Patterico's Pontifications


Obama: What I Heard Rev. Wright Preach

Filed under: 2008 Election — DRJ @ 9:35 am

[Guest post by DRJ]

For the first time that I recall, Barack Obama has provided more detail regarding what he heard Rev. Jeremiah Wright preach during the 20 years Obama attended his church:

“ABC News’ Tahman Bradley Reports: Sen. Barack Obama has admitted in the past attending church when Rev. Jeremiah Wright, his former pastor at Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, has made controversial comments, but he has never explained what he’s heard.

Until now.

Obama, in an interview broadcast on “Fox News Sunday”, said he’s been on hand for worship services that included “provocative” messages delivered by Wright that have touched on race and issues plaguing the black community.”

Obama reportedly heard Wright speak in “blunt terms” and use “street venacular” in ways that might take people aback. Obama heard Wright talk about the “failure of fathers to look after their children” and the history of race in America including Jim Crow and slavery. But Obama says his biggest problem with Wright’s sermons was the focus on what’s bad in America:

“The problem – and I’ve pointed this out in my speech in Philadelphia – was where often times he would error, I think, is in only cataloging the bad of American and not doing enough to lift up the good. And that’s probably where he and I have the biggest difference.”

Careful to point out that he does not endorse all of Wright’s sermons or the way in which they were delivered Obama said, “I go to church not to worship a pastor but to worship God.” Obama also said his vision for the country is much more hopeful than some of the black elders who grew up in a more racially charged America.”

Obama also pointed out the Rev. Wright and his church are more than sermons and do good work.

It seems Obama has problems remembering what he heard in church. I remember far more of my minister’s sermons than Obama seems to recall, and my minister’s sermons are tame and forgettable in comparison to Wright’s. FWIW, my church does good works, too.

Let’s face it: Obama wants another do-over on the embarrassing subject of Rev. Wright. Since the story first broke, Obama has claimed he didn’t hear Wright say anything incendiary, that his statements are like an old uncle, and that he understands but disagrees with the comments. Now Obama has crafted a more nuanced blend of these versions and tries to turn the focus to the church’s good works.

To me, the most disquieting part of Obama’s relationship with Wright is that Wright’s style is confrontational and polarizing, a style that is diametrically opposed to the unifying values Obama espouses. Obama can claim he goes to church for God and not Rev. Wright but there are other churches to choose from that don’t have such a confrontational approach. Moreover, Obama has described Rev. Wright as his moral compass:

“Obama says that rather than advising him on strategy, Wright helps keep his priorities straight and his moral compass calibrated.

“What I value most about Pastor Wright is not his day-to-day political advice,” Obama said. “He’s much more of a sounding board for me to make sure that I am speaking as truthfully about what I believe as possible and that I’m not losing myself in some of the hype and hoopla and stress that’s involved in national politics.”

I think it’s too late for Obama to finally get his story straight on Rev. Wright.


66 Responses to “Obama: What I Heard Rev. Wright Preach”

  1. So he changes his story again and again – but he’s the paragon of moral virtue?

    Does he feel ashamed when his daughters look to him for advice? “Hey, this is what daddy says to you NOW, but stay tuned – I’ll be changing my mind in a few moments.”

    steve miller (6b1383)

  2. I think it’s too late for Obama to finally get his story straight on Rev. Wright.

    It’s more late than you think, DRJ. Fox now has the entire “God Damn America” sppech posted in four parts.

    Hugh Hewitt has further proof that this wasn’t an isolated incident.

    Charles Johnson sez:

    Watch the whole thing—because despite the outcry from mainstream media and Obama supporters (there’s a difference?) that Wright’s vile comments were taken out of context, when you watch his complete sermon it’s even worse.

    Meanwhile, a call for more popcorn: Lefties Seething Over Obama on Fox.

    Paul (266a05)

  3. Too late?! How so? This is American politics, nothing is ever too late. I think this may work out to Obama’s advantage. Before now what we all felt was outrage towards Rev. Wright for those horrible things he said consequently, Obama’s rating began to plummet till he gave that blood-stopping speech. Everyone was free to take punches on it till now, Rev. Wright has come into the public eye. However you look at it it does two things, one, it separates Obama from the speeches as people can now see the man that made them. Two, it allows people to see for the first time the man behind the speech and make up their minds about him and if they think he looks harmless and nice, it may affect the way the speech is viewed. watch what follows as people begin to argue about whether what he said was justifiable or not. The fact that he has yet to offer any apologies creates more confusion. Soon the question will be; was he right? Or was he wrong? That alone allows Obama time off from having to play the scapegoat for the man. You just cant predict what can happen. Its either going to finally destroy whatever is left of Obama’s chances of winning or it could turn him into a national hero. Its a two-egded sword. I for one was not happy when I saw those hate mongering speeches. But hey, this is politics!

    love2008 (d2a57f)

  4. Preachers pander just like pols.

    Rev. Wright was entertaining and testifying in front of a congregation, victimology being an element of community building just as white evangelicals issue calls-to-arms against Islam. I put little stock in the flame-throwing from any pulpit. Conservatives must know they’ll need more on-point attack threads if Obama gets past Hillary.

    Trinity is a large political church where Obama made contacts to further his career. No wise man brings political aspirations and divisive language, all in the name of Jesus Christ. Churches led by vile propagandists should surprise us?

    steve (187be6)

  5. Here is what I think, this man should be ignored. This prime time treatment he is getting is exactly what he wants, an opportunity to make his case to court of public opinion. And you how moveable people csn be. Soon he will turn into a political rallying point for alot of disgruntled and dissatisfied members of the American enterprise. Worst still he may become a symbol of the black struggle against whatever perceivable enemy that they can conjure. Instead of helping America, this could harm America greatly. Fighting him will only make him a hero, a voice for the underdog, a champion for the downtrodden. Ignore him and he will filter away into oblivion. In a time when the gospel of tolerance, unity, love and respect for the common vision needs to be preached, picking on a compticated story like Rev. Wright is the last thing anyone needs now. Forget him! What America needs now is healing, reconciliation and unity. “A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand..” Unite so you can be strong enough to fight your common enemy.

    love2008 (d2a57f)

  6. Here is what I think, this man should be ignored.

    Not so fast, bub.

    We finally have the full speech so we can see all of his remarks in proper context (his defenders yelled all along that the quotes are out-of-context), now you say that we should simply ignore Wright completely.

    Why? Don’t you want to prove the remarks weren’t taken out of context?

    Of course, Retard Boy will argue there’s nothing to see here, move along.

    Paul (266a05)

  7. “Of course, Retard Boy will argue there’s nothing to see here, move along.”

    “Retard Boy?”

    “We finally have the full speech so we can see all of his remarks in proper context (his defenders yelled all along that the quotes are out-of-context), now you say that we should simply ignore Wright completely.”

    Then provide the “proper context” in a quasi-analytical way, Paul.

    You watched *all* the Moyers’ interview, did you?

    steve (187be6)

  8. “Retard Boy?”

    That would be commenter Levi.

    Then provide the “proper context” in a quasi-analytical way, Paul.

    You watched *all* the Moyers’ interview, did you?

    Why should I watch what Wright “claims” what he said in the speech when I can see what Wright actually said?

    You can watch Wright’s entire speech yourself in the link I provided. Not a few minutes here, or 10 seconds there.

    The entire speech, Steve. Unabridged. Unedited. In four parts.

    People have accused Fox and many others of taking Wright’s comments out of context. No longer can that accusation be taken seriously.

    Warning: in full context, it is worse than what Wright’s opponents have claimed.

    Paul (266a05)

  9. The problem – and I’ve pointed this out in my speech in Philadelphia – was where often times he would error, I think, is in only cataloging the bad of American and not doing enough to lift up the good. And that’s probably where he and I have the biggest difference

    So you DID hear him preach those things… I could have swron you said you didn’t…

    And you still stayed.

    Normally, I would comment that I found that “funny”, or perhaps “odd”. Possiblely “perplexing”… But from you, Senator, I find it to be quite in keeping with your character…

    Scott Jacobs (fa5e57)

  10. This is who Obama is and it will go on until the election unless Hillary pulls off her upset. The Ayers story is far from over and may be more damaging than Wright.

    Mike K (b9ce3e)

  11. Unless you live in a small town and there is only one game in town (one church, that is) why would you remain a member of a church that is defined by it’s pastor? Obama states in his book that he was warned by other [black]ministers that Wright was “controversial”. Obama had choices when it came to his church and he chose Trinity. Not the United Church of Christ, Trinity. Trinity is ans was defined by Jeremiah Wright and his hate speech.

    Obama claims that it was because Wright grew up in the Jim Crow era and that would explain Wright’s antagonistic views toward whites, many who had nothing to do with the Jim Crow era because they are too young. What if the rest of America applied that standard to other Americans?
    Would a minister have a right to preach hatred toward anyone of Japanese or German heritage simply because their ancestors died at the hands of those national groups? How about Native Americans? Can they hate all groups, including those black Americans, that were responsible for the deaths of their ancestors?

    Obama has yet to explain why he chose Trinity but his book does. It tells how he was drawn to Wright. What was the draw? Black Liberation theology, perhaps? Now he wants us to believe that he did in fact hear those hateful remarks but chose to stay for the church, not the pastor that defined what made Trinity unique among the rest of the black churches in Chicago.

    While Obama may try to spin that Wright’s message of racism and hatred was lost on him, it is obvious that it was not lost on Mrs. Obama.

    retire05 (20be84)

  12. Why should I watch what Wright “claims” what he said in the speech when I can see what Wright actually said?

    What DID he say?

    Let’s focus on the passages that should put Wright defenders on the run.

    steve (ab11ac)

  13. Let’s focus on the passages that should put Wright defenders on the run.


    Let’s start by watching these.

    See for yourself exactly what he DID say, in full context, unedited, unabridged.

    Since you imply this is much ado about nothing, there should be no harm in watching the four-part video so we can focus on what exactly what he DID say.

    Wright’s defenders have claimed that he was taken out of context. What better context can there be than a complete video–not a transcript, not an interview about what Wright saidbut the actual video footage of the speech itself? What better way to silence Wright’s opponents than to provide the world with the full, unedited, unabridged video of the event?

    Surely you wouldn’t object to that.

    Wright’s got nothing to hide, right?

    Paul (266a05)

  14. #12
    “Wright’s Defenders”?
    Who are these people you speak of?

    love2008 (d2a57f)

  15. Being a consistant liar in not being a consistant Christian. No way did Wright preach from the Holy Bible, maybe from the Koran???? Evidently it approves of brutality, beastality, rape of children-including your own, lying, killing and everything the bible is against.

    Scrapiron (d671ab)

  16. And Steve?

    During the Moyers interview, Wright slammed the press for taking his quotes out of context. (That pesky context point again!)

    Wright could help himself greatly by releasing all the videos and audio files of his speeches. Why has he not done so, if there is nothing to hide, nothing to see here, move along?

    Maybe the reason for his failure to do so is because of passages like these.

    And if you argue that these are taken out of context, then Wright should release the entire audio of each of those so that they aren’t taken out of context.


    Paul (266a05)

  17. Please isolate the passage that make this breaking news.

    Is this the bombshell?

    “We believe that God approves of 6 percent of the people on the face of this earth controlling all of the wealth on the face of this earth while the other 94 percent live in poverty and squalor while we give millions of tax breaks to the white rich.”

    Or this?

    “We can see clearly the confusion in the mind of a few Muslims, and please notice I did not say all Muslims, I said a few Muslims, who see Allah as condoning killing and killing any and all who don’t believe what they don’t believe. They call it jihad. We can see clearly the confusion in their minds, but we cannot see clearly what it is that we do. We call it crusade when we turn right around and say that our God condones the killing of innocent civilians as a necessary means to an end. WE say that God understand collateral damage. We say that God knows how to forgive friendly fire.”

    “We say that God will bless the shock and awe as we take over unilaterally another country, calling it a coalition because we’ve got three guys from Australia, going against the United Nations, going against the majority of Christians, Muslims and Jews throughout the world, making a pre-emptive strike in the name of God. We cannot see how what we are doing is the same thing that Al-Qaeda is doing under a different color flag – calling on the name of a different God to sanction and approve our murder and our mayhem.”

    Evangelicals like Jerry Vines – who declared the Prophet Muhammad was a “demon-possessed pedophile” – get invited to the White House.

    Vines claimed that his statements had been overemphasized in media reports, and that he had not intended to evoke hate.

    steve (ab11ac)

  18. Please isolate the passage that make this breaking news.

    Why should I isolate any passages when I can provide the complete, unedited, unabridged video of the speech?

    I guess you’re not interested in proper context.

    Paul (266a05)

  19. You can deny it all you want, Steve. Wright has not released all of the audio of all those speeches. Since you imply there is nothung to see here, and Jerry vines is just as bad as Wrigt, why doesn’t Wright simply release all the audios and videos so that there will be nochance of taking him out of context?

    Answer my questions this time.

    Paul (266a05)

  20. Oh, by the way, Steve…you only grabbed partials of the quotes posted at Hugh Hewitt. According to Wright defenders, that’s taking him out-of-context.

    Paul (266a05)

  21. Having just gone through the context of the message, its had to understand why anyone will not see the true intentions of Rev. Jeremiah wrights. He may not be good for Obama but he is definitely good for america right now. just go to that site and read the entire text with an open mind. I think politicizing this matter was a big mistake. This is an open and honest exposition of what is wrong with america. I know I am going to be persecuted for this statement but its ok. I am just saying it the way I feel it. I could be wrong.

    love2008 (d2a57f)

  22. Having just gone through the context of the message, its had to understand why anyone will not see the true intentions of Rev. Jeremiah wrights. He may not be good for Obama but he is definitely good for america right now.

    Well then, love2008, don’t you agree that Wright should release all audios and videos of his speeches so that America will reap the great benefits of his wisdom?

    Paul (266a05)

  23. In time I think he will. But Paul, do you honestly believe this man is anti-american? Do you really in your heart think he is preaching hate? Its easy to presume that if you just read or watch snippets of the sermon but when you read the whole text, you are bound to have a different view. Maybe a more introspective and soul-searching view.

    love2008 (d2a57f)

  24. Barack Momma-Told-Me-There’d-Be-Days-Like-This Obama met Michelle America-Served-Me-Domestic-Champagne Obama before he met Wright. Bet you a dollar she’s the real reason he joined Trinity. That it also helped him with his base was serendepity. (“Serendipity” has nothing to do with “uppity” for those in Rio Linda.)

    nk (1f1707)

  25. But Paul, do you honestly believe this man is anti-american?

    There is a possibility that he only hates white people.

    nk (1f1707)

  26. There is a possibility that he only hates white people.
    You really think so? Prove it.

    love2008 (d2a57f)

  27. But Paul, do you honestly believe this man is anti-american? Do you really in your heart think he is preaching hate?

    Yes. That’s why I posted the complete, unedited, unabridged “God Damn America” speech in four parts, to refute the “taken-out-of-context” argument.

    Paul (266a05)

  28. Ok, have it your way. He hates all Americans.

    nk (1f1707)

  29. Come on nk, dont be like that! Dont take the ball home! You said you think he hates whites and I asked you to prove it. When you make that kind of allegation you need to provide evidence or do you just want me to take it because you said so?

    love2008 (d2a57f)

  30. Fox’s video technology is lame. I went to see the wright videos and it said:

    “Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows XP Media Center 2005, Mac OSX 10.3 or Mac OSX 10.4 is required to view this page.”

    Not much good for my Linux PC.

    Bradley J. Fikes (1c6fc4)

  31. “Warning: in full context, it is worse than what Wright’s opponents have claimed.”

    How so?

    stef (d61157)

  32. And don’t ask people on broadband to look at videos that are more than a minute long (people like me).

    I did read the transcripts posted by Hewitt. And I see very little to complain about. He slandered the Marines by comparing them to the Roman army. He made a nonsensical reference to Puerto Rico that equated it with Zimbabwe and other places. He spouts a lot of typical leftist nonsense about US history and influence–although some of it does happen to be true. He insults Condaleeza Rice and Tiger Woods, but the stats he mixes in with the insults are, to the best of my knowledge, reasonably accurate. He even seems to acknowledge that saying “God damn America” was wrong. (Turn back and say forgive him for the God damn (audience responds).) Then comes the chickens come home to roost passage, which he credits to an American diplomat [I saw something yesterday which claims Wright’s attribution was false. Anyone know for sure?] and which, you may recall, Ron Paul agrees with. And so do, for that matter, anyone who claims that the jihadis hate us for our freedom. He talks about seeing the people who jumped off the top of the WTC because there were no more stairs, in a way which suggests he was horrified by it. And then he calls for the usual leftist political agenda as his conclusion.

    And then there’s the Episcopalian priest Hewitt links to in his update, who apparently can’t fault Wright for anything worse than not waiting to give the sermon at a later time, and who seems to use a form of the Eucharist that lacks a Confiteor.

    kishnevi (2dbd61)

  33. Ok. His “God Damn America” was ameliorated by his “white people killed the black Jesus”.

    nk (1f1707)

  34. “Ok. His “God Damn America” was ameliorated by his “white people killed the black Jesus”.”

    You mean Mel Gibson was lying?

    stef (dfd808)

  35. You mean Mel Gibson was lying?

    Gibson said Jesus was black? And that only whites were responsible for his sacrifice?

    Rob Crawford (b5d1c2)

  36. How so?

    Watch and find out!

    That’s why thy’re posted, stef.

    Paul (266a05)

  37. stef, if you are too lazy to click the link, don’t comment.

    Paul (266a05)

  38. Did Rev Wright actually say that? The stuff about white people killing the black Jesus?

    love2008 (d2a57f)

  39. Yes, he did. “Rich, white people” to be fair. Italians in particular. Not too long into the video.

    nk (1f1707)

  40. “Gibson said Jesus was black? ”

    In his movie jesus was played by a white guy.

    “Watch and find out!”

    I don’t know all the claims of wrights opponents, so watching the video wont tell me how its worse than the claims the opponents made. Just let us know. No big deal.

    stef (84a199)

  41. Who said Gibson said Jesus was black other than you, stef? What? Did you score some bad meth tonight?

    nk (1f1707)

  42. To clarify, with all the back and forth, my comment #39 was an answer to comment #38.

    nk (1f1707)

  43. re-39: NK, the officialdom of the Roman Empire was after all made up of a lot of rich white guys. So, for that matter was the Sanhedrin. And the Romans were usually Italians. Of course, being Romans they depended on the Greeks for the really important stuff 🙂

    kishnevi (743a8f)

  44. I don’t know all the claims of wrights opponents, so watching the video wont tell me how its worse than the claims the opponents made.

    This has been debated for weeks, stef. Thread after thread. Try to keep up.

    Once again: if you are too lazy to click on the link, don’t comment.

    Paul (266a05)

  45. “Who said Gibson said Jesus was black other than you, stef?”

    I never said that. I cut and pasted someone saying that wright said that.

    “Once again: if you are too lazy to click on the link, don’t comment.”

    I’m doing laundry. Why not tell me whats worse now? Whats so weird about this? Why you got that attitude?

    stef (0316cd)

  46. love2008 is clearly right… this could turn Obama into a national hero… right after Ron Paul issues his Obama endorsement, no doubt. Might as well get all the racists we can on Obama’s side?

    No, the truth is there is no defense for “God damn america”… Obama hired the man to help with his campaign, so there’s no separating them. Obama has a platoon of these monsters to explain, including those terrorists in Weather underground, and the Iraqi terrorist sympathizer enabler, Rezko.

    We live in a world where the media is willing to openly lie, even after it’s been caught quite plainly (look at Mary Mapes, who tried to throw an American election and called herself a patriot). So it is certainly possible Obama will win because the people don’t learn enough about him, or hate Mccain more (whether for legit or invented-by-MSM reasons).

    But Obama cannot get support for this. Anyone at all sympathetic to Wright or Ayers or Rezko or Dohn or others would not have voted for Mccain. They are hard left.

    Jem (4cdfb7)

  47. “Who said Gibson said Jesus was black other than you, stef?”

    I never said that. I cut and pasted someone saying that wright said that.

    You are a truly disgusting little troll, aren’t you?

    nk (1f1707)

  48. I suspect that “stef” really is “alphie”. In the pre-op stage.

    nk (1f1707)

  49. re 48: NK, I doubt it. The only transgendered people I’ve ever met are a lot more rational than stef or alphie are.

    Of course, on the Net all you need for a sex change op is a keyboard.

    kishnevi (743a8f)

  50. I’m doing laundry. Why not tell me whats worse now? Whats so weird about this? Why you got that attitude?

    Because I am highly suspicious of anybody that has tried to tell me Wright’s remarks were not racist or were taken out of context refusing to look at the video.

    The full video should establish proper context and exonerate him, if the Wright defenders are to be believed; yet I detect resistance against viewing it.

    What are you Wright defenders so afraid of?

    Paul (266a05)

  51. didn’t jeremiah wright once serve in the u.s. marines? that has to count for a little respect.

    assistant devil's advocate (3fe451)

  52. Yes, he was in the military and his service does deserve respect.

    DRJ (a431ca)

  53. “Because I am highly suspicious of anybody that has tried to tell me Wright’s remarks were not racist or were taken out of context refusing to look at the video.”

    Did I say those those things? I haven’t even seen the decontextualized clips. Why cant you just say what the problem is? I’m not raising any suspicion. Just tell me.

    stef (3f5023)

  54. Rev. Wright served in the Marines? So did Lee Harvey Oswald. Someone pointed out that Wright was a Korean war vet but his service was in 1961, long after end of that war. Big war hero Kerry was in ‘Nam all of four months until his multiple grievous wounds earned him several purple hearts. Yes, I know he didn’t act like Genghis Khan as he claimed so many of his fellow GIs did. But back to Wright- if he had a middle class upbring in Philly what made him hate whitey and America. Well duh, the people he associated with during his religious education. We see the same thing with the mutant muslims seeking nirvana of 72 virgins as they buy into the mullah BS. How come the mullahs and Osamas don’t thus embrace early deaths going out with a bang of explosive vests?
    If striving to reach a middle class life is so terrible, why does Wright embrace a lifestyle more in tune with the rich and famous? So many hypocrites feathering their own nests, including the Obamas. And the far left fever swamp not only excuses, but glorifies sewage such as Rezno, Ayers, Dorhn and Wright and note that only one is actually black. So are we racist if we point out what the evil white people surrounding mulatto Barack middle name deleted Obama have contributed to his political advancement in corrupt Chicago???

    The various trolls here no doubt would delight in dangling at the putrid nether regions of the aforementioned friends of obama, eh?

    madmax333 (ca11bc)

  55. Why cant you just say what the problem is? I’m not raising any suspicion. Just tell me.

    Why can’t you keep up?

    daleyrocks (906622)

  56. The full video should establish proper context and exonerate him, if the Wright defenders are to be believed; yet I detect resistance against viewing it.

    It’s customary to incriminate, first.

    Viewing the 40-minute Jeremiah Wright sermon from April 13, 2003, which clip is revealed to be “worse” than the
    known transcript?

    steve (606637)

  57. I voted Republican in my first election in 1976. I’ve voted Republican in every election since.

    This “Pastorgate” is much ado about nothing.

    Clearly just an attempt to smear a Democrat sincere about addressing Republican corruption.

    I will vote for him without the slightest reservation.

    Voting Obama (adb734)

  58. Viewing the 40-minute Jeremiah Wright sermon from April 13, 2003, which clip is revealed to be “worse” than the
    known transcript?

    If the both the known transcript and the complete, unabridged, unedited 40 minute video exonerates Wright, then what is your problem?

    And you still haven’t answered my questions, Steve. Any new comments from you directed at me will be ignored until you do.


    Paul (266a05)

  59. Obama’s Philadelphia sermon, in attempting to downplay Wright’s extreme views, implied that the views were understandable in the Black community.

    Obama spread the hate around.

    He may keep his followers but the middle will never support him.

    davod (5bdbd3)

  60. Did I say those those things?

    Maybe not on this thread…

    I haven’t even seen the decontextualized clips.

    Why not? All remarks are in proper context. What’s the problem?

    Why cant you just say what the problem is? I’m not raising any suspicion. Just tell me.

    What, you’re incapable pf reading archives?

    If you are incapable of following a debate that has raged for weeks over multiple threads and blogs, that is not my problem.

    Paul (266a05)

  61. “Voting Obama,” you have got to be one of the worst mobies I’ve encountered in a long time. You didn’t really expect anyone to buy that line, did you? Or, for that matter, care what you think if they did?

    Xrlq (62cad4)

  62. “But back to Wright- if he had a middle class upbring in Philly what made him hate whitey and America.”

    – He also attented Howard University in washingyon, DC.

    “Yes, he did. “Rich, white people” to be fair. Italians in particular. Not too long into the video.”

    -In Wright’s mind White people are anyone other than Black people.

    “Being a consistant liar in not being a consistant Christian. No way did Wright preach from the Holy Bible, maybe from the Koran???? ”

    -Some of Wrights sentences could have come from Farrakhan’s book of sermons.

    davod (5bdbd3)

  63. “Why not? All remarks are in proper context. What’s the problem?”

    I’ve read them. And, actually, there was a few seconds on the daily show that I saw.I’ve followed the debates. Now the debate is that this video is worse. Tell me how so. I’m curious.

    stef (5e2e3a)

  64. I don’t think it matters much to obama apologists whatever associations he might have with various crooks and haters of America. YOu can see how the far left loons as personified by the Kossacks reacted when Hussein went on Fox to answer some rather tepid questions by Chris Wallace, who thinks Fox should let go of the Wright story. Fox wants access to certain people imo and thus isn’t about to actually dig hard for the truth. The two ABC dudes were vilified by the media for their “harsh” treatment of Obama. Look how O’Reilly and Hannity on Fox bend over to backwards to kiss Sharpton’s butt.

    It appears that there is no way Obama will actually face questions from a hostile questioner as long as he can avoid it. We could have video tapes of a menage a trois between Barry Hussein, Chrissie Matthews and Olberdork and the far left fever swamp would only praise him more. One poster here says Obama seeks to expose GOP corruption. How about starting with his own friends in Chicago like Rezno and the Daley machine? How about the media shining the light on the friends who conveniently found a judge to unseal court divorce records on his original US Senate opponent? Not to mention other anomalies in his state senate race.
    Kind of amusing how everyone wants to get in the act of opining about evil GOP in guise of Rove, Cheney and Bush…from sportswriters to comic strips and authors of books. Monty has main character altering the space time continuum and ending up as a top Republican strategist with end result that algore wins Presidency in ’00 and ’04 and puts a plan in pace to reverse Global Warming. I’m trying to recall what Clinton- Gore did with Global warming in their actual eight years in office (or about Osama bin Laden for that matter). Get Fuzzy today refers to Demolitioncrats and Republapelpins. jajaja.
    Funny how Obama criticizes McCain for politics of diviseness for mentioning Wright. How will voters in remaining primaries process more media face time by Wright and racebaiters like sharpton? The blacks-can’t-be-racists will most likely vote as a block for obama. You typical white racists opposed just want to keep the black man down and continue to oppress the lower classes with corruption and taxes, even though the bottom 40% pays nada in income taxes.
    Can we expect Wright, Ayers, Dorhn to have prominent roles in an Obama administration? Pity swearing in will be done by cracker like Roberts though. How soon would he pardon Rezno if Rezno is convicted of anything?

    madmax333 (fcd784)

  65. If the both the known transcript and the complete, unabridged, unedited 40 minute video exonerates Wright, then what is your problem?

    The verbatim transcript of the April 13, 2003 sermon has been out there quite some time.

    You linked FoxNews clips which you said were “worse.”

    The simple question: What’s the “worse” part?

    steve (606637)

  66. Rev. Wright’s “Mentor”:
    James Cone defines the theology as thus:
    “Black theology refuses to accept a God who is not identified totally with the goals of the black community. If God is not for us and against white people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of black theology is to kill Gods who do not belong to the black community … Black theology will accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy. What we need is the divine love as expressed in Black Power, which is the power of black people to destroy their oppressors here and now by any means at their disposal. Unless God is participating in this holy activity, we must reject his love.”[5]
    If that isn’t scary, nothing is.

    Margo (4052d7)

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