Patterico's Pontifications


Obama-Clinton Feud is Back (Updated)

Filed under: 2008 Election,Terrorism — DRJ @ 11:16 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

On the eve of the Democratic National Convention, the Politico reports the Obama-Clinton feud has reignited. Bill Clinton wants to talk about himself and his economic legacy but his assigned topic is national security and Obama’s role as Commander-in-Chief:

“That puts [Bill Clinton] in a terrible bind, because you can’t give a ringing endorsement when you’re talking about foreign policy,” a longtime Clinton adviser said. “Obviously, the hard thing to talk about with Obama is commander in chief, of all his many talents.”

“You don’t rah-rah about commander in chief. You rah-rah about hope and change and a new party and all that. So no matter what he does, somebody will find fault with it.”

Hillary Clinton is reportedly handling the transition better than husband Bill but Obama staffers are also irked:

“Some senior Obama supporters are irritated at how they perceive the Clintons fanned — or at a minimum failed to douse — stories that she was not even vetted as a possible vice presidential nominee. This is because she told Obama she preferred not to go through the rigorous process of document production unless she was really a serious contender, an Obama associate noted.

One senior Obama supporter said the Clinton associates negotiating on her behalf act like “Japanese soldiers in the South Pacific still fighting after the war is over.”

Comparing the Clintons and their supporters to diehard Japanese soldiers is not the way to win friends (or enemies) and influence people. Nor is it a good defense to admit Hillary was never really a “serious contender” for Vice President. I guess when Obama said Hillary would be on anyone’s short list, he meant anyone’s but his.

UPDATE 8/25/2008: The Politico’s Ben Smith reports Hillary has decided she will not instruct her delegates how to vote:

“Speaking to reporters after her address to the New York delegation, Clinton offered delegates no instruction on how to cast their votes, Amie Parnes reports.

“I will be telling my delegates that I will vote for Barack Obama,” she said. “How they vote is a more personal decision. They want to have their chance to vote for me. That is what traditionally happens … some people are having to make up their minds because there are arguments pulling them both ways.”


96 Responses to “Obama-Clinton Feud is Back (Updated)”

  1. Comparing the Clintons and their supporters to diehard Japanese soldiers is not the way to win friends (or enemies) and influence people. Nor is it a good defense to admit Hillary was never really a “serious contender” for Vice President.

    I’m lovin it.

    Vermont Neighbor (a066ed)

  2. Well, apparently feelings are still somewhat unresolved as yet. I do hope w/ all urgency that these emotions can be refocused toward defeating McCain and the Republicans. As most will readily attest, it is the Republicans that are responsible for the most of the ills that face this nation today.

    Tim -Henderson, NV (811c09)

  3. Tim,

    The first post-Biden polls won’t make you feel any better because now even more Clinton supporters are backing McCain. Said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland:

    “This looks like a step backward for Obama, who had a 51 to 44 percent advantage last month.”

    McCain and Obama are now tied at 47-47.

    DRJ (a5243f)

  4. Tim, are you the same guy I remember from Olbermann’s blog? Methinks you are.

    If your assertion, that “most will readily attest,” is actually true, then you won’t have anything to worry about — will you?

    Icy Truth (f54eb3)

  5. I’m still hoping for the traditional “No Robots” demonstration at the Convention as Hillary seeks to release all delegates from their pledges.

    Reagan did it in ’76 and Kennedy did it in ’80, why not fight down to the wire again?

    It makes good television.

    Kevin Murphy (0b2493)

  6. The Clintons are going to fight to the last drop of Obama’s blood.

    Perfect Sense (9d1b08)

  7. I am a Hillary Clinton supporter, but at this point I don’t care that she asks me to give my vote to Obama. He will not have my vote because,
    I cannot trust him. He said many times Clinton is on anybodies short list, now we know she never was in his long or short list. He said Clinton has open the road for many women and his daughters, if that is true how come he didn’t pick a women for his vice president, not Clinton, but any other woman politician. His supporters say he is an agent of change and that is why Clinton was not on his list for vice president. Talk is cheap, ideas as great as they might be, they are just ideas. Why cannot we mix great ideas with 8 years of experience in Washington, 8 years that brought this country great economy and respect around the world and please don’t let me talk about race, he is 50% white and 50% black, how come he is cashing on his back race…
    I am a woman and I am a democrat, but I wash my hands from politic and stay home on election day.

    a woman (fbafe7)

  8. Obama’s defense why he didn’t vet Clinton: because he never took her seriously as a contender.

    Yeah, that’s EXACTLY what the Hillary supporters want to hear. Good job coming up with that one.

    Daryl Herbert (4ecd4c)

  9. This is rich. Clinton, the president who busily molested staff and campaign volunteers while Al Queda plotted 9-11, will give a speech on national security and the role of Commander-in-Chief?

    Fen (c8857e)

  10. This is rich. Clinton, the president who busily molested staff and campaign volunteers while Al Queda plotted 9-11, will give a speech on national security and the role of Commander-in-Chief?
    And not only that. He has to make the case that Obama’s the man for the job. And keep a straight face. And then live with Hillary.
    Hmm. Maybe that last part isn’t in the bargain.

    m (0c346f)

  11. I’m still trying to get over the notion that the Obama campaign gave Bill Clinton an “assigned topic.” His own dear wife couldn’t keep him on message; who here thinks that the Obamaniacs will be able to do it?

    Let’s be honest here: the Clintons want Mr Obama to lose in November, giving Mrs Clinton a shot at the then 76 year old President McCain. It’s not as good a shot as she’d have this year, but it’s her best shot left. Count on the Clintons to help the Obama campaign just as much as they helped John Kerry four years ago.

    Dana R Pico (3e4784)

  12. The support for Obama among Clinton voters has declined since June from 75% to 66%. The CNN story says:

    Sixty-six percent of Clinton supporters, registered Democrats who want Clinton as the nominee, are now backing Obama. That’s down from 75 percent in the end of June. Twenty-seven percent of them now say they’ll support McCain, up from 16 percent in late June.

    Trouble in River City.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  13. attest” … uh, I don’t think that word means what you think it means.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  14. supporters say he is an agent of change and that is why Clinton was not on his list for vice president.

    Yeah, I like that one, myself…

    “Hillary is an insider… So I picked a guy who’s been in the Senate for over 30 years…”

    “a woman”, is it OK if we call you “PUMA” or something, as “a woman” just sounds odd…

    Anyways, “a woman”, would you mind if I asked what you intended to do with this not vacant slot on you ballot? Any way we could interest you in a RINO? 🙂

    And not only that. He has to make the case that Obama’s the man for the job. And keep a straight face.

    I’m going to watch President Clinton speak, and I will judge from that his true and absolute skill as a liar. We all know he’s good, but just how good is he, really? This speech will tell us.

    Scott Jacobs (a1c284)

  15. at test, vt. to testify; to certify under oath.

    tes’ti fy, vi. to make a solemn declaration; yo bear witness; to serve as evidence.

    tes ti cles, n. sex glands of the male. Also, that which is at risk when one offers “testimony.” False testimony relults in loss of testicles.)

    Ropelight (4a83c9)

  16. Hi Mrs. Clinton,

    Why are your supporters saying that Obama treated you bad by not calling and consulting with you about his VP pick, while you haven’t come out to say that that’s how you truly feel?

    Have you realized that people are perpetuating this message and it is pushing ‘your supporters’’ away from accepting, believing and trusting in Obama?

    Are you going to let everyone truly know how you really feel about how Obama ‘treated’ you during his VP pick at THE CONVENTION???
    Are you going to tell us that you did feel badly treated so we/I can know from you that that’s the way you really feel and thus (to me) turn the focus on you and ‘your supporters’’ and not the whole country, the whole world and in fact worsen the divide between Hillary Clinton supporters, Obama supporters Democratic party supporters?
    Or are you going to completely, whole heartedly, with true conviction dispel the notion that Obama and his camp treated you badly about the VP pick but instead did what they were supposed to and that you really don’t see what the fuss has been about and tell your supporters something like, “Hey I’m fine, me and Obama are cool, I kind of understand maybe why you guys would think was badly treated but no I don’t feel that way, I was treated with complete respect and I’m 100% in support of Biden. Outside of me, definitely Joe Biden (jokingly, but we get the message). But hey it wasn’t me that was picked and that was Obama’s decision and because I support him, because I don’t want the Bush McCain and the republics running this country for ANOTHER 4 YEARS!, because I support the working class, I support blah blah and blah…because of all this I respect Obama’s decision and I back it 100% because I want US in the white house!!!. And this title going out ‘Hillary Clinton supporters’…enough of that. I know all of you that support me, I know you’re a lot and I’m thankful for each and everyone of you but seriously we got an election to win against the republicans. Not Hillary Clinton supporters against the republicans, what??? Are we really trying to make it easier for them, now!!! Please. We are smarter than that. Its all of US behind Obama to take over the white house and get things changed. Yes change, everyone has something in there heart, their mind that they want to see different from these last 8 years of Bush-McCain governance (95%). If we really want this for ourselves, our kids, we all have to be supporters of Barack Obama and Joe Biden. There’s no other way, because not doing so, having Hillary supporters and not just supporters of Obama is almost like handing victory to McCain because we are handicapping our leader. The millions that voted for him in the primaries are part of this party, part of the millions that want change and no more Bush-McCain politics. We are one people, one movement one voice against McCain.”

    I could go on and on but I hope you get my drift. Mrs. Clinton you can single handedly change the course of this election to OUR favor, the American People by convincing ‘your supporters’ to keep your complimentary card in the front slots of their wallets because you’re not going anywhere but get their Obama hats, tees and signs out so we can back him and WIN THIS ELECTION!!!!!!!

    Thank you

    Kobe Brown (d79726)

  17. I love the copy and paste Obama spammers …

    JD (75f5c3)

  18. Racists

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  19. Kobe Brown- how does that Kool-aid taste? What will Obama be doing for you? Lowering your taxes that you already don’t pay? Giving your union thugs more power? Giving you a rich fantasy-life centered around being buggered by the dem party? Easy enough for you turds to win election- just have more dead people vote, register more illegals, have more students in Milwaukee vote multiple times per person, vote in several states like some snowbirds in Fla/NY/NJ are wont to do. And we know that it wouldn’t be fair to libs to have effective voter ID laws, eh?

    Friends keep telling me that the media’s coverage of the obamamessiah and urkel himself make them want to puke. But if a vote were taken in my development, it would be a dem landslide. Hopefully most people will see through peckerhead b. hussein o and vote for Juan McCain.

    madmax333 (0c6cfc)

  20. Mrs William Jefferson Clinton reads this blog, who knew? I wonder what screen name she uses.

    Some of “us” better shape up, and keep our comments appropriate and respectfull or there might be consequences later on.

    Ropelight (4a83c9)

  21. I guess the Obamatrons think that quantity beats quality in these types of voluminous responses -they must also believe it’s better than trying to be coherent.

    Dmac (874677)

  22. I could go on and on but I hope you get my drift

    You did go on and on, and we got your drift after about the first sentence.

    JD (75f5c3)

  23. JD,

    I’m waiting for the explanation as to how the selection of a 65 year old with 30 years of very mediocre service in the Senate constitutes evidence of “Hope & Change” in action. It was Obama’s first real chance to demonstrate a NewD irection and it seems rather flaccid.

    Rick Ballard (0a8990)

  24. Its no surprise that Bill is not taking this well. His dream of returning to the WH have been shot to heck and a young upstart has assumed the position that everyone knows belongs to Hillary. Even with her out of the running, he is still a loose canon who can do damage. Personally, I think Bill has been the highpoint of the campaign – always entertaining in his big, pouty way.

    #16, although rather spammy, has a point in that Biden still does not help pull in those disenfranchised Hillary supporters. Women betrayed once are not easily won over, but betray them twice and its going to be like pushing the big rock uphill to get their support. Maybe Hillary can do it this week…

    Dana (b4a26c)

  25. Rick Ballard – To those that want to believe, the selection of VP made no difference.

    I keep hearing the MSM talk about how Biden is a “reassuring” pick to Dems. For the life of me, this makes no sense. How are the Hillary folks to be reassured by this. If someone had questions whether or not Baracky was ready for the job, I do not see how Biden is reassuring.

    JD (75f5c3)

  26. Oh, this is going to be good – a local pol here, who’s also a Hillary delegate, was called an “Uncle Tom” by Obama’s Chicago political overlord in Denver yesterday:,CST-NWS-dem25.article

    Watch the ugliness unfold.

    Dmac (874677)

  27. The title of this thread must have piqued some Dem interest by popping up in their news feeders. Tim -Henderson, NV (#2) is definitely the same one from The News Hole, the without-a-hint-of-irony perfectly named blog of Olbermannequin’s “Countdown” show. It used to be a decent place to post a dissenting opinion because their censor pretty much let anything go, which led to revealing displays of vitriol and outright hate against conservatives like me. Now it has become such a heavily-censored (no dissenting opinions allowed against progressive ideology whatsoever) waste of time that most of the regulars — we’re talking liberals and Olbermann fans here — have abandoned it.

    Icy Truth (f54eb3)

  28. #20 – Ropelight

    Mrs William Jefferson Clinton reads this blog, who knew? I wonder what screen name she uses.

    — love2008 (what else?)

    Icy Truth (f54eb3)

  29. Where’s the Chicago Seven when you need them?

    Another Drew (6c5558)

  30. #26 – Dmac

    Wouldn’t it be the height of irony if the Dems were to have a race riot within their ranks on the 40th anniversary of the ’68 Chicago convention?

    JD’s head might explode!

    Icy Truth (f54eb3)

  31. I have a dream. I have a dream that the Clintons will make a secret deal with the Republicans and each will begin a speech with Obama’s talking points. Then, they digress into vitriol against Obama and either throw support toward McCain or resume Hillary’s compaign. Imagine what it would do for television ratings.

    James (525424)

  32. Ah, my rebellious son?

    I was 21, handsome, strong, and proud. I trod the ling like a buck in spring, and stood like a lance at rest. (points for correct id)

    Ropelight (4a83c9)

  33. #25 – JD

    I keep hearing the MSM talk about how Biden is a “reassuring” pick to Dems.

    — It means that the party regulars have been reassured that the experiment in a new kind of politics, the one that resulted in all of those individual contributions from younger voters, is over. Now it’s back to the tried and true for the rest of the election cycle.

    And this is happening at the same time that those younger voters are going back to college and become prone to forgetting to vote in Nov.

    Pass the popcorn; the self-destruct sequence has been activated!

    Icy Truth (f54eb3)

  34. a local pol here, who’s also a Hillary delegate, was called an “Uncle Tom” by Obama’s Chicago political overlord in Denver yesterday:

    Another of the aldermen who was standing in the lobby added, “He said it in jest.”

    It’s like they are eating their young…

    And were Emil white (or a non-democrat), and said what he said, he’s have been tarred, feathered, and burned at the stake where he stood.

    I love how they can claim “it was in jest”, while we get called racists for disagreeing with pretty much every idea Obama’s ever had for actual, factual reasons that have nothing at all to do with race…

    God, I do so love this election year…

    Scott Jacobs (a1c284)

  35. (points for correct id)

    And that would be Kipling, The Ballad of East and West.

    Personally, I prefer Hymn Before Action and If

    Scott Jacobs (a1c284)

  36. ” Obama-Clinton Feud is Back”

    Don’t you wish DRJ 🙂

    Oiram (983921)

  37. Speaking of things that are back. . . . ^

    Icy Truth (f54eb3)

  38. #37 Awww come on Icy, what would you do without me?

    You had to have missed beating me up a little, right?

    Oiram (983921)

  39. The question arises:
    Between Oiram and love2008, which one is the personality that surfaces whilst on medication?

    Another Drew (6c5558)

  40. Well at least the medication is not in our Kool Aid Drew.

    Oiram (983921)

  41. No Kool-Aid, Old-Boy;
    just good old CA cabernet.

    Another Drew (6c5558)

  42. Oh no, I drink that stuff too………….

    Oiram (983921)

  43. You have it all wrong! It wasn’t the ‘short’ list Hillary should have been on, it was the “S**T” list she was acutally on from the beginning.

    “What we have here is a failure to communicate!”

    vet66 (56a0a8)

  44. Oiram – Do you believe that there is no discontent amongst the Hillary supporters?

    JD (5f0e11)

  45. Emil Jones is a key part of the vast Chicago Machine, the guy’s been around forever and a day, and is the prime mover (along with Mayor Daley) behind Obama’s political career. The more the MSM starts to focus on this guy and his ilk, the worse off it becomes for Obama and his operative, David Axelrod. Best story about this is that Jones just announced his retirement, so his son can take over for dear old dad – continuing another political hack dynasty just like the old days. Quite a good story for the blathering talk about change and hope. Yeah, right.

    Dmac (874677)

  46. “Oiram – Do you believe that there is no discontent amongst the Hillary supporters?”

    Oiram: “Na, na, na, na! I can’t hear you!”

    Dmac (874677)

  47. Its never a good sign when you have to send surrogates out to the morning shows to deny there is a rift among the party heavyweights on the morning of the start of your national convention.

    The fact that the Chicago mafia running Obama’s campaign has never before run a national campaign is all to obvious. All these issues with the Clintons and their speeches should have been resolved weeks ago. If Obama had seriously made an effort to help her retire her campaign debt, I doubt the current level of animosity would exist between them.

    WLS (de1532)

  48. I’m starting to suspect a grand plan to all this, the Biden pick, Billy J’s speech assignment, the non-vetting, etc.

    It’s all designed to give Bill a heart attack. With Bill safely dead and buried they can put Hilary on the ticket and get back all the ground they’ve lost to McCain.

    ThomasD (211bbb)

  49. #35, Scott, correct, only 1 flash, it was too easy.

    Try this one:

    ‘E rushes at the smoke when we let drive,
    An’, before we know, ‘e’s ‘ackin’ at our ‘ead;
    ‘E’s all ‘ot sand an’ ginger when alive,
    An’ ‘e’s generally shammin’ when ‘e’s dead.
    ‘E’s a daisy, ‘e’s a ducky, ‘e’s a lamb!
    ‘E’s a injia-rubber idiot on the spree,
    ‘E’s the on’y thing that doesn’t give a damn
    For a Regiment o’ British Infantree!

    Ropelight (4a83c9)

  50. Dmac – Emil Jones, Michael Madigan, or the Strogers. They should all be front and center, no?

    JD (5f0e11)

  51. The “Kill Bill and then play on the sympathy of the voters” plan? Hmmm. . . .

    Icy Truth (f54eb3)

  52. #44 AND #46

    “Do you believe that there is no discontent amongst the Hillary supporters”

    Unfortunately, yes I do think there is discontent among Hillary supporters.

    By the way DRJ is framing this post, one is led to believe that there is “discontent” among the Clintons themselves. There isn’t.

    The people who are ignoring Hillary herself backing Obama, will either come around or, maybe unintelligent people shouldn’t vote anyways.

    Oiram (983921)

  53. Try this one:

    Fuzzy Wuzzy

    Scott Jacobs (a1c284)

  54. Oiram – You state, as a fact, that there is no discontent amongst the Clintons. How do you know this to be the case? Or, have you again sustituted your opinion as a fact?

    JD (5f0e11)

  55. #52 – maybe unintelligent people shouldn’t vote anyways.

    — See ya at the I.Q. testing center!

    Icy Truth (f54eb3)

  56. The people who are ignoring Hillary herself backing Obama

    The problem being that her words are tending to ring hollow, and suggest that they are merely lip service, words spoken without conviction merely bacause “she’s supposed to be saying it”.

    Scott Jacobs (a1c284)

  57. #56

    “Supposed to be saying it” without conviction.

    You mean like McCain sucking it up in 2000 and backing candidate Bush, or do you mean McCain sucking by backing President Bush?

    Oiram (983921)

  58. I suspect it isn’t unlike McCain backing Bush in 2000…

    And seriously, McCain has hardly been Bush’s loudest cheerleader…

    Scott Jacobs (a1c284)

  59. OMG! That one was almost creative. Good show, Oh-I-Ram!

    Icy Truth (f54eb3)

  60. #55 Don’t worry ICY as long as the I.Q. testers are serving “Kool Aid” and you drink it, you’ll do just fine.

    Oiram (983921)

  61. #58, so is that statement a hint at resentment towards Bush or McCain?

    Oiram (983921)

  62. “Emil Jones, Michael Madigan, or the Strogers. They should all be front and center, no?”

    I wish that would happen, with a detailed bio on each familiar dynasty and the machinations that have led to self – perpetuating hackery. But we can trust that the loyal MSM flacks will obey the commands to show party unity at all costs.

    You know what really stank to high heaven regarding Obama, at least for me? I’m a registered Dem voter here, primarily because to be anything else means your voice is non – existent. When the crooked Cook County Board (led by Stroger Senior) finally faced an honest – to – God reform candidate (Forrest Claypool), all the crooked pols lined up against him immediately; including the big changie/hopey/reform/bullshitter Obama. I campaigned for Claypool and voted for him – he lost by only a small margin, and most local observers believe that Obama’s coming out against him at the last minute sealed his fate. What a hypocrite.

    Dmac (874677)

  63. All I.Q. evaluations will be done by Joe Biden.

    Another Drew (6c5558)

  64. I wish that would happen, with a detailed bio on each familiar dynasty and the machinations that have led to self – perpetuating hackery. But we can trust that the loyal MSM flacks will obey the commands to show party unity at all costs.

    To be fair, Michael Madigan has done his absolute level best to fight the idiocy of Emil Jones and our Govenor… And in fact is one of the strongest supporters of ousting Gov. B. by impeachment…

    State Sen. Madigan is one of those principled Democrats, who while I disagree with much of what he supports I can still respect. His views are reasoned ones, and not knee-jerk reactions.

    I could vote for Madigan, and I since I see little from the Republicans to oust the Governor come 2010, hope he considers running for the job since he’s retiring from the State Senate once his current term is over.

    Scott Jacobs (a1c284)

  65. I agree completely about Madigan, Scott – he is a principled leader, and his opposition to putting in another Atlantic City in downtown Chicago in order to balance the budget will always get my vote. However, you could also make the case that his many feuds with “Helmet Head” Blago are preambles to paving the way for his daughter’s inevitable run for the Governorship. BTW, I think she’s fine, and has done an estimable job as AG so far.

    Dmac (874677)

  66. Much to my surprise, I agree. I couldn’t stand her when she got elected, but she’s gone after everyone she’s needed to go after and I suspect that Rezko is working a deal to testify against Roddy as we speak, in exchange for less jail time…

    Scott Jacobs (a1c284)

  67. Jones is the guy who said “I’m gonna make me a Senator,” and Obama’s career was launched.

    Mike K (6d4fc3)

  68. Anyone else notice how the Dems keep talking about the economy, yet there was no downturn until the Dems gained the majority in both the House and Senate? I would, at the RNC convention, show a graph of the economy from 2004 to 2006 and then from 2006 to 2008.

    Zelsdorf Ragshaft III (b8bad0)

  69. Note to Levi:

    I like to give second and even third chances to banned commenters but after reading the last comment you left in moderation, you’ve had your last chance.

    DRJ (a5243f)

  70. Oiram,

    I think the linked report substantiates there is a feud between the Obama and Clinton camps. In addition, while I acknowledged “Hillary Clinton is reportedly handling the transition better than husband Bill,” there are indications Bill is not a happy camper. Further, despite how she acts, do you really think Hillary is happy with Obama’s nomination?

    Now today’s reports suggest the feud isn’t limited to the insiders. For instance, see this post.

    DRJ (a5243f)

  71. DRJ – Don’t tease us … !!!!!!!!!!

    JD (75f5c3)

  72. Let’s just say he didn’t call me a racist. It was more personal and not flattering.

    DRJ (a5243f)

  73. I will never understand that level of vitriol. Sorry you have to read that. One some level, it is informative, insofar that it proves that most of our intial gut reactions to that tool were spot-on.


    JD (75f5c3)

  74. DRJ – Growing up is hard to do. Levi illustrates that it is much harder for some than others.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  75. True. Hurtful words do more damage to the speaker than the receiver. It’s easy to ignore things people have done by accident or design to hurt me, but I’ll always remember things I did that hurt other people.

    DRJ (a5243f)

  76. DRJ – Why not ask for his father the Colonel’s email addy, if that was a real story, and forward a sample of Levi’s comments in moderation. I wonder if good old dad feels Levi’s method of interpersonal communication is approriate, especially toward women.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  77. DRJ

    Quote it for us… We REALLY wanna see the level that boy sank to…

    Scott Jacobs (a1c284)

  78. Scott – Picture Peter or Oiram, on steroids.

    JD (75f5c3)

  79. Oh, I’m well aware of how he can act… I just now and then need physical reminders…

    Scott Jacobs (a1c284)

  80. I can’t begin to imagine how much more empty than normal Levi’s life has been without his ability to vent at his imagined enemies at this blog. The little guy has got to be going absolutely crazy and driving everybody around him nuts.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  81. The little guy has got to be going absolutely crazy and driving everybody around him nuts.

    Redundant statement, as anyone who would willingly be around Levi would have to already be quite insane…

    Scott Jacobs (a1c284)

  82. The poor people who have the misfortune of existing in Levi’s presence. I cannot imagine the level of suffering they must go through. Hopefully more than a few have gotten “up in his grill” and let him know what a hideous schmuck he is.

    Jack Klompus (b0e238)

  83. #70 DRJ

    All you have to do is concern yourself with this quote. (Taken from Politico link)(Stated by both camps)

    “We understand that some in the news media are more interested in reporting the rumor of controversy than the fact of unity. The fact is that our teams are working closely to ensure a successful convention and will continue to do so. Senator and President Clinton fully support the Obama/Biden ticket and look forward to addressing the convention and the nation on the urgency of victory this Fall. Anyone saying anything else doesn’t know what they’re talking about. Period.”

    Oiram (983921)

  84. I guess Emil Jones didn’t get that memo…

    Scott Jacobs (a1c284)

  85. #68 “Anyone else notice how the Dems keep talking about the economy, yet there was no downturn until the Dems gained the majority in both the House and Senate?”

    That kind of silliness resonates about as much as when Democrats back in the eighties during Reagan’s time were claiming the same thing about Reagan’s achievements.

    House and Senate belonged to the Dems back then if you recall. 🙂

    Oiram (983921)

  86. Oiram 1:05pm

    What do you think this could do?

    “A number of Sen. Hillary Clinton’s top advisers will not be staying in Denver long enough to hear Barack Obama accept the nomination for president, according to sources familiar with their schedules.” (Washington Post)

    Vermont Neighbor (a066ed)

  87. Oiram,

    See this WLS post and specifically the quote from Howard Wolfson.

    DRJ (a5243f)

  88. Hill’ry Clinton said to dear Bill,
    C’mon man, you’ve got to chill,
    McCain is our hero,
    ‘Cause he’ll beat the Negro,
    And in ’12 they’ll nominate Hill!

    Dana R Pico (3e4784)

  89. Hill said, “I want a vote!
    Of my voters we must take note.”
    Barack said, “No way,
    This is my day,
    And you must not rock the boat.”

    Dana R Pico (3e4784)

  90. #83 – Oiram

    All you have to do is concern yourself with this quote: “We understand that some in the news media are more interested in reporting the rumor of controversy than the fact of unity.”

    — Certainly this is the first of many such statements that will be issued this week. Each time there is a dust-up the DNC will spin it as overblown by the media, when in fact the problem is that it happens at all within ‘the party of unity’.

    Icy Truth (b746b7)

  91. What the Dems do for the economy…
    During the Reagan Administratin, the Dems on the Hill fought him tooth-and-nail in his attempts to kick-start the economy with tax-cuts and reductions in the rate of growth of gov’t;
    With the control of the Hill shifting in ’95 to the GOP, and real controls on the rate-of-growth instituted by Gingrich, the stock-market took off again until Justice screwed-the-pooch;
    Most people convenientlyl forget that the dot-com bubble burst when Billy-Jeff’s Justice Dept went after MicroSoft on anti-trust charges. They filed, and the NYSE and NASDAQ tanked (NASDAQ has yet to recover).

    Another Drew (6c5558)

  92. I’ve updated the post. The Politico says Hillary will not instruct her delegates how to vote.

    DRJ (a5243f)

  93. By the way, Levi is now banned for good. He will never have a comment approved on my site again, due to a comment of his I just saw in moderation.

    Patterico (aab138)

  94. Hillary will not instruct her delegates how to vote.

    This drama knows no ends. Drudge is having all kinds a fun, too. Right above Michelle’s convention picture he posted the NYT’s latest poor numbers and lost profits. Chuckle snicker. He is one of the meanest kids on the playground.

    Tonight will be fun. Find a friend and a bowl of popcorn for Chelsea’s tribute to mom.

    Vermont Neighbor (a066ed)

  95. Good riddance to bad rubbish. This particular comment screamed “please, please ban me once and for all. “If it had been my site the bugger would have been banned long ago.

    Xrlq (62cad4)

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