Patterico's Pontifications


McCain Repudiates Radio Talk Show Hosts’s Repetition of “Barack Hussein Obama”

Filed under: 2008 Election,Dog Trainer,General — Patterico @ 9:29 pm

The L.A. Times reports:

In a possible foreshadowing of a potentially bruising general election campaign, a speaker who introduced presidential candidate John McCain at a rally here today accused Barack Obama of sympathizing with “world leaders who want to kill us” and invoked Obama’s middle name — three times calling him “Barack Hussein Obama.”

Local conservative radio talk show host Bill Cunningham described Obama as “a hack Chicago Daley-style politician who is picturing himself as change. When he gets done with you — all you’re going to have in your pocket is change,” he said.

McCain quickly distanced himself from the remarks, which he did not hear, saying that using Obama’s middle name in repetition like that was inappropriate. “I absolutely repudiate such comments and again, I will take responsibility,” he said, calling the use of Obama’s middle name inappropriate. “It will never happen again. It will never happen again.”

More at the Swamp. The talk show host is now saying he’ll support Hillary. On the one hand, there’s the war, the Supreme Court, and fiscal responsibility. On the other, Bill Cunningham’s ego. Yup, the choice is clear.

The lede in the L.A. Times story demonstrates the typical Big Media thirst for drama, and the facts be damned. If anything, McCain’s swift and decisive repudiation of the remarks indicates a desire to conduct the campaign with respect.

My take: yes, I realize it’s Obama’s real name. But it’s cheap pandering to go around emphasizing it. It makes McCain look bad. And his repudiation was the right thing to do.

It’s too bad, because the brouhaha undercuts a nice line: “When he gets done with you — all you’re going to have in your pocket is change.” My friend Abe W. delivered that line the other day, and I was planning to do a post recommending McCain use it. I still think he should.

58 Responses to “McCain Repudiates Radio Talk Show Hosts’s Repetition of “Barack Hussein Obama””

  1. I saw this earlier today and was impressed with McCain’s quick response. He needs to set the tone so that silly emails about Madrassahs and the wear of a Kenyan costume don’t cloud real discussion of the issues. That is his best strategy in my opinion.

    In a perfect world someone would ask Obama to square Farakhan’s recent remarks about Obama with early more incendiary remarks that were clearly over the top.

    voiceofreason2 (fda8fa)

  2. On the one hand, there’s the war, the Supreme Court, and fiscal responsibility. On the other, Bill Cunningham’s ego. Yup, the choice is clear.

    The “True Conservative” argument against McCain in a nutshell.

    Roy Mustang (d7efdc)

  3. I kind of feel sorry for McCain. He is desperately seeking Radio Talk Show love but doesn’t want their methods. He would have been better off making a short dismissive remark about the use of “Hussein” rather than throw Cuntingham under the bus. It worked for McCain before and also worked for Hillary.

    Demetri (c3f397)

  4. conduct the campaign with respect

    Well he better get over that desire pretty quick with George Soros and some of his companion organizations establishing a $20 million “attack fund” for the sole purpose of going after McCain.

    We don’t need appeasers OR apologists.

    And I would suggest McCain start here, quit kissing dem butt, and start doing some attacking of his own.

    Sara (3337ed)

  5. We don’t need appeasers OR apologists.

    We need an adult.

    This whole “Hussien” meme is childish and tiresome.

    Roy Mustang (d7efdc)

  6. “Hussein” is his, rather His, middle name. If He went by Barry, as He did in in His youth, would it be wrong to call Him Barack if He never legally changed it? Why are we not allowed to use His full legal name?

    Barack Hussein Obama is the name He will swear an oath of allegiance to, with hand on Das kapital, when elected Lord protector.

    Demetri (c3f397)

  7. this is not a sister souljah moment, no matter how much bloggers want to make it one. using Obama’s last name is not a big deal, its childish at best. and you wanna give mccain credit for standing up and attacking those who do? as usual mccain attacks the right while snuggling up to the left. maybe he thinks the NYT will write something nice about him again.

    chas (fb7ad4)

  8. Well, over at our Swamp, McCain got praise for doing the right thing promptly, without equivocation, and even without prompting.

    Bradley J Fikes (1c6fc4)

  9. Obama spins his background as being inspirational. This bit of psychobabble spins it as being very dangerous. Maybe it’s both, or neither. It certainly is unusual, however.

    If he had a multi-decade career at anything, instead of a somewhat disjointed series of short sprints, this sort of thing wouldn’t be so much of a problem for him.

    At tonight’s debate, he graciously accepted Hillary’s assurances that she hadn’t directed, and had no knowledge to even confirm, her campaign’s connection to circulating the photograph of him in Kenyan elder’s garb. (My first thought on seeing the photo was: “Yeah, Fred Thompson was absolutely right with his ‘funny hat’ rule.”) I’m unpersuaded by Hillary’s disclaimers, but what was striking was the incredible unstated deference that her comments implied. Without any discussion whatsoever, Obama got away with playing the victim — when it was he who’d donned the costume and allowed himself to be photographed. Because he’s permitted to avoid any substantive discussion, he’s not obliged to go on record and say either “Oh, that was a meaningless gesture of the exact same sort that Pres. Bush engaged in when he allowed himself to be photographed with other heads of state wearing brightly colored South American ponchos,” which would have been an implied disrespect to his African grandparents’ religion and lifestyle, nor “Yes, I did wear that costume, and I was proud to do so because I honor my Kenyan grandparents’ values,” which would have convinced another million voters that he’s the Islamic Manchurian Candidate.

    Yet Obama hasn’t yet had anything remotely approaching “Romney’s Mormon speech” nor “Kennedy’s Catholic speech.” I fully expect him to glide onward to the Democratic nomination and throughout the general election campaign without ever giving one.

    In the movie “Being There,” it was only the stupidity and self-absorption of the other characters that prevented them from realizing the essentially vacuous nature of Chauncey Gardner’s pronouncements. In the 2008 election, it’s Lethal Political Correctness serving the same function.

    The same pundits who insist that they’re accurately channeling Clarence Thomas’ deepest feelings about his growth to a young professional daren’t speak aloud the slightest quibble about the Obama Canon, in which the fact that as a child, he studied his father’s religion at Islamic schools, can only be, by definition, a good thing. Not a thing to wonder about; not a thing to discuss; not a thing that is entitled to any probative value whatsoever, unless it’s positive probative value.

    What a magnificent racket he’s running — in which he gets to be all things to all people, yet anyone who asks inconvenient questions or makes unflattering observations is automatically labeled a bigot!

    Beldar (098090)

  10. Mccain is the adult in the general election. He’s willing to do what he thinks is best. Just as Bush has done in Iraq.

    By saying “no” to infantile and worthless attacks like the Hussein thing, attacks that probably help Obama anyway, Mccain is making a point about his professionalism.

    Obama and Hillary both have been petty in this primary. Obama in particular has been making some ridiculous promises. He looks like a dreamy kid. Mccain doesn’t.

    Even from a 100% cynical aggressive POV, MCcain made a great move.

    Jem (4cdfb7)

  11. In the movie “Being There,” it was only the stupidity and self-absorption of the other characters that prevented them from realizing the essentially vacuous nature of Chauncey Gardner’s pronouncements. In the 2008 election, it’s Lethal Political Correctness serving the same function.

    My favorite movie, “Being There.” At any rate, great paragraph there, Beldar … and not just the excerpt I took. I think you’ll agree that at this point in history, stupidity, self-absorption, and political correctness are all playing significant roles, as the body politic chooses the next chief executive for the United States of America.

    cboldt (3d73dd)

  12. I ‘ll leave it to Rush who spoke on this issue yesterday-

    Okay, so his name is off limits, can’t use Hussein. You can’t call him a liberal. What other fact about Obama are we not going to be allowed to talk about? That’s right, can’t talk about his ears, either, because when Maureen Dowd made some comment about his ears, he went straight into the crowd and said, “I’m very sensitive about my ears.” She said, “We’re trying to toughen you up.” Well, it hasn’t worked. Can’t use the name Hussein, can’t call him a liberal, and this is the kind of thing — look, it’s brilliant on Obama’s part. He’s setting the rules, and everybody’s going to abide by them.”

    Demetri (c3f397)

  13. I’d never heard of Cunningham before the incident, but saw him on H&C last night. What a tool. Of course he repeated “Barack Hussein Obama” every chance he got and then some, only to fall back on the lame “I’m just calling him by his real name, why’s everybody pickin’ on me?” Sh’annity seemed to think they guy’s crap was ice cream, but Colmes pwn3d him by pointing out for some odd reason, Cunningham had never referred to the Republican candidate as “John Sidney McCain, III” (though he did have another made-up, race-baiting middle name for him), and that he had referred to Obama as “Barack Hussein Mohammed Obama” in the past. Cunningham’s only defense to the latter was that at the time he used that non-name, he had been too lazy and/or stupid to figure out that that WASN’T his real name.

    Xrlq (62cad4)

  14. B.O. has an Islamic past – undeniable. We are war with militant Islam. Does it make sense to elect a radical leftist, with communist and muslim shadings?

    If so, if you don’t think it’s an issue worth discussing, then I suggest you’re a globalist – not an American.

    RG (f6cafd)

  15. Our esteemed host wrote:

    My take: yes, I realize it’s Obama’s real name. But it’s cheap pandering to go around emphasizing it. It makes McCain look bad. And his repudiation was the right thing to do.

    Does that mean it is acceptable to use it once, normally in the first instance, and then refer to him by his last name (and perhaps honorific) in subsequent mentions?

    Dana (3e4784)

  16. Demetri asked:

    Okay, so his name is off limits, can’t use Hussein. You can’t call him a liberal. What other fact about Obama are we not going to be allowed to talk about?

    His color.

    Oh, mind you, the media will be allowed to write continual paens of praise for the “first black presidential nominee of a major party,” but if Senator McCain or our host or anyone else remotely connected with conservative principles mentions his race, or even criticizes his positions on Affirmative Action, it will be an appeal to racism.

    Our friends on the left, of course, will be perfectly free to say, “It’s important to vote for Mr Obama, because we need a black president,” or even “I’m voting for Mr Obama because he’s black,” but don’t anyone dare say, “I’m voting for Mr McCain because he’s white.”

    Dana (3e4784)

  17. I’m not going to vote for either McCain or Obama.

    Obama is an empty suit, and McCain is a tool of the Republican Left.

    PCD (c378fd)

  18. As stated in prior threads,

    there is no way McCain can beat Obama, he doesn’t have the knowledge, will or skill to go against his opponent.

    All McCain knows is how to go after one of his own.

    There is no way McCain can be Obama.

    syn (eb1ff1)

  19. McCain is a Greenie, how will his environmental restrictions leave ‘change in your pocket’ any more than Obama’s healthcare plans?

    syn (eb1ff1)

  20. And of course the left would never use George Herbert Walker Bush or pull the *W* keys off all the White House computers or refer to Bush as *Shrub* as a sign of disrespect….

    tmac (f985e6)

  21. Cunningham is a loudmouth verbal bomb thrower. Utterly crass and talentless. He is only vaguely entertaining because he is so over the top and you never know what he is going to say next.

    He is reliably conservative and stains conservatives where ever he goes – kinda like Howard Dean for the the left wing extremists. Whoever chose him to speak should have their heads examined.

    quasimodo (edc74e)

  22. All’s fair in love and war. Politics especially so.

    mojo (8096f2)

  23. And, of course, Cunningham says now that he will vote for Hillary!

    Another Drew (f9dd2c)

  24. B.O. has an Islamic past – undeniable. We are war with militant Islam. Does it make sense to elect a radical leftist, with communist and muslim shadings?

    If so, if you don’t think it’s an issue worth discussing, then I suggest you’re a globalist – not an American.

    What does that mean, “an Islamic past”? His dad was Muslim, he spent a year or two in a Muslim school. So what? There are all different kinds of Muslims, and they’re not all militant Islamists. As far as I know the guy doesn’t pray five times a day, hasn’t gone on a Haj or done any of the other things Muslims do. Why would you expect him to identify with people who’re ready to die for Allah when he won’t even pray?

    I see only one problem with his past Muslimness – in some places apostacy a crime punishable by death. But I see that as a problem for the rulers of Muslim countries, not for us.

    For me there are a lot of reasons not to vote for the guy – his positions, his substanceless hopeyness, his voting record in the Senate, along with having no practical real-world experience. Daddy was a Muslim? Not relevant to me, or most people I know. In fact, any attack along this line will probably backfire.

    Eric (09e4ab)

  25. I’m not attacking anyone Eric….I stated a fact. B.H.O. has two, repeat, two mooslim fathers. One, a sperm donor, the other a step-father. (notice how I spell “mooslim” – that comes from the contempt I hold for that pseudo-religion, aka, political/cultural ideology).

    He didn’t spend “spent a year or two in a Muslim school”, it’s more like six years. Mooslim “schools” are madrassas, full of anti-Western, anti-American ideology. This is a good reason why many thinkers are now comtemplating limiting the immigration of mooslims, because they come from a very, very different cultural/political ideology, which is often antithetical to the Western tradition. Wanna dress in the potato sack with a rag on your head or a face mask, wash your feet 5 times a day in public restrooms, orient the toilet in your home so it doesn’t face Mecca, want to have several wives, want to excuse murdering young women with the justification of it being an “honor killing”….then don’t immigrate into the West. Stay in your mohammedan paradise, which still doesn’t have indoor plumbing everywhere.

    BHO also has numerous friends, supporters, backers, who have shady communist/radical black leanings. BHO is the choice of the “global community”. I am not a citizen of the world; I’m a proud American, from generations of Americans and I say this empty suit, communist sympathizer, former mooslim is a frickin joke.

    RG (f6cafd)

  26. If Obama had chosen his middle name, that’d be one thing. Since he didn’t, McCain’s right-this is below the belt. There’s plenty of reasons to vote against Obama, and plenty of ways to bring up those reasons-his given middle name isn’t one of them.

    MartyH (52fae7)

  27. RG, it’s precisely your disrespect for Islam that makes your entire argument idiotic.

    Obama is not Muslim, he’s church of christ, but Islam is a legitimate religion. Certainly as legit as Christianity. I don’t like those who kill int he name of Islam, but the idea that we should have a religious war is something most folks find ridiculous.

    Focusing on “Hussein” means you think his race and his parent’s religion are extremely crucial details… you are saying people should not vote for those who are named Hussein. What the fuck is wrong with you? This is America. I don’t give a crap what Mccain or Obama’s race is, what their dads were like, etc. I care about their policies!

    Obama loses on content of character. You and Ann Coulter and everyone else who keeps spitting out Hussein with venom like an obnoxious child as though that name has ANY meaning whatsoever have a LOT in common with the monster Islamofacists who hate any Rosenberg. Here in America, we’re too good for you. So get the hell out of our decent country.

    Jem (4cdfb7)

  28. Remember, there are liberals on the left AND ON THE RIGHT. Bush, McCain and some of the posters here exhibit that wimpy, feminized right-liberal thinking who are afraid to even bring up and THOROUGHLY discuss Hussein Obama’s background, his anti-American statements from years ago, his financial backers, who are quite radical, etc.

    Jay (f6cafd)

  29. Jem wrote:

    Focusing on “Hussein” means you think his race and his parent’s religion are extremely crucial details… you are saying people should not vote for those who are named Hussein. What the fuck is wrong with you? This is America. I don’t give a crap what Mccain or Obama’s race is, what their dads were like, etc. I care about their policies!

    You’d concede, of course, that people have an absolute right to base their voting decisions upon whatever criteria they choose.

    It doesn’t take too much time perusing the liberal sites to find people who will state, openly, that they are going to vote for Barack Obama because he’s black or for Hillary Clinton because she’s a woman, but heaven forfend! no one can say that he is voting for John McCain because he’s a white male.

    Well, let’s be honest here: there will be people who will not vote for Mr Obama because he is black, and there will be people who will not vote for Mr Obama because of his middle name and some sort of vague association with Islam. Their votes count just as much as someone who is voting based strictly on the issues.;

    Now, I’d love it if everyone voted based on an intellectual, thoroughly-thought-through consideration of the issues — because such would mean almost total Republican victories. But if someone wants to vote for the Republican nominee because the Democratic nominee is black, well, we’ll take that vote, and like it.

    Dana (3e4784)

  30. Jem – you speak like a junior high school kid….my disrespect for mooslims comes from living with them for forty-two years in my hometown, plus serving in the armed forces over in the mooslim world and observing their primitive ways, studying the koran and watching how they constantly push to get their tribal sharia law to be accepted by Western and American liberals of the left and the right.

    First, your use of the term “islmofascist” displays your lack of knowledge about Islam, jihad, sharia law and the ways in which mooslims spread their tribal cult. There is no such thing as “Islamo-fascism”; there is only Islam. The ones we call radicals/terrorists are the devout, religious ones; the one’s we call “moderate mooslims” are the secularized, less devout ones.

    Secondly, while Barack Hussein Obama is currently a Christian, his Chi-town church is more than a little radical, Afro-centric, sepratists. BHO is running for President, not his parents. He was the practicing mooslim in Indonesia, not his radical, hippy caucasian mother. Stay focused. Have you read any of his “wisdom” recorded in his books? He himself admits at times he wasn’t sure if he was an American, a Kenyan or an Indonesian (this is a valid reason for not allowing naturalized citizens to ever run for office at any level, naturalized citizens often have loyalties to other nations). BHO is not a naturalized citizen though, his checkered background is the reason that has confused his self identity at times.

    Thirdly, any adult realizes that race, ethnicity, sex all do play a role in one’s character and behavior and philosophy. You can not deny biology. Grow up.

    Wear a potato sack and a face mask all day, wash your feet five times a day, pray five times a day towards mecca and guess what? You won’t feel like you have much in common with Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Hamilton, Madison, Lincoln, Grant, Lee, TR, etc. You will feel allegiance to the stateless “state” of Islam.

    RG (f6cafd)

  31. Wasn’t Obama’s mom Jewish? How do you spell that? Do you deny that “biology” ?

    stef (688568)

  32. stef – do you actually believe one’s race/ethnicity/sex/upbringing/age have nothing to do with one’s character, behavior, tendencies?

    Are you sure you want to stand by that claim? (hint: you shouldn’t) If so, you must be a recent public school graduate, no doubt.

    RG (f6cafd)

  33. Contrast William F Buckley with this Cunningham fellow.

    Intelligent, adult arguments vs. childish name calling and disengenuious excuses. Cunningham and his like are our Cindy Sheehan. An embarrassment to our ideology.

    Roy Mustang (d7efdc)

  34. “stef – do you actually believe one’s race/ethnicity/sex/upbringing/age have nothing to do with one’s character, behavior, tendencies?”

    On the contrary. I’m all ears. Tell me about his Jewish mother, and whether you deny that “biology”?

    stef (12f59b)

  35. Roy and stef…….pointing out that BHO has an Islamic past, albeit as a child and has had two mooslim fathers is not hate speech, it’s not race baiting (Islam is not a race), it’s not name calling.

    It’s factual. To deny it is to deny reality. To even get close to electing a radical black mooslim to the presidency shows the United States, as an independent, sovereign country is all but over.

    The USA is a 3rd world nation today. We are heavily in debt, can not manufacture most of what we want and need, import more and more food and most of all, try to fight a war against an enemy who we are afraid to actually articulate who they are. Making up words like “terrorist”, “Islamo-fascist” and other nonsensical terms for the enemy: Islam.

    See the handwriting on the wall, look to Europe. They are being invaded by mooslims who are changing European nation’s cultures and many, many native Dutch, German, Italian, British, French resent it greatly. But they diversity obsessed, multi-culturalism obsessed, open immigration political leaders are the ones who call the shots.

    Just like us with our illegal amigos…most of whom are using fake or stolen ID’s, social security numbers, driving with a license, evading income tax, etc.

    The end is near……and you good Republicans think an old, bitter, liberal Republican like Juan McAmnesty is gonna turn things around?

    Ha, ha……

    RG (f6cafd)

  36. #34,
    Obama’s previous study in muslim schools, then, is just as valid as the ‘biology’ of a jewish mother.

    The name-calling yesterday, okay. Not good. But discerning his past and internal identity crisis does deserve serious discussion. The kind we may not hear in the general. Luckily, McCain’s set the tone now and can hammer the empty suit, who really offers no feasible blueprint. Who compared him to a preacher? Talks nice and takes your money.

    B.O. has an Islamic past – undeniable. We are at war with militant Islam. Does it make sense to elect a radical leftist, with communist and muslim shadings?

    If so, if you don’t think it’s an issue worth discussing, then I suggest you’re a globalist – not an American.

    The media will be tested like never before. I’m not holding my breath.

    Vermont Neighbor (c6313b)

  37. There are prolly 100’s of reason to not vote for Barry O’Kennedy. Race and religion are not amongst them.

    JD (0c5b67)


    IF morons are focusing on “Hussein” and Islamic Schools, they are sending exactly the message Obama wants: that those are the best arguments we’ve got. They just aren’t. It may be true that His name is OHB, and it may be true that he had a weird couple of dads, and it may be true that he went to some odd schools as a kid. But it just isn’t worth talking about. People who think that stuff is more important than all the substantive reasons to not vote for Obama are idiots. People who obnoxiously insist on constantly calling him by his middle name, and defend it only because it’s true, are ceding enormous ground to Obama.

    Perhaps Ron Paul would say: a lot of blacks commite crime, and Obama is black! It’s true! It’s true! But guess what, Obama would win in a landslide if that were our argument.

    Obama is an empyty suit full of far left ideas that he can barely articulate. He’s dumber than Bush on a bad day, and far less experienced than anyone should be as a major party nominee. His plan is the wrong one. Mccain is saying: I’ve got the better plan, I’ve got a better understanding of the world, I’ll do a better job, so shut the hell up about Obama’s middle name.

    Imagine you knew nothing about two professors. Your registrar tells you she really wants you to take a class from professor A. When you ask why, the only thing she has to say is that “Professor B’s mom is Arab and slutty!” You have to choose right then and there. I would choose Professor B, because if that’s the worst aspect of Professor B, then Professor B probably is great in a million other areas, or else I would have heard about the more relevant problems.

    And voters will think that way. We are a melting pot nation that resists bigotry. Mccain is acting like a leader in shaping the arguments well. I wonder how long Mccain has been waiting for some moron to come along with the “hussein” bullshit so he could get this low hanging fruit. I love it! Almost as good as that trash, Coulter, hating Mccain publicly. The public doesn’t want to make Ann Coulter happy.

    Jem (4cdfb7)

  39. Dana, I do concede that people vote for stupid reasons. I have no choice.

    And yeah, when someone tells me that they are voting for someone because they are a woman or black, I think that’s repulsive.

    I say, such people on right and left need to go to hell. I feel like I’m more American, a better human being, and have more right to be a citizen than such filth. I truly do. I urge the bigots to just go away from my beloved nation.

    Keep in mind, a TON of liberals are going to be sockpuppeting away on conservative blogs, discussion boards, etc, as Mobys. Pretending to be conservative and pretending to demand that Obama’s race is a problem, his name is a problem, the religion of his step parent is a problem. Mccain, me, thousands of others need to do what they can and condemn this BS.

    Jem (4cdfb7)

  40. Jem, fine. Whatever plan works to make this guy an asterisk in modern politics.

    Vermont Neighbor (c6313b)

  41. I never again want any Democrat to refer to John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) or Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) or HST. Never ever can Democrats use a person’s middle name. So much for Hillary Rodham Clinton. Can use it. William Jefferson Clinton? Out, off limits, not acceptable any longer.

    His middle name is Hussein. But he is a lawyer so perhaps he can go to court and have it changed to Barack Jose Obama.

    retire05 (caee37)

  42. and guess who McCain is going after now? The Swiftboat Vets for their “lies” against his buddy Kerry. How is this guy a member of the republican party much less our candidate for president? dont vote for him, he wins we have to wait 8 years to get a real republican in the White House. hilary or barack hussien obama wins and we get a shot at a conservative in 4 years. and a conservative will look very appealing after 4 years of either of them

    chas (fb7ad4)

  43. I think Barack Bon Jovi has a nice sound! And it would capture the youthful vote.

    Vermont Neighbor (c6313b)

  44. chas, you provide a link, but it doesn’t show much about how Mccain is opposed to the swift boaters. IF he is, then he’s wrong (and Mccain has been wrong many times before, so that would be no surprise… but I’m not seeing it yet).

    Maybe I’ve missed something, but I’d appreciate it if you’d explain.

    On your other point: avoiding defeat in Iraq is a HUGE benefit to Mccain. Fighting pork, good court appointments (the gang of 14 produced Roberts and Alito), all that, it’s pretty damn nice. Mccain has a pretty good conservative vote record, though his lapses into stupidity are very annoying.

    But I submit that waiting 8 years for the conservative you really want (who would never get elected in 800 years anyway) is a super cheap price to save Iraq from becoming the next Vietnam. Millions of lives hang in the balance. Al Qaida is a tough, expensive battle instead of in New York again. There are millions of Republicans who are sick and tired of the Ann Coulters. Obviously there are more of them than there are of you, or how do you explain Mccain winning the nomination?

    Wishing ill on the nation for 4 years so the GOP can sweep into power is disgusting (not that you have, but so many are these days). Mccain is the best candidate left right now, by a long shot, if you value Iraq in the way I do.

    I ask: would you vote for Reagan today? What about Mccain is so different?

    Jem (4cdfb7)

  45. i’m assuming you read the article, here’s the line

    “We’re aware of many of the things that 527s have done … where unlimited amounts of money can pour into negative campaigns such as we saw against John Kerry and his combat record

    who else do you think he’s referring to? especially since back at the time he jumped to kerry’s defense. i guess he does these things to make people think he has honor or something. hard to believe that when you were in the keating five years ago and now your trying to work around your own campaign finance reform.

    chas (fb7ad4)

  46. dont try to compare Reagan and McCain. Read this from Mark Levin in The Corner from NRO. he explains why that dog dont hunt. Reagan never flirted w/ joining the dems after losing an election or running as a VP candidate on a ticket w/a dem. McCain did both.

    chas (fb7ad4)

  47. And, of course, Cunningham says now that he will vote for Hillary!

    Great! The Titanic can always use another deck hand. ]:-)

    M. Scott Eiland (b66190)

  48. Barack Hussein Obama.
    Couldn’t hack it as a lawyer so he became Daley’s gofer.
    Conceived by a Kenyan Muslim on a hippie mother; raised by a Muslim stepfather in a madrassa.
    Wants to be President so the Chicago Mob can raid the U.S. Treasury.

    Damn, I am such a racist.

    nk (669aab)

  49. I view B. Hussein Obama as the enemy. He represent all that is not in America’s best interest. His friends are members of the radical left, PLO, and the Nation of Islam. His personal minister in the church he attends is tied to radicals. One of his biggest supporters is under investigation. While there are many reasons to vote, there are many voters who fall into very different catagories. We must appeal to all of them to defeat this man. There is no “too childish” way to go about this. His middle name is Hussein. I didn’t name him, but I also will not ignore the fact. His Nigerian relatives probable were slave traders. Who knows, but he has very little in common with Afro-Americans.

    Zelsdorf Ragshaft III (e18128)

  50. “Couldn’t hack it as a lawyer…”

    – nk

    That’s the only part with which I’d take issue: from what I’ve seen as a student, it doesn’t take much to “hack it” as a lawyer. This is nothing personal (and no reflection on your abilities as a lawyer, which seem considerable), but I’m sure there are plenty of practicing lawyers out there who are dumber than Barack Obama.

    Leviticus (ed6d31)

  51. Wants to be President so the Chicago Mob can raid the U.S. Treasury.

    Yep. He’ll be indebted up to his teeth. We’ll pick up the tab and it won’t be pretty.

    Vermont Neighbor (c6313b)

  52. Barack HUSSEIN OBAMA won’t be getting my vote.

    anne (bcaa79)


    molly (6eb293)

  54. For those of you who do not know Usama, he is an Egyptian Christian, educated in Egypt, fluent in Arabic, and a graduate of the Southern Baptist Seminary in New Orleans. For more information go to his website

    Subject: Usama’s note

    A Truth To Know

    I called The United Church of Christ in Chicago, Illinois, where Senator Obama is a member. I doubted that he was indeed a Christian for if he were Muslim and left the religion of Islam, according to Islamic law, he would be subject to a death warrant by Islam itself. Many such murders take place around this world to Muslims who have left Islam. However in this case the Muslims are joyously happy to think that we would have a Muslim President in the White House. Obama is deceiving America. Muslims would not be endorsing a Muslim who left Islam to become a Christian.

    It is important to note that I had four witnesses to this conversation with Obama’s church on the phone. The dates and time and the length of conversation can be verified by phone records.

    The following is the conversation I had with the church regarding membership in the church.

    ‘My name is Usama, and I am from Egypt. I want to join the church.’ ‘I need to ask you some questions please.’ They connected me to the membership department. I proceeded to ask questions that only a Muslim would ask. ‘What is the difference between Baptist and your church?’ She answered, ‘We believe exactly what Baptists believe.’ My second question was, ‘How big is your church and what kind of church is it?’ Her answer was, ‘We are a Black African American church and we have 6000 members. I asked her, ‘Do I have to attend Sunday school classes and other meetings to be a member?’ She said, ‘No, that is not necessary.’ I asked, ‘Do I have to be baptized to join the church?’ Her answer was ‘NO.’ I asked, ‘Do I have to give money to join the church?’ She answered ‘NO.’ I went on to ask her how do I join the church?…she replied, ‘ You need to attend two Sunday school membership classes in a row and then you need to walk the aisle.’ I said, ‘That sounds easy.’ ‘Now one last question please.’




    Please let as many people as you can know about this information

    marie (59cea9)

  55. Leviticus #50,

    I am likely wronging him on this. When people ask me if their kids should go to law school, I tell them, “Definitely. You can do anything with a law degree.” Obama’s fire in the belly may have been for politics and not for law and there’s nothing wrong with that.

    As for him being a water carrier for the Daleys …. Well, it is true.

    nk (b63350)

  56. $12 Billion per month to keep our Kids ducking-bullets in the Middle East sounds like a lot…
    But !!! I thought about that…
    $12 Billion per month, for 12 months per year, for 100 McCain years is $14.4 Trillion…sounds like a lot also.
    But !!! then I thought about that also…
    The Bureau of Economic Analysis (as per Wikipedia) estimated the US GDP (Gross Domestic Product) at $13.8 Trillion…
    That means that if McCain has his way, then our poor kids will be there for a year…sounds like a long time to me…especially to be without an economy…
    Actually it is really 1 Year and 15 Days…but don’t tell McCain that, because he will not bring our young men and women home 15 Days earlier…than 100 years he plans to keep them there…

    Kush (5f8bfb)

  57. I think marie and Kush are kooks, but your mileage may vary.

    JD (75f5c3)

  58. “As for him being a water carrier for the Daleys …. Well, it is true.”

    – nk

    Maybe. We’ll probably find out.

    I won’t take issue with the statement, though, because you probably know more on the issue than I do.

    Leviticus (3c2c59)

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