The Politics of Planted Questions
[Guest post by DRJ]
Hillary Clinton’s campaign suffered an embarrassment in Iowa when it was revealed a college student had been given a planted question to ask at a town hall meeting:
“Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton’s campaign admitted Friday that it planted a global warming question in Newton, Iowa, Tuesday during a town hall meeting to discuss clean energy.
Clinton campaign spokesman Mo Elliethee admitted that the campaign had planted the question and said it would not happen again.”
The incident became public when a college student admitted involvement:
“On Tuesday Nov. 6, the Clinton campaign stopped at a biodiesel plant in Newton as part of a weeklong series of events to introduce her new energy plan. The event was clearly intended to be as much about the press as the Iowa voters in attendance, as a large press core helped fill the small venue….
“After her speech, Clinton accepted questions. But according to Grinnell College student Muriel Gallo-Chasanoff ’10, some of the questions from the audience were planned in advance. ‘They were canned,’ she said. Before the event began, a Clinton staff member approached Gallo-Chasanoff to ask a specific question after Clinton’s speech. ‘One of the senior staffers told me what [to ask],’ she said.
“Clinton called on Gallo-Chasanoff after her speech to ask a question: what Clinton would do to stop the effects of global warming. Clinton began her response by noting that young people often pose this question to her before delving into the benefits of her plan.
“But the source of the question was no coincidence — at this event ‘they wanted a question from a college student,’ Gallo-Chasanoff said.“
Here’s the text of Gallo-Chasanoff’s question and Hillary’s answer:
“Question: “As a young person, I’m worried about the long-term effects of global warming How does your plan combat climate change?
Clinton: “Well, you should be worried. You know, I find as I travel around Iowa that it’s usually young people that ask me about global warming.”
John Edwards’ campaign spokesman responded quickly:
“In light of a weak debate performance, not to mention a persistent inability to answer the tough questions, it appears the Clinton campaign has adopted a new strategy of planting questions,” John Edwards’ Communications Director Chris Kofinis said.
“It’s what the Clinton campaign calls the politics of planting.”
Overall this seems like a minor event but it’s probably not an isolated incident since Hillary said she frequently hears this question from college students. (Now we know why.) Still, I doubt the people of Iowa appreciate it.
I do think it’s a big deal. Just another example of how shady this woman is. She is either unable to answer legitimate questions, or assumes Iowans are not bright enough to ask good ones.
It makes her look manipulative and condescending.
MagicalPat (97fe39) — 11/9/2007 @ 11:53 pmMy guess — the public isn’t into the glow-bull warming hype and needed a little help from the campaign. After all, it’s a liberals wet dream to control energy and people with the same shot.
bill-tb (26027c) — 11/10/2007 @ 1:47 amThe problem is DRJ, the “Clinton Dynasty” has been nothing short of a series of isolated incidents designed to manipulate/exploit their audience with a “puppet-string” meantality. They honestly believe that the masses are too stupid to think or speak for themselves. According to the elite left’s platform, it’s the governments responsibility to “think” for the people. Mrs. Clinton would be better suited as a hollywood starlet where scripted fantasies shape the dialogue.
In a post 9/11 world, governing by polls or staged conversations, (“wag the dog”), will not cut it.
Rovin (7f64b8) — 11/10/2007 @ 5:12 ameverybody knows that you shouldn’t rely on a college student to do something like this, what you really need is a gay porn model like jeff gannon.
assistant devil's advocate (a4c6e1) — 11/10/2007 @ 5:12 amOr, like a Scott Beauchamp , or a Jamil Hussein, or a Dan Rather? “Phony Students” need not apply.
Rovin (7f64b8) — 11/10/2007 @ 5:21 amHey, we know who really planted that question.
capitano (03e5ec) — 11/10/2007 @ 5:40 amAren’t you glad he didn’t ask her what kind of underwear she preferred to wear?
nk (597e8b) — 11/10/2007 @ 5:57 amThis is fraud and demonstrates a criminal impulse.
She knew to call on the questioner so she can’t claim that she wasn’t a party to the fraud.
It’s likely that Hillary has used this form of sock puppetry before. If this incident gets a lot of attention, it’s likely many others will come forward with similar stories.
j curtis (8bcca6) — 11/10/2007 @ 6:35 amWhen caught, the Clinton campaign said: “This is not standard policy.”
Of course, it depends on what the meaning of “is” is.
JonSK (1abc92) — 11/10/2007 @ 6:46 amThe stupid part was that Elizabeth Edwards was caught feeding “friendly questions” to Air America on-air reporters a few weeks ago.
So rather than put the word out that a.) this is stupid, b.) you will get caught, it’s just a matter of time, and c.)there’s no way it’s worth the risk and bad publicity — the Clinton campaign says we’ll do it better and no one will catch on.
Yeah, we’re talking executive judgment here, where can we sign up?
capitano (03e5ec) — 11/10/2007 @ 7:01 amThey probably felt they had to get some tough questions in since the actual reporters won’t ask them.
lonetown (d1b0ac) — 11/10/2007 @ 7:53 amUh so Hillary got caught and no-one else has been caught yet… so? Please don’t try and convince me that nobody else plants question. Maybe one could make an argument that a candidate clumsy enough to get caught at this dosen’t have the subtlety to be our president.
EdWood (160ece) — 11/10/2007 @ 7:58 amwhat you really need is a gay porn model like jeff gannon
Interesting to note that it isn’t homophobic gay-bashing when the bashee has wandered off the left plantation.
Darleen (187edc) — 11/10/2007 @ 8:23 amDespite himself, ADA raises a good point. The Clinton team certainly must be aware of the Jeff Gannon story. Why didn’t they learn from it?
Jim Treacher (5e5b1e) — 11/10/2007 @ 8:35 amI agree with #12. Scripted question, Yawn. Everything in politics is so scripted now, on all sides, what’s the surprise. I’m shocked, shocked!
JayHub (0a6237) — 11/10/2007 @ 9:28 amAgain, this planting of questions speaks to the incredibly low opinion these candidates (and/or spouses) have for the very public whose votes they are desperately (obviously) seeking.
We really ain’t as dum as they think we r.
Dana (75708c) — 11/10/2007 @ 9:46 amWell maybe the Hildabest can ask the Asst Devil to ask some questions they have prepared for any future meetings. Its clear he’ll do his best for her.
In the meantime lets see how many leemings will follow their leader over the cliffs.
Thomas Jackson (bf83e0) — 11/10/2007 @ 10:00 amThey probably felt they had to get some tough questions in since the actual reporters won’t ask them.
That’s not far off the mark.
If anyone wants to actually do something about this, go to appearances by the candidates, ask real questions, and then upload their response to Youtube.
If you can’t do that, contact those in IA or NH and ask them to do the same.
TLB (0c89cb) — 11/10/2007 @ 10:20 amPatrick,
corwin (57f5d3) — 11/10/2007 @ 1:58 pmI’m sure you noticed,the spokesperson said,”This isn’t our standard procedure,”but didn’t address if it had been done previously.I would think a hard nosed grouup of newshounds like the LAT’s would follow this.
Or maybe not.
EdWood: Uh so Hillary got caught and no-one else has been caught yet… so? Please don’t try and convince me that nobody else plants question. Maybe one could make an argument that a candidate clumsy enough to get caught at this dosen’t have the subtlety to be our president.
JayHub: Scripted question, Yawn. Everything in politics is so scripted now, on all sides, what’s the surprise. I’m shocked, shocked!
Such a story woudn’t even show up on most BS detectors if the MSM actually asked Hillary tough questions instead of the cotton balls they’ve been tossing up since her Senate campaign.
Paul (ec9716) — 11/10/2007 @ 2:43 pmUPDATE: Fox News is now reporting on another Q & A planting incident by the Clinton campaign. Below’s an excerpt and here’s the link:,2933,310417,00.html
Andy B (caa920) — 11/10/2007 @ 2:53 pmThe Thunder Run has linked to this post in the – Web Reconnaissance for 11/10/2007 A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention updated throughout the day…so check back often.
David M (341ee9) — 11/10/2007 @ 4:39 pmThis is a weekend edition so updates are as time and family permits.
I saw this first at cnn and here’s how they played it
I love how Hill isn’t mentioned for 3 or 4 paragraphs
Dr T (b1f404) — 11/10/2007 @ 5:01 pmHillary’s question planting is amateur night compared to George W. Bush. I trust I’m not the only one here who remembers when several years back a “reporter” from something called “Talon News” named “Jeff Gannon” appeared at White House briefings to lob softballs and carefully worded attacks on Democrats to Scott McClelland.
David Ehrenstein (5411c5) — 11/11/2007 @ 5:50 am“Gannon” (real name James D. Guckert) was unmasked by several bloggers as a male prostitute plying his trade on-line at a then-still-active site, and “Talon News” an entirely phony operation confected by friends of the RNC. The most interesting revelation was the fact that “Gannon” had overnight stays at the White House. Precisely who he was staying with and what went on was never questioned by a “Mainstream” media supposedly hostile to the Bush administration.
I do hope that all those decrying Jeff Gannon’s personal life go dig up all the dirt they can on Hillary’s planted questioners. Otherwise, one might suspect them of shrill partisan hypocrisy.
Steverino (d1a6fb) — 11/11/2007 @ 11:01 amYou just can’t trust a gay dude, eh, David?
Pablo (99243e) — 11/11/2007 @ 11:16 amNope. You just can’t trust a gay Republican, Pablo.
And Steverino, it wasn’t he “personal life.” Selling is body was Guckert’s business life.
David Ehrenstein (5411c5) — 11/11/2007 @ 11:48 amRight, David. And what do Hillary’s plants do when they’re not asking canned questions? Do you know or care? Is it only important when Republicans do it?
Yup, you’re a shrill partisan hypocrite.
Steverino (d1a6fb) — 11/11/2007 @ 3:17 pmThere’s the bigotry I was looking for. Thanks for laying it out, David.
Pablo (99243e) — 11/11/2007 @ 3:23 pm“IT’S NEWS TO ME,” SAYS SHE
Hillary Clinton declines to speak to the issues – or at least provide real answers to real questions, while opting for the more PC Global Warming ones – even if she has to script them herself. Which she currently says, “it’s news to me.” How else could the Clinton staged media report Hillary’s remarkable comeback, after the Illegal Alien Driver’s License (Gotcha) debacle.
But like a good many Americans (and many good Americans), I don’t want that duo back in the White House. With the Clintons, what is past is prologue. And Hillary will come back swinging. Then there’s the incidence of Al Qaeda flight students, trained at the University of Bill Clinton. Why does this remain a non-issue? Albert Einstein said, “The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it:”
Hillary: Positively Pandering, Definitely Duplicitous, and Ultimately Unelectable.
Peggy McGilligan (27cb46) — 11/11/2007 @ 9:30 pm