Patterico's Pontifications


Obamesiah v. Clintonistas — Lets Get Ready To Rumble!!!!!

Filed under: General — WLS @ 6:47 pm

Posted by WLS:

The chatter is getting a little too loud for this to be pure media/internet speculation.

Latest out of the box today is Karen Tumulty over at Time this afternoon — “Have the Clintons Gotten Over It?”  But Drudge has links up to two different articles on this topic, which follow only one day after Politico put up this story which DRJ posted about yesterday.

From Tumulty’s Time article:

But behind the united front, says an adviser, “it’s not a great relationship, and it’s probably not going to become one.” In private conversations, associates say, Clinton remains skeptical that Obama can win in the fall. That’s a sentiment some other Democrats believe is not just a prediction but a wish, because it would prove her right about his weaknesses as a general-election candidate and possibly pave the way for her to run again in 2012. Clinton is also annoyed that Obama has yet to deliver on his end of an informal bargain, reached as part of their truce, that each would raise $500,000 for the other. “Hillary has done her part in that regard,” says an adviser. “Obama has not.”

[I]f Hillary Clinton’s feelings are still bruised, her husband’s are positively raw. The former President is particularly resentful of suggestions—which he believes were fueled by the Obama camp—that he attempted to play upon racial fears during the primaries. Not helping is the fact that Obama has yet to follow up on the tentative dinner plans he and Bill Clinton made at the end of the primary season. “It’s personal with him, in terms of his own legacy,” says a friend of Bill Clinton’s. “And the race stuff really left a bad taste in his mouth.”

This ABC News story says there is a

“fierce behind-the-scenes squabble between the Clinton and Obama camps over how to recognize Clinton and her achievements in the primaries without overshadowing or detracting from a convention that belongs to Obama.”

But the very fact that details of her convention role remain unresolved less than three weeks before the Democrats descend upon Denver is a fresh sign of the difficulties the party will face at a convention when nearly half the delegates were chosen because of their support for a candidate who will not be the nominee.

And these stories follow just a few days after Howard Wolfson, Clinton’s former campaign spokesman, made sympathetic comments about way in which the McCain camp responded to the race-baiting by the Obama camp. 

But, most significantly, they follow only a couple days after Bill Clinton specifically declined to affirm in any positive fashion that Obama is qualified to be President.   He told ABC News:

“I never said he wasn’t qualified. The constitution sets qualification for the president. And then the people decide who they think would be the better president.”

So, he’s old enough, and he was born in the US — so far as they know.

119 Responses to “Obamesiah v. Clintonistas — Lets Get Ready To Rumble!!!!!”

  1. Hey maybe Hillary and Michelle could mud-wrestle! I’m sure y’all would love that.

    David Ehrenstein (21c975)

  2. Seems like the “Hillary 2012” bumper stickers have already been printed.

    Perfect Sense (9d1b08)

  3. I wonder what happened to “Our Country’s First Black President?” Oh, never mind – he’s a racist now.

    Dmac (874677)

  4. ““fierce behind-the-scenes squabble between the Clinton and Obama camps over how to recognize Clinton and her achievements in the primaries without overshadowing or detracting from a convention that belongs to Obama.”

    It must a matter of semantics because there was a newsclip tonight of Hillary talking with some female supporters, one of whom cheered Hillary on for the veep spot. Upon being questioned regarding this, Hillary nodded, smiled and clearly stated,

    “We’re working on that with the Obama campaign right now.”

    Dana (254946)

  5. Hugh Hewitt had a tape today of Hillary discussing a “favorite daughter” first ballot nomination. That would be interesting if Obama continues to show little movement until the convention. Pass the popcorn, please.

    MIke K (2cf494)

  6. Why should Hillary and Bill want Obama to win? I don’t think Obama would be excited about supporting the Clintons if he thought they played the race card on him and won as a result.

    DRJ (9d1be2)

  7. Mind you, we’re talking about a pol (a baby pol- ) who’s running under the slogan, Uniter.

    It’s exactly why the hard left love this guy. He’s so divisive. I think Obama’s bosses in Chi. played the racist card way too soon. Dealing from the bottom, right at the top with the ex-prez was like spending his Christmas money in July.

    Clinton is also annoyed that Obama has yet to deliver on his end of an informal bargain, reached as part of their truce, that each would raise $500,000 for the other. “Hillary has done her part in that regard,” says an adviser. “Obama has not.”

    Used car, anyone?

    Vermont Neighbor (a066ed)

  8. It must a matter of semantics because there was a newsclip tonight of Hillary talking with some female supporters, one of whom cheered Hillary on for the veep spot. Upon being questioned regarding this, Hillary nodded, smiled and clearly stated,

    “We’re working on that with the Obama campaign right now.”

    Comment by Dana — 8/6/2008 @ 7:06 pm

    Given the Clintons’ penchant for “semantics” one is tempted to look at her statement from many angles…as in who is “We,” why say “Obama campaign” instead of “Senator Obama” and what, precisely, “working on that” means.

    IOW I put (very nearly) nothing past this woman basically. She wants to be President, she is the definition of relentless and I do find it hard to believe that the junior senator from New York is just going to stand aside let that junior senator from Illinois push past her to the prize, after she’s waited and waited for so long.

    no one you know (1ebbb1)

  9. Lanny Davis had that piece a couple days ago urging Obama to take Hillary to the prom. Or else. I think her bundlers want popcorn more than anyone . . .

    Vermont Neighbor (a066ed)

  10. DRJ (and anyone else), do you think Obama played the race card on the Clintons — rather than vice versa — eg with South Carolina and Jesse Jackson?

    Not Rhetorical (7508a1)

  11. The idea that Obama has already welched on his deal with Hillary is quite amusing to me.

    I thought that my opinion of him as a welcher was just my dislike of him.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  12. Hey maybe Hillary and Michelle could mud-wrestle! I’m sure y’all would love that.

    I think I just threw up a little in my mouth…

    Scott Jacobs (d3a6ec)

  13. Dana,

    The Washington Post has more on how Obama and the Clintons are “working together.” They are working to avoid a floor fight.

    A floor fight would be even better than mud wrestling.

    DRJ (9d1be2)

  14. I think the Dems deep down don’t really want to rule. They’re like the teenagers of the political American family–they want their allowance but no real responsibility. Someone might not like them if they had to make a decision!

    Patricia (f56a97)

  15. Omigod! The cupboard is bare. Time to make another popcorn run.

    jim2 (1a0408)

  16. DRJ – A floor fight between Hill/Bill and Baracky would be … beyond my wildest dreams 😉

    JD (712926)

  17. #13, DRJ, boy thats funny stuff. Of course Hillary has positioned herself nicely – her appearance as a near-victim in this is neatly encouraged by her angry supporters through their continued rooting on and insistence that she (and she alone) be recognized for the Woman She Is. Hillary has to do nothing but appear flattered by the attenntion and pretend to not be involved in anything so unseemly. Just an innocent bystander. Who, me???

    I must confess although I think Bill was wrongly accused of racism and it was shameful, there is something highly entertaining when picturing Hillary accompanied by a big, petulant child who periodically erupts with yet another self-pitying cry of, ‘How could they’! Makes me giggle every time.

    Dana (254946)

  18. To continue the wrestling metaphor, the impressive thing to me is the way the Clintons and McCain are tag-teaming Obama each time he or a surrogate tries to play the race card. The media can’t resist so Obama gets hammered twice, once by the political response and once by the media.

    DRJ (9d1be2)

  19. DRJ – That is easily fixed, though. Baracky could just quit playing the race card. Nah, crazy talk.

    JD (712926)

  20. Did someone say mudwrestling? I just quit my job, so I’m looking for some potential alternative careers…

    Tlove (953364)

  21. Seriously? you did??

    Scott Jacobs (d3a6ec)

  22. yup. I seriously did.

    Tlove (953364)

  23. Tlove,

    I’m sure there are several people here who would gladly sponsor a Patterico mud-wrestling team.

    Either way, I hope your job change works out great.

    DRJ (9d1be2)

  24. It’s a little weird being unemployed! Thanks DRJ.

    Tlove (953364)

  25. So, what is on the horizon for you, Tlove? I do not know if I should extend condolences, or congratulations. Either way, best of luck.

    Now, about that role playing 😉

    JD (712926)

  26. Hehehe. As long as I can find something in the next 2 months, congratulations are in order. I definitely could use some good luck wishes!

    Tlove (953364)

  27. Right now I am playing the role of an unemployed attorney. How am I doing?

    Tlove (953364)

  28. Then I shall be the first to send some good luck wishes your way.

    JD (712926)

  29. So, are you going to no longer practice, or are you changing what you do within the arena of the law?

    JD (712926)

  30. Thanks! Hey Patterico, get me a job with the DA!! They allow liberals in the DA’s office, right?

    Tlove (953364)

  31. I just had to get away from the area of law I was in. There was something very unfulfilling about working for insurance companies suing other insurance companies.

    Tlove (953364)

  32. Tlove,

    Lots of attorneys quit jobs and move on to other things. In fact, I can’t think of very many attorneys I know who didn’t change jobs at least once.

    DRJ (9d1be2)

  33. Oops. I work for an insurance behemoth 😉 We can suck the soul and the life out of anything.

    JD (712926)

  34. DRJ – You are an attorney, no? What area of law do you practice?

    JD (712926)

  35. Shoot, it aint easy to suck the soul and life out of me. I’m a pretty lively easygoing person. But it happened!

    Tlove (953364)

  36. OTH, does anyone believe this,

    “Clinton has made it clear that she is not considering formally fighting Sen. Barack Obama for the nomination in Denver later this month.”

    Dana (254946)

  37. “Hey maybe Hillary and Michelle could mud-wrestle! I’m sure y’all would love that.”

    Hillary could get her in a cankles lock.

    Tap out? Whaddya mean she’s tapping out? I don’t hear anything or see anything.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  38. Keyword: formally. When you have entire blocs of pissed-off feminists to do the fighting for you . . .

    Icy Truth (383bff)

  39. Tlove – That is what we do. And we are good at it. My company has almost 200 years of practice.

    JD (712926)

  40. I did insurance defense work for the first 4 years of my practice and I liked it, but I think practicing law in smaller communities is generally more pleasant than in big cities.

    DRJ (9d1be2)

  41. I have seen some young attorneys really make a name for themselves doing insurance defense work. They got to try some really big exposure cases quite early in their careers, and blaze a career path for themselves.

    I am considering enrolling in an evening law program, so someday I could call myself JD, J.D.

    JD (712926)

  42. That would be HOT. JD, J.D.

    Tlove (953364)

  43. JD: as a student enrolled in an evening law program, I say to you: come on in, the water’s warm! 🙂

    aphrael (12fba5)

  44. Or, I could be one of those painfully arrogant and pretentious people like David Petranos Esq. Lawyers have so many cool appellations. J.D. Esquire. Palladin. Barrister. Jackass. Counselor.

    JD (712926)

  45. Go for it, JD. I’ve run into several insurance company executives who went back to law school. I think they get frustrated working with lawyers who have too much authority and too little experience and common sense.

    DRJ (9d1be2)

  46. The whole night program fits with work, but I am not convinced that I am willing to part with my actual life just for a degree. I really have no desire to practice, but I would like to accomplish that. Is that odd?

    JD (712926)

  47. JD: you wouldn’t need to part with your actual life, just … ration it.

    aphrael (12fba5)

  48. Don’t do it!! Attorneys are horrible, nasty people.

    Tlove (953364)

  49. Aphrael,

    Your professors are lucky to have a student like you.


    No, it’s not odd. Many attorneys end up doing something other than a conventional law practice and a law degree opens a lot of doors. We want our son to go to law school even though we don’t really want him to practice law. We want him to think well and a good law school teaches students to think well. That helps in any career and in life.

    DRJ (9d1be2)

  50. The degree is nothing. The license is everything. Go for it if you want to be a lawyer. Go for it too if you just want to be a legal scholar. But it’s better to be a lawyer.

    nk (e38352)

  51. But I would, aphrael. I try to be home no later than 6:00 during the week. That way, I get 2-3 good hours with my 6-year old every day. I literally do not know if I could part with that time.

    My Dad has never practiced. I always thought that was kind of cool.

    JD (712926)

  52. I could call myself JD, J.D.

    And with an 800 #. You would own the afternoon couch potatoes.

    Vermont Neighbor (a066ed)

  53. That is not practicing law, VN 😉

    JD (712926)

  54. Tlove – probably not an option is money is a big issue, and geography always plays a role in what’s available, but if you’ve ever been interested on DOJ, now is the time. Same thing happened at the end of the Clinton 8 years, lots of turnover in just about every segment of DOJ — criminal, civil, whatever.

    If your even curious, go to the DOJ website, and there is a link for “Jobs” and them from there you’ll see one for “Attorney Vacancies”. Some of those listings are for multiple positions in a given office/component. If nothing else, they make for interesting reading.

    wls (4ab682)

  55. “I think they get frustrated working with lawyers who have too much authority and too little experience and common sense.”

    DRJ – Part of it is learning to ask the self-impressed lawyers the right questions to demonstrate that they don’t know everything and that there are perhaps business issues involved as well as legal issues in the matters at hand. Worked very well for me.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  56. Don’t go to the Dark Side, TLove. Look into the Federal Defender if criminal law is what you want to do.

    nk (e38352)

  57. “I think they get frustrated working with lawyers who have too much authority and too little experience and common sense.”

    DRJ – Sort of related. Just look at the horror show that we got when the lawyers in Congress made rules for accountants with Sarbanes-Oxley. IMO, insurance company lawyers shouldn’t run the show, they provide input and then take direction.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  58. nk — got no problem with that, but DOJ offers a lot more than simply criminal prosecution. Fed Def. is pretty much a one trick pony.

    But its a great place to work if you like visiting people in jail a lot.

    WLS (4ab682)

  59. I don’t really want to visit people in jail.

    Tlove (953364)

  60. DRJ,

    thank you.


    I can understand that; the time you have with your son is precious.

    There are a couple people in my class with children, and I don’t know how they do it; although one of them brings his son to class, and he sits there listening to his ipod and doing his homework while not disturbing the class. 🙂

    aphrael (12fba5)

  61. I taught a law-related class for a few years and I took my oldest son with me to class now and then. The biggest problem was the students liked to watch him more than they wanted to listen to me.

    DRJ (9d1be2)

  62. TLove:

    I just had to get away from the area of law I was in. There was something very unfulfilling about working for insurance companies suing other insurance companies.

    Think about whether it really is the area of law that turned you off, or whether it’s the fact that you were representing insurance companies rather than, say, private individuals. If the latter, consider whether the expertise you’ve built up to this point could be transferred rather than starting from scratch. If your cases involved coverage disputes between insurers, for example, some of those skills could be used to represent private individuals, as well. If you’ve been doing subrogation, nearly all of those skills can; you’ve essentially been practicing P.I. work all along, only without the benefit of feeling like you’ve helped the little guy, since your client wasn’t him but a big bad insurance company that stepped into his shoes.

    Good luck.

    Xrlq (62cad4)

  63. J.D. Esquire. Palladin. Barrister. Jackass. Counselor.

    You just wrote your billboard ad…

    Scott Jacobs (425810)

  64. I was thinking more like the back of the phone book, or a bus stop bench, but yeah, it would be a good ad.

    JD (75f5c3)

  65. I would love a law degree. I think I would make a decent (note: not great) lawyer…

    But damnit law school is fegging pricey…

    Scott Jacobs (425810)

  66. Frankly, I think that young people who have a “Political Science” B.A., makes the worst lawyers. They have no real education and yet end up thinking the J.D. degree makes them expert in everything. I think a hard science undergrad degree makes a better foundation or at worst an economics degree from a serious economics school.

    Of course, I’m biased as I have an engineering undergrad degree.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  67. As does bridget, I believe…

    My one REALLY big drawback to getting a law degree? That pesky undergrad degree.

    Are we sure I can’t get one without it? I mean, Lincoln never even went to law school…

    Scott Jacobs (425810)

  68. There used to be schools that awarded a undergrad law degree that qualified one but I can’t recall any that do now.

    SPQR (26be8b)

  69. SPQR: I agree in theory that an undergrad degree in the hard sciences is better, but would never advise an aspiring lawyer to follow that path. In a world where LSAT + GPA determine everything, the best course of action for a would-be lawyer is to major in whatever will generate the most/easiest As.

    Scott: depending on your state, it may be possible to find a law school accredited by your bar only that does not require a bachelors degree as a condition of admission. I think it would be tough finding an ABA accredited school that does, though. The Lincoln option is still available in California and a few other states.

    Xrlq (b71926)

  70. Well! There’s really only one thing for it at this point.

    There is now only one logical choice for the DNC keynote speaker:

    Michael Buffer.

    PCachu (e072b7)

  71. Who wants to help me move out to Cali and study up, eh? 🙂

    Scott Jacobs (fa5e57)

  72. PCachu – Don’t forget Gary Glitter’s also going to be available. The dems are always big on rehabilitating criminals. Two birds, baby.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  73. I would recommend a degree in accounting, get the JD and a CPA. It really helps in “follow(ing) the money”.
    Even if you never practice law, you will be a valued investigator somewhere.

    Another Drew (16e81f)

  74. lord, do you know what’s involved in getting your CPA these days? it’s freaking insane…

    Scott Jacobs (fa5e57)

  75. You mean it’s more difficult than getting a JD?

    I guess the powers-that-be value CPA’s more than JD’s then. Probably has something to do with actually being able to do something, rather than speaking well while wearing a 3-pc suit (re-engage snark filter).

    Just reminded by Dennis Prager on radio this is the day Col. Tibbetts ended WW-2.
    Good Job, Colonel!

    Another Drew (16e81f)

  76. Oops…sorry…my bad
    Yesterday was the 53rd Anniversary of Hiroshima.
    Salutation as before!

    Another Drew (16e81f)

  77. SPQR: I have an undergrad degree in political science. (Oops, sorry, “politics”, since my alma mater didn’t believe in political science). But I’ve been working as a software engineer for fourteen years now, so I get some of the science background. 🙂

    aphrael (e0cdc9)

  78. 63rd.

    Have you been helping the Messiah count states?

    Icy Truth (23d64b)

  79. Rush Limbaugh mentioned this post on the air at around 12:38 EDT. It’ll be interesting to see how that affects traffic, if at all.

    Xrlq (b71926)

  80. What did Rush say, X?

    And did he mention popcorn?

    DRJ (9d1be2)

  81. Scott #68,

    Northwestern will take you and give you your undergrad degree and law degree both in six years. Maybe. Just exactly how smart and how rich are you?

    nk (e38352)

  82. Hey, IT. Give me a break…I hadn’t had my 2nd cup of coffee yet, was listening to the radio with only one ear, and my mind was only functioning at about 12%…
    Got to go re-register as a Democrat!

    Another Drew (16e81f)

  83. I agree with Another Drew on getting a CPA/JD combination. The degrees work well together and provide more flexibility in job choices.

    DRJ (9d1be2)

  84. Sorry, Drew. The smart-ass in me couldn’t resist. You’re one of the most reasoned posters to this blog.

    Icy Truth (23d64b)

  85. As much as I enjoy a good show, this will amount to nothing. Clinton will suck it up, get on with life, and Bambi will be nominated by acclamation. Clinton may be a loser for now, but she has her eye on the prize in 2012.

    steve miller (0fb51f)

  86. Thank you, Icy.

    Another Drew (16e81f)

  87. DRJ, he didn’t mention popcorn per se, but did talk about the Clintons’ commitment – or lack thereof – to seeing Obama elected.

    Xrlq (b71926)

  88. Too many pop corns, no show. Sorry folks.

    love2008 (0c8c2c)

  89. To Vermont Neighbor,” IOW I put (very nearly) nothing past this woman basically. She wants to be President, she is the definition of relentless “of course she wanted the presidency, duh, otherwise why would she campaign? She is relentless, is that a bad thing? Or is it just bad for a woman to be relentless? Obama is relentless, look at the way he ran for the State senate in Illinois, going after very little signature on the other candidates’ petitions so he ended up running unopposed. Media never really covers that. (Except Chicago Trib). Relentless, yes she was for our part of New York State that is recovering from economic devastation. She was relentless for us, and she would be relentless for all of the US, is that so bad? She never basks in the glow of audience adulation like Obama does, I really think the power crazy narcissist is him. Mr. Flip Flop on all the important issues (FISA, NAFTA, Iraq, public camapaign financing) stop being so sexist Mr. Vermont, we women don’t bite.

    george (c38666)

  90. The good ones do.

    Icy Truth (23d64b)

  91. George’s comment #90 threw me for a gender loop. George is a man’s name but the comment implies the author is female. In addition, I always classified Vermont Neighbor as a female but george castigates VN for being a “sexist Mr. Vermont.” Who’s on First?

    DRJ (9d1be2)

  92. The good ones bite ? Arf

    George @ 90,

    I think we agree on most everything you’re saying. Obumbles pushed his way thru the IL state Senate like a shameless soccer mom, running over everything in her path with an SUV.

    Maybe Hillary and B-Ho have something in common. Her drive is sort of innate while his is a complex web of Soros funders and underground Daley mobsters. That’s why his flip-flops are so transparent, IMO.

    Vermont Neighbor (a066ed)

  93. George, whaddup? DRJ has a point.

    Vermont Neighbor (a066ed)

  94. Just exactly how smart and how rich are you?

    Not to brag, but I’m God Damn Brilliant…

    Apparently God made up for the total lack of money that way. 🙂

    Lord knows it ain’t my good looks…

    Scott Jacobs (fa5e57)

  95. And DRJ, I’ve known two gals named George, and both were wonderful ladies…

    Ok, not LADIES, exactly, but they were good people, and female.

    Not many of my female friends can honestly be classified as “lady-like”, though a couple of my male friends could be.

    I need saner friends…

    Scott Jacobs (fa5e57)

  96. Hey Scott. You don’t need to go to law school. You can teach advanced coping to remedials like me.

    If anyone had trouble with the bizarre linking feature at this site, check the explanation from this young fellow. Scott made it easy in just a couple sentences. He berry, berry smart.

    Vermont Neighbor (a066ed)

  97. Scott,

    There’s also Mary Ann Evans a/k/a George Eliot. It doesn’t matter to me what anyone goes by but the sum total of gender reversal caught my eye.

    DRJ (9d1be2)

  98. If nothing else, we learned who the racists in this country really are. Obama will make an excellent president and people who say they don’t know it are lying. He didn’t go to Harvard for nothing. He is a smart man. He is a sincere man. People have to let go of the vicious cycle that is only one race in the White House. We are a rainbow country and every race who lives here should be represented at one time or another. I would love to see a Native American there – most deserving.

    Who knows, perhaps Mr. Richardson will be running in 8 years! I am African-American and I would vote for him. But Obama has to break that ugly, vicious cycle first.

    Johanna (d89466)

  99. #99
    YOU DIDN’T JUST SAY ALL THOSE GOOD STUFFS ABOUT OBAMA HERE, DID YOU?! Wouldn’t love to be in your shoes after now. All hell is gonna break loose over you now. Better run when you still can.
    And the bashing of Johanna for saying all those terrible nice things about Obama, begins in 5…4….3….2…..1….and action!

    love2008 (1b037c)

  100. check the explanation from this young fellow

    Jesus… I haven’t been called young in a very, very long time… 🙂

    Scott Jacobs (fa5e57)

  101. Shorter Johanna – Racists!!!!

    JD (5f0e11)

  102. He is a sincere man

    I believe he is indeed sincere. However, what he is sincere about changes from moment to moment, from crowd to crowd.

    That isn’t someone I can trust.

    We are a rainbow country and every race who lives here should be represented at one time or another.

    The White House isn’t a place we fill based on who’s turn it is, sister… It’s about teh person best qualified, not “well, it’s time we had some color in that place”.

    Mike Tyson is black… How about we make him President instead. You ok with that?

    Scott Jacobs (fa5e57)

  103. Johanna- and I want to vote for a crazy psycho killer hot mama Japanese former geisha girl, nowpost-op transgender naturalized American because I identify with that long abused segment of our population. Someone should represent all those yellow people who were unjustly incarcerated by FDR. Yes, Richardson and Obama are both the salt of the earth, overflowing with intelelct, experience and commonsense and even a loyal corps of supplicants and fellow travelers who are what make America great. These nasty neocons who lick Mccain’s Navy Whites need to the wisdom and glory personified by a potential Obama/Richardson ticket.
    Lovetron666 should consider “Feelings” as a good song to express his joyful love for the O! man…that or the Glimmer Twins’ “You’re a Star F***”.

    madmax333 (0c6cfc)

  104. #99 – Johanna

    — Since I was invited to do so by your Secret Santa:

    If nothing else, we learned who the racists in this country really are.
    — And, just like Sen. ‘KKK’ Byrd, they have a (D) next to their names.

    Obama will make an excellent president and people who say they don’t know it are lying.
    — Beware anyone that states an opinion as if it is fact.

    He didn’t go to Harvard for nothing.
    — Thanks to affirmative action and financial aid it was next to nothing.

    He is a smart man.
    — Agreed

    He is a sincere man.
    — I believe that when he promises to increase govt spending by over $300 billion he means it.

    People have to let go of the vicious cycle that is only one race in the White House. We are a rainbow country and every race who lives here should be represented at one time or another. I would love to see a Native American there – most deserving.
    — Every race deserves to take their turn? Okay. Line up qualified conservative candidates and I promise you we will vote for them.

    Who knows, perhaps Mr. Richardson will be running in 8 years! I am African-American and I would vote for him.
    — I’m an American-American and I won’t vote for him. Have you taken a look at the record of his performance in New Mexico? The highest rate of rape in the lower 48 states? Please!

    But Obama has to break that ugly, vicious cycle first.
    — What ugly cycle would that be? Jesse Jackson deserved to be elected? Alan Keyes?

    Icy Truth (23d64b)

  105. The highest rate of rape in the lower 48 states?

    The guy’s been busy…

    Scott Jacobs (fa5e57)

  106. Now that’s completely inapropriate. 🙂

    Icy Truth (23d64b)

  107. love, where’d ya go?

    Icy Truth (23d64b)

  108. #108
    love, where’d ya go?
    Went fishing. Can you believe that?

    love2008 (1b037c)

  109. Are you here now?

    Icy Truth (23d64b)

  110. Yep!

    love2008 (1b037c)

  111. A special gift for “love2008?, from The Holy Qur’an – Chapter 56 (Al-Waaqe’ah, ‘The Inevitable’), verses 27-56:

    Those of the right side, will be on the right side. In lush orchards; fragrant fruits; extended shade; abundant water. Many fruits. Never ending; never forbidden. Luxurious furnishings. We create for them mates, never previously touched; perfectly matched, for those on the right side. Many from the early generations; many from the later generations.

    Those of the left, will be on the left. In misery and inferno, even their shade is hot. Never cool, never tolerable. They used to be rich. They insisted on the great blasphemy. They said, “After we die and turn to dust and bones, we get resurrected? Does this include our forefathers?” Say, “The early generations and the later generations, will be summoned to a meeting on a predetermined day. Then you, O disbelieving strayers, will eat from the trees of bitterness, filling your bellies therefrom. Then drinking on top of it hellish drinks. Then adding drinks of sand.” Such is their share on the Day of Judgment.

    – You will note that in this case there are no bold-type words. That is because, other than presenting the verses in prose form, this time I did not change a thing.

    Icy Truth (23d64b)

  112. #112
    I dare you to satirize any of those quotations with a parody on Obama.
    First of all, patterico would have to ban you from this blog, delete the comment and post an apology to the Muslim world.

    love2008 (1b037c)

  113. #112
    I dare you to satirize any of those quotations with a parody on Obama. First of all, Patterico will have to ban you from this blog and the comment will be deleted. Then he will have to post an apology to the entire Muslim world, pledging never to let it happen again!

    love2008 (0c8c2c)

  114. Mohammed was a polygamist that slept with underage women.

    JD (75f5c3)

  115. #115
    Racist! I denounce you.

    love2008 (1b037c)

  116. F the ROP. Now Random House won’t publish a book Muhammad because of fears of retaliation by the religion of Peace. Free speech for some and not for others. When will the world wake up and tell the muslims to blow their dogma out their arses?
    Jihad, dhimmis, democrats, is all part and parcel of the same PC BS. I don’t care if I’m called a racist because I think all terrorists should just be killed (including those fair-skinned IRA cretins) or that the new Emperor wears no clothes. The Pied Piper of Hyde Park is leading his rat posse down the road to perdition and I don’t want the rest of us to pay the price because the media is in the tank, dead people are voting repeatedly or some idiots buy into the racist if you don’t support the black.

    madmax333 (0c6cfc)

  117. Oh, so you did respond — 13 hours later. Having your response political-correctness tested were you?

    Icy Truth (db73ab)

  118. Who cares. Will you accept my challenge? Will you dare?

    love2008 (1b037c)

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