“Deport the Criminals First” — Part Two of an Ongoing Series: The Murder of Jenny Garcia
[“Deport the Criminals First” is a recurring feature on this blog, highlighting crimes committed by illegal immigrants — with a special focus on repeat offenders. I argue that, instead of arresting illegal immigrants who work hard for a living, we should use our limited immigration enforcement resources to target illegal immigrants who commit crimes in this country — especially violent crimes.]
From Channel 8 news in Austin, Texas, January 27, 2004:
On Monday two girls found their older sister — a freshman at St. Edward’s University — stabbed to death inside the family’s Northwest Austin home. Detectives later connected a man to the capital murder after he placed a call to APD’s Homicide Tip Line.
Channel 8 News in Austin published this photo of “Jenny” Garcia:
The story continued:
People living at the Champion Forests subdivision in Northwest Austin are still in shock over the death of 18-year-old Virginia Garcia. The victim’s neighbors are relieved a suspect is behind bars.
People describe the Champion’s Forest subdivision in Northwest Austin as a quiet neighborhood. A Monday night murder disrupted the community.
Police said Garcia — better known as “Jenny” — was stabbed to death by 20-year old David Diaz Morales inside her home. Police charged Morales with her murder. Detectives believe he was infatuated with the St. Edward’s University freshman. Police said Morales broke into the home and stabbed Garcia.
Jenny Garcia died at the hands of someone who should have been deported when he was arrested for a previous crime. The web site of U.S. Congressman John Culberson says:
On January 26, 2004, 18-year-old Virginia Garcia was raped and murdered by David Diaz Morales in Austin, Texas, a sanctuary city. Morales, an illegal immigrant, had been arrested previously for child molestation, but was not deported because Austin’s sanctuary policy prohibited the arresting officers from determining his immigration status.
Do-gooders prevent police and immigration authorities from identifying a criminal as a deportable illegal alien. And Jenny Garcia dies as a direct result. The connection is clear and unmistakable. Her blood is on their hands.
P.S. Some Republican lawmakers tried to put an end to this concept of sanctuary cities — and guess what happened?
Why wasn’t Morales behind bars for the child molestation charge?
alphie (015011) — 5/31/2007 @ 12:16 amRarely do they seem to spend any real time behind bars for molestation. Some attorney probably argued that it wasn’t his fault that he molested the child, they were asking for it!
fngJD (49df46) — 5/31/2007 @ 12:31 amWe live in a society that is quickly removing personal responsibility for ones actions and replacing it with some sort of ‘disorder’ for every crime committed. Politicians on both sides are far removed from the streets and neighborhoods where their stupid decisions take effect. I think we are long past due for a revolution in this country to remind those in power exactly who they are working for.
you’re on to something here patterico, keep up the good work.
i propose that we revive the concept of “outlaw”, which originally meant “outside the protection of the law.” just enact a statute saying that pc 187 and the other homicide statutes don’t apply when an illegal alien commits a violent crime against a u.s. citizen, any citizen has the right to kill the alien. i got yer sanctuary right here in my holster.
assistant devil's advocate (490bcd) — 5/31/2007 @ 1:15 amI don’t know about a “good” thing, ada.
I have no doubt patterico’s intentions are good, but a site dedicated to posting the crimes of individuals of one race and calling for them all to be deported is…well…the road to hell.
alphie (015011) — 5/31/2007 @ 1:30 am…posting the crimes of individuals of one race and calling for them all to be deported is…well…the road to hell.
The results of not deporting criminal illegals is hell – particularly on their victims.
Perfect Sense (b6ec8c) — 5/31/2007 @ 2:10 amYeah, PS,
But, I imagine you could create a similar site without using any hispanics at all.
Illegal immigrants come from all ethnic and religious backgrounds.
Would you question the motives of a site that only ran the mugshots of, say, illegal Jewish or Irish immigrants that committed crimes here?
alphie (015011) — 5/31/2007 @ 2:25 amAlphie –
I’m sure you could, but who makes up the VAST majority of illegal immigrants?
The implication of your post is that Patterico would need find and post a story about an Albanian rapist or criminal just to prove he was not a racist.
Schmoe (40c8c6) — 5/31/2007 @ 2:32 amIf that were what Patterico is doing, you might have a point. But it isn’t and you don’t, as usual. And the race of Morales and Lopez is Caucasian.
Pablo (08e1e8) — 5/31/2007 @ 3:32 amAlphie –
Rick Wilcox (bb4b76) — 5/31/2007 @ 4:00 amLast time I checked, the illegal Jewish or Irish immigrants, or Schmoe’s Albanian rapist, can’t simply walk into the USA from their country of origin. Mexican illegal immigrants, also last I checked, can and do. It’s marginally easier to enforce a deportation when the person has to buy a plane ticket to even get on the continent.
“I have no doubt patterico’s intentions are good, but a site dedicated to posting the crimes of individuals of one race and calling for them all to be deported is…well…the road to hell.”
That’s not what Patterico is doing, but I don’t even understand the statement. How would that be ‘the road to hell’?
Kevin (e89cee) — 5/31/2007 @ 4:29 amalphie,
This is not about ethnicity. Do you see me posting information about crimes committed by Latinos who are not illegal? That would be easy to do, of course, but it would also be racist and pointless.
What I am doing, by contrast, has a point to it. You’re the one making it about ethnicity/race, my friend — not I. Make no mistake about that.
Patterico (eeb415) — 5/31/2007 @ 5:25 amWould her parents have a case in a wrongful death suit?
Would the DA have a case against those who saw to it the Sanctuary rules were in place for reckless endangerment?
Scott Jacobs (90eabe) — 5/31/2007 @ 5:39 amKevin –
Rick Wilcox (bb4b76) — 5/31/2007 @ 5:50 am“The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”
Is this what hapens becuase of illegal imagration and amnesty for illegal aleins? this is more then good reason to oppose illegal imagration
krazy kagu (5c5ef3) — 5/31/2007 @ 6:23 amThe US doomed. Bienvenidos a los estados de Balkanized de América
Mitch (a549f7) — 5/31/2007 @ 7:59 amAlphie,
Patterico is posting these stories because they are being intentionally omitted from the mainstream newspapers and radio and TV. It is a lie to say ALL illegals are just good, hardworking people, and are therefore above the law, just as it is a lie that all of them are criminals. Here is a story about another nationality of illegal aliens, though, for balance, illustrating our suicidal sanctuary policy…
Patterico is simply telling the stories the media, and our government, refuse to tell.
Patricia (824fa1) — 5/31/2007 @ 8:01 amA wrongful death suit is an interesting thought, though I don’t know the law well enough to know how it would work. The parents would obviously have standing, but would the city officials we exempt under the same sort of laws that protect prosecutors? Seems that cops get sued all the time, why not sue some city officials for their sanctuary policies?
As long as america is being Balkanized, can you make sure that your next update features an illegal alien from the Balkans? By the way, I was looking on the ICE website for who they have deported, and their web page shows “last updated August 18, 2006” – I hope that’s not right. Geez.
(Oh yeah, also don’t forget Heads on Pikes, Holographic chupacabra, Shut down the boarder, etc.)
carlitos (b38ae1) — 5/31/2007 @ 10:49 amBy linking to stories…in the MSM, Patricia?
alphie (015011) — 5/31/2007 @ 11:22 amPlease listen to our great leader, Jorge Bush. He has told us this immigration bill is going to be the best thing ever for our beloved country. Only hard working, God fearing folks are crossing our borders. How dare any of you question a bill that was written in part by the great senator Teddy Kennedy and the Jorge Bush administration. Chertnoff said Kennedy is AWESOME and that’s good enough for me. We can all give up more of our hard earned money in taxes to provide for all these illegal immigrants. After all, we have been living high on the hog and us rich middle class citizens need to share our wealth. Jorge will go down as one of the greatest presidents ever…Just like Jimmy Peanut Carter.
Sparky (4c5ee4) — 5/31/2007 @ 12:22 pmOne can only hope that the people in Austin who chose to turn it into a “sanctuary city” lose their children in the same way that Jenny died. They have earned it.
betrayed (59bc35) — 5/31/2007 @ 12:44 pm[…] Deport the Criminals First” — Part Two of an Ongoing Series: The Murder of Jenny Garcia […]
War is coming to Tucson « Truth, Lies and In Between (71aee5) — 5/31/2007 @ 12:55 pmIndeed. Then put their heads on pikes on the boarder facing mexico, just in front of the holographic chupacabra.
Scott Jacobs – good question on wrongful death suit. I was thinking the same thing.
Yes alphie, you could. But then you wouldn’t exactly be including Jenny Garcia, would you, genius?
carlitos (b38ae1) — 5/31/2007 @ 1:35 pmalphie – do you think Ms. Garcia got the name from her Albanian father? Not wanting to do something about crime because of the race/culture/whatever of the perpetrator usually victimizes said race/culture more than others…
PC (95d914) — 5/31/2007 @ 1:37 pmI’m trying to decide whether there’s any actual benefit to deporting illegal aliens who are arrested for crimes. My gut instinct, of course, is get them as far away from me as possible, but there are many practical problems (not withstanding the ‘forget practicalities and just get rid of them them,’ crowd).
First, if you deport illegal alien who’s arrested, you’ve got a bunch of people who haven’t yet been convicted of crimes arriving in Mexico. Are you going to ask Mexico to try and convict them? Or just release them in Mexico?
The former method requires pretty extensive cooperation with Mexico, coordinating even stuff like DUIs and other misdemeanor prosecutions across national boundaries. The latter means letting a lot of criminals (not all those arrested will be guilty) loose on the other side of the border.
Do you wait, instead and have a trial/plea bargaining process? Well, then what? If they aren’t convicted, do you still deport them? What if they are convicted?
If they aren’t convicted, and you take them across the border, they’re just going to be set free . . . and guess where they’re going. That’s right, straight back across the border.
If they are convicted, we can keep them here in jail, or send them to Mexico. If we send them there to serve their time, does Mexico give them the same sentence we would have? Does Mexico pay for locking up the people who committed crimes in our country, or do we?
If we keep them here until the end of their sentence, deport them then? Well, again, they’re free, and they’re going to come right back across the border again the same way they did before.
I’m not saying that there isn’t a good way to do it. I just can’t think of any method that doesn’t present pretty serious difficulties, and that actually accomplishes what we want — to keep illegal aliens from committing crimes in the U.S. by deporting them.
Acting like it’s as simple as just deporting them — that deportation will actually make anyone safer in the long run — seems to be an oversimplification.
Phil (427875) — 5/31/2007 @ 1:43 pmPhil, now you’re just playing with us!
Patricia (824fa1) — 5/31/2007 @ 1:48 pmIt’s good to see someone at least doing something. Unfortunately, as I’ve pointed out before, there are much more effective ways to deal with IllegalImmigration.
When this issue starts affecting the careers of politicians who support IllegalImmigration, things will magically fix themselves.
How to do that at the link.
A more effective way (0c89cb) — 5/31/2007 @ 3:18 pmNow we’re talking
The supporters of the current proposal just aren’t serious – they may be offering the only practical solutions considering the political realities of Congress, but there is no doubt in my mind that it will be a total failure given the nature of all government programs, and the employees who run them, especially at managerial levels. A friend works for DHS here in Phoenix, and the horror stories she tells about processing people through the system in order to meet metrics just makes me see red.
Mitch (a549f7) — 5/31/2007 @ 3:22 pmScott #12 and Carlitos #21,
The parents have sued the City of Austin and the Police Department Chief and Assistant Chief, individually, for implementing a sanctuary policy for illegal immigrants. The City denies it has such a policy. As far as I can tell, the case is still pending.
DRJ (2d5e62) — 5/31/2007 @ 4:42 pmDid the Shrub really say a couple of days ago that “those who oppose the amnesty bill don’t want to do what’s right for America”?
nk (18bd9c) — 5/31/2007 @ 5:04 pmUpdate to my #27: US District Court Judge Sam Sparks dismissed the parents’ lawsuit in February 2006 without deciding whether Austin was a sanctuary city. Thus, I assume Judge Sparks ruled the petitioners had not asserted an actionable claim. I can’t provide a link but the headline is listed at the website of the Austin American-Statesman archives.
DRJ (2d5e62) — 5/31/2007 @ 5:24 pmNK #28,
I know you are familiar with President Bush’s recent immigration speech in Georgia but it’s still interesting to read the complete text of his controversial speech. Here’s the White House link that includes this statement from the end of the speech:
I doubt the RNC is happy with Bush’s immigration policies.
DRJ (2d5e62) — 5/31/2007 @ 6:48 pmOK, I’ll help out this one time. In 2003, the MexicanGovernment gave their top award for foreigners to the Asst. Chief of the Austin PD. Vicente Fox was even at the award ceremony.
While I still maintain that my previous suggestion of discrediting politicians is a much more effective way to deal with this issue, if Patterico wants to actually follow this case into the ground I’d suggest he start asking about the award.
Others involved in the program that got the Asst. Chief his award: Texas Secretary of State, Mexican Consulate, Greater Austin Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and Wells Fargo.
More on the award (cc42f6) — 5/31/2007 @ 6:59 pmhttp://www.azstarnet.com/news/171109
steve (fd8d6a) — 5/31/2007 @ 7:12 pmsteve,
What does that have to do with the point of my post?
(Hint: nothing at all.)
Patterico (eeb415) — 5/31/2007 @ 7:30 pmThen “a recurring feature on this blog highlighting crimes committed by illegal immigrants” would never unintentionally feed a perception of outsized crime rates.
My bad.
steve (fd8d6a) — 5/31/2007 @ 7:52 pm“What I am doing, by contrast, has a point to it. You’re the one making it about ethnicity/race, my friend — not I. Make no mistake about that.”
But that’s the way the legalizers play, Patterico–deliberately misconstrue the other side. Didn’t Chertoff say something about “some people say anything less than execution is amnesty?” How many times of anti-illegal-immigration people been accused of simply being anti-immigration?
Rick C (5db95e) — 5/31/2007 @ 7:59 pmMy point has nothing to do with crime rates, steve. My point is to promote my admittedly quixotic campaign to concentrate our limited immigration enforcement resources on deporting the criminals first.
I should probably make this clearer. How about this: from this point forward, I’ll include the words “deport the criminals first” in every post, and place them all in a category called “Deport the Criminals First.” At the beginning of every post, I’ll include a blurb explaining that my point is to promote a policy of deporting the criminals first, before hardworking illegals.
Maybe if I do that, people like you will get the idea that my point is to try to get the government to Deport the Criminals First.
Or not.
Patterico (eeb415) — 5/31/2007 @ 7:59 pmFor future readers of this post: comment #36 is irony. I already did all that. steve just doesn’t care about getting my point, no matter how many times I slam it into his skull with a sledgehammer.
Patterico (eeb415) — 5/31/2007 @ 8:00 pm“Deport The Criminals First”.. and then they will slink right back into the country. We have many illegal alien criminals who have been deported multiple times and return to commit additional crimes. We need to seal the border with Mexico. If we can’t figure out how, we should consult the Chinese, because they were able to buld a 3700 mile long wall a couple thousand years ago. The issue is not what is possible but what our government is willing to do. It appears that the Federal Government is not willing to actually DO much at all. Writing legislation is a joke since we have all the necesary laws on the books to control illegal immigration. Our legislators are waving more papers in our face and have no intention of controlling illegal immigration and criminal aliens. You Foolish Gringos!
Todd Roth (f9bfbb) — 5/31/2007 @ 8:29 pmA few comments suggest that it’s racist to discuss deporting illegal immigrants who have criminal convictions because a disproportionate number of such immigrants are Mexican. However, this 2005 Houston Chronicle article illustrates that Hispanics are often the targets of this type of violence. It’s not a racial issue. Everyone should be in favor of deporting convicted criminals that are illegally in this country.
DRJ (2d5e62) — 5/31/2007 @ 9:14 pmsteve: I’m not saying the study you mention is wrong (because I haven’t read it and I’m not a sociologist), however, you might want to look into the co-authors to see if they have an agenda.
One of those co-authors is a virulent nut named DouglasMassey. From the late Rep. Charlie Norwood:
CATO author Douglas Massey’s report [note: a different report] also contends Americans should abandon traditional national sovereignty as a sacrifice to libertarian principles of “free trade”, including trafficking in cheap labor. Massey says the United States should “abandon its illusions” and “accept the reality, the necessity, of North American integration.”
More on Massey (cc42f6) — 5/31/2007 @ 9:52 pmDid anybody MISS the ethnicity of Ms. GARCIA??? This is, as usual, NOT about anybody’s ethnicity. The liberal mind cannot grasp that one can be against crime without any reference to the ethic background of the criminal. But their entire world-view is all about race. That makes them utterly blind to all other considerations…alphie.
One other passing observation for Patterico: by definition, all illegal immigrants are criminals, in that they have violated the laws of this country (very often, a whole stew of them) in coming here. Moreover, a lot of those who work hard are also those very likely to be engaged in criminal activity as “recreation” (i.e., drunk driving, sex crimes, property crimes, etc.). Being hard-working does not take any of these folks out of the criminal equation, any more than it would for any other member of the race. There are a few, of course, whose very reason for being here is to commit crimes in a very fertile field. They should be hunted using every available law enforcement tool.
lawdawg (ed40a6) — 6/1/2007 @ 5:51 amI am an American currently living in South Korea for the past year. I am quite appalled at our government’s willingness to allow the illegal immigrants amnesty to stay in the United States. I have had to deal with over a year of jumping through hoops to get my wife into the US legally. I’m starting to think that it would be easier to sneak my wife into the country than go the legal route. We are essentially rewarding the illegals for coming into this country while people like me and my wife who are going the legal route to have her enter the country are being punished by extremely long waits and backlogs of immigrant visa applications. I have already made numerous calls to my congressman to let them know exactly how I feel. Down with the amnesty bill!
Stuart (7339f1) — 6/4/2007 @ 1:03 amHi! I am in a situation where my ex is an illegal immigrant and works as a contractor not reporting taxes but that is not my direct problem , my main concern is that he is the one that has our 2 year old son not by law but because at the beganning of our separation that was our agreement but he become violent and looses control. Iam afraid that he might do something worse than pushing me around. CAN I REPORT HIM TO IMMIGRATION ? HOW ? WHAT ARE THE CONTACT NUMBERS ?
Perla Espinoza (b8f405) — 6/4/2007 @ 6:15 amThank you
Your baby needs a father. So, no, don’t report him to immigration. Talk to him and tell him what he probably already knows — that he needs to be a good father. And your baby also needs a mother. So instead of trying to hurt your husband why don’t you try to be a mother to your baby?
nk (c66fe9) — 6/4/2007 @ 8:41 amI believe the idea is that instead of being released at the end of their sentence – ICE has already been contacted, the paperwork and legal proceedings are complete and they are deported instead of released back into our society to commit additional crimes!!
SSG Fuzzy (91c6ff) — 6/8/2007 @ 12:38 pmI have tried to report an individual several times to ICE officers and the like. This person is a danger to several US Citizens. I have been repeatedly told that they can do nothing unless he is wanted. WTF? I, as a citizen, have to watch my back for this guy….while the law protects him. I have come to the conclusion that enough is enough. If he comes for me, I am just gonna shoot his ass. Then I will call ICE and they can come pick up his body. What a load of crap…if a US Citizen calls one of these guys in….there should be no discussion. They should be picked up and sent back.
Your Dad (65acc8) — 6/9/2007 @ 2:40 pm[…] “Deport the Criminals First” — Part Two of an Ongoing Series: The Murder of Jenny Garcia […]
The Voices of Citizens to the Senate at Traction Control (afad56) — 6/11/2007 @ 9:56 pm[…] Part Two is here. […]
Michelle Malkin » Deport the criminals first (41113f) — 1/7/2008 @ 7:07 am[…] had been arrested previously for child molestation, but was not deported because Austin??s sahttps://patterico.com/2007/05/31/deport-the-criminals-first-part-two-of-an-ongoing-series-the-murder-…Nonprofit Organizations in Austin-San Marcos, TX Serving …Catholic Charities of Central Texas […]
immigrants in austin tx (27eda0) — 5/31/2008 @ 11:49 pm