Patterico's Pontifications


Hurricane Dean has its eye on Jamaica, Mexico, and Texas

Filed under: Environment,General — DRJ @ 7:25 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

This past Friday before Monday’s expected landfall, Texas Governor Perry was already preparing for Hurricane Dean by pre-positioning fuel supplies in coastal areas, establishing contraflow evacuation procedures, and contacting special needs residents. On Saturday, President Bush also took action by pre-approving Governor Perry’s request for emergency funds and assistance if Hurricane Dean hits Texas. Mexican officials also issued statements regarding their emergency plans and procedures. (Want to guess which jurisdiction threatens to use force to remove people who refuse to voluntarily evacuate?)

In related news, Gulf-based oil and gas companies started evacuating workers on Saturday in preparation for Hurricane Dean. It sounds like some of these companies have not yet shut in production.

UPDATE: The Reuters’ “oil and gas companies” link [isn’t working/works now and then]. I’ll try to find a substitute from another site.

Two Questions

Filed under: General,Media Bias,War — DRJ @ 1:32 pm

[Guest post by DRJ]

What does it say about the American media that one of the few positive print interviews with US troops in Iraq is published by Popular Mechanics?

What’s next — Playboy’s recipe for the best meatloaf?

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