Patterico's Pontifications


Jonah Goldberg On CNN’s Virtual Reality

Filed under: 2008 Election,Media Bias,Movies — DRJ @ 7:04 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

Jonah Goldberg has an excellent and delightfully sarcastic column on the recent CNN YouTube Republican debate. It’s well worth reading the whole thing but I’m linking it because of one section where Goldberg references the Bill Murray-Harold Ramis-John Candy movie Stripes:

“Just as revealing were the questioners who weren’t revealed to be plants. For the most part they were a motley crew of conservative caricatures. CNN’s typical “ordinary American” (translation: “scary Republican”) was a pale, gaunt, twenty-something white dude who looked like he’d spent the last year working in the sunless bunker he’d constructed out of his mom’s basement. Several of the videos were reminiscent of the sort of thing investigators discover while searching the home of slain white militiamen after a terrorist attack.

One of these young men was, literally, a bible thumper who demanded to know if the GOP candidates were as committed to “every word in this book” as he was. Another questioner took a brief break from the shooting range to ask about gun control. But he made it clear, as he cocked a shotgun thrown to him from off camera, that the candidates answers didn’t much matter because, he implied, they could have his gats when they pried them from his cold dead hands.

Another young man asked from the comfortable sovereignty of his dorm room what the Confederate Flag – which hung conspicuously behind him – meant to the men on the stage. Sadly, the guy who played “Psycho” in the movie Stripes was apparently unavailable to record a video. Still, it would have been nice if at least one of the candidates had seized on one of the numerous opportunities to say, “Lighten up, Francis.”

Because of Stripes, “Lighten up, Francis” is part of our family’s basic vocabulary along with a dozen other memorable quotes and some great character names. (Now you know I have average American taste in movies.)

On a more serious note, Goldberg’s advice to CNN is superb. Here’s my advice from an average American: CNN needs to get over itself and report the news, not make it.

H/T Instapundit.

Update: CNN claims it did a “basic internet search” on General Kerr. Everything I’ve read suggests an initial Google search in Kerr’s name referred to his role in the Clinton and Kerry committees. I wonder if CNN does internet searches only on its own website?


27 Responses to “Jonah Goldberg On CNN’s Virtual Reality”

  1. Integrity is the most prized asset anyone can have. Honor, through conduct both public and private defines oneself. CNN and the MSM has shown themselves to be more than willing to live in the gutter. How this reflects on a political party that would resort to such measures to achieve power only hints at what their conduct in office might be.

    What is truly disturbing is that so many in this country defend such odious behavior. I can only assume the pool of aspiring journalists, judges, lawyers, politicans, conmen, dognappers, pornographers and used car alesmen is far larger than anyone can imagine.

    Thomas Jackson (bf83e0)

  2. CNN needs to get over itself and report the news, not make it.

    If that’s what won ratings’ books, they would.

    Nothing else transpired in the debate that you felt warranted analysis?

    steve (5e672b)

  3. Oh, gosh, Steve, there are posts all over this blog and the blogosphere about that debate. At this point, the best I can offer is “Report the news, don’t make it” and “Lighten up, Francis,” and the last part is really Goldberg’s advice.

    DRJ (a6fcd2)

  4. So I take it that the Hellspawn of Lucianne believes that everyone on CNN was recruited from central casting.

    Including “General Kerr” of course. For who ever heard of a closeted for 46 years deocrated military veteran. Obviously something George Soros cooked up in his secret lab.

    David Ehrenstein (4f5f08)

  5. So I take it that the Hellspawn of Lucianne

    It’s great to see you are still the epitome of class, David.

    believes that everyone on CNN was recruited from central casting.

    No, David, for if they really were from central casting, the odds would move favor actual undecideds, instead of Clinton and Edwards operatives.

    Including “General Kerr” of course. For who ever heard of a closeted for 46 years deocrated military veteran. Obviously something George Soros cooked up in his secret lab.

    Unfortunately, David, in this case all we on the right had to do is report the truth, instead of creating a fabrication.

    Truth hurts, don’t it?

    Paul (36cd46)

  6. *more favor actual undecideds*

    Paul (36cd46)

  7. I guess they couldn’t say “STFU, Donny.” Although having Tancredo or Hunter say that to Ron Paul would be priceless.

    Kevin Murphy (0b2493)

  8. From my own personal experiences in show biz and from what I have read over and over again, things like this never happen in a vacuum. All the CNN employees are totally Left and totally against any and all Republicans. There are no brakes over there. Somebody comes up with a terrible idea and that idea is validated instead of analyzed. This entire “debate” fiasco is a result of the bubble environments that now prevail in all aspects of media. Nobody from outside wanted.

    Howard Veit (cc8b85)

  9. I Blame the Republicans for agreeing to a CNN debate in the 1st place. Surely they didn’t expect to get a non partisan fair break. If they expected such fairness they are too stupid to be President of the United States.

    Dennis D (cdb678)

  10. “It’s great to see you are still the epitome of class, David.”


    “All the CNN employees are totally Left and totally against any and all Republicans.”

    Obviously they must be Terminated with Extreme Prejudice. This would never happen at Fair and Balanced Fox.

    David Ehrenstein (4f5f08)

  11. I guess David doesn’t see anything wrong with a hidden agenda, sock puppets, and plants in the audiences.

    Dave, Hugo Chavez has a job for you. He wants to try again to become Presidente for life like Castro.

    PCD (09d6a8)

  12. Why respond to David at all?

    He only posts non-sequitors and ad hominems. He is below the ability to argue a point in rational terms on the merits. He has yet to offer up a single argument as to why this behavior by CNN is acceptable. Instead, he calls us fascists and makes reference to Fox News. In his mind, that is rational debate and compelling argument. When someone has so clearly demonstrated themselves to be devoid of reason, and unable to see anything other than far left cliches, they are best ignored.

    I have no problem arguing with a liberal when the argument is based on rational thought and good faith. David E does not come here with the ability to engage in either.

    Great Banana (aa0c92)

  13. “Mr. Klein said that a small group of producers had conducted basic searches on the questioners picked as finalists, including whether they had made donations to any presidential campaigns. There was no evidence Mr. Kerr had … the producers had also typed the questioners’ names into a search engine to see `who this person is and where they’re coming from.`”

    Possibly searched something like Lexis-Nexis (?), not Google or Dogpile. I have no cite, but two years ago a college student who did an internship at an MSM TV news organization (I think NBC) wrote that a memo to all fact-checkers specifically said that Google was NOT to be used to do research. I might understand not allowing Wikipedia, but Google?

    teqjack (54fa41)

  14. ” He has yet to offer up a single argument as to why this behavior by CNN is acceptable.”

    Darling if you were paying any attention at all, you would note that I have posted several times that the entire spectacle of phony televised “debates” is unacceptable.

    There ought to be real debates conducted under long-accepted debating rules and regulations. Instead we have these glorified press conferences. Arguing over who asked whatever questions and why amidst this meat puppet show is academic. The entire thing needs to be junked — be it on CNN, FOX or “American Movie Classics.”

    David Ehrenstein (4f5f08)

  15. I agree with both Jonah and David. I think we can sum it up as, “CNN played to its prejudices” and “Of course CNN played to its prejudices, what did you expect?”

    Fritz (d62210)

  16. I didn’t see the bible guy as being a bible thumper. I saw the essence of his question as being more along the lines of “Do you really believe every word in this book right here? Really?”

    Pablo (99243e)

  17. Well who else but a bible-thumper would ask that? It’s a far cry from a general query as to the relationship between church and state.

    David Ehrenstein (4f5f08)

  18. Well who else but a bible-thumper would ask that?

    Someone who thinks bible thumpers are nuts.

    Pablo (99243e)

  19. So CNN created a fake Bible-Thumper to ask the question?

    David Ehrenstein (4f5f08)

  20. “So CNN created a fake Bible-Thumper to ask the question?”

    – David Ehrenstein

    No. What Pablo’s saying is the guy was trying to expose candidates as Bible-Thumpers, because he (the guy) wouldn’t want to vote for anyone who believed the Bible word for word.

    Maybe… but if that’s what he (the guy) wanted to ask, he could’ve been a little clearer about it (and saved himself the frustration of being stereotyped as the thing he feared).

    Leviticus (b987b0)

  21. CNN panders for profit. Most news outlets in a fierce competitive environment do, to a varying degree.

    The three things every newscast must have – tits, tots and pets – is a 35-year-old consultant’s decree.

    steve (075f61)

  22. I do love David’s comments. CNN didn’t employ central casting, they used the Hildabeast campaqign committee with an assist from Soros and the Kod Kiddies. I’m still waiting for how much do you beat your wife from someone with a shotgun, holding a Bible, in front of a Confederate flag, while burning a cross. Just another typical Republican.

    David’s faith in the inerrancy of the holy scriptures of CNN and the dhimmierat partyis so typical of those who drink deeply of the communion kool aide of political correctness and diversity. There is nothing commendable about claiming to be impartial or reasonable by splitting the difference between truth and falsehoods and splitting the difference and calling it objectivity.

    So much for David and his decorated generals. Next he’ll call Col. Saunders a decorated military man.

    Thomas Jackson (bf83e0)

  23. “Hildabeast”?

    That’s a hot one.

    “with an assist from Soros and the Kod Kiddies”

    Oh right. Kos is Soros’ pool boy. Everybody knows that. Right?

    David Ehrenstein (4f5f08)

  24. “CNN opened its gates to the American people and, to their surprise, the network’s relentlessly touted credibility ran out the door like a dog in heat.”

    Jonah is ever much more funny than you, David.

    But then most reactionary leftist have to undergo a humorectomy.

    The Nep done good with his column.

    N. O'Brain (9056e2)

  25. “reactionary leftist”?

    Wouldn’t that be David Horowitz having a nervous breakdown?

    David Ehrenstein (4f5f08)

  26. Wouldn’t that be David Horowitz Ehrenstein having a nervous breakdown?

    There! All fixed!

    What’s-a-matter, David? Resorting to snark and ad hominems because of sheer lack of any refutation?

    Paul (36cd46)

  27. David–

    You’d have a better point regarding Fox if the Democrats had the guts to let them run a debate. To say the Republicans are whining about CNN rings a little hollow as it is.

    Kevin Murphy (805c5b)

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