Jeremiah “God Damn America” Wright Has Formal Role in Obama Campaign and Plays Significant Role in His Life
Ben Smith at Politico says that Jeremiah Wright
has a formal role [in Obama’s] campaign.
Wright is a member of Obama’s African American Religious Leadership Committee — the sort of largely honorary, advisory body that in recent days has recently been used mostly to throw people off who say controversial things.
The Obama campaign couldn’t immediately say whether he’d remain on the committee.
It’s a ceremonial role, to be sure . . . but it’s an official indication that Barack Obama, who has tried to distance himself from Wright in the past, still wants Wright to be identified with his campaign. Here is the video of Wright screaming “God damn America” and other charming things:
By the way, Ben Smith says that Wright “has generally been described as connected to Obama only informally — a religious figure with whom Obama has said he disagrees at times, a kind of cranky uncle.” Well, he may have been described that way by certain media outlets, but their relationship is actually much closer than is indicated by Smith’s innocuous portrayal. Last year, the Chicago Tribune profiled Wright and said:
In Wright [Obama] had found both a spiritual mentor and a role model.
. . . .
Obama says that rather than advising him on strategy, Wright helps keep his priorities straight and his moral compass calibrated.
“What I value most about Pastor Wright is not his day-to-day political advice,” Obama said. “He’s much more of a sounding board for me to make sure that I am speaking as truthfully about what I believe as possible and that I’m not losing myself in some of the hype and hoopla and stress that’s involved in national politics.”
I can just picture the advice:
Don’t lose yourself in the hype and hoopla, Barack. Stay focused on the important things: God damn America, the US of KKKA — the country whose “chickens have come home to roost” in the form of September 11.
This is the man who helps Obama keep his priorities straight? This is the man who helps Obama calibrate his moral compass?
Well, we know this: Wright is the man who inspired the keynote speech that launched Obama’s national profile:
Before leaving for Harvard Law School in 1988, he responded to one of Wright’s altar calls and declared a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Later he would base his 2004 keynote speech to the Democratic National Convention on a Wright sermon called “Audacity to Hope,” –also the inspiration for Obama’s second memoir, “The Audacity of Hope.”
And Obama consults with Wright before making major political decisions:
Though Wright and Obama do not often talk one-on-one often, the senator does check with his pastor before making any bold political moves.
Last fall, Obama approached Wright to broach the possibility of running for president. Wright cautioned Obama not to let politics change him, but he also encouraged Obama, win or lose.
Sorry, Ben Smith . . . this sounds like much more than an informal relationship with a cranky old uncle.
More on Wright from Tom Maguire and Karl at Protein Wisdom. Both posts have links a’plenty.
UPDATE: More here, including Obama’s reaction, and reasons to doubt its sincerity.
“Audacity to Hope” delivered by Jeremiah Wright
ja (8128dc) — 3/14/2008 @ 1:02 am
Freudian slip?
Xrlq (62cad4) — 3/14/2008 @ 2:24 amAnd at no point, ever, in his career, did George W. Bush or Senator McCain ever talk to, or meet at breakfast before the Republican Convention, or wildly seek out the endorsement of someone who said that the homosexuals/liberals brought about 9/11. Thank goodness that never happened, imagine the motives others might have put upon them then, less cultured than we.
Eh, Etc. (e1a856) — 3/14/2008 @ 2:44 amThis latest racist rant by Rev. Wright took place on CHRISTMAS DAY! This is how he celebrates the birth of Christ?
JEC (d671ab) — 3/14/2008 @ 3:34 amAnd how can the Obamas subject their children to this every week?
Obama has a serious problem on his hands with this guy but before the “conservatives” greet this with too much glee I’d caution that the many comments by Hagee, Falwell, and Robertson will be dredged back up in due course. That is why I think the best course for the GOP is to let it play out and take the higher road.
One upsmanship simply doesn’t work – especially for the GOP.
#3: Think again about your claim. Following is a quote from Falwell about Sep 11.
“The abortionists have got to bear some burden for this because God will not be mocked. And when we destroy 40 million little innocent babies, we make God mad. I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way—all of them who have tried to secularize America—I point the finger in their face and say ‘you helped this happen.’ “
voiceofreason2 (1939fb) — 3/14/2008 @ 4:00 amA few days ago I was getting angry at Hannity for constantly harping on this guilt-by-association thing. But as more details come out regarding the closeness and sustained nature of the association, I think it has more legs. I am astounded at the silence from the Obama campaign on an issue I thought they could easily brush aside.
Black racism is a reality in this country. It’s time for us to call it what it is. Whites are singed by racist associations from decades ago. I can’t imagine a decent person who would not walk out of that church.
If Obama does not make a clear break with this guy and call him for what he is, then the average Joe may be excused for thinking that Obama must somewhat share his pastor’s views. Obama will not lose the black vote over this. And he could do our nation a service. It’s up to him.
It must be hard to part from that cushy divide and conquer demagoguery the Democrats have become dependent upon.
Amphipolis (fdbc48) — 3/14/2008 @ 4:47 amI think VOR’s sarcasm detector is on the fritz…
I'm Geekier (25af5f) — 3/14/2008 @ 4:52 amOne question – have the racist rants accelerated due to Obama’s notoriety? Is this pastor taking advantage of his newfound megaphone? I’m sure he said some wild things before, but perhaps Obama was associated with him to get Black community bonifides (Obama is a descendant of recent African immigrants, his mother was white) and he thought the pastor’s tone was manageable. And then Obama took off and this guy went crazy to get his 15 minutes of fame.
My previous post holds regardless – Obama can take this opportunity to repudiate a racist, or he can end his campaign. The media won’t be able to hide this one any more, the pastor won’t let them.
Amphipolis (fdbc48) — 3/14/2008 @ 4:57 amSo the answers we get about Obama’s connections to this hatemonger is sputtering about Bush and McCain.
SPQR (26be8b) — 3/14/2008 @ 5:20 amWhat answers are you looking for? As for Bush/McCain do you really think that won’t be the reaction and with some validity?
voiceofreason2 (590c85) — 3/14/2008 @ 5:28 amFalwell claimed to speak for all the evangelicals — none of them complained about his more over the top controversial comments.
That is the problem with being blindly partisan.
The difference being – though it be lost on the likes of you – is that none of those republicans ever attended the church of those dolts for 20 years, nor did they ever claim them as spiritual advisors, people who’s guidence was sought.
Never did they discribe Hagee, Falwell or Robertson as being their sounding board.
A man can’t control who endorces him. I don’t hold Farikahn’s endorcement of Obama as something Obama is responsible for (though he should keep denouncing it). But when his preacher speaks lie that, and says far worse, then we start having troubles because of the willing association for such a long time.
Scott Jacobs (fa5e57) — 3/14/2008 @ 5:28 amAnd yet no one ever really listened to him.
I could claim to speak for all who visit this site. Wouldn’t actually make it TRUE though.
People like Pat Robertson haven’t had any sort of real influence on the party since before Reagan. Their “base” will vote republican, just like the jews will vote democrat, regardless of how anti-semitic the rest of the Dems are…
Scott Jacobs (fa5e57) — 3/14/2008 @ 5:31 amVOR2, “blindly partisan” ? That’s not an improvement in response.
SPQR (26be8b) — 3/14/2008 @ 5:34 amThe difference being – though it be lost on the likes of you – is that none of those republicans ever attended the church of those dolts for 20 years, nor did they ever claim them as spiritual advisors, people who’s guidence was sought.
Context is everything – the first words I said on this were:
voiceofreason2 (590c85) — 3/14/2008 @ 5:35 amObama has a serious problem on his hands with this guy
And then you insinuate that the republicans have done no different. They have. They have done, in fact, pretty much the oposite.
And think about it. Replace the word “black” in Wright’s sermon with “white”. Suddenly it’s the most racist thing I’d seen outside of a Fahrikahn speech.
Don’t suggest that the likes of Falwell have ever occupied the same sort of position that Wright holds with Obama…
Scott Jacobs (fa5e57) — 3/14/2008 @ 5:41 amScott,
voiceofreason2 (590c85) — 3/14/2008 @ 5:52 amThe only insinuation is that it is likely to be framed in the way I described.
You are trying for the one upsmanship approach – it doesn’t work very well.
For those not blinded by a need to argue with me take a look at Kathleen Parker and Charles Krauthammer opeds on this subject at realclearpolitics
Like I said let the Dems chew each other up.
voiceofreason2 (590c85) — 3/14/2008 @ 5:59 amMcCain went, literally, out of his way to solicit Hagee’s endorsement. I missed the thread on that. Can you post a link?
Andrew J. Lazarus (f5fd08) — 3/14/2008 @ 6:07 amMcCain went, literally, out of his way to solicit Hagee’s endorsement. I missed the thread on that. Can you post a link?
Sure. I devoted a whole blog to it.
Because Hagee married McCain, baptized his children, inspired the most important speech of his life, was consulted when McCain decided to run for President, and helps McCain set his moral compass, I decided it merited an entire blog.
Patterico (4bda0b) — 3/14/2008 @ 6:24 amWith Wright even subscribing to the “We created the AIDS virus” nuttiness, this will get bigger not smaller despite the attempts to play “Hey, look at that cloud!”
SPQR (26be8b) — 3/14/2008 @ 6:35 amPatterico, ROFL.
SPQR (26be8b) — 3/14/2008 @ 6:35 amI’m having problems with your link to the McCain-Hagee post, Patterico. Would you mind confirming?
I predict this latest “Obamanation” will be quickly shoved under the rug thanks to another GOP disaster.
EHeavenlyGads (f29174) — 3/14/2008 @ 6:36 amStrike that. My blond.
EHeavenlyGads (f29174) — 3/14/2008 @ 6:37 amThese tapes of the “pastor” are for sale in his church. He has obviously chosen them for a reason. No one has cherrypicked them or done sub rosa surveillance to get them. The obvious answer for Obama is to get some tapes showing the loving, forgiving, reconciling side of his spiritual advisor.
I think Obama should pull out from the race, with his bitter wife right besides him. They would be bigger heroes to the left than Ayres and Dohrn.
Patricia (f56a97) — 3/14/2008 @ 7:00 amPriests are always saying stupid things. I don’t care that Wright said Jesus was a black man killed by rich, white folks. My daughter does not know race, to her black people are people with darker hair and skin just as she is darker than her blond, blue-eyed friends. But she thinks she knows nationality and she asked me if God is American. I told her that God is every nationality. He is American in America, Greek in Greece, Polish in Poland and Chinese in China.
“God damn America” should be the “dealbreaker” for Obama. It’s much more serious than his smoking being a “dealbreaker” with Michelle. Maybe God does not need to be American but the President of The United States does.
nk (8a8387) — 3/14/2008 @ 7:12 amAnother biggot and slimy peice of worm riddin filth and geral muck sucker
krazy kagu (2f4b46) — 3/14/2008 @ 7:20 amNo wonder the collective Left worships Obama.
syn (1017f1) — 3/14/2008 @ 7:25 am“No wonder the collective Left worships Obama.”
– syn
Dumb. Many of us harbor no illusions about him.
Leviticus (1daf74) — 3/14/2008 @ 8:08 amMaybe so Leviticus – but you must have missed the Messiah link last time. Obviously many, if not most, Hillary supporters see through him as well.
rhodeymark (e86321) — 3/14/2008 @ 8:18 amNo.
Right, ‘cuz we all know McCain has been every bit as cozy with Falwell over the years as Obama is with Wright. Moron.
Xrlq (b71926) — 3/14/2008 @ 8:24 amXrlq, when you see “Bush/McCain” (Comment #10 by voiceofreason2) you know you’re dealing with a moby.
nk (8a8387) — 3/14/2008 @ 8:32 amThe congregation celebrates the Kwanzaa holiday…Kwanzaacelebrates
Andy B (caa920) — 3/14/2008 @ 8:38 amWhen did that get added to the Christian holidays?
Scott Jacobs (fa5e57) — 3/14/2008 @ 9:07 amScott, in the early 1970’s…
reff (bff229) — 3/14/2008 @ 9:10 amAhhhhhhh…
Scott Jacobs (fa5e57) — 3/14/2008 @ 9:16 amFrom Wikipedia….
Kwanzaa was created by Ron Karenga and first celebrated from December 26, 1966, to January 1, 1967. An African-American scholar and social activist, Karenga created Kwanzaa in 1966 as the only original African-American holiday. Karenga said his goal was to “…give a Black alternative to the existing holiday and give Blacks an opportunity to celebrate themselves and history, rather than simply imitate the practice of the dominant society.” The name Kwanzaa derives from the Swahili phrase “matunda ya kwanza”, meaning “first fruits”. The choice of Swahili, an East African language, reflects its status as a symbol of Pan-Africanism, especially in the 1960s.
One of those things that always makes me wonder…if African heritage is so important, and Afro- or Afri-centrism is so important, why would you have something so absolutely American as an invented holiday…
reff (bff229) — 3/14/2008 @ 9:53 amKarenga then was convicted and spent time in prison for sexually torturing women in his organization. He is on the same level of sanity as Rev. Wright–no surprise. Karenga
Patricia (f56a97) — 3/14/2008 @ 10:31 amRacists.
JD (75f5c3) — 3/14/2008 @ 11:47 amDouble-Racist…
Scott Jacobs (fa5e57) — 3/14/2008 @ 11:49 amWhich one of these is dispositive in drawing the Wright/Hagee/Falwell distinction? Or is it more of a penumbra that emanates from all of them?
Vergil (444e9b) — 3/14/2008 @ 11:59 amKARENGA….
Another Drew (f9dd2c) — 3/14/2008 @ 12:07 pmCheck out his participation in the Mexico City Olympics.
I just saw the link in Patterico’s #19. Heh.
DRJ (a431ca) — 3/14/2008 @ 12:17 pmWhy is it that the Leftists are unable to discern the differences between someone who supports, or endorses a candidate, the Hagee example, and someone that the candidate endorses or supports, ie. Obama’s 20 year close relationship with this whack job?
JD (75f5c3) — 3/14/2008 @ 12:26 pmAs I’ve seen here, most people try to show a difference between McCain and Obama by arguing that McCain was not as close to Falwell and Hagee as Obama is to Wright. That’s true – but I think there’s another valid line of reasoning.
IF the American government actually did create the AIDS virus to kill black people – IF the US actually did invent crack and market it to the inner city in order to destroy black culture, and then waged the War On Drugs to throw all the black men in jail – IF the people of America were really as oppressive and hateful toward black people as Wright describes,and we only dropped the bomb because we hate yellow people, and the plight of American blacks today is little better than slavery, THEN wouldn’t you say it is a reasonable theological position to think that 9/11 was a divine punishment? Heck, an America like that would deserve punishment, wouldn’t it?
Abraham Lincoln described the horrors of the Civil War as a divine consequence of the years of slavery. I don’t recall ever reading criticism of that connection.
So the problem with Wright is not just that he believes racism and 9/11 are cause and effect – it’s that he believes that all these crazy things are actually true of America! And evidently Michelle Obama believes them too – explaining why she has never been proud of her country until now.
On the other hand, what about Falwell? IF the United States has actually killed 40-50 million children, that is, if you believe those are children who have been dismembered, poisoned, suctioned, stabbed in the back of the neck with scissors and had their brains sucked out, THEN would it be unreasonable under those circumstances to think that God would judge this country for such a thing?
I know nothing about Hagee. I don’t follow pentecostals much. But if you’re going to criticize a guy’s syllogism, you’ve got to decide which part of it is wrong. We all, presumably, disagree with Wright’s first premise. Some people here might disagree with Falwell, arguing that his conclusion doesn’t follow from the premise. But I don’t think anyone can reasonably argue that we have not killed millions of children in this last generation. Whatever your position on abortion, that is a non-trivial thing.
Don (cdda02) — 3/14/2008 @ 12:27 pmOh, and just to be clear, I don’t consider myself a prophet, so I can’t claim to know why God does one thing or another, or why he allows bad things to happen. For all I know, God allowed 9/11 in order to get the US to kick Saddam’s butt after the tens of thousands of people he tortured and killed.
However, though you might disagree with guys like Falwell, you can’t consider the man unreasonable for being concerned about the termination of 40+million people. Numbers like that should be sobering, even for pro-choicers.
Don (cdda02) — 3/14/2008 @ 12:46 pmDon:
To move your points to there logical conclusion:
Would such a terrible country allow the likes of the good reverend to live?
davod (5bdbd3) — 3/14/2008 @ 1:24 pmWright runs an American-type madrasah as the schools in Saudi Arabia, etc., did/do to teach hate towards “others” especially America. Is this any different? But, I surely bet you that he lives in a big, fancy house, drives a Caddy or two, has lots of clothes for himself, wife and family, food and servants. All this at the expense of his congregation. He preaches in a huge house of “worship”(?)…sorry I just stopped to think who they worship because it is not Jesus Christ as most people know him in the world. Obama and his wife have been taught this filth for twenty years as has his children and the members of this congregation….twenty!! years folks. What part of hate does anyone NOT understand.
Sue (a14b32) — 3/14/2008 @ 1:25 pmThe greatest conspiracy theorist debunker is the fact that if the supposed “conspiracies” existed, the people who “KNOW ALL ABOUT IT” would be dead.
Techie (ed20d9) — 3/14/2008 @ 1:37 pmI don’t know JD. Why is it that Rightists can only assert the relevance of such a distinction rather than demonstrating it?
Vergil (444e9b) — 3/14/2008 @ 2:06 pmHoward Dean was crazy, but he had a better chance than John Kerry at exciting the public and getting voters out.
Hillary is a polarizing figure, but our nation is so polarized that I didn’t think it would have more than a few point assist to the GOP by getting a few more voters out. If Iraq isn’t enough to vote, why would Hillary be? Obama has such a dismal record and such a load of weird stuff he refuses to explain that I seriously wonder if the “hillary would lose much easier” thing was given a bit of a boost by the Rush’s out there. I really think Obama is a much weaker candidate than Hillary, especially in the global climate we’ve got. Obama is starting to feel the scrutiny he should have felt years ago, and his responses sound arrogant, naive, sometimes angry. he comes across as an amateur.
Jem (4cdfb7) — 3/14/2008 @ 2:11 pmJem,
Because if an airplane falls on McCain before the general election, we will be better off with the America-loving corrupt Stalinist than we would be with the America-hating Chicago Machine hack.
nk (8a8387) — 3/14/2008 @ 2:27 pmObama responds:
Russell (5ecf4a) — 3/14/2008 @ 2:53 pm…I believe that Americans will judge me not on the basis of what someone else said, but on the basis of who I am and what I believe in; on my values, judgment and experience to be President of the United States.
Done. Go back to shaking down Middle Eastern real estate developers and waiting for a vacancy on the Chicago City Council.
nk (8a8387) — 3/14/2008 @ 2:58 pmIf Romney has to give interviews about his funny underwear and make a major speech about his religion, what doesn’t Obama have to give a speech about his so-called faith?
And what superdelegate will vote for him now?
He’s toast. And good riddance.
Patricia (f56a97) — 3/14/2008 @ 3:24 pm“So the problem with Wright is not just that he believes racism and 9/11 are cause and effect – it’s that he believes that all these crazy things are actually true of America! And evidently Michelle Obama believes them too.”
And so do millions of lefty voters. That’s the BHO appeal: redemption for America’s sins. Now BHO has to carefully calibrate how far to alienate the nutter libs without blowing the nomination. I would have loved to listen in on BHO’s meetings and phone calls today!
gp (b7b196) — 3/14/2008 @ 3:26 pmWright has now been dismissed from his position on the African American Religious Leadership Committee. Will that satisfy anyone here? Is it possible?
And: “Done. Go back to shaking down Middle Eastern real estate developers and waiting for a vacancy on the Chicago City Council.”
I think you meant to say corrupt real estate developers. As is, it sounds like being Middle Eastern is the only bad quality of Mr. Rezko’s.
Russell (5ecf4a) — 3/14/2008 @ 4:32 pmNo, Russell, what would satisfy me is something that convinced me that Obama did not really endorse/accept the messages that Wright was sending.
I find his pretense that Wright’s offensive hatemongering was news to him unconvincing.
SPQR (26be8b) — 3/14/2008 @ 4:49 pmObama has decided to go with the Casablanca defence.
“I’m shocked, shocked to find that hate, racism and divisiveness is going on in here!”
gahrie (56a0a8) — 3/14/2008 @ 4:55 pmNo, Russell, I meant that I suspect Obama’s sources of financing. That Rezko is Obama’s Norman Shu. That Obama’s campaign is financed with Arab money. That Obama’s backyard was bought with Arab money. I would even follow the money trail of his “millionarization”, his book, to see where that money actually came from.
nk (8a8387) — 3/14/2008 @ 5:08 pmBecause Hagee married McCain, baptized his children, inspired the most important speech of his life, was consulted when McCain decided to run for President, and helps McCain set his moral compass, I decided it merited an entire blog.
I just hear about the performing his marriage, babtizing his kids, consultation regarding running for President, (nothing about being the inspiration for his book – covering up for the favorite no doubt – heh).
I heard it from the last place on Earth I would have expected.
Chris Matthews of all people.
Oh ya Barry is in deep doo doo.
I just want to point out one thing. In the “Goddam America” video, look at the reaction of the woman to his right in the choir. Is that a grimace? I think she is squirming in her chair a little too.
papertiger (c800c0) — 3/14/2008 @ 5:10 pmThe press has been giving this guy a free ride. He’s a product of the corrupt Daly political machine. Does anyone doubt that he is a stealth muslim who is also a racist.
R. Lee (08fdd2) — 3/14/2008 @ 5:23 pmIt’s not going to change my vote any. I had already decided to skip the lesser evil and vote for Satan as a write in.
papertiger (7b38bb) — 3/14/2008 @ 5:23 pmFrom Glenn’s blog: ‘Ed Morrissey emails: “I sat in his church, but I didn’t inhale.”‘
SPQR (26be8b) — 3/14/2008 @ 5:30 pmI will not say anyting negative about McCain because I actually think he is pretty decent although if I were a Republican I probably would have voted for Huckebee.
I would bet that everyone attacking Obama has no clue what it was like to grow up with the challenges he did. He was never Black or White enough. He probably felt out of place in Hawaii, Indonesia, Columbia University and Yale.
None of this is to make an excuse for him because I don’t think he needs an excuse. He found a church that accepted him and for the most part made him and his family feel welcome.
I’ve belonged to a few churches and had a lot of ministers, friends and family members who have said and done things that I don’t agree with. Who among haven’t been associated with, and said friends with someone that has said something stupid. Sticking with your friends is called loyalty. Following them blindly is called stupidity. I don’t think anyone, even those of you that can’t stand Obama, would call him stupid.
Monteiro (ec779a) — 3/14/2008 @ 6:25 pmTrue, Monteiro. Obama isn’t stupid and that’s why this story is so damaging. Obama chose his church and his pastor, which means he chose to associate himself with someone who hates America and his fellow Americans.
DRJ (a431ca) — 3/14/2008 @ 6:31 pmpapertiger:
Reminds me of interwar France: “Better Hitler than Blum!”
Russell (5ecf4a) — 3/14/2008 @ 6:44 pmMonteiro, try coming to California in the l950’s where to be hispanic (latin in those days) was the equivalent of being black. In addition, to be silly, try being a girl, latina and short….if the hispanics didn’t try to beat me up daily the whitey girls called me every name in the book! They didn’t even know I was also white and they certainly didn’t have a clue what Spanish was in this state then. So, what has Obama gone through? He is a millionaire I believe, how did he get his millions? Where? I stand amazed that people without money like Hillary can turn $1000 into $100,000 or Obama turns up buying a mansion and becomes really wealthy, just like his pastor. Give me a break!! Is his pastor his “friend” or his mentor and stupid, no, just full of hubris, just like his wife. And, no, I don’t “hate” him or anyone, they hate me…listen to Wright yourself to get it.
Sue (a14b32) — 3/14/2008 @ 6:53 pmnk:
I suspected as much.
Let me add some data. Rezko moved from Syria after graduating from high school in like 1970. He made his money selling condos in gentrifying Chicago neighborhoods and running Papa John’s pizza places. He contributed the $250,000 to Obama’s previous campaigns for state and US Senate. He has not contributed to Obama’s presidential campaign at all, which has raised $168 million, last I checked. Let me remind you that Obama has never been accused of any wrongdoing whatsoever, and his “lack of judgment” only involved the appearance of a conflict of interest.
Obama is not running on Arab money, he didn’t buy his house with Arab money, and is not a Muslim; moreover, to suggest that somehow being associated with “Arab” is bad is a loathsome thing to say.
Russell (5ecf4a) — 3/14/2008 @ 6:57 pmObama appears to be in denial when he tries to denounce Rev. Wrights comments. Please notice Obama’s body language and facial expression when Anderson Cooper asked him if he heard some of the comments before he even started his campaign for presidency. Of course Obama denied it. Slowly the public is noticing the real Barack Obama. Obama is your typical politician with alot of rhetoric. An advice to all: NEVER GET CAUGHT UP IN THE HYPE.
Abe (6b71d4) — 3/14/2008 @ 7:21 pmSue – I’m sorry about the way you were treated, but please don’t blame Obama for that. I can’t speak to the specifics of what Obama went through, but I would think that you would have some sense of that because you too had your share of struggles. He may not have been physically assaulted as much as you were because he was a tall kid, but then again he was and is skinny so I would not be completely surprised to learn that he had some problems in that area.
I don’t know if Obama is a millionaire or not, but based on his tax returns we know that he made most of his money through from his best selling books. I have no idea how Hillary made her money because she and her husband will not release their tax returns.
I have listened to Rev. Wright and while I understand his anger I don’t agree with his views. Just because Obama chose to go to church there it does not mean he agrees with everything Rev. Wright says either. Take some time to read all of the ministries that the church has including ones that are focused on addressing HIV/AIDS, Cancer, seniors, domestic violence, etc., etc.
This is truly the greatest country in the world and I would not want to live anywhere else. I find it interesting how people who do not like Obama say those that support him can not find any fault in him, yet those same people refuse to see any fault in the U.S. We live in an imperfect world in an imperfect country with imperfect people. Imperfections in all I still think Obama is the best person to heal this country’s wounds with the rest of the world. He’s probably not as good as I think he is or as bad as you think he is, but one thing for sure is he has inspired a lot of people and if he uses that ability correctly we can make this country as good as we all want it to be.
Monteiro (ec779a) — 3/14/2008 @ 7:28 pmSuch a hard life he’s had…
I’ve never been to, and likely won’t ever get the chance to travel to, any of those places. Certainly not Columbia or Yale.
Scott Jacobs (d3a6ec) — 3/14/2008 @ 7:29 pmIncorrect. The money Rezko used for the house deal (and to donate) came from a 3.5 million dollar loan from an Iraqi in france who had a felony conviction. That loan was later forgiven in exchange for some interest in some downtown chicago real estate.
Care to try again?
Scott Jacobs (d3a6ec) — 3/14/2008 @ 7:32 pmWell, there’s the shady land deal with Mrs. Rezko.
And there’s the $1 million he earmarked for the hospital his wife works at (and where her salary jumped from $120K to over $300K once Barack was elected to the Senate).
A lack of judgment here, a lack of judgment there, pretty soon we’re talking about real conflict of interest.
Steverino (2c9e20) — 3/14/2008 @ 7:33 pmThanks, Scott.
And let’s not forget the money from Syria (I forget the amount) less than two months ago which caused Rezko’s bond to be revoked and sent him back to jail because the U.S. Attorney was smart enough to spot it as escape money. And, yeah, Russell, I consider Arab money paid to a U.S. politician a bad thing. Chinese money too. And British, Swedish, Andorran, Liechtensteinish etc. money as well.
nk (8a8387) — 3/14/2008 @ 7:43 pmFor those of you that do not know; the comments about 9-1-1 were stated in his sermon right after 9-1-1; when the majority of us were stunned and our hearts were breaking for the families of all colors who lost loved ones in the worst act of terror in the history of our country. Tears were running down our cheeks and our hearts went out to New York and our entire country. Wright, i will not address him as Rev., his congregation which includes, obviously, Obama and his wife felt that our country deserved such an act of terror. If Obama did not agree with the sermon from his pastor; why did he not seek another church….no he stayed; which tells me a lot. I did not plan to vote for Hillary; but at least we know the Clinton family are patriotic and love this country and she will get my vote. Obama scares me to death, now….
Margie (4c28a4) — 3/14/2008 @ 7:48 pmnk,
Yeah, the judge seemed a little miffed he took out a loan without informing her, as he was odered to do regarding his financials by said judge…
Scott Jacobs (d3a6ec) — 3/14/2008 @ 7:53 pmSteverino #73:
EW1(SG) (84e813) — 3/14/2008 @ 8:14 pmThen everybody in his church sould just walk right out on him when he starts into one of his antiamerican antiwhite hate speeches leave him ranting and screaming to empty pews and never have any thing more to do with this scum
krazy kagu (9e308b) — 3/15/2008 @ 6:50 amNot Arab money! Those dirty, dirty Arabs.
Vergil (ec0a96) — 3/15/2008 @ 7:18 amVergil, grow up. The question of foreign influence is a real one whether the money is Chinese or Arab.
SPQR (26be8b) — 3/15/2008 @ 1:09 pmI know. We can’t have Arab citizens influencing our politics with their filthy Arab money.
Vergil (ec0a96) — 3/15/2008 @ 5:25 pmSpare us, Vergil.
SPQR (26be8b) — 3/15/2008 @ 5:29 pmMuslims Against Sharia call on Senators McCain and Obama to cut all ties with their racist, Islamophobic, and anti-Semitic supporters.
Muslims Against Sharia (8dcfb3) — 3/15/2008 @ 7:51 pmObama:
This country is incredibly corrupt, but Mr. Wright is bad for saying so? I’m sorry, Mr> Wright is a brave and courageous man who’s telling you truth that you’re too childish to hear. America is not your mommy, and she really does some bad things sometimes, and you don’t have to cry and pout in the corner if someone says so.
Here’s a picture of a plane that crashed in Mexico that was on its way to the US. It was carrying 4 tons of PURE cocaine. It was registered to the CIA. Any questions?,0.jpg
Benjamin (8d4440) — 3/18/2008 @ 2:27 pmGreat, we get an example of the looney conspiracy theories.
SPQR (26be8b) — 3/18/2008 @ 2:52 pmI noticed you did not have links to the original speeches. That is what I was looking for when I found your site. I frankly am not comfortable when I see a collection of quotes. I do not doubt the original words are transcribed correctly. But since I have already found a transcription of one of the quoted speeches and discovered that one of Wright’s quoted statements is from Edward Peck, former U.S. Ambassador to Iraq and deputy director of President Reagan’s terrorism task force (who was speaking on FOX News), I know there is more to the story. So you may not be reporting the intent of the speakers? Are you just objecting to language? Or are you trying to take down or cast doubt upon the candidate for President? It seems to me that your choice of facts is out of their original context. Having visited a few services of this type, the energy gets high but it wraps up with a message of love. The isolated anger in the clip may be hard to accept, but having traveled I know that there are more cultures than just the American Black that have anger toward the U.S.. The others aren’t in a position to do something about it within its framework. So I am saying you are now using incomplete facts in a new context. To believe that a political opponent is only out to win, or only wanting power, is a statement that should be made looking directly in a mirror. To try to take down or cast doubt upon a candidate for President who is trying improve America is less than Christian. And from his unique cultural history Obama has an understanding of America that, win or lose, results in a special contribution to the Greatness of The United States. If for nothing else than it spurred you to expose so many to a part of America, even if it is clipped, not previously experienced. I encourage you to spend your energy to improve something, not the reverse.
John Rosshirt (9ac1b7) — 3/21/2008 @ 11:01 amJohn Rosshirt,
Patterico linked video of the original speeches so your comment is wrong from the first sentence, and it just gets worse from there.
DRJ (a431ca) — 3/21/2008 @ 11:15 amI just heard an expanded version of Jeremiah Wright’s “Goddam America” speech. It occurs to me as extremely strange, and and almost ominous that virtually every media outlet who has played, and repeatedly, the clip has always began at a certain point, and ended at the same point.
It becomes quite clear if you just hear a few paragraphs before, and/or a few paragraphs after the points which are played, that the whole thing IS in fact taken ENTIRELY out of context.
For one thing. Jeremiah Wright wasn’t saying “Goddam America”, but rather “Goddam America IF you continue to practice the principles and habits which oppress your people” Now maybe that shouldn’t be in quotes, I’m sure I missed a few words, but the context is clear. If you heard a little before that, you’d see he was talking about how governments fail. The Roman Empire, the Egyptian dynasty…all great powers have fallen at a certain point, and he was suggesting that we need to look at some of the things we have done as a nation, and some of the things we continue to do, and we need to change certain of our ways. If we don’t God will damn us. And he gave it scriptural context. True he said it in a very inflammatory way, but hearing the complete passage, I have come to agree in a sense with what he was saying, in substance if not in style, and realize that the media have been intentionally inciting people by purposefully cutting it short just at the point were the context might be made clear. i.e. just before he goes into his qualifier IF…
very curious that they all would do that.
Alex Fanroy (780398) — 3/23/2008 @ 10:15 pm