dye they put in the Chicago River every St. Patrick’s Day.
kimsch (2ce939) — 12/9/2008 @ 9:03 pmIt’s actually orange dye that turns the river green…
If I read one morning that the current capital of Ohio was Columbus on that site, and I was the governor of Ohio…. I would seriously consider calling a coworker to determine if my office had moved to another city during the night.
Is this troll seriously saying that the Capital City of Ohio is not Columbus?
Or, am I just unable to comprehend K-5 writing?
Another Drew (dd7bc2) — 12/9/2008 @ 9:03 pmChicago. Chi-ca-go.
We don’t claim that city, thank you.
Scott Jacobs (90ff96) — 12/9/2008 @ 9:05 pmHarris….”…probably working for Axelrod or SIEU or …”
Wasn’t there something tonight about SIEU being caught up in this???
Yes, @ Instapundit…
“A Democratic source confirms that SEIU President Andy Stern is the ‘SEIU official’ referred to in the federal complaint against Rod Blagojevich.”
This is just getting better and better.]
Another Drew (dd7bc2) — 12/9/2008 @ 9:09 pmWhen Fitz gets through, it will make the Plame investigation look like an office party.
“It isn’t that they have them now, or that such could be enforced by law since the 1948 decision Shelly v Kraemer, but that the place used to have such covenants.”
The more interesting question is who thinks that Shelly v. Kraemer was judicial activism.
imdw (72bfac) — 12/9/2008 @ 9:13 pmJust so we’re clear that you need help in reading comprehension, Threadjacker…
I wrote:
Sitting governor is Rod Blagojevich.
President-Elect is, of course, Barack Obama.
Remember when he told us to not look at his experience, look at his judgment?
If he has close ties to this many people with slimy dirt on them, what does that say about his judgment?
And unless the MSM cleans up the mess, some of that slimy dirt could splash onto him…if the trail of slimy dirt doesn’t eventually lead to him.
Paul (creator of "Staunch Brayer") (152589) — 12/9/2008 @ 9:15 pmMore names being dragged into the scandal here.
Another Drew (dd7bc2) — 12/9/2008 @ 9:27 pmA nice touch….
Another Drew (dd7bc2) — 12/9/2008 @ 9:35 pmOn today’s Hugh Hewitt radio show, the had a little musical accompaniment for the Blago Follies.
Whenever they had a segue, they played The Carpenters’ Sing, Sing Out Loud.
I’m sure it’s the last piece of music that either Daley or Obama want to hear.
TNJ the disingenuous threadjack
offer wrote: [Governor Palin] couldn’t name a single magazine she had ever read.Nonsense.
I will deal with this once and be done with it, because while I am feeding the troll, I am feeding it truth: Palin reads and has read the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, The Economist, and trade publications dealing with the investment and oil industries. A biography written about her published in April 2007 — when her major accomplishment was having been elected Governor of Alaska — stated that she was a voracious reader in her youth.
She went into defensive mode on that question because it WAS a “gotcha” question. That is a VERY unusual question to ask a candidate. I guarantee you that was the first time a Vice Presidential candidate was asked that question. There is no doubt in my mind that if she had answered the question when Katie Couric asked it, there would be a follow-up ready to go asking her how she felt about a writer in one of her MSM choices saying she was unqualified.
And we know now that Couric went into that interview armed with advice she sought from at least two people who publicly doubted Palin’s qualifications: Obama supporter Sam Nunn and Richard Haass, President of the Council on Foreign Relations.
BTW, Governor Palin is doing a great job in Alaska while Harvard Law graduate Jennifer Granholm — who stood in for Palin in Biden’s debate rehearsals — has run Michigan into the ground. Cue Alanis Morrisette: “Isn’t it ironic…”
One good thing about Blago’s arrest is that it gives Democrats some needed perspective on what a crappy Governor looks like. There you guys were, trying to scrounge up a scandal out of the slim pickings Sarah Palin gave you: “Oh, she tried to fire her ex-brother-in-law!” (Oh, wait, he was a bad cop … he tasered his ten-year-old!) “She tried to ban books in school libraries!” (oh, wait, that’s nonsense — the list of banned books include some that weren’t published when she was Mayor of Wasilla.) She slashed the budget items slated for teen mothers and Special Olympics! (Oops, looks like Keith Blowholemann was wrong — she increased spending, but cut increases.) She charged women for their rape kits! (Darn, that one didn’t ever happen either!) Nope, none of that penny-ante crap with Hot Rod, only heavy duty schtuff, like being caught on tape calling Your Her-O a Murthafocka because he was slow in bringing a lucrative gig for appointing The One’s choice to replace him in the Senate.
Now do you get it?
L.N. Smithee (9c1fce) — 12/9/2008 @ 9:39 pmNo.
Scott Jacobs (90ff96) — 12/9/2008 @ 9:52 pmIt is not part of the narrative to bring truth to
Another Drew (dd7bc2) — 12/9/2008 @ 9:56 pmpowerjustice.It only causes synap overload.
Scott – If memory serves, I think the last Republican mayor of Chicago left office in 1931. This is the kind of shit that happens when you have an inbred one party system.
daleyrocks (5d22c0) — 12/9/2008 @ 10:15 pmIf Obama had outed the Governor for his quid pro quo wishes, we’d already know about it.
He didn’t. Therefore, at the very least, Obama covered up a very serious crime. Why isn’t anyone asking about this?
Obama claimed his people never met with the Governor about this topic, but that’s obviously untrue. Why is Obama lying about this stuff?
Why did he governor think Obama would go along with this? I’d like to know. From the Governor’s reactions ‘MFer!’ it’s pretty clear Obama did not go along with the quid pro quo crime, so I don’t know why he’d have helped cover it up… but he did.
Juan (4cdfb7) — 12/9/2008 @ 10:31 pm“Why did he governor think Obama would go along with this? I’d like to know.”
Juan – Because that’s the Chicago way. Just look at the favors Obama did for developers in the state legislature that morphed into campaign contributions. It’s the same type of stuff Blago was indicted for and typical backscratching Chicago politics. It’s all on the record for those who care to look. Obama is far from clean.
daleyrocks (5d22c0) — 12/9/2008 @ 10:41 pmHard to know if the US jumped the shark in November when it chose Barack Obama as the 44th president, but if this nation takes on more and more of the trappings of a Banana Republic, in which various degrees of corruption reign supreme and are tolerated quite nonchalantly — and are no longer seen as surprising — then my suspicions will have been confirmed.
Mark (411533) — 12/9/2008 @ 11:47 pmFitzgerald doesnt get it. Blagojevich missed his calling. Rather than throw him in jail, Eliot Fitz should send him up to the boardroom at General Motors in Detroit. “Grease my palm, my wife’s chassis, turn a profit or I’ll kick your axle.” Yep, that’s what CEO Blagojevich could do to get GM in the black.
DCSCA (d8da01) — 12/10/2008 @ 12:20 amUPDATE 2: In the comments, daleyrocks points out that I failed to note Blagojevich’s Party affiliation. Governor Blagojevich is a Democrat.
Well added. One could be pardoned for assuming, after the past 8 years, he was yet another Republican sleazebag.
AlanDownunder (e8d02b) — 12/10/2008 @ 1:25 amPalin answered the magazine question with those answers on her second try. I didn’t think a question like that needed a do-over. It is not that I think Palin did not actually know what magazine she’s read, but I think a person running for an office of that caliber shouldn’t shrink under the question of such a plain and simple, straightforward question. If that were the only time she muffed a question I could have given her a pass, but she demonstrated time after time that she could handle neither the curveball nor the underhand lob questions.
truthnjustice (d99227) — 12/10/2008 @ 3:24 amThe only place on earth that that logic makes sense is on this blog. Try using that in a court…. *giggles*
truthnjustice (d99227) — 12/10/2008 @ 3:25 amMark —
I ask you the same question I asked a rather racist guy who was shooting off his mouth in a bar in September: if Obama is so bad and is turning this country into a “Banana Republic” (I think you meant a “banana republic” — the phrase not the clothing store) when are you planning to move to another country more to your liking? You know, one that is not “socialist,” not “corrupt” and not run by someone who is not a “real American”?
I am sure of you try hard, you can find a place more to your liking. It won’t be in Europe, of course, but I am sure Thailand or someplace like that might work for you.
B-Rob (5a8ace) — 12/10/2008 @ 5:12 amHey Juan —
Since you skipped right to the part about Obama knowing there was a quid pro quo, I am sure you will be happy to share your source of the information. Because the indictment (if you ever decided to read it) would show you that much of the “negotiation” on the wiretaps is Blago trying to decide what he wanted for himself. There is not a single paragraph mentioning any conversations with Obama, Rahm, Axelrod, or Sasha and Malia for that matter.
So please enlighten us about your source on Obama (that “motherf*cker” who only wanted to give his “appreciation . . . F*ck them”) knowing about the illegal deal.
B-Rob (5a8ace) — 12/10/2008 @ 5:17 amI’m going to combine this thread with the one on Calling in Gay. How about a day without Liberal trolls like B-Rob and TnJ?
PCD (7fe637) — 12/10/2008 @ 6:09 amSolicitation is also a crime even if the person solicited refuses. And the person solicited is a material witness. I imagine the U.S. Attorney will give great deference to Obama — he won’t try to 1001 him. He might give less deference to his staff. But if anybody believes that Obama and his staff were not in the loop about his replacement, I have an egress I want to sell them.
nk (094d4d) — 12/10/2008 @ 6:34 amI don’t feed trolls. This thread would be half as long if everyone followed that policy. Maybe Patrick likes long threads but they are a pain to read through in the morning.
re: 170 Volkh has the most serious question for Obama:
12. On Tuesday, Dec. 8, Obama denies personal knowledge of the corrupt proposal.
“I had no contact with the governor or his office and so we were not, I was not aware of what was happening.”
As I’ve said before, as with Bill Clinton, Barack Obama’s words should be read carefully to see what he is saying and not saying. Apparently, Obama started to say that “we were not” “aware of what was happening,” but corrected himself by saying that “I was not aware of what was happening.”
That language leaves open the possibility that his staff was aware, but he personally was not. But why would Obama’s staff withhold information from him? I assume that Obama is telling the truth about not having spoken to the governor himself, since that might be easily refuted.
Obama caught himself lying, his usual response to any question that might be embarrassing. He will learn that this leads to trouble and he isn’t even inaugurated yet. I’ve seen this pattern with him before. Eventually, he will get himself in more trouble, even if the MSM is determined to protect him from himself.
Mike K (2cf494) — 12/10/2008 @ 6:37 amMore evidence of Obama’s lying. This guy cannot seem to answer a question honestly. I can’t see a reason for him to lie except to appear pure as the driven snow. He really seems to resent questions about anything except his vague policies. He doesn’t seem to do details.
Mike K (2cf494) — 12/10/2008 @ 6:47 amAxelrod, on the local Fox 32 TV news November 23:
With all the info we have, there is no reason to believe that Obama condoned or even knew about this, and if he did, it’s likely that some of his staff may have even reported it to the Feds. I’m sure more info will come out soon.
Volokh has a great timeline here
carlitos (697c70) — 12/10/2008 @ 6:52 amPeople who are suggesting Obama or his staff turned Roddy in are a little deluded…
It’s far, FAR more likely that the person who got the feds looking into this matter was Rezko.
Scott Jacobs (a1c284) — 12/10/2008 @ 6:58 amI wouldn’t put it past Rahm Emmanuel to tip off Fitz if he knew something. Why would Rezko be in the loop – he’s been in jail since the election?
carlitos (697c70) — 12/10/2008 @ 7:03 amSo what’s Obama’s spiritual mentor, Rev. Wright?
Rob Crawford (04f50f) — 12/10/2008 @ 7:07 amHmmmm. What to think. What to prefer. A president-elect who is so clueless that even though he came up through the corrupt Chicago/Illinois Democrat system he never observed or knew anything about any of it, or a president-elect who is part and parcel of same corrupt crew and because of the hyponotic effect he has had on the press has been protected from anyone investigating that. Difficult choice.
bio mom (a1e126) — 12/10/2008 @ 7:13 amRahm wouldn’t dare. Roddy has brought so much graft-able money into IL via Gov requests for funds (almost all road projects are in northern IL, and most all contracts go to Chi companies). That’s all the Daleys require.
And just because he’s been in jail doesn’t mean he couldn’t tell the Feds “Look, he’s already starting to line up bids for the seat, should it end up vacant.”
Scott Jacobs (a1c284) — 12/10/2008 @ 7:18 amHey, Dmac, if you are around: what the heck is up with Illinois?
Having lived around and in the city for most of my life, I can only answer in the immortal words of David Byrne: “same as it ever was.”:
Dmac (e30284) — 12/10/2008 @ 7:54 amYou’re probably right – why would I give these guys any benefit of the doubt.
carlitos (697c70) — 12/10/2008 @ 7:55 amChicago Black Sox 1919
Summerdale Scandal
First Ward being run by a criminal in a restaurant (Pat Marcy / Counselor’s Row)
Officer Burge’s torture chamber
Sam Giancana / Kennedy elected in 1960
Operation Greylord (coincidentally taped at Counselor’s Row)
Dan Rostenkowski
“Fast Eddie” Vrdolyak
Hired Trucks
Licenses for Bribes
Governors Walker, Ryan and Walker in jail
Tollway Authority embezzlement
Operation Silver Shovel
Same as it ever was!
carlitos (697c70) — 12/10/2008 @ 8:03 amOops, forgot Governor Kerner also in jail. That’s 4 jailed governors in the past 40 years. Soon to be 5. That has to be the record, even vs. Louisiana!
Jesse Jackson Jr. is avoiding the press, except to say ‘he encourages his staff to cooperate.’ Daley has a press conference in an hour – should be interesting.
carlitos (697c70) — 12/10/2008 @ 8:06 amI’m just gonna chalk it up to youthful naivete on your part, and call it for the day. 🙂
Scott Jacobs (a1c284) — 12/10/2008 @ 8:27 amThere is now a local Chi-town news item from the days after the election that the Gov and the PE were in consultations over his Sen replacement.
Another Drew (cba5f8) — 12/10/2008 @ 9:46 amH/T The Rush Limbaugh Radio Show
Another Drew – see Mike K @ 6:37
carlitos (697c70) — 12/10/2008 @ 9:51 am6:47
carlitos (697c70) — 12/10/2008 @ 9:52 amJesse Jr. is happy to cooperate with Fitz, as soon as he talks to his lawyer first.
Jesse is dirty.
PCD (7fe637) — 12/10/2008 @ 9:57 amJesse Jr. is happy to cooperate with Fitz, as soon as he talks to his lawyer first.
Jesse is dirty.
Only an idiot talks to the Feds without a lawyer and a stenographer.
nk (094d4d) — 12/10/2008 @ 10:07 amComment by carlitos — 12/10/2008 @ 9:51 am
Yes, I read that, and heard BHO’s remarks on tape, and how they relate to Axelgrease’s previous comment of 11/23.
This was a newspaper article dredged up by Rush on his show today from 11/5 or 11/6, quoting BHO saying he would be, and IIRC was, in consultation with Hot-Rod over his Senate replacement.
I’m just wondering what Fitz has on tape of conversations between BHO and Hot-Rod?
Another Drew (cba5f8) — 12/10/2008 @ 10:17 amWhen talking to anyone in law enforcement, all of my answers include the phrase “To the best of my ability to remember at this moment”, even if talking about something that just happened 5 seconds ago.
Scott Jacobs (a1c284) — 12/10/2008 @ 10:19 amComment by nk — 12/10/2008 @ 10:07 am
I think I would want a lawyer with his own videographer, and an endless supply of storage.
Another Drew (cba5f8) — 12/10/2008 @ 10:19 amThe newspaper article from post election has been linked to here
Another Drew (cba5f8) — 12/10/2008 @ 10:24 amComment by Neo — 12/10/2008 @ 10:11 am
Candidate #5.
My fave quote is the “feeding frenzy of corruption” quote, as if the last 8 years have NOT been a feeding frenzy of corruption, or as if there isn’t a feeding frenzy of corruption elsewhere in the country, or as if there still isn’t a feeding frenzy of corruption going on up in Washington right now as everyone goes after the 700billion$ prize and arranges for their blanket pardons from GWB.
Good think the Barack Obama adminstration and the Democrats are going to change things soon!
EdWood (c2268a) — 12/10/2008 @ 10:24 am….well…. or maybe not…..
According to the Blogo tapes, candidate #5’s emissaries offered $500k up front and an additional $1 million after Jessie Jackson Jr was safely in Obama’s Senate seat.
$1.5 million, that’s the price in Chi-town for a Democrat to make it to the big dance. The Democrat Party has the best politicians money can buy.
Ropelight (5b609a) — 12/10/2008 @ 11:07 amYeah, Mike K… if you don’t answer to (in this case I’ll use a phrase I prefer) people who disagree with you, then you’re free to write whatever the H you want without a shred of evidence. While it may keep you happy, it the blog dishonest and rather dumb.
truthnjustice (c313be) — 12/10/2008 @ 1:21 pmFor heaven’s sake, it took 45 minutes of discussion before Another Drew would admit a simple arithmetic error yesterday. Ridiculous.
truthnjustice (c313be) — 12/10/2008 @ 1:22 pmI see class is over for the day again. In more ways than one, in fact.
And honestly, the use of “dishonest” and “dumb” is yet another example of that word that TMJ dislikes so much: projection.
Eric Blair (57b266) — 12/10/2008 @ 1:34 pmSoros has thought so for a long time. 🙂
Scott Jacobs (a1c284) — 12/10/2008 @ 1:38 pmComment by liesntyranny — 12/10/2008 @ 1:22 pm
I still maintain that Sen. Thurmonds political life began no later than his acceptance of the job of County Superintendent of Education, which is a political job, in 1928!
Now, if he wasn’t a loyal political soldier at that point, he would have never been extended the job offer. Therefore, I believe it is safe to say, that the start of his political career pre-dates that job offer.
I stand by my remark that most of his adult life, he was a Democrat.
And, your insistence on labeling him as a racist, particularly and specifically after he joined the GOP,
Another Drew (4fff38) — 12/10/2008 @ 1:40 pmonly displays your own bigotry, and your pathetic ingnorance in the manner in which politics worked in the South between the Wars!
So, EdWood, are you going to bother backing up your claim that Bush is selling pardons?
Rob Crawford (04f50f) — 12/10/2008 @ 1:57 pmAnother Drew. You’re an idiot. That is all I have to say. You…. are… reallyyyyyyy stretching on that one.
And, it doesn’t matter. The fact is that Strom left the party as soon at the exact time when it was moving towards a major civil rights platform. That, combined with his earlier racist attitudes was not just a coincidence. He moved to the party that was able to capture the racist vote. Think about it… when did the South start voting majorly republican? Right around the time when the GOP became the official party of the racist American… the 60s.
Now you can claim earlier and earlier dates for his political career all you want (perhaps when he was 2 he became a democrat???), but the facts speak for themselves. The facts scream: You, Another Drew, are incorrect. How you dealt with the realization of those facts is quite telling. You denied you were wrong, stomped your feet, then you changed your argument. This is exactly how the nimrods on this site argue everything: without any semblance of integrity.
truthnjustice (c313be) — 12/10/2008 @ 3:10 pmComment by liesntyranny — 12/10/2008 @ 3:10 pm
How does it feel to be treated to your own tactics?
Another Drew (4fff38) — 12/10/2008 @ 3:15 pmHave an exceptional day!
Ha. My knowledge and arguments leave you weeping in contempt at how your teachers must have failed you. But, they didn’t. You failed yourself. Your parents probably deserve some of that blame.
truthnjustice (c313be) — 12/10/2008 @ 3:50 pmThat is either an admission that your argument is shit, or that I am a very good debate partner and you were complimenting yourself. Hmm…
truthnjustice (c313be) — 12/10/2008 @ 3:52 pmOh, please. TMJ says one thing, is proven wrong with actual evidence, and then tries to shift the blame to other people and change the subject.
Yes, TMJ’s “knowledge” and “arguments” leave us all weeping.
But not with contempt toward our teachers.
Since this character is all about the attention, why not start a “guessing game”:
TMJ’s first name.
TMJ’s age.
TMJ’s employment history.
We have some very creatively funny posters here. Pinata time for Trolls!
On the other hand, it may indeed be best to leave it alone.
But what a prat.
Eric Blair (57b266) — 12/10/2008 @ 4:16 pmAdam
truthnjustice (c313be) — 12/10/2008 @ 4:50 pm28
turned teacher
truthnjustice (c313be) — 12/10/2008 @ 4:50 pmUggh. Punk ass child. Go figure. God help those students.
Jack Klompus (b0e238) — 12/10/2008 @ 4:58 pm“Punk ass” is not really a phrase used by a person who has aged with dignity.
truthnjustice (c313be) — 12/10/2008 @ 5:06 pmThen, who is the “Chuck Jones” who logs on @ Knoxnews’ blog as “truthnjustice”?
Another Drew (4fff38) — 12/10/2008 @ 5:06 pmHaha but it fits you to a tee, you petulant child.
Jack Klompus (b0e238) — 12/10/2008 @ 5:08 pmIt is not me, AD.
And, Klumpy, just like a ragged old man to call anybody younger than him a child and dismiss his opinions out of hand. I think you ought to be thanking me for funding your retirement.
truthnjustice (c313be) — 12/10/2008 @ 5:15 pmmaybe chuck is the brazilian boyfriend with the same ip address?
carlitos (2eac13) — 12/10/2008 @ 5:20 pmYour opinions are dismissed regularly by all parties given their complete lack of logic, their frequent assertions of hyperbole backed with nothing remotely close to facts or evidence, and your laughably arrogant flourishes of pseudo-intellectual superiority based on obvious insecurity. And you’re funding nothing of mine, you immature twit.
Jack Klompus (b0e238) — 12/10/2008 @ 5:22 pmPlease don’t fund my retirement, thanks.
carlitos (2eac13) — 12/10/2008 @ 5:22 pmInterestingly, “Chuck Jones” was one of the lead animators at the old WB cartoon shop.
Another Drew (4fff38) — 12/10/2008 @ 5:26 pmPerhaps the KnoxNews “truthnjustice” is just another cartoon character, a joke foisted upon the internet?
Sort of like the one here.
Jack: No need to get all hussy. And thanks for the analysis, Freud. What do I owe you? Do you usually take payment in gin or vicodin?
truthnjustice (c313be) — 12/10/2008 @ 5:31 pmDo you deal in one, or the other, or both?
Another Drew (4fff38) — 12/10/2008 @ 5:32 pmWell, I can buy gin if I wish. I’m surprised you didn’t know that.
truthnjustice (c313be) — 12/10/2008 @ 5:36 pm