Patterico's Pontifications


More Voter Fraud from …

Filed under: 2008 Election — DRJ @ 6:55 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

ACORN, this time in Indiana. The first 2,100 voter registration forms that one elections office checked were fraudulent.

Transcript and commentary from JammieWearingFool.

My new favorite media quote: “Could be interesting.”


90 Responses to “More Voter Fraud from …”

  1. The first 2,100 voter registration forms that one elections office checked were fraudulent.

    Can’t we just have the bar association pass the hat around instead of putting all these lawyers to work on Nov. 5th? This is getting ridiculous.

    Rovin (a5d8b7)

  2. I hope Senator Obama joins Republicans in calling for an investigation of ACORN in the interest of preserving the integrity of the election process. Given his close ties to the organization it behooves him to somehow create some distance between it and all these stories of fraudulent registrations and his campaign. Calling for an investigation at a minimum is one step.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  3. I have a really stupid question, so be nice.

    I don’t understand the value of multiple fake registrations from one person. One person isn’t going to attempt to vote 72 times…so what’s the point? Obviously there is one, or else they wouldn’t do it, but I’m too dense to understand.

    Mark (0d1e2f)

  4. Mark, a person can vote multiple times across several precincts. Or submit absentee ballots multiple times.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  5. Please, you think that’s a story?

    In Marion County Indiana, 105% of eligable voters have registered…

    Scott Jacobs (d3a6ec)

  6. “I don’t understand the value of multiple fake registrations from one person. One person isn’t going to attempt to vote 72 times…so what’s the point?”

    The value is you get to commit fraud against your employer, who paid you to register voters, while you didn’t do the work of registering, and now probably has to turn in the fraudulent registrations.

    imdw (e66d8d)

  7. Mark,

    As SPQR mentioned, people can impersonate voters and vote for them, especially absentee. If you flood the elections office with enough registrations then some may get through and it’s that much easier for someone to vote using that name.

    Also, inflated voter registration numbers affect polling because the more registrations there are in certain areas, the more it affects the pollsters’ concept of which areas may have large turnout. If this enhances one candidate’s chances, it makes that candidate look more likely to win. Some voters will be swayed by the idea that “Candidate A is going to win” so they may be more likely to vote for “the winner” or more likely to stay home because they think their candidate can’t win.

    DRJ (c953ab)

  8. Scott,

    I guess “massive turnout” has a special meaning in Indiana.

    DRJ (c953ab)

  9. Watching CNN’s coverage, you have no idea that ACORN is extremely partisan and Democrat, and that Obama was talking about ACORN when he called himself a community organizer. You wouldn’t know about Obama’s record of seeking our tax dollars for this crooked organization, and you would have no idea about ACORN’s role in the economic crisis.

    From this story, it’s just crime, and there’s no reason to hold this against either candidate.

    Juan (4cdfb7)

  10. http://WWW.DEFEATOBAMANOW.TV has put together clips from the ACORN convention. So much for a nonpartisan organization:

    Pt. 1
    Pt. 2:

    NemoDat (cb0514)

  11. Marion County only has 105% registered to vote. Didn’t Milwaukee have more votes than registered voters?

    ACORN should be hung around Baracky’s neck every time McCain sees a microphone.

    JD (f7900a)

  12. Welcome to Obama’s vision of America.

    Perfect Sense (9d1b08)

  13. Hussein O trained the ACORN thugs well. Now they can come up with extra people by the thousands.

    Scrapiron (963843)

  14. It is all about absentee voters. Once the ballot is submitted, the cat is out of the bag.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  15. a discussion of ACORN, which you should read before going off the deep end.
    In Nevada, and in the past, it was ACORN who made the reports to the government of fraudulent registrations. And as the report above states, every registration gets checked.
    So I have an idea. Instead of having underfunded non-profits paying minimum-wage to whomever is willing to work (or pretend to) why not have the government run these registration drives, to encourage every citizen to vote?
    Read the link above and the links it includes.

    And then while you’re at it read David Frum on the Republican faithful.

    Nanker Phelge (f26fef)

  16. Going to Joshua Micah Marshall for an education about any topic is akin to going to your dentist’s office to have your kitchen remodeled.

    Wanker Felcher – Why should the government fund any political activities, get out the vote efforts for special interest groups, etc … ?

    JD (f7900a)

  17. And yet, 2,100 of the first 2,100 registrations appear to be phony…

    Surely, it is mere happenstance. It could not possibly be from any concerned effort to cheat.

    Scott Jacobs (d3a6ec)

  18. It is not like this is anything new. ACORN’s history of fraud is well documented. Trading crack for registrations in Ohio. Rampant corruption in Milwaukee last election. Remember the St. Louis problems with ACORN and them protesting and filing suits to keep polls open?

    This is just ACORN being ACORN. But Baracky could no more disavow ACORN than he could his racist typical white person grandmother.

    JD (f7900a)

  19. You see, folks. The Left does not really give a shit about fair elections. They do not play fair. Their only concerns are their ability to stand in front of a camera, and with a straight face, accuse Republicans of disenfranchising people.

    JD (f7900a)

  20. And why, exactly, with it’s record, is ACORN allowed to register anyone to vote?

    Apogee (366e8b)

  21. Comment by Apogee — 10/13/2008 @ 8:50 pm

    That’s the easy question that no one can answer.
    The difficult one is:
    Why aren’t these people making little rocks out of big rocks?

    Another Drew (1d7115)

  22. With the striped jump suits and ball-and-chain. Preferably Three Stooges style where Moe and Larry were pounding them over Curly’s head.

    Jack Klompus (b0e238)

  23. “And why, exactly, with it’s record, is ACORN allowed to register anyone to vote?”

    I would imagine in some jurisdictions people have to turn in completed registration forms whether they like to or not. Otherwise one could just “register voters” and not turn in their forms.

    imdw (495ecf)

  24. I would imagine in some jurisdictions people have to turn in completed registration forms whether they like to or not.

    Can you give us any evidence of a jurisdiction that forces people to register to vote? Or is that just your imagination talking?

    JD (f7900a)

  25. JD-
    Wisconsin 2004

    Courtesy of The Brennan Center at NYU

    Nanker Phelge (f26fef)

  26. “I would imagine in some jurisdictions people have to turn in completed registration forms whether they like to or not.”

    JD that means that in many states [yes it’s true] any registration forms that have been filled out have to be turned in. ACORN, does not have the right to throw them away.

    Nanker Phelge (f26fef)

  27. JD, I think imdw is trying to say that once a voter registration form has been solicited, and filled out, and accepted by the solicitor, that it must be turned in to the Registrar of Voters.

    To do otherwise would be a fraud upon the voter; and, if the forms were acquired through the mails, could be mail-fraud, a Fed felony.

    Another Drew (1d7115)

  28. Nanker – That link to Internet Detective and Obama Spokesperson Josh Marshall provides the perfect pro-ACORN spin. The problem is that it isn’t in accordance with what their spokeslimeperson Scott Levenson was saying over the weekend. He claims that ACORN no longer pays its employees by the number of registrations they obtain and have therefore eliminated the incentive for them to cheat the system. That sounds like absolute bullshit given the statement from the Nevada ACORN employee used to obtain the search warrant in Las Vegas who talked about daily quotas, which would introduce an incentive to cheat.

    ACORN keeps talking about their quality control flagging bogus registrations for the government when it turns them in. In the many clips of government employees talking about the bogus registrations I have not seen any government employee mention that ACORN procedure. Is there any way to verify that ACORN claim?

    Marshall also claims that ACORN turns in its own employees and is really the victim here. I’m buying that claim! If it actually turns in employees before the government comes asking it would be nice if he could provide evidence to support that claim.

    Levenson, the ACORN spokeslimebucket, also questioned the timing of the investigations by suggesting that they had been turning in registrations all year but only had this pop up now so that it was really a government efficiency issue. Again, he provided no evidence to back up his assertions.

    When you listen to the ACORN spokeslimebuckets or people like Marshall defend them, they really rely on assertions rather than facts. If you try to push them on facts, they change the subject. Levenson touted their quality control efforts in spotting bogus registrations. My point there is if they have such great quality control they should be able to tell everybody how many of the 1.3 million new registrations they submitted this cycle were bogus. Personally, I think he was lying like hell about the quality control.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  29. Thank you, Wanker Felcher. You documented 7 cases of actual voter fraud, and countless numbers of irregularities that the Brennan Center for Democracy is willing to overlook.

    JD (f7900a)

  30. “JD, I think imdw is trying to say that once a voter registration form has been solicited, and filled out, and accepted by the solicitor, that it must be turned in to the Registrar of Voters.”

    Exactly. So the idea is that once ACORN has a registration that their crooked employee gave them, they have to turn it in. I think the NV office that got raided even separated the ones they suspected of fraud, but still turned them in, because they had to.

    imdw (1d0ada)

  31. AD – Once they have committed fraud, they are compelled to turn it in. I understand now, what they are arguing, having a registrar not turn in a registration from another party, but that is simply not an issue in the overt, pervasive, systemic and partisan fraud that ACORN commits in what seems like every state they operate in.

    JD (f7900a)

  32. If he had such great QC, they wouldn’t have hired the bad employees in the first place.
    A fish rots from the head!

    Another Drew (1d7115)

  33. Is there any way to verify that ACORN claim?

    daleyrocks – Since the election officials are swamped and buried in new registrations, and are having to go through each one of them prior to a deadline, if the apparent frauds were marked, I suspect it is news to the clerks. That would actually just make me look at the unmarked ones even more closely.

    JD (f7900a)

  34. Let’s face it, ACORN has in the past, and the present, operated in the manner of a criminal enterprise, disregarding all rules and regulations that would tend to restrict their criminal tendencies.
    For crying out loud, they even refuse to let their employees form a bargaining unit.

    Since they are an inter-state operation, they need to be prosecuted by a DoJ task-force as a RICO case.

    Another Drew (1d7115)

  35. That Brennan Center for Democracy is a bunch of pushovers. Voter ID would not have solved issues of questionable registration – I call bullshit on that conclusion.

    Who are you sir – Mickey Mouse

    No really – My name is Mickey Mouse

    Do you have any ID – You don’t need any ID to vote in this freakin’ state, ACORN told me. I’m registered.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  36. That is racist, AD. Pure unadulterated blinded by hate racism.


    JD (f7900a)

  37. So actual voter fraud, both at the ballot box and in registering voters, warrants a shrug of the shoulders from the Left. But politically trumped up complaints about long lines (where Dem party officals were running things), clearing/purging voter rolls of ineligible voters, and other such BS is met with howls of self-lefteous outrage, as these things shake the foundation of our democracy.

    JD (f7900a)

  38. Good night, all.

    JD (f7900a)

  39. ‘Night, JD.

    DRJ (c953ab)

  40. Goodnight JD, another day.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  41. Why the need to hire and register voters in the first place? Because they can also have them go door to door asking people to vote for ACORN’s favorite politican. As a non-profit they are not suppose to do that, but in case after case they have.

    ACORN, also stiffs the hired help, once they have met their quota or officials have questions, they leave town.

    Ohio has 65,000 questionable applications they have to go through, how many other splinter groups registered voters do we have to examine?

    Judy (0a9a5f)

  42. Fraudulently ACORN Registered Person Votes NOT In His Own Name!

    Ohio caught the First Fraud Vote fostered by ACORN.

    PCD (7fe637)

  43. I think we are missing what is really going on.

    ACORN is not really interested in voter fraud. Think about it. If they really cared about elections they would be more subtle. They would not open a torrent of false registrations.

    ACORN is attempting to overwhelm our entire voting system, to break down a system that was never designed to withstand a concerted effort to destroy it. They don’t just want to win an election. They want to make the entire process a joke. They want to clog it, litigate it, and shut it down.

    They do not believe in being given power by the people. They believe in taking it from the people. And they are very good at it.

    It is time for us to stop taking our system of government for granted. If we believe in it, we have to defend it.

    Amphipolis (fdbc48)

  44. Comment by Amphipolis — 10/14/2008 @ 6:04 am

    Time to go visit the local ACORN office.
    Bring your own torch and/or pitchfork.
    Farming implements optional.

    Another Drew (767298)

  45. Time to go visit the local ACORN office.
    Bring your own torch and/or pitchfork.
    Farming implements optional.

    Now THAT kinda talk doesn’t surprise me at all coming from this blog. Can’t prove actual fraud, just some unfortunate disorganization? Forget about the legal process, let’s just lynch ’em.

    You guys are getting better every day.

    Phil (6d9f2f)

  46. Phil – Read the link in #42. Or not. Either way, remember that we really just like to kill, jail, torture, and otherwise oppress minorities.

    JD (f7900a)

  47. I think we are missing what is really going on.

    Me too. What’s going on is Republicans are creating a narrative for their upcoming loss. It wasn’t terrible governance and a poor candidate which caused us to lose; it was a bunch of cheaters.

    It allows a bunch of nice folks who are about to get their asses handed to them to act as if the winner is illegitimate and thus allows them to seek the same coup they sought in the ’90’s.

    I won’t excuse fraudulent voter registrations, but when you people are worried about winning Indiana, then you have more worries than 2100 fraudulent voters. Indiana has voted Democratic for President exactly three times in the last 100 years. Seems to me McCain is Bob Dole and no amount of ACORN fake registrations changes that.

    PS As far as the Indianapolis thing, I already debunked that, Scott.

    timb (a83d56)

  48. I wonder if you guys were this fired up about Xavier Suarez, who was removed from his position as Mayor of Miami for involvement in absentee ballot fraud, and who, as a member of the Executive Committee of the Miami-Dade Republican Party, had a part in “handling” absentee ballots in the Bush-Gore election.

    Or it that different somehow?

    Leviticus (ab6dbd)

  49. Unfortunate disorganization?

    In 2007, in Kansas City, Missouri, four ACORN employees were indicted for fraud. In April of this year eight ACORN employees in St. Louis city and county pleaded guilty to federal election fraud for submitting bogus voter registrations.

    Amphipolis (fdbc48)

  50. Republicans are seeking a coup de tat, timmah? Do explain.

    It is clear that the Leftist that drop by here have absolutely no problem with the dishonest efforts of their brethren in the electoral process, so long as they are pure of heart and ideology.

    JD (f7900a)

  51. The vote of Darnell Nash, one of four people subpoenaed in a Cuyahoga County probe of ACORN’s voter-registration activities, was canceled and his case was turned over to local prosecutors and law enforcement, Board of Elections officials said yesterday.

    There were “egregious acts of registering multiple times,” said Platten. “The extent of it is beyond the resources of this board.”

    Amphipolis (fdbc48)

  52. Can’t prove actual fraud, just some unfortunate disorganization?

    So what do you call over 2,000 registrations submitted, and over 2,000 of those same registrations are proved fraudulent?

    “Unfortunate disorganization?” Your facade of naivete’ is truly mind – boggling, Phil.

    Dmac (cc81d9)

  53. The other side simply does not believe in our system of government. Otherwise they would not be defending this behavior.

    Amphipolis (fdbc48)

  54. ACORN’s activities are designed to destroy our voting system. They are not simply trying to stuff the ballot box, they are trying to crush it.

    Every voter fraud story is a victory for them. Every legitimate voter who is thrown out because of a mix-up with fraudulent registrations or a backup in logging registration changes is a victory for them.

    Discouraging voters who care is far more effective than stuffing the ballot box. They don’t just want to win, they want to silence all opposition.

    Amphipolis (fdbc48)

  55. Can’t prove actual fraud, just some unfortunate disorganization?
    Comment by Phil — 10/14/2008 @ 6:50 am

    ‘Unfortunate disorganization’? That speaks so well of Obama’s community organizing leadership skills, now doesn’t it? After all, Obama’s community organizing is a big part of the extremely thin resume he brought to the campaign trail showing his ‘leadership’. Besides the ‘leadership’ of running a campaign itself.

    RickZ (06fa85)

  56. Another state by state list:

    More recently, the Obama campaign paid $832,000 to an Acorn affiliate. The campaign initially told the Federal Election Commission this money was for “staging, sound, lighting.” It later admitted the cash was to get out the vote.

    Amphipolis (fdbc48)

  57. “ACORN’s activities are designed to destroy our voting system. They are not simply trying to stuff the ballot box, they are trying to crush it.

    Every voter fraud story is a victory for them. Every legitimate voter who is thrown out because of a mix-up with fraudulent registrations or a backup in logging registration changes is a victory for them.”

    – Amphipolis

    I call bullshit. You know nothing of the sort.

    The hypocrisy of being displayed on this issue – from both sides of the aisle – is disgusting. Right-wingers bitching about ACORN vote fraud seem to have conveniently forgotten the shenanigans of their ideological counterparts in Florida in 2000, and Left-wingers defending ACORN seem to have forgotten how much they bitched about the same shenanigans eight years ago.

    It’s all about who’s committing the fraud, right?

    That said, I might get an ACORN t-shirt, just to piss off conservatives.

    Leviticus (ab6dbd)

  58. Leviticus –

    Any allegations of Republican fraud from 8 years ago are dwarfed by what ACORN has deliberately done for a decade, and especially right now. And the Miami official you referenced is not running for president.

    It’s not what I know, it is what is documented across the country. Massive, systematic, and blatant voter fraud on a scale that shows defiance to our entire system of government. Obama recently gave this organization $832,000.

    And beyond ACORN then there is this from 4 years ago:

    Amphipolis (fdbc48)

  59. That said, I might get an ACORN t-shirt, just to piss off conservatives.

    Comment by Leviticus — 10/14/2008 @ 7:58 am

    That’s funny. You get an ACORN t-shirt to piss off conservatives.

    I wear a hat with an American flag to piss off liberals.

    CW Desiato (614aa7)

  60. When I wear my W 2004 I get hard stares here in Bobby Wexler’s district.

    Drudge has a story about a fraudulent ACORN- registered voter actually voting. But I suppose it is a racist observation since Rethugs want to squelch the 97% for Obama black vote. And I know the blacks on this board saying derogatory things about His Oneness are not really black. They’re race traitors.

    madmax333 (0c6cfc)

  61. It’s all about who’s committing the fraud, right?

    I condemn any Republican vote fraud. If what you say happened in 2000, that is outrageous. Xavier Suarez should not have been anywhere near absentee ballots, although I would like to see some reference to his “handling” remark in context, since that is all the evidence you have that he affected the 2000 election.

    Do you condemn the actions of ACORN when they file bogus applications across the country in this election?

    Amphipolis (fdbc48)

  62. “I wear a hat with an American flag to piss off liberals.”

    – CW Desiato

    See? We each wear the symbol of an entity whose ideals we don’t really respect to piss off some segment of the political opposition.

    We’re not so different, you and I.

    Leviticus (ab6dbd)

  63. Comment by Amphipolis — 10/14/2008 @ 8:39 am

    Suarez must be a major criminal in the way he stole the election for Bush in Miami/Dade.
    Bush did carry Miami/Dade in ’00, didn’t he?

    And, since parties normally solicit, and bundle, absentee ballots, what improprieties did Mr. Suarez commit in this “handling” of ballots?

    Fourteen City of Miami employees went to jail for their part in the ’98 election fraud, but not Mayor Suarez, who lost his office since it was found that he acquired it through the fraud proven against others, but was not convicted of any crime that I can find.

    What about the “handling” of all of these fraudulent voter registrations by principals of ACORN?

    Where’s the beef?

    Another Drew (767298)

  64. “Do you condemn the actions of ACORN when they file bogus applications across the country in this election?”

    – Amphipolis

    Of course I do – such conduct is outrageous. Members of ACORN should not be anywhere near voter registration forms, although I would like to see some evidence that ACORN didn’t do everything in their power to alert the authorities of misconduct on the part of their employees, since that seems to be what the organization’s involvement in all this boils down to.

    Leviticus (ab6dbd)

  65. Yes, ACORN’s conduct is dishonest, reprehensible, and damaging to the democratic process. I’m just pointing out that what they’re doing now is essentially the exact same thing (or the exact opposite thing with the exact same intent) that the state-level Republican Party did in Florida in 2000, or Diebold did in Ohio in 2004.

    Leviticus (ab6dbd)

  66. I can find no reference to when or where Suarez made or was reported to have made his “handling” admission. But I have provided examples of ACORN people convicted of fraud within the last year.

    Your equivalence is vastly skewed.

    Amphipolis (fdbc48)

  67. Leviticus – What, if anything, do you claim happened with Diebold in Ohio in 2004 and why would you attribute it to any particular party?

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  68. An inconvenient truth:

    According to the website of the Ohio Democratic party [15]

    No Ohio County used Diebold Electronic Voting Machines. Ohio did not use modern electronic voting machines in this election (2004). Six counties use an older form of electronic voting, which has a means of verifying the accuracy of the vote. In 69 Ohio Counties, punch card ballots were used.

    Another Drew (767298)

  69. You’re really getting desparate Leviticus.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  70. what they’re doing now is essentially the exact same thing (or the exact opposite thing with the exact same intent) that the state-level Republican Party did in Florida in 2000, or Diebold did in Ohio in 2004.

    This is such a fabulous incredible statement that I wanted to bold it and highlight it for all to see.

    JD (f7900a)

  71. Another example of ACORN employees behaving badly. ACORN is the victim here.

    I would like to see some evidence that ACORN didn’t do everything in their power to train their employees how not to commit voter fraud. It’s not as though this is a new thing for them.

    They note that 12 ACORN members were convicted of voter fraud in Missouri in 1986 and to the organization’s entry into a 2006 consent decree in Washington state to refrain from improper voter registration activities or face criminal prosecution.

    Amphipolis (fdbc48)

  72. Diebold, Premier Election Solutions, whatever…

    Now that we’ve got that particularly annoying distinction out of the way, half of Ohio’s 88 counties used the GEMS system, which runs on D… on Premier Election Systems machines.

    And Dave Byrd, the president of Premier Election Systems, acknowledged the “problems” with that system.

    And you know all the other stuff about Walden O’Dell, so I won’t even bother.

    Leviticus (ab6dbd)

  73. That said, I might get an ACORN t-shirt, just to piss off conservatives.

    Don’t forget to also show up at McCain/Palin rallies and start screaming racial/murder epithets – that’ll really get ’em.

    Dmac (cc81d9)

  74. Diebold, Premier Election Solutions, whatever…

    Now that we’ve got that particularly annoying distinction out of the way, half of Ohio’s 88 counties used the GEMS system, which runs on D… on Premier Election Solutions machines.

    And Dave Byrd, the president of Premier Election Solutions, acknowledged the “problems” with that system.

    And you know all the other stuff about Walden O’Dell, so I won’t even bother.

    Leviticus (ab6dbd)

  75. “Don’t forget to also show up at McCain/Palin rallies and start screaming racial/murder epithets – that’ll really get ‘em.”

    – Dmac

    More like “give ’em”… as in, “give ’em a collective boner.”

    Leviticus (ab6dbd)

  76. Yep. Nothing to see here.

    CW Desiato (614aa7)

  77. Does anyone remember when Leviticus was actually a clear-headed Leftist? This election is really turning everyone more partisan. I blame Bush. But Baracky knows how to bring people together. I know this, because he says so.

    JD (f7900a)

  78. Does anyone remember when Leviticus was actually a clear-headed Leftist?

    Comment by JD — 10/14/2008 @ 10:03 am

    I just got here.

    So, no.

    CW Desiato (614aa7)

  79. To restate an inconvenient truth….

    According to the website of the Ohio Democratic party [15]

    No Ohio County used Diebold Electronic Voting Machines.

    Six counties use an older form of electronic voting, which has a means of verifying the accuracy of the vote. In 69 Ohio Counties, punch card ballots were used.

    What half of Ohio’s 88 counties used DieBold, when the Ohio Democratic Party website says the above?
    69 of 88 used punch card ballots;
    6 of 88 used an older form of e-v, with verification proceedures.

    I guess with your math, 13 equals 44?

    Another Drew (767298)

  80. All of those Democrats running the election system in Cuyahoga County should be fired for allowing Diebold to steal the election from Sen. Kerry.

    JD (f7900a)

  81. “Does anyone remember when Leviticus was actually a clear-headed Leftist?”

    – JD

    Ugh. Because I don’t put up with Republicans’ stupid hypocritical bullshit, I’m no longer “a clear-headed Leftist.”

    Whatever. See ya.

    Leviticus (ab6dbd)

  82. No, Leviticus. You used to discuss things rationally. Now you discuss things no differently than the folks at Kos or manbearpig.

    I thought Baracky was going to bring people together.

    JD (f7900a)

  83. The Buckeye Institute, a Columbus-based think tank, today filed a state RICO action against the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) on behalf of two Warren County voters. The action filed in Warren County Court of Common Pleas alleges ACORN has engaged in a pattern of corrupt activity that amounts to organized crime. It seeks ACORN’s dissolution as a legal entity, the revocation of any licenses in Ohio, and an injunction against fraudulent voter registration and other illegal activities.

    Amphipolis (fdbc48)

  84. Well, it’s about (pause) time!

    Another Drew (767298)

  85. I don’t remember Leviticus ever being logical or rational but I’ve only been around here several years.

    Diebold is the company that makes ATM machines. You know, those machines that let you draw money from your account in Spain or Turkey and help you keep track of it ? They don’t have a problem with ATMs, just voting machines. I wonder why ?

    I have never seen a government computer IT system work properly. Could that have something to do with it ? The air traffic control system still has its IT system that was written in COBOL. Government cannot run anything efficiently and that might affect electronic voting. Of course Democrats lying about it might be a factor too.

    My recollection of the Miami mayor and the absentee ballot story is that it was in 1998 when Clinton was president. Why can’t trolls get their dates right ?

    The Florida fiasco was a combination of incompetent Democrats designing a ballot (the butterfly ballot) and the media declaring the election too early, thus depressing the vote in the panhandle, a Republican stronghold. They also managed to disenfranchise the military vote.

    Mike K (531ff4)

  86. I just watched Baracky spokesman Burton get interviewed by Schuster. A more mendoucheous segment has never been produced. We are not affiliated with ACORN. We never paid any more directly to ACORN. We have not accepted ACORN PAC money, oops, I will have to check on that one. We think that Republicans are just trying to distract from their racist voter suppression activities that they attempt in every election.

    JD (f7900a)

  87. Comment by Mike K — 10/14/2008 @ 12:36 pm

    MikeK, Your memory, and reasoning, are….


    Another Drew (767298)

  88. Former Republican operative James Tobin has been indicted for making false statements to the FBI in connection with the bureau’s investigation of a phone-jamming scheme in New Hampshire in 2002″

    What’s this got to do with ACORN? Nothing, except that it should be put alongside the Federal Prosecutor firings that this site spent so much time defending. Those Prosecutors, all appointed by President Bush, were fired for not doing enough on “voter fraud.” Except of course, that government records show…

    Five years after the Bush administration began a crackdown on voter fraud, the Justice Department has turned up virtually no evidence of any organized effort to skew federal elections, according to court records and interviews.
    Although Republican activists have repeatedly said fraud is so widespread that it has corrupted the political process and, possibly, cost the party election victories, about 120 people have been charged and 86 convicted as of last year.

    Phone Jamming in NH. That was proven in court. Attempts to strike people from the rolls whose homes are in foreclosure, regardless of whether they live there or not. That’s being fought in court right now.

    Heres something to watch And here’s something to read

    On the same day the Pentagon’s commander in Iraq told the Senate that new troop withdrawals could not considered for months, Secretary of Veterans Affairs James B. Peake told two Democratic senators that his department will not help injured veterans at VA facilities to register to vote before the 2008 election.

    “VA remains opposed to becoming a voter registration agency pursuant to the National Voter Registration Act, as this designation would divert substantial resources from our primary mission,” Peake said in an April 8 letter to Sens. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and John Kerry, D-Mass. He was referring to a 1993 federal law that allows government agencies to host voter registration efforts.

    Both Sens. Feinstein and Kerry said they were frustrated with Peake’s position.

    “The Department of Veterans Affairs should provide voter materials to veterans,” Feinstein said. “I believe the cost of providing these voter materials is minimal. It’s a small price to pay for the sacrifice these men and women have made in fighting for our nation’s freedom. I am disappointed.”

    “You’d think that when so many people give speeches about keeping faith with our veterans, the least the government would do is protect their right to vote, after they volunteered to go thousands of miles from home to fight and give that right to others,” Kerry said. “And yet we’ve seen the government itself block veterans from registering to vote in VA facilities, without any legal basis or rational explanation.

    Nanker Phelge (139099)

  89. The Buckeye Institute? Home of Ken Blackwell!!
    What’s next Tim LaHaye!?
    And I’m just waiting for the Rapture

    One of the lessons of the election mess in Florida in 2000 was that a secretary of state can deprive a large number of people of the right to vote by small manipulations of the rules. This year in Ohio and Colorado, two key battlegrounds, the secretaries of state have been interpreting the rules in ways that could prevent thousands of eligible Americans from voting. In both states, the courts should step in.

    Just weeks before the deadline to register, Kenneth Blackwell, Ohio’s secretary of state, instructed the state’s county boards of election to reject registrations on paper of less than 80-pound stock – the sort used for paperback-book covers and postcards, compared with the 20-to-24-pound stock in everyday use. He said he was concerned about forms’ being mailed without envelopes and mangled by postal equipment. But the directive applied to all registration forms, even those sent in an envelope or delivered by hand. Mr. Blackwell, a Republican, acted in the midst of an unprecedented state voter registration drive, which is signing up far more Democrats than Republicans.

    Disgusting. Pathetic. etc.

    Nanker Phelge (139099)

  90. Nanker – How’s JAR doing? Please say Hi from me.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

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