Patterico's Pontifications


Obama’s “Strategery” (Updated x2)

Filed under: 2008 Election — DRJ @ 3:20 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

Denis Keohane at The American Thinker explains why Obama’s strategic decisions may jeopardize his Democratic nomination:

“It looks like Obama’s belief in his inevitability may have led him into a blunder, making it easier for Hillary supporters to prevent a nomination on the first ballot. After that point, anything goes, as all super delegates and many pledged delegates are free to vote their preferences.

After accepting the party’s decision last June to seat the delegates from Michigan and Florida but with half votes, only days ago Obama said he wanted the delegates to have full votes

Obviously, he said this believing he has won the nomination and that pandering to voters in critical general election states is of more importance.

If the party goes along with Obama’s request, it reduces the number of super delegates who would need to sit out the first ballot for Obama to be denied the nomination, opening the way for Clinton! Ouch!

This is proof that the man should not be negotiating with Ahmadinejad. If he cannot think strategically and recognize his vulnerability to a last minute ambush at the convention, he would be eaten alive in big league world affairs.”

Of course, Obama doesn’t need to worry about Ahmadinejad yet. He has his hands full dealing with Hillary.

UPDATE 1: NBC/MSNBC says the Obama campaign, “in an effort to quiet talk of the Obama-Clinton drama,” offered Bill Clinton a speaking role at the Democratic Convention before the vice presidential running mate speaks. Clinton has reportedly accepted the speaking offer.

That quiets this brouhaha down for now but if the VP isn’t Hillary, he or she won’t get much media attention the next day. Is that a good thing or a bad thing for Obama?

UPDATE 2: ABC’s Jake Tapper notes that Hillary still describes Obama as “her opponent.” She apparently also said that putting her name in nomination and having a roll call vote is “obvious” — although she said she would not win. Finally, Tapper reports that the Obama campaign is reluctant to have a roll call vote because it would highlight “the narrowness of his victory.”


90 Responses to “Obama’s “Strategery” (Updated x2)”

  1. pssst, DRJ…one too many e’s and r’s in strategy. Unless I am missing a joke. Not an unknown occurrence.

    allan (d6c691)

  2. This is a huge dilemma for the Dems that the Obamabots don’t even see coming. I posted a comment on Kevin Drum’s blog today and mentioned this with no response. Not even an obscenity. They don’t see it coming. She may chicken out because fury it would arouse in blacks would probably make the nomination worthless. They may decide to take a hit this year in the interest of party unity but the Bush haters will go nuts if McCain wins.

    Mike K (6d4fc3)

  3. Mike K: it’s not just the black voters who would be furious.

    I’m still in the “the delegates from Florida and Michigan shouldn’t be seated at all” camp; if the party can’t enforce rules about when primaries will be held, there will be chaos in 2012.

    aphrael (e0cdc9)

  4. allan,

    I was trying to take-off on the Saturday Night Live skit in which Will Ferrell as George Bush used the word “strategery” instead of “strategy.” To me, it’s become a way of saying someone isn’t as smart as they think they are. Maybe it will help make this clear if I add quotes around “Strategery” in the title.

    DRJ (9d1be2)

  5. if the party can’t enforce rules about when primaries will be held, there will be chaos in 2012.

    You haven’t seen what 2008 will bring yet. It’s still early in this cycle. Hell, the Democrats still don’t know who their candidate will be.

    Why don’t the parties support a National Primary Day, just like Election Day? That would force the candidates to be fairly well known on the national stage, rather than having one city’s political machine send up the Anti-Christ Obamessiah, a virtual unknown who has nothing going for him but relative melanin content.

    Drumwaster (5ccf59)

  6. The Dems have a dilemma, though. The debates will be the determining factor in the election. But it will be too late if Obama flubs that. His gaffe with the seven-year-old shows he is still turning them out every time he gets away from the teleprompter. Some of those Democrat politicians who are running in marginal districts must be looking at that and worrying. Not all of them are on Koolaid.

    Mike K (f89cb3)

  7. Well I think this post and Denis Keohane blog is a lot of hot air.

    But if it’s true, you will see a party shooting itself in the proverbial foot.

    Leave it to the Democrats to figure out a way to lose to a man who agrees with a president (Bush) who has a 26 percent approval rating.

    Oiram (983921)

  8. Popcorn crop is doing well. This may be the best election season in decades.

    htom (412a17)

  9. This is proof that the man should not be negotiating with Ahmadinejad. If he cannot think strategically and recognize his vulnerability to a last minute ambush at the convention, he would be eaten alive in big league world affairs.”

    Not to split hairs, but who, exactly is “negotiating” with Ahmadinejad right now? As far as I can tell, the “negotiation” going on is something like this:

    Non-Muslim world: “Stop messing with nuclear power!”
    Ahmadinejad: “No!”
    Non-Muslim world: “Stop messing with nuclear power!”
    Ahmadinejad: “No!”
    Non-Muslim world: “Stop messing with nuclear power!”
    Ahmadinejad: “No!”
    . . . etc. . .

    Phil (6d9f2f)

  10. Oiram,

    I think the nomination will go to Obama, too, but it’s bad strategy if Obama’s decision opens the door to a messier convention.

    DRJ (9d1be2)

  11. Absolutely DRJ.

    Believe me I scratched my head so many times during the Democratic primaries that I think there might be a scar left.

    Oiram (983921)

  12. Backward Mario- Obama is counting on loyal psychophants, er I mean sycophants like you and lovetron666 to remain committed to his Greatness and always find some way to rationalize whatever O!Bama nuance/flip/flop he may espouse at any given time.

    How many primary votes separate Hillary and Obama? Shouldn’t every vote count? Didn’t look so good for the lightworker in Pa. and W.Virginny, but I guess too many racists in tjose places, excluding the naturally cannot be racists blacks in Philly and Pittsburgh?

    madmax333 (0c6cfc)

  13. The Obama soundbite of the day: “America is no longer what it could be, what it once was.” Contrast that with wifey from a few months ago: “For the first time in my adult life I’m really proud of my country.” So, America was better once upon a time, but not any time during the past 25 years. So when was this magic time?

    Icy Truth (23d64b)

  14. So when was this magic time?

    When all of us had lots of fresh fruit on the table.

    Old Coot (43e1f1)

  15. DRJ, misunderestimated again!

    You go, cowgirl.

    Another Drew (16e81f)

  16. “So when was this magic time?”

    “When all of us had lots of fresh fruit on the table.”

    Arugula was less expensive, too.

    Dmac (874677)

  17. and private school tuition.

    and dance lessons.

    and people had more time to devote to important things, too.

    like community organizing.

    Rick Ballard (0a8990)

  18. Adding Bill Clinton as a speaker makes sense because he’s a former President and a good speaker, but the timing looks like the Obama campaign is acting out of weakness.

    DRJ (9d1be2)

  19. Re: Update –
    “If”? “If”? Obama is not going to pick Hillary for VP. She does not want to be VP; some of her people want it. His ego will not allow him to admit he needs her in order to win.

    Icy Truth (23d64b)

  20. Yes, community outreach is very important.
    I think I’ll try some of that at the range tonight.
    If only ammo were as inexpensive as arugula!

    Another Drew (82f5cc)

  21. This whole quandary of what to do with Hillary and Bill and the behind the scenes machinations of Obama and his staff and all the hand-wringing only reinforces just how much power the Clintons still have. No going quietly into the gentle night for Hillary…(nor Bill), like most losing contenders. Heh.

    Dana (254946)

  22. They’re not going at all until their palms are crossed – and they’re not taking an Obama promise instead of gold. They know the precise value of an Obama promise. Twice that of a Clinton promise – and still absolutely nothing.

    Rick Ballard (0a8990)

  23. agh, cerebal dyslexia strikes again! should have been no going gentle into the quiet night for Hill….

    Dana (254946)

  24. I was trying to take-off on the Saturday Night Live skit

    I kinda sorta knew it something like that. Not having a tv in the house will have to serve as my excuse for saying anything.

    allan (d6c691)

  25. allan,

    It’s a reflection on me, not you, because all my TV references are at least 10 years old.

    DRJ (9d1be2)

  26. I just added Update 2 with ABC’s input on the convention.

    DRJ (9d1be2)

  27. I do not believe that the Democrats will not support Hillary if she gets the nomination based on her percieved ability to beat McCain.

    Hillary could still win the presidency outright and sitting around for eight years as NY senator does not improve her shelflife.

    Democrats partisans “want” and what they want most is for power in order to feel good about themselves. Remember how apoplectic they were when they lost in 2004 and 2000. It was good to be therapist in NYC then I will tell you.

    For that reason, the rush of excitment of Hillary nomination will produce a new bubble among partisans for Hillary. If she offers VP to Obama, he will be forced to accept and they will win.

    Watch her closely.

    PashaG (3de24f)

  28. PashaG, your scenario can’t happen unless some very dramatic bad news about Obama comes out in the next week or two. Unless Obama is caught in bed with a live boy or a dead girl, as the saying goes, he’ll be nominated.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  29. For several months, Hillary Clinton’s plan has been to be ready if Barack Obama should self destruct or become unavailable for some other reason. John Edwards has self destructed. It would be surprising if Edwards were even able to speak at the convention. Hillary is ready for whatever happens.

    Wesson (f6c982)

  30. Sheesh, Wesson, can you imagine how much popcorn we’d need if Edwards had gotten enough delegates to be in the lead by now? Wow.

    The Democrats really need to figure out why their process is not sorting out the losers.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  31. How scenario may happen? Good question.

    Obama bubble collapsing so that McCain is +2.

    Leak of information about Obama through party channels.

    Threat of Hillary supporters taking hard stand–my way or highway–Women can be that way sometimes I will tell you.

    Fortune of Hillary supporters put to good use on super-delegates. Where is George Soros when you need him?

    Hillary most likely knows other things may happen as she says….What could they be?

    PashaG (3de24f)

  32. No, PashaG, a couple of points of movement in a poll in the next couple of weeks will not move any superdelegates from Obama.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  33. I don’t think the Clintons will give up on Hillary’s chances until it’s clear there is no hope she will be nominated. However, they are realists and understand she has little chance of getting the nomination. It sounds like an oxymoron but here’s how I think the Clintons will reconcile these positions:

    I think the Clintons will cause problems for Obama behind the scenes in the hope it might open the door to a Hillary upset. At the same time, I think the Clintons will position Hillary to magnanimously throw her support to Obama “for the good of the Party” if her upset bid fails. This approach not only keeps her slim hopes alive but solidifies her as the Democrat front-runner after Obama.

    FWIW, I think that’s also why the Clintons would be happy to see bad press for John Edwards. Not only did Edwards withhold his endorsement and ultimately announce for Obama, but it won’t help Hillary if Edwards successfully woos Democrats at the convention. The Clintons need this convention to be remembered as the Obama-Clinton Convention, with an emphasis on Clinton since both will be prominent speakers. The more Obama has to share the stage with Bill and Hillary, the worse it is for Obama and his eventual running mate.

    DRJ (9d1be2)

  34. Panic–herds can be stampeded.

    That is thing about herd mentality.

    PashaG (3de24f)

  35. I agree DRJ, but would add that Hillary will be positioned to throw her support to Obama for the good of the party in word only. And it will be necessary for her to be positioned to save face.

    I think Hillary still believes she deserves the WH. And I think its this strange melding of arrogance, confidence and delusion of grandeur that results in her own single-focused take no prisoners strategery…behind the scenes, of course….

    Dana (254946)

  36. I can not imagine any single event that would be more helpful to McCain than HRC somehow wiggling her way on to the D ticket. It would instantly guarantee that all his problems with the GOP whackos would vanish.

    Soronel Haetir (ce5eda)

  37. The Dems are going to be watching Obams step on his d**k every time he gets away from a teleprompter until the convention. They are going to be thinking about coat tails. Hillary is very close in delegates, except for the superdelegates (like the Detroit mayor but he’ll probably be tied up for the convention). Obama today said the Michigan and Florida delegations should have all their votes. That puts her closer. He doesn’t seem to see that. Anyway, one serious flub by the Messiah and people may start to think about second ballot.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  38. i’m really surprised the clintons havent been working a deep cover whisper campaign with all of obambi’s unforced errors. it seems lots of dems are really re-thinking the candidate. she would have a very good case that the messiah has screwed up too bad since mccain is neck and neck in the polls. her argument would be that this is exactly why the sup-delagates were created.

    chas (e36377)

  39. And if that doesn’t work look for her to display the most barely disguised, shit-eating, “I told you so” grin on Nov. 5

    Icy Truth (715cb8)

  40. Part of the “strategery” was revealed today; Obama telling reporters on his plane to cool it on the overexposure during his timed-it-right-before-the-convention vacation. He wants everyone to stop dwelling on his negatives so that he can build anticipation for his reemergence in Denver as the rock star Messiah his sycophants love & worship. Of course this also gives the pro-Hillary types ample opportunity to make some noise; reporters desperate for a story, those not in the tank for ‘the big O’, might actually give it some coverage.

    Icy Truth (715cb8)

  41. Not to split hairs, but who, exactly is “negotiating” with Ahmadinejad right now? As far as I can tell, the “negotiation” going on is something like this:

    Non-Muslim world: “Stop messing with nuclear power!”
    Ahmadinejad: “No!”
    Non-Muslim world: “Stop messing with nuclear power!”
    Ahmadinejad: “No!”
    Non-Muslim world: “Stop messing with nuclear power!”
    Ahmadinejad: “No!”
    . . . etc. . .

    From JunkYardBlog comes this lesson in why diplomacy can fail despite the very best intentions…

    If I ever found myself teaching a bunch of college freshmen about international politics, I would definitely include the following exercise.

    I. Divide the class into two halves. One half is “diplomats” representing North Korea. One half will play diplomats representing the United States. For twenty minutes they will attempt to negotiate a solution to the problem of nuclear proliferation.

    II. Tell each half that they will have fifteen minutes to prepare a “negotiation strategy” with diplomats from the other team. Each team will receive comprehensive “instructions” from its home government , which will inform its strategy in the upcoming bilateral negotiation. Explain that it is important to keep these instructions secret, so as not to tip off the other side as to how far you are willing to go.

    III. The United States team gets the following instructions:

    You must feel out the North Korean delegation to see whether any points of commonality may be reached. Underscore the DPRK’s obligations as a signatory of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Please stress that pursuing nuclear weapons may de-stabilize the region and have unforseen consequences that could impact their country. Also make clear that the United States is willing to deal on certain measures–humanitarian aid, relaxation of U.N. sanctions, easing up on the Proliferation Security Initiative interceptions–in exchange for provable concessions on the North Korean nuclear program and missile research programs. Good luck. The free world is counting on you to stop or at least slow down the North Korean WMD program!


    IV. The DPRK team receives the following instructions:





    IV. After fifteen minutes of preparation, sit the American and DPRK delegations down at a table and tell them that they have twenty minutes to negotiate a solution to the problem of North Korean proliferation. Let them go at it for twenty minutes and watch the fun.

    V. When the time is up, initiate a discussion on the likelihood of reaching a diplomatic solution under these conditions. Ask the American team whether they thought more negotiations could have solved things. If they had utilized a different strategy, do they think it would have been more effective? Ask whether they thought the North Koreans were serious about reaching a compromise. Then have each side read its instructions, with the Americans going first.

    VI. For the slow and/or terminally idealistic students who still believe diplomacy could have worked, offer them an extra credit assignment: have them go to the nearest GM dealership and enter a negotiation with the sales staff there. Explain that their objective is to walk out of the dealership with the keys and title to a 2007 model Corvette, and that they must do so in a lawful exchange for a purchase price of no more than one hundred dollars, total. Students who succeed in securing a new Corvette from a dealership in exchange for one hundred dollars will receive an A in the course and also a fast-track position within the United States Department of State.

    VII. Debriefing and discussion: Why did these negotiations “fail”? Discuss whether every problem has a possible diplomatic solution. Assign this entry from Ace of Spades as a “reflection reading”.

    Drumwaster (5ccf59)

  42. There is no dirt about Obama we haven’t already heard… not that we haven’t heard some bad stuff.

    Hillary is not stupid. In the case of Hillary taking this away from Obama, while there is the possibility that the black vote wouldn’t be diminished, the Obama devotees wouldn’t be ticked, etc etc, it’s a slight possibility. Hillary knows this is a likely path to losing the general election (And actually, it’s a likely path to losing the nomination twice and harming her party).

    Hillary is making all this noise in order to help Mccain win. She’s going to be gracious at the convention, and in being so, will suck up a ton of the media from Obama. Bill Clinton will do the same. Don’t be surprised if someone in the Clinton circle (perhaps Bill), does something surprising that overshadows the rest of the convention. Right now, they know this kind of talk makes Obama look weak, and makes the Republicans feel more hopeful and work harder for what should be a hopeless Mccain bid. That’s all that’s going on though, Hillary is trying to take attention off Obama in his convention (which he crucially needs in this election).

    Juan (4cdfb7)

  43. Interesting summation by VDH today,

    “In a tough year like this, Democrats could probably have defeated Republican John McCain with a flawed, but seasoned candidate like Hillary Clinton. But long-suffering liberals convinced their party to go with a messiah rather than a dependable nominee — and thereby they probably will get neither.”

    If this comes to pass, they will have gotten what they (Dems) deserve.

    Dana (254946)

  44. Obama’s Strategery – RACISTS!!!!!!!!!elevnty!1

    JD (712926)

  45. There is no dirt about Obama we haven’t already heard…

    I don’t believe that for a second…

    She has something. The Clintons always have something. They did the groundwork on Dirty Tricks, and there’s something to be said for experiance.

    Maybe it drops before the convention to pull Super Delegates, maybe not. If not, I would bet money that shortly after the convention McCain gets a package delivered to his door by a slightly overweight man with grey/white hair, a bulbous nose, and a very familiar voice.

    Scott Jacobs (d3a6ec)

  46. “Part of the “strategery” was revealed today; Obama telling reporters on his plane to cool it on the overexposure during his timed-it-right-before-the-convention vacation. He wants everyone to stop dwelling on his negatives so that he can build anticipation for his reemergence in Denver as the rock star Messiah his sycophants love & worship.”

    About as fake as Gore’s MSM-aided repackaging.

    We shall see. Unless Obama as a DUI on McCain I think McCain could win by more than a few points.

    Freedoms Truth (cfa2f1)

  47. “Why don’t the parties support a National Primary Day, just like Election Day? ”

    Horrible idea. The media annointed one gets the nod then.

    A better idea *might* be a primary day and then some sort of runnoff, and/or a raucus caucus, where we hold the NATIONAL PARTY CONVENTION A LOT EARLIER (maybe June or even march/april) and MAKE IT A REAL CONVENTION THAT PICKS THE NOMINEE. In other words, we vote for delegates, and those delegates go to the convention.

    Freedoms Truth (cfa2f1)

  48. America is no longer what it could be, what it once was. And I say to myself, I don’t want that future for my children.

    That’s almost Rumsfeldian except it makes no sense.

    Obama wants America to be what it once was in order to be what it could be, which means America should return to racial segregation, sodomy laws, and strict enforcement of immigration laws, in order to be better in the future? Yet he doesn’t want that future for his children. Does even he know what he’s talking about?

    Patricia (f56a97)

  49. #47 — The Messiah speaks in parables.

    Evil Pundit (646727)

  50. DRJ quotes Denis Keohane at The American Thinker:

    This is proof that the man should not be negotiating with Ahmadinejad. If he cannot think strategically and recognize his vulnerability to a last minute ambush at the convention, he would be eaten alive in big league world affairs.

    I don’t follow this logic. Here’s why.

    If Obama’s “strategery” backfires and he loses the nomination, then he won’t “be eaten alive in big league world affairs” because he won’t be president.

    If Obama’s “strategery” succeeds and he is nominated and elected, then it obviously works, at least once.

    So, if he is “eaten alive in big league world affairs” it won’t be because he used a “strategery” that never worked before.

    Occasional Reader (1f15ab)

  51. Does even he know what he’s talking about?

    Patricia – You need to set your dials to the moonbat frequencies then all will become clear. A light will shine down from above. The rise of the oceans will begin to slow and the planet will begin to heal. You will then be compelled to vote for Barack.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  52. OR – I don’t think DRJ is suggesting Obama will lose the nomination, only that he has needlessly made himself vulnerable with poor strategic thinking. That’s not a good precedent for someone representing the most powerful country on earth in processes in which he’s never been involved before.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  53. Does Hillary have to have an announced running mate at the time her name is submitted for the nomination?

    Molon Labe (640aad)

  54. I caught McClatchy telling this “(Un)Truth to Power”

    McClatchy carries an article on HIV by Federica Narancio that quotes CDC’s Bernard Branson:

    But the epidemic is changing, and there is an increased proportion of cases that have been reported in heterosexual transmissions ….

    Well that’s dandy except for one small detail. It’s completely opposite of this article by the CDC on the recent JAMA hiv results:

    Findings documented reductions in new infections among both injecting drug users and heterosexuals over time. Yet, the findings also indicate that HIV incidence has been steadily increasing among gay and bisexual men …

    doug (fbba00)

  55. Could someone with more legal expertise please tell me where in the Democratic papers it says that ANY of the delegates (pledged or Supers) have to vote for their candidate even on the first ballot. 🙂

    Lord Nazh (899dce)

  56. That would be “Page 9 of a page 8 document”…

    Meaning they don’t have to. Which is fucking hillarious to me.

    Scott Jacobs (fa5e57)

  57. Speculations, speculations speculations! What if, what ifs. Listen, this will all work out well for Obama. If there is still any hope in the Clinton camp that Hillary will get the nomination, it will be put to rest once the party chooses their nominee, and it will be Obama. Hillary has a chance now to prove her loyalty and support to her party and nominee. How she handles this moment will decide her political destiny. If she succumbs to her lower and baser nature and try to pull a fast one on Obama, it will explode in her face. After the convention, the Democrats will form a united coalition against John McCain. Question is, can John McCain stand against a united Democratic party?

    love2008 (1b037c)

  58. “Question is, can John McCain stand against a united Democratic party?”

    He stood against a united Republican party 😉

    Lord Nazh (899dce)

  59. “Meaning they don’t have to. Which is fucking hillarious to me.”

    The way I read it (section J) they have to vote for their delegate ‘in good conscience’ or some such (going from memory here); but nowhere does it say they must or they have to by rule or law. So basically they have no nominee until the moment of the votes no matter how many pledged or super delegates one has bought.

    Lord Nazh (899dce)

  60. Exactly.

    Isn’t it just priceless…

    Scott Jacobs (fa5e57)

  61. It’s positively popcorny

    Lord Nazh (899dce)

  62. “After the convention, the Democrats will form a united coalition against John McCain.”

    No. They won’t. They never do when the idiots running the show put up a northern liberal.

    They didn’t for Adlai Stevenson – twice.

    They didn’t for Hubert Humphrey.

    They didn’t for George McGovern.

    They didn’t for Walter Mondale.

    They didn’t for Michael Dukakis.

    They didn’t for Al Gore.

    They didn’t for John Kerry.

    They won’t for Barack Obama either – and the result may well be closer to McGovern than Gore. Obama’s support with blue collar whites is minimal and I can’t think of a thing he could do to improve it. Sending out Greenshirt ObamaJugend or ACORN/SEIU thugs worked fairly well in the caucus states but it doesn’t scale at all in the ‘burbs.


    Rick Ballard (0a8990)

  63. #60
    Get ready for the Obama magic Rick.

    love2008 (0c8c2c)

  64. daleyrocks, I think I need to go to the market and get some tinfoil to improve reception!

    Patricia (f56a97)

  65. “Get ready for the Obama magic Rick.”

    Cool – I’ve never seen a real unicorn rider perform before.

    Rick Ballard (0a8990)

  66. After the convention, the Democrats will form a united coalition against John McCain.

    I remember Levi telling me that was going to happen after he wrapped up the nomination. Now it’s after the convention. Next, it will be after the election. I’m OK with that. 🙂

    The magic is fizzling, lovey. Somebody pulled back the curtain.

    Pablo (99243e)

  67. Scott Jacobs, it’s not that I wouldn’t put it past Hillary to leak dirt on Obama… Quite the opposite. She knows her best shot was to win the primary already. Her best bet now is to win in 2012, and it’s not as good a bet as 2008 was.

    While I don’t care too much about age, I think after 4 years of Mccain that America may seek out a younger president.

    I’ve noticed that a lot of leaks came out about Obama as the dem primary heated up. Wright, Ayers, Rezko. It’s all stopped now that Obama is running against Mccain. If you’re right, and Hillary did not go all out in her attacks by holding some dirt, I have to wonder why. She certainly regrets it if that’s true. The alternative is that she didn’t/doesn’t know of some scandals, but Cosnidering that Obama has only had power for a short time, and already filled that up with the scandals we know, I don’t even think he’s experienced enough to have any more scandals.

    Kinda funny that Mccain only had that debunked
    Keating 5 scandal (where the investigation concluded Mccain was not corrupt), in his decades of power, and Obama was hookin Rezko up from day 1.

    Juan (4cdfb7)

  68. “I’ve noticed that a lot of leaks came out about Obama as the dem primary heated up. Wright, Ayers, Rezko.”

    Juan – I’m not sure I would call those stories leaks. They were stories that were out there, often on the internet, that the MSM chose to ignore, until they got too much momentum to ignore completely. Ulrimately they were forced to look at them but in many cases gave them half-hearted covereage.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  69. Really great candid picture of Obama today at scroll down to second picture on lead story. I surprised his ears fit up his butt though. Hands making a big “O” really signify his accomplishments…..O= ZERO
    I realize he did accomplish getting elected, but part of that was sheer duplicity.

    madmax333 (0c6cfc)

  70. btw, can someone confirm that American sign language for “asshole” is actually the circle formed with one hand? So the new Obama sign can only mean one thing…”big asshole”.

    madmax333 (0c6cfc)

  71. #64
    The only thing keeping them from full reconciliation is the hope that somehow, there could be a chance of Hillary pulling out an upset against Obama during the convention. Once it dawns on them that Obama is going to be their nominee and flag bearer, they will put all differences aside and unite under him (Even if they have to hold their nose as they do so….) and face John McCain. The dems really want to win and they believe that more than ever, this is their year. Watch as Obama’s lead in the polls begins to pull further away from McCain after the convention because then, they will be working together for one candidate.

    love2008 (0c8c2c)

  72. #68
    madmax333 + madmax333 = 2madmax666.
    Makes a lot of sense now.

    love2008 (0c8c2c)

  73. I’m not the bozo who cannot respond to facts. Fact: American flag on plane replaced by a big Zero.
    Fact: New Obamatard sign language is zero made by hands.
    OH- BAH-MA! cretins are emulating heil hitler’s legions of lock step zombies.

    Fact: tell a child america sucks and can’t be what it once was.

    Fact: Rasmussen poll says 89% of people want new sorces of energy to be an urgent national priority. The 8% opposed want to rely on tire gauge to save energy as O! proposes.

    madmax333 (0c6cfc)

  74. daleyrocks, to some extent, my view (or mistake if you like), is that I do not distinguish between the MSM and certain powerful elements of the Clinton’s network or Democratic party.

    And while you’re right, the Ayers and Wright stories were just sitting there happily, because Clinton pegged Obama as her veep early on, it was important not to bring up those storied as attacks until it was clear that Obama was threatening Clinton. Obama ran a hell of a great campaign in the primary, when I think about it. but if the Ayers and Wright stories had come out in February, Clinton would be the nominee.

    Juan (4cdfb7)

  75. Just keep in mind that the *WORST* thing that could happen to McCain is a Clinton-Obama ticket.

    Obama-anybody else is beatable. Clinton-anybody else is beatable. Only thing that saves McCain (i.e. most of us here) is that if Clinton has the goods on B.O. (enough to make something like that happen) it would be extremely hard to keep them from coming out to the general public.

    MrJimm (6d0473)

  76. While I don’t care too much about age, I think after 4 years of Mccain that America may seek out a younger president.

    That’s why McCain’s VP choice is so important. He will be a one-term president.

    There is a video studio assembling Obama gaffes and Rev Wright highlights for October and November. I’m not saying Obama is toast. It will all depend on the debates. I remember 1960 and 1976 when the entire election hinged on one debate, in 1960 the first one and in 1976 on Ford’s gaffe about Poland. I was screaming at the TV that time.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  77. Oh Oh ! This could be juicy.

    Mike K (2cf494)

  78. I fully believe McCain would be a one term president if elected.

    G (722480)

  79. #73
    The “worst thing” that could happen to McCain is a united Democratic party. And that’s what will happen during and after the convention.

    love2008 (0c8c2c)

  80. Why do I read that and think of a “one-trick pony”?

    Another Drew (722aad)

  81. Watch as Obama’s lead in the polls begins to pull further away from McCain after the convention because then, they will be working together for one candidate.

    What are you going to say when the polls show otherwise?

    PUMA doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon.

    Lord Nazh (899dce)

  82. “one trick unicorn” – Remember Big Zero.

    Rick Ballard (0a8990)

  83. Is Slick Willy scheduled to speak before the nominee is selected, or after the Dems have officially named their candidate?

    It’s important because the podium would be exactly the right spot to launch an attack on Obama, denounce him as unelectable, point out his shortcomings, and throw down the gauntlet.

    If given the opportunity, I don’t think the Clintons could resist such a bold move on such a prominent stage. It’s the perfect storm, the political equivalent of [pick your own historical event, or combinaton of events].

    Talk about a chance for redemption or infamy. A floor fight on national TV for the nomination is how Bill and Hill could grab the brass ring, it’s how they could nail down a place in history.

    Why it would reduce Monica Lewinsky to a footnote and guarantee a legacy in American politics the likes of which are reserved only for the greatest of heros and villains.

    Ropelight (cb4838)

  84. love, are you hiding from me?

    Icy Truth (db73ab)

  85. Edwards fesses up!

    Edwards Admits Sexual Affair; Lied as Presidential Candidate
    In an ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE interview, Edwards Reveals He Cheated, But Didn’t Father Child

    August 8, 2008 —

    John Edwards repeatedly lied during his Presidential campaign about an extramarital affair with a novice filmmaker, the former Senator admitted to ABC News today.

    In an interview for broadcast tonight on Nightline, Edwards told ABC News correspondent Bob Woodruff he did have an affair with 44-year old Rielle Hunter, but said that he did not love her.

    Edwards also denied he was the father of Hunter’s baby girl, Frances Quinn, although the one-time Democratic Presidential candidate said he has not taken a paternity test.

    Edwards said he knew he was not the father based on timing of the baby’s birth on February 27, 2008. He said his affair ended too soon for him to have been the father.

    A former campaign aide, Andrew Young, has said he was the father of the child.

    According to friends of Hunter, Edwards met her at a New York city bar in 2006. His political action committee later paid her $114,000 to produce campaign website documentaries despite her lack of experience.

    Bradley J. Fikes (a18ddc)

  86. I have a post up.

    Patterico (61b90b)

  87. Patterico!

    Can you get me a job?

    Tlove (953364)

  88. “Could someone with more legal expertise please tell me where in the Democratic papers it says that ANY of the delegates (pledged or Supers) have to vote for their candidate even on the first ballot.”I recall reading that the Obamites, who are now running much of the DNC operation, have replaced some of the Hillary delegates.

    davod (5bdbd3)

  89. On second thought, it would be much better for Obama to withdraw his name from consideration before any delegate votes are announced. Then Slick could first praise Obama’s judgment, and then call for unanimous consent to draft Hillary.

    Quick, clean, and silky smooth, now, how to get the Anointed One to play ball, that or go for a plane ride.

    Ropelight (cb4838)

  90. Obama and his left wing cronies continue to bash America, while insisting that he is the messiah who will restore our country to it’s former greatness … and restore our status with the international community … however, the international community continues to hold back aid to hungry and under privileged countries, while America continues to give much more foreign aid than other countries … even the oil rich countries … see the stats at:,2933,403182,00.html

    Gina (f14f31)

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