Patterico's Pontifications


Al Qaeda Motivates its Base

Filed under: Terrorism,War — DRJ @ 1:27 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

American news is focused on today’s Pennsylvania Democratic primary but the Democratic candidates aren’t the only ones who want to motivate their base. Al Qaeda does, too:

“Al-Qaeda number two Ayman al-Zawahiri criticised Muslims for failing to support Islamist insurgencies in Iraq and elsewhere in a new audiotape posted Tuesday on the Internet.

Osama bin Laden’s top lieutenant also blasted Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas over their reported readiness to consider a peace deal with Israel.

“I call upon the Muslim nation to fear Allah’s question (at judgement day) about its failure to support its brothers of the Mujahedeen (holy Warriors), and (urge it) not to withhold men and money, which is the mainstay of a war,” he said.

He also used the two-and-a-half hour message to urge Muslims to join militant groups, mainly in Iraq, where he claimed that the insurgency against the Iraqi government and the US-led coalition forces is bearing fruit.
In his message, Zawahiri also called on the various jihadist groups operating in the country to unite behind the “more advanced” Al-Qaeda-backed “Islamic State of Iraq”.”

Two-plus hours of nagging doesn’t seem like a promising recruiting tactic but I’m not an expert on inducements that work well for aspiring jihadists.

As mentioned above, Jimmy Carter’s meeting with Hamas was used by al-Zawahiri to criticize Hamas:

“Turning his ire on Hamas, [al-Zawahiri] said the Palestinian group’s reported willingness to hold a referendum on any peace deal with Israel flew in the face of Sharia, or Islamic, law.

“How can they put a matter that violates Sharia to a referendum?” he added.”

This isn’t the first time al Qaeda leaders have criticized Hamas for putting its national interests above the interests of jihad:

“An al-Qaeda commander who escaped from a U.S. prison in Afghanistan appeared in a new videotape Sunday criticizing Hamas and other Islamic groups that he said prioritized nationalism and electoral politics over jihad, or holy war.

Hamas is focused on the creation of an independent Palestinian state rather than al-Qaeda’s vision of a worldwide Muslim community ruled by Islamic law. Like al-Qaeda, the Palestinian movement advocates violence to achieve its goal, but has also participated in elections alongside the moderate Palestinian Fatah group.”

It must be especially discouraging for al Qaeda leaders to watch people choose elections over jihad.


11 Responses to “Al Qaeda Motivates its Base”

  1. DRJ:

    It must be especially discouraging for al Qaeda leaders to watch people choose elections over jihad.

    Unfortunately, they aren’t really.

    But I can’t say I’m displeased to see such petty squabbling among those who aspire to bloody world conquest.

    EW1(SG) (84e813)

  2. EW1 – There’s always petty squabbling among those who aspire to bloody world conquest. Sometimes its not so petty.(see Hitler/Stalin)

    As you said regarding elections, it’s not really about the idea, but ultimately about the power.

    Hence the schizophrenia of the left.

    Apogee (366e8b)

  3. EW1(SG),

    Palestinians may not really be choosing elections but Americans and Iraqis are. That must be discouraging.

    DRJ (a431ca)

  4. No substantive comment, but I just want to say the title you chose is a most excellent piece of wordplay.

    kishnevi (2b3e28)

  5. The only good news Zawahiri gets these days is from American Democrats. And then, he can’t even trust them if he knows about Goolsbee and Mark Penn. Who’s a terrorist to trust these days ? Hamas has endorsed Obama but even they can’t be sure.

    Mike K (f89cb3)

  6. #2 Apogee:

    Sometimes its not so petty.

    One can only hope, eh?#3 DRJ:

    but Americans and Iraqis are. That must be discouraging.

    How very true! Something to smile about, anyway. :)#4 kishnevi:

    the title you chose is a most excellent piece of wordplay.

    Hah! I hadn’t noticed until you pointed it out! A most apt pun indeed, DRJ!

    EW1(SG) (84e813)

  7. Mmmph. The tag that worked in the preview to separate “#3” & “#4” from the surrounding didn’t after the comment was submitted.

    Sorry about the run on sentence. 😉

    EW1(SG) (84e813)

  8. Thanks, Kishnevi. You’re the master but I try.

    DRJ (a431ca)

  9. “not to withhold men and money”

    Sounds like al-quaida is having trouble with it’s war effort also. Good.

    EdWood (c2268a)

  10. Zawahiri sure doesn’t sound like he thinks his side is winning.


    McGehee (25adee)

  11. What would really upset Al – Quaeda would be if we demonstrated that our commitment to democracy was more than paper thin. How about we twist the knife a little further, and recognise Hamas as the democratically elected representatives of the Palestinians??..

    chris (1046b6)

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