Welcome to the Way Media Treats Republicans, Ms. Clinton
DRJ noted how Hillary had some remarks today about Obama, the relentlessly positive candidate who recently sent out some negative attack mailers against Hillary. By taking exception to the attacks, Hillary is now being portrayed the same way as Republicans are portrayed when they defend themselves . . . she is being called an attacker by the L.A. Times (and pretty much the rest of the media as well). Here is from the L.A. Times story:
An angry Hillary Rodham Clinton scolded Democratic presidential rival Barack Obama today for campaign mailings that she described as false and shameful attacks on her record.
Clinton’s rhetorical blast, the most bellicose of her campaign, came 10 days before Ohio and Texas primaries that could doom her candidacy if she fails to stop her 11-contest losing streak.
What is she saying in the “rhetorical blast”? That Obama attacked her, and that the attack was unfair. Put aside the truth or falsity of the attacks, and just look at the language used by the media to describe the dynamic. Mr. Positivity sends out some mailers including accusations, like the one that says Hillary “was not with Ohio when our jobs were on the line.” Maybe he’s right, maybe he’s wrong — and I think pointing out differences on issues is legitimate . . . but it is undoubtedly negative campaigning, and the mailers are undoubtedly attacks, whether fair or not. Hillary thinks they are unfair, she defends herself — and suddenly she is the attack dog. Obama is allowed to portray himself as the guy who is attacked:
Obama waved off the sharp criticism in a hastily arranged news conference at Ohio State University Medical Center in Columbus.
“We have been subject to constant attack from the Clinton campaign, except when we were down 20 points,” he said
The Deciders have decided who the winner should be, Hillary. And it ain’t you. They’re already writing your obituary.
Sucks, don’t it?
Welcome to our world. This is how Republicans get treated by Big Media every day.
I don’t feel sorry for you, Hillary. Not one bit.