Patterico's Pontifications


Andrés Martinez Chat Transcript Is Up

Filed under: Dog Trainer,General — Patterico @ 10:23 pm

Here is the Andrés Martinez chat transcript. Not one of you participated, even though I told you about it this morning. You all suck. Every last one of you.

7 Responses to “Andrés Martinez Chat Transcript Is Up”

  1. I live in a Chicago suburb. What do I care what Lalalanders read? And besides, my daughter’s best friend’s father works for the Chicago Tribune. [Plaintively]

    nk (4cd0c2)

  2. Frankly, Patterico, I’m a pretty busy person and I’m sure that’s true of all your regular commenters. Why, just today I had to get dressed, drive 1-1/2 miles to work (including stopping for 3 stoplights), do something at work – I forget what but it must have been important and I did answer the phone at least 5 times, and drive home. Not to mention that I asked every family member how their day went and I ate 2 meals.

    I really don’t know how you expect me to fit anything else in.

    DRJ (605076)

  3. You suck.

    Oh, hey, thanks for that very generous donation.

    Patterico (a8fa4a)

  4. You’re welcome but it wasn’t generous. It comes out to about 1/10000000 cent per word.

    DRJ (605076)

  5. Well, oh yeah? (How’s that for a put down, fella?)

    I works for a living! And I’m also working on a 2nd master’s degree in the evening!!

    I think I do my part by READING you early and often, including sneak peaks during work which could get me fired!!!

    Plus I like exclamation points!!!!!!!!

    ManlyDad (d62cf6)

  6. Strike that. I meant to say: You’re welcome but it wasn’t generous. It comes out to about 1/10000000 cent per word … that you generously let me post here. Thank you.

    DRJ (605076)

  7. one of the joys of living in rural oregon is that it’s isolated from the rest of the world. it would be even more isolated if i were in charge. when i turn off my computer and go outside to chop wood, y’all might as well be on another planet.

    assistant devil's advocate (87734f)

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