Patterico's Pontifications


Another L.A. Times Staffer Gone

Filed under: Dog Trainer — Patterico @ 8:50 pm

The latest rat to leave the sinking ship: Ron Brownstein.

3 Responses to “Another L.A. Times Staffer Gone”

  1. I never liked Ron Brownstain. He was to partisan to the Democrats.

    PCD (b47ba5)

  2. Back in the day I knew Ron slightly and ran into his wife three times. I thought then that she was the most “me me me” woman I’d met quite a while. A lady who was interested only in herself, the classic “if they ain’t talkin’ about me, I ain’t listening” Lefty. They both had to know that the two of them could not possibly work on the same newspaper. They both know the score and the conflict of interests involved. I’ll bet the farm Ron caved to her. Lots of us marry women who just won’t back away from what they want. I know.

    Duke Martin (4ba8d4)

  3. Back in the day I knew Ron slightly and ran into his wife three times. I thought then that she was the most “me me me” woman I’d met quite a while.

    Specify which wife. Until recently, he was married to Fox News Channel contributor Nina Easton.

    steve (f469b4)

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