Patterico's Pontifications


More Gender Politics (Updated)

Filed under: 2008 Election — DRJ @ 7:09 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

Just when the Democrats thought they had tamed the shrew that is gender politics, the Politico has words of caution for Barack Obama and Joe Biden:

“How do you go after a 44-year-old mother of five without once alienating the female voters you’ve just spent the last week trying to win back?

The answer so far: Not very well.”

I’m sure they will find a way but, for now, I’m enjoying the irony.

UPDATE: More people under the bus! An amusing take on Obama’s failure to pick Hillary from CNBC guest columnist Jerry Bowyer of Kudlow & Co.:

“All in all, what we learned about Barack is that when he has a lead, he plays it safe, not bold. That he won’t choose a genuine rival (like Clinton) for Veep because he’s no Abraham Lincoln. That centrism for which he is often extolled, seems to be illusory. That women are still in the back of bus.”

Bowyer’s column was written before Palin’s pick was announced but he also lists several reasons why she would be a good pick for McCain, including the “deep race/gender division in the Democratic party which has been brewing for 40 years, but bubbled over this year.”


60 Responses to “More Gender Politics (Updated)”

  1. DRJ – They cannot attack her. For the Democratic party, Sarah Palin’s middle name is Waterloo. The only person who can defeat Palin at this point is Palin, and if she doesn’t, then they have some serious problems.

    And those problems are more than just her gender. As I said in another post, she is what the Democrats sell themselves as, change, anti corruption, and the common citizen. The Democrats? They’re still putting reporters in jail for photographing their candidates with lobbyists.

    If they can’t win with her, it probably wasn’t going to happen, IMO.

    Apogee (366e8b)

  2. DRJ – To your update: Does the bus have a trap door, so that those in the back fall under it?

    Apogee (366e8b)

  3. It must be because I just put them under it, even if Bowyer didn’t.

    DRJ (7568a2)

  4. Just when Obama thought he cornered the market on Change© along comes Sarah.

    Actually, his players can snag the coveted lady vote by promising to protect their reproductive options… and to provide the hamburger helper programs so important to 1-parent families. Dems love to nurture a dependent mass of needy people. That’s what I expect Joe ‘n O can do.

    Vermont Neighbor (a066ed)

  5. DRJ – No. You’re right. They’re under the bus because B.O. threw them there. Bowyer is off by 53 years.

    This is becoming the election of mass transportation.

    Apogee (366e8b)

  6. [Deleted by DRJ.]

    Supertrooper (44cef5)

  7. Supertrooper = Democratic, issue oriented eloquence.

    Apogee (366e8b)

  8. How ignorant does a driveby troll (like Supertrooper for example) have to be before they go into moderation or get expelled? Just wondering, because that’s pretty blatant in my opinion. I mean, if they come in that bad, why wait until they demonstrate a pattern? Give them a warning maybe, then the hook.

    Stashiu3 (460dc1)

  9. In the linked article, the big attack on Sarah Palin is the asthonishing revelation: Palin doesn’t believe it’s useful for women to whine, rather they should help make progress.

    Well, according to MSM and Dems, that sure proves a woman can’t lead America.

    Ropelight (4a83c9)

  10. #6 yes, Quayle was a neophyte running for veep in ’88 as he had only made Congress in ’76 and whupped powerhouse dem Birch Bayh for Senate in ’80. Compare that to the anointed one’s lengthy senate experience of running for potus and accomplishing so very much? Seems to me he had way more experience than Obambi, more than the Silk Phony and Obamalamadingdong combined.

    And Palin only took on the ‘Pub establishment to beat the incumbent for governor. Read it and weep, crybaby demonrats.

    madmax333 (0c6cfc)

  11. By contrast, EMILY’s List President Ellen Malcolm tried to walk a fine line — making the point that, because a candidate is a woman, it doesn’t necessarily follow that the candidate represents women’s views.

    Well if this is true then does it stand to reason that it would also be true that because a candidate is black, it doesn’t necessarily follow that the candidate represents blacks’ views?

    But because the left is making this determination it can’t possibly be just a bit discriminatory, prejudicial and a blatant ugly stereotyping can it?

    Yeah, so much for post-racial, post-gender politicking…

    Dana (084de8)

  12. I can’t edit your posts DRJ — but if it were me, I’d take #6 off. Its not like we’re sensoring a serious dissenting view.

    WLS (26b1e5)

  13. Thanks, WLS. I didn’t see that comment.

    DRJ (7568a2)

  14. Bummer, I got here late, and didn’t get a chance to read #6.

    Another Drew (e24867)

  15. I was enjoying the vagina warriors at lefty sites such as Pandagon twisting themselves into knots calling Palin an anti-feminist. Let’s see, seems like she’s got a stable marriage, five kids, big job, cool hobbies – got it all going on. Why is she an anti-feminist?

    Oh yeah, one pesky issue – stay off my uterus. It’s like a huge surprise there are prolife women to those on the left and that you cannot be an authentic woman or represent womens views if you are prolife. It’s that famous lefty tolerance thing on display again.

    The odds were that McCain was going to appoint a prolife running mate. I guess those ditzy vagina warriors would have preferred he just pick another old white prolife guy instead of a women or something. At leasy it would be less embarrassing for them and make them look less hypocritical.

    Also, prolife as a practical matter doesn’t mean what they think it means. The vagina warriors just love to play the fear card.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  16. daleyrocks – angry women also tend to dislike other women who are attractive and turn heads. Hate to say it but its true.

    Dana (084de8)

  17. 15 another drew ….no.6 just compared Palin to a Quayle with a vagina. Like I said, Quayle had more Congressional experience that Edwards and Obama combined.

    madmax333 (0c6cfc)

  18. Max – I keep thinking Obama should take some Midol evey time he throws a mantrum after somebody says something critical about him. It might stop him from playing the race card so often.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  19. max…
    Yes, I caught that drift. He must have been way out of bounds to get bounced right out of the box.

    “ditzy vagina warriors”…
    would those be the Femi-Nazis Rush is so fond of?

    To those women, a conservative, pro-life, family-oriented professional woman is obviously a traitor to her class. Sort of the same category that Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, and Shelby Steele (among others) fall into re Race.

    Another Drew (e24867)

  20. Why is it that Gov. Palin is not an icon to th feminists? Does she not exemplify everything good in a woman? A strong succesful person. A loving mother. Someone that achieved based on her own merits.

    JD (5f0e11)

  21. JD – Because it has nothing to do with feminism, and everything to do with leftism.

    Apogee (366e8b)

  22. Isn’t Gov. Palin the goal of the feminist movement, and if not, shouldn’t she be?

    Racist misogynists

    JD (5f0e11)

  23. JD – Racist

    “But we don’t want the Irish”

    Apogee (366e8b)

  24. I guess the Dems have already shown that when given the choice between being sexist or racist, they will choose to be sexist.

    JD (5f0e11)

  25. Because it has nothing to do with feminism, and everything to do with leftism.

    My two cents as a woman: yes, its leftism but its also betrayal – Palin reached this pinnacle of success and achievement without their help. She did not need them, their cause, their support, their voice. That is an anathema not to be tolerated. This may even be worse than her conservative values. Palin didn’t play the game, make a lot of noise about being a woman at every turn, but steadily made her way through the road blocs of gender, put her head down and pushed through. No fanfare, no husband’s coattails, no seeking approval from other women but just did what she needed to do. Then you add to all that the fact that she’s also a beauty queen and it becomes a bit unbearable to those elitists who simply cannot tolerate independent thinking women.

    Dana (084de8)

  26. JD – I swear, if some of those rabid leftist vagina warriors didn’t have c__ts, there’d be a bounty on their heads.

    I denounce myself for a misanthropic misogynist.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  27. #27…

    Another Drew (e24867)

  28. Clean, articulate, and smokin’ hot, that’s a storybook man.

    halfacarafe (6254de)

  29. Iamgine Obama in Palin’s shoes or visa versa at critical times.

    Palin was appointed Ethics Commissioner of the Alaska Oil and Gas Commission. When she became aware of corruption, she notified the governor; when he did nothing, she quit and named names. Somehow, I think Obama would have seen the govrnor’s rebuff as a learning opportunity-“So this is how the game is played.”

    On the other hand, can you see Palin chairing the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, blowing through $110 million with nothing to show for it, sweeping the experience under the rug, and then thinking, “I should run for President on a platform of Hope and Change”? She doesn’t have the hubris to pull something like that off.

    MartyH (00ac40)

  30. Man, I hate it when the letters on the keyboard move around when I’m not looking.

    MartyH (00ac40)

  31. #30, The Republican establishment in DC should take note of Sarah Palin’s ethics and integrity. Once elected, the VP is unlikely to sit still, or look the other way, when corrupt politics as usual shows its ugly head.

    If she was willing to expose corruption on the Alaskan Oil and Gas Commission, what’s she likely to do in a vastly more target rich environment?

    #31, for dyslexics, the letters move while we’re looking at them, it happens right under our nose, yet we just don’t see it, till later.

    Ropelight (4a83c9)

  32. Before I go on a “Gender Politics” rant here 🙁

    I don’t feel like digging, and I know everyone here is smart enough to tell me.

    What does Palin’s husband do for a living?

    Oiram (87d286)

  33. While I’m waiting for you all to do the digging, might I say that the cover of people with McCain, Palin and their families is quite the pretty picture.

    Oiram (87d286)

  34. People Magazine, I meant in #33

    Oiram (87d286)

  35. Y’all will love this thread on Pandagon. The Pandagonistae have basically held that a woman who beat a male incumbent mayor, and then went on to challenge a male incumbent governor from the strongest political family in the state was somehow just a tool of Teh Patriarchy. You’ll read — if you can stomach it — how our very feminist friends on the left question whether she worked very hard for her office, whether she uses contraception, and proceed to make just about every misogynist attack — the thing that Amanda Marcotte, the hostess, claims to hate — against Sarah Palin that they can.

    Our friends on the left are all about supporting strong women who succeed in life, unless, of course, they don’t toe the liberal line.

    I'm Dana, too! (556f76)

  36. Barbarians for Palin? The best Sarah Palin picture yet? at american thinker:

    madmax333 (0c6cfc)

  37. Oiram, He’s an oil field roughneck.

    PCD (5c49b0)

  38. #30, I think this could become a theme of the campaign if the McCain people are bright enough to recognize it.

    The example for Obama’s behavior when faced by the dilemma that Palin faced is the Stroger story. Stroger was a corrupt president of the Cook County Board who was black. In 2006, liberal and conservative reformers got together to support a liberal reformer to run against Stroger. All Obama had to do was endorse him to clean up that section of Chicago politics. What did he do to effect change ?

    He endorsed the corrupt politician, who had appointed his son to run in his place when he got sick. Forrest Claypool, the reformer, almost won. The difference ? His “friend” Barrack Obama. If I were McCain, I would assign Palin to that story until the election. The contrast is clear and striking.

    She went after corruption in her own party; Obama went along with it.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  39. #38 Really PCD, Oilman?

    Oiram (87d286)

  40. 38 when he’s not running a commercial fishing boat, which Sarah assists with on weekends. Btw, he and one son are not Republicans.

    I would like to hear what de facto liberals think of the far left fever swamp charges that Sarah is not the mom of the Down’s child, Trig but rather her daughter was. …and why the family didn’t abort rather than bringing a Mongoloid to pollute the American gene pool. Seems to me that the cretins spewing this BS should volunteer for sterilaztion. Wonder what the feminazis on the View will say about this strong, conservative lady?

    madmax333 (0c6cfc)

  41. 38. They also have a family fishing business. I envision an ad to run in Michigan of Todd Palin on the job with an oil rig saying to unemployed steel workers….

    You fill in the blanks. One phrase might include 750,000 jobs for steel workers and other blue collar types in an oil field. I know a guy who went up to Alaska when they were building the pipeline. He made enough money in a year to buy a home in Orange County for cash back in the 70s. That story might sell in Michigan.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  42. 40, Oiram, if you think smearing Mr. Palin is going to work because he is a roughneck, you are dumber than Levi, dumber than Keith UberDemocratMann, dumber than Jimmah Carter.

    FYI, get a copy of the series, Black Gold, from the Tru network. You’ll learn what a roughneck is and you’ll see what a dead end arguing that he’s the boogeyman you have leapt to think he is.

    PCD (5c49b0)

  43. So, what you all are telling me is that they are both bread winners.

    Is that correct?

    Palin has five children, one is an infant.

    Hillary’s daughter Chelsea is an adult.

    The party of family values seems to be content with the vice president of a 71 year old man president being a person who’s priority should be her child, not running the county.

    Now before I hear “Gender Politics thrown at me. I said “Person” in the above sentence.

    If Palin were the sole bread winner and her husband was a stay at home Dad, I would have no argument with Palin.

    Is America really going to be comfortable with this?

    Oiram (87d286)

  44. 41, Max, my cousin’s husband runs multiple fishing boats out of Door County, WI. It is a hard life. Mark lost his arm in an onboard accident.

    Oh, and one of my cousin’s daughters married “Billy Jack’s” brother.

    PCD (5c49b0)

  45. Oiram, Figured you’d try that crap. Hillary and Bill ran Arkansas and the Rose Law Firm while Chelsea was a kid, leaving her to be basicly raised by the security detail. Partisans like you didn’t object one bit, so continue being a partisan hypocrite.

    PCD (5c49b0)

  46. #46, The Republican party has always claimed to be the party of Family. They’ve tried that crap for 28 years beginning with Ronald Reagan.

    If Hillary and Bill ran the Rose Law Firm badly because of Chelsea’s priorities, we are not the worse for it.

    If Palin runs the country bad because of her Family’s priorities.

    We are the worse for it.

    Got It PCD?

    Oiram (87d286)

  47. backwards mario- do you have the slightest inkling just how pitiful and ignorant you sound on this blog? So her place is in the kitchen? No, you are not a sexist, misogynistic pig at all? How about all those latte/chardonnay sipping liberal NOW career feminists who don’t deal with their own kids at all, farming them out to au pairs? Of course they mostly opt for very few if any cherubs to distrupt their important lifestyles. I dare say it appears many are outraged that Sarah Palin carried Trig to term rather than merely discarding him. Sorry, what I see in yours and Obama’s ilk are big pussies. Nerdy Obama rides a bike looking like the goofy Urkel he is and Palin has a big Harley. Which one has the figurative testicles?

    madmax333 (0c6cfc)

  48. Oiram-

    How many oil rigs are there in Washington DC? Do you think he’s going to be crabbing in Chesapeake Bay? Their children will be well cared for.

    MartyH (00ac40)

  49. Heh! You nailed madmaxx333. The left’s biggest problem is that Governor Palin makes Barack The-Sound-of-Music Obama look like the “girl”.

    nk (ad4a4c)

  50. You nailed *it*

    nk (ad4a4c)

  51. Oiram, your thinking is getting more and more convoluted by the day. You’ve really twisted yourself into a pretzel to maintain your partisan position – like all the Obama cultists – and it is pretty hilarious to watch.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  52. Oiram, I get that you are an angry idiot. You just don’t have to keep proving it.

    PCD (5c49b0)

  53. Oiram, Mrs. Palin (funny how the NYT only refers to her as Ms. Palin….) has evidence she can not only be barefoot and pregnant but also bring home the bacon and seemingly do it well. And from the photos I’ve seen, she also does her own grocery shopping with baby on her hip. And successfully fight corruption in a good old boys network. Not enough?

    Dana (e709b2)

  54. Oiram is a sexist patriarchal pig.

    JD (5f0e11)

  55. Oiram is so far ’round the bend, he’s overtaking himself.

    Another Drew (f615b7)

  56. The cuter Dana wrote:

    Oiram, Mrs. Palin (funny how the NYT only refers to her as Ms. Palin….) has evidence she can not only be barefoot and pregnant but also bring home the bacon and seemingly do it well. And from the photos I’ve seen, she also does her own grocery shopping with baby on her hip. And successfully fight corruption in a good old boys network. Not enough?

    No, of course it isn’t enough! For our friends on the left, the ones who so diligently tout feminism and equality for women in the workplace, resorting to attacks they would immediately denounce as sexist and misogynist were they made by conservatives are perfectly proper and useful when they make them; if hypocrisy caused pimples, they’d all be nicknamed “pizza face.”

    Which Dana is this? (556f76)

  57. McCain’s running with the Barracuda,
    The governor who has the attituda,
    The Dems yelled, “Not fair!
    About women we care!”
    Barack should just move to Bermuda.

    The Limerick Avenger (556f76)

  58. LA…
    What do you have against the fine people of Bermuda?

    Another Drew (f615b7)

  59. Oiram –

    If Palin were the sole bread winner and her husband was a stay at home Dad, I would have no argument with Palin.

    — The Vice President is paid over $212,000 per year and has to spend a good portion of that time in and around Washington, DC. What do you think Todd is going to do, work in Alaska all week and then fly to DC on weekends? work while someone else takes care of the kids there in Alaska, and then she flies there on weekends? Use your friggin’ brain! It is a given that they will move into the Naval Observatory and that he will take care of the kids.

    Icy Truth (for Oiram) (75e0f5)

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