Patterico's Pontifications


Advice from Michael Moore

Filed under: 2008 Election — DRJ @ 2:28 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

Michael Moore has written an open letter to Caroline Kennedy asking her to “pull a Cheney” and pick herself as Obama’s Vice President. He’s also shared with Barack Obama this blueprint for how to lose the Presidential election:

1. Keep saying nice things about McCain.

2. Pick a running mate who is a conservative white guy or a general or a Republican.

3. Keep writing speeches for Obama that make him sound like a hawk.

4. Forget that this was a historic year for women.

5. Show up to a gunfight with a peashooter.

6. Denounce me!

Of course, Moore’s advice regarding how to lose the election is tongue-in-cheek because Moore wants Obama to win. Thus, Moore wants Obama to do the opposite of his advice, which basically means he wants Obama to remember who got him to the nomination and fight hard against conniving Republicans.

At the link, Moore amplifies on each item but about half-way through he seems to go off-track and tell Obama what he should do to win, instead of sticking with his “do this to lose” theme. It’s funny because Obama seems to be following all Moore’s advice — both the “things to do to lose” and the “things to do to win.” It reminds me of organized chaos.

And yet, somehow, it still makes sense.


127 Responses to “Advice from Michael Moore”

  1. I had a history teacher who gave us Michael Moore films to watch, uncritically, and our examinations would require that we spit out the ‘facts’ contained therein. I also took a film class, and the very first page of the ethics section of the film textbook discussed the dishonesty of several of the movies I was told were accurate in my history class.

    Same kind of organized chaos, I guess.

    Moore apparently think Obama was going to pick a Republican for his VP. Wow.

    Moore hates America so much. He’s like fundraising gold for Mccain, though. If Obama does anything Moore wants, it will be easy to point out how he’s following the traitor’s playbook. But perhaps Moore really prefers the idea of more GOP years, and all the liberal anger that they cause, because this is how he earns his fortune.

    Juan (4cdfb7)

  2. Take the fries away from the Fatty, and what’re you left with? 400 pounds of stupid.

    Dmac (874677)

  3. He says no generals now? I’m pretty sure I remember him and madonna endorsing weasley clark a few years ago.

    j curtis (c84b9e)

  4. I really thought for a while that General Zinni might be his pick but that was before Iraq turned around and became a non-issue. Right now, Obama doesn’t really want t talk about Iraq. If I could graft Moore to Obama with an operation, I would do so. These people really think that the country will vote for a leftist. I’d like them to have the opportunity to find out how well it would work.

    Mike K (f89cb3)

  5. Advice from Micheal Moore

    Thanks for the laugh, DRJ!

    Dana (b4a26c)

  6. Oh, but you’ve missed the best part. It seems that the well-groomed Mr Moore wants Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg, who is on Mr Obama’s VP selectiopn team, to put herself forward as the vice pressidential nominee.

    I suppose that’s one way to make Senator Obama look like the more experienced of the two nominees. šŸ™‚

    Dana R Pico (556f76)

  7. If I could graft Moore to Obama with an operation, I would do so.

    — Moore could wear Obama like a thong.

    Icy Truth (b55029)

  8. Have to wonder just how much high visibility by Moore and Carter at dem affairs actually shows middle America what a joke liberals are. Republicans should endlessly play the sights and sounds of the jackasses braying and whining about America’s faults and the elitism inherent within the leadership.
    Great fun to see some liberals pissed off at being asked to pay $1000 to see Obama’s FREE acceptance speech. Powerline is right about Obama’s ATM and how Obama really is different. Hope! Change! Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

    madmax333 (0c6cfc)

  9. And thanks for reading that tripe for us, DRJ! So we don’t have to.

    m (fbf320)

  10. Forget that this was a historic year for women.

    Yeah, I guess. A woman runs for President with a lock solid lead over the rest of the field and loses to a guy who nobody had ever heard of 4 years ago. The first woman Speaker leads the House to the lowest approval rating ever to be recorded for any political body.

    JFH (c87afd)

  11. Please, Baracky, please please please do what Lard Boy says.

    JD (5f0e11)

  12. Boo yah!

    Leviticus (1daf74)

  13. In re #10, that is.

    Leviticus (1daf74)

  14. Looks like the nutbags questioning of McCain’s “cross in the sand” story is bearing fruit, but not in the way they intended:

    I love it when McCain gets truly pissed off – he usually goes for the jugular, and this ad puts Obama’s camp on the defensive for weeks to come.

    Dmac (874677)

  15. I love Brian Rogers. Rock star love.

    Vermont Neighbor (a066ed)

  16. Agreed – it took McCain forever and a day to replace the jokers that were previously running his campaign; this guy gets it. If Axelrod and his minions keep trying this kind of crap, they have no idea what’s going to come down on their heads in the ensuing weeks.

    Dmac (874677)

  17. Axelrod & Co. probably thought that playing the racist card as the post-race candidate would go much differently than it has.

    Vermont Neighbor (a066ed)

  18. Big props to Rick Davis and Bill Jones, too.

    Vermont Neighbor (a066ed)

  19. As much as I am not a fan of Moore’s, I think Obama would do well to take some of those points seriously. Politics is no gentleman affair. It’s war! If he is going to win, he must drop the “Mr Nice Guy” act and fight. He must also do more to define himself. He must be true to who he really is and stop seeking to please everybody.

    love2008 (0c8c2c)

  20. love2008,

    I think you’re right when it comes to Obama’s base but I’m not convinced it’s a good idea when it comes to independents/moderates. Appealing to moderates is why candidates move to the middle after they are nominated. Obama’s problem is that he has farther to move than McCain.

    DRJ (a5243f)

  21. #20 He must be true to who he really is and stop seeking to please everybody.

    Correction. …stop pandering to everybody.

    Which means he should just try to please his Chicago political bosses? But he’s already won that district.

    Apogee (366e8b)

  22. love, Obama does seem to be having a shocking amount of trouble with his base, considering the strong desire of democrats to take the white house back.

    I think Mccain may actually enjoy greater support with the GOP than Obama has with his party, which is far contrary to the media narrative.

    But Obama kinda put himself in this position by running to the left of Clinton in the primary. He has no choice but to shift now, and he just happens to have to shift much more than a lot of other candidates have.

    Mccain’s shifts are done in a more artful way, ie on drilling. I think the key to Obama is that he doesn’t shift at all, whether back left or right, unless he can do so artfully. But I agree with you that he has to attack Mccain, and ought to have at least some material to do so with. But he also has to distance himself from the more disgusting attacks.

    Juan (4cdfb7)

  23. Then you do agree that it is okay for him to change positions on issues if that will help him win over some undecideds? Personally I think he really needs to clarify his position on abortion. Especially late-term abortions. Even if he has to admit he was wrong and say he now sees the light. Americans can be very forgiving.

    love2008 (1b037c)

  24. I think Obama needs to let Michelin Moore speak at the convention to reassure the base. After all, he’s letting America’s worst President, Jimmy Carter have the microphone. How could he do worse than that since he’s already in trouble with jewish voters.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  25. Last post #23 was for DRJ.

    love2008 (1b037c)

  26. I think #23 is very telling.

    if that will help him win over some undecideds?


    …and say he now sees the light.

    I would say that it is perfectly ok to have a change of heart leading to a sincerely-held position different than you had before. We all do that as we grow and learn. Putting on a front to win over gullible voters and say it’s because you’ve seen the light, even though that’s not the real reason, is wrong. Funny how some people can mirror those they support.

    Stashiu3 (460dc1)

  27. Last post #23 was for DRJ.

    Fortunately, it’s fair game for everyone else.

    Stashiu3 (460dc1)

  28. Daleyrocks: “America’s worst president”? Worse than Buchanan?

    aphrael (e0cdc9)

  29. love2008,

    I think it’s okay to change positions but a candidate runs the risk that changing too much or too fast will alienate everyone. Candidates walk a tightrope and, in my opinion, the ones who are most successful are the ones who start out as moderates and don’t have to change much. On the other hand, maybe voters want more change this year and they will be more tolerant of a candidate who changes positions.

    Picking elections is like picking a jury. You never really know what worked until it’s over.

    DRJ (a5243f)

  30. #24 – daleyrocks

    I think Obama needs to let Michelin Moore speak at the convention to reassure the base.

    — Hell, if they make a pyramid he can be the base.

    Speech excerpt: “If we fail to institute Universal Health Care in this country everybody will wind up looking like this! [point to self]

    Icy Truth (b55029)

  31. aphrael – Do I need to rethink that one? How long did it take to fix Buchanan mistakes? We’re still fixing Jimmy’s.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  32. #22
    But I agree with you that he has to attack Mccain, and ought to have at least some material to do so with. But he also has to distance himself from the more disgusting attacks.
    The question is, can he really afford to pull any punches now? Does he have the luxury of deciding what is “disgusting” and what is not? I think we have come to Kitchen sink time! I say, give them hell!

    love2008 (1b037c)

  33. Daleyrocks: ā€œAmericaā€™s worst presidentā€? Worse than Buchanan?

    Daley… Worse than CARTER???

    Scott Jacobs (d3a6ec)

  34. “… How long did it take to fix Buchanan mistakes…”

    Well, as I remember it, it took from 1861 to 1865, plus the years of Reconstruction, at a minimum.

    Another Drew (813962)

  35. Contest:

    Getting advice from Michael Moore is like [you fill it in].

    My entry: Getting advice from Michael Moore is like buying produce from a dumpster diver.

    JayHub (0a6237)

  36. Kitchen sink time? Obama said yesterday he’d win, more or less guaranteed. No if ands or buts. Don’t sweat the little things. Home run. Piece o cake. Home free. landslide.

    Vermont Neighbor (a066ed)

  37. How about “Worst President in Living Memory and in the Bottom Two All-Time”? Just as a compromise you understand. Buchanan didn’t do all the foreign policy damage that Carter has done (and continues to do) after leaving the Oval Office. Carter has my vote for all-time worst.

    The sad thing is I think he honestly believed his policies would work and is now a bitter, anti-American tool. History would have been much kinder to him if he had stuck to Habitat for Humanity and such. Delving (meddling) back into foreign affairs has caused people to take a much closer look at his time in office, with less forgiving eyes. As he left office, in the Detroit area he had gained the triple-double… double-digit inflation, interest rates, and unemployment.

    I think even my staunchly-Democrat father (although he has never admitted it, he never denied it either) voted for Reagan that year.

    Stashiu3 (460dc1)

  38. #29
    I agree with you DRJ. As always, making reasonable points. You could easily win me over DRJ. But not this year. šŸ˜‰

    love2008 (1b037c)

  39. Getting advice from Michael Moore is like getting dating tips from John Edwards.

    Vermont Neighbor (a066ed)

  40. #35 – Slight change:
    You might as well take advice from Michael Moore, he isn’t using it – especially advice from his personal trainer.

    Apogee (366e8b)

  41. #37

    all the foreign policy damage that Carter has done (and continues to do)

    Not entirely sure there’s not something medically wrong with Jimmy. Even for Jimmy, he’s ventured into ‘new’ territory in the last year.

    Vermont Neighbor (a066ed)

  42. Getting advice from Michael Moore is like getting a proctological exam from Captain Hook.

    Icy Truth (b55029)

  43. America’s worst President? Why, it’s George Bush! (I still like George Bush, though, but not as President.)

    love2008 (0c8c2c)

  44. I find the idea that Obama is running a “mr nice guy” campaign to be quite hilarious. He’s already implied racism against every one of his opponents this year. And his surrogates have already engaged in some pretty disgusting attacks on McCain that backfired – like that slimebag Weasel Clark.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  45. love2008, if you really think that George Bush is America’s worst President, you are only establishing your ignorance of history.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  46. #26 Stashiu3

    I would say that it is perfectly ok to have a change of heart leading to a sincerely-held position different than you had before. We all do that as we grow and learn. Putting on a front to win over gullible voters and say itā€™s because youā€™ve seen the light, even though thatā€™s not the real reason, is wrong.

    Agree completely. Very deceptive, not a sign of growing with the issues and certainly not reflective of Obama’s voting record, which stands in fierce opposition to the humane solution re partial birth abortion. Lying may be his only strategy on this one, since he’s already on the record. Undecideds should presumably be too smart for this hustle. . .

    Vermont Neighbor (a066ed)

  47. love, I want mccain to win, so if Obama wants to be associated with the baseless stuff like the cross in dirt Sully-boating, then Obama may be my guest.

    But come on. To some extent these things seem to be giving Mccain cover to make much more powerful attacks. IE Ayers.

    Juan (4cdfb7)

  48. I would say that it is perfectly ok to have a change of heart leading to a sincerely-held position different than you had before. We all do that as we grow and learn.

    The problem with Obama is that apparently he doing the bulk of his growing during one single election campaign cycle. This growing would also include so called lapses and explanations of what I really meant to say.

    Dana (084de8)

  49. ^ I’m happy that McCain is putting on Ayers.

    Vermont Neighbor (a066ed)

  50. Can’t bleeve no one’s said it yet – eyes goggling at his last line:

    Elections have been lost by just 537 votes. I don’t want that to happen to you.

    So he admits Pres. Bush won against Gore. šŸ˜®

    no one you know (1ebbb1)

  51. Michael Moore prolly sweats lard. He is so big he looks like he dipped O-Dub in beer batter, deep fat fat fried him, and then swallowed him whole.

    JD (5f0e11)

  52. #49, very, very good!

    Dana (084de8)

  53. Love2008, I’m not fan of President Bush, but I would place several others below him on the list, off the top of my head:

    * Buchanan
    * Hoover
    * Coolidge
    * Harrison (although it’s sorta hard to tell, but how good can you be when you get yourself killed giving your inaugural address?)
    * JQA (I go back and forth on this one)
    * Adams

    aphrael (e0cdc9)

  54. #47
    What about Ayers? That’s a none-story and you all know that. Besides, McCain also has some “names” he may not like us hearing about. Kitchen Sink Time! Y’all!

    love2008 (0c8c2c)

  55. #54

    Can everyone see love2008’s hysteria-level rise? The storm is building.

    Stashiu3 (460dc1)

  56. The idea that Baracky and the Dems have been Mr. Nice Guy is laughable. 100 year war. Racists. Wesley Clark. Racists. Distraction. Old. Blah, blah, blah.

    JD (5f0e11)

  57. Baracky began his political career in a terrorist’s living room, lovie. You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts.

    JD (5f0e11)

  58. Thanks, Dana. I didn’t know how/when they’d incorporate this one (comfortably). Clearly they’re doing great, getting points out and within the proper timeline. Can’t wait for the adversarial ads scheduled during the big show. Must- see TV.

    Vermont Neighbor (a066ed)

  59. #53
    Only problem is, these guys lived way back. I mean comparing him with the last, say, 10 Presidents.
    Bush 1
    Where do you place George Bush among these men?
    And you don’t have to be a “fan of Bush” to come to his defense. I appreciate your patriotism. šŸ™‚

    love2008 (1b037c)

  60. 59,

    This should help, some of the names are so old- skool.

    * Buchanan (Right wing pundit)
    * Hoover (Vacuum salesman)
    * Coolidge (Rita, Higher and Higher)
    * Harrison (Jenilee: she starred in Three’s Company and did a bang-up job)
    * JQA (the Jewelry channel)
    * Adams (Douglas: galaxy hitchhiker)

    You’ ll thank me later.

    Vermont Neighbor (a066ed)

  61. Aphrael, how about Woodrow Wilson who got us into a war that we literally had no interest in, resulting in almost 120,000 KIA to us, botched the peace negotiations resulting in a failure of his war aims and who actually had his political opponents imprisoned like Eugene Debs ( in contrast to the silly bleating of the BDS afflicted ).

    love2008, easy to compare. LBJ got us into a failed war that killed twelve times more people than we’ve lost in Iraq. Carter screwed up our economy so much that it took years to recover. Kennedy was so reckless that he almost got us into a nuclear war with the Soviet Union. Roosevelt’s economic policies extended the great depression.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  62. Getting advice from Michael Moore is like:

    — getting driving directions from Stevie Wonder.
    — having Fran Drescher sing you a lullaby.
    — betting you life savings on the Bills to win the Super Bowl . . . 4 years in a row.
    — compressing 4 years of a liberal university ‘education’ into 5 minutes of pure Socialist bullshit.
    — being stranded on a desert island with Geraldo.
    — Rosie O’D. doing you with her spiked strap-on.
    — walking around barefoot inside a crack den Amy Winehouse’s apartment.
    — choosing Lindsey Lohan for your AA sponsor.
    — licking a homeless person for good luck.

    Icy Truth (b55029)

  63. Stupid “strike” function! WTF?

    Icy Truth (b55029)

  64. History will be much kinder to President Bush than we are now.

    JD (5f0e11)

  65. Icy,

    The strike button puts in an [s] between two angle-brackets []. Put the entire word strike in between them instead and you will get your strikethough. [] = strike

    Stashiu3 (460dc1)

  66. Comment by Icy Truth ā€” 8/20/2008 @ 6:49 pm

    hahahaha nice list.

    Oh wise Michael, whose very name means “who is like God,” advise me!

    no one you know (1ebbb1)

  67. Might catch flack for this, but:

    I’d go easy Buchanan just because I think it would have been hard for anybody to stop the war from coming at that point (at least if they were going to abolish slavery). If you’re going to fault somebody, fault Johnson. There was a window to pass a number of reforms after the Civil War, he stopped it, and if anybody was responsible for the problems the failure of Reconstruction caused over the next ~80 years – that responsibility starts with him.

    Anon (db8e0c)

  68. Dang it, thought I could fake it out with the other brackets. The preview will show up as if it’s ready, but when you post your comment (like I just did) something else is posted.

    Stashiu3 (460dc1)

  69. …go easy **on** Buchanan…

    [given the rumors – no pun intended]

    Anon (db8e0c)

  70. I don’t remember President Lyndon.

    Carter, Ford, and LBJ were worse than Bush43.

    Icy Truth (b55029)

  71. #57
    Oh yeah? John McCain has been hosted in a fund raiser in his name in the house of Liddy. One of the watergate burglars and ex felon who once plotted to kill a left-wing journalist. A felon!

    love2008 (1b037c)

  72. Lick a homeless person ?! Hysterical.

    JD (5f0e11)

  73. I remember Kennedy and Johnson, but not much other than when Kennedy was shot. Since then, I’d rank:

    1. Reagan
    2. Reagan Bush 43 (ok… no cheating)
    3. Kennedy
    4. Clinton
    5. Nixon
    6. Bush 41
    7. Ford
    8. Johnson (LBJ)
    9. Carter


    Stashiu3 (460dc1)

  74. Oh wise Michael, whose very name means ā€œwho is like God,ā€

    — Who is like plus-size God. And of course the name “Moore” is derived from the word “moor”, or “heathy mountain”; the adjective “heathy” relates to being “covered with heather, gorse, and coarse grasses”, kinda like Mike’s facial hair.

    Icy Truth (b55029)

  75. I am not sure that a burglar and a domestic terrorist are quite the same thing, lovie. Nor do I think that McCain began his political career in the living room of this person.

    JD (5f0e11)

  76. Liddy was a stand up guy and went to prison for his crimes. Read his bio- the judge was much harsher on Liddy than the other Watergate burglars. There is no moral equivalency between Liddy and Ayers/Dohrn terrorists who were never brought to justice and are arrogant to say even now they wish they had done more violence.Pity some of their cohorts qualified for a Darwin award by accicentally blowing themselves up. The only bad thing about that was Bill and Bernadette didn’t join the rest in hell. Also unlike Obamy, McCain was not working with Liddy, wasting a foundation’s money and showing nothing for it.

    madmax333 (0c6cfc)

  77. #72 – JD

    Lick a homeless person ?! Hysterical.

    — Thanks, JD . . . you sick-humorist.

    Icy Truth (b55029)

  78. “There was a window to pass a number of reforms after the Civil War, he stopped it,”


    I’d say that was actually Hayes on 1877. The Hayes/Tilden Compromise ended an election dispute, effectively ended Reconstruction and ended the Republican Party in the south.

    Rick Ballard (0a8990)

  79. lovey is really a prize. First the same old tired “Bush is America’s worst President.” Then you get called on by someone who lays down the gauntlet for you to back up your assertions. Since this would obviously require you to display your encyclopedic knowledge of presidential history and then you slither away from your hyperbole, bulldozing the goalposts to a new position at mach speed. Why do you make absurd statements right out of the lame-ass partisan playbook that you can’t back up?
    In another thread the topic of Ayers came up and I posted that we will know when it gets to Obama’s supporters when they vehemently declare it a non-issue. As sure as a clock ticks here you are with “this is a none-issue [sic] and you all know it.” You are a real gem.

    M. Jacques du Klompus (b796b4)

  80. Let’s see: Liddy plotted; Ayers actually made the attempt, and almost succeeded.

    Apple meet rock.

    Icy Truth (b55029)

  81. It’s simple – a la Obama/Ayers – McCain was in Vietnam when the Watergate break-in occurred so he shouldn’t be expected to know Liddy did anything wrong.

    Anon (db8e0c)

  82. #75
    Yeah yeah yeah. Typical. All of a sudden, Liddy is now a saint.

    love2008 (1b037c)

  83. #81
    And Obama was 8 years old when Ayers did the said terrorist acts. 8 freaking years old!

    love2008 (1b037c)

  84. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a felon!

    Icy Truth (b55029)

  85. love2008, that’s a pathetic attempt to excuse Obama. Quite typical of the bizarre comments you’ve made.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  86. Comment by Rick Ballard ā€” 8/20/2008 @ 7:22 pm

    True — I fault Johnson because the public had started to sour on it whereas there was actual support for this (not just stationing troops, but going further in reforms) earlier, but it’s not like I’m about to defend Hayes.

    Anon (db8e0c)

  87. #80
    So I guess that makes it right. One plotted and the other made the attempt. Although one was sentenced to 20 years in prison and later commuted by Carter 5 years later. Great!

    love2008 (1b037c)

  88. In MM’s new book, he starts out with street questions, as if he went up to random people on the street and had them ask questions that he would try to answer in a sarcastic, mock GOP tone, ala Colbert.
    He fails miserably because he keeps going in and out of character and you’re just supposed to follow him.

    Well, the first question is something like “After 9-11, Bush asked us to go shopping, and now I owe 30K$ to the credit card companies, did the terrorists win?”

    Bush wanted you to go shopping/out of your house, so that the terrorists would know that we weren’t intimidated. He didn’t tell you to fly to Vegas and bet your house on the black jack table, you numbnuts.
    Why don’t you take a little personal responsibility you moron.

    It’s moments like this that liberals reveal their true nature.

    xerocky (ea2146)

  89. And Obama was 8 years old when Ayers did the said terrorist acts. 8 freaking years old!

    — Okay. . . . What about now? Is he old enough now to know and understand that Ayers is an unrepentant America-hating Marxist pile of shit, and that any thinking politician would treat him like ‘kryptonite’?

    Icy Truth (b55029)

  90. #85
    McCain has ties to a very bad man. How is that “excusing Obama”?

    love2008 (1b037c)

  91. so many lovely associations- Rezko, Ayers, Dohrn, Wright and miscellaneous other screwball jackass ministers/priests, the new black panthers, nation of islam/hurricane louie farrakhan, corrupt Chitown Daley pol machine. I’m sure there are others I missed, but WHERE are the normal people??

    Maybe someone can compile a list of the shady characters. I think Byron York is working on the associations now.
    And if rumors about McCain promulgated by the nY Slimes are fine with libtards, enquiring minds want to know just whom Obama was engaging in that rumored homosexual trysts with at the Holy Church of Wright???
    Obama is indeed his brother’s keeper. Said bro is living in a hut (made of feces?) in Kenya and Mr. Uptown Hyde Park cannot spare a few bucks to upgrade the accomodations? Guess it takes away from fresh fruit and arugula for Michelle and the cherubs?

    madmax333 (0c6cfc)

  92. And Obama was 8 years old when Ayers did the said terrorist acts. 8 freaking years old!

    Comment by love2008 ā€” 8/20/2008 @ 7:31 pm

    It was sarcasm, but — I’m younger than he is. I knew the Weathermen were a radical leftwing terrorist organization. So should he.

    If can’t pick up a history book, he shouldn’t fault McCain too much for not knowing what when on while he was in a prison cell in Hanoi.

    (The analogy doesn’t work perfectly, a lot of the investigation went on while he was in Vietnam, but Nixon resigned after he came back . . . I guess the point is just that I think the excuse is stupid.)

    Anon (db8e0c)

  93. Getting advice from Michael Moore is like:

    ā€“ getting drinking water from a sewage truck.

    Kenny (76922b)

  94. Although one was sentenced to 20 years in prison and later commuted by Carter 5 years later.

    — I’m sorry. Was Liddy ever arrested for trying to kill someone? Was he ever arrested for plotting to kill someone? Was he ever charged with plotting to kill someone? Was he ever charged with attempting to kill someone?

    Guess who was . . .

    Icy Truth (b55029)

  95. love2008,

    It’s no defense to say Obama was only 8 years old in 1969 when the Weathermen were formed, and thus he should be able to associate with key players like Bernadine Dohrn and Bill Ayers. You may think their crimes are ancient history but, if that’s true, so are the murders of Leno and Rosemary LaBianca, Sharon Tate and 4 others. Charles Manson orchestrated their murders in 1969 but I doubt anyone would argue it’s fine for Obama to socialize and work with him.

    DRJ (a5243f)

  96. love2008 writes: #83 “And Obama was 8 years old when Ayers did the said terrorist acts. 8 freaking years old!”

    and then later, he writes:
    #90 “McCain has ties to a very bad man. How is that ā€œexcusing Obamaā€?

    Are you incapable of remembering your own past history of just a few minutes? It would explain a lot.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  97. #89
    I was just responding to a lame excuse someone was giving that McCain was in prison at the time Liddy did what he did. Meaning that he wasn’t supposed to be aware that Liddy broke in anywhere. How stupid can people get? Refer to #81
    McCain was in Vietnam when the Watergate break-in occurred so he shouldnā€™t be expected to know Liddy did anything wrong.
    Anon I really want to believe that you where being sarcastic here.

    love2008 (0c8c2c)

  98. At this time I would like to recuse myself from any further comment on G. Gordon Liddy, as I was only 8 years old when the Watergate scandal broke. [Technically, I was 7, but 1973 was my eighth year of life on this planet.] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a felon!

    Icy Truth (b55029)

  99. BTW, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn turned themselves in to federal authorities in 1980.

    Just what events before 1980 should we expect Obama to know about and what shouldn’t we?

    Anon (db8e0c)

  100. I was just responding to a lame excuse someone was giving that McCain was in prison at the time Liddy did what he did. Meaning that he wasnā€™t supposed to be aware that Liddy broke in anywhere. How stupid can people get? Refer to #81
    McCain was in Vietnam when the Watergate break-in occurred so he shouldnā€™t be expected to know Liddy did anything wrong.
    Anon I really want to believe that you where being sarcastic here.

    love2008, since I started it as:

    “It’s simple – a la Obama/Ayers . . .” [you left out that part]

    I kinda thought that was obvious.

    Anon (db8e0c)

  101. Great to know that some of you are fine with the way present day Ayers carries himself, shown on a magazine cover standing atop the American flag, reveling in fact he beat the system and suffered no negative consequences. Indeed, he wishes he had done more to usurp the state. Anarchy is such a fine thing, eh? He fits right in with the Kos Kids/HuffPost/DU/ANSWER morons. And Obama embraces him.

    madmax333 (0c6cfc)

  102. Getting advice from Moore is as empowering as reading most of the comments here.

    love2008 (0c8c2c)

  103. Getting advice from Moore is as empowering as reading most of the comments here.

    Except the guys we support for President win.

    Anon (db8e0c)

  104. #96
    You sound like one really sad uncle or something. Cheer up, Bob!

    love2008 (0c8c2c)

  105. #97 love2008

    I was just responding to a lame excuse someone was giving that McCain was in prison at the time Liddy did what he did.

    Wait a second… McCain was in prison? He must have been a criminal, right love2008? Criminals go to prison love2008… McCain was a Prisoner of War in a POW camp. Big difference to most of us.

    Stashiu3 (460dc1)

  106. #103
    The guys “we” support? Not sure I understand you.

    love2008 (0c8c2c)

  107. Coulda’ been worse. Coulda’ said he was in jail.

    Icy Truth (b55029)

  108. #107 Icy Truth

    Wouldn’t be the worst falsehood she’s flogged here. Not by far.

    Stashiu3 (460dc1)

  109. love2008 wrote:

    And Obama was 8 years old when Ayers did the said terrorist acts. 8 freaking years old!

    And Obama was 38 years old when Ayers said he should’ve done more bombings. 38 freaking years old!

    The Blob wrote:

    So Barack, by denouncing me, you can help McCain get elected. Because when you denounce me, it’s not really me you’re distancing yourself from ā€” it’s the millions upon millions of people who feel the same way about things as I do.

    Like Cuban “universal” health care is great?

    Geez, the guy really is a narcissist.

    Jim C. (33af9d)

  110. Getting advice from Michael Moore is like reading love’s posts while sober.

    Icy Truth (b55029)

  111. #105
    What, are you stupid or are you just trying to show what a sick mind you are? Did I say anything about McCain being in prison as something I used against him? Read the comment well, I know you can, if you try.
    For purpose of clarity, I will re-post my comment.
    I was just responding to a lame excuse someone was giving that McCain was in prison at the time Liddy did what he did. Meaning that he wasnā€™t supposed to be aware that Liddy broke in anywhere. How stupid can people get? Refer to #81
    McCain was in Vietnam when the Watergate break-in occurred so he shouldnā€™t be expected to know Liddy did anything wrong.
    Anon I really want to believe that you where being sarcastic here.

    Meaning, how can you use the fact that McCain was in prison at that time as an excuse for his not knowing about Liddy’s wrong doing.
    The worst part is that the person I was talking to understood what i meant. But in your characteristic desperation to score cheap points, you jump on nothing and now you think you have a point. Stupid. That’s what you are. Plain stupid!
    And Icy, #107, shame on you!

    love2008 (1b037c)

  112. Meaning, how can you use the fact that McCain was in prison at that time as an excuse for his not knowing about Liddyā€™s wrong doing.

    Love2008, I said I was being sarcastic before you replied, I said I was being sarcastic after you replied, and I’ll say I was being sarcastic right now. [and given the fact you deleted the part that indicated I was being sarcastic originally, I don’t think I need to explain this to you]

    There, I’ve now helped you dodge the fact you’re justifying Obama’s “I was young” explanation.

    You’re welcome.

    Anon (db8e0c)

  113. #112
    It’s ok Anon. Correction taken.

    love2008 (1b037c)

  114. Meaning, how can you use the fact that McCain was in prison at that time as an excuse for his not knowing about Liddyā€™s wrong doing.

    He wasn’t “in prison” love2008 and you’ve just repeated it (not including the copy & paste) twice more. When you do things like that the first time, having it pointed out usually warrants a “You’re right, my mistake.” When you continue, it reinforces that you meant what you said the first time and are ignoring the truth. The truth is, he was not in prison… he was a Prisoner of War in a POW camp. Refusing to accept there is a difference has meaning. That meaning is not, “Stashiu3 is stupid”, however strongly you say it.

    Stashiu3 (460dc1)

  115. Aphrael – Had to leave for a few hours. My take on Buchanan is that he didn’t want to even serve as President. He reluctantly accepted the nomination on the 17th ballot. He promised not to run for reelection. Although he supported the rights of slaveholders, he also did not believe states could secede from the union. He tried to maintain the status quo during his term instead of making this worse, as you would expect from someone who didn’t want to be there in the first place. It’s tough to lay the blame on him for everything that happened afterward when few actions of substance happened during his term prior to Lincoln’s election.

    With Carter, you have specific events at which to point. Big difference.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  116. Love2008, at 59:

    Bush I
    Bush II

    * I’m torn on Nixon, because in a lot of ways he was a very good president (and, I think, in many ways the last liberal). But he was also a crook.

    SPQR, at 61:

    good point. There was a time in my life where I was an ardent Wilsonian (because of my admiration for the ideals at play in the American position in that war), but then I learned more. I will observe with amusement, though, that in many ways President Bush is the most Wilsonian president since Wilson.

    Anon, at 67: I fault Buchanan because he did nothing between the start of secession and Lincoln’s inauguration; he believed he shouldn’t tie his successor’s hand (good) so fiddled while the south burned.

    Stashiu3: I only remember from Reagan forward.

    aphrael (9e8ccd)

  117. Daleyrocks, at 115: there’s much to what you say; but in those days a full five months passed between election and inauguration, and most of the secessions happened during that period.

    aphrael (9e8ccd)

  118. MM knows about character assassination, slander, and obesity. He’s also up to speed on arrogance, and ignorance. Plus the man looks like he’s been whipped with an ugly-stick.

    Ropelight (4a83c9)

  119. Aphrael – That’s why I put in my qualifier about the election of Lincoln. The democrats lost control of their party. The split guaranteed Lincoln’s election. Buchanan replaced his cabinet, but realistically, what could he have done?

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  120. Getting advice from Michael Moore is like:

    — getting a hot sauce enema.
    — a root canal without Novocaine.
    — receiving moral support from Levi.
    — seeing your grandma naked.
    — a concussion without the physical contact.
    — asking Mel Gibson to drive you to temple.
    — watching Paris compete on Jeopardy.
    — playing Russian Roulette with five in the chamber.
    — being staked out on top of an anthill naked, having honey poured all over your body, and then being run over by a Humvee.
    — the worst thing ev-er! Like, you know what I mean? He’s like soooo grody! Ewwww!
    — having Matthew McConaughey strip naked, get drunk, and rap on your testicles like bongos all night long.
    — being water-boarded and telling your interrogator, “Just blow my fuckin’ head off already”.
    — asking Dan Quayle to spell ‘potatoe’.
    — pulling the stick out of Olbermann’s ass . . . and then gouging out your eyes with it.
    — listening to a mix tape of nails scraping across a chalkboard.
    — babysitting the mutant spawn of Che Guevara and Jabba the Hut.

    Icy Truth (c3eb22)

  121. Say, Icy, when Che and Jabba get together, who gets to be the girl? Just asking.

    Ropelight (4a83c9)

  122. Too funny. Good stuff.

    ā€“ getting a hot sauce enema.
    ā€“ asking Mel Gibson to drive you to temple.
    ā€“ having Matthew McConaughey strip naked, get drunk, and rap on your testicles like bongos all night long.
    ā€“ pulling the stick out of Olbermannā€™s ass . . . and then gouging out your eyes with it

    Vermont Neighbor (a066ed)

  123. Ropelight –

    Well, since Che was Castro’s bitch . . .

    Icy Truth (f4d960)

  124. Thx, VN šŸ˜‰

    Icy Truth (f4d960)

  125. Icy, you’ve really been on a roll lately. Late Nite needs you! Especially since they don’t know how to put Barry into a decent Top 10 list.

    Vermont Neighbor (a066ed)

  126. You’re referring to The Late Show with David “Al Franken is my hero, Bill O’Reilly is my nemesis” Letterman? Yeah, good luck getting on there!

    Icy Truth (f4d960)

  127. No, I really meant Late Nite: any.

    Top 10 is Dave’s thing, so you’re right. No Hobama jokes. Jay cracks wise on a lot of pols.
    But who needs the networks when you can keep ‘ em laughing right here! . )

    Vermont Neighbor (a066ed)

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