Patterico's Pontifications


L.A. Times Corrects Story, Kind Of

Filed under: Dog Trainer,General — Patterico @ 6:59 am

This correction appeared in Wednesday’s L.A. Times:

Airport: An article in Sunday’s California section about a plane crash in Compton said the site of the crash was about a mile and a half from Compton/Woodley Airport. The site is about half a mile from the airport. Also, a follow-up article in Monday’s California section said two people were injured on the ground and two aboard the plane. Two people were injured in the plane and three on the ground.

Actually, it was more like a quarter of a mile away, as I told you in this post, with a map to back me up. It’s maybe half a mile from the center of the airport, but by that logic, I’m about 1500 miles away from the United States.

But they’re getting closer!

2 Responses to “L.A. Times Corrects Story, Kind Of”

  1. It’s maybe half a mile from the center of the airport, but by that logic, I’m about 1500 miles away from the United States.

    About two thousand miles away according to my daughter. So far America only has three states as far as she is concerned — Chicago, New Orleans and Florida. But you are in North America, if that’s any comfort. 😉

    nk (6b7d4f)

  2. Do you realy ever expect the L.A. SLIMES to ever print the whole truth NEVER EVER

    krazy kagu (9baf51)

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