On Announcing a Timetable for Withdrawal from a Fight Over Announcing a Timetable for Withdrawal from a Fight
Ace explains how the public declaration of a timetable for withdrawal from a fight with your opponent can give that opponent the upper hand.
He’s talking about the battle between Bush and the Democrats over funding for the Iraq war. Ace quotes this story, which says:
[House Speaker Nancy] Pelosi had announced earlier that the House would not leave for the Memorial Day recess without a new funding bill, a signal to some of a looming defeat.
“When they put out that deadline, people realized that we were going to lose,” said an aide to an anti-war lawmaker. “Everything after that seemed like posturing.”
That move gave Bush the upper hand in negotiations, the aide said, since it allowed him to wait out the Democrats . . .
Ace adds:
Their announcement of a timetable for withdrawal from a fight with a patient opponent in the White House having resulted in catastrophic failure, Democrats went on to immediately call anew for a timetable of withdrawal from a fight with a patient opponent in Iraq.
Sometimes irony is just so ironic.