[Posted By WLS]
Put your hand up if you think Hillary Clinton’s life-long ambition to be President will end next week in Texas and Ohio?
Obama may, in fact, win the nomination. But that’s only a minor stumbling block in the Clinton world. Remember, Bill Clinton left the interior of the Democrat party to embrace the DLC in order to make himself more electable — hell with all that “libralism”.
The “party” is meaningless to them other than as a vehicle to power — as is the good of the party — if they are rejected by that party.
So, what happens if Obama wins the nomination?
Well, the Clintons will say all the right things, and congratulate all the right people, but their resentment will seethe just below the surface. The nastiness of the campaign will not go away, and a grudge will be held because Obama will have denied her the destiny to which she believes she is entitled and the legacy which he thinks he is owed.
I predict — and bookmark this spot for posterity — that the Clintons will not lift a finger to help Obama in the general election. Why? Because an Obama win only puts a Clinton resurrection off another 4 years until 2016.
If Hillary can’t win in 2008, what is Plan B?
How about this for nostalgia for the Clintons: A 2012 campaign against an older, not-well-liked-by-his-party GOP one-term incumbent who might be struggling with a difficult economy and a changing world.
If the Golden Boy goes forward in Nov 2008 and, dare they think it, gets beat by McCain, that would set up a pretty good “I told you so” campaign for the nomination by Hillary in 2012, with a general election match-up that Bill Clinton already won once circa 1992.
So, Hillary concedes the nomination next Wednesday, and waves good luck to Barack with a promise to see him — in December back in the Senate.