Patterico's Pontifications


A Little Blog Triumphalism at the Expense of the Dog Trainer

Filed under: Dog Trainer,General — Patterico @ 12:44 am

Kevin Roderick quotes an L.A. Times memo that says that the paper’s top blog for September was:

The Envelope: Gold Derby – 233,603 page views (up from 99,055 in Emmy-less August)

Meanwhile, this blog had 271,393 page views in September. That’s up from 240,938 in Emmy-less August.

And no web site of a major newspaper backing me up.

So yeah, the paper still has a zillion more readers — in print and online.

But their blogs have a ways to go.

10 Responses to “A Little Blog Triumphalism at the Expense of the Dog Trainer”

  1. Yes, but when did you ever refer to

    His Holiness Karekin II, spiritual leader of the world’s 10 million Armenians


    Gerry Shuller (dd769a)

  2. Very impressive numbers Mr. Patterico. You are justifiably proud.

    wls (fb8809)

  3. Hear, hear.

    DRJ (8b9d41)

  4. Patterico hasn’t gotten in tune with the Internet yet, I see. When you have properly “pwned” a “nub” like this, you are to tell that “nub” to “suck it”.

    Also, since alphie hasn’t shown up yet, shall I throw in a placeholder whine that (pet issue of the day) isn’t being addressed immediately?

    (On a serious note – congratulations for managing to kick the Dog Trainer’s ass in yet another venue)

    Rick Wilcox (a8f501)

  5. congratulations.
    what do the emmys have to do with this?
    surprised that the trojan blog is in tenth place on the times list, but no sign of the bruin blog (which i have looked at several times). who are these lost souls clicking on the trojan blog? what do they want?

    assistant devil's advocate (c14872)

  6. Patterico:

    Wait… doesn’t this big jump in your readership neatly coincide with the addition of your various excellent guest bloggers?

    Maybe readers just like them better than you…

    Now, you will notice that we, over at Big Lizards, maintain the purity of our essences; we have no guest bloggers, which probably explains our long, steady decline in readership.

    But that’s a sacrifice we’re willing to make for our country. You don’t see us selfishly grubbing for more readers. You don’t see the lizards selling out to the establishment by sucking up hundreds of adverts every day… we selflessly confine ourselves to one, like mother taught us. There’s a war on, you know!

    And you certainly don’t see Big Lizards shamelessly plugging itself on websites with more readers (which, by the way, would be just about all of them). We’re not narcissists.

    We will not be silenced. The South shall rise again. Power to the people. 23 skiddoo.


    Dafydd ab Hugh (445647)

  7. Plus, you don’t send me into collections for money you believe my father-in-law owes you.

    Sorry, I have trouble letting that one go.

    Sean P (e57269)

  8. I credit my pool. People were coming back to check if Patterico had posted yet.

    Sorry, Patterico.

    But I suspect that my comment here is the truth.

    nk (7d4710)

  9. Sean P.:

    Plus, you don’t send me into collections for money you believe my father-in-law owes you.

    Say, don’t you owe me a father-in-law? I only have one, and what if it breaks?


    Dafydd ab Hugh (445647)

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