Patterico's Pontifications


So Long, Suckers!

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 2:15 pm

I’m going to go all Andrew Sullivan on you and take a long August vacation. Guest posters are encouraged to step up their output. During the next couple of weeks, I may post and I may not. Regular posting will resume after Labor Day.

30 Responses to “So Long, Suckers!”

  1. Enjoy the time with family.

    Robin Roberts (6c18fd)

  2. Ditto.

    DRJ (bfe07e)

  3. I don’t feel like a sucker. I certainly get my money’s worth from your site!

    ManlyDad (22e85d)

  4. If you really were to go all Andrew Sullivan on us, Patrick, you’d be gone for six months. 🙂

    Enjoy your time away!

    Paul (f54101)

  5. If you really were to go all Andrew Sullivan on us, Patrick, you’d be gone for six months.

    After have put out a bleg for much needed money.

    stoo (3c7b21)

  6. have a good vacation. where you going?

    assistant devil's advocate (3902c6)

  7. I’m starting a pool.

    1. When will we see the next post by Patterico? I pick August 20.

    2. The next post after that? I pick August 21.

    2. How many posts by Patterico between now and the time he says he’s coming back from vacation?
    I pick seven.

    nk (e3412b)

  8. nk, if I didn’t think you had him in your pocket already, I’d take that bet. But betting against you would be like betting on an NBA game …

    Robin Roberts (6c18fd)

  9. I’m going to go all Andrew Sullivan on you and take a long August vacation.

    Does this mean the LA Times will have a free pass?

    Rovin (7f64b8)

  10. You’re not going Andrew on us. Unless you have a hot boyfriend on the side we (and your wife) doesn’t know about.

    But long August vacations are the pride of the French. Does this mean you’re really gone over to the other side?


    kishnevi (fc25d4)

  11. nk, if I didn’t think you had him in your pocket already, I’d take that bet.

    Well, Robin, what can I say? It is a fact that Patterico runs exactly the kind of blog that I want to visit.

    But I have nothing to do with it. No bribery. No long-distance mind control. I leave open the possibility that the world exists solely for my pleasure.

    nk (e3412b)

  12. go all Andrew Sullivan on you

    Now that killed what was left of a good happy hour buzz.

    PC14 (f74534)

  13. You just got back from vacation — slacker.

    wls (aad074)

  14. Comment by nk — 8/17/2007 @ 4:40 pm

    Just to thwart you, he’ll post eight.

    Christoph (92b8f7)

  15. Ok, Christoph’s in for eight posts. Who else wants to get in on this? Keep in mind the other two categories too (my comment #7).

    nk (e3412b)

  16. Quick! Where is this blog’s liquor cabinet?

    Beer fridge?

    Cookie jar?

    Parker (746fc6)

  17. Does he have a dancing armadillo?

    NukemHill (2293fd)

  18. Have fun, enjoy the time off.

    Although, you realize Alphie’s head will probably explode, as he’s been banned everywhere else.

    RebeccaH (d671ab)

  19. did you turn your iron off?

    steve (9e42a1)

  20. Although, you realize Alphie’s head will probably explode, as he’s been banned everywhere else.

    Nah. Staunch Brayer will simply infest and hijack post comments on the guest bloggers’ threads.

    Paul (f54101)

  21. One of the wagers will be from a previously-unknown person. It will be Patterico himself, so his “guess” will win. You will be able to tell who it is because it will be accompanied by a knowledgeable slap at the Los Angeles Timid.

    Bleepless (b9ee55)

  22. Dude, you forgot to ask for money.

    TallDave (5a4047)

  23. No, we can’t play for money since Congress passed some internet gambling law. The winner just gets to win.

    nk (e3412b)

  24. I think TallDave was referring to AS’s habit of bracketing his vacations between heavy handed “pledge drives”.

    Sean P (393c31)

  25. I thought he was going to give another “I’m only kidding post”, then I thought he really was going to post something that was going to give us fits, but he’s simply going on vacation? Heck, lots of people do that…have a nice one (while the rest of us play with your mind goading you into posting and testing if you can ignore all of our taunts. This will be just like some teen-age American tourists harassing the guards at Buckingham Palace.

    I say he’ll hold out with only 3- but we really should post our guesses at somebody else’s site, so he can’t play favorites, you know…

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

  26. I have no inside information – I’m guest-posting because P was nice enough to let me (and undoubtedly Justin & WLS) chip in – but I agree with NK that Patterico will read, comment, and post when he can.

    DRJ (bfe07e)

  27. Relax – have a good time. Enjoy your family!

    Rodney A Stanton (099f19)

  28. OK DRJ, Justin, and WLS-

    What’s his itinerary? We can organize a P2Party and drop in on him the Friday night of Labor day Weekend.

    MD in Philly (3d3f72)

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