Patterico's Pontifications


Parenting and Politics

Filed under: 2008 Election — DRJ @ 8:57 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

Earlier today I read about an interview between Laura Ingraham and attorney Howard Gutman, an Obama National Finance Committee member, in which Gutman criticized Palin’s parenting:

“Your responsibility is to put your family first,” [said Gutman].

“So you’re saying she’s not putting family first,” Ingraham said.

“Absolutely not,” Gutman said. “If you take a daughter who’s got this emotional strife and subject her to the most intense scrutiny of the world at this time in her life, I think you’ve put your career above your family.”

Obama spokesman Bill Burton, asked to respond to Gutman’s remarks, said “Obviously these comments do not reflect our frequently stated views that families of the candidates should be off limits.”

Several times during the interview, Ingraham expressed bewilderment that the Obama campaign would attack Palin’s parenting. Gutman said, “I don’t give you talking points, Laura, I give you Howard points.”

Despite his disclaimer that this (being a clueless sexist) is one of Gutman’s personal talking points, I agree with Ingraham that this was a planned moment by the Obama campaign. It can hurl inflammatory criticism, denounce it and look principled.

In fact, one of the few tactics that seems to be working for Barack Obama occurs when someone on his behalf says something that he can then denounce. This tactic made Obama look principled … until he did it so many times that now it just makes him look like a hapless chief executive who can’t control a reckless staff and surrogates.

Gutman has now emailed ABC to say he “went too far” and that he was taken out of context. Jake Tapper is not convinced. If Gutman made a mistake, it was a doozy. If it was a planned moment, it was downright stupid.


89 Responses to “Parenting and Politics”

  1. I’m sure that Gutman is contrite; especially after he was caught by the Vice Squad in that limo parked under the Tri-Borough Bridge with Andrew Sullivan.

    Another Drew (faec8a)

  2. It is quite clear that these attacks, from other Obama campaign officials in addition to Gutman, were intentional and that they were also intended to deniable.

    But now that it is obvious that these attacks are backfiring, the bungled talking points are hot potatoes.

    This is another example of Obama’s hamfisted conduct.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  3. AD – You have that mixed up – He was caught parked in Andrew Sullivan under the Tri-Borough Bridge next to the Vice Squad’s limo.

    Apogee (366e8b)

  4. So when is Obama going to fire Gutman, as he promised to do if anyone in his campaign attacked Sarah Palin’s children?

    Evil Pundit (843b74)

  5. So, Palin is supposed to exercise exact control over her daughter, which has no relevance to policy issues, while Obama gets a pass on being unable to control his appointed staff, which does have policy relevance?

    Apogee (366e8b)

  6. Apogee…
    You are exactly right, I think?
    So many details to remember, I get confused.
    Need another jolt of memory juice Old #7.

    Another Drew (faec8a)

  7. Bit of a double standard there: it’s okay for Obama to pursue the Presidency with his two small girls, but it’s not okay for Palin to run for Veep.

    McCain’s people should make a 2-minute commercial out of this one, and show America just what the Democrats think of women in politics.

    Steverino (1dda08)

  8. I was driving on the highway when I heard him say that today; it was all I could do to keep it on the road. Laura kept giving him chance after chance to retract his words on the air, but instead he would just reiterate them, something he did several times. And my understanding is that he isn’t just a member of the Obama National Finance Committee, but that he is one of the founders of the committee.

    Icy Truth (6e6d48)

  9. Now cable news is alive with the story that Elizabeth Hasselbeck of “The View” “outed” the fact that Michelle Obama came on the show with a negociated list of topics that would not be touched, while Ms. McCain came on with no such list.

    “… but this is standard for celebs” they say … but apparently not for political figures.

    Neo (cba5df)

  10. “makes him look like a hapless chief executive who can’t control a reckless staff and surrogates.”

    Like Muqtada al-Sadr. We should send in Patreus to help bring order.

    AC (90c50b)

  11. I listened to the interview over at HotAir. Gutman came across as a deliberate total tool for partisan purposes, much like the trolls visiting here trash Palin.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  12. Gutman has to GO – Obama said so and we need an example of his word.
    This guy Gutman is a motor-mouth, attorneys have a way of non-stop gabbing, gotta go Gutman!!

    Rosie (a2e01b)

  13. Fire Gutman for doing what he was told to do, Rosie? that’s mean.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  14. If Sarah is a bad parent because she’s running for VP then Hussein O (who has small children) is a double bad parent. Equality is supposed to be the mainstay of the democrat party, Ooop’s forget the equality, I forgot we’re talking about the racist/sexist democrat party who still worships a KKK grand Kleagle.

    Scrapiron (c36902)

  15. This is a real problem for Obama:

    He has no executive experience and his campaign is being run by a lot of different people…no one is on the same page which means too many chefs. He can’t keep control, there is no central strategy.

    He keeps having to deny that he approved his message…is that how is going to run the White House? Obama is not his own man and has no idea how to run an organization.

    Jack (d9cbc5)

  16. If your boss fires you for doing what you were told, can you sue for wrongful termination?

    Daryl Herbert (4ecd4c)

  17. The money paragraph:

    In fact, one of the few tactics that seems to be working for Barack Obama occurs when someone on his behalf says something that he can then denounce. This tactic made Obama look principled … until he did it so many times that now it just makes him look like a hapless chief executive who can’t control a reckless staff and surrogates.

    It’s probably an overall campaign strategy.

    After watching him on O’Reilly he needs to take action on another tactic: Get that big, nasty carbuncle lanced on his face.

    I only suggested that cause how often do you get to use the word carbuncle?

    PC14 (ec0516)

  18. Obama should fire Gutman, and Gutman should sue for wrongful termination on the grounds that he was following Obama’s orders.

    This is free advice to the Obama campaign, which I offer out of the goodness of my heart.

    Evil Pundit (843b74)

  19. I would like to see Biden bring this up in the debate so we can discuss his parenting after his two sons were left motherless but he was sworn in as a Senator in their hospital room. Of course that would be out of bounds just as the subject of his daughter’s arrest in 2002 was a “family matter.”

    I must say that his son is doing well in spite of the father’s parenting efforts.

    MIke K (155601)

  20. _IF_ Obama genuinely wanted to disassociate himself from the smears, then he could do so quite easily.

    He has blogged on Kos. Let him post there and watch the results. With comments open. We probably need to screencapture it every fraction of a second possible since it would probably wind up in the perpetual memory hole/server error/sunspot problem.

    James (6c3599)

  21. I’m sure that utman believes that Michelle Obama should quit her job to make sure that her children don’t make any “mistakes”


    Neo (cba5df)

  22. This tactic is precisely the tactic BHO and Axelrod and the others have been counting on – non-stop s***-slinging by surrogates (527s like Media Matters) with just enough separation to profess plausible deniability when accused of countenancing such.

    The beauty part, as pointed out by previous posters, is that executive management is now a critical issue. The Dems have laid a perfect trap against themselves.

    Thank God for Jake Trapper at ABC. He has been excellent at calling out both sides on their blarney. I am stunned that he still has a job with ABC.

    Ed (f35a20)

  23. Where’s sexism in this quote? He’s talking about subjecting a daughter to the world’s scrutiny (i.e. using her in the photo-ops the way Sarah Palin did). What the gender has to do with this? Do only women have children? Saying “she should have stayed at home to care for her children” would be sexist, but this has nothing to do with the argument he’s making.
    The idea that appropriateness of using a 17-years old girl to celebrate teenage pregnancy in front of 40 millions of viewers should not be questioned is kinda crazy.

    Nikolay (f5b13d)

  24. He has blogged on Kos.

    And vice versa.

    In reply to Nikolay: Words that the idea of additionally, such as with other than and so forth, but then again possibly.

    (Now you know how it feels.)

    Jim Treacher (592cb4)

  25. Nikantgetlaid –

    He’s talking about subjecting a daughter to the world’s scrutiny (i.e. using her in the photo-ops the way Sarah Palin did).
    — If she’s using Bristol for a photo-op, then I guess you’re really pissed at Obama; right?

    What the gender has to do with this?
    — More importantly, what the race does for of beside that?

    Do only women have children?
    — No, but only women bleed.

    Saying “she should have stayed at home to care for her children” would be sexist, but this has nothing to do with the argument he’s making.
    — That is, in effect, what he said. Read the transcript or listen to the podcast.

    The idea that appropriateness of using a 17-years old girl to celebrate teenage pregnancy in front of 40 millions of viewers should not be questioned is kinda crazy.
    — The idea that you thought they were ‘celebrating’ teenage pregnancy is insulting. Perhaps you’d like to revive homes for unwed mothers so they could send her away.

    Icy Truth (6e6d48)

  26. The media have been acting like jackals for over a week — even actively fabricating garbage to smear the entire family — and this guy condemns Palin for that?

    In short, anyone whom the jackals will shred in the name of political expediency is responsible for that shredding. Only those preapproved by the media may enter onto the political scene.

    To hell with them. Who the hell do they think they are?

    Federal Dog (1404a2)

  27. I guess according to Mr. Gutman, women need to go back to the basement to smoke. Yes, we have come a long way. What a putz!

    I’m only sorry that I can’t field dress a moose … just rabbits.

    Sandy (583bc3)

  28. Comment by Evil Pundit — 9/5/2008 @ 10:42 pm


    Next time love2008 asks you re: your nic (forget which thread that was on) you should just save time and link to that comment.

    no one you know (1ebbb1)

  29. Do you think they would be kinder to Gov. Palin if she were a lesbian?

    JD (5f0e11)

  30. I expect Obama to bow out of the race any day now as we’ve heard that you must put your family first.

    Seems we need to start nominating single people without children…

    And I denounce myself

    (JD 29/6:33) Some of them would 😉

    Lord Nazh (9a408b)

  31. I listened to it live. Context, my foot.

    Clearly, he was trying to repeat the charge, but without all those messy gender implications.

    Also, dude has one of the most annoying voices I’ve ever heard. He shouldn’t go anyhwere near a microphone for the rest of his born days.

    S. Weasel (c8b083)

  32. The argument is false on its face.

    Being Vice President requires far fewer hours and causes far less stress than being Governor. That’s a reason to applaud Palin’s decision, even if we discount the argument’s obvious flaws – we can’t judge another familie’s dynamics, she has a capable husband, this may be a time where her country needs her more than her family, and it is all a distraction from her real reform credentials.

    Amphipolis (e6b868)

  33. I see where James now agrees with the post here – despite going off on his leering and skeezy – beyond – belief “fact finding” questionnaire regarding Palin and her parenting skills only yesterday.

    Nice try, Scumbag – no one’s buying it.

    Dmac (e639cc)

  34. As Obama’s campaign on-the-job training is teaching him, it’s one thing to be a member of the prince’s court, and another to be a prince. That’s the whole “executive experience” piece that Barry hasn’t figured out yet.

    It’s apparent that if Obama can’t control his campaign staff, a team of passionate people highly committed to his success filled with idealistic believers, he has no chance in hell of managing a presidency filled with other subordinate princes representing their own fiefdoms and interests. Just think of the cabinet and the joint chiefs, how is Barry going to handle the head of the Department of Energy or other powerful executives? He can’t appoint them with cheerleaders like those in his campaign who will blindly follow him. His masters will give him the names of the executives they want placed at DoE, DoA, DoJ, Commerce, etc., and I’ll guarantee they will be persons with their own agendas.

    The other dynamic I’ve seen that Barry cannot relate to is the variance in managerial responsibility as you rise to higher levels of command. He reminds me of a flailing senior VP in my organization. The poor fellow was previously a director in his previous role at another large corporation, and can’t get out of director mode (focusing on working closely with analysts, architects, managers and being very tactical in approach). A senior executive like a SVP, EVP or C-title (like the President and VP of the US) has a completely different responsibility, focusing almost exclusively on strategy.

    That Barry would equate experience as a community organizer (an entry-level “supervisor” position in the corporate world) with that of a senior executive is further evidence he doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about. Big hat, no horse.

    redherkey (9f5961)

  35. Thank God for Jake Trapper at ABC. He has been excellent at calling out both sides on their blarney. I am stunned that he still has a job with ABC.

    Comment by Ed

    ABC is in an interesting situation. They have been excluded from the debates because of the embarrassing questions Stephanopolis and Gibson asked Obama.

    This Week, since the death of Tim Russert, is the best Sunday morning show and I sense a shift to more neutrality, as if Stephanopolis has doubts about O.

    ABC has been sitting on the DVD of Path to 9/11 at the insistence of the Clintons. I wonder how long that will last ?

    There may be some strange allies formed as the campaign goes forward. I have got to think that some serious Democrats have private worries. Obama is not growing as the campaign moves along. Excluding Hillary has to have snapped a lot of threads of attachment.

    MIke K (155601)

  36. I think this kind of explains a bit more, well, nuance about Gutman and why Obama will think a gazillion times before firing him:

    What a tool.

    Why does Ayres’ name keep popping up, by the way? Since Obama and Ayres don’t really know one another, I mean.

    Eric Blair (36c1a9)

  37. “#

    Now cable news is alive with the story that Elizabeth Hasselbeck of “The View” “outed” the fact that Michelle Obama came on the show with a negociated list of topics that would not be touched, while Ms. McCain came on with no such list.

    “… but this is standard for celebs” they say … but apparently not for political figures.

    Comment by Neo — 9/5/2008 @ 9:31 pm”

    In fairness, Michelle is not running for public office (this cycle). Sarah is. This isn’t exactly apples to apples.

    But that Michelle’s list was negotiated and Sarah’s was not certainly is interesting.

    Dan S (438146)

  38. Look, if Obama wanted to smear her family, he could do it easily.

    The Chosen One thinks he can beat her fairly – take the advantage people

    i like america (f4c1e0)

  39. Put another way, that Michelle had a negotiated list does suggest she had things she didn’t want brought up (or, perhaps, wanted to keep out of the public eye), while Sarah either did not, or did not suffer from the expectation that anything could be or should be.

    Dan S (438146)

  40. This just in – The Messiah’s a humongous Wuss:


    What kind of man hides behind his surrogates, you may ask yourself? What kind of candidate allows his chief functionaries to do the kinds of things he’s continually denied allowing them to do in the first place? What kind of man continually whines about how unfair he’s being treated (!), and how he’s “not going to be bullied anymore,” etc.?

    Wuss. But I’m sure he can stand up to the likes of Putin – after crapping his pants beforehand. Let’s send him some Depends for his recent travails, maybe it will help him deal with the mean lady from Alaska, who keeps saying mean (i.e. factual) things about him! Waaa!

    Dmac (e639cc)

  41. Gutman has done his hitman work; firing him now is of little consequence. This jerk needs to be exposed, like Ayers

    billypaintbrush (a4b1ed)

  42. #40

    Until Palin comes out and talks to the media, I’d shut my trap about Obama hiding behind anyone.

    Support Palin, forget the Messiah. Support McCain. Highlight their strengths. There are enough of them. Obama doesn’t need more attention right now…

    i like america (f4c1e0)

  43. “Until Palin comes out and talks to the media, I’d shut my trap about Obama hiding behind anyone…”

    I hate Amerikka, since you’ve completely ignored the fact that Palin was attacked by the MSM with the venom usually accorded a serial killer, perhaps you should take your own advice, douchey.

    Dmac (e639cc)

  44. But we’re all mighty convinced that you’re really a McCain supporter – sure.

    Dmac (e639cc)

  45. Baracky is not having a very good week.

    JD (5f0e11)

  46. Howard Gutman was the lawyer for Susan Rosenberg, a member of the Weather Underground convicted in the Brink’s robbery and slayings. Bill Clinton pardoned Rosenberg at the end of his Presidency.

    Yet another connection between the Democrats and the Weather Underground terrorists.

    Neo (cba5df)

  47. perhaps you should take your own advice

    Shut my trap about Obama hiding behind anyone? Shrug. Sure..

    /you’re not very good at this are you?

    i like america (f4c1e0)

  48. Allow me to correct myself ..

    Howard Gutman was the lawyer for Susan Rosenberg, a member of the Weather Underground was charged in the Brink’s case, but not tried because she had received a 58 year sentence in a weapons case involving 740 pounds of dynamite intended for bombings. Trying her on the Brink’s matter therefore seemed unnecessary to prosecutors. She served 16 years before Bill Clinton pardoned Rosenberg at the end of his Presidency.

    Neo (cba5df)

  49. Dan S @ #37 & 39…
    I think you’re a bit confused…
    The controversy on “The View”, is that Michelle Obama had a “do not go there” list,
    but that Cyndy McCain did not.
    No one mentioned Gov. Sarah Palin.
    You do understand the difference, don’t you?

    Another Drew (e872c7)

  50. …more #49…
    Furthermore, neither of the two women (Obama or McCain) is a candidate for anything.
    But, since they are very public spokeswomen for their husbands, the attempt to stifle lines of inquiry is IMO completely inappropriate.

    Another Drew (e872c7)

  51. Washington Monthly, and the other lefty sites, continues obsessed with Palin. I suspect she will do a Sunday show in two weeks and my guess is that it will be This Week. She is studying briefing books and Stephanopolis will be a good compromise between Fox, which would be dismissed as a soft ball picnic, and the sharks at ObamaNBC.

    McCain is reveling in the phenomenon he has set off. This decision of his will win the election.

    He is incredibly lucky. First, Obama did not choose Hillary, then Palin turns out to be a hit.

    MIke K (155601)

  52. #51 Mike K:

    He is incredibly lucky.

    While I would certainly not downplay how important luck can be, I would note that often its best if you make your own.

    Like McCain did.

    EW1(SG) (84e813)

  53. Here’s an interesting experiment. Type “You know my mother had me when she was 18” in the search box at YouTube.

    I got redirected to “when she was bad” for some odd reason.

    Phil Smith (eca3aa)

  54. Amphipolis:”Being Vice President requires far fewer hours and causes far less stress than being Governor.”

    Putting aside the incredible hypocrisy of a DEMOCRAT telling a woman to stay home and mind the children, I think Amphipolis has a point here.

    John McCain first met Sarah Palin in February when the vetting process began. By all appearances she and her husband have a strong marraige, so the possibility of her becoming VP and its effect of the family would certainly have been fully discussed by them over the last six months, especially given their strong Christian family values.

    Practically, she’s only campaigning for the next two months. If she loses, then nothing’s changed. If she wins, then she’s got a job with way less responsibility at a significantly higher salary (and better benefits I’ll bet). Being VP also greatly improves her prospects for the future.

    Sounds like a very responsible choice for her and her husband to make for the future of their family. IMHO she would have been nuts NOT to take the opportunity, even without any considerations of service to her country.

    Peccator Dubius (0a6237)

  55. Peccator – Have you changed your mind about Gov. Palin ?

    JD (5f0e11)

  56. That perfunction website says he was Lobbyist of the Year. My god, that’s funny.

    Wesson (f6c982)

  57. “/you’re not very good at this are you?” ]

    Projection, thy name is Libtard Amerikka. You also seem not to understand the basic tenets of politics – when you have a candidate just announced that’s immediately torn apart by slimes and innuendo, you send a clear message of non – compliance until the atmosphere improves. IOW, McCain’s people have told the MSM to FOFF until their manners improve. No access, no chance for the chattering class to do their jobs.

    Dmac (e639cc)

  58. Gutman was Lobbyist of the Year, and he has the sash to prove it.

    He also has the blood of the Weather Underground’s victims on his hands.

    Another scumbag who loves murderers (Like Ayers & especially “Dig it” Dorhn) involved with the Obama campaign. Go figure.

    Apogee (366e8b)

  59. @Dmac

    When you’re strong, you never hide. You are hidden from.

    i like america (f4c1e0)

  60. 59~ Nobody is hiding except Obama.

    He’s hiding Ayers, Rezko, CAC, and now behind skirts.

    Doesn’t sound to me like Caribou Barbie is particularly skeert.

    EW1(SG) (84e813)

  61. JD, not on her experience level or place on the ticket, no. My comment was only directed to Gutman’s ridiculous remarks and what the benefits of a VP spot would be to the Palin family.

    Also, I do think Palin is an impressive person and politician, a rising star for the Republican Party. If she was half way through her second term as governor, rather than half way through the first, my answer on her experience level would have been different.

    Peccator Dubius (0a6237)

  62. #60:

    “Hiding behind skirts” is a sexist term and not helping you with women reading this

    Unless Palin is taking interviews, she’s hiding.

    If you were confident in her strength, you’d WANT her in front of cameras.

    But you’re showing everyone that you don’t.

    i like america (f4c1e0)

  63. “Doesn’t sound to me like Caribou Barbie is particularly skeert.”

    Oh, but she is – the incessant caterwaling by the MSM about her sudden unavailability must indicate rampant fear from the McCain people. After all, their recent “questions for the public interest” about her personal life means that she must be available for them at anytime, anywhere, for any reason whatsoever. Because they’re just doing their jobs.

    Dmac (e639cc)

  64. Mr./Ms america, please tell us how quickly Bambi became available to the MSM after the Reverend Wright scandal first came to light – when did he first deign to answer questions about it? The first few days? How about the first week?

    Wrong – he deflected any and all attempts at questions for over one month. Now, pray tell us – why should Palin become immediately available, according to your self – imposed timetable?

    Dmac (e639cc)

  65. #62 – You democrats should know sexist. Oh, that’s right, you don’t know anything. Just like Obama regarding Wright, Ayers, Dohrn, his campaign staff, his grandmother, Rezco and on and on.

    Palin’s in the corner right now, resting and studying your pathetic smears. Don’t worry little scumbag, you’ll know when the bell rings, because it’ll be yours.

    Apogee (366e8b)

  66. Why, Dmac, all you need do is trot out our old friend Ralph Waldo Emerson:

    A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.

    Eric Blair (36c1a9)

  67. Isn’t it neat that someone can always find Waldo when you really need him?

    Another Drew (e872c7)

  68. “Hiding behind skirts” is a sexist term and not helping you with women reading this.”

    I’m a woman reading this and I’m not offended because weak men have been known to do just that. In fact when male politicians are caught having had affairs they often hide behind the skirts of their wives at the confessional podium (think Spitzer, Clinton, etc). So really, its a truism that reflects not poorly on women as it does men.

    Unless Palin is taking interviews, she’s hiding.

    When Obama has the activity of his reproductive organs analyzed by the MSM and demands made for his DNA to prove his daughters are really his, then the left has a valid complaint if Palin doesn’t jump at the request of the press. He has not endured anything comprable to what she has this past week and its very telling that people like you may not see the difference. As a woman, that offends me.

    And I’ll also say that no doubt when Palin does do her interviews, she won’t be calling a press conference three hours after the original interview to explain what she really meant to say like someone we know.

    Dana (084de8)

  69. Nicely done, Dana. You probably saw the editorial cartoon the other day: a boomerang labeled “Experience.” It is titled, “Obama’s Secret Weapon.”

    What’s interesting to me is how all of this is so very different when it is applied to Senator Obama.

    And, of course, the dark amusement I see when “progressive Leftists” show their sexism so avidly on this subject….and then claim that it is not either sexism.

    They sound like my own students when I catch them contradicting themselves.

    Eric Blair (36c1a9)

  70. Dana – bingo. You da bomb!

    Dmac (e639cc)

  71. #62 – i like america

    “Hiding behind skirts” is a sexist term and not helping you with women reading this
    — Yeah, but it sounds better than “hiding behind pantsuits”.

    Unless Palin is taking interviews, she’s hiding.
    — Unless she’s doing what you want, she’s not.

    If you were confident in her strength, you’d WANT her in front of cameras.
    — Yeah, that’s her problem – not enough face time. After she was seen by 38 million people the other night, inquiries into the style of glasses she wears went through the roof.

    But you’re showing everyone that you don’t.
    — You’re showing everyone your ignorance. I’m afraid you’ll just have to allow the campaign to dictate when and where you see her next.

    Icy Truth (5b3d64)

  72. @Dana

    Strength never hides. If she’s not strong enough to face the media with her head held high, she’s already lost

    i like america (f4c1e0)

  73. @Dana

    Strength never hides. If she’s not strong enough to face the media with her head held high, she’s already lost

    i like america (f4c1e0)

  74. ILA: Oh, I agree. Strength never hides. But like the boomerang in the editorial cartoon I saw today, I recommend that this approach be applied…well…to Senator Obama.

    So please talk to me about the Annenberg Challenge documents.

    If Senator Obama isn’t strong enough to face the media (the ones without tingles down thelr legs, anyway) on this subject with his head held high, he will….well, you said it.

    Eric Blair (36c1a9)

  75. I remember a certain Senator from Delaware who gave a speech recently upon his being selected by the Obamanation for role as potential VP who remembered his wife dying in a horrific motor vehicle accident and his kids seriously injured just after he had been elected to the US Senate. Did this sterling model of fatherhood resign? No.
    Did the jackals in the media call him Satanic for his refusal to resign? No
    Did the jackals in the media call him a horrific father who should have been prosecuted for child abuse for not putting his family first in this crisis and for his not resigning immediately to attend to his family’s needs? Just the opposite.

    eaglewingz08 (98291e)

  76. “Strength never hides.”

    Yeah! And Rust Never Sleeps! Tooth to Power!


    “ face the media with her head held high, she’s already lost.”

    This sounds like a screenplay from Adam Sorkin, or maybe a re – make of Patton?

    Yet another Drive – By Troll beclowned; the number of carcasses on the wall getting’s quite crowded these days.

    Dmac (e639cc)

  77. Not to worry, Dmac.

    The MSM (and some bloggers) will actively protect Senator Obama.

    I swear to you, this guy is like my undergrad students: they get high and mighty about the standards of others, but want no attention on their own standards.

    Senator Obama is attacking Governor Palin on accepting earmarks, while claiming to be a porkbuster.

    As you know, Dmac, there are some folks we know who are pretty monomaniacal on that subject. And, given how the MSM works, that gives an advantage to Senator Obama. Thus, I think that all the nonsense from Senator Obama’s campaign needs to be detailed in context.

    Because the truth is simple:

    1. Senator McCain has never put forth a single earmark.
    2. Senator Obama has put forth almost three quarters of a billion dollars worth of them.
    3. Governor Palin has a far superior record on this subject compared to Senator Obama.

    And then Senator Obama goes further about Senator McCain’s horrific associations with lobbyists.

    But Senator Obama has his own problems with lobbyists, it seems to me.

    So I do, as I have written elsewhere, think it is time to tote up lies told. A Prevarication Quotient.

    I’m not sure that Senator Obama is as smart as everyone claims. But then, he is surrounded by people who have a serious crush on him.

    And it shows:


    Eric Blair (36c1a9)

  78. I have no doubt about how smart he is – after all, he was President of the Law Review in college (and authored one unsigned article – wooo!). However, there is the matter of those pesky transcripts being released: not sure what the hold – up is at this point. Can’t imagine what the problem could be – perhaps it’s akin to the CAC difficulties.

    Dmac (e639cc)

  79. I see lots of smart students all the time, Dmac. I gave three of them “D”s last semester. The class average was 76%. Their scores were: 62%, 60%, and 58%. And they truly were smart people.

    Wise? Another thing altogether.

    My guess is that Senator Obama is like these three: someone who has never had to work hard, and excused from the consequences. Look at his continual bringing up of issues that apply as much or more to him!

    Doing that isn’t very smart, and we all know that Senator Obama is smart. It’s known across all 57 states in this nation.

    I agree with you about the transcripts. I don’t know if they matter all that much—unless you are being touted as being all supersmart (cue Al Gore).

    Eric Blair (36c1a9)

  80. I know Howard personally, and though I disagree with him politically, I know he is a man of great character who has made sacrifices for his family and is only involved in politics because he wants what is best for the country. If you’ve never been on a radio show before you don’t know how hard it is to not make a mistake and say something silly. He should be judged on his whole life, not one minute on the radio.

    Michael (51edb7)

  81. “…I don’t know what we’ll do with all of the carcusses…”

    Soylent Green, anyone?

    “He should be judged on his whole life, not one minute on the radio.”

    Not in this “what have you done for me lately” environment.

    Another Drew (299eef)

  82. I don’t know what we’ll do with all of the carcusses

    — Fucking made-in-Detriot piece of shit!

    Icy Truth (5b3d64)

  83. Strength never hides. If she’s not strong enough to face the media with her head held high, she’s already lost.

    You silly twit! Stop this obsessive projecting. Just because the left trembles and hides out, don’t assume the right does. We are not all like you. The other thing we don’t do is assume the worst of a person. We like to give people the benefit of the doubt until proven wrong. Its an admirable quality. You might want to look into it.

    And, i like america, its so telling you completely ignored the gut of my comment. Allow me to refresh your memory,

    When Obama has the activity of his reproductive organs analyzed by the MSM and demands made for his DNA to prove his daughters are really his, then the left has a valid complaint if Palin doesn’t jump at the request of the press. He has not endured anything comprable to what she has this past week and its very telling that people like you may not see the difference. As a woman, that offends me.

    Dana (084de8)

  84. How can Gutman make this comment when Obama’s mother was knocked up at 18 by a married African Muslim?

    bob weinstein (df8e98)

  85. @Dana

    I came back to see what you said but it’s just rambling. What did I project again?


    Do you ever win these exchanges? I haven’t seen you win one yet. A smart man would have quit.

    i like america (f4c1e0)

  86. @Eric Blair

    Are you really comparing Obama’s media availability and Palin’s?

    I hope you’re trolling ..

    i like america (f4c1e0)

  87. Het Obama finish his waffle, he’s answered like six questions already.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  88. “Until Palin comes out and talks to the media, I’d shut my trap about Obama hiding behind anyone.”

    Why do you think Obama is still refusing to come out and talk to the media via townhall debates that McCain has repeatedly requested? What do you think he’s hiding from?

    Federal Dog (1404a2)

  89. @Dog

    So if Obama doesn’t answer every single question in the exact manner you dictate, Palin doens’t have to answer any questions?

    Are you high?

    Anonytroll (edae44)

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