Patterico's Pontifications


L.A. Times Quotes Larry “Karl Rove’s Mother Killed Herself Because She Hated Him” Johnson as an Unbiased Expert on the Administration

Filed under: Dog Trainer,General — Patterico @ 11:45 am

An L.A. Times article about Washington officials’ blabbing about Valerie Plame ends with this zinger:

Assessing Grenier’s testimony, Larry Johnson, a retired CIA and State Department counter-terrorism expert, said, “They wanted to avoid any unpleasantness with the vice president.”

Besides, Johnson said, “If you can’t give the vice president and president information with any degree of confidence that it is going to be protected, then you know, the entire game is up.”

BAM! What a burn! Because, of course, Plame’s identity wasn’t protected, and the L.A. Times has been busy implying that it’s Cheney’s fault. Now an independent “retired CIA and State Department counter-terrorism expert” has given them the quote they need to drive the point home. And when a “retired CIA and State Department counter-terrorism expert” says it, the credibility of the statement is undeniable. Especially since there’s no indication in the article that Johnson has any pre-existing bias against anyone in the Bush Administration.

But, like Columbo always said . . . there’s just one more thing. Unbiased “retired CIA and State Department counter-terrorism expert” Larry Johnson? Here’s what he once said about Karl Rove:

Karl is a shameless bastard. Small wonder his mother killed herself. Once she discovered what a despicable soul she had spawned she apparently saw no other way out. It would be one thing if his vile tactics were simply mere smears of politicians like Kerry and Murtha. They are big boys and should be able to defend themselves quite ably against this turd.

An isolated outburst? Well, back when blogger Seixon was questioning the Jason Leopold story about Karl Rove’s alleged indictment, Seixon said that Larry Johnson wrote Seixon a threatening e-mail in which Johnson “repeated my mother’s name, my parents’ address, and even my birth month and year.” Seixon says that Johnson then told him: “I am prepared to ratchet this up several levels,” adding: “I know where you are living.”

None of this information appears in the L.A. Times article. It might spoil that zinger, don’t you know. Better to describe him simply as a “retired CIA and State Department counter-terrorism expert.” That’s how the Journalism Experts do it.

UPDATE: More from unbiased Mr. Johnson, courtesy of Seixon:

Until Patrick Fitzgerald calls off the dogs that Porcine Ass called Rove ought to worry about who he might be getting up close and personal with in jail.


Now, if fat Karl had been at the head of the line to enlist in the Army and help lead the invasion, I wouldn’t be so cranky. But he didn’t, and Cheney didn’t, and Wolfowitz didn’t, and Rummy didn’t and the Bush daughters were busy getting drunk in DC bars. What is it about Republican chickenhawks who played every angle during the Vietnam War to avoid going to war but have no hesistation to start a war in Iraq and send other peoples children into the fray?

More at the link.

Just an unbiased expert, Mr. Johnson is.

25 Responses to “L.A. Times Quotes Larry “Karl Rove’s Mother Killed Herself Because She Hated Him” Johnson as an Unbiased Expert on the Administration”

  1. …Larry Johnson, a retired CIA and State Department counter-terrorism expert…

    OK that is sleazy as hell.

    They are deliberately misleading their readers with that.

    Dwilkers (4f4ebf)

  2. Larry is saying that no one should deal with the CIA or their mandatory briefings.

    The smart thing to do is pass on them and let them keep their do nothing work. Theyr’e a waste of money.

    Sta (4cead2)

  3. awwwww is da poor widdle wingnut all sad? HA HA HA HAHAHAA

    You’re a loser.

    Patterfuckhead (3b7e29)

  4. #3-Larry, is that you?

    kate (6cbc3f)

  5. It’s an Anaheim-based IP from SBC Internet Services: Whether it’s Larry Johnson or not, I have no idea. It’s a disturbed individual of some sort.

    Patterico (a8fa4a)

  6. I let the law do the talking for me, not Larry Johnson.

    PJF (758363)

  7. We’re going to have to trust our court system in the Libby leak trial to do the right.

    TruthProbe (b0f421)

  8. We’re going to have to trust our court system in the Libby leak trial to do the right.

    TruthProbe (b0f421)

  9. We’re going to have to trust our court system in the Libby leak trial to do the right.

    TruthProbe (b0f421)

  10. …Larry Johnson, a retired CIA and State Department counter-terrorism expert….

    What makes him such an anti-terrorism expert? Was at the head of the line hunting bin Laden in Sudan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan?

    Perfect Sense (b6ec8c)

  11. If memory serves me right, that self-described “expert” was a minor and insignificant functionary.
    A pathetic little man with no honor.

    Skul (8ef6de)

  12. Apparently, the LA Times has given this story to reporters and/or editors who are crazy people. No lie, no obfuscation, no misreporting goes too far, because the goal of bringing down the Hitlerian clique running Amerikkka is to important.

    After all, like Soros said at Davros, we need to deNazify the US government.

    They have no shame, so appealing to it doesn’t work.

    Kevin Murphy (0b2493)

  13. Hey, Mr Truthprobe (x3),

    This case and this special prosecutor have been laughed out of every courtroom in the country, save one. The current case is about lying to an investigator regarding a non-crime. What happened with the identity of the CIA agent wasn’t a crime — no one was charged and no one will be. But the prosecutor has to justify himself. So he will.

    But the unmedicated loonies at the LA Times have no interest in it playing out in the court — they’re ignoring all that and just reporting lies as facts, and muddling it all up with other trash that no one can tell sh*t from Shinola.

    Kevin Murphy (0b2493)

  14. Having had my own intimidating brush with a member of the nasty crowd Larry Johnson hangs out with, I find Seixon’s story quite believeable. I’m speaking as someone who thinks the Iraq war was very ill-advised, and approved on evidence shakier than Birnam Wood. But after reading about Johnson’s vile statements, I feel a great surge of sympathy for Rove & Co.

    Bradley J. Fikes (1c6fc4)

  15. Why was Johnson shit canned by the CIA after four years? How much is he getting paid to be a water boy for Baron von Munchausen and Vanity Flame?

    daleyrocks (bbbd35)

  16. And Cheney is his prophet…

    Reagan’s eleventh commandment, honored more in the breach these days, is “thou shalt not speak ill of thy fellow Republican”. But his avatar, Dick Cheney, finds this commandment burdensome when discussing Senator Chuck Hagel. Apparently the Vice Pre…

    JunkYardBlog (621918)

  17. the Bush daughters were busy getting drunk in DC bars

    He says that like it’s a bad thing.

    Consul-At-Arms (f4574f)

  18. “We’re going to have to trust our court system in the Libby leak trial to do the right.”


    You probably meant “…do the right [thing]”, but considering that Libby=The Right in this case, that’s a pretty funny post.

    Johnson sounds like a whiny ten-year old; his writing style alone discredits him.

    Besides, if Karl Rove is half as bad as he apparently thinks, Johnson would’ve been castrated in his sleep by now.

    Leviticus (b987b0)

  19. Actually, Lev, Rove is one bad mofo and that would explain a lot about Larry Johnson…

    spongeworthy (45b30e)

  20. …Larry Johnson, a retired CIA and State Department counter-terrorism expert….

    What makes him such an anti-terrorism expert? Was at the head of the line hunting bin Laden in Sudan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan?”

    How dare all of you question Larry Johnson’s credentials as an expert on terrorism ?

    Why he wrote a very important op-ed on July 10, 2001 telling us that terrorism is a declining threat and Americans are too worried about it.

    Now another person might consider his career as a terrorsim expert ended after a blown call like that but we’re talking CIA here. Careers are built by getting things wrong. Who wants to be right all the time ? Who do you think you are Bush or Cheney ?

    Mike K (6d4fc3)

  21. My memory may a bit shaky, but wasn’t Larry Johnson one of the idiots that showed up for the fairly recent Washington show trials sponsored by that ethics-challenged, racist bigot John Conyers?

    If this turd is representative of the Central Intelligence Agency, hey folks, we’ve got a real problem!

    Mescalero (f903bd)

  22. So, did Johnson work for the State Dept and CIA during it’s glory years of suppressing terrorism?

    (When was that, anyhow?)

    Phillep (21e2ea)

  23. Rumsfield did serve in the Navy and signed up at a time when the Korean war was raging. He finished flight training after the cease-fire with N. Korea, and was assigned as a flight instructor for the rest of his duty. His tour of duty was over well before Vietnam.

    He may have been fortuitious not to have had to face enemy action, but it was not because of any shirking on his part.

    PLM (e060e8)

  24. Excuse me, “fortunate,” not “fortuitous”

    PLM (e060e8)

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