Patterico's Pontifications


Why We Need to Link Andrew Sullivan

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 3:56 pm

Some wonder why I keep linking and discussing Sullivan. Whether you like it or not, in this discussion he matters. Allahpundit notes that a link from Sullivan crashed a court website and adds:

As much as we’d all like to believe it’s dKos holding the hoops through which these morons jump, I’m convinced it’s Sullivan whom they’re taking their cues from. Yes, most of the media is liberal, and yes, many of them read Kos and don’t read right-wing blogs where they’d have access to debunkery; Ace has been writing about that all week and it’s true as far as it goes. But I don’t buy that they’re so cocooned that they’re unaware Kos has a credibility problem. It’s Sullivan, with his TNR pedigree and his reputation — to this day — for being “right-leaning” and therefore, ahem, impartial who lends credibility to the rumors by stamping them with the Atlantic’s imprimatur. Surely a serious pundit wouldn’t post smears about Trig Palin being Bristol Palin’s child. There simply must be something to it.

By the way, Sullivan’s links crashing the court site had to do with Sullivan’s attempt to dig up dirt on the bogus rumor that Sarah Palin has been involved in an affair with Todd Palin’s former business partner, causing that man to file a motion to seal his divorce papers. Before we learned that the sealing was innocent — done not to shield the public from non-existent allegations about an affair with Palin, but rather to protect the man and his young son from lunatics, conspiracy theorists, and smear artists like Sullivan — Glute-Boy managed to mention this all-important news in not just one, but two posts. Here is an example of the sort of serious journalism that Sullivan has been engaged in lately:

Is the party of traditional marriage aware that the vice-presidential nominee actually eloped with her now-husband? And just in case you missed it: Scott Richter, Todd Palin’s former business partner, has just filed an emergency motion to seal his divorce papers.

That last was a revelation so compelling that it needed to be mentioned in two blog posts. Here was another:

Todd Palin’s former business partner files an emergency motion to have his divorce papers sealed. Oh God.

“Oh God!” bleats the Serious Pundit.

Despite Sullivan’s past claims that private sexual lives should be off limits when the private life was his own — even though his own rather publicly promiscuous “private” life demonstrated stunning hypocrisy — Sullivan is busy trying to dig up anything that he can on Palin, simply to push the idea that she is trailer trash. Hence, you get this sort of important information:

If Obama’s family were as colorful as Palin’s, you can bet the press would have been all over it. If Obama’s sister had nine kids from two fathers neither of whom she is currently living with, do you really think the press would not have written about it?

(You know, like the sister of that low-class woman Sarah Palin.)

Gee, I dunno. If Obama’s had written about the scourge of homosexual promiscuity, as Sullivan has, and then had advertised himself for promiscuous homosexual sex, as Sullivan did (link is not work-safe), advertising for “One-on-One’s, 3-Ways, Groups/Parties/Orgies, and Gang Bangs” — do you really think the press would not have written about it?

At least Sullivan’s story has a hypocrisy angle among the lurid details, the pictures of his naked buttocks on the Internet, and the description of his “power glutes.” Talking about the sex life of Sarah Palin’s sister or daughter has no legitimate purpose at all.

The sorts of arguments this Serious Pundit is making are going to alienate voters.

That’s why I think it only helps our cause to point out the hysterical and sexist rantings of this, Palin’s most visible and unhinged critic — although bottom-feeder Bill Maher runs a close second.

UPDATE: Sullivan has a photo up titled “The Softer Side of a F-ing Redneck.” It shows Levi Johnston kissing Trig while Bristol Palin holds him.

That does it. If he is going to make constant disparaging references to the people surrounding Sarah Palin, I am going to keep linking the personal ad where he hypocritically seeks out men for promiscuous sex. I’ll do my best to make sure nobody ever forgets it.

70 Responses to “Why We Need to Link Andrew Sullivan”

  1. Sealing one’s divorce papers is a good idea when you are running against the king of dirty tricks, Barack Obama.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  2. Funny, isn’t it? We have Andrew Who?, a self-professed homosexual actively or perhaps, obsessively interested, fascinated and captivated by the sexual life of a very attractive heterosexual middle-aged woman. Huh????

    Dana (084de8)

  3. He’s jealous, Dana. He would like to be her.

    Icy Truth (5b3d64)

  4. Sorry for double posting, but I think everyone should just e-mail Our Mr. Sullivan with his own quotes about privacy. And thought it may not matter, write to the editor of the TNR about hypocrites on his staff.

    The suggestion might be made that Mr. Sullivan is a bit too close to this situation to be impartial. And while he has every right to his own opinion, he needs to put his recent hyperbole into context with his own previous statements about his own personal life.

    Oh, it won’t make any difference. But I detest hypocrites.

    P.S. Dana, this isn’t the first time you have seen an overly dramatic and very bitter gay man attempt to harass and attack the character of a heterosexual woman who has never said one word to him.

    You are definitely onto something.

    Eric Blair (2708f4)

  5. Icy, #3, hm, well that just makes the whole entire matter an ever bigger ew. Its creepy how persistent he is regarding this facet of Palin’s life because given all we know about Sully, I would have expected this interest to be directed at Obama.

    EB, #4, ….yep!

    Dana (084de8)

  6. I’m not sure what’s happened to Andy, but it wasn’t good. He’s starting to make the Kos Kids look sane and reasonable.

    Jeffersonian (7da589)

  7. Leave it to Ace to find a way to make me laugh about Andrew Sullivan. Go look, but before you do, see the “fake table of contents” for the Atlantic Monthly that made me damage my keyboard with coffee expelled through my nose.

    Eric Blair (2708f4)

  8. Has anyone outside the elite blogging community every heard of Andrew Sullivan or Atlantic magazine? I don’t think so.

    I did a little mini-survey a couple weeks ago at a BBQ we held for a friend’s birthday. Admittedly a small sample, but out of 26 people, not one had heard of him and only one thought they might have heard of the magazine. One said he knew an Andy Sullivan, a kid on his son’s Pop Warner team.

    Real folks don’t read this junk. They don’t care what these types (media elites) have to say. They are way too busy living real lives.

    When I first started to hear his name around the blogosphere, I had to really dig deep in the memory bank to place who he was and all I could come up with was a vision of him with Hitchens in some Cspan round table, or some such, from years ago. And I worked as staff for a Member of Congress in Washington for 5 years.

    I’m always amused at the gravitas bloggers give to other bloggers just because they got on board the blogging train early on. As my son said to me, “If you want to get your finger on the pulse of American thought, go interview a few thousand at a Charger game or a NASCAR race.”

    No one of substance cares.

    Sara (3337ed)

  9. Eric, that was truly hilarious.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  10. WOW.
    Andrew Sullivan and the entire krew at Kos are posting like crazy trying to put down They’re obsessed. They’re picking apart every post and every comment on Paterico. They are like totally absorbed. (And, get this, they think the McCain campaign is the one taking the low (Rove) road and lying and embellishing. Sheesh.)
    Guess their constant attacks on Patrico shows who rules in the free market of ideas, and like, who is authoritative and stuff like that. Jeez. They should get lives over there.

    Larry Reilly (d11f9a)

  11. Lives, Larry? What would they do with one of those?

    SPQR (26be8b)

  12. SPQR: hey, it is all Ace and his group of chillbilly lovers. Glad to hear that the Kossacks and Our Andy are stamping their feet.

    Mr. Frey, get ready for the Internet Shenanigans.

    Because open debate is what the Left is all about!

    Hope and Change!

    Eric Blair (2708f4)

  13. Gosh, SPQR, wish I’d had you as a speech writer in the Fourth Grade when I was running for Library Aid. You’ve really got that level down tight.

    Larry Reilly (d11f9a)

  14. Larry, we’ve all got our own talents.

    Sorry to hear of your election loss, btw.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  15. Sealing one’s divorce papers is a good idea when you are running against the king of dirty tricks, Barack Obama

    Who needs so called “dirty tricks,” when Palin’s postpartum platform practically ensures the landslide election of our next civil rights pro-choice President, Barack Obama?

    Palin has already acted to eliminate Roe v. Wade by childbirth fiat rather than judicially. And she and Andrea Yates LOOK ALIKE .. it is uncannily subliminal.

    SPQR, when I encounter your identity, why do I always feel like I am speaking to a mnemonic?

    MKDP (23ab55)

  16. His Bush Derangement Syndrome has a new target. It’s too bad she can actually speak.

    Al (b624ac)

  17. Gee, MKDP, project much?

    SPQR (26be8b)

  18. I don’t know guys, I think Miwky Woad wanks as high as anyone in the MSM.

    nk (21731d)

  19. “If Obama’s sister had nine kids from two fathers neither of whom she is currently living with, do you really think the press would not have written about it?”

    Is this a serious observation? I’m pretty sure that it is pretty unclear how many children or spouses Obama’s father had. I’m not saying it wasn’t mentioned, but I don’t remember this sort of commotion.

    Bobar (51bf15)

  20. Sara, you bring up a valid point – the average joe doesn’t know of Sullivan or if they do, they don’t care as he doesn’t have a direct effect on their lives and as you say, they are way too busy living their lives. Be that as it may, there is also an indirect effect on people’s lives by the likes of Sullivan, etc., as he does influence journalists and people who do produce the daily news that most citizens still rely upon.

    The question I have for you is who is informing these people at the barbeque? There are 26 people being polled and no they don’t know of the Andrew Sullivan but they are getting their information from somewhere. Where? Because if its from the newspapers or network news, then are they really being given an evenhanded look at the candidates or have those journos been influenced somewhere along the way by an elitist blogger whom they follow?

    On the flip side, the beauty of blogs/internet, of course is the ability to source one’s own information and to follow the rabbit trails, reliant upon oneself to do the studying as opposed to reading one AP reporters take on a situation and having more information at hand to form an opinion.

    No one of substance cares.

    As an admitted not of substance person, I do care. I find the statement ironic because its the kind of statement I would ascribe to the schmoozing pol feigning interest in the little people while his eyes glaze over and he thinks, – no one of substance cares.

    Dana (084de8)

  21. Has anyone outside the elite blogging community every heard of Andrew Sullivan or Atlantic magazine?

    The Hardball viewer(s).

    Jim Treacher (592cb4)

  22. MDKP – What exactly is the foundation for your Yates comparison? Neigh, neigh, AnnTM rules!

    JD (5f0e11)

  23. EB, Sullivan is not at TNR anymore. Patterico, Levi captioned himself “F’ing Redneck” at some social networking site. The convention photo is nice, not disparaging. This time I’m giving AS the benefit of the doubt that he intended that one post to be sweet, not nasty.

    gp (78ea4b)

  24. I know he captioned himself that way. Sullivan linked that at the time, because it was so important, and he’s just reminding us: Sarah Palin’s daughter hangs out with trailer trash.

    If you think he intended it to be sweet, then why did he insist on reminding us about Johnston’s MySpace page???

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  25. sara,

    To make Dana point more concrete, regular folks don’t know AS, but MSM folks do. As is the gateway through which dKos slime passes into the MSM bloodstream. “Oh, if Andrew Sullivan thinks there’s something to it, maybe we better check into it…”

    Karl (1b4668)

  26. Well, thanks for posting the personal ad. Now I know why Ace refers to him as Power Glutes and Taker of Milky Loads. Unfortunately, I now wish I didn’t know….

    But how do we know that ad was posted or depicts ) HIV-dementia (possibly, just asking questions) suffering Andy?

    Nessuno (f1788d)

  27. Just click all the links. The one before the personal ad has a reference to RawMuscleGlutes.

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  28. And the picture in question, showing Bristol Palin holding little Trig as Levi kisses hi is surely intended to be taken as PROOF POSITIVE that they are the parents of the 4-month old, not Todd and Sarah.

    I wonder what he’d make of the shot of me kissing my niece while my sister-in-law holds her — taken less than 30 minutes after my wedding, as my new wife and my brother (my best man) stand by looking on?

    Rhymes With Right (50f31e)

  29. There’s other evidence out there, most of which I think I have in other links in this post, and in previous posts about Sullivan.

    Patterico (cc3b34)

  30. childbirth fiat

    Omigawd… Sarah had more than 2 children! Get the Green Police on the case! Let’s do a post-natal abortions on 3 of ’em!!! (we can take lessons from China) Sterilize women after the second child!!

    Do it for The Planet!!1!!1eleventy!!!!

    What is it about sexists that they believe every pregnancy a woman has subtracks IQ points from her?

    Knowing and respecting Patterico’s rule, I won’t say what I’d like to say about the very indecent MKDP, but it should hope never to cross my path.

    Darleen (187edc)

  31. Darleen #31,

    MKDP does not have children. The centaur myths notwithstanding, horses and humans cannot interbreed.

    nk (21731d)

  32. What about instead of linking to Excitable Andy, just do like Ace did, and take a screenshot? I don’t think he should be ignored, and for all the reasons mentioned. But, why give him free links? Better yet, send an email to the Atlantic and the other folks who write for it, ask them how they enjoy their ever decreasing reputation.

    William Teach (5d9f94)

  33. I see Mary Reilly is back yet again, after promising to abstain for over two weeks, then immediately coming back less than a day later.

    Mawy, how about you promise to stay away this time for a bit longer – say, two months at least? I know you can do it this time – because you’re a Big Girl now, right, Mawy?

    Dmac (e639cc)

  34. Holy… I never even knew about all this Sullivan power glutes stuff… Yikes.

    “killer muscle ass that loves to milk loads with my power glutes”

    Alrighty then!

    “close to 8 inch dick”

    I’m guessing, if Sullivan’s writing is any indicator, that this means 5 inches.

    HIV+ too. Clearly he has good judgment.

    You’ve got serious issues if you advertise yourself like Sullivan has. I think I’ll leave it at that.

    George (7e3bdc)

  35. OK- I’ll ask-

    How advanced is Sullivan’s HIV? He has had it for at least a decade. Brian lesions and dimensia are possible symptoms in later stages of AIDS.

    I ask this because his behavior is not that of any reasonably prudent person, liberal or conservative.

    Wes (d671ab)

  36. I didn’t know about the HIV positive. That makes a big difference. He’s going to die, so as far as he’s concerned FTW.

    nk (21731d)

  37. Sully: If Obama’s family were as colorful as Palin’s, you can bet the press would have been all over it. If Obama’s sister had nine kids from two fathers neither of whom she is currently living with, do you really think the press would not have written about it?

    Well, i can’t remember the press (or Sullivan!) making much noise about Obama’s dad “colorful” family life, have you?

    madne0 (3206db)

  38. If Obama’s family were as colorful as Palin’s, you can bet the press would have been all over it.

    Andrew Sullivan

    Well what about this family member of Obama’s:

    Joe (8102a5)

  39. I do not make fun of Andrew Sullivan’s sexual orientation or his HIV status. That is irrelevant to this debate. Don’t drop to his level and give him the chance of claiming victim.

    This is about a so called journalist becoming a friggin gossip gutter snipe. You know the type, like a city pigeon that would eat corn out of crap.

    Joe (8102a5)

  40. You know the type, like a city pigeon that would eat corn out of crap.

    Except that Sullivan eats the crap.

    Karl (1b4668)

  41. The picture came across to me as a cynical attempt to show he could be nice about the Palin family; I didn’t read the subtexts some people have seen it. I took the MySpace reference as saying something on the order of “this kid has a nice and gentle side to him, and he’s not always loud and brash”. Of course, I know too many people who would feel insulted if you called them something other than “redneck”.

    One other new ploy he’s made up to maintain the appearance of evenhandedness is to keep demanding the release of Biden’s medical records, as if that’s really important.

    I do read him, not to hear what he says, but because he manages to come up with a few interesting links every week.

    kishnevi (830204)

  42. I gave up on Sullivan when he thought it was important for the world to know he had genital warts.

    Jeff Brueningsen (55d2f8)

  43. You had to go there. It’s sully’s own fault. Apologies for not contributing – “life happens” over here. Power glutes deserves what he has coming.

    carlitos (1b6c91)

  44. One other new ploy he’s made up to maintain the appearance of evenhandedness is to keep demanding the release of Biden’s medical records, as if that’s really important.

    Yet he’s satisfied with a note from Obama’s doctor.

    Karl (1b4668)

  45. Here’s the real scoop: Sullivan desperately wants to have Levi’s baby and is in a hissing snit because a young female got him first.

    Person of Choler (e7fb6a)

  46. Patterico, the “F-ing redneck” is a reference to Palin’s myspace, where he used the term in reference to himself.

    CliveStaples (a5c5c4)

  47. I have no idea why anyone would take a word that A.S. says seriously. And now he’s only further digging his own grave.

    The thing is, after supporting the war, and Bush the way he did, to be THIS in the tank for the chosen one is a sure sign of some sort of personality disorder. I can fully understand switching sides, but these sort of attacks seem personal, like he really doesn’t like her, as a person.

    xerocky (ea2146)

  48. The thing is, after supporting the war, and Bush the way he did, to be THIS in the tank for the chosen one is a sure sign of some sort of personality disorder.

    I think he’s genuinely in love. Or whatever passes for love in that fetid swamp of a mind.

    Jim Treacher (592cb4)

  49. #41 – Joe

    Don’t drop to his level and give him the chance of claiming victim.

    — Being fully cognizant of victim-hood methodology, Sully needs no prompting or touchstone event for an excuse. If he chooses, he can claim that the title of this thread: “Why We Need To Link Andrew Sullivan” is a disparaging euphemism for gay sex; and then he’s off. . . .

    Icy Truth (9cedd0)

  50. Karl —

    Except that Sullivan eats the crap.


    Icy Truth (9cedd0)

  51. I doubt Levi is hairy enough for Glutey Sullivan. Meh.

    George (7e3bdc)

  52. Frag Him……

    to quote that great Cav commander:
    “Keep up the Skeer!”

    redc1c4 (9c4f4a)

  53. Did anyone else note the rhetorical exaggeration of “nine kids from two fathers neither of whom she is currently living with”? Nine kids is a lot, but there are hundreds of women in America who have had nine kids by six, seven, eight, or nine different men, without ever marrying any of them. According to Sullivan’s own words, Palin’s sister’s nine were been born from two marriages, one of them (the second, I think) to the psycho cop who tasered his stepson (presumably a son from her first marriage). We can certainly feel sorry for her, raising nine kids without a husband, and think that her skill in choosing husbands was not the best, but picking two duds in two tries is not that bad a record, and having nine kids in two marriages means that one or both of the marriages must have lasted quite a few years. In short, if Sullivan is looking for promiscuous trailer-trash sluts, he seems to be looking in the wrong place.

    Dr Weevil (1b10bb)

  54. Is this the same Andrew Sullivan we’re talking about here???

    kelly (24f655)

  55. Face it – gay men have a hostile attitude to women. And large gaps in understanding their biology.

    Amphipolis (e6b868)

  56. “…two duds in two tries…”

    Yes indeedee…
    Liz Taylor got two duds in two marriages, and she only went through one husband in the process…
    And then, among all of the others (just what is her total anyway?) she nailed the balls of a U.S.Senator to her head-board.

    Another Drew (b60e19)

  57. The Atlantic is starting an advice column, and is soliciting questions on an online form:

    “The Atlantic will be launching a new advice column in an upcoming issue of the magazine. And just as we offer a broad range of opinions on matters cultural, political and otherwise, so will our advice-giving address daily dilemmas and big moral questions alike—stain removal to statecraft and everything in between.

    But first, we need your help. Please send us your burning questions about anything under the sun, and watch this space for details.”

    So I submitted a question regarding Excitable Andy, cut and pasted below:


    A once-esteemed magazine is presently publishing a blogger who is spreading false and damaging rumors about a Vice Presidential candidate and her children, at times explicitly, at times by cowardly innuendo. When those rumors are debunked, the blogger sometimes reluctantly admits it, sometimes does not, but in any case simply goes on to spread additional false and damaging rumors.

    The errant blogger shares the same general political ideology as the magazine’s editors, and supports the same Presidential ticket as the magazine’s editors. However, these editors fear that the blogger’s methods, if not squelched, will cause long-term damage to the magazine’s reputation for journalistic excellence. On the other hand, the editors also fear the backlash of the left-wing online and dead-tree media, and the reaction of their own politically committed friends and colleagues, should they attempt to address the troubling matter of their excitable blogger.

    What to do?

    Brian (f79442)

  58. Joe: I do not make fun of Andrew Sullivan’s sexual orientation or his HIV status.

    Yes, just like Charles Johnson doesn’t personally engage in public fantasies about race war with Muslims, and he can’t be responsible for the lovable, scampish excesses of his commentariat. (“Miwky Woad”? Seriously?)

    Don’t drop to his level and give him the chance of claiming victim.

    Shouldn’t someone have thought of that before the Googlebombing?

    I’m sure Patterico loves gay people; he even writes a bit about how some of his best friends etc. etc., but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s chucking red meat to an evidently large segment of readers whose response isn’t “why, how ironic that Sullivan wishes to invade a public official’s records when he himself would no doubt prefer that his own private life remain private!”, but rather, “eww, homo sex!”.

    It’s exactly what someone looking to discredit Sullivan to a homophobic audience would do, no matter what noble motives are claimed, and that is why people will no doubt cry foul.

    grendelkhan (5e64a8)

  59. Playing the homophobia card today, are we?

    Icy Truth (b8f405)

  60. It’s exactly what someone looking to discredit Sullivan to a homophobic audience would do, no matter what noble motives are claimed, and that is why people will no doubt cry foul.

    Evidence of this homophobia? Your assertion does not count as evidence.

    JD (41e64f)

  61. (”Miwky Woad”? Seriously?)

    No, it was not serious at all. “Elmer Fudd” ring a bell?

    The whole thing was “I don’t know guys, I think Miwky Woad wanks as high as anyone in the MSM.”

    Wanks? Gee, what word would Elmer Fudd pronounce as “wanks”?

    Please read Patterico’s newer post for the source of the Miwky Woad/Milky Load reference.

    nk (189a81)

  62. Is that what he means when he says he’s “wesseling the wabbit”?

    Icy Truth (b8f405)

  63. Icy Truth: Playing the homophobia card today, are we?

    Not paying much attention today, are we?

    JD: Evidence of this homophobia? Your assertion does not count as evidence.

    Who, exactly, do you think I’m calling homophobic? Please do me the courtesy of reading closely.

    grendelkhan (5e64a8)

  64. — bumping off the bunny

    — handlwing the hare

    — wounding the wodent

    Icy Truth (b8f405)

  65. It’s exactly what someone looking to discredit Sullivan to a homophobic audience would do,

    So you were, or were not, referring to Patterico’s audience?

    Look, it is your responsibility to be clear in your writing. Apparently you want to be able to call people homophobes, but hide being the “I didn’t actually call you a homophobe” gambit.

    JD (41e64f)

  66. grendelkhan —

    It’s exactly what someone looking to discredit Sullivan to a homophobic audience would do, no matter what noble motives are claimed
    — If you are not saying that we are a homophobic audience, what are you saying?

    he’s chucking red meat to an evidently large segment of readers whose response isn’t “why, how ironic that Sullivan wishes to invade a public official’s records […] but rather, “eww, homo sex!”.
    — You are asserting that a “large segment of readers” at this site are homophobic. Your actions are the very definition of ‘playing the homophobia card’.

    It’s bad enough that you made this charge at all. Now you can’t even own up to it?

    Icy Truth (b8f405)

  67. You know what is worse than the trolls that squawk homophobe and racist at every imagined event? The one that do not have the stones to own it when they do it.

    See, grendelkhan.

    JD (41e64f)

  68. Icy Truth: If you are not saying that we are a homophobic audience, what are you saying?

    I’m saying that what Patterico did is exactly what someone looking to discredit Sullivan to a homophobic audience would do. How is this difficult to understand?

    You are asserting that a “large segment of readers” at this site are homophobic.

    I’m sure you’re personally very accepting of all your gay friends, and that the ongoing interest in the “Milky Loads” incident (which is, at this point, old enough to be entering the second grade), has, for you, no implications beyond showing Sullivan’s hypocrisy. Have a cookie.

    Your actions are the very definition of ‘playing the homophobia card’.

    If pointing out that there seems to be a degree of unhealthy obsession over Andy’s gay sex worthy of Pete LaBarbera is playing the homophobia card, then I reckon I am.

    It’s bad enough that you made this charge at all. Now you can’t even own up to it?

    I’m telling you what it looks like. Don’t blame me if that makes you cranky.

    grendelkhan (5e64a8)

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