Patterico's Pontifications


Obama: Here’s What’s Important . . . And I Don’t Have It

Filed under: 2008 Election,General — Patterico @ 5:21 pm

Captain Ed has a nice juxtaposition:

Here’s Obama on why he’s the better candidate:

In a dangerous world, it’s judgment that matters.

And here’s Obama on his Rezko entanglement:

Obama also said for the first time that his private real estate transactions with Rezko involved repeated lapses of judgment.

I feel so much better now.


Yes, Rezko is still looming large:

Indicted Chicago businessman Antoin “Tony” Rezko was a more significant fundraiser for presidential candidate Barack Obama’s earlier political campaigns than previously known. Rezko raised as much as $250,000 for the first three offices Obama sought, the senator told the Tribune on Friday.


5 Responses to “Obama: Here’s What’s Important . . . And I Don’t Have It”

  1. Rich Lowry uses excerpts from Obama’s book to show he knew about Wright’s inflammatory rhetoric.

    DRJ (a431ca)

  2. More at Little Green Footballs regarding Wright’s influence on Obama in a Rolling Stone article entitled “Campaign ‘08: The Radical Roots of Barack Obama.” LGF also notes that the article was renamed “Destiny’s Child.”

    DRJ (a431ca)

  3. I just realized I posted these on the wrong thread. In a way, the subjects are related because they show Obama has questionable judgment. However, this thread is about Rezko and my posts concern Obama’s pastor, Jeremiah Wright. I’m sorry about that.

    DRJ (a431ca)

  4. Barack Obama for President. Eliot Spitzer for Vice President.

    Vermont Neighbor (c6313b)


    krazy kagu (a2e13d)

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