Patterico's Pontifications


The Dem Convention is a Target Rich Environment For Reporters Looking for a Story about Disgruntled Clintonians.

Filed under: General — WLS @ 12:55 pm

[Posted by WLS]

You’ve got to love this kind of stuff — from Mark Halperin’s blog over at Time:

The following is a joint statement from Maggie Williams, Senior Advisor to Senator Clinton and David Axelrod, Senior Strategist to Senator Obama in response to the false story that appeared last night online on
“We understand that some in the news media are more interested in reporting the rumor of controversy than the fact of unity. The fact is that our teams are working closely to ensure a successful convention and will continue to do so. Senator and President Clinton fully support the Obama/Biden ticket and look forward to addressing the convention and the nation on the urgency of victory this Fall. Anyone saying anything else doesn’t know what they’re talking about. Period.”

Didn’t Howard Wolfson work for Clinton’s campaign as the Chief Spokesman?  Apparently, based on his own writing over at the new republic, he didn’t get the memo:

There is still work to do on the Bill Clinton front. He feels like the Obama campaign ran against and systematically dismissed his administration’s accomplishments. And he feels like he was painted as a racist during the primary process.

I’m running out of popcorn already and the convention hasn’t even started.  I’ll have to make a quick run to Costco to buy one of those 36-pack boxes of Orville Redenbacher.

10 Responses to “The Dem Convention is a Target Rich Environment For Reporters Looking for a Story about Disgruntled Clintonians.”

  1. Surely, surely! you aren’t actually going to sit and watch the whole thing. You’d need some of Glen Beck’s duct tape, because that would certainly make your head explode.

    Dana R Pico (3e4784)

  2. For a little Denver convention fun, somebody needs to hand out a few thousand “Hillary 2012” bumper stickers.

    Perfect Sense (9d1b08)

  3. What we really need is a little Daniel Segretti-like operation where someone hands out “Obama Bin Biden” bumperstickers.

    WLS (26b1e5)

  4. I think I see the problem. There are so many memos at the Democratic Convention the participants are having trouble keeping up.

    DRJ (a5243f)

  5. Whatsamatta, can’t Howlin’ Howie keep control of his party at the big event?

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  6. As Will Rogers once observed:
    I am not a member of any organized political party;
    I’m a Democrat!

    Another Drew (6c5558)

  7. #5 – daleyrocks

    Whatsamatta, can’t Howlin’ Howie keep control of his party at the big event?

    — Hey, if he couldn’t control it both before and during the primaries. . . .

    Icy Truth (b746b7)

  8. Uh, this would be the same Howard Wolfson who, during an interview in which he was challenged on whether it was a) a legitimate issue, or b) dirty politics to play the ‘Obama used to do drugs’ card, tried to minimize the importance of the question with the usual “There are so many more important problems facing hard-working Americans,” dodge . . . and then played the drug card again.

    NBC (nothing but class)

    Icy Truth (b746b7)

  9. Goalposts, people. Goalposts.

    Ed (ddaac8)

  10. For Hill’ry, what she sees as Hope
    Is in November Obama will choke
    In ’12 they’ll pick her,
    And McCain can’t lick her,
    And our country will go up in smoke.

    The Limerick Avenger (556f76)

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