Patterico's Pontifications


Gonzales Gets Raw Deal from WaPo

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:59 pm

I was just about to do a post about how Alberto Gonzales — whom I don’t like and who (in my opinion) should resign — has gotten a raw deal from the Washington Post over the past couple of days. But Orin Kerr beat me to it, saying everything I was preparing to say. Saved me a lot of time. Thanks, Orin.

New L.A. Times Hit Piece on Fred in the Pipeline?

Filed under: 2008 Election,Dog Trainer — Patterico @ 5:12 pm

Jim Geraghty reported last night that the L.A. Times is preparing yet another hit piece on Fred Thompson. I have more details at Hot Air.

“Deport the Criminals First” — Part Twelve of an Ongoing Series: Illegal Gangster Arrested 27 Times Without Deportation Before (Allegedly) Murdering 13-Year-Old

Filed under: Crime,Deport the Criminals First,General,Immigration — Patterico @ 6:18 am

[“Deport the Criminals First” is a recurring feature on this blog, highlighting crimes committed by illegal immigrants — with a special focus on repeat offenders. I argue that, instead of arresting illegal immigrants who work hard for a living, we should use our limited immigration enforcement resources to target illegal immigrants who commit crimes in this country.]

A piece on the Chicago Tribune web site tells the story of what happens when government officials fail to Deport the Criminals First. (h/t Ed J.)

A Kenyan immigrant with an expired student visa was arrested 27 times before allegedly ordering a shooting that resulted in the death of 13-year-old Schanna Gayden.


Predictably, officials all passed the buck on who should have seen to it that he was deported:

Not us! said the Chicago Police Department. “We don’t ever ask about immigration status,” said spokeswoman Monique Bond. “We leave that up to the courts.”

Not us! said the Cook County state’s attorney’s office. “We don’t check,” said spokesman John Gorman. “That’s for [ICE] to do. We’re not involved.”

Not us! said ICE. “Law enforcement agencies can contact our Law Enforcement Support Center for timely and accurate information” 24 hours a day, Rusnok said. If “the person who is being inquired about is subject to removal, [ICE] can place a detainer with the Police Department ordering the department to hold the person … to allow ICE officials to take the person into custody and begin removal proceedings.”

I discuss it in more detail in this post at Hot Air.

Beldar Defends Fred Against a Spammer

Filed under: 2008 Election,General — Patterico @ 5:12 am

I hate spammers. I think Instapundit has it about right when he suggests that we “stake them out on an anthill or something.” And generally, the only thing worse than spammers is the people who respond to them.

But every rule has an exception, and Beldar’s takedown of spammer Richard Viguerie’s screed against Fred Thompson fits the bill.

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