Patterico's Pontifications


L.A. Times Headline: “Shrill and Desperate Bitch Tries to Attack Messiah”

Filed under: Dog Trainer — Patterico @ 11:00 pm

Well, OK. That’s not literally their headline. That’s the headline I would give this L.A. Times story if I were a headline writer over there. I’ll quote several paragraphs so you get the flavor:

PROVIDENCE, R.I. — With her White House prospects in jeopardy, Hillary Rodham Clinton has shifted from one tactic to another in trying to overtake rival Barack Obama.

She tried TV ads saying he ducked debates. She accused him of plagiarism. She disparaged his huge crowds. She called his attacks on her shameful and dishonest. On Sunday, Clinton turned to ridicule.

“Now I can stand up here and say: Let’s just get everybody together, let’s get unified, the sky will open, the light will come down, celestial choirs will be singing, and everyone will know we should do the right thing, and the world will be perfect,” Clinton told supporters here at Rhode Island College.

“Maybe I just lived a little long. But I have no illusions about how hard this is going to be,” Clinton continued. “You are not going to wave a magic wand and have the special interests disappear.”

Clinton’s string of tactical adjustments comes amid Obama’s 11-contest winning streak, which has given him the lead in delegates to the party’s national convention.

“Most baffling is the inconsistency — literally the three or four or five approaches we’ve seen, all within one week,” said Roy Behr, a California Democratic strategist not involved in the race. “This is commonly what happens to campaigns when things are not going well.”

By contrast, Obama finds himself in the enviable position of sticking with a strategy that has worked well: giving high-minded speeches to large, adoring crowds, including more than 10,000 Sunday in Toledo, Ohio, and delivering the occasional pinprick to Clinton.

Jeez, Hillary. You are really on the outs.

UPDATE: I mean really on the outs — as in the editors feel the need to write a story that conveys (without explicitly saying so) the message: Don’t even think about going after those superdelegates, honey!

UPDATE x2: And Obama is the Golden Child — the most biting story they can think up for him is talk about how Republicans love him too!

12 Responses to “L.A. Times Headline: “Shrill and Desperate Bitch Tries to Attack Messiah””

  1. I like how they never set up a context to where her words can be interpreted against Obama, they go straight to the professional horse race analysis. It’s almost like the sheeple don’t matter.

    ninja pirate (7c8008)

  2. I’m waiting for Hillary to claim under Title IX that delegates must be apportioned according to the candidate’s gender representation among the population. Since there are more women than men….

    Steverino (e00589)

  3. I saw her speak yesterday and I thought that for the first time she actually sounded like she was running for president. I think she might be effective enough to stop the bleeding, but win?

    Howard Veit (cc8b85)

  4. And Obama is the Golden Child — the most biting story they can think up for him is talk about

    There are several stories/columns I’ve seen ove the past week at which question Obama’s positives. Some from columnists I wouldn’t expect (Fineman as an example).
    Unless you are specifically going by what the LA Times prints….

    voiceofreason2 (590c85)

  5. Iowahawk, you have reproduced 39% of this copyrighted LA Times story.

    Do you have their permission?

    Or is 39% an acceptable excerpt?

    And have you ascertained from the LA Times that they’re ok with you reproducing 39%, or is it just your subjective feel?

    Just askin!

    The Black Fingernail (c9fd65)

  6. Black Fingernail, a couple of points:

    1. This site is run by Patterico. Iowahawk is a completely different site.

    2. Iowahawk’s complaint stemmed from unattributed copying. It’s a big word, but I’m sure someone can read you its definition from the dictionary. As you can see, Patterico not only attributed his citation properly, he linked to it so that everyone can go read the whole article.

    3. Next time you use the Internet, be sure you have an adult to guide you.

    Steverino (e00589)

  7. Black fingernail….much more like an ingrown toenail….

    But, I digress…..

    reff (bff229)

  8. Barack Obama is not the messiah he is the antichrist

    krazy kagu (6c49b1)

  9. Err… I actually saw the Chaucer parody in situ, and it was not unattributed. The poster had mentioned Iowahawk, so your patronising response is nothing but lies. Grow up yourself.

    The Black Fingernail (c9fd65)

  10. In fact, Iowahawk wasnt only mentioned, there was an address, though I cant remember it because its all been deleted!!

    The Black Fingernail (c9fd65)

  11. Steverino wrote, “I’m waiting for Hillary to claim under Title IX that delegates must be apportioned according to the candidate’s gender representation among the population. Since there are more women than men…”

    Actually, you should check the Delegate Selection Rules Section of the Wikipedia article, or the actual actual DNC document. The Democratic party delegate selection process already requires affirmative action considerations based on proportionality. The YDA already complained, based on these rules, that too few youth were among past selected delegates.

    Someone Patterico Will Talk to Tomorow Night (babcd1)

  12. Err… I actually saw the Chaucer parody in situ, and it was not unattributed. The poster had mentioned Iowahawk, so your patronising response is nothing but lies. Grow up yourself.

    You do know that this isn’t Iowahawk’s site, right? As such, your comments are simply non sequitur.

    You are breathtakingly obtuse.

    Steverino (3cbef4)

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