Obama and Biden’s Charitable Giving: They Don’t Want to Spread Their Own Wealth Around
They’re happy to spread yours around, mind you. Just not their own:
Looking at Obama’s charitable giving in since 2000 based on his tax returns, we find that Obama consistently refused to follow his own advice to “spread the wealth” when he had the opportunity to do so. This is especially true in years when he made nearly $250,000 or more. . . . [F]rom 2000-2004, Obama’s charitable giving was less than 1 percent.
His contributions increased after his book deal, to a maximum of 6.1% of income in 2006.
Obama’s running mate, Joe Biden, was even stingier about spreading his wealth. When his tax records were released in September, they revealed that over the past decade he had only donated an average of $369 each year. In 2007, his charitable giving was only $995, or 0.3 percent of income in a year when his tax returns reported $319,853 in income.
By comparison, John McCain gave more than one-quarter of his income in 2006 and 2007 (28.6 and 27.3 percent respectively). And according to the New York Observer, since 1998, he has donated royalties on his books totaling more than $1.8 million.
IRONIC UPDATE: Obama today says of McCain and Palin: “I don’t know when they decided that they wanted to make a virtue out of selfishness.”
Governor Palin gave more in 2007 ($3,325) & 2006( $4,880) than Biden ($995) and Biden makes more money but history shows he likes to hog the wealth, just like the pandering Obama.
Some people walk the walk while others just talk the talk, can you guess which is which?
ML (14488c) — 10/31/2008 @ 7:49 amTrue compassion is personal, unlike giving someone else’s money away.
Amphipolis (fdbc48) — 10/31/2008 @ 7:50 amOld news. We already know Dems want to give taxpayers’ money to the poor but keep their own
i like america (d2f951) — 10/31/2008 @ 7:58 amMcCain is all married up. He can afford to be more liberal. (Oops. Did I just say McCain was more liberal?
love2008 (1b037c) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:02 amI’d just like to denounce those who posted before me as racist and give you the left’s talking points on this matter:
*Is this all you guys have? Lol…losers!
*Obama invested his money in material components for his “Heal nation” and “pay mortgages” spell.
*Joe Biden was giving at Katy’s restaurant and crown moulding/compound miter saws from Home Depot.
*More groupthink from a site that no one visits.
*Check out this link from DailyKos/HuffingtonPost/FireDogLake disputing your “facts.”
Did I miss any?
I racistly denounce myself and my cat who’s clearly racist.
CW Desiato (614aa7) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:03 amWhat strikes me immediately, looking at the chart shown in the article at BizzyBlog, is that my unadjusted gross income for the years 2000-2004 is less than the numbers in the “Tax” column, but the only year listed in the table (of those years) that even equals my deductions for charitable contributions is 2003.
My own charitable giving has actually dropped off over the last couple of years…but, I was disabled for most of that time with no income.
I’m not trying to blow my own horn or anything, but I got serious problems with this jackass telling me that I ain’t doing enough for others, and that he wants to “spread the wealth.”
EW1(SG) (da07da) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:13 amFunny,
“By comparison” John McCain left his first wife to marry a woman who inherited $100,000,000 from her convicted felon of a father.
McCain’s total income doesn’t even pay for his family’s servant bill, he might as well give it away.
snuffles (677ec2) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:19 amsnuffles, no actually your comment wasn’t funny. You’ve failed to confront the issue presented by the post.
SPQR (26be8b) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:23 amYou’re comparing apples & oranges. To get a correct comparison, we’d need to gross up McCain’s income by the gifts from his wife (ie, the assets of hers that he uses) that are statutorily excluded from income.
jpe (08c1dd) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:30 amThe MSM is dead. See VDH article, great!
Long live the blogosphere!
J. Raymond Wright (0440ef) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:31 amDon’t distract him from his current task, SPQR – he’s just starting to wade through his personally autographed copy of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
Dmac (e30284) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:31 amDon’t you ignorant, clingy people realize that GOVERNMENT understands who is truly needy? All you’re doing by giving money away to non-regulated causes is preventing GOVERNMENT from building even nicer dachas on Chesapeake Bay with twelve-car garages and three swimming pools making sure that those in need get what they require to survive.
I'm Geekier (de5f96) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:32 amDarn it… It’s supposed to be in strikeout from “building even nicer…” through “…swimming pools.” I even previewed!
I'm Geekier (de5f96) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:34 amI hate to tell you J., but the MSM have websites of their own whose traffic dwarfs the “Blogospshere.”
CNN’s website alone get more daily traffic that every single right wing blog combined.
Via la “Revolution?”
snuffles (677ec2) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:35 amObama making over $250k and he gives $1,000 bucks in charity, for Obama charity begins at home.
Obama the biggest transfer of wealth in American history, and its all to himself.
ML (14488c) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:35 amThe difference between private assistance and public assistance –
Private assistance is voluntary.
Amphipolis (fdbc48) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:50 amPrivate assistance is a result of personal sacrifice and therefore is expected to have results.
Private assistance is not an entitlement.
Private assistance can be conditioned on changed behavior.
Private givers are not rich devils.
Private recipients are not dependent on the government.
Private assistance does not buy votes.
Private assistance does not require higher taxes and inefficient bureaucracies.
John Kerry, the previous Democratic presidential candidate, married a woman whose net worth was more than $1 billion. Where was the outrage then?
Official Internet Data Office (184273) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:51 amBarack Obama, the wealth spreader!
love2008 (1b037c) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:59 amI hate to tell you J., but the MSM have websites of their own whose traffic dwarfs the “Blogospshere.”
I hate to tell you this, but having spent over 20 years in National media sales, (including five in the internet), you don’t measure audience stats solely on cume numbers (i.e traffic). Qualitative research is as important as volume as an indicator of an internet’s site’s viability, and in that scenario the MSM outlets do OK in some measures, but in terms of time spent on the sites themselves, forgettaboutit. CNN sucks donkeys in terms of their qualititative numbers, particularly if you’re going to compare them to smaller, politically – oriented sites in terms of audience loyalty and engagement.
Once again, your opining on matters pertaining to your ignorance knows no bounds.
Dmac (e30284) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:02 amLooks like I am having problem linking this. So I will just cut and paste.
Obama gave $240k to charity last year
ELECTION ’08 | IL Senator has yet to release 2007 tax return, but has posted 2000-06 returns on his web site
Recommend (6) Comments
March 26, 2008
WASHINGTON—- Democrat Barack Obama gave nearly a quarter of a million dollars to charity last year as he entered the presidential race, significantly more than during the nine previous years combined.
The Illinois senator has yet to release his 2007 tax return. His campaign said Tuesday it will be made public by Tax Day, April 15, while at the same time disclosing that Obama gave $240,000 to charity last year.
From 1998 through 2006, Obama donated a total of $150,892 to charity.
Obama posted his 2000 to 2006 returns on his campaign Web site Tuesday to pressure rival Hillary Rodham Clinton to do the same. His campaign repeatedly has criticized Clinton for failing to release tax returns for the years since she and her husband left the White House in 2001.
Clinton, campaigning in Pennsylvania, said she hoped to release the returns ”within the next week.”
The returns Obama posted online already had been provided to The Associated Press, along with returns from 1998 and 1999.
The Obamas’ income increased dramatically in the past decade.
Obama and his wife, Michelle, earned $181,507 to $272,759 each year from 1998-2004.
Their income jumped to $1.6 million in 2005, Obama’s first year in the Senate, with the rerelease of his first book, ”Dreams from My Father.” They made nearly $1 million in 2006, half of it from his second book, ”The Audacity of Hope.”
The Obamas’ charitable giving also increased with their newfound wealth.
From 1998-2004, they gave between $1,050-$3,400 each year. In 2005, they gave $77,315, including donations to literacy and anti-poverty campaigns and their church. In 2006, they gave $60,307 to charity.
love2008 (1b037c) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:08 amAre you saying right wing blog traffic is “more desirable” than the traffic MSM websites get, Dmac?
In what way?
Can’t wait to hear this.
snuffles (677ec2) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:09 amThe Bobo only knows how to scream and screech – the usage of bold lettering and reams of bandwith continues apace.
Dmac (e30284) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:09 amAs usual, Goebbels misstates the subject of a post in order to consruct a strawman to make another ignorant comment. Beautiful.
Dmac (e30284) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:15 amWe are required to give as our wealth increases. That is why I like this “The Obamas’ charitable giving also increased with their newfound wealth.”
love2008 (1b037c) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:18 amOh dear,
Talk about the right shooting itself in the foot yet again:
Turns out the Obamas donated more to charity last year than the McCain’s did, even though the McCain’s made a lot more money than the Obama’s.
“while at the same time disclosing that Obama gave $240,000 to charity last year.”
“In 2007, Senator and Mrs. McCain donated $210,933 from community assets to charity”
That’s gonna leave a mark.
snuffles (677ec2) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:18 amDmac, you spent years in advertising?
It clearly wasn’t spent in production because your arguments are not witty, clever or well constructed. Plus when you go into quote-master mode, they’re overly long walls of text that no one reads.
No, you weren’t in any sort of production or leadership role in advertising. You have no talent for those positions.
My guess is you were “in advertising” at a tiny nothing firm, or you were “in advertising” like Joe the Plumber was “in plumbing”. You were a lackey.
i like america (d2f951) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:26 amIf you want, let’s take this discussion off – line, and we’ll discuss my past career spent at the following companies:
ABC Radio – four years at Regional Sales Manager, Midwest;
Conde Nast – eight years as Midwest Manager for Gourmet and House & Garden;
AOL – two years in Bus/Dev. – Midwest.
Make the call, anytime.
Dmac (e30284) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:31 amSend a message to the site administrator, and we’ll talk.
Dmac (e30284) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:34 amObama gave $240,000 to charity last year
That’s almost as much as the charitable contributions that Tony Rezko and his cronies gave Obama.
Official Internet Data Office (184273) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:35 amsnuffles
From your link:
All of the royalties from McCain’s books have gone to charity, totaling more than $1,800,000 since 1998.
I guess you missed that part, oh well, better luck next time.
ML (14488c) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:38 am4 years + 8 years + 2 years > 20 years (5 of which were in internet)
And I can’t believe you called me out for a one-on-one over the internet. Are you an internet tough guy on top of being untalented?
Have your last word. I’m starting to feel like I’m picking on the mentally challenged and it has lost its appeal.
Besides, I was agreeing with the topic of this post in the first place: all politicians (even those on my team) end up owing favors.
i like america (d2f951) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:41 amConsidering that he made a couple of million that year, I’m not highly impressed…
Scott Jacobs (a1c284) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:44 amMcCain may be much wealthier, but that doesn’t get Obama & Biden off the hook.
Yes, both Biden and Obama are trying to accumulate savings, like many of us, and may not be able to give like McCain does, with his rich wife.
But the Obama/Biden definition of “rich” is based solely on income, not wealth, so they haven’t a leg to stand on without being hypocrites.
Note that McCain’s definition of wealth (having $5 million in the bank) isn’t based on income and meets the test that the lefties are suddenly using.
Kevin (0b2493) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:49 amOwing favors within our political system is an entirely different situation than owing to anti-American donors and overseas sponsers (See: Barack Obama CREDIT CARD FRAUD).
Vermont Neighbor (c91cfe) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:51 am“I’m old enough to remember when being liberal meant being generous with your own money.”
(attributed to Roy Rogers)
Pious Agnostic (291f9a) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:55 amAnd I can’t believe you called me out for a one-on-one over the internet.
You challenged me regarding my veracity, and I’m giving you the opportunity to query me on it personally, on a private phone call, not in a public forum. </i How on earth does that equate to “calling you out,” or assuming a “tough guy” pose?
Dmac (e30284) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:57 amComment by Scott Jacobs — 10/31/2008 @ 9:44 am
love2008 (1b037c) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:00 amBut you are impressed Scotty. If not “highly”. Good enough for me.
So either request the site administrator to provide my e – mail address to you and we’ll discuss it at greater length, or else admit that you’re just tossing off insults without regard to the truth or the consequences.
Dmac (e30284) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:00 amVermont Neighbor: I have called at least twice on this blog alone for that to be investigated.
As I said before, if there was wrong-doing, I want it prosecuted and never forgotten.
If there was none, I want it dropped immediately, because it never happened.
What I DONT want is to see it swept under the rug
i like america (d2f951) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:03 amObama’s charitable giving…
Is it not true that the bulk (greater than 2/3rds) of their giving has been to the church that he attended for twenty+ years and never heard the racist screed spewed by its’ pastor? And that includes their giving for 2006, too.
What outrage would we be seeing if the McCains were found to be giving large amounts of their charitable contributions to some Aryan-Brotherhood Church in bumf..k ID?
And, Yes, the Trinity Church in Chicago is the obverse of that coin.
Another Drew (7aa87e) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:06 am#36. What “I Love” meant to say was…
I can’t believe you called me on my b*llsh*t virtual armchair psychoanalysis.
furious (56af6d) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:06 amsnuffles et al, are free to write a check to the US Treasury anytime they wish if they feel they aren’t spreading their wealth around enough.
Whats with all the tax fiddling?
Techie (62bc5d) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:16 amThere’s no hypocrisy here. It’s not just that Obama and Biden want to spread the wealth, they want to control how the wealth is spread. They can do so if the government collects and spends the money, they can’t through a charity.
stevesturm (369bc6) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:22 amStevesturnm, you can give a designated gift through a charity and determine how the money is spent.
yourlilsis (095089) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:40 amWhy should they give their own money to charity when they can give someone else’s money directly to the people?
JD (5b4781) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:41 amComment by JD — 10/31/2008 @ 10:41 am
After raking-off the requisite amount for overhead, of course.
Another Drew (7aa87e) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:45 amyourlilsis: in theory, but as a number of lawsuits have illustrated, charities and foundations do not always follow the wishes of the donor.
Jd: you’re right, it’s a much bigger power trip.
stevesturm (369bc6) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:47 amThen Obama is in the wrong race. He should be campaigning for the directorship of United Way.
Techie (62bc5d) — 10/31/2008 @ 11:04 amjimmythetapeworm
Is this some kind of bizarro defense, because it really does not make sense.
So, your defense of Khalidi is that he knew a Jew?
I love the unlicensed plumber and refusal to use his name thing with Joe the Plumber. Nothing to see here …
JD (5b4781) — 10/31/2008 @ 11:30 amTypical non – response from the sockpuppet – what a wussy boy.
Dmac (e30284) — 10/31/2008 @ 11:55 amI guess you missed that part, oh well, better luck next time.
I saw that ML.
Guess McCain’s books aren’t selling very well if the Obamas can afford to give more to charity that the McCains.
snuffles (677ec2) — 10/31/2008 @ 11:56 amSnuffles, shouldn’t you be cutting a check to the Treasury right now?
You can make out to the “United States General Fund” IIRC.
Techie (62bc5d) — 10/31/2008 @ 12:01 pmLiberals don’t practice what they preach.
Dog bites man.
Dave Surls (37e584) — 10/31/2008 @ 12:38 pmThat does not sound like the SPQR that normally comments around here. The tone seems off.
[Note: I deleted two comments by SPQRR for inappropriate content that I consider to be veiled threats. The comments are in the spam filter and will be returned by Patterico in his discretion. — DRJ]
JD (5b4781) — 10/31/2008 @ 12:51 pmParticulary regarding the nomenclature.
Dmac (e30284) — 10/31/2008 @ 12:53 pmThere were trolls yesterday that were saying some pretty inflammatory stuff using one-off versions of regular commenters around here. I suspect that this is one of those sockpuppets trying to make someone else look bad. It would not shock me at all to see that IP trace back to another one of the trolls.
JD (5b4781) — 10/31/2008 @ 12:55 pmjimmythetapeworm – He will raise taxes at $250,000, $200,000, $150,000, or $120,000.
Raising taxes in a recession has a great history of success.
JD (5b4781) — 10/31/2008 @ 12:56 pmYou people have lost your minds. DO you not care
about your freedom of speech, freedom of living,
freedom of the American Dream?????
This democrat, just crossed to the Republican
no longer a democrat (363acd) — 10/31/2008 @ 1:05 pmside, because I don’t believe in buying elections.
Dmac – I am 99.9% sure I am right. DRJ could confirm it.
JD (5b4781) — 10/31/2008 @ 1:09 pmJimmy the taper/confused/James Haddon:
Pick one name and use it consistently or you will be banned. House rules.
DRJ (cb68f2) — 10/31/2008 @ 1:13 pmi guess my question is what does charitable donations have to do with paying taxes? obama wants the richer folks to pay more taxes, and that group includes obama himself. he’s raising his own taxes.
he’s not asking ANYONE to donate more to charities, or to volunteer or anything. i could care less how much anyone gives to charities. thats a personal thing and has nothing to do with their character or “spreading the wealth”.
if obama (or anyone) was asking people to donate to charities and then it came out that they werent practicing what they preach – then i’d be all up in arms about it. but he’s talking about raising taxes on himself as well! and im not saying i agree with his tax plan – not at all. im just wondering how charitable giving has anything to do with his desire to raise taxes?
me in ca (d354f8) — 10/31/2008 @ 1:25 pmJimmy the taper,
I assume you’ve decided to use this name from here on out.
DRJ (cb68f2) — 10/31/2008 @ 1:26 pmPlease… Pfleger is so filled with White Guilt, he hates himself. He considers himself part of the evil, and assauges his guilt over the thing the white man has inflicted upon blacks by saying some of the most anti-white things ever.
I’ve actually heard the guy talk, and dad’s know of the guy for decades…
If that black preacher you refference was as anti-black as Rev. Pfleger is Anti-White, those Aryans just might…
but the only black person I know of who comes close is Uncle Ruckus…
Scott Jacobs (a1c284) — 10/31/2008 @ 1:27 pmjimmy the tapeworm – You have never listened to Father Phlegler, have you?
The idea that a American Jews support a Democrat is a freaking earth-shattering relevation.
He could have stayed in the mainstream and picked someone from the other party? Again, bipartisanship is Republicans embracing Dems.
Cough cough bullshit cough cough
JD (5b4781) — 10/31/2008 @ 1:29 pmme in ca,
Obama highlights his national service plan as a central part of his campaign, and his wife Michelle has said Obama will require us to work.
DRJ (cb68f2) — 10/31/2008 @ 1:29 pmthank you for the links. i dont agree with michelle obamas statements at all – and if thats how obama thinks he’s going to make this country great, he’s mistaken.
but i guess im still missing how the dollar ammount they donated to charities (or what they claimed on their taxes anyway) has anything to do with taxes and spreading the wealth. im back at the original post… not the 60+ comments after 🙂
im all for people wanting clarification on issues and calling politicians out when its needed – i just dont understand the connection.
me in ca (d354f8) — 10/31/2008 @ 1:42 pmCitations please? I have no way to confirm the veracity of these statements. They do, however, seem to imply that Palin and McCain agree that it’s good to spread the wealth around.
Joe the Douchebag (934198) — 10/31/2008 @ 1:47 pmDebating who gave more to charity is a lame subject. I can’t believe someone would stoop this low. Charity is a personal matter and it’s nobody’s business to judge. We have all helped those in need, whether it’s giving the homeless a few $, spending time in a soup kitchen, etc… If you’re seeking recognition for your good deeds, your motive is not charitable. Just do it for the sake of helping.
Joshua Posner (1b9ea5) — 10/31/2008 @ 1:48 pm“…but he’s talking about raising taxes on himself as well!”
LOL. When the new messiah went into national politics his and Ms. messiah’s income magically, and instantly rose from $250,000 to over $1,250,000 per year.
Give me a job with the feds, raise my annual income fivefold, and I wouldn’t mind a tiny fraction of that going to taxes either.
Anyway, if the new messiah really believes in spreading the wealth, why is he taking any tax deuctions at all? Is that the point of charity? So you can give money and then deduct it off your taxes?
I never write off charitable deductions, because I’m not giving money to charities in order to avoid paying taxes. I’m doing it to try and help people out, in addition to paying taxes which I hope will go to promoting the general welfare.
IMO, people like Obama and Biden are fourfluhing phonies. They rake in fat bank off their government jobs and the connections resulting from those jobs, while spewing this share the wealth crap, and then most of their money goes straight into their own pockets.
Fucking hypocrites.
Dave Surls (37e584) — 10/31/2008 @ 1:49 pm“Please… Pfleger is so filled with White Guilt, he hates himself. He considers himself part of the evil, and assauges his guilt over the thing the white man has inflicted upon blacks by saying some of the most anti-white things ever.”
I’ve heard the good padre hinting around that America ought to pay black folks reparations. Of course, everything the padre has, or will have, comes from the church, so none of it’s subject to taxation. He won’t pay a dime.
Libby wibbies are always very generous, if they don’t have to pay, and someone else does.
Same old same old.
Dave Surls (37e584) — 10/31/2008 @ 1:55 pmThere is a biblical quote which says that charity begins at home. McCain is far more wealthier than the Obama and Bigen combined. Sarah Palin, look deeper into her accounts. She is in it for other reasons. All this talk about Liberals,,,,its a joke. If Bush, McCain and the republican party are conservatives, explain why the rich has become richer and the poor poorer…and why or why are we in a financial crisis????
Wake Up and smell reality (2cf60a) — 10/31/2008 @ 2:06 pmFirst of Obama doesn’t make as much as Palin and niether does Biden. Republicans help the rich stay rich when Democrats help the middle class survive in the world. McCain wants us to pay our own health insurance so he’s looking out for business but not the people. WTF is that?!
Ray (0f8ff5) — 10/31/2008 @ 2:14 pmIf Bush, McCain and the republican party are conservatives, explain why the rich has become richer and the poor poorer
So you have definitive proof that ALL rich people have become richer and ALL poor people have become poorer?
Once you finish with that, chew on this; your entire philosophy is based on the idea that the rich didn’t earn or deserve what they have — and conversely that the decisions made by the poor don’t contribute to their poverty.
If someone who has built a successful company expands it, they “get richer” — is that wrong?
If a high school dropout starts doing drugs, they’ll likely get poorer — is that wrong?
Furthermore, if the Obamamessiah doesn’t think anyone should earn more than $250k a year, he’s welcome to take the remaining $3.75 million of his salary and give it to his black racist church, or get his half-brother out of the slums, or put his “beloved aunt” and uncle in better circumstances.
He doesn’t. Instead, he demands that the rest of us pay for his guilty conscience and refusal to take responsibility.
North Dallas Thirty (efe6ff) — 10/31/2008 @ 2:15 pmFirst of Obama doesn’t make as much as Palin and niether does Biden.
Try again.
The Palins’ total income last year was split almost evenly between Sarah Palin’s white-collar job and her husband’s blue-collar work. Sarah Palin’s salary as governor was $125,000; Todd Palin took in $46,790 as a part-time oil production operator for BP Alaska in Prudhoe Bay, plus $46,265 in commercial fishing income and $10,500 in Iron Dog snowmachine race winnings. These figures do not include nearly $17,000 in per diem payments Palin received for 312 nights spent in her own home since she was elected governor; she also has received $43,490 to cover travel costs for her husband and children.
In addition, each member of the Palin family received $1,654 in state oil royalties paid to all Alaskans.
In contrast:
Democratic Sen. Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, made $4.2 million last year as widespread interest in the presidential candidate pushed the sales of his two books.
In tax returns the campaign released Wednesday, the Obamas reported a significant jump in their income from the previous year as profits from the books “Dreams From My Father” and “The Audacity of Hope” accounted for some $4 million. The Obamas paid federal taxes of $1.4 million and donated $240,370 to charity.
Their salaried income was $260,735, which included his $157,102 salary as a U.S. senator and hers of $103,633 as vice president of community and external affairs at the University of Chicago Medical Center.
For part of 2007, Michelle Obama collected a salary for serving on the board of Westchester, Ill.-based TreeHouse Foods Inc., which produces pickles, nondairy powdered creamer and other products. She resigned in May after two years on the board.
The position had generated some complaints because TreeHouse is a supplier to Wal-Mart, and Barack Obama has criticized some of Wal-Mart’s policies and treatment of employees.
The Obamas reported $29,443 from Treehouse Foods.
In 2006, Obama and his wife reported income of $991,296. The sum included Obama’s Senate salary of $157,082 and his wife’s earnings of $273,618 from her position as an administrator at the University of Chicago Medical Center. Michelle Obama also earned $51,200 in director’s fees from TreeHouse Inc., a food distributor.
Joe and Jill Biden earned $319,853 in 2007. Joe Biden reported $161,708 in income from the U.S. Senate and another $71,000 in royalties for his book, “Promises to Keep.”
Seriously. Is there ANYTHING Barack Obama won’t lie about? Barack Obama claims he and Joe Biden make less a year than Sarah Palin does, and his Obamabots repeat it. Do these people have no brain or intellectual curiosity?
North Dallas Thirty (efe6ff) — 10/31/2008 @ 2:21 pmThe hell he doesn’t. First off, his wife makes over $200,000 a year, plus his pay as a Senator… Add to that the royalties from his books…
Palin has the one income, since her husband left his job when she got elected to Gov.
Scott Jacobs (a1c284) — 10/31/2008 @ 2:21 pmdmac– your 20 years in national media sales is like someone using their years at lehman bros. on a resume to tout their expertise. so, blab all you want; it ain’t gonna fly.
wm benz (c0ae78) — 10/31/2008 @ 2:34 pmI’m not sure what the fuss about “redistribution of wealth is”
1. Most of you posting here DON’T make more than $200,000 individual or $250,000 joint. So the “redistribution” would be TO YOU.
2. 40%…..40%!!!…. of my paycheck is already “redistributed”. And let’s not even get into property tax or sales tax (other forms of “redistribution”)
He is talking about not giving the tax cuts (For higher incomes only) that were placed by the Bush Administration.In other words….what people were ALREADY paying 8 years ago.
Sarah (ba6b30) — 10/31/2008 @ 2:38 pmwell, how much money do McCain and Palin make compared to Biden and Obama?
All it states is that
“By comparison, John McCain gave more than one-quarter of his income in 2006 and 2007 (28.6 and 27.3 percent respectively). And according to the New York Observer, since 1998, he has donated royalties on his books totaling more than $1.8 million.”
Look at his wife, she’s super rich, McCain only donates more cuz he has a ton more money left over
charles (19b711) — 10/31/2008 @ 2:38 pmlets just think about the consequences which will occur if we put Obama in to office…..
we will begin to become a socialist economy, where the wealth will be distributed among all….or so they say….
so even though I might continue to work harder someone who does not work at all will profit off of my hard work….
I am not saying it is wrong to distribute wealth, but why punish those who work hard to accumulate what they have….the innovative minds who realize where there is a need in our economy, isnt that what this country thrives on?
Jaydub (e9b33b) — 10/31/2008 @ 2:41 pm“explain why the rich has become richer and the poor poorer”
Gee, I wonder if it has something to do with the facts that, under the brilliant rule of the liberal Democrats, real federal government expenditures increased from 5% of GDP to 20% of GDP from 1933-1975 (which is about where it is now), and that state controlled economies ALWAYS transfer wealth from those with a little bit of money to those with a whole lot of money?
If you don’t believe that’s true, then take a look at the kind of money people like the Obamas and the Clintons are making. The new messiah’s income rose to five times what it was before he went to work for the federal government. The Clintons are making millions per annum thanks to their government jobs, and the connections those jobs gave them. The federal government is about to hand out $700,000,000,000 to their pals who run the banks.
You think all those federal expenditures are ever going to make your income rise like that? Think they’re going to use billions to bail you out, if you get into financial trouble? Hell, if you get in a jam, they aren’t going to bail you out unless it works to THEIR interest, and if you cause them a problem, they’re going to treat you the same way they treated Joe the Plumber. No emergency bailout for him, just a lot of harrassment from government employees and the media. But, they’ll ALWAYS bail out banks and mortgage companies, because that’s where the pols get most of their money from.
Socialism always works the same way. A handful of people end up owning everything, and the rest of the nation winds up as slaves. And, that’s the road we’re on now with 35% of our GDP going to local, state and federal governments, who in turn make sure that most of that wealth goes to themselves and their friends.
Get a freaking clue, pal.
Dave Surls (37e584) — 10/31/2008 @ 2:47 pmHere’s a fact that you can take to the bank. The rich have not gotten richer and the poor have not gotten poorer. In the past year, trillions of dollars have been lost in the stock market because of the Democratically controlled Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac who under the instructions of the Democrats, handed out trillions to people who couldn’t pay it back. In 2006 John McCain warned the Demictats that something had to be done and Barney Frank chastised him for saying such things. Now since this whole mess began, two major things have happened . The poor got a stimulus check while the rich got their butts kicked. As for who gives what to who, Obama can keep his money of which he has quite a bit, so long as he stays the heck away from mine. Funny how a guy who doesn’t like to hand out much of his own cash, really has spent a great deal of time thinking about how to hand out other peoples. Obama is a Liberal to the tenth power, who like all great Liberals, always knows better for people than they know for themselves. I realize that I never attended Harvard and that I was foolish enough to offer myself up for military service to my country. And yes, I only went to a small college. But Mr. Obama should get one thing straight right here and now, I and the rest of the average Joe’s of this great nation, don’t need his handouts and we don’t want his hands in our pockets. Folks, the time to stand for personal liberties is at hand. The nation has been force fed a bogus bill of goods by the a Left wing mass media with GE owned NBC at the helm. They together with the Ivey League and Hollywood elitists are trying to lead America into the a bottomless pit of Socialism that we my never escape from. McCain says to “Stand Up” I say we had all better stand up and march to the polls and vote for America with a vote for McCain. God bless America and keep her always free.
Jeff Barisano (95c785) — 10/31/2008 @ 2:48 pmWhat I don’t understand, is that Obama assumes that his followers are too poor, too uneducated, too mad at America to notice that he is leading them down a path of no return. He wants us to be like China, Canada, Germany, and Sweeden. Do any of these people realize that these countries will never have rich people, only a rich government. They pay over 28 percent of their salary for Medical. We have done so well because of capitalism but he wants to take is to Socialism. Why do countries hate us..because we do better. Why do people risk their lives to come to the USA, because we have the oportunity to do better. You can get a free education if you are poor, we have programs for the poor. But Obama wants us to all be beholden to the government for our bare subsistance.
Me (d8da01) — 10/31/2008 @ 2:51 pmGov Palin should have paid more taxes in 2006 & 2007, she was charging the state of Alaska to stay…no! not in the governor’s mansion!!! She the state to stay in her own home. She also charge to take her family on official business.
Terrance Mckinnon (30a5e9) — 10/31/2008 @ 2:55 pmThe connection between Donations and raising taxes is this.
Taxes are money earned by american citizens and business which is confiscated and redistributed by our Government. Obama calls this spreading the wealth.
Donations are money earned by american citizens and business which is freely given to charitable organizations around the world. This is also spreading the wealth.
The diference is that the latter builds character, provides a means of instilling service, charity, love and gratitude in our families and teaches our childern that we are indeed our brothers keeper.
Taxes represent a Government taking away citizens money without their consent. The Bailout shows how this government no longer is listening to it’s citizens as over 79% of the calls and emails sent to representatives said do not do the bailout, yet the government ignored the peoples will and will now need to increase taxes to pay for it. (Or increase the money supply which will devalue the dollar, as it has already). We are not represented anymore. Thye political division in the nation is such that the politicians are only doing what it takes to get and maintain power.
The founding fathers intended Government to take care if national infrastructure, protect the nation and encourage commerce. They specificaaly did not want government to be so deeply involved in our personal freedoms, defining what is OK to talk about or say. They did not intend Government to TAx it’s citizens, and they did not intend for a socialist/Marxist government to be instituted.
I am a direct descendant of Ethan Allen (The Commander of the Green Mountain Boys who captured Fort Ticonderoga during the revolution) I am sure he would be turning in his grave to see how this generation is selling out our constitutional protections, how this election is being bought with promises of lower taxes to the Majority of the population and the declared implimentation of Marxist and Socialist policies on this the American People should OBAMA win.
The last 8 years have not been all bad…. What are people talking about? The past year kind of sucks but for the most part we were protected,(no more attacks since 9-11 on our homeland, jobs were created, business was booming, the highest stack market in the history of the nation occured, education was advanced, we are winng in IRAQ, the combat related deaths in IRAQ are down, We as a nation were more prosperous than ever before. More people were given the opportunity to aquire homes than in the History of the world. The fact that they chose to buy homes that were too expensive for their income is not George Bush’s Fault. I’ve contributed to my 401k for over 10 years and I still have 53% of it’s value on January 2008. This is still more money than I would have ever saved up before the IRAs, 401ks were made available. I also know that my shares have not diminished and in the long run , when the econmomy recovers, I will have the value of my 401k increase.
in 1998 I was making $35,000/year. Through education and hard work I’ve been able to increase my income to $87,500/year. I am better off under George Bush’s policies. They were not failed. He did not contriol the borrowing habits of the american people, he and the politicns provided the opportunity for people to purchse housing. Had the people said no-way to the infalated asking prices, the prices would have retreated as they are now and their mortgages would have been less.
Not everyone who took a sub-prime mortgage has defaulted, many hndreds of thousands of sub-prime mortgages are being serviced ontime. For those who bought within their means they are doing fine. In their case the policies are working.
It’s time for Americans to stop looking to Government to solve all their problems. It was never the intended role of government to solve all problems. Grow up and take personal responsibility for where you are at inlife. Oportunities exist all over the place inthe nation. Find one, work hard and you, Like me can achieve much success. It worked for Obama, America can work for you.
jim (bbc421) — 10/31/2008 @ 2:56 pmWhy am I not surprised at this? Obama wants to get his hands on OUR $$ tp he can give it to others- but don’t touch his!
Diana (2282ac) — 10/31/2008 @ 2:57 pmWhy am I not surprised at this? Obama wants to get his hands on OUR $$ so he can give it to others- but don’t touch his!
Diana (2282ac) — 10/31/2008 @ 2:58 pmwhy don’t we hear about Biden, what a doofus he is. Did Obama choose him for his dullness and lack of knowledge? He must have been chose so Obama could do anything without Biden getting in the way. They are so afraid of Palin. All this smear on her but Biden with all of his misquotes has been given a free pass.
Me (d8da01) — 10/31/2008 @ 2:58 pmI am so sick of hearing rich white people complain about how everything isn’t quite good enough for them. By looking at these posts, many of you are quite well off, which I will assume means you have some decent level of education. Hence, you all know that the real problem you folks in Dallas & across the country have is not just about money (though we all know you love it more than just about anything). It is that a black man will be president, and you self worshiping sh*ts won’t have exactly what you want! Poor Honkeys!
It is easy to give money away when someone else worked for it (McCain). I also know that Obama will be subject to his own tax plan as does he!
How about we all just remember that we are supposedly a DEMOCRACY! Why don’t you all vote for whoever your man is and let democracy do its thing.
oh, and shutting the f*ck up would be good too, as you cretins embarass our race!
Red Afro (23520a) — 10/31/2008 @ 2:59 pmI think those voting for Obama, just want to get even with anyone who has worked hard to get where they are. Going to school is hard, doing without to buy a house is hard. We don’t all default on our loans but those that do think the ones that can pay should pay for them too. Jealousy breeds hatred. We have so many hateful, jealous people that won’t do a thing for themselves. Why should they, Obama will give them part of what others have earned. Some of us are still paying back student loans, not going on dream vacations, raising our children to be responsible and making our mortgage payments and credit card payments. Then there are others that didn’t want to go to school, don’t want to work, don’t want to pay their bills so we will let Obama take care of them. Wow…to quote Forrest Gump “Stupid is as Stupid does”
Me (d8da01) — 10/31/2008 @ 3:04 pmAnd, now that the new messiah is running for president the bucks are really starting to roll in…
“Obama’s 2007 tax return showed he and his wife earned $4.2 million last year, more than the previous seven years combined.”
The messiah family has gone from making $250,000 to $4,200,000 in just three years.
Not bad for a selfless, wealth-sharing civil servant.
Dave Surls (37e584) — 10/31/2008 @ 3:08 pmRed Afro…you are typical if nothing else.
Stray Cat (3f4e5b) — 10/31/2008 @ 3:08 pmdoes this even matter?
who cares what the candidates do with their money
as long as it is for the greater good of america.
by looking at this, do u expect to be able to discern the true side of either candidate and whether or not they will be able to lead america down the right road?
true, giving to charity is a nice thing to do but you can’t judge a candidate just by the amount of money he donates. it doesn’t matter if they’ve spent one cent or a million dollars
elvis yang (639e2e) — 10/31/2008 @ 3:11 pmMany rich people are not White… Mr Red Afro
Me (d8da01) — 10/31/2008 @ 3:13 pmComment by Terrance Mckinnon — 10/31/2008 @ 2:55 pm
What you fail to realize is that the Gov’s Mansion in Juneau is the official (tax-base) residence/office, of whomever is Governor, and that the Alaskan Government pays per diem when you are away from the office/official residence, whether that is Pt.Barrow AK, Washington DC, or Wasilla AK.
Another Drew (7aa87e) — 10/31/2008 @ 3:14 pmShe stays at her home in Wasilla when she is working out of the Governor’s alternate office in Anchorage (it’s about an hours commute from Wasilla, though I would imagine they use a chopper). If she stayed at a hotel in Anchorage, they gov’t would still be on the hook for the per diem, plus the hotel bill.
Does that bring any clarity to the matter?
What a ridiculous waste of time.
I thought I’d read it all at Human Events, but I guess you “self-made orators” can’t stop. Isn’t it very disheartening to know that no one will read your view because they DO NOT care.
These commenter’s could have voted 6 months ago. They will never look for the truth, nor will they deviate from their party line. If, however, they do find a sound-bite that may affect their choice, it is meaningless.
The Judge (4af816) — 10/31/2008 @ 3:15 pmI am a 70 year old retiree who once snow skied, scuba-dived, played baseball, football, volley-ball, even golf with a 9 handicap, fished, boated, lobstered, hunted, dirt biking, etc. Now with a bad back (Arthritis and 4 herniated discs) I find a lot of time to engage in these discussions. However, they are not very fulfilling. No rush of adrenaline here, only
Everyone asks well what is the real fundamental difference between Democrats and Republicans, as having been a Poli Sci major, and watching ridiculous street interviews, I can surely tell you that a majority of the public has no clue. So let me put it pretty easily. One day a girl comes home from school and tells her dad that she has a 4.0 for her fall semester. She also explains to her dad that her best friend only has a 2.0 GPA. The dad looks at his daughter and kindly asks her if she would be willing to give a point off of her GPA and give it to her friend. In the end they both can now have 3.0 GPAs. Seems like the best of both worlds correct. Well without hesitation, the girl looks at him and says but dad, I worked hard and earned my grades, she had the same opportunity as I but she chose not to. Why should I have to give her part of my hard earned grade? That dad looked at her and said well sweetie, now you know the difference between Democrats and Republicans. In comment of some earlier posts that claim how can Republicans be conservative when the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, well the answer is because the rich are responsible, they invest their money in safe places and work hard and let their accumalated wealth grow as a whole. The poor are getting poorer because they have not been responsible. There are plenty of jobs out there to be filled, but if it doesn’t come with a 50,000 dollar paycheck each year, most feel it is not worth their time, so they sit at home unemployed. When they do get money, they go buy things that they dont need like brand new cars and lottery tickets. They do not invest it in a high interest CD or IRA. They spend it faster than they can get it. Anyone can be rich if they commit themselves to being a responsible person and putting forth the effort. When you create a safety net, of course people will cling to it, and when you create a bigger safety net, more people will cling to it. Let me ask you this, and I am Republican by the way if no one can tell, but what is going to be the financial motivation to go out and look for a job, if you can stay at home, have all the time in the world to do whatever you would like and know that the government is sending you a check each month. If anything, I think that unemployment would rise, and if you think about it, it is going to be true. If you can not work and make get 25000 a year from the government, who would get up everyday and go to work making the same amount of 25000. I think that many minimum wage earners will quit their jobs because there is going to be a loophole where they can do just that, stay at home and live off the government. It will happen I assure you. Another note, how is the government going to pay for it, by taking my money and your money and giving it to those that are just as capable as we are, yet choose to take the easy path and then complain when their subsidy is not a lot. So they vote to elect a Democrat that is going to promise them a bigger safety net, give them free health care, and subsidize everything else. The money from this has to come from somewhere. It will come from the richest first. Once that happens, the ones that have accumulated their wealth are not going to want to part. They earned it, so why not keep it. The biggest employers in the country are small business owners. If the tax burden gets too high, then what happens, employees are laid off. So now we have a situation where low income individuals are quitting their jobs to collect free money from the government, as well as business owners firing individuals because they cannot afford to pay the increased taxes that they will surely face. Then those that are laid off will just collect umemployment and their free healthcare and never go get another job. It is a ficious cycle that is going to lead the country to broke and an onset of what I think is going to be a huge increase in un-employment as it will be coming from two different facets. Motivation is the key to it all. If there is no motivation to get out there and earn a living for yourself, and not be scared that the government is going to take as much as they can from you and give it to your neighbor who sits at home on the front porch all day living off of their government funds. That is not the America that I know and it surely is not the America that I want to see over the next four years. The choice is yours! I hope that I have explained my point of view. I am so sorry that I am way off topic but I thought I would just my two cents in, or should I say, come January, thousands of extra dollars each year!
Trey (bd5342) — 10/31/2008 @ 3:18 pmWhy do you think McCain chose Palin, for her wisdom and experience? Surely not; McCain chose Palin in order to get WOMEN votes, so don’t bash Obama and Biden, and Biden seems to have much more experience with Vice President-like jobs.
Again, how much do the McCains have?
“Cindy, reported $4.2 million in income for 2007”
“John McCain released his own tax return last April, reporting a total income of $405,409 in 2007 and $84,460 in federal income taxes”
McCain and his wife earn more than Obama still.
Also, Obama wishes to tax those making more than 250K, letting lower income families pay less taxes. He wants to raise taxes for people who are getting more money than they need. The way the status quo is and how McCain wants it, the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer.
charles (19b711) — 10/31/2008 @ 3:19 pmhey redafro. is he black or white? you seem to know everything black. so, what is it. red sounds like a good color for you. you know, like a red commie dog
dealemslim (f40586) — 10/31/2008 @ 3:20 pmred afro get off the glass pipe
dealemslim (f40586) — 10/31/2008 @ 3:22 pmComment on Comment by Trey — 10/31/2008 @ 3:18 pm
the rich are getting richer and the poor poorer not because they try harder ultimately, but because the poor are given less opportunities.
a dumb person who inherits all his money from his father does not necesserialy have tried harder; his parents did everything not him.
while the poor, because of the lack of money, cannot afford to get good supplies for school, are less healthy because of their diet, and don’t have money for the good schools
that is why the rich get richer and the poor poorer
charles (19b711) — 10/31/2008 @ 3:23 pmEveryone seems to misunderstand the purpose of the tax code, which has been in effect for years. We already have a progressive tax system, that taxes the rich more than the poor, as it should be.
Obama’s purpose is to ensure America has a healthy middle class – to keep hope alive for all people – so that everyone has the possibility of the American dream.
Have you ever seen a country without a middle class? Have you seen a people without hope? Try looking through history – England and other parts of Europe in the 1600s and 1700’s (huge immigration to US during this time). In addition, look at Middle Eastern countries – Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, etc -NO middle class – either haves or have nots – no way to send your children to school to learn to read, so these uneducated people listen to extremists tell them what is in the Koran, which is NOT TRUE. They see their only hope, and feel that the only people who care about them are the extremists. Extremists from these theocracies increase their numbers and control by being the answer to the lack of money and resources for the poor, and what should be an educated middle class.
So, take this scenario and place it in America – No middle class equals rebellion. Where there is no hope, there is rebellion. Where there is no education, there is an extremist waiting and available to lend a hand. In the absense of hope and possibility, there is a vacuum, waiting to be filled with hate and ignorance.
The insurance against this situation is to ensure that America keeps a middle class that is educated, able to dream and make their children’s dreams come true.
So, yes – we must spread the wealth, if that is the way to say it – to make sure that we don’t have a country where only the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer, and the middle class disappears. And, if I am a rich person, it is in my best interest to make sure that people of all socioeconomic levels have a pathway to success, because, if I am selfish and think only of myself, my family will eventually suffer when those WITHOUT rebel, and HISTORY tells us it WILL happen.
In America as a supposed Christian nation, which I see as alot of “talkers” and not as many “WALKERS,” if we truly do as Jesus did, and walk his walk, we would give it all away to anyone who was in need. I would like to hear less about how Christian and giving we are as a nation, and SEE more people Walk His Walk.
I am not a proponent, however, of a handout. Most caring people want to give a “HAND-UP” not a handout. A handout must go on forever. A “HAND-up” lasts forever – educates our poor, so they can care for themselves and their families. This is a much less expensive proposition than handouts.
Think beyond the “spread the wealth” comment, and see what was truly meant – grow our middle class, and extend the American dream to everyone. Give people a hand-up, not a handout. And remember as you pass the homeless person on the street, that, but by the Grace of God, go any one of us.
And, please, as a Christian, Jewish, Muslim (freedom of religion)country, stop the incredibly nasty and hate-filled messages that are simply not necessary. A country fulfills its promise by banding together, not by spewing the vitriol coming from both sides. In order to fight for our economy and the state of our union, we must come together. We are stronger together than we ever will be apart.
cgj (f6af3b) — 10/31/2008 @ 3:23 pmBut nowhere near what Kerry and his wife make.
Is it only bad when it’s Republicans making a lot of money?
Scott Jacobs (d3a6ec) — 10/31/2008 @ 3:26 pmno, before people were slamming down obama and biden for making so much money and not giving any away…
charles (19b711) — 10/31/2008 @ 3:27 pmComment by The Judge — 10/31/2008 @ 3:15 pm
Thanks for stopping bye. Hope you have a better time at the next bus-stop.
Another Drew (7aa87e) — 10/31/2008 @ 3:27 pmGo easy on that Black-Jack!
Hey Red Afro….. It’s amazing that only the Left continous to try to raise the Race issue. I for one do not care what color a man is, I care about his honesty, character, openness, his defending and protecting the Constition of this Nation and what his vision for our Nation is. I do not support Obama because he fails the litmis test on these vital subjects.
Honesty: Faileed; lying about his relationship with Jeremiah Wright, Islamic extremists, William Ayres. (His book identifies where he was drawn to in college, Solcialist and Marxists) Buy it and read, it is quit enlightening.
Character: Allows his campaign to attack Palin and Joe the Plumber, ruthlessly. Never in my entire life have I seen a campaign so attack a Vice Presidential candidate or a private citizen. What wiull happen when you disagree with this man If he becomes president?(Enemy Combatant status? Dissapear inthe middle ofthe night whith no one letting your family know where you are?)
jim (55055f) — 10/31/2008 @ 3:29 pmopenness: HAs sealed all school, college, and Birth records so the citizens can not review his history and determine who this man really is.
Defending the Constitution: Based on his voting records he is against freedom of speach, the right to own and bear Arms, and against the Bill of Rights. Wake up America1!!
Vision for the Nation: A Socialist/Marxist Nation…. Not on my watch. To many Americans have died on the battlefields to have this man take awa the freedoms they were fighting for and protected. The constitutions sates that We believe that all men were created equal…. It does not say that all men will be Equal in fincail maters, housing, food, clothing etc.
You can not grow a responsible middle class by taxing the bejeebus out of the rich. It has never worked in this country, ever. Not once. It’s been tried a couple of times.
Hell, I wish EVERYONE was rich, but when the top 5% pay just over 60% of the taxes (judging by 2006 numbers) and the bottom FIFTY percent pay just under three 3%, you have a problem.
And the problem is, you will give people NO incentive to climb OUT of those lower rungs, because all that would happen is they would loose the hand outs AND have to pay a lot more in taxes.
Listen closely. Mark my words.
Sen. Obama’s and the Democrat Party’s plans will DESTROY the economy. Completely. Within 2 years you WILL see great-depression levels of unemployment if they have their way. There are no two ways about it.
But you go on and think that you’re doing us a favor. Call me when you get laid off.
I will likely need the laugh.
Scott Jacobs (d3a6ec) — 10/31/2008 @ 3:32 pmjim, please provide links to the sources you are using for your info
charles (19b711) — 10/31/2008 @ 3:33 pmif you just stop and think about it for a minute… if the taxes are lowered for the middle class, dems and repubs , we will all have more money. what do we do with more money ? we spend it. when we spend it, stores need to meet supplies, which helps the economy. when we spend more, the guys at the top make more. so although they will get a 3% tax raise, they will end up making more money in the long run. and if the 7,500.00 is such an issue, ( thats 3% of 250,000.00) all they need to do is hire 3 full time employees, at the 3000.00 per employee tax break offered by obama, they end up with 1,500.00 to the good. thats helping the economy, creating jobs…The wealthy has not been doing a job at spreading the wealth. when ceo’s make 16 million a year,which comes out to abt 60 grand a day a floor workers make less then that a year. We need someone to help… and thats all he is trying to do. FYI: I make more then the 250,000.00 benchmark, and i support the idea.
johnny (d354f8) — 10/31/2008 @ 3:34 pmWell the proof is ALWAYS in the pudding isn’t it. Barak and Biden talk a good talk…but they don’t walk the walk……phonies to the core! It’s John & Cindy Mccain all the way!
kathy (ebc99f) — 10/31/2008 @ 3:35 pmThe good thing about America is that if push comes to shove a person can work and not pay taxes. This is an option if a socialist like obama chooses to try and take over the money I make. The folks who vote for obama will pay their taxes and then get back a $1000 or so and say they got a tax break. The fools are only getting back the money they paid in.
Richard (3d6182) — 10/31/2008 @ 3:38 pmwhat about mccain’s policies? tax the crap out of lower income people and give tax breaks to CEOS and that bunch?
what percentage of our country are CEOs? lower income?
also joe the plumber, although he may have been sincere about his questioning of the democratic candidate at first, seems to be keeping it up for the publicity, and everyone knows the news can’t always be trusted, he is all part of McCain’s/Palin’s campaign strategy
also, “less than $250,000 a year in income and thus wouldn’t be subject to higher taxes under Obama’s plan” referencing joe the plumber
charles (19b711) — 10/31/2008 @ 3:38 pmComment by kathy
you mean you suport John McCain and Sarah Palin…Cindy is not running
and yes Barak and Biden do in fact walk the walk
charles (19b711) — 10/31/2008 @ 3:40 pmPerhaps since Obama has so much campaign contribution money leftover. Maybe he should donate the millions he’s received in illegal donations from foriegn contributors like Hamas, PLO, and Lord knows who else… to charity. Like say the children left without parents and affected families by the terrorists of 9/11. You know, the ones that keep telling us they would love to see him elected.
HearYea (5df7be) — 10/31/2008 @ 3:42 pmThere is plenty of pathways to success. Does anyone ever remember Chris Gardner? I think there was a good movie about him called “They Pursuit of Happyness” as it was incorrectly spelled on the building outside his son’s daycare. This man had absolutely nothing, slept on the floor in bathrooms, never went to college, but saw an opportunity and seized it. It proves more than anything else that with hard work you can make something of yourself. Look at Obama himself, he did not come from a prominent rich family. I will give him some credit, he rose from nothing, did something with his life, and is on the verge of possibly becoming President of the United States. The key phrase is where there is a will, there is a way. I would rather not hear comments about how the poor cannot afford food or school supplies, because there are so many ways that these things can be obtained. How much is a pencil and notebook anyway. There are hundreds of government programs where the less advantaged can get calculators and laptops and all kinds of stuff. There are hundreds of books out there that tell people how to get these things. I am sure that the book would cost 20 dollars or so,but I am sure there is some sort of government program to get that free as well. The time for talk and half measures are over. I understand that there are hundreds of thousands of individuals out there that cannot for any reason further themselves in education or wealth. If there is a legit need for someone to receive assistance, then I will be more than happy to do all that I can. However, I am not happy, nor am I proud to give my money away to those who receive it because they are too lazy to better themselves. Where is the integrity of the people, where is the pride of self betterment. What if America was not America, and we were as poor as a third world country. I think it is time for all Americans to sit back and look at this great country. Our most important right in the entire constitution is to be able to choose those who represent us and form a government. The right to vote is by far the most important right that we have as an individual. What if that right did not exist, what if we lived in a country where the constitution did not exist? Money and material posessions are the forefront of everyone’s priorities. There are finer things in life. Now in now way and I am hypocrit because I know that it takes money to buy things that you need to survive and I understand that. But what I also understand is that if you get up and you go to work and you work hard, then you should be able to keep as much money as you can to invest in your own family and not your neighbors. As far as mortgages go, two things, people were buying out of their means, and predatory lenders were foaming at the mouth, when they knew that for every 5 homes they sold, 3 would not be able to make mortgage payments. They didn’t care, because the brokers got their commission and passed the buck and the losing end of the deal onto the companies that they worked for. It is time for America to take off the blinders and look around. If you ask those immigrants why the choose to come to America, it isnt because they have ambitions of making millions of dollars. It is because they want to know what it feels like to have the very basic rights that we take for granted each and everyday. There is no other country in the world that has the freedoms that America has. It is time to get back to the fundamentals of why the Pilgrims came to America…for Religious Freedom. No matter who you vote for, just remember that you have that right to vote and it cannot be taken from you. There are so many others out there that would love to come to America and live on the street just to avoid oppression from the country they might have come from.
Trey (bd5342) — 10/31/2008 @ 3:44 pmComment by charles — 10/31/2008 @ 3:38 pm
The BOTTOM 40% of wage earners do not pay Federal Income Taxes;
I repeat,
The BOTTOM 40% of wage earners do not pay Federal Income Taxes!
Another Drew (7aa87e) — 10/31/2008 @ 3:45 pmokay first of all
1) you have no proof he has received illegal donations; stop saying info u can’t back up
2) look at John McCain, Cindy McCain, and the Republican Convention
they have said that they will exceed mccain’s last day spendings
charles (19b711) — 10/31/2008 @ 3:45 pmcomment by another drew
exactly, the bottom 40% RIGHT NOW do not pay taxes (according to your info)
what i’m saying is that McCain WOULD MOST LIKELY RAISE TAXES for these bottom 40% in order to pay for his policies and the one his mentor (George Bush) made (bailout amount has to come from somewhere, o yea, lets spare the rich people and get it from lower income)
charles (19b711) — 10/31/2008 @ 3:47 pmComment by charles — 10/31/2008 @ 3:45 pm
Dumb and Stupid is no way to go through life, Charles!
Another Drew (7aa87e) — 10/31/2008 @ 3:47 pmthank you, Trey. I really like what you said. Poor should not be a token for people to get free things. We should award hard working people, not someone who wants to share other people’s hard work.
See NO to Obama.
Cindy (676806) — 10/31/2008 @ 3:54 pmGosh. What about me, who doesn’t bother to keep track of every single contribution I make to charity in order to mark it down on my taxes because I’m not really that concerned with getting a tax break?
Just goes to show you that I’m way more selfish and uncaring than the rich guys whose accountants help them find ways to write off huge amounts for things they didn’t even do in order to save a few more dollars for themselves.
Emily (099e87) — 10/31/2008 @ 3:58 pmagree with Cindy. Most people I know who work hard are doing very good. And most people I know who are defined to be rich are very hard wroking people and who make the right decisions for their investment and responsible for their own actions.
And just on the side note, what makes you think Obama is fighting for poor people? He just say that to get votes. Look how many super rich are supporting him? Wake up, people. Obama only cares for himself and his friends. See how much money he spend for the election? Does that make you think he is fighting for poor by spending a lot more money?
Eric (676806) — 10/31/2008 @ 3:59 pmHey there, well I can certaintly see your point and as a small business owner it does not seem feasible to me. Here is why, ok so my taxes go up a bit, but I make over 250,000 and and can afford an extra 7500 a year no problem. That is not the issue. But what if I am adequately staffed. Why should I throw 100,000 more dollars out of my pocket, have to pay taxes on their income, because I am not sure if you own a small business or not, but as an employer, I must match the taxes that my employees make. So by hiring more people to get a 3000 tax break for each employee, is going to cost me severely, especially when I have to fork out 100,000 to pay their salaries, match what they pay out in taxes, and at the same time pay higher taxes on what I earn. It just doesn’t make sense to me. If you know a loophole out there please let me know. My email is Trey_mcmillan2001-at-yahoo.com. I am open to new ideas. Your plan would work if I actually needed to hire three more employees. If you look, the majority of the business in this country is made up of small business owners, and on average have between 5-8 employees. It would be very dumb for anyone to hire more employees that they don’t need, unless they truly believe that hiring those more employees, and becoming overstaffed is going to make them more money than what they are paying out. I think your plan is valid and beneficial, but only to a small minute percentage of business owners out there.
Trey (comment for Johnny) (bd5342) — 10/31/2008 @ 4:02 pmEmily:
I rather have you record all the donations to charity and take that off on the tax records. Do you know the deductions for the donation is always much less than the tax benifits?
You know, tracking record does take more work and maybe you are just to important to do so. Then do not complain becasue you are the one decided not to track the record.
Eric (676806) — 10/31/2008 @ 4:03 pmTo be honest with you, I think I would be more embarrased to sit around the kitchen table with my children and tell them that I can work, but since we are getting money from the government, I dont feel like it. Where is the pride in self worth?
Trey (bd5342) — 10/31/2008 @ 4:07 pmno matter who gets in taxes will be raised because of the free trade that has allowed businesses to rape the middle class by sending the jobs to other countries the money we would have had has been taken from us. spending money overseas to obtain oil, which is an obsolete resource has put us even farther in the hole. another problem is that the past eight years have divided our nation to the point that one person has been killed for supporting a candidate (Obama). The idea that taxes won’t be raised is childish because of our loans from other countries as well as our wars we are in debt. that being said people who make below $250,000.00
Nathan (f7965b) — 10/31/2008 @ 4:09 pmright now are paying 25% of what they make whereas those above that pay 15% of what they make which wouldn’t be so difficult if there weren’t a war that money would be coming back to the community through law enforcement, fire dept., and education but the war has thrown all of it off balance companies are now laying people off and getting away with giving golden parachutes. The war will end no matter who gets in because without funding the war will have to end in order for anything to start working here again. look at it from this point of view say someone makes $563 minus 77 that leaves 486 times 2 is 972 but when you minus the monthly bills there’s nothing left to try to get out of that rut even going to school is no longer a gaurantee of getting a better life it was recently found that a degree is possibly worth about $300,000 distributed over a 20 year period and really only helps near the end of the 20 but if you’re making $250,000.00/yr you make $8,500.00 every two weeks so having all that money and not wanting to pay into the system that keeps you in business is greedy and not very smart policy because without putting that money back in the system all the money you spend elsewhere isn’t coming back to you either which is a big reason for the fallout that we’ve had
The tax cuts of individual income of $200,000 or more/families $250,000 or more will be done away with. How many of you make $200,000 or more each year? McCain has a super-rich wife. He does not need to pay any bills. He probably lives off his wife’s wealth. He should give more than he does. His parents even buy his wife’s gifts for him.
Palin is sitting pretty, too. She’s paid to live in her own house. She charges the state for her kids’ joy rides.
McCain wants the tax cuts to be permanent. He’s looking out for his wife’s interests aka his own interests.
Glass houses. . .
Eddie (e2af06) — 10/31/2008 @ 4:19 pmAnd how much have you donated, Mr. Patterico?
Philip (8bdd23) — 10/31/2008 @ 4:30 pmIt amazes me how ignorant the people in this country are. Just because that is what is on a persons TAX RETURN it doesn’t meant that is all they gave. It simply means that is all they CLAIMED.
I don’t claim all of my donations!!
Get over it.
Jeremy (2be872) — 10/31/2008 @ 4:35 pmOn top of all that BHO went for illegal deal with Rezko to purchase a house w 1/6th of the market price by doing political favors to him.. It is truly pathetic like the mania media who is doing disservice to this country
lydia (a10984) — 10/31/2008 @ 4:39 pmJeremy that is how you have to spin it. Get real
lydia (a10984) — 10/31/2008 @ 4:41 pmOBAMA IS THE ANTICHRIST…. READ YOU BIBLE YOU WILL SEE IM RIGHT
john russell (e7c944) — 10/31/2008 @ 4:43 pmcharitable donation is not income tax, no one obligated to give away their money to charity.
v-huynh (8150d0) — 10/31/2008 @ 4:43 pmOBAMA IS THE ANTICHRIST…. READ YOUR BIBLE YOU WILL SEE IM RIGHT
john russell (e7c944) — 10/31/2008 @ 4:44 pmOBAMA IS THE ANTICHRIST…. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS ??READ YOUR BIBLE AND FIND OUT……
john russell (e7c944) — 10/31/2008 @ 4:48 pmNot surprised – and not to judge – but elected democrats in general do not give to charity – I believe because they see the US Gov as their surrogate!!!
don63 (ff56e9) — 10/31/2008 @ 4:55 pmIf you people don’t do anything else vote for a Republican House and Senate so the government will have it’s check and balances. This is very important to our freedom.
Rose Platt (270e04) — 10/31/2008 @ 4:59 pmthis story is ridiculous, get your facts straight. We are tired of republican party for the last eight years and look where it has taken us. We need a change and now is the time!!!
Annette (282ac9) — 10/31/2008 @ 5:01 pmhow ironic right???? why didn’t Obabma spread some of the campaign money around to all of us instead of spending it on ridiculous advertising and infomertials that don’t make a bit of difference.Or give it to charity. He just wants to be a movie star!
cathy (e13c7f) — 10/31/2008 @ 5:04 pmOf course Obama’s donations increased after he decided to run for President. Thats politics not compassion.
Dennis D (ae900a) — 10/31/2008 @ 5:05 pmYou taxes will go up under Obama. They have to. He can not fund 4.3 trillion dollars in programs without it. Your paychecks will shrink, because you’re going to see a rise in your Social Security tax.
Your retirement will slow, because Employeers will have ZERO reason to match contributions once Congress gets rid of the deduction for matching, AND congress wants to change it so your 401(k) contributions out of your paycheck are NOT pre-tax.
Are you LISTENING to me?
Not only are your taxes going to go up, your jobs may be at risk, since the economy WILL slow, the market WILL shrink, and jobs WILL be cut.
But ah well. Fat, Dumb and Happy will win every time, I suppose…
If you rob Peter to Paul, you can always count on the support of Paul.
Scott Jacobs (d3a6ec) — 10/31/2008 @ 5:10 pmJust a bunch of right wing baloney. Biden and Obama may well have contributed money to various charities without reporting it.
The Republicans are so full of elephant dung they will do anything to try to make good, honorable and decent men who want to do what’s best for our country instead of giving special breaks for the rich.
Being unwilling to pay your fair share of taxes is SELFISH!!!! People who choose not to take every possible tax break are good people, and I see both Obama and Biden in this category. I don’t report all of my own charitable giving to the IRS, either so I call BULL(unprintable) on this one!!
Kathy Mullins (b85fae) — 10/31/2008 @ 5:12 pmWake up, people! Real people who give to others DO NOT put it on their tax return. We give from the heart and forget patting our selves on the back.
RosettaRealist (1ff674) — 10/31/2008 @ 5:12 pmObama will get us Killed cause he has NO EXPERIENCE AND he will bring more Crime to the world, another War will come cause he has no experience people are only voting for him cause he is BLACK that is the only reason CAUSE he has no experience HE TALKS A GOOD GAME but thats all it is TALK thats what he pays his writers for But he has NEVER PROVED ANYTHING HE HASN’R DONE ANYTHING except raise taxes so anyone that would vote for INEXPERIENCE is putting there families in arms way Cause Obama is so well hated and cause of his MUSLIM NAME HE WILL BE A TARGET
Paula (ce69ff) — 10/31/2008 @ 5:12 pmThe reason McCain is able to give more is because his rich wife makes 10 million a year. I do not see OBAMA or Biden as having the same wealth. McCain does not even know how many houses he has.
Michael (ea9802) — 10/31/2008 @ 5:12 pmPeople use your brains. Stop repeating talking points and look up information for your self. Do not let the stump talks make your decision for you. This is why this country is in the trouble it is in, we believed what Bush, Rush, and all the rest of them tell us what was real. We did not look at the facts, we did not stand up against crooks like the founders of this country did. We let them rip us off blind. You can not trust any politician, democrat or republican. They are out for there own interests and the interests of those that grease there pockets. You must investigate everything a politician tells you, then make a decision with your heart, not by some commercial,
or by what some radio talk show host says.
Did you idiots ever think that maybe, just maybe, they didn’t declare their charitable contributions? I mean, just because someone doesn’t list their charitable contributions on their tax return doesn’t mean they didn’t make any. It simply means they didnt want a tax credit for whatever they gave.
Joe (7b1946) — 10/31/2008 @ 5:17 pmIf Obama wants to spread the wealth around, why not begin by sharing some of the campaign money he has raised with the other candidates. I am sure McCain, Barr or Nader would welcome the support for their struggling campaigns.
tired of the talk (1f789b) — 10/31/2008 @ 5:18 pmHe’s a talker not a walker. If Obama wins, I am quiting my job and going on welfare so my tax dollars aren’t going to leave babies on a table to die. Then I will have lots of time to become a
community organizer and help people deal with the misery he has laid in their laps.
Being unwilling to pay your fair share of taxes is SELFISH!!!!
The question is, of course, who gets to decide what a fair share is…and exactly what that monetarily amounts to.
And I hate to break it to you, but being selfish, even disgustingly so is a freedom all Americans have, no matter how unattractive or unappealing it may be.
Dana (658c17) — 10/31/2008 @ 5:20 pmOh come on now everyone, didn’t he give almost a
Paul (85b9d4) — 10/31/2008 @ 5:24 pmmillion to Acorn ;o
Forgive me folks, but I remember it written somewhere that God helps those who help themselves.
chickaboom73 (1c0af9) — 10/31/2008 @ 5:24 pmIn my eyes Obama’s plan is not to help us help ourselves but to demoralize us into thinking that more government control is the answer.
John McCain is willing to help build the small business base (Hooray for MARS!(my laundromat))and help bring back the America we were once so proud of. So if God helps those who help themselves who in the hell is this Obamamessiah?!
We can not count Obama’s contributions to ACORN as charity. Charity entails not receiving anything in return.
Justin S. (9d605c) — 10/31/2008 @ 5:25 pmthis is so much fun. I wish it didn’t have to end.
marie (1f789b) — 10/31/2008 @ 5:26 pmlets vote for palin so we get to see tina fey a lot more often and at least have something to laugh. that is my plan.
McCain’s “charitable contributions” tended to go to the private schools his less-than-A-student children were trying to get into.
You always get something back from giving anyway, even if it’s just a feeling of self-satisfaction.
snuffles (677ec2) — 10/31/2008 @ 5:28 pmTo Michael
How is it you are talking out of the side of your Head?
Paul (85b9d4) — 10/31/2008 @ 5:34 pmYou are telling us to look up the facts and get things straight,
that the One doesn’t make as much as the McCains. HEY,
look up the facts yourself dude. The McÇains did not make 10 million. Cindy reported only 4.5 while John reported less than 1.
What about Michelle? She made like 3 million while the One made
another million. Sounds to me they are in the same boats financially. HEY MICHAEL its on the web…. do as you preach and look it up!!
yea go Palin
Paul (85b9d4) — 10/31/2008 @ 5:37 pmgo Tina
Love it
I don’t like obama’s idea of spreading wealth around is not because i am rich and am afraid of wealth being spread. it is because I knew what spreading wealth will do to the country and apply to every one in the country.
jennifer (acc3b1) — 10/31/2008 @ 5:37 pmI am from a socialism country which held the idea of spreading wealth around for half century. It ended up with every one has no enough food to eat and no enough cloth to wear. if this idea through Obama’s presidency applies to the US, I can predict that the result will the same. If one can get money without hard work, the one will prefer not to work. It is human nature–laziness. Nowadays, economy is turning downward, Obama promotes increasing taxes. what he said is to increasing people who have family income over $250,000, which means majority business people and high salary class families. it seems like his policy wont hurt 95% common people. it is a trick! In the US, 70% up is small businesses and they hire workers. who are those workers? they are in the 95%. If Obama imposes more tax on small business, it just forces small businesses out of business or cut their expenses through let-off employees. Then, who will get hurt? rich or poor? rich can leave this country to the country who has lower tax and lower labor. where can poor go? nowhere! government will collect less tax through higher rate tax, and government will end up having no wealth spreading around! As a result, every body becomes poor!
Another serious issue is if Obama becomes the president, he will have the power to point whoever he like to be the supermen court judge and let the three branches lose balance, further more, control house and senate also. at that time, Obama will be a despot without any limit of executive, juristic, and legistic power
Tina Fey for President.
Don’t let the fun stop.
Let’s all write in the Ladies and go for a Palin/Clinton sweep
Oh and Biden as Speaker of the House, with that guy from up north that sounds like he has just been in the dentist chair and they forgot to take the cotton out of his mouth, Barnie Frank, I think- He could be the interpretor for Biden to try and explain what he was really supposed to say and none of us will know what is going on. And Bill Clinton could be asked to show Palin around the Oval Office since he knows his way around the White House with the ladies. SNL are you with me. Vote Palin/Clinton that would be quite a ticket.
SNL fan (1f789b) — 10/31/2008 @ 5:41 pmMcCain supporters, leave this site — no offense — and go to Huff. Post and spill your guts on anything and everything that comes to mind. It won’t do much good for making people see the light or shake the hypnotic effect of BO, but, sometimes it’s a helluva lot of fun! These are scary times and if you read some of the comments on Huff. post I swear you’ll have nightmares — and it won’t be from ghosts and goblins!
Paul miller (0c626e) — 10/31/2008 @ 5:43 pmJoe, evidently you are not paying any attention. Biden often did declare a tiny amount of charitable giving on his taxes.
If your theory was right, he’d list none.
SPQR (26be8b) — 10/31/2008 @ 5:46 pmI am with SNL fan!!!
But PLEASE send a chaperon with Bill and Palin 😉
Paul (85b9d4) — 10/31/2008 @ 5:46 pmWell I can only comment on my life and with that who I would like to see in the White House. I personally like Mccain. I have served for 16 years in the military and now a regular job like most. Things will be different if either one get in the White House. I like the Tax plan set forth by Mccain. I find a few flaws in Obamas. I like things about each one of them and dis-like things in both. I just don’t like the idea that a person that don’t work or pay taxes getting a rebate check, everyone who works and pays taxes should be able to get the rebate but someone who is too lazy to work should not get spit. Everyone who WANTS to work, can find a job. just us Americans are to self absorbed and greedy, and want the best job and the highest pay from the start, no one wants to work their way up to the higher pay, or better position. I am also tired of all the crying BS about this racist stuff thats just another way for someone to try and seek sympathy from others. You want something in life, then go out and work and earn it. If you don’t do that then you get nothing, I think those who don’t work and pay taxes (those that can) should not be able to vote.
jody (84e63e) — 10/31/2008 @ 5:49 pmhey i am voting for mccain but the more i read here i might go for obama,hell i can quit and get a check from other peoples money so i can have what they have…hell yes i think i will…NOT..carry on y’all
dennis (4b90e3) — 10/31/2008 @ 5:58 pmDoes anyone know what things will be like in this country if Obama wins? Think about Barny Frank his personal lifestyle, Nancy Pelosi and her wacked veiws, Ted Kenedy who made his wealth or recieved it from his father who made their family fortune by brakeing the law and was a bootlegger, John Kerry and his 3 Purple Hearts, and Harry Reid I’ll quit there….these few are already running congress and have been for a few years. DOES ANYONE REALLY WANT THESE PEOPLE TO HAVE TOTAL CONTROL? IF DEMS RUN CONGRESS AND THE WHITEHOUSE WE ARE ALL IN DEEP DOODOO
jody (84e63e) — 10/31/2008 @ 6:02 pmThis is a very interesting blog. I like it very much.
Srini (36bb72) — 10/31/2008 @ 6:03 pmLet everyone work hard for money. We already have lazy people, why make them LAZIER or why get more lazy people into the system.
Easy to say SHARE the WEALTH. I will share the health, if everyone starts working more than 50 hours like me and contributes enough to the society and government.
Jody – I like your comments.
Srini (36bb72) — 10/31/2008 @ 6:05 pmI don’t like obama’s idea of spreading wealth around is not because i am rich and am afraid of wealth being spread. it is because I knew what spreading wealth will do to the country and apply to every one in the country.
I am from a socialism country which held the idea of spreading wealth around for half century. They Markism. what had they done was killing rich and the new government took over the property rich owned. It was call “red revolution”. It ended up with every one had no enough food to eat and no enough cloth to wear. if this idea through Obama’s presidency applies to the US, I can predict that the result will the same. If one can get money without hard work, the one will prefer not to work. It is human nature–laziness.
Nowadays, economy is turning downward,or actually is in depression. Obama promotes increasing taxes. what he said is to increasing taxes on people who have family income over $250,000, which means majority business people and high salary class families. It seems like his policy won’t hurt 95% common people. It is a trick! In the US, 70% up is small businesses and they hire workers. Who are those workers being hired by businesses? They are definitely in Obama’s 95%. If Obama imposes more tax on business, it just forces small businesses out of business or cut their expenses through let-off employees or businesses move out of the US. Then, who will get hurt? rich or poor? Rich can leave this country to the country who has lower tax and lower labor even before you tax them more. Where can poor go? Nowhere! Government will collect less tax through higher rate tax and government will end up having no wealth spreading around! As a result, every body becomes poor!
jennifer (acc3b1) — 10/31/2008 @ 6:06 pmAnother serious issue is if Obama becomes the president, he will have the power to point whoever he likes to be the supreme court judge and he will let the three ruling branches lose balance. Further more, control house and senate also. At that time, Obama will be a despot without any power limitation in executive, jurisdiction, and legislative. I think all this is what what Obama’s meaning of fundamental change in the US. Do you like this kind of Change? Think about it seriously before you vote for OBAMA!
dennis (4b90e3) — 10/31/2008 @ 6:07 pmRight now your Social Security check is being used to bomb Iraq. As a Christian I have serious issues with funding murder.
jody (84e63e) — 10/31/2008 @ 6:15 pmComment by charles
1) you have no proof he has received illegal donations; stop saying info u can’t back up
Listen upchuck,
HearYea (5df7be) — 10/31/2008 @ 6:18 pmThe Obama DNC as already admitted it received funds from the middle east.
One example THEY mentioned was one from a supporter who marked the envelope from ‘GA’.
They thought at first it was from Georgia, but turned out it was from Gaza…THAT”S GAZA as in PLO, HAMAS CHUCK!…They gave that back…but said much which they have gotten, they had no idea where it came from. YOU, CHUCK… need to stay better alert and listen to your own DNC. But like a lot of you Obamanation ilk have been lulled into a stupor that only allows you to pay attention to key words like Change and Hope…other than that, you are clueless!
jody (84e63e) — 10/31/2008 @ 6:19 pmCHANGE STANDS FOR WHAT?….COME HELP A NIGGER GET ELECTED
MARK (84e63e) — 10/31/2008 @ 6:22 pmWell, it is Halloween.
Another Drew (7aa87e) — 10/31/2008 @ 6:22 pmI guess that explains the invasion of Moon-Bats!
Don’t you people have some trick-r-treating to do?
jody, a civilized society knows how to use the caps lock key correctly.
SPQR (26be8b) — 10/31/2008 @ 6:23 pmWELL THATS A LITTLE UNCALLED FOR
jody (84e63e) — 10/31/2008 @ 6:23 pmexactly mark
dennis (4b90e3) — 10/31/2008 @ 6:24 pmMark, take a hike. We’ve no place for that kind of crap.
jody (84e63e) — 10/31/2008 @ 6:25 pmHearYea, actually we do know that the Obama campaign has received illegal donations. That’s been reported. What we don’t know is how many they received and did not return.
Comment by MARK — 10/31/2008 @ 6:22 pm
Obama’s Change? def: used as an example… to CHANGE our democractic society to a socialist society. For further info see: Marx Lenin Trotsky Stalin Mao Castro Chavez Ortega etc. Or read anything written by William Ayres.
jody (84e63e) — 10/31/2008 @ 6:30 pmCleanup at #174.
Dana (658c17) — 10/31/2008 @ 6:32 pmI can attest to the sad fact that spreading the wealth around does not work. My husband and I were both born and raised in lower income families working since 5th grade. What we did not have in material possessions we gained in a strong work ethic and belief in individual effort. For 20 year we ran a successful business. Through these years family members, friends, business acquaintances frequently came to us and asked for financial help. We are small time builders. Right now it is easy to imagine we are being hit pretty hard. Guess what?! Of the $135,000 borrowed not one of these individuals are in a position to repay any of the money….. Now we are struggling due to a note that has to be paid by the first of the year.
Socialism does not work to make the poor richer. It only makes the rich poor. (we are only “rich” by comparison to our upbringing) What will our workers do who depend on us for employment. The brickmason and plumber or painter…
Obama will do to America what we did to ourselves. Even if you are giving with the believe it will help- it doesn’t change the outcome. Money comes as a reward of sacrifice, effort and discipline. We were made to feel guilty for our success and now I guess we can all sit together at the soup line because we have given it all to those who did not earn one cent.
lefty (1f789b) — 10/31/2008 @ 6:32 pmHey we’re already socialized. Does Medicare,Medicaid,Food stamps, and SOCIAL SECURITY ring a bell? Not? How aboout BAILOUT? Maybe if you don’t want your ss check you could send it to a third world nation and feed them. I’m sure when alll that agree sends it in we can eliminate starvation as we now know it. Oh Jesus would be so proud of you. What a blessing would come your way.
Linda (8a16ee) — 10/31/2008 @ 6:33 pmObama is very dangerous! If he is elected, it will be the US’s disaster!
jody (84e63e) — 10/31/2008 @ 6:36 pmThis thread definitely needs a cleanup.
jody (84e63e) — 10/31/2008 @ 6:40 pmbetter get you weapons now before he outlaws them.GONNA HAPPEN sooner than you think and no fault of mine.king hussein is moving in as much as i hate it.
dennis (4b90e3) — 10/31/2008 @ 6:41 pmjody, you are the only one here who is fearful of the outcome and unable to properly use your own keyboard.
SPQR (26be8b) — 10/31/2008 @ 6:42 pmjody, you really need to cut back on the coffee this late in the day.
Another Drew (7aa87e) — 10/31/2008 @ 6:42 pmjody kind of sounds like Rev.Wright
jody (84e63e) — 10/31/2008 @ 6:47 pmjody, just find the caps lock key and press it once.
Writing in all caps is rude and annoying.
SPQR (26be8b) — 10/31/2008 @ 6:48 pmThough the statistics are true that, as individuals, McCain gives more than Obama, it does not factor in his wife’s wealth, who makes millions and is worth millions. So, if we were to take in the McCain’s total wealth versus the Obama’s total wealth to charitable purposes, we would be seeing very different results. Unfortunately, as I understand it so far, the Mrs. McCain has not released her tax returns for last year, as they both file separately.
Adam (b205fc) — 10/31/2008 @ 6:48 pmHmmm…on the rich paying “more than their share” – simplified example: Rich Guy has a business. Employees use the public roads to get to work. They create pollution that the government cleans up. The driver license administration is handled by the government. And so on. If the business gets the profits of the work, it should also absorb a portion of the costs of the work in the form of an increased share of the government services that allow it to function.
Barbara Saunders (9c892b) — 10/31/2008 @ 6:48 pmYou Win LOL better
jody (84e63e) — 10/31/2008 @ 6:51 pmBarbara Saunders, your example has convinced me. We’ll all be better off if “Rich Guy” just shut down his business.
SPQR (26be8b) — 10/31/2008 @ 6:51 pmand who realy cares about what they give to charity?…most Polititians get elected and they are not rich, why is it by the time they are done with their political life they are?
jody (84e63e) — 10/31/2008 @ 6:53 pmComment by Barbara Saunders — 10/31/2008 @ 6:48 pm
Barbara: Those are called Local, County, & State Business Taxes. If you owned one, you would know about it.
Another Drew (7aa87e) — 10/31/2008 @ 6:54 pmThen, there are State Payroll Taxes,
State Disability Insurance Taxes,
State Workman’s Compensation Taxes,
State Un-employment Taxes.
I’m sure there are more, but time and space are limited.
What does Barbara Saunders knows about business people. If Rich Guy shuts down his business, then all the employees would be looking for job.
Srini (36bb72) — 10/31/2008 @ 6:57 pmAdam,
John McCain claimed half of his wife’s charitable contributions on his tax return.
Even then, the Obamas gave more to charity than the McCains did last year.
snuffles (677ec2) — 10/31/2008 @ 6:57 pmyou forgot the major impact tax to make America fail for sure the Obama IMMINENT CHANGE tax
dennis (4b90e3) — 10/31/2008 @ 6:58 pmWhat a bunch of loosers,just wait until you socialists get the tax bill.I am retired, and will be receiving your contribution.Thank you
seamus (198688) — 10/31/2008 @ 7:00 pmand if anyone is paying attention, the tax plan put forward by Obama has changed from those making $250 thousand to those making $150 thousand soon it will be those making $50 thousand. we all know the little man or woman pays more and keeps this country rolling as for the rich getting taxed more, do you think Bill Gates will miss 1 million dollars more paid to taxes? he can loose that much and never even know it. If most Americans loose $20 we look for it for hours. I personaly need all the money I earn. I don’t mind paying my fair share of taxes but can we keep it fair
jody (84e63e) — 10/31/2008 @ 7:01 pmseamus that is imminent change…lol
dennis (4b90e3) — 10/31/2008 @ 7:02 pmMcCain’s giving does not include his wife’s philanthropy. That woman has given so much to third world countries and for charity organizations. It isn’t her fault she is an heiress, people. Yet she has used her money to help the unfortunate. As for leaving one wife and marrying an heiress, McCain has already come forward and admitted he has made mistakes in his past marriage. I mean, good grief, the guy was locked up and tortured in a POW camp thousands of miles away from his wife for 5-1/2 years and you don’t think that can change a person? Yet he still had the guts to admit he made mistakes and has regrets. The man has a lot of character.
The McCains may be wealthy, but they give way more than 10% of their income if you are to base it off of biblical standards. It’s great that some of those who are blessed financially are generous in their giving.
Rose (7d88b5) — 10/31/2008 @ 7:03 pmAndrew Drew is correct. Then, there are various insurances such as Business Liability, Automobile Liability, Professional Liability, Crime Bond, Performance Bond, Fiduciary Bond. More importantly, Rich Guy is the one who take risks and challenges, uses Brain to keep the company running, works more hours including weekends, pays employees FIRST prior to taking his pay check,etc. What would Barbara Sauders knows about Rich Guy?
Srini (36bb72) — 10/31/2008 @ 7:03 pmActually, Rose,
The McCain’s gave about 2% of their combined income to charity last year (the Obamas about 3%).
Not exactly “biblical”.
snuffles (677ec2) — 10/31/2008 @ 7:07 pmPersonnally, it doesn’t matter to me who gave and how much. There are other key issues to focus on:
-Why Obahma has sealed his records and won’t provide a birth certificate?
Charlene (f51b63) — 10/31/2008 @ 7:11 pm-How so many people have been fooled by Obahma’s “promises”? How they welcome this so-called “change” because they think they can get a free ride?
-That enough people won’t vote for McCain and we’ll all be stuck in a nightmare for four years.
-This is the most sacriest election I have seen and am truly afraid of the outcome and for my future.
I hate when I misspell words! I meant scariest….
Charlene (f51b63) — 10/31/2008 @ 7:12 pmI know about running a small business and it is hard work, long hours, operating on too little sleep. Daily taking risk that others know nothing about and having to smile through it anyway. All the while having others judge you as lucky, selfish or treating you like there was no effort involved. It is a life I hope and pray my children do not chose.
We are handing our children a society that no longer rewards hard work and individual effort or personal integrity. While in kindergarten, my daughter learned from the Clinton media about oral sex. Now in college, she is learning from the Obama media if you lie without batting an eye the Presidency can also be yours.
lefty (1f789b) — 10/31/2008 @ 7:13 pmIn the final days of the election republicans try to find anything and everything to make the other guy look incompetent while skipping away from their own candidates dirty past.
Btw, make Palin run in 2012!
I want to have a guaranteed 8 year run.
Riana (7900a4) — 10/31/2008 @ 7:17 pmWe know through their past, and current actions the extent of character of both John & Cyndi McCain.
Almost 20 years of Barack Obama’s past is a blank, and he refuses to talk about it.
Good character is doing the right thing when you think no one is watching.
All the world is watching Obama, and he is a mystery.
We knew more about “The Manchurian Candidate”!
Another Drew (7aa87e) — 10/31/2008 @ 7:17 pmThe rich are ALREADY paying more taxes:
A few years ago, when I made $55k per year – I paid $4,800 in taxes.
Last year when I made $127k (after hard work and education), I paid $32k in taxes.
Yet so many people think that our problems are caused by the Republicans are currently running government. So if the rich are ALREADY paying more taxes, and the philosophy is that Obama will “spread the wealth” by taxing people who make more than $250k and lowering taxes on those that make less, how is this going to solve the problems of our economy?
All about America (6f4a0d) — 10/31/2008 @ 7:20 pmTo Charlene, usually I don’t respond to comments since I believe everyone has a right to speak as idioticly as they want to but honestly…
Personnally, it doesn’t matter to me who gave and how much. There are other key issues to focus on:
-Why Obahma has sealed his records and won’t provide a birth certificate?
He has provided them, go to google now, no not fox news dear, go to google, type in Obama birth certificate. Wow…lookie there.
-How so many people have been fooled by Obahma’s “promises”? How they welcome this so-called “change” because they think they can get a free ride?
I don’t understand how after 8 years of Bush you think electing a senile old man and incompetent beauty queen will be any better. Then again maybe you were an original supporter of George W. DUI. Bush.
-That enough people won’t vote for McCain and we’ll all be stuck in a nightmare for four years.
Too bad. If the nightmare gets too bad you can move to Alaska and live under the glorious rule of Palin.
-This is the most sacriest election I have seen and am truly afraid of the outcome and for my future.
I think you’d be less afraid if you tried to educate yourself in a non-partison manner.
Riana (7900a4) — 10/31/2008 @ 7:22 pmThe reason Obama is popular is because of the idiots that voted the worst president ever in our history TWICE! Had we not had the most imcompetent and inefficient run executive branch for 8 years and legislative branch from 1994-2006 we wouldn’t be in this mess now.
JV (5faf1a) — 10/31/2008 @ 7:25 pmI was never a Bush supporter. I, as you, have a right to my own opinion. Since we’re stuck with with only two candidates which neither are the “best man for the job” I will vote for the person that best suits MY life. Pretty much the lesser of two evils.
I will be voting, but MY opinion is that our votes really don’t count. There have been elections where mail-in ballots and even MILITARY votes weren’t counted because it was felt that they wouldn’t matter! How’s that for democracy? Oh and another opinion of MINE is that the electoral college doesn’t work and I’m not the only person who thinks that.
Charlene (f51b63) — 10/31/2008 @ 7:31 pmRiana made some really stupid comments. “It doesn’t matter who gave and how much”.
No, Riana, it *does* matter. The true nature of someone is what they do with their own money, not somone else’s. Obama has a clear history of being a career politician. He came from one of the sleaziest, most corrupt political machines in the country – in Chicago. His voting record and lack of any substantial legislation championed in Congress shows that he is a prototypical ‘lifer’.
Charlene may be completely ignorant of deeper issues of economics and policy – and focused on birth certificates, for instance – but there is also a boatload of liberals who are just like her, fixated on their own bizarre ‘issues’ and ‘hang-ups’ (Palin’s wardrobe, anyone?)
Anon (bdf8fc) — 10/31/2008 @ 7:33 pmNo Obama is popular because he says he is going to give citizenship to the 12,000,000 illegals in our country and give everything you pay for…for free to the lazy asses who dont want to work Not cant work DONT.He is going to give new meaning to America is free.WAIT AND SEE….
dennis (4b90e3) — 10/31/2008 @ 7:34 pmAnd guess what? It really doesn’t matter who gets elected. My life in general really won’t change. I won’t get assistance, I won’t get rich, and my taxes won’t go up. I’ll still have to get up and go to work, pay bills, and wish I would win the lottery – just like (almost) everyone else.
Charlene (f51b63) — 10/31/2008 @ 7:35 pmEven though I am convinced an Obama presidency will come with a lot of buyers remorse, I do enjoy the realization with the pendulum swinging so far left, if there is anything remaining of America when he is finished with us, the pendulum will swing to the right and stay their for the next generation.
stop th madness (1f789b) — 10/31/2008 @ 7:36 pmwas that prototypical “liar”
dennis (4b90e3) — 10/31/2008 @ 7:36 pmQuote:
Hey we’re already socialized. Does Medicare,Medicaid,Food stamps, and SOCIAL SECURITY ring a bell? Not? How aboout BAILOUT? Maybe if you don’t want your ss check you could send it to a third world nation and feed them. I’m sure when alll that agree sends it in we can eliminate starvation as we now know it. Oh Jesus would be so proud of you. What a blessing would come your way.
Comment by Linda — 10/31/2008 @ 6:33 pm
You know it always amazes me how short some peoples memories are. America tried to stop civil war, genocide, starvation, sickness… where you ask? remember Somalia, Mogadishu… remember? what did we get? SHOT AT, chopper crews murdered drug thru the streets, bodies mutilated… Who’s administration was it under? Clinton! I could go on and on. But the last countries I can recall that we had to help feed and bring medical supples to when they were down was Germany (Berlin airlift), Korea 1950-53. Every other time we send food, medicine, they get just enough energy to hump out another starving mouth (child), burn a U.S. flag and shout “Down Down USA!”. till they get in another fix like Sumatra after the Tsunami and now Dafur and they always say “Where’s the US?” Not calling for Russia or Iran or Saudi Arabi or Venezuela etc. I’m about getting too sick of helping ingrates… I love to help out anyone in need. But I’ll be damned if I help them, they take my money, spit in my face and burn my flag and I’m supposed to feel good about it. I know what Jesus said, he’s right, but they make it very difficult to feel very compassionate. Plus they usually hate Jesus too! Maybe, just maybe… we should look at the inner cities, Appalachia etc. and see if we can help there, maybe they won’t shoot and they already fly our flag. Do Madonna and Anjelina have to go half way around the world to find a hungry mouth to adopt. I think they could save a plane ticket and find plenty in L.A., N.Y.C. Detroit, Chicago, Appalachia. If you feed the nieghbors kids it’s nice, but seems very negligent if the kids in your own house are going hungry. It might p*ss off the Vatican, but I believe these poor third world countries could do well to take china’s lead in restricting parents to one child. I mean living in a food desolate country, bad fresh water supplies, more disease than we can yet diagnose or treat, and they raise 15 kids…what’s wrong with this? People need to have some responsibility, you can barely feed yourself, but you want to have 15 kids…? It’s like seeing the TV shows that have some irresponsible so and so with 47 dogs on their property. All starving, poor health, dying! It could be avoided… Get ’em fixed! Then feed ’em!
HearYea (5df7be) — 10/31/2008 @ 7:38 pmSorry Anon – I made that comment. I was simply stating MY opinion that there were more important issues to focus on. Sorry I didn’t bring up more important ones but that’s what came to mind.
Charlene (f51b63) — 10/31/2008 @ 7:38 pmI guess I am a racist (even though I am not caucasian) b/c I think B.O. needs more experience to run the greatest, most powerful country in the world. I cant believe he gives so little of his money to those in need. Maybe his wife should spend less time complaining about having to live in such a horrible country like the US (where someone of her intelligence makes 300,000 dollars a year) and spend some time using that money to help African American mothers on welfare with children they cannot afford to support. If BO and his wife took 25% of their money, like McCain, or took 1.8 million, like McCain, found 100 these women, got the education, job training and jobs, and then got them off welfare, well let’s just say, “thats change I can believe in.” Hey, you think the day after the election, if BO wins, the homeless people begging for money at my exit to school will just disappear? Will BO change the world that quickly?
hillforprez (f60af7) — 10/31/2008 @ 7:39 pmIt’s just not charity unless you’re reaching into your own pocket.
mj (ac6965) — 10/31/2008 @ 7:39 pmAnon – I think the media is the group with the hang-up about Palin’s wardrobe. It was a ridiculous story and typical of the democratically controlled media.
Charlene (f51b63) — 10/31/2008 @ 7:41 pm“I was never a Bush supporter. I, as you, have a right to my own opinion. Since we’re stuck with with only two candidates which neither are the “best man for the job” I will vote for the person that best suits MY life. Pretty much the lesser of two evils.”
I can’t argue with you on that, you have a right to your opinion and who you want to vote for.
“I will be voting, but MY opinion is that our votes really don’t count. There have been elections where mail-in ballots and even MILITARY votes weren’t counted because it was felt that they wouldn’t matter! How’s that for democracy? Oh and another opinion of MINE is that the electoral college doesn’t work and I’m not the only person who thinks that.”
Yeah…I was a lot anrgier about this back in 00 and 04 when it was Bush. I refuse to get angry about Obama because he is an educated, intelligent man who has ideals and actually works towards them. You quoted misinformation in your arguement. I found this is true of many people who have some grudge against him, the clinging to misinformation.
The fact of the matter is I cannot support McCain when his campaign is a mish mash of lies, hatred, misinformation and ignorance. From Joe the Plumber to the winking beauty queen to his association with Gordon Libby to his donation to Khalidi to his effort to say nothing save for ontime on record to a woman who called Obama a muslim. Of course he said nothing on record to the screams of terrorist and kill him. However on the record Obama has three times stopped crowds from booing McCain.
If you think McCain is the lesser of two evils I wonder what your definition of evil is.
Riana (7900a4) — 10/31/2008 @ 7:51 pm“Riana made some really stupid comments. “It doesn’t matter who gave and how much”.
No, Riana, it *does* matter. The true nature of someone is what they do with their own money, not somone else’s. Obama has a clear history of being a career politician. He came from one of the sleaziest, most corrupt political machines in the country – in Chicago. His voting record and lack of any substantial legislation championed in Congress shows that he is a prototypical ‘lifer’.
Charlene may be completely ignorant of deeper issues of economics and policy – and focused on birth certificates, for instance – but there is also a boatload of liberals who are just like her, fixated on their own bizarre ‘issues’ and ‘hang-ups’ (Palin’s wardrobe, anyone?)”
Anon…awesomely enough you made yourself look like a total idiot all by yourself by not even being able to correctly align my comment with my name. You also doubly insulted Charlene which was a little unnecessary.
How about this, after you learn how to read post these ‘corrupt’ works of Obama. You know…details.
In the meantime, let’s see. Palin charged tax payers for the days she stayed home. She brought her daughters to events where they were not invited also costing tax payers money. She abused power in the troopergate scandal. She also has suspicious ties to the company which built addittions to her house for free while building an ice rink which ended up costing the state millions. She claimed to sell the state plane on e-bay cleverly leaving out she was not able to sell it in this manner and it eventually had to be sold at a loss to the state. She charged rape victims for their rape kits…hell I could go on all night.
Mccain is too much of a waste to even begin with.
Riana (7900a4) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:01 pmWhy didn’t Obama have his aunt on his infomercial to witness how well spreading the wealth around is working in his own family. That’s right, he is keeping his wealth for himself. Had he lived out his desire for us in his own life, he could have verified how well it is working in her life. He doesn’t care about his aunt but we should? He is only looking to take our money to advance his own agenda. America means NOTHING to him. We are only a stepping stone to his true goal which is World Ruler. Watch his speech he gave in Germany. He says he is what the world needs. I don’t need his authoritarian rule to make my life better and he certainly in not my messiah. I already have the only One I need.
freedom fighter (1f789b) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:02 pmAs a pastor, I don’t find this suprising. Republican leaning members in my congregation give 3 to 1 over democrates. Republican members tend to be more principaled and consistant in their giving of tithes and offerings, as well as attendance… Well accept in our food line in which it is democrats more than 3 to 1 in line. and ironically enough complain about the rich that supports the program their enjoying.
PsNikao (31b1f8) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:14 pmI guess its true what they say about the 10th commandment; “Thou shall not covet thy neighbors things“… IT IS THE POOR MANS SIN!
Comment by Riana — 10/31/2008 @ 7:51 pm
If you think McCain is the lesser of two evils I wonder what your definition of evil is.
One very good example for me of EVIL is:
The murder of children, either by sick molesters,
parents that abuse & murder their children and stash thier bodies in some un marked grave.
Now niether Obama nor McCain have done nor condone any of the above. BUT, one fact remains unquestionably clear. Over 43 million children in the U.S. alone Murdered under Roe vs. Wade abortion on demand. And this includes late term abortions, (children 7/8ths of the way out then having their brains sucked out). And ones that survive abortion left to die on a clinic table.
THIS IS EVIL! Bottom line?
Both candidates asked to state their position on
Obama: Does not believe late term abortions should be made unlawful. Obama even helped pass a law that directed medical personel to make no effort to aid a child who survives a botched abortion.
McCain: Absolutely against!
I’ll get flamed for bringing that out, but I have broad shoulders. Folks listen, people like Dr. Megele were considered Evil war criminals for similar atrocities to children.
HearYea (5df7be) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:23 pmanyone that can turn a blind eye to this sort of evil. And then point to McCain and say because someone yells something at a rally is evil???
Especially when the FBI looked into the matter replayed the tapes and no one yelled ‘Kill him’.
That was misinformation form the Obama Camp. But I did hear Chevy Chase say on TV that he wished Tina Fey or someone would “descimate” Sarah Palin.
I never heard anyone call Chevy out for that one.
It’s not proper to verbally assault or threaten a woman… unless she’s a liberated conservative woman. The yell Crucify! Descimate her!
Yeah I think I have seen and heard Evil and know it when I find it!
obama should be a sales man.hes a good speeker ,now lets see if he does what he says .i bet he cant
tony (d07c08) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:24 pm“I guess its true what they say about the 10th commandment; “Thou shall not covet thy neighbors things“… IT IS THE POOR MANS SIN!”
…and you’re a pastor you say…doesn’t hypocrisy get in the way of you doing your job?
Riana (7900a4) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:24 pmThis is such an amazing time for our country. Would it kill you all to say something positive for once? Reading over this blog is like watching a bunch of kids tease one another. I have chosen my candidate, but I admit that the other candidate, both candidates, in fact, are better men than me, better than most of you, who have nothing better to do that spitefully toss their own crap at each other. I’m not a huge fan of our current president, but you know what? He’s a good man, a public servant who’s tried his best, and has accomplished a lot more than I have. A lot more than you have, probably. Support your candidate, don’t hate the other guys’. Thanks.
farley (374231) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:26 pmLet’s spread it around, they say! This just goes to show where they really stand!
hccii (fa2c18) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:26 pmspreading the wealth refers to a progressive income tax republican idiots!you people take one comment that you obviously dont understand and use stupid buzz words like socialist,communist and other idiotic tripe to paint like always that a radical wants to rob you.Remember income tax spreads the wealth,follow me republicans….you pay tax then they spread it to things we need,roads,schools,hospitals.and..wars that you really like. So have we been living under socialism all this time. Iam more worried about palin and her treasonist sepratist ties to a dangerous pro alaskan group,that advocates there hatred for this country.Oh yeah also Palin states on that her state is the best a spreading wealth to alaskans with 1200$ returns from oil deals to alaskan homes.SO WHAT ARE YOU IDIOTS SAYING.
paul (17ea38) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:27 pmI feel that I’ve fallen into a pit populated by Halloween characters who are specters with voices –
just words, no thoughts.
and the least among you shall lead…
Another Drew (7aa87e) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:28 pmBy the way progressive income tax was roosavelts idea,who happens to be Mcains hero. This republican campaign is so disgusting ,such a mess of lies and dishonesty.Should i mention Mcains Republican institute donating $450,000 to Kahlidis pro palestein foundation in the 90s.Now he accuses Obama of be his friend….PLEASE.HYPOCRITS!
paul (17ea38) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:33 pmIf the new messiah wins this race, we’re in for a rough 4 years. Taxes will skyrocket (with a democratic congress), we’ll kill more babies, we’ll lose our private home protection, the Gov’t. will dictate our health, we’ll all be serving a socialist rule, we’ll lose everything that’s been gained in Iraq, our Military will be reduced and our ability to facilitate a world peace will be substantially handicapped, our chance to maintain a strong Christian America will quickly be reduced through the enlightenment of other religions, and finally, terrorism will again threaten and devour our land.
Tommy buckel up (a97a44) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:34 pmThey both will still pay the same taxes that they are asking others to pay, so they will be “spreading their wealth” in proportion to what they are asking others to pay. I don’t see the big deal. He hasn’t demanded huge charitable contributions. This is comparing apples to oranges and is simply poor journalism.
Travis (4b3d6e) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:37 pmComment by paul — 10/31/2008 @ 8:27 pm
Earth to paul…
Another Drew (7aa87e) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:38 pmRead my lips…
The oil deal in Alaska is the essence of Capitalism,
and was set up by the Alaskan Government more that thirty (30) years ago.
In effect, the Government of Alaska decreed that the oil wealth of Alaska belonged to all Alaskan citizens,
and would be shared with them on an annual basis.
Just as if they were shareholders in a company called Alsaka Oil.
So, for the last 30+ years, each and every eligible citizen (man, woman, child) of Alaska received a dividend check from the Government which represents their share of the revenue paid by the oil companies for the privilege of extracting wealth (oil) from the ground of the State of Alaska.
When Gov. Palin made a better deal for the citizens of Alaska with the oil companies,
the citizens got an extra dividend.
If you would like to participate, all you have to do is move to Alaska,
establish residency (there is a minimum time period you have to live there), stay out of jail,
and the state will send you a check once a year as your share of the proceeds from the oil that all Alaskans own.
A christian american,dam you are stupid.Who made christians the choosen ones? you stole,this land ,you murdered for this land you enslaved the people to work this land,you support anti americans like palin.If thats you christian america we are in for the new dark ages.go get a gun and run to the hills to join you inbread cousins.You seem to forget christ was a jew arab,if he was boarding a plane today he would be pulled aside and searched probably to the joy of people like tommy ,who no nothing of christ and what he was.Our country has no standing in this world because of people like you.GOD SAVE US FROM YOUR FOLLOWERS
paul (17ea38) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:41 pmDon’t you think that you should mention that McCain’s wife Cindy is worth tens of millions of dollars, which is why McCain could afford to give so much of his income? The Obamas just paid off their student loans recently and Biden is the lowest paid Senator in the Senate after being there for decades. It would be nice if you told the whole story instead of a side of the story that reveals your bias.
truthzone (917f12) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:41 pmIf you think McCain is the lesser of two evils I wonder what your definition of evil is.
“One very good example for me of EVIL is:
The murder of children, either by sick molesters,
parents that abuse & murder their children and stash thier bodies in some un marked grave.”
But you would advocate that children be born to individuals who are neither willing or prepared to care for them, thus ensuring their abuse? Take away abortion and you force millions of unwanted children to be born. Know how unwanted puppies are treated? Now imagine that with children. Go McCain/Palin.
“Now niether Obama nor McCain have done nor condone any of the above. BUT, one fact remains unquestionably clear. Over 43 million children in the U.S. alone Murdered under Roe vs. Wade abortion on demand. And this includes late term abortions, (children 7/8ths of the way out then having their brains sucked out). And ones that survive abortion left to die on a clinic table.
THIS IS EVIL! Bottom line?”
Ironically you are against the murder of the unborn but are in support of the murder of the alive and well in a war we are nowhere close to winning. McCain comfortably said even if it took 100 years in Afghanistan we should not pull out, because of ‘honor’. Not because of children losing their parents, or mothers burying the torn limbs of what remains of their childre. Go McCain/Palin.
“Both candidates asked to state their position on
Obama: Does not believe late term abortions should be made unlawful. Obama even helped pass a law that directed medical personel to make no effort to aid a child who survives a botched abortion.
McCain: Absolutely against! ”
Congratulations. You support the government telling supposadly free adults what they can and cannot do with their bodies. I suppose I should not be shocked as Palin thinks even rape and molestation victims should be forced to birth their children…oh and then if rape victims want their rapes to be recorded they should pay for it. Go Palin.
“I’ll get flamed for bringing that out, but I have broad shoulders. Folks listen, people like Dr. Megele were considered Evil war criminals for similar atrocities to children.
anyone that can turn a blind eye to this sort of evil. And then point to McCain and say because someone yells something at a rally is evil???”
So do you believe the government has the right to tell individuals what they can do with their bodies? Do you believe that when the government can not even adequately care for those humans in existance it should consider itself so proud and haughty as to demand millions more be born into a system ill-prepared to handle it. Do you plan to go out and care for those million helpless unwanted but born children, and if you cannot how dare you demand others do.
“Especially when the FBI looked into the matter replayed the tapes and no one yelled ‘Kill him’.”
I’d love for you to post a legitimate source of that information as several news commentators have posted the video highlighting the individual yelling kill him.
“That was misinformation form the Obama Camp. ”
Yeah…like the signs that say ‘Terrorist’ Those were misinformations too, totally made up.
“But I did hear Chevy Chase say on TV that he wished Tina Fey or someone would “descimate” Sarah Palin.
I never heard anyone call Chevy out for that one.
It’s not proper to verbally assault or threaten a woman… unless she’s a liberated conservative woman.”
…decimate: to take a tenth of or from.
He basically said someone should take her down a peg, just because a word sounds violent doesn’t mean it is.
“The yell Crucify! Descimate her!
Yeah I think I have seen and heard Evil and know it when I find it!”
So let’s even say your comment was accurrate. Your excuse is ‘well so long as they’re doing it it’s okay if we do it too’? Or perhaps you just choose to ignore the tapes of Obama speaking and when people boo against McCain he stops them. or perhaps you don’t like remembering when Obama has turned down the Lewis when he said McCain’s rallies where similar to the hate-mongering rallies of the 60’s. Or perhaps it doesn’t matter because unborn babies are dying and silly obama cares more about the living adults and children dying right now.
Riana (7900a4) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:41 pmI bought a four-page book the size of a postage stamp today. All of the pages were blank.
Another Drew (7aa87e) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:41 pmThe title was:
“The Accumulated Wisdom of paul”
Moon-Bat Alert!
Clean up needed on aisles 1-249.
Another Drew (7aa87e) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:43 pm“A christian american,dam you are stupid.Who made christians the choosen ones? you stole,this land ,you murdered for this land you enslaved the people to work this land,you support anti americans like palin.If thats you christian america we are in for the new dark ages.go get a gun and run to the hills to join you inbread cousins.You seem to forget christ was a jew arab,if he was boarding a plane today he would be pulled aside and searched probably to the joy of people like tommy ,who no nothing of christ and what he was.Our country has no standing in this world because of people like you.GOD SAVE US FROM YOUR FOLLOWERS”
I’d be happy if Christians and all other religions could stick to one key thought:
You having faith is no excuse for you to push your ideals on the state of the world. Of course without that key idea many religions wouldn’t even exist.
Riana (7900a4) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:45 pmAnnoy a Liberal….
Work Hard and Be Happy!!!
Dan (241099) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:46 pmreality to drew any way you cut it using even the simpilist socialist terms relative to politcal science its still socialism,cut and dry.Redistribution of economic gain to a community via check through any venture wheather it be oil,or charging tourists to watch snow is fundalmentally socialist in nature.you sir have no idea.
paul (17ea38) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:47 pmto paul 241:
jennifer (40f009) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:49 pmas you say, the US already spreads wealth around, so should we agree to spread more at this economy downturn? How much more do you like this country to spread free money to you, so you don’t need to go to work?
A commanding majority of students and faculty from the most elite universities are Democrats. If the rest of the enlightened world could vote, 85-90% would vote Obama. When you go abroad, especially to other first-world countries, you see that most foreigners are baffled as to how so many Americans would vote Republican. I guess you know something all they don’t. Maybe they don’t live in the real world like you. But I have not seen any “arguments” or “statements” that I couldn’t destroy here. Obama has been an accomplished public servant his whole life, and if you don’t think he mostly wants to make the country better and help people, than you’re just fooling yourself. If you’re making over 200K a year and value your (short-term, at least) personal economic benefit over everything else, or if banning abortions if more important to you than anything else, then go ahead and vote Republican. Otherwise, you’re just voting against yours and most people’s interest, and I’m sorry, you’re deluded. Don’t take just my word for it. Go listen to elite minds not on your team, and go talk to people around the rest of the world. You might learn some things you didn’t know before.
Bill Watts (3be1eb) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:50 pmIt is indeed unfortunate that so many people say such hateful things about each other primarily because they can hide who they really are. I am opposed to late term abortions and am also opposed to the redistribution of wealth as proposed by Obama. I earned less than $12,000 last year and borrowed another $14,000 which I will be paying back over the next 15 years. I supported a family of 5. I don’t want any one else’s money. Certainly none from the government. So I guess I will just sit hear cleaning my gun and teach my kids Bible verses while I wait to see how things turn out. And no Barack I am not bitter, just watchful.
Larden (3f3562) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:52 pmQuestion for all of the “Healthcare is a right” people.
Isnt food as a basic need more important than healthcare?? So by following your “logic”… I should have all of my groceries paid for by the government. After all… Dont I have the right to eat??
Keep drinking the Koolaid Obama Nation.
Dan (241099) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:53 pmi, drew dont believe you bought a book because hillbillys cant read.If you bought a book the size of a stamp you sir were had and had good.Why would you buy a book that had 4 pages and all were blank? Why would you waste your hard earned money on blank pages? you decision making skills come under question,your mental state may need to be evaluated. you sir need to call the better business hotline.Also compalain to the store that i never got my cut of the postage book stamp deal.i too was ripped off.
paul (17ea38) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:55 pmThis article is not about McCain at all. It is about how Obama and Biden aren’t practicing what they preach. Obama wants everyone with money to give to those who don’t have it. And yet, both are not very generous in donating to charity. McCain has not announced any plans to force or even encourage the wealthy to share. Yet, McCain still shows more generosity than Obama. But people take any opportunity they can to say bad things about McCain. Even when he is not part of the article.
Denise (76ebfa) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:56 pmHow much has Obama given to his half brother in Kenya that lives from $1/day. Guess: 0, null, zero, zilch. Please choose one option only. Or how about his aunt that lives in misery in Boston? Oh well, dont bother asking.
zark (056b81) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:59 pmIn the coming Obamanation, the mantra will encourage all to share equally.
If you have something that I need, you’ll have to share it with me.
If your house is better than mine, you’ll have to share.
If your car is nicer than mine, you’ll have to share.
If you take better vacations than I do, you’ll have to share.
I think I’m going to like this sharing thing.
Another Drew (7aa87e) — 10/31/2008 @ 8:59 pm“Question for all of the “Healthcare is a right” people.
Isnt food as a basic need more important than healthcare?? So by following your “logic”… I should have all of my groceries paid for by the government. After all… Dont I have the right to eat??
Keep drinking the Koolaid Obama Nation.”
Your logic is confusing and I imagine speaks to your basic state of mind.
But here’s a nice simple piece of information. Have you ever heard the quote ‘The sign of a great society is how it helps the weakest among them’?
No. Yeah didn’t think so. As for your flawed logic we have a welfare program so that people can try and feed their families. Yeah welfare. Damn middleclass to poor people expecting their country to try and help them and not just turn a blind eye and step over them.
Silly…when people can’t take care of themselves they should just roll over and die.
Now what we don’t have is healthcare, so that when those poor welfare demanding drains on our society actually try to save their grandmother or their children they can.
Roll over and die poor folks. No one wants you here.
Riana (7900a4) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:00 pmany one likes spreading wealth around should turn in all your earnings, no penny left, to support OBAMA’s socialism! Will you do it? if you don’t, don’t say Obama’s socialism is right thing to do.
jennifer (40f009) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:02 pmComment by zark — 10/31/2008 @ 8:59 pm
Actually, The One’s brother, who lives in a cardboard shack, lives on $1/month.
And, Barry and Michelle spend $10,000/month on private schools, dance lessons, tutoring and other “essentials” for their two children, and give his brother….
Another Drew (7aa87e) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:02 pmRoll over and die poor folks. No one wants you here.
Comment by Riana — 10/31/2008 @ 9:00 pm
The voice of Obamacompassion!
Barack Obama,
Another Drew (7aa87e) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:04 pmLeader of the New Ameriki,
President for Life.
Jesus said that we were not supposed to broadcast how much money we gave for charitable causes. Some people believe that declaring charitable contributions means that we did it for ourselves and not for love of God and neighbor.
I happen to know that Sen Biden gives certain fees he receives directly to charity, so these fees do not appear on his tax return. Some people have charities they donate to that are not eligible for tax deduction status …. (I give to some charities like this) …You cannot judge a person’s giving by looking at their tax forms …
and if you are a Christian you are not supposed to be judging at all
There is a strong possibility that certain people prefer to keep their charity between God and themselves
louise (69292b) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:06 pmSome of you must be ignorant to how the economic system works. The BIG deal is that if you tax a company even 1% more, they increase the price of the goods or services they sell by an average of 3% to compensate for the loss of profit. Now in terms of a smaller company who might make $250k or better, might have $180k in expenses. The higher tax will cause a serious inflation upon the entire country, driving smaller companies out of business, or laying off employees. So now you have INFLATION plus UNEMPLOYMENT. Lets not forget the ungodly amount of money(over 210 million to be exact) that Obama and his great running mate made off of the Fanny May and Freddy Mac deal that cost the tax payers not only an enormous amount of money, thousands without homes, and the whole deal with the stock market that has got everyone in a panic. Oh yeah lets not forget Obama trying to shut down all forms of talk radio because they like to tell the truth even if it doesn’t support his views and they ignore his threats of law suits. And wow, trying to take away firearms from citizens. Wow what happened to our first and second ammendment rights? Think about that, read, do research besides who made and gave what cause if you wanna go there, Obama gave the Acorn group $800,000 of his campaign money then misteriously Acorn is accused of voter fraud in 14+ states. And ofcourse the FBI is not going to link him to anything, they can’t even get a simple background check from him so he can get a basic security clearance. A good commander and cheif. God people have grown complaicent and too lazy to do any kind of research that doesn’t involve taking the word of a single source.
David (3f30da) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:06 pmI have been to other countries around the world, Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Central America. I have earned a post graduate degree. I saw no better system. I observed stratified societies and people who lived without hope. Twelve of the most educated men in the world of whom held doctorates from the most elite universities came together in 1939 and created a and set in motion a plan designed to take care of Germany’s Jewish problem. They were because of their education and elite status quite successful.So take your elitism nonsense and peddle it to those who know no history and have lived through even less. “Take from those who have and give it to those who have not”…to paraphrase Karl Marx, maybe it was Obama . Sorry I get confused on that, can someone help me out here?
Larden (3f3562) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:09 pmObama is a fraud. If you think otherwise, please sit in your car with the engine running in an enclosed garage. It is healthy for you and will solve all your aches and pains.
sam (514491) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:09 pmim not interested in how much they gave , im interestd in how much they will give , i worked pretty hard for what i have 14-16 hour days when i had to. i didnt do that so my hard earned wealth can be ripped from me and handed out to some poor schmuck that hasnt put in the hours i did. nobody gave me handouts . mine is mine because i worked for it. now i gotta sit here and have the snarling whining masses who didnt work for it like i did gain from my sweat? what the heck is this! i employ people and pay so they have the best health care i can get them. iof i get taxed like the dems want me to be taxed how can i keep my buisness running and still pay for health care, keep my people and still make ends meet? its my buisness why should i live poor? obama wants to rob me for being successful, and give my earnings to some guy who doesnt give anything (product or service) to this community? if this isnt socialism tell me what the heck it is?
michael (c2a1c6) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:10 pmI fully believe in a society that takes care of its elderly, weak, sick, and disabled Riana.
However, I do not and will not EVER buy into the liberal mindset that I should be responsible to provide for ABLE bodied ADULTS who should take care of themselves. Far to often needs and wants are interchanged in our society. You need food, shelter, water etc etc.
Dan (241099) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:10 pmIt is not my responsibility to pay for an able bodied adults food shelter and water…. so that individual can have a big screen tv and a nice car.
In addition…Healthcare is NOT a right…it is a commodity.
Not all charity contributions are tax deductable and therefore won’t show up on income tax returns.
I wonder how much all those mean spirited people who commended have given to charity….
Vera McShane (d7cd96) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:11 pmMcCain has never given to charity, but Obama has given every dime he has earned…. so here! nener.. nener.. nener nener nener
You rightwing supporters come up with some outragous bull.
Bobohanglider (6b25fd) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:13 pm“Oh yeah lets not forget Obama trying to shut down all forms of talk radio because they like to tell the truth even if it doesn’t support his views and they ignore his threats of law suits. And wow, trying to take away firearms from citizens. Wow what happened to our first and second ammendment rights? Think about that, read, do research besides who made and gave what cause if you wanna go there, Obama gave the Acorn group $800,000 of his campaign money then misteriously Acorn is accused of voter fraud in 14+ states.”
And Mccain went to a public meeting with Acorn, of course before they became an annoyance registering voters who due to their economic situation are likely to vote for Obama, and called them the best people on Earth.
“And ofcourse the FBI is not going to link him to anything, they can’t even get a simple background check from him so he can get a basic security clearance.”
Proof, post the amazing proof you have of this but no one else does.
“A good commander and cheif. God people have grown complaicent and too lazy to do any kind of research that doesn’t involve taking the word of a single source”
…or they can just make up stuff like you. That works too. Whoo! Go McCain/Palin!
Riana (7900a4) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:14 pmPaul, u are a demented soul with a total lack of understanding re the USA and how and why it came into existance! The Lady in the harbor answers the why and the Constitution tells the how. We are a nation founded on Judaic values and it’s those values which must be protected… not that we have to be this or that in religious beliefs, but the rule must be Judaic in nature and tradition.
It was men willing to shed their blood that made us a country, it was a Christ who was willing to shed His blood that gave us our values and salvaion, and it will always be men willing to give of themselves, if necessary, to bring freedom to a freedom seeking people. Iraq is just such a people.
Killing unwanted babies who are the result of too many drugs, too much alcohol, or a romp in the sack, because someone wants to forget them or just to remove evidence of a moment of lust/love, is certain to be amoung the characteristics of an amoral generation.
We need a national leader who will stand up and defend our constitutional rights, our shores and the rights of the malligned around the world.
Tommy buckel up (a97a44) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:15 pmSorry, my mistake seven of those elite gentleman held doctorates two more were M.D.s.They did not all hold a PHD, three others had post-graduate non- doctoral degrees.
Larden (3f3562) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:15 pmComment by Riana
The difference between liberals and conservatives…
Conservatives believe a better world has boundries, laws, and consequences.
In other words. There should be laws that say;
no one should murder, rape, steal, libel/slander.
Laws that say there are things out there you shouldn’t do e.g. destroy your body with crack cocaine, heroine, drive through a school zone at 100mph. Recklessly endanger my children cranking out meth in my house, driving a car with them with out proper child restraint.
We believe we should be adult and responsible enough to follow those laws that are in our best interests and not cross these boundries for our own selfish pleasures or negligence. And if we do there should be consequences. Fines, imprisionment means to correct our bad citizenship in the best country on earth.
Liberals believe : it’s all about me! Get the hell out of my way. It’s my right to what ever the hell I feel like doing and not you nor anyone else should lecture me or try and stop me. If I want to overdose on drugs…I expect someone to give me free health care to save my life so I can do it again. If I’m too lazy too work I want a check from the goverment. That way I can stay home watch TV and whip up another batch of Meth. and spend my money how I please. If I want to let my kids run around like terrors, run the streets all night doing drugs, don’t you lecture me or take them to jail. If I can’t feed them because I spent all the money on booze, & drugs…Well I want the goverment to feed them, clothe and pay their day care and bring them back here at the end of day. If I want something the goverment won’t furnish me, then I should be able to lie cheat, steal to get it because I deserve it. You see it’s all so simple, my rules It’s all about me and everyone owes me. I don’t want to be responsible, I want the goverment to take care of all my needs you see, just like my stupid over religous parents used to do. Because I refuse to grow up and get a life.
HearYea (5df7be) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:16 pmWell, with the exception of Bobo,
Another Drew (7aa87e) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:16 pmCongratulations to the few adults who have shown up late for the party.
For the rest, let us know when you’re scheduled to take you SAT’s, we’ll send you some sharp crayons.
Here are some simple questions. Obama has been in the Senate for how long? In his time there, what has he done to help this country(and I don’t mean being a “community leader”)? What kind of commander in chief and President can he possibly be if he lies to everyone about his radical associations, and then tries to cover up his lies when proof has been presented? And finally, is this a man, knowing what we know, that you feel safe voting into office and trusting your life and that of your family with?
David (3f30da) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:20 pmI understand that there is so many things going on these days. At first I decided that I was not going to vote. But then, I realized… if it was not for the younger crowd, voting could become obsolete.
Obama has my vote ALL THE WAY!!!
Chuck (21979d) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:21 pm“I fully believe in a society that takes care of its elderly, weak, sick, and disabled Riana.
However, I do not and will not EVER buy into the liberal mindset that I should be responsible to provide for ABLE bodied ADULTS who should take care of themselves.”
Yeah…the Bush administration had pretty much the same attitude about those African Americans during Hurricane Katrina. ‘They can take of themselves, I don’t have to be responsible for others!’
“Far to often needs and wants are interchanged in our society. You need food, shelter, water etc etc.’
And if you can’t afford them, to hell with you.
“It is not my responsibility to pay for an able bodied adults food shelter and water…. so that individual can have a big screen tv and a nice car.’
Ah yes…all those who need welfare are con artists trying to take your precious money away from you so you can buy your own big screen tv and your own nice car. I’m guessing the orphans in Africa all roll up to mansions after they yell cut during the charity commercials. Seriously…if you made half as much money as you pretend to make you wouldn’t care.
Riana (7900a4) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:23 pmIn addition…Healthcare is NOT a right…it is a commodity.”
LOL the amazing proof of the FACT that Obama gave them the $800,000, the FACT that Obama failed his background check for security clearance, or that the FBI won’t link Obama to any of it?
David (3f30da) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:24 pmAnd you gotta pay if you want it.
Riana (7900a4) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:24 pmDo we really want another 8 years of the same crap?
C’Mon Democratics. Lets prove a point!
Chuck (21979d) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:25 pmhi david my name is jim jones ,i have a little cult i bet you would like to join, we like to drink cool-aid and wait for our spaceship that is riding on a comet to come pick us up. sound good
glen (6f673c) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:26 pmWe don’t live in Africa. We need to solve our own problems before we can help others.
David (3f30da) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:26 pmF both of these political parties. They have both sold all of us down the river. It is so amusing watching these dumbass celebrities and so-called journalists pushing the propagada for the DNC. And they think that they will be spared when the totalitarian gov’t they create rules every aspect of our lives. A few examples of countries liberals admire: Cuba, Venezuela, China, Russia, North Korea. The arts and entertainment and freedom of expression they hold so dear will be the FIRST to go.
sam (514491) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:26 pmObama is a f***ing hypocrite and a socialist. FUCK DEMOCRATS
David (f10bb9) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:28 pmHearYea –
Well I could have made a response post…but yours was basically nothing than a grown…I assume you’re a man, using generalizations and cliches to further his own ego.
I hardly think all conservatives are wrong nor do I think all liberals are right.
What I do believe is idiots usually resort to name-calling and smearing rather than facts.
Good for you proving my right heer yea, smiling.
Riana (7900a4) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:28 pmObama, aka Barry Soetoro, who was born in Kenya on August 4, 1961, as confirmed by his paternal grandmother, will see to it that new names will be given to government buildings in D.C. There will be: (1) The Ministry of Information, (2) The Ministry of Wealth Spreading, (3) The Ministry of Raising the Standard of Living of All Minorities, (4) The Ministry of Koran Studies, (5) The Ministry of Marxist/Lenin/Trotsky/Stalin Studies, (6) The Ministry of Mind Rehabilitation and Control, (7) The Ministries of ACORN, CORNCOB, WALNUT, and PECAN, and finally (8) The Ministry of Krystalnacht Studies. Remember, you can get what you wish for.
Bruce Mann (cefe09) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:28 pmAnother Drew said “Almost 20 years of Barack Obama’s past is a blank, and he refuses to talk about it.”
Here ya go…
Bobohanglider (6b25fd) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:30 pmhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barack_Obama
Ya know I dont particularly care who gave more to charity. The only time giving away money made anyone wiser about anything was when they ran out of money and didnt have any more and had to start getting food stamps. I do not equate giving money away to wise money management or leadership ability. If you do then you are out of touch with reality.
The upper crust of american society and sucked up so much of the wealth of our nation and shipped so many jobs over seas its hard for regular americans to get ahead.
What ive seen its obama talking about more american money into more everyday american hands, and ive seen republicans and john McCain jumping all over him for it.
If dont want a job or are happy working burger king I can see that you might have no stake in getting people back to work and so might just jump on the band cause people expect you to as a republican. But if you want a better job or just a job period I would think the guy at least TALKING about it would be ur man, not the guy slapping him down for it however much money he gives to charity. If we want more jobs and more money in our hands it has to come from somewhere, and if the people with money made from selling goods and services to americans in large part are sending the jobs of service and manufacturing of the good overseas…americans dont have that chance to earn their money back. THAT is what spreading the wealth means. Jobs for people in a crippled economy working its way to another great depression, NOT Charity.
Charity demeans people, Working uplifts them.
JohnC (79d96e) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:31 pmDavid –
“LOL the amazing proof of the FACT that Obama gave them the $800,000, the FACT that Obama failed his background check for security clearance, or that the FBI won’t link Obama to any of it?”
Sure, since you seem to think that repeating how much more superior you are for posting how silly it is I don’t know these facts rather than the facts…surprise me.
Post all these facts.
Riana (7900a4) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:32 pmamen
glen (6f673c) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:34 pmYou forgot LIER. I got news for you though. He is going to be the next president. I have talked to thousands of people over the course of the past 2 months. Every race is divided and had different views, yet every African American I’ve talked to is voting Obama cause he is for “change”. Yet none of them can tell me what he has done to improve anything in our country, and none of them know of the negative things that Obama and his party have already tried to do, and still intend to do after he is president. We’re screwed either way, both economic plans suck, both medical plans suck, but atleast with McCain we do not have the government trying to revoke our first and second ammendment rights. Welcome to the Obama Nation.
David (3f30da) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:35 pmHow long after the choosen one Barrack Obama gets elected will it take before the United States becomes Utopia???
Just wondering. The problem I have with Obama as President is this….
I have worked hard for my achievements in my life. I had no silver spoon, and nobody gave me money for my college tuition. I have a good paying job that I earned (after spending 12 years in the military SERVING my country) Iam FAR from rich, but in an Obama nation I will be expected to give more of my hard earned income… so that others who choose NOT to work hard can continue to be lazy. Sounds like a great deal to me. I cant wait! ANd by the way… I deal with welfare recipients EVERY day in my line of work…. Some need the help, and are trying to move up. However, many more are perfectly capable, but choose not to do anything about it. Im tired of walking into homes of people receiving goverment housing, heat, and food assistance and seeing plasma TV’s, Xbox’s, Stereos, etc etc that I couldnt afford, and a table full of cigaretes and beer bottles. Its a sad state of affairs.
Dan (241099) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:36 pmI guess we all have our own opinion. Thats what great abouyt America!
Chuck (21979d) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:37 pmActually I don’t dispute that Obama gave Acorn this money. I do note however that you failed to mention it was Acorn itself which brought attention to the names which had been forged. Or the fact that they fired those individuals who performed the act. Or the fact that unless Mickey Mouse shows up to vote on Nov 4, maybe in your mind he will, no fraud is being committed.
As for Obama and security…his name is Barack Hussein Obama…and we live in a country who thinks ‘OMG he has Hussein in his name! Terrorist!’
Riana (7900a4) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:37 pm“You vote sixteen times and what do you get?”
HearYea (5df7be) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:38 pm“A couple of menthol cigarettes”
“Now Obama’s gonna ruin us and I’m forelorn!”
“‘Cause I sold my votes to those bums at ACORN”
I have been a democrat all my life, but I will not be voting for Obama. Any one can promise anything during a campaign, we have to look at what they have already done to judge how effective they will be. I looked at the congressional record just for the time Obama has been in office and he really hasn’t done a whole lot of anything. He sponsored several “resolutions” which are in effect nothing, but he has written or sponsored any bills that are worthwhile. A president really can’t do as much as people would like to believe. Congress has much more power. The president can suggest, the president can even author legislation, but someone in Congress has to sponsor it and congress has to vote on it. Barack Obama just hasn’t proven himself. I want our president to be someone who has proven himself and can take what ever is thrown at him.
Gina (b88367) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:38 pmAs far as charitable giving.That’s a personal decision. I personally don’t keep track of everything I give because it’s from my heart, not because I want to impress someone. I don’t want government telling me where to “distribute” my wealth ( If I ever actually get any) I want to make that decision on my own.
To the person who claims Cindy McCain isn’t giving– what a load of manure! She isn’t going around looking for photo ops in her charity work like many do, but she still does give a lot and she does it continuously, not just when there is media around.
As far as the restricting abortion causing child abuse— you have no idea what your talking about. 95% of abused children were from wanted pregnancies. Besides, haven’t you ever heard of adoption? Can you tell me why when ever informed consent legislation comes up it is always shot down (usually under the influence of Planned Parenthood lobbyists.)? I mean if it is such a good thing why are they afraid for women to know everything they should know such as how the procedure is done, the stage if development of the fetus, and what other alternatives and assistance are available to them if they decide not to terminate. While I’m on the subject why do only pro-life organizations offer counseling to women who have suffered after an abortion? I know that sounds rather “Republican” But I took on this when I was a pregnant teenager and all anyone wanted to talk about was terminating my pregnancy. I wanted more information and no one would give it to at Planned Parenthood. Al they said was that I was being responsible because I had used birth control that failed. HELLO I was a teenager having sex– what’s responsible about that? I had my child and he changed my life. I became responsible. I loved that boy more than life. I still do.
Incidentally even though I was a teen mother and unable to go to college because of it. I have never relied on the government for anything. I took care of that child myself. Later I got married and had another child. Her father is currently on wife #6 ( I was #1) and didn’t pay his child support. I took care of my children. I am married again and we have adopted a little girl who was born addicted to drugs. This is the kind of baby many people think should be aborted. I love her as much as I do my biological children. We take care of our family, not the government. I educated my children, not the government. I don’t need the government to tell me how to do my job. That is what Barack Obama wants to do. He wants government to make the decisions for us. What to do with our money and what do do with our families. That is not the America I want.
What we have in this country is not perfect, but it is so much better than any where else in the world.
I just want to hear a Democrat somewhere criticize someone in his own party. That would be refreshing. A Democrat with integrity. Is that an oxymoron. Can America at least fire all incumbents in Congress for the next 6 years regardless of party affiliation. At least fire Pelosi and Reid and 2 Republicans of your choosing- or all of the repubes.
sam (514491) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:39 pmHow long after the choosen one Barrack Obama gets elected will it take before the United States becomes Utopia???
Uh, better ask Cuba, Zimbabewe, Venezuela…ithink they are ahead of us in line!
HearYea (5df7be) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:40 pmFunny, never saw anything mentioning his course studies at Occidental, or what his grades were there, or who paid for his tuition.
Another Drew (7aa87e) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:40 pmThen there’s the lack of a transcript from columbia, no grades there either, and no Senior Thesis, which is normally published. Again, no notation as to who paid for his time at Columbia, or what letters of recommendation were submitted for admittance.
Plus, there are no transcripts from Harvard Law, no grades, no published papers, no admission records, no tuition records. Michelle says that she and Barack had a lot of student loans to pay off – who loaned them the money?
We have seen no interviews with college room-mates, or anyone else who knew him between the time he matriculated from a prestigeous Hawaiian Prep School, and the time he showed up in Chicago after graduating from Harvard.
Do we even know what score he got on the BAR Exam in IL, and what other states BAR Exam did he take, if any?
There is no public record of his legal clients, or billing records from his days as a practicing attorney.
Those are the missing years!
And then, there is the matter of his Birth Certificate?
CHRIS (049aae) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:42 pm1. Barack denied beginning his campaign for the Illinois Senate in the living room of terrorist Bill Ayers. That is a lie. The record from all of those who were there say it is true. Not only that but Ayers helped bankroll Obama’s campaigns for the Illinois legislature, along with convicted felon Tony Rezko.
2. Barack said that Bill Ayers is ‘a university professor in Chicago,’ insinuating that he has moved beyond his terrorist past. That is a lie. The truth is that Bill Ayers never repudiated his bombing of the Pentagon, Congress, and several other structures during the 60s, and in 2001 he stated ‘he wished he had done more.’ Ayers is nothing more than an extremist Leftwing radical to this very day.
3. Barack stated that the Annenberg Foundation, which funded Ayers’ radical Leftwing educational program, is a mainstream organization made up of many Republicans. And this legitimizes their funding for Ayers how? Ayers’ educational program, which Obama worked for, is not about education but about political extremism and raising up a generation of Leftwing radicals. The ‘education’ moniker is nothing but a front for the organization’s subversive political goals.
4. Barack has identified anyone making $250,000 as ‘rich,’ including small business owners who include their companies’ profits together with any compensation they may have received as a sub-chapter ‘S’ corporation or an ‘LLC.’ That is a lie. These small business owners are not rich. They do provide jobs, however. And Barack wants to raise their taxes at a troublesome time in the economy. This is part of his ‘Robin Hood’ approach to steal from others to give money to the poor. ‘Plumber Joe’ is a good example. Barack brushed aside his complaints about taxes and told him he wanted to ‘spread the wealth around.’ Joe is not wealthy, Barack.
5, Barack claims pro-life and pro-abortion folk can ‘come together and find common ground.’ That is a lie. It is impossible for those who value human life to find common ground with someone who supports infanticide. Barack is one of the most rabid pro-abortion advocates in the country, and he supported a bill that would remove ANY and ALL restrictions on any type of abortion at any time during the pregnancy. THIS is unconscionable.
6. Barack stated he voted to withhold medical care from babies who survive abortion attempts because Illinois already had such a law on the books. That is patently FALSE. The issue came up as a result of a specific case where a doctor botched an abortion and the staff took the baby, which was still alive, put it in a dark closet, and denied water and food and medical care to the infant. The proposed law would have prevented that atrocity. Barack voted against preventing such atrocities.
7. Barack says repeatedly he wants a tax cut for 95% of Americans. That is a lie. He wants the Bush tax cuts to expire, which will immediately give Americans the largest single tax increase in U.S. history. You can’t claim you are for tax cuts if you want the Bush tax cuts to expire. That means ALL of us will pay higher taxes.
8. Barack blames Republicans for the economic troubles in the housing industry. That is a lie. Look no further than the Democratic Congress and Democrats such as Chris Dodd, Charles Rangel, and Barney Frank, and you will find who is to blame. Even Barack had cozy deals with Fannie and Freddie’s CEOs, and it was Fannie and Freddie that started this whole mess. Plus, don’t forget the Democrats have controlled Congress for 2 years, not Republicans.
9. Barack lied about the McCain record in Congress and even his own non-record. He blames McCain for voting for budgets submitted by the President, although they had been tweaked by Congress, when a majority of both Parties in Congress voted for them or else they would not have passed. But then, Barack isn’t really in a position to know what happens in Congress. He has been out campaigning for President during the entirety of his short, 2-year Senate career.
10. Barack lied about the McCain healthcare plan leading to employers dropping workers from coverage. In fact, BARACK’s centralized government-controlled healthcare plan is a sure-fire way to motivate employers to drop their employees from coverage.
They will simply conclude that since government is going to do it, then why should they?
And then, it’s hello Canada and Great Britain with their disastrous national healthcare plans.
the truth (5a57cf) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:43 pmYou had better hope you stay VERY healthy if Barack Obama is elected President
Both Candidates are worthy. I just prefer Democrat.
Chuck (21979d) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:45 pmIt is obvious to me that Mc Cain is held to a higher standard than Obama. I find it intresting how Obama has all these great plans that he will only share in more detail AFTER he’s elected. Obama keeps comparing McCain to bush, a case of guilt by association and we’ve learned who Obama has known and associated with. and yet he does not want to be judged by who he has known or associated with. Again the OBAMA double standard. I’m gonna vote for McCain and Palin!!! not the arrogant and pompous man with an obvious messiah complex.
rob (d9fbd8) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:45 pmChuck 281
Change is usually good, but it should never be taken for granted. Change for change sake is hardly ever good.
Look at where the New Messiah’s “Change” is going to take you.
We probably all agree that the main “issue” is the economic situation. Both candidates have a main issue plan with both pros and cons.
But what about the “things” the Messiah supports which the slanted media has kept from the mainstream.
His “change” policy is certainly not for the good of our country in every respect.
Tommy buckel up (a97a44) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:48 pmBarack’s not exactly
) Selma Got Me Born – NOT EXACTLY, your parents felt safe
enough to have you in 1961 – Selma had no effect on your birth, as Selma was in 1965. (Google ‘Obama Selma ‘ for his full March 4, 2007 speech and articles about its various untruths.
) My Father Was A Goat Herder – NOT EXACTLY, he was a
privileged, well educated youth, who went on to work with the Kenyan
) My Father Was A Proud Freedom Fighter – NOT EXACTLY, he
was part of one of the most corrupt and violent governments Kenya has ever had.
) My Family Has Strong Ties To African Freedom – NOT
EXACTLY, your cousin Raila Odinga has created mass violence in attempting to overturn a legitimate election in 2007, in Kenya . It is the first widespread violence in decades. The current government is pro-American but Odinga wants to overthrow it and establish Muslim Sharia law. Your half-brother, Abongo Obama, is Odinga’s follower. You interrupted your New Hampshire campaigning to speak to Odinga on the phone.
Obama’s cousin Odinga in Kenya ran for president and tried
to get Sharia Muslim law in place there. When Odinga lost the elections, his followers burned Christians’ homes and then burned men, women and children alive in a Christian church where they took shelter. Obama SUPPORTED his cousin before the election process here started. Google Obama and Odinga and see what you get. No one wants to know the truth.
5.) My Grandmother Has Always Been A Christian – NOT EXACTLY, she does her daily Salat prayers at 5 am according to her own interviews. Not to mention, Christianity wouldn’t allow her to have been one of 14 wives to 1 man.
) My Name is African Swahili – NOT EXACTLY, your name is
Arabic and ‘Baraka’ (from which Barack came) means ‘blessed’ in that
language. Hussein is also Arabic and so is Obama.
Barack Hussein Obama is not half black.
If elected, he would
be the first Arab-American President, not the first black President. Barack Hussein Obama is 50% Caucasian from his mother’s side and 43.75% Arabic and 6.25% African Negro from his father’s side. While Barack Hussein Obama’s father was from Kenya , his father’s family was mainly Arabs. Barack Hussein Obama’s father was only 12.5% African Negro and 87.5% Arab (his father’s birth certificate even states he’s Arab, not African Negro). From….and for more….go to….. http://www. arcadeathome. com/newsboy. phtml?Barack _Hussein_Obama_-_Arab-American,_only_6.
) I Never Practiced Islam – NOT EXACTLY, you practiced it daily at school, where you were registered as a Muslim and kept that faith
for 31 years, until your wife made you change, so you could run for office.
4-3-08 Article ‘Obama was ‘quite religious in Islam”
http://www. wnd. com/index. php?fa=PAGE. view&pageId.. 559
) My School In Indonesia was Christian – NOT EXACTLY, you
were registered as Muslim there and got in trouble in Koranic Studies for making faces (check your own book).
February 28, 2008.
Kristoff from the New York Times a year
ago: Mr. Obama recalled the opening lines of the Arabic call to prayer, reciting them with a first-rate accent. In a remark that seemed delightfully uncalculated (it’ll give Alabama voters heart attacks), Mr. Obama described the call to prayer as ‘one of the prettiest sounds on earth at sunset.’ This is just one example of what Pamela is talking about when she says ‘Obama’s narrative is being altered, enhanced and manipulated to whitewash troubling facts.
9.) I Was Fluent In Indonesian – NOT EXACTLY, not one teacher says you could speak the language.
) Because I Lived In Indonesia , I Have More Foreign Experience – NOT EXACTLY, you were there from the ages of 6 to 10, and
couldn’t even speak the language. What did you learn, how to study the Koran.
11.) I Am Stronger On Foreign Affairs – NOT XACTLY, except for Africa (surprise) and the Middle East (bigger surprise), you have never been anywhere else on the planet and thus have NO experience with our closest allies.
) I Blame My Early Drug Use On Ethnic Confusion – NOT EXACTLY, you were quite content in high school to be Barry Obama, no mention
of Kenya and no mention of struggle to identify – your classmates said you were just fine.
13.) An Ebony Article Moved Me To Run For Offce – NOT EXACTLY, Ebony has yet to find the article you mention in your book. It doesn’t, and never did, exist.
14.) A Life Magazine Article Changed My outlook on Life – NOT EXACTLY, Life has yet to find the article you mention in your book.
doesn’t, and never did, exist.
15.) I Won’t Run On A National Ticket In ‘08 – NOT EXACTLY, here you are, despite saying, live on TV, that you would not have enough experience by then, and you are all about having experience first.
16.) Voting ‘Present’ is common in the Illinois Senate – NOT EXACTLY, they are common for YOU, but not many others have 130 ‘NO VOTES’.
17.) ‘Oops, I Misvoted’ – NOT EXACTLY, only when caught by church groups and Democrats, did you beg to change your misvote.
18.) I Was A Professor Of Law – NOT EXACTLY, you were a senior lecturer ON LEAVE.
) I Was A Constitutional Lawyer – NOT EXACTLY, you were a
senior lecturer ON LEAVE.
20.) Without Me, There Would Be No Ethics Bill – NOT EXACTLY, you didn’t write it, introduce it, change it, or create it.
21.) The Ethics Bill Was Hard To Pass – NOT EXACTLY, it took just 14 days from start to finish.
) I Wrote A Tough Nuclear Bill – NOT EXACTLY, your bill was rejected by your own party for its pandering and lack of all regulation – mainly because of your Nuclear donor, Exelon, from which David
Axelrod came.
) I Have Released My State Records – NOT EXACTLY, as of March, 2008, state bills you sponsored or voted for have yet to be released,
exposing all the special interests pork hidden within.
) I Took On The Asbestos Altgeld Gardens Mess – NOT EXACTLY, you were part of a large group of people who remedied Altgeld Gardens You failed to mention anyone else but yourself, in your books
) My Economics Bill Will Help America – NOT EXACTLY, your
111 economic policies were just combined into a proposal which lost 99-0, and even YOU voted against your own bill.
26.) I Have Been A Bold Leader In Illinois – NOT EXACTLY, even your own supporters claim to have not seen BOLD action on your part.
) I Passed 26 Of My Own Bills In One Year – NOT EXACTLY,
they were not YOUR bills, but rather handed to you, after their creation by a fellow Senator, to assist you in a future bid for higher office.
) No One on my campaign contacted Canada about NAFTA –
NOT EXACTLY, the Canadian Government issued the names and a memo of the conversation your campaign had with them.
) I Am Tough On Terrorism – NOT EXACTLY, you missed the
Iran Resolution vote on terrorism and your good friend Ali Abunimah supports the destruction of Israel .
30.) I Want All Votes To Count – NOT EXACTLY, you said let the delegates decide.
31.) I Want Americans To Decide – NOT EXACTLY, you prefer caucuses that limit the vote, confuse the voters, force a public vote, and only operate during small windows of time.
32.) I passed 900 Bills in the State Senate – NOT EXACTLY, you passed only 26, most of which you didn’t write yourself.
33.) I Believe In Fairness, Not Tactics – NOT EXACTLY, you used tactics to eliminate Alice Palmer from running against you.
34.) I Don’t Take PAC Money – NOT EXACTLY, you take loads of it.
) I don’t Have Lobbyists – NOT EXACTLY, you have over 47
lobbyists, and counting.
) My Campaign Had Nothing To Do With The 1984 Ad – NOT
EXACTLY, your own campaign worker made the ad on his
Apple in one afternoon.
37.) I Have Always Been Against Iraq – NOT EXACTLY, you weren’t in office to vote against it AND you have voted to fund it every single time.
the truth (5a57cf) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:49 pm) I Have Always Supported Universal Health Care – NOT
EXACTLY, your plan leaves us all to pay for the 15,000,000 who don’t have to buy it
Riana are you for real?? How do you go from talking about our BROKEN welfare state… to the poor orphans in Africa?? Stay on track dear.
I work in the inner city. I see FIRST hand many cases of welfare abuse. More often than not. PERIOD.
You stated that if I made half as much money as I “pretend” to I wouldnt care.
First… I dont know where I “pretended” to make anything. I have EARNED everything I have. The only time I was GIVEN anything was by my parents.
Taxes should pay for infrastructure, police, fire, military, schools (K-12), and targeted programs to help people who NEED help. How much more should I be expected to pay for? For every dollar we earn we give nearly 50 cents back in taxes of one form or another….how much more do you want?
If you believe our welfare system is not broken you are naive.
There is no sense arguing with you about it. Enjoy Obamas Presidency. I hope you get a few extra dollars and another block of government cheese. You deserve it.
Dan (241099) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:50 pmRiana – How can you believe all that media BS about Bush and Katrina? The first responders were supposed to be the city of New Orleans and the State of Louisiana. New Orleans srewed up its evacuation and the city and state both blew the aftermath. The federal response was actually the fastest and largest in history. Check it.
Bush left rebuilng decisions to locals and they can’t get out of their own way. The Democrat controlled paradise of Louisiana is just one fucked up place through no fault of Bush, but it’s always nice to try to pin it on him, idiot.
daleyrocks (83b6c5) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:50 pm” I find it intresting how Obama has all these great plans that he will only share in more detail AFTER he’s elected. ”
LMAO. Like Mccain ‘I have inside information on how to find Osama I’ll only share once I’m elected’
Riana (7900a4) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:51 pmUgly insinuations about Barack Obama’s relationship with a former neighbor and university colleague, Rhashid Khalidi, are completely false.
Barack’s record on Israel is clear: he strongly supports the U.S.-Israel relationship. He believes that our first and incontrovertible commitment in the Middle East must be to the security of Israel, America’s strongest ally in the Middle East.
Barack and Joe Biden believe strongly in Israel’s right to protect its citizens. They have consistently supported foreign assistance to Israel. They have called for continuing U.S. cooperation with Israel in the development of missile defense systems.
Barack has nothing to hide: he has openly described his relationship with Rashid Khalidi:
“[Khalidi] is not one of my advisors; he’s not one of my foreign policy people. His kids went to the Lab school where my kids go as well. He is a respected scholar, although he vehemently disagrees with a lot of Israel’s policy…To pluck out one person who I know and who I’ve had a conversation with who has very different views than 900 of my friends and then to suggest that somehow that shows that maybe I’m not sufficiently pro-Israel, I think, is a very problematic stand to take…So we gotta be careful about guilt by association.”
Bipartisanship — getting along with people we disagree with — is something we prize in our politicians. For example, Barack has been widely praised for working with conservative Republican Senator Tom Coburn to pass a bill making government spending searchable over the Internet (Obama bio). So why should it be any different that Barack knows a respected scholar, former university colleague, and former neighbor who disagrees with him about Israel?
Smears, insults, and innuendo about the nature of Barack’s relationship with Khalidi are completely unfounded. Guilt-by-association is always a questionable tactic.
Bobohanglider (6b25fd) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:52 pmDiscredited Republican voter-suppression guru Ken Blackwell is attacking Barack Obama with naked lies about his supposed connection to ACORN.
• Fact: Barack was never an ACORN community organizer.
• Fact: ACORN never hired Obama as a trainer, organizer, or any type of employee.
• Fact: ACORN was not part of Project Vote, the successful voter registration drive Barack ran in 1992.
In his capacity as an attorney, Barack represented ACORN in a successful lawsuit alongside the U.S. Department of Justice against the state of Illinois to force state compliance with a federal voting access law. For his work helping enforce the law, called “Motor Voter,” Barack received the IVI-IPO Legal Eagle Award in 1995. (For more about Barack’s career, check out our Obama bio.)
Ken Blackwell is best known today for disenfranchising Democratic voters in his dual role as Ohio Secretary of State and chair of George Bush’s Ohio campaign in 2004. To see him shed crocodile tears for the integrity of the vote while making accusations about Barack and ACORN with absolutely no basis in fact is disturbing.
Blackwell’s attacks against ACORN and community organizers continue a vile Republican pattern of mockery and viciousness against this noble profession. Community organizers are the very individuals Republicans should be celebrating for helping people to help themselves rather than depending on the government.
Bobohanglider (6b25fd) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:53 pmhttp://www.foxnews.com/hannityandcolmes/#
There is plenty of it. And if you will look and READ, there is a book called Obama Nation published by a man that has been studying Obama since before he decided to run for the senate in the house of William Ayers, who just happens to be “a man that lives in his neighborhood”. Everything in that book is backed up by numerous documents, pictures, videos, and newspapers. READ, LISTEN, RESEARCH. Like I said before, people like you that listen to one person and never research anything are what’s wrong with this country now. COMPLAICENT
David (3f30da) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:53 pmTo all the Obama supproters,
Sorry that your white guilt has caused you to nominate an unqualified Affirmative Action Canadate.
the truth
the truth (5a57cf) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:53 pmFrom right-wing bloggers and email smears all the way up to John McCain, false claims and rumors have been spreading that Barack snubbed American soldiers on his foreign trip.
We expect these lazy, easily dismissed attacks from the shadowy nutcases who produce email smears, but John McCain should know better. These claims are particularly hypocritical coming from him.
John McCain and others have also launched deceitful, dishonorable attacks that smear Barack by distorting his record on supporting American troops. The non-partisan Factcheck.org labeled such smears “highly misleading,” and retired admiral John Natham has defended Barack:
“Senator Obama has consistently voted to fund our troops in Afghanistan and Iraq and, just as importantly, a proven record of support when they return home…. Despite consistent distortions of his record, thousands of veterans like myself support Senator Obama because he has the judgment, character and integrity to be a great president. We will need a great president to lead us in these very challenging times.”
Barack Obama learned to love this country from his grandfather from Kansas, a World War II veteran who taught him the Pledge of Allegiance. He was proud to thank our troops for their service and dedication when he visited them in Kuwait, Afghanistan, and a combat support hospital in Iraq (without cameras or fanfare).
Calls these lies for what they are—false, hypocritical attacks on a man honoring his country and those who serve it.
Bobohanglider (6b25fd) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:54 pmHow bout we drop the Politics and I say “Thank You” for hangin out and “Let’s Keep It Real”.
Chuck (21979d) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:57 pmObama’s spokeperson said on TV that they would give tax breaks to those who make under 120,000 dollars…it started at 250,000. It will be down to 41,500 soon. That is AMT that Obama wanted to raise taxes on in the Senate. He tells one group one thing and another group another. He will lie his way to the top. Can we risk voting for him? NO
Me (d8da01) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:57 pmRiana I do agree with you. But for the most important position in our country, can people honestly overlook his past and his “poor judgment” and put a man incharge of our very lives when we have seen him many times change his views and beliefs to what America wants to hear only after they had a negative impact on the election campaign?
David (3f30da) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:58 pmBarack Obama is a committed Christian. He was sworn into the Senate on his family Bible. He has regularly attended church with his wife and daughters for years.
But shameful, shadowy attackers have been lying about Barack’s religion, claiming he is a Muslim instead of a committed Christian. When people fabricate stories about someone’s faith to denigrate them politically, that’s an attack on people of all faiths.
Make sure everyone you know is aware of this deception.
Bobohanglider (6b25fd) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:59 pmEduardo on October 31st, 2008 6:05 pm
This is an essay I finished writing yesterday. It includes pretty much what I had to say about the subject. God bless you all…
“Facts are stubborn things…”
Ronald Reagan
That I am starting with the Economy needs no further explanation. Not only has it become the permanent subject in the news; but also the source of deep worries to most American families. Feelings of insecurity and outright fear are gripping us, and with good reason.
The last five to six weeks have seen an unprecedented meltdown of the financial sector, and an equally unprecedented government rescue plan, put together in record time _at least, legislatively speaking_. Close to double the current worth of the war effort in Iraq vanished in the turmoil of the last three weeks alone. The loud bang of the subprime mortgage bubble, the credit dry up, and the prospect of a repeat of some of the vicissitudes of the Great Depression sent shockwaves in every direction, and posed new urging questions to the two presidential candidates; whose understanding and involvement in the crisis origins, and proposed fixes, couldn’t be more different.
A lot of finger pointing has taken place as of lately. In the end, Senator Barack Obama, his campaign and sympathizers have synchronized their voices to find a new bogey man: deregulation. They sell an explanation in which fat cats in Wall Street, moved by shameless greed, were able to reap their obscene profits, tap into banks’ irresponsible lending practices _banks would issue their loans because they could sell them to hungry investors_, so they could get high yields through securities that packed those subprime mortgages, and ultimately bring about the present day disaster, as too many borrowers found themselves with negative equity once the real estate bubble burst; everything due to the little and poor regulation and oversight exerted by Washington. Once more, they say, the blind forces of the free market fail to live up to the expectations… Those are only half truths… at best.
The main problem with having the free market regulate and balance itself _in such a way that increasing prosperity is assured_, is that the market is rarely free. A minimum of government intervention is always unavoidable _and desirable_ to create the legal conditions for markets to thrive, in an atmosphere of law, order, freedom and peace. The amount of public officeholders employed towards that end should equal those strictly necessary firemen, policemen, street cleaners, health officers, judges, legislators and executives, whose services are _or should be_ as productive and important as those of anyone in private industries. However, any government intervention beyond that is almost sure to stir trouble, sooner or later, and no matter how noble the intentions. The current crisis is no exception.
Let’s make a little bit of history to see why.
Back in 1977, President Carter signed the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), which had been drafted by the overwhelmingly Democratic 95th Congress. Carter _being the very decent man he is_ and the legislators were moved by the best and purest reasons: to eliminate the practice of “red lining” by lending institutions, and address the deteriorating conditions of American cities, especially lower-income and minority neighborhoods, as well as many decaying downtowns. Red lining consisted in the practice by many commercial banks to avoid lending, blanket refusals it was called, in particular areas. These institutions would set shop in those low income, mostly black neighborhoods, and carry out most normal banking activities, including taking deposits; but would refrain themselves from extending loans there. When granted, those mortgages or other loans to African-American borrowers would require higher down payments, and faster repayment schedules. All of this had been documented since a 1961 report by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Besides sheer discrimination, the existence of only a limited secondary market for mortgages, the lack of coordination among credit agencies, and the lack of credit evaluation for poor income borrowers at the time, made the latter credible suspects of easily defaulting on loans; further discouraging banks to take the risk of extending them mortgages.
The CRA demanded all banking institutions that receive FDIC insurance to be evaluated by the relevant federal regulatory agencies, to determine if the institutions met the credit needs of the entire community. When first passed, the CRA contained language intended to ensure that banks and savings associations served the credit needs of their local communities in a “safe and sound manner”, though it offered little prescriptive detail on how those potentially conflicting goals could be achieved.
During the 1980s, the CRA was slowly implemented, and it proved useful to lure banks into the underserved secondary mortgage market (where mortgage loans and servicing rights would be sold by their originators, bought by securitizers and ultimately by investors), thus making credit available to all borrowers across geographical locations, and putting homeownership within closer reach for minorities.
During the 1990s, the urge to extend access to homeownership to increasing numbers of low income families caused the arm-twisting of banks to reach new heights: lending institutions were required to keep extensive records of their minority lending practices; those that didn’t pass muster would face many obstacles _and sometimes outright denial_ to expand their branches, merge with other banks, or access new lending markets. By that time, not only the government had tightened their operation requirements (including those for record keeping and CRA ratings of compliance), but also many community groups, like ACORN, were policing financial institutions, to make sure they extended mortgages to minorities in the towns and neighborhoods were they operated. Failure to comply would prompt these groups to advocate against the specific financial institution before the government; affecting their CRA rating. In many cases, these community groups provided financial counseling, booking fees when connecting the interested individual with the desired mortgage, tailored to their needs. Intimidation, political favoritism, and micromanagement by regulators mushroomed.
As a result, commercial banks became pliable, easy targets to pressures to extend those loans. No bank CEO wanted to be labeled an “enemy of the poor”. Most financial institutions developed community affairs or relations departments, with the main purpose of dealing with such groups. Chase Manhattan and J.P. Morgan paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to ACORN around the time they applied for permission to merge, to avoid poor reviews and delays in approval of merge talks, which could result from bad input from this and other community groups in the yearly bank reviews, capable of frustrating those merger plans, or even bringing about legal challenges by the Justice Department, on the ground of alleged discrimination practices through lending. In due fairness, it must be said that some of these community groups played a very positive role, even raising early concerns about the potential effect of lower credit standards and the resulting untenable increase in real estate values, which were gentrifying some low to moderate income communities.
In 1993, the new Clinton administration implemented the Federal Housing Enterprises Financial Safety and Soundness Act, which was intended to achieve similar aims as those of the CRA. This time, the two privately owned, publicly run companies _or Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs), as they are also called _, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, were pushed to increase their purchases of mortgages going to low and moderate income borrowers. For 1996, for example, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) gave both companies a specific target: 42% of their mortgage financing had to go to borrowers with income below the median in their area. The target later increased to 50% in 2000, and 52% in 2005, as the boom was riding the crest of the wave.
This had a tremendous impact, by providing investors or purchasers of mortgage-backed security bonds (derivatives) with a tacit guarantee, as the mortgages, provided by commercial banks to those low income borrowers, would now be packaged into those derivatives by precisely the two companies that were understood to be backed up by the federal government (an assumption that had never been explicit, but which was proved completely right, as the Federal Reserve and the Department of the Treasury rushed themselves to put both companies into conservatorship, a few months ago). Those companies would then assume the credit risk, that is, the guarantee that the principal and interest on the underlying loan would be paid back, regardless of whether the borrower actually repays. If things got tough, the feds would fly to the rescue…
By doing so, some pressure was taken off the banks, as the potential risk of having borrowers default would no longer affect them, as long as the mortgages were packed into securities that could be sold in the secondary mortgage market. The risk was managed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac by only buying and securitizing loans that would conform to their own guidelines. Initial resistance by some of the private stockholders of both companies was quickly overrun when the secondary market grew up exponentially as a consequence; as did profits with every single derivative sold in it. More and more investment banks threw themselves to buy these, as they could be resold to second and third buyers in high risk-high yield operations, which would make sense as long as the value of the underlying assets securitized _a.k.a. houses_ kept on rising, (and therefore, mortgage default rates kept low). Bear Sterns did the first major securitization of CRA loans in 1997, a $384 million offering guaranteed by Freddie Mac. Within the next 10 months after that, Bear Stern issued $1.9 billion of CRA mortgages backed by either Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae.
With an expanding market, both Congress and the White House kept on pushing. Demanding that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac did more to increase homeownership among poor people, looked like a sure way to subsidize low-income housing outside of the budget, at least for the time being. The positive impact those measurements would have among blacks and Hispanics was not an indifferent matter to the Democratic Party either; as it was trying to lock a bigger hold of both demographics.
In 1999, pressures from the government _exerted by Robert Rubin’s (a current Obama campaign economic advisor) Treasury Department_, as well as from stockholders used to the vertiginous growth of the company, prompted Fannie Mae to ease their guidelines to aid mortgage lending. The action, as correctly described by a New York Times article by Steven Holmes, published on September 30 of that year, lowered the standards for the kind of loans the company was willing to buy and pack into derivates, reducing _among other things_ down payment requirements. By expanding the types of loans it bought, Fannie Mae encouraged commercial banks to extend home mortgages to individuals whose credit wasn’t good enough to qualify for “conventional” loans. Avid investors (thrifts, hedge funds and accredited investors) were also ready to jump on those high yield derivatives backed by subprime mortgages; Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae among them, as they would also buy those very same securities, for their own portfolios.
This was all that was needed. By that time any remnant of conventional wisdom had been thrown out the window: Investors used billions and billions to buy and sell derivatives that went up in price every time they were re-packaged and changed hands, to the point that some of these reached up to 400% of the original value (buyers knew this, but still bought them with hopes to sell them out soon, and get some money for it. New buyers looking for the same opportunity would always show up, as long as the value of the underlying asset kept rising). Commercial banks like Washington Mutual, which had been allowed by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act signed by Pres. Clinton in 1999 to enter investment bank operations as well, got in the game too. Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, as well as other private securitizers, kept on buying more subprime mortgages and packaging them into those derivatives, which would be sold to eager buyers instantly. Commercial banks would extend a home mortgage to almost anyone asking for it. To offset risks and allow the extension of 0 down payment (or low ones) to poor credit, low income borrowers, subprime loans were put together as balloon or adjustable rate mortgages (ARM) _loaded with fees and surcharges_, which would allow borrowers to get the loans at convenient terms they could (barely) afford _something that was greatly incentivized by low interest rates_ for an introductory period, normally 5 years. Afterwards, their monthly payments would simply adjust to the market interest rates at the time. Commission seeking brokers made sure mortgages like these were extended to as many people as they would come across with. Income statement forgeries and all kinds of predatory lending practices became commonplace. Consumers at large thought it was OK to buy real estate beyond their means, hoping to flip properties over before the end of the introductory period, and pocket the equity as they rose in value; or get second mortgages for frivolous spending. The time bomb was ticking…
To be entirely honest, the Bush administration did not tackle the problem as it was passed down. There were more urgent priorities after 9/11. The recession that had been brewing since the last years of the Clinton administration, and the economic havoc brought about in the aftermath of the terrorists attacks, were barely stopped by the aggressive tax cuts introduced by George Bush and the Republican Congress. At the same time, the continued growth of the construction industry kept on pushing the economy forward, and provided States with increasing revenues _particularly those in the Sunbelt and elsewhere, wherever growth was taking place_, thus relieving the federal government from supporting States with additional federal dollars, to offset potential budget deficits. The Federal reserve unwittingly made things worse, as well, by a continuous reduction of interest rates, which reached an all time low of 1.25% in 2003; thus postponing a necessary correction of the market, pushing the rates on adjustable mortgages to historic lows, and ultimately helping to fuel the housing boom.
On top of that, Franklin Raines and Jim Johnson, former Clinton White House staffers who in the late 1990s became CEOs of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, respectively, found themselves in a very privileged position, at the helm of two companies generating exponentially increasing profits with the rising bubble. They and their successors made sure all attempts to rein them in would be dealt with effectively. The fact the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, which was supposed to be the regulator of both, depended on Congress for the approval of its yearly budget _and therefore, its very survival_, didn’t help much. Being highly politicized, both enterprises employed a wide arrange of well connected, former political insiders _from both major parties_ as executives. Many lobbying firms were hired at one time or another. The support of legislators in Congress was secured through major campaign donations to about 350 House Representatives and Senators from either the GOP or the Democratic Party. The top receivers were Sen. Christopher Dodd (D), Chairman of the Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee, Sen. Barack Obama (D), junior member of the Federal Financial Management Subcommittee, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D), member of the Finance Committee, and Rep. Barney Frank (D), current Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee.
After Clinton’s second Secretary of the Treasury, Lawrence Summers, voiced his alarm at the oncoming crisis, he sent Undersecretary Gary Gensler to Congress in 2000, looking for an end to the companies’ special status, including the assumed guarantee of federal backing of their obligations, as a means to bring them to their senses, and more power allowing regulators to boost both companies’ minimum capital requirements. Gensler was received with a Democratic led riot, and the proposals went nowhere. A few years later, Rep. Paul Ryan (R), from Wisconsin, also voiced his concerns with Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae lending practices, only to find them actively lobbying against his reelection in his own congressional district. Florida Rep. Cliff Stearns (R), tried to hold hearings on both companies accounting practices in 2004, as Fannie Mae’s accounting scandal was starting to gain visibility, but was stripped of responsibility for their oversight by another Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae friend: House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R)…
In 2005, Sen. John McCain (R) and two other senators co-sponsored the Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act, pushed by Sen. Charles Hagel (R), which aimed to provide a stronger regulatory agency for both companies, as well as other sounder operation requirements. The attempt was denounced by Sen. Harry Reid (D) as one intending to “cripple the ability of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to carry out their mission of expanding homeownership”. The bill went nowhere either… John McCain warned at the time that “…if Congress does not act, Americans taxpayers will continue to be exposed to the enormous risk that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac pose to the housing market, the overall financial system, and the economy, as a whole.” His was a voice claiming in the desert.
Finally, a 2006 letter written by twenty senators, John McCain among them, to Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R) equally prompted to action, but got no response that I know of. Any similar attempts from President Bush himself went nowhere as well, due to Congress resistance.
And that’s how we got to where we are…
In the end, the bubble burst when the real estate market became saturated with oversupply. Prices stalled, and then quickly started declining. Expired ARMs introductory periods and higher interest rates pushed many loans into default; thus driving thousands of homeowners _who were trapped into mortgages they could no longer afford_ into foreclosure. That pressed real estate prices further down in a self feeding cycle, and soon the value of all those mortgage-backed derivatives nose-dived as well; triggering the enormous deleverage and liquidity (cash) losses that brought down the big investment banks, and ultimately unleashing the whole financial meltdown.
Right now, the Bush administration and the Federal Reserve are fine tuning the massive government rescue plan, a revised version of which passed through Congress on Oct. 3, after a prior attempt failed a few days before _not many Representatives or Senators wanted to risk being labeled as “rescuers of greedy bankers” prior to re-election, and quite a few, mostly Republicans, were duly aware of the risks of passing such a $700 billion blank check to Government. Others felt little help was being set aside for direct aid to struggling homeowners_. So far, this rescue plan seems to have a good chance to stave off a second enactment of the Great Depression. After all, it was precisely the Federal reserve inaction then, together with the lack of liquidity and consumer confidence _which prompted a domino effect of bank collapses_, as well as the negative effects of the protectionist Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act _which strongly damaged our exports, produced an overstock of commodity supplies, and depressed real wages, all at once_, that played the largest role in the onset and aggravation of the Great Depression.
Today’s conditions are not the same as those of 1929-1939, either. The prompt government intervention has calmed fears down _to some extent_, lower oil prices have provided a relief and small boost to consumption, there is no excessive oversupply in store inventories, and exports are still holding strong _after being favored for a long while by a weaker dollar, as well as the existing free trade agreements_, especially to growing markets in China, India, Latin America and elsewhere.
Prior to the present day rescue plan, the federal government had been working to somewhat cushion the crisis. Placing Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae under conservatorship, rescuing AIG International, and helping the big bank mergers we have seen throughout the year were all part of the effort; and are linked in intricate ways that are beyond the scope of this writing.
In any case, the rescue plan is intended to achieve very specific goals. Namely: to provide investors in the markets with some predictability and a sense of relative security. A clear set of rules, for dealing with those banks that need to unload their “toxic portfolios” of devaluated derivatives, will calm the financial markets. In a situation where most banks are contaminated with them, the selective, case-by-case approach taken by the Federal Reserve to deal with troubled banks in normal times, produces insecurity (remember the frantic questioning of whether Lehman Brothers would be rescued or not), and with it, market volatility. The injection of liquidity and the increased backing of any bank account funds from $100 K to $250 K by the FDIC contribute to boost confidence and avoid walks on banks. Both measurements should favor a thaw of the credit dry-up, so that loans start flowing back to businesses and individuals. Finally, if we are to undertake the renegotiation of troubled homeowners’ mortgages that are about to face foreclosure, it should help _and not hamper_ the stabilization of the real estate market; something essential to keep the current recession from worsening.
The next administration shall be tasked with implementing the rescue plan. It shall also come up with a new financial architecture in which, besides making sure that undue government intervention does not distort markets anymore, new sets of rules are put together for the operations of the financial industry, bringing more transparency and simpler rules to inter-bank transactions, and sounder practices when it comes to extending loans. The meetings of heads of state of countries belonging to the G-8, scheduled for early next year, is already being framed as a Breton Woods II kind of conference. Another essential task for the new administration must be to aggressively push a pro-growth agenda that will keep the real economy (that in which tangible articles and services are produced and offered, versus the “surreal” one, where paper assets are traded based on subjective appreciations of value) from further contraction. That will be essential in the future climate of credit scarcity.
Make no mistake: besides finding ourselves in probably the most acute economic crisis since at least the 1970s, we are at a very vulnerable point of our history. How we get out of our present day predicament (and how fast) will shape our future, and either confirm our enemies’ hopes of American decline, or reassert our position as the beacon of freedom and most important economic, technological and political powerhouse of the world. The passed version of the economic rescue plan not only places an increased burden on American taxpayers, but also yields an enormous amount of power to the Executive; which can be used for the necessary corrective, regulatory intervention I have described, or otherwise abused to control and intervene the financial industry with political purposes. Ultimately, the questions to be asked are: what are the two presidential candidates concrete economic _and overall_ proposals? Whom do we trust at the helm in this time of crisis?
Let’s see…
Sen. Obama is promising to enact a Windfall profits Tax to “provide a $1,000 Emergency Energy Rebate to American families”; to provide $50 billion to “jumpstart the economy and prevent 1 million Americans from losing their jobs”; and to provide a “tax cut for working families”, which “would completely eliminate income taxes for some 10 million Americans”. Massive new programs are detailed, which are aimed to rebuild the existing infrastructure, provide government sponsored healthcare, achieve energy independence and develop sources of alternative energy _all of that with strong government intervention_. Plenty of other policies are put together to either alleviate the situation of seniors _like his populist proposal to eliminate Income taxes for seniors making less than $50,000_, or raise protectionist barriers to trade; openly advocating to “amend the North American Free Trade Agreement”, and making evident his distaste for, and willingness to strike down new free trade agreements, using alleged “fair” labor and environmental standard deficits as excuses. Capital gains would be taxed at 28%, whereas Dividends would be so at 39.6%. Sen. Obama has also proposed to restore the Inheritance tax, as well as restore Income taxes to pre-Bush tax cut levels for many taxpayers; and to create new taxes on fossil fuel consumption, etc. All of that in addition to his repeated promise to reduce taxes for 95% of Americans, and raise them for those earning over $250 K a year.
What’s wrong with those proposals? A few of them sound even sweet to most ears… well, the truth is, a lot is wrong with them. I am sorry to break the news to Sen. Obama, but the middle class, whose interests he so loudly claims to defend, would be much worse off due to those very specific economic plans… Though I think he already knows that. In fact, those very proposals are nothing but a half veiled attempt to implement a clearly ideological, leftist agenda. They are part of a declared war on Capital; and its implementation would significantly alter the fabric of American society, as we have known it for decades. These policies would only deepen and prolong the recession.
Raising dividend and capital gain taxes would do a lot of damage to the economy, and many people would suffer because of it.
Doubling the tax on dividends would make people less likely to invest in companies that create jobs _especially start up businesses, or those trying to expand_, exactly when these companies need it the most: in the middle of a credit-scarce economic environment.
Doubling capital gain taxes would hit the real estate industry and the stock market, precisely when they are suffering a major depression. Actually, just the prospect of a win in the General Election by Sen. Barack Obama _as indicated by the polls of the last two weeks, when published by the mainstream media_ has been enough to strongly contribute to the major drops in the stock market we witnessed last week, as many stock holders try to get rid of their stock, while there is still time…
Those who hold no stock might think this is not too big a deal, and not see the connection between those seemingly unrelated events; but the truth is that if you have any money invested in IRAs, 401Ks, mutual funds, college funds, or anything that pays or reinvests dividends, it will certainly affect you, as you will loose almost 40% of that income. Around 52% of American adults own stock in some form (close to 20% of all existing stock is owned directly by individuals), and not less than 8.5 million people paid capital gain taxes in 2006. Sen. Obama’s increase in the capital gains tax rate would hit all those Americans pretty hard.
The 28% tax on capital gains would affect every single person selling a house. If you manage to close the sale, that percentage of your gain would be taken by the government. That would pose a serious problem for many seniors, who would like to downsize _or move into a retirement community_, and are counting with the income from their home sale as a big part of their retirement income.
Obama’s real motives and attitude towards the capital gains tax were exposed during a primary campaign debate, which took place in Philadelphia, on April 16, 2008. When Charles Gibson, of ABC News, asked him why he would raise the capital gains tax, in spite of historical evidence that suggested that such an increase would not just fail to augment government revenues, but actually reduce them (when capital gain taxes were cut in 1981, 1997 and 2003 government revenues rose by a 49%, 49% and 88%, respectively. When those very same taxes were raised in 1986, government revenues fell by 44%), Obama simply answered: “Well Charlie, what I’ve said is that I would look at raising the capital gains tax for purposes of fairness…” That is, economical sense is irrelevant. To him, all that matters is “fairness”…
And what is exactly his understanding of fairness?
He means that we should increase taxes on investors simply so they pay more _ignoring the fact they had already paid their full taxes when they earned the money, before being invested_. This is class warfare at its best: Sen. Obama wants investors to pay more in taxes, not to generate revenue, but to soak them so that the rest of the country can feel better about their own taxes. That is his idea of “fairness”.
Sen. Obama is also proposing to restore the Inheritance tax, which had been repealed by President Bush. In the past, this very hefty tax had been the single reason why many families lost businesses, farms and ranches _which in many cases were the result of generations of hard work_, as they could not afford it.
And then there is the much hyped promise to lower Income taxes to low and middle income Americans, and raise them to those earning over $250 K. This proposal is very attractive and quite deceptive as well… While it is true that its implementation would provide a tax credit to low and middle income families, equal or in most cases more generous than the present Bush era tax cuts, taxing families earning more than $250 K would affect more people than what Sen. Obama pretends to make us believe. Most small business owners opt to file their articles of incorporation defining their companies as S-type corporations. For practical purposes, it means that all company revenues will not be taxed, but passed onto the stockholders _which in most small businesses are reduced to one, or at the most a handful of owners_, and then taxed as their personal income. This is done to avoid having income taxed twice, first at the corporation level, and then as personal income. As a result, it will be very easy to find millions of small business owners whose gross income is above that arbitrary $250 K threshold.
The consequence of this policy, as well as the higher corporate tax rate Sen. Obama is proposing too, would be an undeserved punishment on small businesses, which generate the bulk of jobs in America. These small companies would be forced to send as much of their operations overseas as they can. Those in industries where this is not feasible _the vast majority_ would have to tighten their belts even more to survive. Employers would have to either lay workers off _and unload the additional workload on the remaining employees_, or otherwise keep themselves from hiring new employees and expanding. Research and development, as well as the introduction of new technologies and production systems, would be forced to slow down; and the increased burden higher taxes would add to businesses, already suffering from higher financing and credit costs, would drive some of them into bankruptcy. For most businesses, production costs would rise _especially if, on top of all that, energy prices go up again as a result of an oil market bounce and Obama’s taxing of fossil fuel consumption_, and be passed down to consumers as higher prices for gasoline, food, and everything else these small companies produce. In the end, living costs would rise, reducing real wages to those very same low and middle income families the proposal would be trying to help; thus rendering the tax credits useless.
Besides, as Joe _by now the most famous plumber in America_ would say when interviewed in ABC the morning after the last presidential debate, how can we be sure that, once elected and backed by a Democratic controlled Congress, a President Obama might not say “you know what, $250 K of income makes a person pretty rich, but so does $150 K, so let’s raise their tax rate as well…”? In fact, there is a similar historical precedent. Back in 1992, Bill Clinton was campaigning against a president who had failed to keep his promise not to raise taxes. To emphasize the difference, Clinton promised that he would not raise income taxes to those earning less than $40 K a year. However, once elected he found out that all the social programs he wanted to implement could not be funded without raising income taxes throughout all income brackets; and so he did within months of occupying the White House, supported by a Congress that was equally controlled by a Democratic majority.
That is very likely to happen were Sen. Obama to be elected President.
For one thing, all of his proposals for government provided healthcare coverage, injecting funds into several education programs _increasing federal government intervention, and bankrolling, of many less than efficient school boards_, granting a $4,000 tax credit for college tuition, 10% mortgage interest rate tax credit, and the many other handouts being promised _including massive increases in foreign aid, even bigger than the record-breaking ones of the Bush administration_, would put an enormous strain in a federal budget that is already running into a record deficit; a situation that has now been worsened by the $700 billion rescue plan, and a possible second stimulus plan that is looming over our heads. When all costs are added up, the Math does not quite match, especially if we take into account that, despite all promises, the Iraq war will take at least one to two years before it is completely over, regardless of who is elected president, thus still tying budget funds to its successful consecution _that is, unless a Pres. Obama managed to pull out a foreign policy disaster of his own and withdraw irresponsibly early: a quite believable scenario, given the lack of judgment he displayed by opposing the surge and counterinsurgency strategy at the Senate, back in 2007_. Among other things, Social Security funds could be also put at risk by increased spending.
The fact many of the tax credits being proposed are not precisely tax cuts, but actually “credits”, means that this is not money that the taxpayer would be keeping in his pocket. He would still have to pay increased taxes to the government, and then wait for a check that would be written by the latter, and sent to citizens, including some 60 million Americans of low or no income, who would have no income tax liability themselves, but still receive a rebate check, paid for with the taxes of income tax payers. It sounds complicated, but it is nothing more than a transfer of wealth from taxpayers to non-taxpayers, which can be further reduced to a single word: welfare.
Do not get me wrong here. I have absolutely no objection to having society at large, and the government in particular, be responsible for those who cannot be it by themselves: the infirm, the lone ailing senior citizen without resources, the addict who has a wrecked life and nowhere to turn to, the mentally ill, or the temporarily unemployed worker who has a family to care for, and keeps avidly seeking for a new opportunity to make a living with dignity. However, I strongly object to having able bodied people discouraged from succeeding, or in many cases, even from just getting a job; and that is precisely what happens when government steps in with its hands full of giveaways.
The “Making work pay” tax credit, for example, is aimed at low-wage workers, but it would be phased out at higher income levels. The resulting jump in tax rates in the “phase out zone” would actually give workers an incentive to work less and cap their income (or otherwise tempt them to forge their income declaration). Pair an incentive to stay at low wages or totally dependent from welfare, with heavier taxes on succeeding businesses, and obstructions to free trade, and we would all get a perfect recipe for loss of productivity _nationwide_, higher costs of living, a prolonged recession, and increasing social hostility between the haves and have-nots.
Amazingly, Sen. Obama would package his tax increases as a tax cut! Here is how:
As the situation stands now, Bush’s tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 are scheduled to expire in 2010, and all projections show that, unless we do something about it, we are in for a big tax increase when they do. However, that increase will remain only on the books, until Congress actually passes its budget for that fiscal year.
In addition to it, the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT), which was originally enacted in 1969 to ensure that the wealthiest people pay at least some taxes _as an offset to all the deductions and tax shelters they could make use of to hide their income_, has never seen its threshold (minimum income amount necessary for this tax to kick in) raised ever since. As a consequence, all the economic cycles we have gone through, and inflation, have pushed nominal incomes higher each year, and the threshold that was originally only within reach of the very rich, now is posed to affect millions of middle class Americans _close to 23 million taxpayers_. However, this tax is not affecting us yet, for Pres. Bush kept pushing back its implementation, but since each fix or delay is effective for only a year, the tax keeps showing up for budget discussions every fiscal year, pending like a sword over taxpayers’ heads.
Now here is what many of us _like former Bill Clinton political consultant and NYT best-seller author Dick Morris_ believe Sen. Obama would do to disguise his tax increases: He would sell his tax package as a “cut” by reducing these two theoretical taxes _theoretical in the sense they are not currently existing_. First, he would renew or improve some of the Bush’s tax cuts on the middle class _though as tax credits, as we have seen. Therefore you would have to actually pay more, and then wait until you get a check back for whatever amount the government believes you need or deserve: the better off you are, the less you would be given back_; second, he would raise the threshold for the AMT or eliminate it entirely. Inside this generous gift of tax cuts _on taxes that have never been imposed_, he would hide the very real largest tax increases in America’s history.
This way, Sen. Obama could pose as a fiscally responsible politician, and display his sensibility for middle class concerns.
It is very interesting that, when he had a chance to repeal the AMT, Sen. Obama voted no. On March 23, 2008, Sen. Obama voted against an amendment sponsored by Sen. Charles Grassley (R) to repeal it. The only reason behind this is that Sen. Obama needs this problem to stick around until he comes into office. He wants to be the one to single-handedly repeal it, so he can announce it _together with his new income taxes_ as a middle class tax cut to mask his huge tax increases.
In any case, it is very hard to trust someone who promises to cut taxes, when his personal history is one of voting consistently to raise them, while being a state senator in Illinois.
Not everything is bad with Sen. Obama’s proposals. For one thing, his plan to address predatory credit card practices is very commendable.
Sen. Obama also has a valid point when it comes to the urgent need to achieve energy independence; and another one when he stresses the importance of diversifying our sources of energy. He is right when he states that “we cannot drill our way out of this problem”, and when he advocates for tapping the enormous potential of solar, geothermal, wind power, clean coal and other alternative sources of energy as a way not just to power our way of life, and reduce the influence of rogue regimes that do not like us much, but also to create plenty of new jobs in green industries. He is wrong when he supports corn-based ethanol, since ethanol subsidies have distorted the market for corn, raising the price of that staple by more than 200% _thus increasing food prices worldwide; a trend that affects the poorest people the most_. Instead, he should favor lifting trade barriers to Brazilian ethanol, which is produced out of sugar cane byproducts _which have no adverse impact on food prices_, even if he were to upset the powerful corn farming interest group. He is also wrong in his reticence to employ nuclear energy. Without off-shore drilling _which he reluctantly embraced recently, as opposition to it grew increasingly untenable due to popular demand_ and nuclear power, no credible goal of attaining energy independence is realistic any time soon. More efficient fuel engines and alternative sources are vital parts of any comprehensive strategy, but they do not suffice by themselves. More rational land uses through better planning and zoning is another important element, which so far has not been included by neither candidate in his energy policy tool kit.
In any case, my main concern with the economical impact of Sen. Obama’s energy proposals is that he puts the government in charge of shaping the nation’s energy profile. He is calling for fossil fuel consumption taxes, clean energy tax credits and subsidies, goals for fuel efficiency standards, windfall profit taxes on oil companies, and a “crack down on excessive energy speculation”.
Government never lends or gives anything to business that it has not already taken away from business. All government funds come from taxes. Even credits and bailouts rest on the assumption that their loans will ultimately be repaid out of the proceeds of taxes. When the government makes loans to, or subsidizes businesses, what it does is to tax successful private companies and individuals, in order to support those selected companies that will be at the receiving end of its largesse. These are the ones chosen by government bureaucrats, who lend monies which are not theirs _and therefore do not care much whether the investment will ultimately see a return or not_, and in many cases benefit unsuccessful private companies that otherwise would have not survived in a free market, were it not for the nanny state support. Such policies are a fertile ground for all kinds of evils. They lead to favoritism; to the making of loans to friends, or in return for bribes; and to the creation of interest groups that lobby and arm twist, to get an ever increasing share of public money diverted in their direction, regardless of whether it benefits or harms the whole nation’s well being. The continuous scandals brought about by revelations of those shoddy deals, and tax payer money lost in poor investments, then call for increased government oversight and participation of profits in those companies where public funds are invested. As a result, such companies become more and more inefficient, and extensive micromanagement is imposed through a maze of exasperating nanny state rules and regulations, further asphyxiating growth. Another certain result is that other companies rush to the specific industry where subsidies and handouts are given, wishing to join the party. In the end, consumers wind up stuck with oversupply. A case in point is exposed by the unraveled growth of the construction industry during the boom, which was made possible through a similar government intromission _as explained before_; thus deviating capital and resources from other more productive industries, where a free, non-distorted market would have allocated them.
Once again, and as Milton Friedman would say, “there is not such a thing as a free lunch…”
Now let’s see John McCain’s proposals…
First of all, there is his tax plan: John McCain is proposing to pretty much maintain Pres. Bush’s Income tax cuts as they currently are. Back in 2001 and 2003, McCain had opposed those tax reductions because they were not accompanied by corresponding spending cuts, which would keep deficits in check. That he was right needs no explanation. However, that was then, and this is now. In our dire economic conditions, the prospect of allowing those tax cuts to expire is the equivalent of a new tax raise when we can afford it the least. Keeping these cuts gives American families and business owners the necessary respite they need, while still allowing the government to bankroll the most important services it is supposed to provide.
This way, Sen. McCain’s Income Tax cuts would cover all income brackets, regardless of class. He would also raise the personal exemption for each dependent from $3,500 to $ 7,000 to help families, particularly those with more children or single parents. Under his presidency, the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) would be repealed once and for all.
Unlike Sen. Obama, Sen. McCain would maintain the existing 15% tax rate on capital gains and dividends, and cut the corporate tax rate from 35% to 25%.
By this time I think I have emphasized enough the importance of low taxes on businesses. Entrepreneurs are at the core of American innovation, and their efforts have served us well for over two centuries of history. They create the ultimate job security for everyone: the availability of a better opportunity if your current job is no longer there, or does not suit you anymore. Small businesses are the main job creators of our economy, and raising taxes on them affects not just owners, but also their employees, financiers, suppliers, clients, and consumers at large, who are forced to pay higher prices for the same products or services. America had once a low tax environment that made it irresistibly attractive to every entrepreneurial spirit in the world, and played a fundamental role in the growth of our prosperity. However, with time many other countries followed our lead, and lowered their own taxes even more, to compete in a fierce globalized modern world. In so doing, America was left behind with the corporate tax rates of old, which need to be lowered as well. As Henry Hazlitt would clearly put it, higher taxes unavoidably determine the actions and incentives of those from whom they are taken. When a corporation loses a hundred cents of every dollar it loses, but is allowed to keep only fifty-two cents of every dollar it gains, and when it cannot adequately offset years of losses against its years of gains, its internal policies are affected. It does not expand its operations, or it expands only those attended with a minimum of risk. Prospective employers who recognize this state of affairs are deterred from starting new businesses. Technology innovation is also sacrificed or slowed down. The result in the long run is not just increasing unemployment, but that consumers are prevented from getting better and cheaper products, to the extent that they otherwise would, and that real wages are held down, compared to what they might have been, had taxes not been increased; Period.
Sen. McCain has proposed reducing the Estate Tax rate to 15%, and a generous $10 million exemption; allowing families to keep businesses and properties as their loved ones pass away.
Sen. McCain also seems to understand the need for state-of-the-art technologies to be available to private businesses competing in a globalized economy. With that in mind, he is proposing a first year deduction, or “expensing”, of equipment and technology investments; as well as a permanent tax credit equal to 10% of wages spent on R&D.
Another important element of his plan _and probably one of the toughest_ is bringing a new culture to Washington. Idealistic as it may sound, it is the only hope we have of setting the bases for a brighter future. Doing away with pork barrel spending and petty earmarking and appropriations is not just a moral imperative, but also the soundest way to do business; and if there is a man who has consistently crusaded against them is Sen. McCain. When confronted with this reality, Sen. Obama might claim that the amount of federal spending wasted in earmarks is the equivalent of a drop in the sea; but I put in doubt his alleged reduction of it to a mere $18 billion a year: the many perks that were added as “sweeteners” to the second version of the government rescue plan, for it to pass Congress, amounted alone to more than that; and we are talking about a single measure alone. The truth is _and anyone who has ever saved a penny knows this well_ that cutting frivolous spending resulting from lobbying and political peddling, as well as poorly performing government programs, is not just a matter of ethics, but of common sense. These earmarks and failed programs are benefiting a few, at the expense of the rest; and keeping limited resources from being allocated to better pursuits, like education or healthcare. No amount of money is insignificant enough when it comes to funding our future.
John McCain has also had the courage and the vision to part ways with many within his own party in energy related issues. Once shown the evidence, he understood Global Warming as the problem it is, and how it interconnects with the issues of energy independence and national security. As a result, he and his advisors implemented a comprehensive energy plan, which includes building 45 new nuclear plants by 2030 _ thus following the successful examples of France, Russia and China, which strongly rely on nuclear power to satisfy their energy needs_, advancing clean coal technology, and encouraging the market for alternative sources like wind, solar and hydroelectric power.
The intended goal of fostering alternative sources of energy, as part of an overall energy independence strategy, is pretty similar to that of Sen. Obama. However, the approach to achieve it is totally different. Sen. McCain proposes an even- handed system of tax credits, which would remain in place until renewable energy has progressed to the point that it is competitive with conventional energy sources. From that moment on, it would be up to the market, and the ingenuity and technical innovation of leading companies, to make accessible the energy thus created to consumers, at affordable prices. To me, that sounds pretty much like the way to go…
Under McCain’s plans, exploration of domestic oil and natural gas would tap into the existing reserves in hard to reach areas and off-shore. While it is true that ours represent only a single digit percentage of the known world oil reserves, that is enough to positively affect present day prices _regardless of what Sen. Obama and his supporters would say_. By sending a strong signal to markets that future oil supplies will be increased _and demand kept at bay through improved fuel consumption efficiency_, the futures traded at the stock market lower in price, thus bringing gas prices down with them. The market for natural gas is less internationally integrated than that of oil. Therefore domestic natural gas supply increases can lower prices even more.
Sen. McCain’s proposals are also aimed to incentivize free trade. Globalization is full of challenges and opportunities. The truth is there are jobs _and industries_ which are long gone, and will never get back. That is not necessarily wrong, as long as displaced workers can be re-trained and find new jobs in the industries of the future. Enhanced options, through voucher schools and more efficient public school boards, would also allow parents to choose the right education for their children, as they prepare for an increasingly competitive world.
Free trade is necessary to place our products in global markets, while allowing consumers access to high quality, low price products from overseas. It rewards the most efficient businesses, as only they can survive worldwide competition. Raising tariffs to foreign imports is a sure way to raise prices to the consumer, and to replace those very same products with others of equal or similar price, but of less quality _produced by less efficient domestic companies, which are thus indirectly supported by government intervention_. At the same time, discouraging imports reduces the purchasing power with which foreign consumers will buy our exports. Furthermore, by making it harder for our companies to reach foreign markets, we are actually helping their competitors occupy their place. For every American company that withdraws, there is a Chinese or European one ready to take its share of the market.
More easily forgotten is the positive impact free trade has in developing countries’ economies. Both NAFTA and CAFTA have improved the lives of thousands in Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean. By allowing peasants, laborers and small business owners to prosper, they exert a much needed stabilizing force in those fragile democracies; and by making a decent living at home, these very same people are given hope, and discouraged from coming to the U.S. as illegal immigrants.
There are many more economic proposals being offered by either candidate; but the most relevant ones are those exposed above.
Some people look back and think that, just because former Pres. Bill Clinton and Sen. Barack Obama happen to belong to the same party, electing the latter will automatically bring prosperity back; of the kind that was enjoyed during a long stretch of the Clinton administrations. Let’s not fool ourselves: Barack Obama is no Bill Clinton _and John McCain is no George Bush, for that matter_. President Clinton, who built upon the economic foundation President Reagan had left behind, signed into law welfare reform _so that people would have to actively look for a job before being eligible for welfare_. He did away with the “retirement test” for Social Security benefits _thus providing a huge tax cut for elderly workers_, successfully pushed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) _one of his biggest achievements_ through Congress, against the intense opposition of unions and many Democratic legislators and activists, signed into law an extensive capital gains tax cut, and reduced government spending to the point where he could balance the budget. None of those policies are included in Sen. Obama’s proposals.
Big government intervention and control of the economy, class warfare and arbitrary redistribution of wealth are not the change we need. In spite of today’s climate of fear and doubt, freer and more flexible markets, with the required minimum of prudent oversight, will still do more for any economy than the heavy hand of government.
I admire Sen. McCain, the man; with his virtues and shortcomings. His many years of plain heroism _while fighting in Viet Nam, and during the difficult time spent as a POW, tortured by his communist captors_, are a vivid example of patriotism. I recognize him for his integrity, for his commitment to fight corruption _the fact he felt worse for allowing his good name to be tarnished by his association with Keating, early in his congressional career, than during any of his torture sessions in VN, speaks a lot about his moral fiber_. His military service and his long legislative career _in which he often faced members of his own party in those issues he felt they were wrong, and took stands for doing the right thing for campaign finance reform, the surge in Iraq, torture, immigration, global warming, the oncoming financial debacle, and a long list that wouldn’t fit here_, deserve a lot of respect and gratitude.
Nevertheless, being a good soldier and a good legislator, per se, would not be enough qualifications to be a good President. It also takes a few things Sen. John McCain equally commands. It takes strong Christian values and respect for Human rights and our Freedoms, foreign policy experience and good judgment, the right economic policies _which he certainly has_ and an unselfish, unassuming disposition to do what it takes in the service of the country he loves so much: America. His pro-growth, no-nonsense economic policies are our best hope to avert this recession, and get our economy back on track. That’s because in the end, as Tony Blair would say: “there are no left or right economic policies, only good and bad ones…” For all I know, Sen. McCain’s definitely belong to the former.
Make no mistake; at this difficult time, Sen. McCain is the man of the hour. He deserves to be trusted again, this time with the highest office in the land.
John McCain is going to be a great President of the United States of America.
That is why I support him…and why I respectfully ask you to do the same, for your own sake…
Now go out and vote.
Eduardo A. Pardo Fernández
jennifer (40f009) — 10/31/2008 @ 9:59 pmMiami, October 29th, 2008.
Even though Barack Obama has proposed a $1,000 tax cut for middle-class families, shadowy smear mongers are pushing misleading rumors about Barack’s tax policies.
The anonymous authors of a recent smear email claim Barack Obama would raise taxes on your income, house, even your water — and just about everything else they could think of.
The non-partisan FactCheck.org found that the deception was deliberate. Now just make sure everyone you know who cares about taxes is aware of this manipulation.
Bobohanglider (6b25fd) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:00 pmYeah, but I don’t think you should do it by mugging the rich…
Sweet jesus, where to start…
First off, I don’t CARE what any other country thinks of our system. France doesn’t like it? Well, their capital burns regularly from dis-satified youths who never bothered to integrate into french society. The UK is potentially looking at banning KNIVES for god’s sake. They already lost the right to handguns and some long guns.
You bet I know something they don’t. I know what it’s like to live in a free society where WORK is rewarded. I don’t get stuff for free because I’m here. I work, I earn, and thus I spend. I enjoy an amount of liberty and freedom unheard of in other countries.
We are the oldest democracy on the planet, and we have stepped up and protected freedom the world over, sometimes for people who would as soon shoot us than look at us.
Bosnia, Somalia, Korea, Vietnam, China… We supplied Afgahni rebels with arms to help fight off invading Russia, we gave weapons to Saddam because at the time it seemed like a good idea to arm the country tweeking the nose of the people who took embassy staff hostage. Yes, those last two bit us in the ass, but few had a problem with it at the time. Hindsight, and all that…
You, my poor and ignorant fool, have NO idea what we actually enjoy here that other countries could but DREAM of.
As a matter of fact, I’ll bet you would be surprised to know that the UK still doesn’t have a formally writen constitution… Ours is over 200 years old and has survived quite well, thank you…
Obama is NOT an “accomplished public servant”. I say this because he has almost no acomplishments. Period. Every tough bill that has come before him he’s passed on, or voted right down party lines. Never, since entering state-wide politics, has he ever so much as attempted to reach across to the other party. Not a single time.
If we make over 200k and value SHORT TERM?? My friend, it’s 120k now, and it is Long Term that should cause you to wake up screaming at night having wet yourself in terror.
The Dems want to cut not only your ability to make retirement contributions pre-tax (more bang for your buck if it’s pre-tax), but also eliminate – completely – the incentive your employer has to do matching funds.
You DO know your bosses don’t match your 401(k) ot of kindness, right? It’s because the company gets a break up to a certain amount (which is why the cap it in the paperwork they give you). They want that to go away (because they “can’t afford the 80 billion it cost the Govt, as if it were their money to start with).
As soon as the matching goes away, 401(k)s will be VERY rare. People use them now BECAUSE of the matching. With it gone, why bother? T-Bills USUALLY perform well, so just stick it in there…
One problem… Since the start of 401(k)s, the market has come to rely on them. Yes the market bounces around like a drunk on a mechanical bull some times (like recently), but it would be nearly impossible, as it stood 4 months ago, for us to see another 90% tank like we did at the start of the Great Depression.
That WILL change. Without the stead, reliable influx of money, the market will start to buck wildly. There won’ be a leash to hold it back when it wants to dive.
Dem Policy in the next 4 years will ruin us. There is no way, it is not possible in any way shape or form, for Obama to have 4.3 TRILLION in NEW spending, just on the backs of the top 5%. It isn’t possible. Not only that, companies will depart our shores in DROVES. Corp Offices will leave for freindlier countries, who don’t seek to shaft them. Gone will be corp. tax dollars, and the rich will leave as well. Why stay and pay through the nose? Go somewhere else, and leave the screaming masses behind. I certainly won’t blame them…
I’ll blame people like you who are so blinded by the flash, you fail to notice that Obama has done, politically, nothing in his life. No tough calls, never. You have been sold a bill of goods that has nothing backing it up. At all.
Hell, name me three major bits of legislation Obama worked on to get passed. Not voted on, WORKED on. f you want to include IL Senate stuff, you’ll need to give me 5.
I bet you can’t do it.
Scott Jacobs (d3a6ec) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:01 pm“Riana are you for real?? How do you go from talking about our BROKEN welfare state… to the poor orphans in Africa?? Stay on track dear.”
Sir I do not know you nor am I particularly fond at your sad attempts at familiarity. My connection was you seem to think those asking for welfare are somehow conning you. I would tend to think with that exaggerated paranoia you would also think starving orphans are conning you as well. I didn’t think this was hard to follow…but you seemed to have some trouble.
“I work in the inner city. I see FIRST hand many cases of welfare abuse. More often than not. PERIOD.”
“You stated that if I made half as much money as I “pretend” to I wouldnt care.”
Sure, if say you were making 200, 000 would you truly care if 5,000 of that was going to people in genuine need?
“First… I dont know where I “pretended” to make anything. I have EARNED everything I have. The only time I was GIVEN anything was by my parents.
Taxes should pay for infrastructure, police, fire, military, schools (K-12), and targeted programs to help people who NEED help. How much more should I be expected to pay for? For every dollar we earn we give nearly 50 cents back in taxes of one form or another….how much more do you want?”
I want nothing. Though you did prove my point, you are angry your money is going to things or people you do not think deserve the money. I would hazard to guess where you would draw the line or where others would draw the same line. Cut welfare? Cut medicare? Cut social security? All three have been discussed as possible plans for the future by both parties.
It’s fun when we try to decide who really needs what.
“If you believe our welfare system is not broken you are naive.”
Somehow I think you had trouble following me on the vein of this thought as well.
“There is no sense arguing with you about it. Enjoy Obamas Presidency. I hope you get a few extra dollars and another block of government cheese. You deserve it.”
LMAO. Unlike you sir I do make as much money as I think i do, and under his plan I’d be paying taxes so that my money can go to programs in the inner city in which you work. Unlike you however I can spare to lose a few thousand and see some change and prosperity grow in these communities. It will be good to see individuals who would not have had such resources before be given support that will lead them to gain their own education and their own jobs and then further pass on their success to others.
I think I will enjoy an Obama presidency.
Riana (7900a4) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:01 pmSmears claiming Barack Obama doesn’t have a birth certificate aren’t actually about that piece of paper — they’re about manipulating people into thinking Barack is not an American citizen.
The truth is, Barack Obama was born in the state of Hawaii in 1961, a native citizen of the United States of America.
Next time someone talks about Barack’s birth certificate, make sure they see this page.
Bobohanglider (6b25fd) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:02 pmYou know why Tennesseans will not vote for Obama?
‘Cause if you put a G in front his name spells GO bama.
now thats funny, I don’t care who you are
laugh a little (5a57cf) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:03 pmDemocrats, give yourself a pat on the back. Your decades of hard work are about to pay off. All of the pieces of your totalitarian government are just about in place. You just need to tie up a few loose ends for complete control. 1 Socialize healthcare 2. Ban guns (through court order or legislation). 3. Silence your opposition (talk radio) through the Fairness Doctrine. 4. Have a State-run media (done) 5. Have a filibuster-proof Congress 6. Have a Marxist in the White House
sam (514491) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:04 pmGotta give credit where credit is due, you’re so close. The 2 problems you are going to have that will save the country from your ultimate goal are: Gunowners in America will NEVER give in and the majority of our Military actually believes in the Constitution and what this country used to stand for and they will be on the side of Freedom. Good luck handling those 2 entities.
Bobo is the new incarnation of Joeseph Goebbels.
Another Drew (7aa87e) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:05 pmEvery thing he states as fact, is a lie.
Every event he remarks, is a lie.
Congratulations, you will have a wonderful career in the Ministry of Truth.
“Riana – How can you believe all that media BS about Bush and Katrina?”
Oh geez…do you also believe the concentration camps were hoaxes?
“The first responders were supposed to be the city of New Orleans and the State of Louisiana. New Orleans srewed up its evacuation and the city and state both blew the aftermath. The federal response was actually the fastest and largest in history. Check it.”
Yeah…and those tapes of thousands upon thousands of people standing waiting, praying, begging for help as dead bodies floated in the water were forgeries.
“Bush left rebuilng decisions to locals and they can’t get out of their own way. The Democrat controlled paradise of Louisiana is just one fucked up place through no fault of Bush, but it’s always nice to try to pin it on him, idiot.
You sir…are soul-less. Congratulations.
Riana (7900a4) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:06 pmChuck, I’m afraid I’ll have to say the same. As I have found, anyone who is for one or the other, WILL NOT look at the facts that lay before them. Everything I have said I stand behind because I HAVE done my research, listened to ads and mainstream media as well as talk radio, and numerous other sources too many to list for both sides. I’ve heard it all from both sides, and all I can do is offer the truth, sources of information, and my views. If others can’t see that McCain is the lesser of 2 evils, then I’m sorry and I fear that we are going to lose the basic values of what makes us Americans.
David (3f30da) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:07 pmPresident Bush will one day be known is history as one of our great presidents. He has been through 911, hurricane Katrina, bad advisers and by the way, most of the dems. and american public thought there were wepons of mass destruction especially the ones who are now screaming the loudest. I will never vote for anyone that half of America is scared to death of, or a man who has so little respect for human life, and yes it has been proven that obama is out for the power and glory of the office and because of the misinformed people in this country we will all have to pay. I pray the next four years will go fast.
Donna (32ba33) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:07 pmRight on Bruce. From one who lives in the Middle East – every Ministry governs (and taxes without calling it tax) our expat lives.
BTW – did anyone ever determine if Obama is a naturalized American citizen yet? Is he allowed to run for president?
PK (f70424) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:08 pmRiana, please, we were having a discussion on politics. There is no soul in politics.
Another Drew (7aa87e) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:09 pmAnd, after reading all that you have written, there is no brain in your head, either.
So the lesson we should gleen from this, “if you are going to run for president or may be selected as a runningmate, start giving”. I guess Biden didn’t get the memo and Obama received it late.
cascooter (80508b) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:09 pmMy final statement here. Sam, my hats off to you sir. Someone who actually has the courage to open his eyes, ears, AND mouth. It’s an honor to be a smart person.
David (3f30da) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:10 pmPK, you’ll have to ask the Bobo, he seems to be the drive-by resident scholar on The One.
Another Drew (7aa87e) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:12 pm“Riana, please, we were having a discussion on politics. There is no soul in politics.”
LMAO. Now that was accurrate.
“And, after reading all that you have written, there is no brain in your head, either.”
…yeah… Taking the lead from Obama, I’ll take the high road. You’re doing an excellent job of proving your shallow grasp on intelligence all by yourself.
Riana (7900a4) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:12 pmWell, when dealing with you, shallow is expected.
Another Drew (7aa87e) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:13 pmPlus, I’ve never found pond-scum except along the surface.
Another Drew (7aa87e) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:14 pm“[Khalidi] is not one of my advisors; he’s not one of my foreign policy people. His kids went to the Lab school where my kids go as well. He is a respected scholar, although he vehemently disagrees with a lot of Israel’s policy…To pluck out one person who I know and who I’ve had a conversation with who has very different views than 900 of my friends and then to suggest that somehow that shows that maybe I’m not sufficiently pro-Israel, I think, is a very problematic stand to take…So we gotta be careful about guilt by association.”
Bobo – You put the above in quotes. Do you have a link for where you got those words? They don’t seem to be what I recall Obama saying. You’re not paraphrasing are you?
On Project Vote, are you claiming that all those press accounts that equate Projecdt Vote with ACORN are in error? Are you planning on demanding corrections?
On the point about ACORN hiring Obama, now that his website has been altered to reflect the revise language, are you suggested he provided them his services for free?
daleyrocks (83b6c5) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:15 pm“I guess its true what they say about the 10th commandment; “Thou shall not covet thy neighbors things“… IT IS THE POOR MANS SIN!”
…and you’re a pastor you say…doesn’t hypocrisy get in the way of you doing your job?
HeHe, Well, to answer your question? I’m in the lowest tax bracket; So judge for yourself if I’m a hypocrite? Oh wait! you already have!
PsNikao (31b1f8) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:15 pmSo what if Obama wants to represent the middle class,everyone in this world cannot be rich and who provides the wealth for everyone anyway the middle class, we are the ones that make this world go around and if something isn’t done soon to provide for us there will be no more rich people. Where do you think rich people get their money from anyway, off the sweat of the middle class. No one wants to run off with any rich person’s money we just want to be able to feed and cloth our chidren just like we feed and cloth all the ungrateful people that donot consider where their wealth came from.
c sprout (1830ab) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:15 pmEveryone have a great night no need to respond back to me I will not respond back. Just use the brain that GOD gave you and work for mankind not Joe the plumber who I may say is benefiting at this very moment from his little fiasco. He could care less what’s going on all he cares about is where’s the money. Peace to you all. Go Obama bring us all together as it should be. Tootles
Let’s be serious, CAN WE TRUST THIS MAN?
“Obama’s aunt from Kenya denied asylum, stayed in US illegally since 2004”
Last update: October 31, 2008 – 11:08 PM
God help us if Obama is elected!
Ben Lee (887b67) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:17 pm“Well, when dealing with you, shallow is expected. Plus, I’ve never found pond-scum except along the surface”
Have you run out of arguements or is this the portion in which you use left over frustrations from some unfortunate part of your life rule your dialogue. I’m willing to hear opinions about support for McCain and the reasons behind this.
Riana (7900a4) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:17 pmPlease, daley, Bobo has a tenuous grip on reality that might slip away from him at just the slightest nudge.
Another Drew (7aa87e) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:17 pmHe needs our love and understanding….maybe Riana could take care of that…She’s so deep!
Barack Obama was born in the state of Hawaii in 1961, a native citizen of the United States of America.
Of course he is. Unfortunately, Obama’s dear beloved Aunt Zeituni Onyango from Kenya, who was discovered the other day living in poverty in a Boston housing project, is living in the US illegally, according to the Associated Press.
The AP adds:
“It was not immediately clear how Onyango might have qualified for public housing with a standing deportation order.”
Official Internet Data Office (184273) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:18 pmComment by Riana — 10/31/2008 @ 10:17 pm
I would suggest that if you really want to share in the discussion here re McCain v Obama, you should go back in the archives and read.
Another Drew (7aa87e) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:21 pmWe’ve been discussing this topic in one form or another for the last 10 months.
You’ve come really late to the party, please try to catch up.
“You sir…are soul-less.”
Riana – You madam are brainless and will still be brainless in the morning.
Why weren’t those people standing around waiting for help after the Hurricane evacuated before the hurricane? Ask Mayor Chocolate Nagin and Governor What’s Her Name, not Bush. Think!
daleyrocks (83b6c5) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:21 pm“Please, daley, Bobo has a tenuous grip on reality that might slip away from him at just the slightest nudge.
He needs our love and understanding….maybe Riana could take care of that…She’s so deep!”
I’m still waiting to hear your arguements for McCain.
Riana (7900a4) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:22 pmriana and bodo you guys need to be the first in your area to take oh this say 40% of your paycheck each week and give it to people you dont know , and probably dont care for because some of them will be repubs , and then give barack 10% because you just owe it to him for being your savior.then you can pay your bills feed yourself. and remember the people you give your money to will always be there waiting for your hand out , because why should they work you and bobo are paying their bills .better get a second job
glen (6f673c) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:23 pmdaleyrocks,
In a nutshell I’m tired of the rightwing political smear tactics that keep the average American misinformed.
Hope that answers all of your questions.
Bobohanglider (6b25fd) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:24 pm“You sir…are soul-less.”
Riana – You madam are brainless and will still be brainless in the morning.”
If you mean I won’t share in the intelligence which inspires you to vote for McCain and ‘Joe the Plumber’…then thank GOD.
“Why weren’t those people standing around waiting for help after the Hurricane evacuated before the hurricane? Ask Mayor Chocolate Nagin and Governor What’s Her Name, not Bush. Think!”
…well your racism is on full display. I find racism too pitiful an ignorance to argue against. Though it does add one more credence to your support for Mccain. Good for you. Atleast you’re an honest racist.
Riana (7900a4) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:26 pm“
What a moronic article and what ludicrous comparisons are made here. To intentionally leave out the facts of McCain’s wife’s family fortune and pretend that his income means anything in the context of giving is faulty journalism and just plain dishonest. John McCain wears $500 dollar shoes and his wife wore a $300,000 outfit to the RNC convention. Both the Biden’s and McCain’s buy there clothes off the rack and live much more modestly than the McCain’s. All this money and still the McCain’s pressured AT&T and Verizon for free cell towers for there ranch in AZ. Talk about greed!
“As heiress to her father’s stake in Hensley & Co. of Phoenix, Cindy McCain is an executive whose worth may exceed $100 million. Her beer earnings have afforded the GOP presidential nominee a wealthy lifestyle with a private jet and vacation homes at his disposal, and her connections helped him launch his political career — even if the millions remain in her name alone. Yet the arm’s-length distance between McCain and his wife’s assets also has helped shield him from conflict-of-interest problems.
Nearly 30 years before John McCain became the Republican presidential nominee, he worked in public relations at his wife’s family company.”
Bruce Marshall (177629) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:26 pmFunny riana how you view me (hard working self sufficient American) as somehwere below the lazy do nothing welfare recipients. Iam a bad person because I want to keep what I have earned. The welfare recipient is just being put down by the system… so he needs my money to succeed, and you are more than happy to take from me to give it to him. And you… well you are a saint. You make so much money that you “could lose a few thousand” to help out those in need. God bless you! But might I suggest that you just write an extra check to the IRS each year…So I can keep what I have. Iam not feeling as generous with my money as you are.
Dan (241099) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:26 pmLet me know when you have written that check.
I’ve already made them to finer intellects than you who could actuall absorb them, analyze them, and comment intelligently.
Another Drew (7aa87e) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:27 pmI have no time for the chronically uninformed who can only spout talking points derived from Leftists that infest far too much of the Internet, and who have never displayed any ability to accomplish or build anything, only to tear down and destroy.
I saw the issue of welfare come up. I myself as a police officer have had to get on welfare due to lack of income. I do agree welfare needs reformed. I had to take a drug test to get my job. I think there should be drug testing for Government assistance of all kinds. And have you seen how many brand new vehicles are parked at the projects? They can afford that but not a house? OK Let’s raise taxes Psssht
Joe Redneck (3114a7) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:29 pmBobo – Facts are a terrible smear tactic aren’t they dood!
Your comments are the ones that distort, divert, and distract from the truth. Obama has proved incapable of telling the truth about his past because it would make him unelectable. Instead, he has an army of thread lice such as yourself scurrying around the internet attempting to sow confusion and doubt over proven parts of his past which he will not acknowledge and the MSM will not report on. You call them smears. They are very inconvenient truths.
daleyrocks (83b6c5) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:30 pmRead and learn:
Bruce Marshall (177629) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:30 pm“riana and bodo you guys need to be the first in your area to take oh this say 40% of your paycheck each week and give it to people you dont know ,”
Actually under Obama’s tax I would be paying that 40%. Imagine that…someone who’s actually making an amount that would be taxed willing to pay the amount needed for some growth and restructing of the system to occur
“and probably dont care for because some of them will be repubs ,”
I don’t care for a lot of people, but whether repub or democrat everyone needs help eventually. Discrimination is an awful syntax of human life, we all do it…doesn’t mean we can’t work to change our ways.
” and then give barack 10% because you just owe it to him for being your savior.then you can pay your bills feed yourself.”
…Btw, are you aware the higher in the tax bracket you go the more taxes you pay. So whether by Clinton, Bush, or Obama. I was still paying taxes.
” and remember the people you give your money to will always be there waiting for your hand out , because why should they work you and bobo are paying their bills .better get a second job”
…yeah because I support this man I couldn’t possibly have my own money. My only response to this…living in a big ass house and smiling all the time. When you get your 40%, think of me.
Riana (7900a4) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:31 pmWhile you all are out there looking for a life, go early vote for Obama, who is quite possibly the only hope for a country that has had to endure the ravages of too many years of rich dictators like the Bushes! Tax breaks for the rich, tax breaks for the oil companies (like Shell, who made $11 billion this last quarter) and nothing for the middle class. Horrible economy, no jobs, continuing the travesty of unnecessary “wars”, in countries that did NOT attack us, and on and on… We need a new direction! Do you think McCain, who has done nothing but “follow the program” for 26 years, and Palin, who is a complete airhead who let her husband run everything and is now in the midst of ethics violations, can be this kind of team for change? If so, you are living in a dream world and need to get a life. Which brings me back to the beginning of this post! The real “giving” that we should worry about, is what any of these people mentioned will be GIVING TO AMERICA, and who have a dream and a vision to dig our country out of the chaotic mire Bush and all of his cronies have gotten us into for the last eight years, and not any other kind of “charities”! These are the REAL issues!
M.L.M. (3c2936) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:31 pmJoe Redneck-
Move to a different city. If you are a Police Officer…and have to go on welfare, its time to relocate! Where do you work… New Orleans??
Dan (241099) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:34 pm“Funny riana how you view me (hard working self sufficient American) as somehwere below the lazy do nothing welfare recipients. Iam a bad person because I want to keep what I have earned. The welfare recipient is just being put down by the system… so he needs my money to succeed, and you are more than happy to take from me to give it to him. And you… well you are a saint. You make so much money that you “could lose a few thousand” to help out those in need. God bless you! But might I suggest that you just write an extra check to the IRS each year…So I can keep what I have. Iam not feeling as generous with my money as you are.
Let me know when you have written that check.”
You’re not a bad person. You’re an individual with rather sad views. Of course it is fairly common for people to not sympathize with individuals until they have suffered their plight. I would hope you never suffer an injury whcih keeps you from working for extended periods of time. I can only imagine how badly your mind would fray if you were forced one day to accept welfare.
Riana (7900a4) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:34 pmComment by Riana — 10/31/2008 @ 10:17 pm
Oh, you can depend on that.
Every morning when I awake, I’m going to say, I wonder what Riana is doing now in her house.
Of course, I do believe that part about your ass being big.
Gopod Night, All!
Another Drew (7aa87e) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:34 pmM.L.M.=Mary Liar More
L.N. Smithee (0931d2) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:36 pmActually Dan I live and work in a small town in Oklahoma, And I wish it was as easy to just up and move to another department. I am not ashamed of getting help when needed. I do my part and work hard for my living. I know a lot of small town officers in my situation.
Joe Redneck (3114a7) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:37 pmAnd why would I lie about my profession? I’m not like some of the fake people who try to be something they are not. Besides, personating a police officer is a crime 😉
Joe Redneck (3114a7) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:39 pmObama’s tax plan says nothing about taxing everyone and giving it all to wellfare recipients.
Barack Obama will expand access to jobs:
Obama and Biden will invest $1 billion over five years in transitional jobs and career pathway programs that implement proven methods of helping low-income Americans succeed in the workforce.
Make work pay for all Americans:
Obama and Biden will increase benefits for working parents, raise the minimum wage to $9.50 an hour by 2011, and provide tax relief to low- and middle-income workers.
Support rural and urban areas:
Bobohanglider (6b25fd) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:40 pmObama and Biden will invest in rural small businesses, improve rural schools, and attract more doctors to rural areas. And they will work with urban leaders to increase the supply of affordable housing and address the unique challenges of every metropolitan area.
Goodnight Drew, in the course of your conversation with me you proved to be much like the media representation of republicans at McCain rallies.
Hurling insults and foolish pieces of facts, proud of themselves for being so intelligent all while thinking that a man married to a female billionare who agreed in his own words over 90% of the time with the president who has run our country into the ground has their best interest in heart.
I don’t blame you for your ignorance, it fuels you and I am sure makes you comfortable thinking in as awful ways about others as you do.
More than anything I’m not mad at you, you choose to be this way. I do know however in the end it is only the facts that matter and not the swing, whether it is democratic or republican.
Riana (7900a4) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:41 pmboy that was amazing.
glen (6f673c) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:42 pmyou didnt say any thing.
you better get a second job because at first i will be happy with 40% but then i will fell that you are starting to get a little ahead of me and i will want more, and you will pay it because i will demand it , oh and by the way barrack wont be happy with 10% for long.
i know this is simplistic , but do you get it now
One thing I do like about Obama is the pitch for Universal Health Care…. Although I still have not made up my mind.
Joe Redneck (3114a7) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:42 pm“how badly my mind would fray if I were forced one day to accept welfare”
Two problems with youe statement.
One Scroll back and review my comment which talked about “Able bodied”… an injury or a disability would exclude me from being “able bodied”…. so like many of your comments it makes no sense.
Second, The first people I would turn to for help is my family. Not the government. I know it a novel thought these days, and not very popular but the Government is not going to solve all of our problems…. Nor should it.
PS…. I still want you to let me know when you send that check…. Make it a nice healthy one. The government needs your money. You do know that there is no limit on the taxes you are allowed to pay…. they will take anything extra you will give them. Splurge
Dan (241099) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:42 pm“All this money and still the McCain’s pressured AT&T and Verizon for free cell towers for there ranch in AZ. Talk about greed!”
Bruce – Check your sources. The Secret Service required the cell phone towers. It was not something the McCains demaanded.
How does refocusing your attention on McCain change the fact that the Obama’s and Biden’s have largely been tight fisted hypocritical moralizers in no position to lecture Americans about their obligations or duties to take care of others. It’s typical liberal do as I say, not as I do hypocrisy.
The McCains file separate tax returns. He has no access to her money. What was the arrangement with Senator Aristoslacker Kerry and Terrahyza?
daleyrocks (83b6c5) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:44 pmTry reading the tax plan analyses-here’s one:
October 31, 2008
For Incomes Below $100,000, a Better Tax Break in Obama’s Plan
Independent analyses of the presidential candidates’ tax proposals show that those who make less than $250,000 a year would not see their taxes raised under Senator Barack Obama’s plans. Further, Mr. Obama would generally cut taxes more than Senator John McCain would for households with incomes less than $100,000 a year.
Mr. McCain would cut taxes generally on par with Mr. Obama for those making $100,000 to $250,000 a year, the analyses found, but those making $250,000 a year and above would typically pay less in taxes under Mr. McCain.
The analyses were conducted independently by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center, a joint venture of the Urban Institute and the Brookings Institution, and Deloitte, the accounting giant, at the request of The New York Times.
Mr. McCain has been sounding the traditional Republican tax-cutting theme, trying to convince voters that Mr. Obama, the Democratic nominee, wants to increase taxes and spread the wealth like a socialist.
Helped by the emergence of Joe the Plumber and using Mr. Obama’s own words, Mr. McCain has insisted that Mr. Obama’s tax policies would hurt small businesses and upwardly mobile individuals, while providing welfare for low-income Americans.
Mr. Obama has been fighting those accusations in stump speeches and commercials, in recent days asking members of his audience to raise their hands if they made less than $250,000 a year. Fewer than 3 percent of households make more than $250,000.
But the tax proposals are complicated, and tax bills are affected by personal variables. Analysts at the Tax Policy Center and Deloitte tried to explain the ramifications of the candidates’ plans by applying their tax policies to various situations.
Roberton Williams, principal research associate at the Tax Policy Center, said the analysis found that: “On the average, people with income below $100,000 would get more from Obama than from McCain. From $100,000 to $250,000, they’d be fairly even under Obama and McCain. For those over $250,000, Obama increases taxes.”
Mr. McCain’s plan includes extending President Bush’s income-tax cuts and doubling exemptions for dependent children to $7,000 by 2016. He would also give a refundable tax credit to households that buy health insurance and would impose taxes on employer-provided coverage.
Mr. Obama opposes extending President Bush’s tax cuts. Instead, he proposes various tax breaks, including a $500 tax credit for each person in a household who works, a larger child care tax credit, a $4,000 tax credit each year for the first two years of college, and eliminating all income taxes for those over 65 with income less than $50,000 a year.
To reduce the deficit and inequality, he would raise the tax rate for single households with incomes of $200,000 or more and for families with incomes over $250,000. He would also raise taxes on capital gains and dividends.
The median household income nationwide is $50,233, according to the Census Bureau. The Tax Policy Center found that, for married couples with incomes of $50,000, two children and both parents working, income taxes would be cut by $284 more under Mr. Obama’s plan — by $1,005, compared with $721 under Mr. McCain’s plan.
Deloitte also examined such a couple and found similar benefits; a $700 cut under Mr. McCain’s plan and $1,000 under Mr. Obama’s.
For married couples with incomes of $500,000 with two children and both parents working, the Tax Policy Center found that Mr. Obama would raise income taxes by $3,363, from $110,955 now, while Mr. McCain’s plans would leave taxes unchanged. Deloitte found that a $500,000-a-year couple would pay $3,100 more under Mr. Obama, with no change under Mr. McCain.
Clint Stretch, Deloitte’s managing principal of tax policy, said most families would benefit under Mr. McCain’s plan because of an increased exemption for each child. That, he said, would reduce taxes for low-income families by about $230 per child and for high-income families by about $800.
To help low-income families in particular, Mr. Obama would give a “Making Work Pay Credit” equal to 6.2 percent of a worker’s first $8,100 in wages. That would yield a tax credit of $500 for a single person, and $1,000 for a couple in which both adults work. As a result, a low-income couple now paying no income taxes might receive a $1,000 refund.
But Mr. McCain has told audiences that Mr. Obama’s “plan gives away your tax dollars to those who don’t pay taxes. That’s not a tax cut, that’s welfare.”
Mr. Obama responded last week in Kansas City, Mo.: “McCain is so out of touch with the struggles you are facing that he must be the first politician in history to call a tax cut for working people welfare.”
Mr. Obama wants to eliminate income taxes for people over age 65 who earn less than $50,000 a year. So under his plan, a single person that age with income of $50,000 would experience a $2,339 tax cut, according to the Tax Policy Center. Under Mr. McCain’s plans, that person’s taxes would remain unchanged.
“What Obama’s doing,” said Mr. Stretch of Deloitte, “is he’s taking more money from people like me, and spending it on exemptions for the elderly and on tax credits for education.”
But Mr. Stretch added, “When Obama says he cuts taxes for every working family under $150,000, I’d say that’s true.”
A single head of household with one child and $15,000 in income now receives a tax refund of $3,859, largely because of the earned income tax credit, according to the Tax Policy Center. That refund would increase by $500 under Mr. Obama’s plan. Under Mr. McCain’s plan there would be no change for that taxpayer.
According to Deloitte’s calculations, a single taxpayer who earns $35,000 a year and has no children would get a $500 tax cut under Mr. Obama’s plan — to $3,000 a year from the current $3,500. Mr. McCain would leave that person’s taxes unchanged.
Mr. McCain also proposes giving many households a $5,000 tax credit when they buy family health insurance, which costs $12,000 nationwide on average. But households would for the first time have to pay taxes on employer-provided insurance.
Ray (683107) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:45 pmDidnt think you were lying joe… just think you are under paid.
Dan (241099) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:45 pmWell speaking of injuries and disabilities. I am on temporary disabilty leave for a broken hip suffered during a MVA. And my family has always been poor so no help from them. They are barely making means as it is. I thank God my wife is here for me for my needs.
Joe Redneck (3114a7) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:48 pmEven though Barack Obama has proposed a $1,000 tax cut for middle-class families, shadowy smear mongers are pushing misleading rumors about Barack’s tax policies.
Bobohanglider (6b25fd) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:48 pmIf you think either of these candidates can dig this country out…YOU NEED TO WAKE UP AND PULL YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE SAND!!!!
John (d8beaa) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:49 pmOh OK Dan I apoligize for mistaking your comment then. It’s hard to interpret meanings sometimes without seeing expressions and hearing voice communications. Words are open to many variations of interpretations. Like the Bible, and lies from a presidential candidate LoL
Joe Redneck (3114a7) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:50 pmYou sir lack…. HOPE
Bobohanglider (6b25fd) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:50 pmRiana – I forgive you for the silly views you hold. We are all loving children of God.
You just don’t know any better and are unable to differentiate fact from fiction.
daleyrocks (83b6c5) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:51 pmI remember back in the late 90’s. When I went to college and I got a nice tax break from for doing so. From….. Clinton
Those were the good old days.
Bobohanglider (6b25fd) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:55 pmthank you john
glen (6f673c) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:57 pmwe may need to fire everyone in washington and start over
“PS…. I still want you to let me know when you send that check…. Make it a nice healthy one. The government needs your money. You do know that there is no limit on the taxes you are allowed to pay…. they will take anything extra you will give them. Splurge”
“boy that was amazing.
you didnt say any thing.
you better get a second job because at first i will be happy with 40% but then i will fell that you are starting to get a little ahead of me and i will want more, and you will pay it because i will demand it , oh and by the way barrack wont be happy with 10% for long.
i know this is simplistic , but do you get it now”
Smiling. Actually one of you said you would proudly defraud the system likening yourself to those people you claim to hate. The other claimed the government is out to get him…so.
All this paranoia while amusing must be a little difficult for functioning properly.
Riana (7900a4) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:57 pmBobo – What tax breaks were available in the 1990s for going to college? Please explain.
daleyrocks (83b6c5) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:58 pmRiana wrote:
If you really were up on the news, you would know reference to N.O. Mayor Ray Nagin as “Chocolate” has to do with a racist remark HE made about the populace of New Orleans, and how it should look after Katrina. Click and learn.
I am a black man, and I am warning you Obamabots to knock off the casual accusations of racism. America has made great strides in the past four decades, and people like you are going to piss it all away if you’re not careful.
Obama portrayed himself as post-racial at first, but as soon as he got in hot water, he started intimating Hillary’s supporters and Bill Clinton — the so-called “first black President” — were bigots. He’s done the same to McCain supporters as well. If he becomes President, and he resorts to this tactic every time he faces criticism, it will set back race relations decades, and it will poison the chances of other black leaders after him.
I have some advice for Baracko Marx: In the words of Fred Sanford’s Aunt Esther, “WATCH IT, SUCKA!”
L.N. Smithee (0931d2) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:59 pmJoe..
In your case I have no problem at all if you receive assistance. If you are injured, or have a disability, or need help making ends meet… Then by all means my taxes should provide some relief for you.
However, I know a few things about you and Im going to assume a few more.
1. You worry more about putting food on your table than you do about getting some new rims for you car, or a new gold chain to hang around your neck.
2. You arent going to be on welfare forever.
3. Your children arent going to be on welfare because thats how they were raised.
4. You arent sitting around watching Jerry Springer… waiting for your next hand out.
All of this makes you much different than the cases I was citing above. Im also going to assume you dont play Xbox on a 52 inch Plasma all day….
Dan (241099) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:59 pmAnybody seen this bit of info? Any comments? We get very little American news over here on Orbit.
George Bush has been in office for 7 1/2 years. The first six the economy was fine.
A little over one year ago:
1) Consumer confidence stood at a 2 1/2 year high;
2) Regular gasoline sold for $2.19 a gallon;
3) the unemployment rate was 4.5%.
4) the DOW JONES hit a record high–14,000 +
5) American’s were buying new cars, taking cruises, vacations overseas, living large!…
But American’s wanted ‘CHANGE’! So, in 2006 they voted in a Democratic Congress and yes–we got ‘CHANGE’ all right. In the PAST YEAR:
1) Consumer confidence has plummeted ;
2) Gasoline is now over $4 a gallon & climbing!;
3) Unemployment is up to 5.5% (a 10% increase);
4) Americans have seen their home equity drop by $12 TRILLION DOLLARS and prices still dropping;
5) 1% of American homes are in foreclosure.
6) THE DOW is probing another low
How much more change do you think we can stand?
PK (f70424) — 10/31/2008 @ 10:59 pm“Riana – I forgive you for the silly views you hold. We are all loving children of God.
You just don’t know any better and are unable to differentiate fact from fiction.”
Loving…from your comments I cannot help but wonder. As for facts and fiction I would enjoy you posting non-partisan facts. Links and etc. That would be fairly useful
Riana (7900a4) — 10/31/2008 @ 11:01 pmI ended up getting a $3500 return one year. Can’t remember what I got the other years.
Bobohanglider (6b25fd) — 10/31/2008 @ 11:02 pmNice post PK.
Vote for Obama… and CHANGE is all you will have left in your pockets.
Dan (241099) — 10/31/2008 @ 11:04 pm“If you really were up on the news, you would know reference to N.O. Mayor Ray Nagin as “Chocolate” has to do with a racist remark HE made about the populace of New Orleans, and how it should look after Katrina. Click and learn. ”
Sir you’re right. I should not have assumed the callous views of a single race could not have been made by a member of that own race. Sometimes even I am surprised…but honestly…I shouldn’t be.
Riana (7900a4) — 10/31/2008 @ 11:05 pmI wouldn’t blame congress for high gas prices or a housing bubble that popped. I blame basic human nature of greed. Greedy lenders, greedy oil companies.
Bobohanglider (6b25fd) — 10/31/2008 @ 11:05 pmL.N. – Thanks for noting Riana’s comment. I missed that. I’m working off a laptop out of town and the comments were coming pretty fast. I’m not used too the scrolling features.
My use of the Chocolate appelation was pretty gratuitous, but from the part of the thread I had reviewed, it seemed Riana was working up some serious victimhood claims for different groups so I thought I’d let it fly.
daleyrocks (83b6c5) — 10/31/2008 @ 11:07 pmLoL Dan I have to say sir you are correct. I do my physical therapy everyday. I read to my boys often and try to teach them all I can. I want them to do better than me when they make a career decision. (Not that I regret mine)
1. My Vehicle has factory rims.
2. I look foward to the day when I don’t have to be on welfare.
3. I want my boys to be doctors, lawyers, or something that pays more for their own good.
4. I do watch Jerry every now and then
And no I don’t even own a 52″ TV or an Xbox
But I do take offfence to people dogging everyone on welfare just because it is a government handout. (Not saying you did/are) But there are some who have posted here who fit this criteria. They have never had the joy of a welfare christmas.
I had three jobs one christmas for bills, food and what little I could get for my boys. Not because I had to but because I love them. But now I need a little help. I do agree welfare needs reformed, but not done away with completely
Joe Redneck (3114a7) — 10/31/2008 @ 11:10 pmThis reminds when newsweek showed the vast differences in charitable donations by the Clintons and Kerrys to those of the Bushes and Chaney. The other similarity was the vast amount of money the Clintons made from book deals. It never ceases to amaze me that those who claim to speak for the poor do not put their money where their mouth is. I find it so alarming that while making 1/5th of Biden’s salary that I was able to donate more than he did.
Raber Jaf (b18d9e) — 10/31/2008 @ 11:10 pml.n. smithee
glen (6f673c) — 10/31/2008 @ 11:12 pmbest post ive read all evening
Does anyone in their right mind believe the so called rich that Obama identifies. (First as someone making more than $300K, then $250k, then $200K) Biden says ($159K and now down to $120K going lower by the day) is going to stand by and eat the tax? Or that big corporations are going to eat the tax he proposes?
HearYea (5df7be) — 10/31/2008 @ 11:12 pmNow really do you? They have been this route before… Hoover tried it, we got a depression!
Carter tried it… we got double digit inflation and a good loan for a house or car was going at 19%-21%. We had the highest unemployment since the depression.
It’s not good right now, and repeating the mistakes of the past will only result in the same results. It matters not how many times you add 2 and 2 together, the sum is the same. It is irresponsible of Obama to do such. But you have to look beyond what he says he wants to do it for. It isn’t to help the middle class, he could care less. It’s all about achieving power and holding it. Democrats crave one thing the desire above all…POWER! To get it they must have big goverment to hold it. The rich if taxed on capital gains will sell stock and horde precious gold and wait out Obama. big corporations, pass on their tax loss to the consumer….high inflation! Smaller companies close their doors and lay off workers! But the one thing they won’t do is eat the taxes. It goes right back to being a burden on the masses. We have to pay for Obama’s scemes… It’s always us. But go ahead have your pipe dream now of your Utopia… every dream comes to an end and then you have to wake up to reality. And it won’t be pretty if your just getting by now or maybe saving a little.
If only the youth of today could have lived through all this before like I’ve seen. When your standing on the railroad tracks and you feel the vibration and you hear a whistle, do you have to actually see the train to know you need to get off the track?
As for facts and fiction I would enjoy you posting non-partisan facts. Links and etc. That would be fairly useful
Riana — Facts become partisan only by dint of the use they are put. Standing alone, they are merely facts, pieces of the historical record, evidence. Interpretation makes them partisan.
I will pray for both you and Bobo my child.
daleyrocks (83b6c5) — 10/31/2008 @ 11:12 pmAmerican’s were buying new cars, taking cruises, vacations overseas, living large!…
All on borrowed money.
Bobohanglider (6b25fd) — 10/31/2008 @ 11:12 pmBobo – Did you get a tax break for going to college because of a specific program initiated by Clinton or are you just saying you got refunds in the years you went to college. It sounds like the latter. If so, BFD.
daleyrocks (83b6c5) — 10/31/2008 @ 11:14 pmbobo
glen (6f673c) — 10/31/2008 @ 11:17 pmdont forget clinton and his dem cronies that started the housing problem , by demanding that banks make sub prime loans, i am not saying that the banks are not some what to blame , but clinton started this mess
“There’re more greedy poor people than greedy rich people.”
asd (31b1f8) — 10/31/2008 @ 11:18 pmBobo – check out the following:
Read it and weep.(short excerpt below)
“Clinton Bankrupted this Country 14-Oct-08 03:11 pm
The following article was written in 1999. In addition to giving China a ton of American Jobs (payback to WalMart for getting him elected), Bill Clinton also pushed Fannie May and Freddie Mac to expand home ownership from 60% to 70% in the U.S., the only place to get the extra 10% was by giving zero down mortgages to those who had already proven themselves undeserving of credit.
In 2003, the Bush Administration tried to establish some oversight and reign in the sub prime market, but met resistance from Congress and Barney Frank specifically. You can read a follow up article here. http://www.snopes.com/politics/business/…
The DNC and the U.S. Media have planted the blame for our current woes directly on the shoulders of the Bush Administration. It is typical to blame the people currently in office, but it is shameful that the American “Journalists” are either too biased or too dense to analyze the root of our problems and make it widely known that our global rock star Rhode’s Scholar and his party put us on this course, and more of the same “government is the answer for all problems” is all we’ll get from Obama and a democratically controlled congress. “
PK (f70424) — 10/31/2008 @ 11:20 pmyou know, we all sit around and bash every politician for WHATEVER reason… for crying out loud, people- either runyourselves or shut the front door.
M. (00c484) — 10/31/2008 @ 11:20 pmWe’ll never get the perfect candidate- and all of you bickering over ‘charitable contributions’ have fallen prey to the spin machine…
…donate what YOU can, make the best choice on Tuesday, given the info on hand- AND SHUT THE HELL UP about pissy, paltry stupid argments about THEIR money.
McCain sucks, by the way.
So does Obama.
no, it was allen greenspan that encoraged sub-prime lending fool.
The housing bust was inevitable. Housing prices were skyrocketing out of control. You could by a house and “flip it” for a $100k in a few months. Eventually, if most homes are out of the average families price range, and the housing stock is too large prices will have to fall.
Bobohanglider (6b25fd) — 10/31/2008 @ 11:22 pmUnless you are rich or make six figures a year, you probably need some help. If Barack want to help folks who are struggling, living paycheck to paycheck leave the man alone and let him do his thing. Barack has stated that things won’t change overnight. Stop blaming the man and he is not even elected as President, besides he won’t be making changes by himself if he is elected. There will be republicans and democrates on various committes.
Sarah (b00d6b) — 10/31/2008 @ 11:23 pmJust cool down and wait and see what happens. Your evil thoughts are only upsetting you. I have always had to struggle and I have accepted it. I am blessed just to be alive with a roof over my head, food to eat, I am cool in the summer and warm in the winter. All this political stuff does not bother me one bit. I ain’t never had alot and don’t expect to ever have alot. I am happy so why can’t you just chill out.
“Riana — Facts become partisan only by dint of the use they are put. Standing alone, they are merely facts, pieces of the historical record, evidence. Interpretation makes them partisan.”
Yes…and when interpreation occurs before the ‘facts’ are released. When certain news stations and institutions already sway the facts then they become partison. Facts from Fox and Facts from ABC are not always the same. It is part of why I requested non-partison sources.
Riana (7900a4) — 10/31/2008 @ 11:27 pmRiana wrote: It is part of why I requested non-partison (sic) sources.
Such as?
L.N. Smithee (0931d2) — 10/31/2008 @ 11:35 pmOk people I’ve had my laugh. I’m gone at this post and not returning since there are so few of you that are actually looking at they are actually saying. A note to the Obama supporters to think about before you vote.
1. Raise minimum wage to $9.50 by 2011 = inflation of 200% or more (proven fact over time, raising minimum wage raises the costs of goods and services)
2. Most of what is being said and pinned on Bush, Obama and the Democratic party were large supporters of and actually proposed quite a few of.
Good luck to the few intelligent people here. To everyone else, READ, Listen, Watch, Ask. Without knowledge and understanding of the issues at hand and the candidates involved, take the time to read your own B.S. before you hit Submit Comment.
Wish everyone well and God help us all.
David (3f30da) — 10/31/2008 @ 11:36 pmbobo
glen (6f673c) — 10/31/2008 @ 11:38 pmyou are a fool if you dont think our governmet started the housing problem, clinton and his demo buddies started . the repubs tried to regulate it but were stopped by the demo. but at the end of the day i say our government(dems and repubs) is mainly at fault here. as far as housing prices going out of site , what happens when you are selling homes as fast as you can build them (because of sub prime lending) the cost of housing goes up, big surprise. the bottom fell out when the subprime loans started defaulting
Yes…and when interpreation occurs before the ‘facts’ are released. When certain news stations and institutions already sway the facts then they become partison
“I guess its true what they say about the 10th commandment; “Thou shall not covet thy neighbors things“… IT IS THE POOR MANS SIN!”
…and you’re a pastor you say…doesn’t hypocrisy get in the way of you doing your job?
HeHe, Well, to answer your question? I’m in the lowest tax bracket; So judge for yourself if I’m a hypocrite? Oh wait! you already have!
Now who’s the hypocrite and partison!
rid (31b1f8) — 10/31/2008 @ 11:41 pmt It was the increase in taxes just prior
Paul Neas (07821f) — 10/31/2008 @ 11:45 pmto the depression when taxes for above $100,000
went up that help cause the depression.
Obama is a jerk, a man from the Chicago mob,
he is a socialist true and true. His half aunt is going to be deported, since he is the Savior,
why is she still going to be. I feel sorry for
the younger generation should Obama sneak in.
He will be a burden on them for years to come.
I voted for McCain-Palin
Obama and Biden are good men. McCain and Palin are trash. Look, all they offer are insults, lies, etc. If they are sooooo perfect, why don’t they tell us all their dirt? They sit on their throne and look down on Obama? Give me a break. Palin couldn’t even keep what’s between her legs solely for her hubby. McCain couldn’t keep his stuff for his first wife either.
It’s all bs and has nothing to do with running our nation. Obama’s biggest donation will be if he wins. That’s all the charity I need. I’m tired of electing nasty, hateful, no plan having, bottom of the class graduates to our White House. McCain has flushed all his honor and dignity, etc. down the toilet. If he is President, I can’t respect him and in my heart and mind, he will NOT be my president, Obama always will. Palin, she’s certainly never going to be anything to me. She’s a nasty rat. Now, how can I vote for that trash?
Easy, I cannot. So, I early voted for Obama. McCain Palin they need to stop acting like they are perfect and get real. Those two are devils.
Vegas (1afc67) — 10/31/2008 @ 11:45 pmGlen,
Alan Greenspan was the Fed chairman from 1987 to 2006. His polices for the economy have always been a free-market ideology shunning regulation. If you want to bring up a political party to blame I must tell you it was Reagan who appointed him.
Bobohanglider (6b25fd) — 10/31/2008 @ 11:50 pmWow.. I cant believe how many people are blindsided by Obama. The rich have gotten richer, and the poor have gotten poorer…a few facts that dont get published. Food banks are running so low on food donations that some of them have put signs up saying “NO FOOD BOXES UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE”. None of the charitable agencies that help people pay rent and utilities when they come on hard times have the money to assist the poor who need the help. And whoever said it in a previous post..its true..there are far fewer opportunities for the poor. People in general look down upon those who go to charitable organizations for assistance. And many of those people truly need it and cannot get it. If Obama is so set on spreading the wealth…how about cutting all public service government job salaries..afterall..being a senator or congressman is a public service…u are supposed to serve the people who elected you…they do not serve us ..they sit on there asses and collect huge paychecks. Cut your salary as senator from 157,000 down to 7,000 a yr since u make so much other money on books and whatnot. Thats a 150,000 per senator and congressman that could go into welfare and charitable programs, or our schools. Obama is thrilled to death about all the un and under educated people voting for him because it makes socialism so easier when the public u are serving will follow you blindly because they are not smart enough to think for themselves. Lets keep the people stupid for they will follow!!
gofr4it (362dc8) — 10/31/2008 @ 11:51 pmAnd of course every one loves the blame game…lets blame bush for things that were set in motion during the Clinton administration. Thats always a great tactic to use in an election year. My Goodness people…if you can vote..please take it seriously…learn the issues and forget about the campaign promises because we all know thats all they are promises they will break once they get in office. This country has gone to hell in a handbasket and its time the American people wise up and say enough is enough…forget the damn election…we need a REVOLUTION!! We need to take back our country from the politicians and take it back to being by the people for the people…not to line the politicians pockets with wealth they have no intention of sharing with any of us. How bout the damn bailouts…$700 billion dollars…WHY!! We should not allow the careless CEOs of these companies to leave with millions in severance while the company goes under and the stockholders lose billions and they walk with well lined pockets. If the government wants to bail people out, bail out the people who are losing there homes, the people who have lost there jobs, the poor who are unable to feed, cloth and house there families. How bout that for a bailout…$700 billion dollars would help alot of people in this country. U want to stimulate the economy…help the people of the nation…not the damn companies who did this to themselves.
Again…we can solve this country’s problems by starting a REVOLUTION !! If ur angry about this country and its problem…grow a pair and get all your friends and neighbors to Revolt…Our forefathers did it and its in the constitution…we have the right to take back our country from the tyrannical people running it now.
Forget Barack…Forget McCain…People fight for our nation every day in foreign countries but we dont have the guts to fight at home. Yea what a bunch of patriot Americans you all are…I mean really Think about it!! If you are a patriot…then honor your forefathers and fight to take back our nation by revolting on election day!!!!
You forgot to add in one critical fact that actually pushed said snowball down the hill.
Clinton’s Release of Accountability for Bond insurance companies for bulk mortgage backed securities was really the tipping point over ten years ago.
When shady lenders like Countrywide come in after that occurence and take advantage of this situation, you get loan programs “Created” to work around wallstreet desires of Return, instead of main streets’ ability to repay. This is also essentially what Fannie/Freddie did after they saw companies like Countrywide doing it “Succesfully”.
If these Insurance companies in fact had to provide some form of accountability, via a trust or some other actual collateral, (an oversight allowed to them by Clinton politics) then that snowball would probably still be sitting at the top of said mountain.
Regarding the OP…
Birdman (277d4c) — 10/31/2008 @ 11:53 pmIt’s a lame article with lame intentions.
And yes, this coming from a righty.
I donated nearly 3% of my gross in 2006. That amount includes no reciepts of goods or clothing donated.
Last year I didn’t donate a dime. I didn’t have it in me, but I still payed nearly 40% of my income in taxes.
There are more important issues than “Charitable Hypocrisy” to tackle at this point in the game.
Sure, brilliant political philospy. Anarchy! We should continue into the far future as a hyper-power with your understanding.
jim (31b1f8) — 10/31/2008 @ 11:55 pmi am not putting the blame square on the democrats, as i said before our government is to blame, fire them all and start over
glen (6f673c) — 10/31/2008 @ 11:56 pmThat was for gofr4it
jim (31b1f8) — 11/1/2008 @ 12:05 amWait…
So if Barack gets Elected, you mean we AREN’T going to have a majority Democratic House AND Senate?
News to me.
Civics 101 back in 10th grade would probably have kept you from making that statement, either that, or an actual grasp on the current state of your government.
The 110th Senate is majority Democratic ( if you add in Leiberman)
Birdman (277d4c) — 11/1/2008 @ 12:05 amThe 110th House is purported to lose it’s Republican strength this year and is likely headed to a majority Democratic House.
To all the bloggers – this is the first time I have ever blogged. What a trip – reading all the mud slinging. How about a respectable discussion about facts and stop the name calling? I am wondering if each blogger cited his/her party affiliation, if the negativity runs rampant in one party more than the other. I have my suspicions…
PK (f70424) — 11/1/2008 @ 12:05 amSarah wrote:
You forgot the fact that you have the internet, Sarah.
Do you know WHY you have the internet now even though you “ain’t never had alot?” Because people who want to be rich took what was a government communication system used between clunky beige computers with less storage space than an iPod on monochrome screens without graphics and turned it into something hundreds of millions of Americans and billions around the world use every single day. If it weren’t for the internet, Obama wouldn’t have $600 million in largely illegally donated funds, either. Nonetheless, Obama wants to make it harder for people to maintain and expand small businesses with his tax plan.
There’s lots of talk about all the jobs available when Clinton was POTUS. Much of that was due to the dot-com boom, in which many small internet businesses became monstrously lucrative. Yahoo! started out with two guys in a trailer who became instant millionaires when they went public, which inspired venture capitalists to invest in other internet-based startups. Two other guys started Google. PayPal went huge when it was bought by eBay. Former PayPal employees started YouTube, and so on. The stronger companies survived; the weak fell by the wayside, and the dot-com boom went largely bust. But not before it boosted the Clinton era economy to heights thought unimaginable (I don’t have time to expound on how Janet Reno may have spurred the bust with her antitrust suit against Microsoft).
So congratulations on being happy with less than the rest of us may want. But don’t begrudge those of us wanting to possibly produce something of value to our fellow Americans that will elevate our lifestyles, the lifestyles of all that might work for us — and, eventually, your lifestyle, too.
After all, you DO have the internet.
L.N. Smithee (0931d2) — 11/1/2008 @ 12:08 amPK
JD (31b1f8) — 11/1/2008 @ 12:08 amAnd your suspicions are?
LOL Gofr4it
You go right ahead buddy….
You go right ahead.
I shall call you Paul Revere.
“The redcoats are coming! The redcoats are coming!!!”
Birdman (277d4c) — 11/1/2008 @ 12:09 amThis is the attitude that Obama wants in his minions.
Matthew (ef36cd) — 11/1/2008 @ 12:15 amJD – well no mud slinging here – so I will keep it to myself!
PK (f70424) — 11/1/2008 @ 12:15 amPK
JD (31b1f8) — 11/1/2008 @ 12:20 amWise, however this is a blog in which to state your opinion. So the question is can you state your opinion without decending into mud slinging?
Revolution??? Revolutions only works when at least the vast majority or better yet, virtually all of the populus share the same vision, goals and direction. Otherwise with millions in revolution and thousands of seperate visions you get nothing but chaos! Look at countries who have had revolution and are now so divided they have no direction… just Chaos Example; Somalia
HearYea (5df7be) — 11/1/2008 @ 12:22 amAmerica is too diverse, too partizan to have a unified revolution. Hispanics, Blacks, White, Native American, Christian, Jewish, Islam, secular atheists, rich, poor, left, right, up, down, mixed up, screwed up…Oh yeah, revolution…would be more screwed up than a chinese fire drill. I think Ross Perot summed it up best. America and goverment is like a carpool. we are all in the same car. It’s broken a little and we’re on the side of the road. Now we can sit here and point fingers and bitch and nothing gets done. Or the one who has the most mechanical experience should get out, lift the hood, use the tools and fix it. If the others can’t help, then they should sit down and shut up. No back seat mechanics, please, But the car won’t fix itself. And I add
I think this two party system is almost a monopoly, so I’m bipartisan for life, but I lean towards certain parties depending on the situations.
Bobohanglider (6b25fd) — 11/1/2008 @ 12:22 amVegas wrote:
Saying someone who palled around with terrorists isn’t an insult if they palled around with terrorists. Obama palled around with terrorists, and he’s lied about it repeatedly. That’s a fact, Vegas.
You haven’t been paying attention, dude. Wanna know McCain’s dirt? He’s written all about it — his recklessness in his young adulthood. How he screwed up his first marriage. His association with Charles Keating. It’s all there in his books. And unlike Obama, he doesn’t lie about what he wrote. Palin’s dirt? Honestly, there’s not much that’s relevant. We already know about her daughter’s pregnancy, which shouldn’t mean anything to Dems who gave Clinton a pass for extramarital blowjobs from interns in the Oval Office. While Fox News and magazine like National Review are the only organizations trying to find out the truth that Baracko Marx wants to conceal about his association with violent leftist revolutionaries who once vowed to overthrow the government, the Mainstream Media has combed Alaska trolling for stories about how Palin hired friends of hers in a town of less than 9,000 people.
Most of the “dirt” you’ve heard are either distortions or outright lies: the “rape kit,” the “book banning list,” saying that the Iraq War was a mission from God, cutting the budget for special needs, Special Olympics, and teen mothers — all nonsense spread by reporters who want Obama to win more than they care about their reputations.
“Troopergate?” It’s crap. Before she was elected Governor, she and her husband wanted a rogue cop that she said threatened her family fired. The troopers’ hierarchy agreed that he was a disgrace, but because of the strength of the union, he got a handslap. An investigator who was a sock puppet for an Obama supporter in the Alaska Legislature said she had the right to fire the guy she did, but she still abused her power. It’s obvious to anyone who reads the whole deal that the conclusion doesn’t make sense, and the reason why it hasn’t gotten more coverage is because the more you find out about it, the better she looks. That’s why you guys are reduced to complaining about her winking and acting like you’re shocked at her wardrobe allowance, like you give a rat’s what B-HO’s perfectly pressed suits cost.
Palin, Governor of the largest state in the Union, STILL has the highest approval rating of all fifty Governors. Her approval rating is roughly three times that of President Bush, and four to five times that of Congress. That didn’t happen by accident. Another fact, Vegas.
Besides, “the dirt” on Obama is not what’s important, it’s THE TRUTH. He still hasn’t told THE TRUTH about his relationship with William Ayers and his crowd. He has not told us THE TRUTH about his knowledge of what Rev. Wright has been spewing the two decades he was in his church. He hasn’t told us THE TRUTH about his association with Palestinians who have said he is on their side. For some strange reason, he didn’t even want to produce his birth certificate! And the media wants him in the White House so bad, they will violate their mission as reporters and cover his you-know-what.
I see you say Biden’s a good man, too. I will say this in his favor: Biden told the truth when he said Obama wasn’t ready to be President.
L.N. Smithee (0931d2) — 11/1/2008 @ 12:44 amOK JD – From reading some of the above comments and some actually identifying in a round about way – their party affiliation, I am thinking that Democrats tend to be more emotional and Republicans lean toward rational. What do you think?
PK (f70424) — 11/1/2008 @ 12:46 amHey, PK: You think it’s bad here? Go to Daily Kos or Democratic Underground, populated almost exclusively by liberals. If you like four-letter words, you’ll LOVE it!
L.N. Smithee (0931d2) — 11/1/2008 @ 12:47 amOK JD – From reading some of the above comments and some actually identifying in a round about way – their party affiliation, I am thinking that Democrats tend to be more emotional and Republicans lean toward rational. What do you think?
Profound! Indeed… sort of why we need checks and balances…Ying Yang…
HearYea (5df7be) — 11/1/2008 @ 12:53 amI prefer rational at the helm… and emotional in public services…
JD (31b1f8) — 11/1/2008 @ 1:00 amExcellent accessment! i agree… See no mud-slinging.
I have never commented on an article like this before, but I just can’t stand fuzzy logic and poor math. Why would the author state the charitable contributions as a percentage of income, but use the income of both Obamas but only use John McCain’s sole income? And why did the author choose to omit the charitable giving for 2007? It seems obvious to me this was done to slant the article unfairly to support John McCain and criticize Obama and Biden, as the numbers would be quite different if Cindy McCain’s income had been included (over $6,000,000 in 2006 for example) and if 2007 had been included. However, I think this weakens what might have been a far more interesting article had the author chosen to use all the facts. Certainly this article raises an interesting question, but how can we trust conclusions based on only half the facts? I think the only people who might be convinced by this article are those who already have made up their minds to support McCain.
Math lover (ddff3f) — 11/1/2008 @ 1:03 amPK,
I’m bipartisan. There is no round about way about it.
“John McCain believes we must keep taxes low to reward hard work and create jobs for all Americans.”
How is McCain going to reward me for hard work? Can anyone tell me? Is he going to make all businesses give bonuses to their employers depending on how hard they work? How will it be determined how hard one works?
Bobohanglider (6b25fd) — 11/1/2008 @ 1:07 amMatthew, I just watched http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=381gFG4Crr8
I think it warrants a second mention (and viewing) in this blog. I am in shock…
PK (f70424) — 11/1/2008 @ 1:17 amI don’t think that lady is in touch with Obama’s plan. Not every supporter of a candidate represents the candidate’s intentions.
Bobohanglider (6b25fd) — 11/1/2008 @ 1:26 amIf they do….
Bobohanglider (6b25fd) — 11/1/2008 @ 1:29 am______________________________________________
Looking at Obama’s charitable giving in since 2000 based on his tax returns, we find that Obama consistently refused to follow his own advice to “spread the wealth”
Obama’s running mate, Joe Biden, was even stingier about spreading his wealth.
By comparison, John McCain gave more than one-quarter of his income in 2006 and 2007 (28.6 and 27.3 percent respectively).
Hardly surprising.
Add it all up and people of the left really aren’t worth a damn. They’re low on integrity, low on common sense, and the compassion and generosity they perceive as at the heart of their liberalism are about as phony as the money from a game of Monopoly.
No wonder liberalism has a bad name!
Mark (411533) — 11/1/2008 @ 1:31 am______________________________________________
Bobohanglider (6b25fd) — 11/1/2008 @ 1:34 amhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4RysKP5YCk
Bobohanglider (6b25fd) — 11/1/2008 @ 1:35 amhttp://majikthise.typepad.com/majikthise_/2008/10/mccainpalin-sup.html
Bobohanglider (6b25fd) — 11/1/2008 @ 1:37 amBobo – I’m confused. Definition of Bipartisan – Of, consisting of, or supported by members of two parties, especially two major political parties: a bipartisan resolution. (answers.com)
Are you saying you are independent? Nonpartisan?
When Tuesday rolls around, I hope you vote for the man who will continue to (financially) allow you the pleasures of hang gliding.
PK (f70424) — 11/1/2008 @ 1:49 amSure, independent, nonpartisan, potatoes, potatoes.
Bobohanglider (6b25fd) — 11/1/2008 @ 2:08 amMy vote doesn’t matter. Now, if I lived in a battle ground state. That would be a different story.
Bobohanglider (6b25fd) — 11/1/2008 @ 2:12 amBobo, how devastating – an American who believes “My vote doesn’t matter. ”
It’s afternoon where I live – I’m off to the store where I can spend my hard earned money; where religion IS the law of the land; where a person never steps out of line – for fear of deportation or jail without a jury.
It’s been an interesting experience – this blog…
PK (f70424) — 11/1/2008 @ 2:35 amPK So where is that?
JD (31b1f8) — 11/1/2008 @ 2:52 amHe’s not. But if you make a lot of money, you will be able to keep more of it; you can “reward” yourself.
Even better, your employer will keep more of their money too meaning they can afford to do things like hire people, give raises, not raise prices on goods and services, etc.
I just did.
Hopefully with no input from the government whatsoever. I doubt the “Department of Deducing Hard Work” can determine how hard I work with any degree of accuracy.
CW Desiato (614aa7) — 11/1/2008 @ 5:31 amThere’s that tolerance I’ve come to know and love from the left…
As has been said, Dems think Republicans are evil, Republicans just think Dems are stupid…
Scott Jacobs (d3a6ec) — 11/1/2008 @ 9:27 amDemocrats don’t think that Republicans (in general) are stupid or evil, just incredibly ignorant.
Mike Farrell (7e6fae) — 11/2/2008 @ 4:04 pmRianna, Bill Watts, Bobhanglider – enjoyed your blogs and views – insightful, and intelligent. Thanks. Gives me hope for this country.
cgj (f6af3b) — 11/2/2008 @ 9:37 pmTo all the Obamabots:
On Joe Wurzenbacher:
When Joe Wurzelbacher gained notoriety for his confontation with Obama’s “spread the wealth” attitude, the Democrat’s media wing immediately pounced. They looked through Joe’s legal records and found *gasp* that he had a tax lien. Well, looks like at least one member of Obama’s staff does, as well.
Martin Nesbitt, the treasurer of Obama’s campaign, has tax liens. So do his companies.
Link: http://webofdeception.com/obama.html#nesbitt“>http://webofdeception.com/obama.html#nesbitt
Joe can’t be licensed until he has 5 years experience, which he doesn’t have yet.
The Ohio Construction Industry Licensing Board (O.C.I.L.B.), Department of Commerce, Division of Industrial Compliance, issues state commercial licenses to the following contractors: electrical, HVAC, hydronics, plumbing, and refrigeration. To receive a state license, an applicant must meet the following requirements: 1) be at least 18 years of age; 2) be a United States citizen or a legal alien-must provide proof of being a legal alien; 3) either have been a tradesperson in the type of licensed trade for which the application is filed for not less than five years immediately prior to the date the application is filed, currently be a registered engineer in this state with three years of business experience in the construction industry in the trade for which the engineer is applying to take the examination, or have other experience acceptable to the appropriate section of the board; 4) not have been convicted of or plead guilty to a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or of any felony; 5) pass the examination in the trade; 6) carry minimum $500,000 contractor liability coverage; 7) pay the applicable fees.
Also… Toledo has no legal standing concerning licensing as far as the rest of the county is concerned, that goes for outside Toledo, state or county regulation controls. Joe and his employer are not based in Toledo. He lives in Lucas county.
The fact remains that Obama’s goons are trying to make an example out of Joe for, as they like to say, ‘speaking truth to power’. His media wing pounds a plumber who asked an honest question, rather than dissecting Obama’s Marxist “I want to spread the wealth” response.
Obama’s entire candidacy is based on fraud, corruption, ties to domestic terrorists, intimidation, and smear tactics against critics.
The truth is what it is. Just don’t try to tell the truth about Obama.
So far, Barack Hussein Obama has accumulated William Ayers, Bernadine Dorhn, Hamas, The Muslim Brotherhood, The Nation of Islam, Hugo Chavez, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Daniel Ortega, Rev Jeremiah (god-damn America) Wright, The Communist/Socialst party, and a host of other miscreants as supporters, admirers, and associates.
There are reasons why he attracts this kind of crowd.
He’s a human bug light for despots, terrorists, and hate spewers. No wonder the democrats love him. They’re all salivating for a ‘change they can believe in’.
You may support him on the outside chance he gets the keys to the Oval Office, but don’t expect the rest of us to follow suit.
sfcmac (7f8d36) — 11/3/2008 @ 7:08 amWhy did his wife get paid more after he started running for President? Because he and his wife are corrupt. The obama’s are not rich. But they are getting rich off of other people’s money. Neither one is not worth what they are being paid. Getting a degree from an first rate school does not make you smart or successful. If you are ready to lie, cheat, and steal it does. These people must be stopped. They and those children will try to destroy the White House. I say lock down everything, that is not nailed down.
Princess (44cf65) — 11/3/2008 @ 5:16 pmCharles, one “small” proof that you requested earlier -Sen. Obama’s aunt illegally contributed to his campaign. Why illegally? Because she is in the US illegally! She is not a US citizen, not even a Permanent Resident. And she worked for the last 4 years illegally! You know what? When a judge orders you to leave US you loose every right that you have at that time. And you become illegal! And that Sen. Obama didn’t know about her illegal statues???? Balllloooooneeeeeyyy!!! When you sponsor a friend or a relative to come to US, you sign an affidavit of support and you are responsible for their well being in US. You are also guaranteeing that your relative will not become a burden to the Federal or State governments. How about that? Where did she lived in all those years? Public Housing Authority – a State run program sponsored by the federal government! But your “messiah” didn’t know about her being here illegally! It just happens that she decided by herself to go visit relatives in Boston, the place where he grew up and had the most connections besides Chicago and Harvard, and just happens that she filled for political asylum without telling her nephew. And 5 years later, when her asylum application was denied and the judge ordered her to leave US she didn’t call her nephew, now a senator for help! Nooo, she took the matters in her own hands and somehow, she alone found ways of maintaining her employment with Boston’s Public Housing Authority. Without any outside help she found ways of maintaining her residence in a public housing facility! I wonder how many more illegal donations got into his campaign pocket. Also, how many more of his relatives are in the same situation as his auntie?
The final question is – Do you want to pay for all his relatives’ expenditures that are living on public assistance/welfare (a.k.a. “Spread the wealth” to quote your idol)? Well, I don’t! And by the way, if by any chance he wins, I will look forward to getting an afternoon snack worth $445 (lobster appetizers, whole lobsters, Iranian caviar and Champaign) – same treatment as your idol and his wife got at the Waldorf –Astoria hotel in N.Y. on October 15th.
Observer (82995a) — 11/3/2008 @ 11:19 pmDemocrats don’t think that Republicans (in general) are stupid or evil, just incredibly ignorant.
Comment by Mike Farrell
Mike, You should have stopped at “Democrats don’t think’ You would have been accurate.
If wisdom is true weath BHO &JB wouldn’t have been able to give anything of value.
Joanna (598705) — 11/4/2008 @ 7:44 amOkay, so the economy right. Dont you think the lack of in fit people is one of the most pressing issues with our economy. If I said the word Ho, would americans answer, thats a gardening tool?
Mark (035d31) — 11/7/2008 @ 9:17 pmMutt, aka Obama, is a stingy, lying, baby killing politician. America is going to become the laughingstock of the world. You Americans are so soft, when someone brings up an issue of socialism you all bond to it like crazy glue. When someone says make your own damn living, you say no jobs; when someone of heroic status gets beat out by a suspected terroism affiliate, that says alot about your country; whenever you guys get into a war, you act as cowards; once again, the laughingstocks of the world.
Mark (997b5f) — 11/8/2008 @ 1:20 pmThe giving that shows up on tax returns by people who are getting a tax deduction. Many people – I’m one of them – give to grassroots advocacy organizations that don’t qualify for federal tax exemptions. If my charitable giving were judged by my tax returns, I’d look like much more of a scrooge than I really am because I donate to only a couple of 501(c)(3) organizations. But I’m probably MORE generous because I donate hundreds of dollars every year that don’t get me a tax deduction – just the knowledge that I put my money where my mouth is.
Dormilona (8c86f7) — 11/10/2008 @ 5:44 pmMike I disagree with you.. I think Republicans are both stupid and evil.
They lied and deliberately misled us, including myself, into rushing into a war for WMDs that were not there. They openly challenged the patriotism, truthfulness and honesty of those that questioned the evidence saying we wanted to forget 9/11. Fhen they re-wrote the history of the lead-up to the war, again slimming their opponents, when their foolish recklessness became apparent.
Not evil???!!!
They have no hesitation about torture and imprisonment without trial or violating the Geneva Convention or even the US Constitution.
They eagerly support mercenary armies that operate outside the law, killing with only lip service to the idea of accountability.
They fill the airwaves with divisive talk and constantly characterized the opposition, not as loyal opponents, but as those that hate America.
What decent person could possibly listen to their hateful talk show hosts who make millions peddling their garbage or eagerly read the books of people like Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity?
They did not hesitate to attack the widows of 9/11 who demanded answers they did not want to give. They did not even hesitate to attack Max Cleland a triple amputee of the Vietnam war. They morphed him into Sadam Hussein and Osama Bin Ladin and charged he did not receive his wounds in combat but in an accident while drinking! They mocked Senator Kerry’s wounds and medals with fake bandages at the GOP convention.
They tried to turn personal tragedy of the Terri Shivo episode into political capital with lies and distortions aimed at inflaming the people.
In this election have tried to characterize a graduated income tax as Marxism and Socialism and portray Obama as a pal of the terrorists.
They put forward one of the most ignorant, uninformed, deceptive and divisive VP nominee ever who routinely referred to the true, real Americans verses those that disagree with them.
They took a healthy economy with a surplus and a world where America was respected by most and turned surplus into deficits, wrecked the economy, got us involved in a disastrous war at ten billion dollars a month they refuse to pay for and, in the process, have caused the world to recoil in horror at what had become of this country.
They cant even admit to themselves the true evil and wreckage they have wrought. All they can do is make nasty comments about Obama and the Democrats, raise trivial issues, bitch about rich people paying taxes and poor people getting food stamps, whine about how unfair the media is, how ungrateful the Europeans are and how traitorous anyone that opposes them is while thinking of themselves as paragons of virtue and goodness!
They are a ignorant and hateful bunch of self righteous losers that spread fear and hate and cant point to a single accomplishment of the last eight years that they can be proud of. (oh ya make us laugh about how Bush has protected us against terrorism..except for 9/11!! which was really Bill Clintons fault!!)
You think this is just stupidity? I thinks its a carefully cultivated culture of hate, fear and bitterness similar to the one the Nazis cultivated against their enemies in the 1930s.
Its more than just stupidity Mike.. these people are downright evil.
Just ask Jesus who was asked how to spot false prophets. He said “By their fruits yee shall now them.” War. Divisions. Hate. Poverty. Torture. Imprisonment without trial. Murder. Lies. These are the fruits a a very evil tree.
VietnamEraVet (543dfe) — 11/16/2008 @ 9:59 amWOW VietnamEraVet … I guess you said it all!…thank you!!
zeejah (29a7f5) — 11/16/2008 @ 10:17 amYeah, he said it all . . .
. . . all wrong, but at least he said it.
Icy Truth (aedb2f) — 11/16/2008 @ 10:29 amActually VietnamEraVet is just repeating falsehoods long ago debunked. A parcel of misrepresentations is all that VietnamEraVet gives us. The nonsense about “lying” has been shown to be itself a lie repeatedly by bipartisan intel committee reports.
The association between Obama and terrorists is what we call a “fact” – something VietnamEraVet is seemingly unfamiliar with. They have names. Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn.
The Cleland campaign issue is also misrepresented by VietnamEraVet. I’m sure he’s proud of his own lies.
SPQR (26be8b) — 11/16/2008 @ 10:34 am