Patterico's Pontifications


TIME: McCain Edged Out Obama on National Security Issues . . . by Twenty Points

Filed under: Dog Trainer — Patterico @ 7:29 am

A TIME Magazine poll finds Barack Obama’s lead to be 5 points. The writers of the article learned their skills at describing gaps from the L.A. Times:

McCain, a highly decorated Vietnam veteran, edged out Obama on national security issues. When asked who “would best protect the U.S. against terrorism,” 53% of respondents chose McCain to just 33% for Obama. And nearly half, 48% to Obama’s 38%, trusted McCain to handle the war in Iraq, though 57% said they believed the U.S. was wrong to invade Iraq and 56% said they would like to see the troops brought home within the next two years.

Ed Morrissey says:

So McCain edged out Obama by twenty points?

Sure. It’s only one point more than a “narrow margin”!

(H/t aunursa.)

37 Responses to “TIME: McCain Edged Out Obama on National Security Issues . . . by Twenty Points”

  1. Oh, and if Bill Quick shows up here accusing me of “lying,” read this before you believe a single word he says.

    Patterico (cb443b)

  2. We’re supposed to read what Quick posts?

    This is the kinda thing we need to be told, boss… 🙂

    Scott Jacobs (fa5e57)

  3. We might as well get used to the MSM meme from here on out until November. It’s all about the changieness and hopieness, and never mind the details. He’s a great speaker, and when you really think about it, does it matter that his ad nauseum soaring platitudes and nostrums contain not a single, blessed, actual detail? Oh, and please pay no attention to those Chicago guys behind the curtain – they’ll be thrown under the bus shortly (until after the election).

    Dmac (ea35f7)

  4. Patterico, if Bill Quick shows up, his comment will just translate to: “Hey, you damn kids get off my yard!”

    SPQR (26be8b)

  5. LIARS!

    JD (75f5c3)

  6. I pre-emptively denounce the inevitable idiocy from harpy and Levi.

    JD (5f0e11)

  7. I denounce your denunciations.

    Drumwaster (d67aaf)

  8. Polls: Obama up in 4 battleground states
    Posted: 02:00 PM ET

    From CNN Political Producer Alexander Marquardt

    CNN’s breakdown of the electoral college map.
    (CNN) — A set of polls released Thursday shows Barack Obama leading John McCain in four critical battleground states — Michigan, Wisconsin, Colorado and Minnesota.

    A new Quinnipiac University/Wall Street Journal/ survey put Obama up significantly over the Arizona senator in Minnesota — 54-37 percent – and Wisconsin — 52-39 percent. His lead is smaller in Colorado — 49-44 percent — and Michigan — 48-42 percent.

    This comes on the heels of another Quinnipiac poll last week that had Obama leading in the key swing states of Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida.
    The latest CNN national poll of polls has Obama up 48-40 over McCain among registered voters nationwide.

    This is the news Patterico. Lets talk about this.

    love2008 (1b037c)

  9. JD wrote: I pre-emptively denounce the inevitable idiocy from harpy and Levi.

    Mick Jagger and Keith Richards at one time referred to themselves as “The Glimmer Twins.” I propose a nickname for Levi and jharp: “The Dimmer Twins.”

    L.N. Smithee (e1f2bf)

  10. Good thing everybody knows that it is just a myth that republicans are stronger on national security issues than democrats.

    daleyrocks (d9ec17)

  11. love2008 wrote: This is the news Patterico. Lets talk about this.

    Stop it. His blog, his rules. You wanna set the agenda, SYOFB.

    L.N. Smithee (e1f2bf)

  12. and Michigan — 48-42 percent

    When a democrat promissing to save Domestic car companies is only ahead 6 points in Michigan, it is indeed news…

    Just not for Dems…

    Scott Jacobs (fa5e57)

  13. This comes on the heels of another Quinnipiac poll last week that had Obama leading in the key swing states of Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida.

    I wonder if Obama will still lead in Pennsylvania once the people there hear about his defense of infanticide.

    Michael Ejercito (a757fd)

  14. #11
    Who wants to start his own blog when Patterico is the best? Why start a blog and never really stay on it or really have people visit it, eh Ln Smithee? Patterico is the best.

    love2008 (0c8c2c)

  15. Why no WAPO poll numbers in your presumptuous post, Lovey? Try this one on for size:

    See how easy that is? Just point and click, and anyone can find a poll that fits their dogmatic meme quite nicely.

    THIS IS THE NEWS, Oh Pompous One (say it with the Stentorian overtones) – let’s talk about it.

    Dmac (ea35f7)

  16. Why start a blog and never really stay on it or really have people visit it, eh Ln Smithee?

    Because then YOU will have the power to decide what people talk about. The exercising of First Amendment Rights at its most raw.

    If people actually agree with what you write, you will have visitors. But that’s a big “if”, not substantiated by any available data to date.

    Dmac, that picture of Obama puts me in mind of a 1968 movie with Charlton Heston, Kim Hunter and Roddy McDowell…

    I would identify more specifically, but I don’t want Scott to denounce me. 😉

    Drumwaster (d67aaf)

  17. Here’s another one showing a dead heat as of present:

    We can do this all day, but the end result is that polls at this stage of any campaign for the WH are close to statistically meaningless.

    Dmac (ea35f7)

  18. Money quote from Dmac’s link: “At this point four years ago, Democratic Sen. John F. Kerry held identical leads over President Bush among all adults and among registered voters.”

    Good thing President Kerry wasn’t the disast… wait, you mean he lost the general election? Despite that lead in the polls, up to and including the exit polls on Election Day? Oh, so the only one that counts is the one on November 4th? Whodathunkit?

    Drumwaster (d67aaf)

  19. Funny, I was thinking of another pic with Heston, albeit in a different form. Something where he’s wearing a bandana around his neck, and being menaced by a bunch of white – faced goons, led by Anthony Zerbe.

    Dmac (ea35f7)

  20. Because then YOU will have the power to decide what people talk about. The exercising of First Amendment Rights at its most raw.

    If people actually agree with what you write, you will have visitors. But that’s a big “if”, not substantiated by any available data to date.
    Wont want to argue with you about that Drumwasted, considering the number of people who visit your blog and how many times comments are posted therein. Huge. Very huge. Better to stick with the winner: Patterico! 😉

    love2008 (0c8c2c)

  21. #13
    I wonder if Obama will still lead in Pennsylvania once the people there hear about his defense of infanticide.
    I am sure you are going to see to it that the people of Pennsylvania get to know about this michael. Seeing they are not that informed.

    love2008 (0c8c2c)

  22. #12
    When a democrat promissing to save Domestic car companies is only ahead 6 points in Michigan, it is indeed news…

    Just not for Dems…
    Come on Scotty. Dont be like that. A lead is a lead. Bush defeated Gore by a small margin of 500 votes. Does that take away from the fact that he won?

    love2008 (0c8c2c)

  23. #17
    We can do this all day, but the end result is that polls at this stage of any campaign for the WH are close to statistically meaningless.
    Spot on Dmac. My point exactly.

    love2008 (0c8c2c)

  24. Wont want to argue with you about that Drumwasted, considering the number of people who visit your blog and how many times comments are posted therein. Huge. Very huge.

    Do I act as though I give a rat’s ass how many people visit my little blog? I don’t try to be Patterico or a Puppy Blender, and I write to please myself. I pay the server and bandwidth bills, making me the sole arbiter of what goes on my site, and that suits me just fine.

    The moment I start trying to write to please others, it will have turned into work, rather than play. (Read the bit in Tom Sawyer regarding the whitewashing of a fence.)

    You, OTOH, have to leech on the bandwidth of others, just to express an opinion. Really noble, you parasite.

    Bush defeated Gore by a small margin of 500 votes.

    After every (and I do mean EVERY) exit poll had Gore winning. So much so, that almost every news agency in the country called Florida for Gore even before the polls had closed in the western part of the panhandle (near Pensacola, a major military base and Republican stronghold).

    But Gore LOST. Try and remember that the next time you start talking up those MSM polls touting the Obamessiah…

    Drumwaster (d67aaf)

  25. I was on myw ay to polls and heard about exit interviews having Lurch winning big. Obviously some nefarious entity must have altered the actual voting tally. The VRWC once again robbed the dhimmi peeps of their victory.

    Oh no, another racist needs to be denounced…comparing the lightmaker to a big monkey from Planet of the Apes. Picking on the 1/16 black blood wannabe Negro again!

    We really need to do away with that electoral college that stymies the will of the people. The goracle whipped Bush by millions overall. The big states like Collyforneeya and New York should be the ones to decide every national election with their plethora of left thinking/left voting denizens. Indeed, why not adopt Lani Guinier’s brilliant suggestion to give each black say, 10 votes, to make up for past and current injustices?

    madmax333 (5bffad)

  26. You, OTOH, have to leech on the bandwidth of others, just to express an opinion. Really noble, you parasite.
    Little angry boy. Better a parasite on a living thing than a host of the dead and forgotten. Thats why you are also here on Patterico, fellow “parasite”. Eh?
    But Gore LOST. Try and remember that the next time you start talking up those MSM polls touting the Obamessiah…
    That post was not directed to you Drumwasted, but since you mentioned it, that was my point exactly. Gore lost, even if by a small margin. He lost. Read the comment carefully next time or better still, dont answer when its not directed to you, “fellow parasite”. And i would work on that anger.

    love2008 (0c8c2c)

  27. Read the comment carefully next time or better still, dont answer when its not directed to you, “fellow parasite”.

    Who says I was talking to you, lame2008?

    And i would work on that anger.

    Don’t say such stupid things next time, and you won’t be on the receiving end of it.

    That post was not directed to you Drumwasted, but since you mentioned it, that was my point exactly.

    Your point in bringing up a poll where Obama is ahead was to point out that Gore lost Florida?

    Wow. That’s not apples and oranges, that’s apples and jai alai.

    Drumwaster (d67aaf)

  28. #27
    …sigh…angry little boy.

    love2008 (0c8c2c)

  29. #28 Stupid little girl…

    Drumwaster (d67aaf)

  30. Back on-topic for a moment,

    If there’s a silver lining it’s that we can be proud that the writers for TIME are choosing their words carefully . . .

    . . . choosing them honestly we can work on later.

    Icy Truth (018ffe)

  31. love2008,

    Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania are blue states; Colorado is a purple state. Pennsylvania hasn’t voted Republican since 1988; that doesn’t make it much of a swing state.

    McCain is leading in Florida. Obama’s lead in Ohio is only 3 points. Those two are the only real swing states.

    Overall, McCain leads in 26 states, Obama in 24; however, the states where Obama leads have more electoral votes.

    When you look at the average of polls in the states you mentioned, all of those races are tighter than the one poll you cited, including a less than 4 point lead for Obama in Colorado.

    Likewise, the average of national polls gives Obama just a 4.4% lead.

    Icy Truth (018ffe)

  32. Slight correction: for all nationwide general election polls that ended on June 4th (when Obama became the presumptive nominee) or later, the average is a 4.83 point lead for Obama. That includes a couple of questionable results: a 15 point lead in a Newsweek poll, and a 12 point lead in a Times/Bloomberg poll; if you drop those two and drop the two polls with the narrowest margin, Obama’s lead falls to 4.56 points.

    Icy Truth (018ffe)

  33. Pennsylvania hasn’t voted Republican since 1988; that doesn’t make it much of a swing state.

    It might vote Republican again when the people hear about Obama’s defense of infanticide.

    Michael Ejercito (a757fd)

  34. We can only hope. Obama leads McCain there by 7.5 points, but then they did vote for Hillary over Barack in the primary.

    Icy Truth (018ffe)

  35. John McCain has more sense in his little finger than Barack Obama has in his whole body… How could the American people be so stupid to think this little Harvard punk could protect us from terrorists when he has absolutely no idea what is going on in this world.. All you have to do is listen to him for five minutes and if there has not been someone talk first like Hilllary did, so he’ll know what to say, he doesn’t even have a clue how to answer questions…

    glenda (e1f56c)

  36. This is from David Frum’s blog at NRO but shows that nothing is new under the sun.

    Back in the late 70’s my mother told me one from the early 60’s, on how Soviet media covers events:

    At a summit JFK offered to race Khrushchev and, being much younger and fitter, outran him. The next day the Soviet newspapers reported: “There was a racing competition yesterday which included participation by preeminent world leaders Nikita Khrushchev and John F. Kennedy. Khrushchev came in second. Kennedy was next to last.”

    Now, does that sound like the LA Times, or does it ?

    Mike K (b9ce3e)

  37. Mike, that’s hilarious.

    Drumwaster (d67aaf)

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