Patterico's Pontifications


Patterico Reader To Be Published in L.A. Times Complaining About Rutten

Filed under: Dog Trainer — Patterico @ 10:07 pm

Patterico reader Russell Fox has been told his letter about Tim Rutten’s column will be published in tomorrow’s paper. I’ll link it in the morning. Russell says he was disgusted when he read the article, and was motivated to write in after reading my post. Good going, Russell. Looking forward to seeing the letter.

UPDATE: Here you go.

5 Responses to “Patterico Reader To Be Published in L.A. Times Complaining About Rutten”

  1. Patterico reader Russell Fox has been told his letter about Tim Rutten’s column will be published in tomorrow’s paper. I’ll link it in the morning. Russell says he was disgusted when he read the article, and was motivated to write in after reading my post. Good going, Russell. Looking forward to seeing the letter.


    LiveFromFortLivingRoom (7e5814)

  2. The letter’s up — is anyone surprised that is the very last one?

    It’s here. You’ll have scroll down.

    Hoystory (b5e448)

  3. well, i simply dont understand this focus on an obviously partisan dem party rag. who cares what they write? ditto WaPo & NYT.

    james conrad (7cd809)

  4. Good letter. Congrats, Russell.

    no one you know (1ebbb1)

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