Another Smug and Dishonest Lecture from Rick Ellensburg — Or Is It Thomas Ellers?
Hey, I’m a contributor to a hate site!
Or I would be, if you believed Rick Ellensburg.
This is Allahpundit’s reward for constantly patrolling Hot Air for inappropriate comments, as well as lecturing, threatening to ban, and sometimes banning the offenders.
He gets to have some self-righteous sock-puppet claim that he devotes his life to a “hate site.”
UPDATE: Greenwald claims he is merely making a point about hypocrisy, nothing more. But it’s a false argument, as is evident from the history of this disgusting hypocrite.
Greenwald is trying to have it both ways, as he always does when he talks about how hateful right-leaning blogs are. He tries to claim he’s just noting hypocrisy — but he clearly revels in doing the exact things he accuses the right of doing. He truly believes that Hot Air is a hate site and that Malkin is a racist.
It’s exactly like the time that he condemned the right for failing to denounce the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler. He claimed that he was just engaging in irony — but that argument was dishonest tripe, as I showed in this post. Greenwald hysterically pursued the argument that I had a duty to denounce Misha, and anyone who thought he was being ironic was naive — as naive as those who are giving him the benefit of the doubt now.